Colin Firth NY Times Talks part6.wmv

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we were done but it was pretty simple I mean I think one of the things it is edited I mean it looks like just one long sequence it's not it's it's very much Thomas work he's sculpted and craft them craft at the moments he had a lot of material I mean I pity the people watching the DVD featurette you may get all the alternative bits of emotional masturbation no I mean you know he couldn't last forever and he picked his moments and he worked with a brilliant brilliant editor and you know he there's something almost musical about the way Tom shaped things about the judgment he used for the emotional hills and valleys of it if you like so because of the way he did it and because of the way you did that scene because the way you did the whole thing you now find yourself kind of down the rabbit hole and going to from talk show to talk show from awards thing to awards things it's not the only red carpet you're going to be on and are you enjoying that what's it like they don't say they're loving it no they say it's just anguish yeah weird isn't it I mean it's so you know what is that quote about those who the gods wish to punish you know they fulfill their dreams or whatever you know I know I'm okay I'm doing fine thank you I mean you know I bring it on really there's something about being about this happening at my age you know I'm I haven't had a lot of this you know so in terms of awards recognition and you know my shelf is full of awards that are pretty hard to explain you mentioned something about a fishing term yeah I do know that the Ostend fisherman's choice the fishing village in Belgium and I'm doable Italy I'm very proud and so I'm glad and build with big with Belgian fishermen and Isis you know Lichtenstein's people Choice Games films of gay interest award you won I think in Venice the queer lion I did ok I don't know what it looks like I haven't laid my hands on it yeah who doesn't want a queer line well I mean I'm very proud of all these things and that's that this there's definitely some stress that the companies this stuff the venice moment was wonderful that was uh that was a you know the Venice Film Festival that was wonderful in a completely uncomplicated way it had everything going for it the film had never been seen publicly and it was shown for the first time in front of an audience and they just loved it and we walked in and their press conference I do people don't clap at press conferences they usually snarl I mean okay you walk in and you there's a you're looking at a wall of at best inscrutability if not not a hostility and this was applause and people some of them are on their feet and not everybody agreed how much they liked the film but there was a general consensus that they liked it and some people adored it and we were all there together and then the the screening at Venice was I think a moment that to be cherished for life really because as I said this was a short shoot there were very few of us making it I was on my own as an actor on the set most of the time I mean we had the other actors when they showed up were kind of vacation from my job because they made it so easy they were so brilliant there's nothing like having brilliant actors to just you know give you give you your job for nothing when Julian showed up I didn't have to do anything anymore she was just so good all I had to do was react and it's the same with Nick Halton Matthew Goode and even John Kotter harina who plays the beautiful model outside the liquor store took men never acted in his life he was absolutely terrified but I found him so good and so relaxed as an actor I didn't feel I had to do a damn thing so I had all that for nothing but they went around that much and so there were a lot of lonely days on the set where I was sort of going around craft service wondering if I could allow myself an M&M and still be able to close my tomforde jacket I was gonna ask you about the Hershey bar in the movie by the way it's like the one on the desk I just ride it out no I didn't eat it it's the only sign of any kind of disarray in the entire movie that's interesting yeah one of George's little sort of yeah and you only see it's not there's a cut and then it's not there anymore his whiskey bottle you could attribute that to something of the fact that it's empty he didn't you know and they he his three last aspirin you know I think they're they're little signs of how he sustains them so anyway so there you were at the Golden Globes oh yes it's not a clear memory I have to say because they didn't feed us so you know if you're if your dinner consists entirely of champagne it's a wonderful anesthetic I mean I have to say you know if you have any expectations for awards and and at fifty there you know if there's something wrong with you if they're not under careful management not only one is you know a recognition of how worthy your opponent is and the other is alcohol and then also quite frankly you know I woke up the red carpet and I walked into the room and I looked at where everyone was seated it didn't look favorable Jeff Bridges was kind of right next to the Bernie yeah Bridget's was next to the microphone that he was a bathroom and I was in if the brand up against the wall you can't get much further back there was a table and there was a ball I wasn't just at the last table that you know who pointed this out was cleaning it there at the end of the cleaning I ran into Clooney at the end and he said man I thought you were gonna win till I saw where you were then where the table was I was at the back of the last table not at the front of the last table with a little bit of access it it was as if they they couldn't have squeezed me further he was like you only you're not even going to the men's room you know if I even had an olive I would not have been able to and so what we had to do I actually wasn't me that even asked if somebody round that table very generously said we need to move the table and I said well you don't do that at the Golden Globes I'm in there cameras everywhere you don't get a list of a list you've got a bunch of a-list people lifting up a table tonight but they did and you know what had there been a camera on us you would have seen you would have seen this all standing at you to see me Sophia Loren Kate Hudson Tom Ford Julianne Moore Fergie in Libya all's going 1 to 2 just so that I could breathe so if there's anything to keep your your hopes under management
Channel: Michele Acerra
Views: 11,101
Rating: 4.9587631 out of 5
Keywords: Colin Firth, NY Times, A Single Man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2010
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