Coleman Sundome 6 Person Tent Review

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[Music] hello YouTube we're going to be reviewing the Coleman SunDome six person tent today with my hopefully assistant my son Zach say hi hi you excited yeah I'm going to go camping on the front yard yeah all right we're going to go setep this tent right yeah good so we've decided this spot for our tent for the night we're just going to be camping in our yard and uh it's just Zach's first camping experience I'm going to try to make it work so that's what we're hoping the whole tent will look like it has a rainfly right there uh we might take the rainfly off tonight cuz it's not supposed to rain and that way you can see the the stars in the sky it's pretty cool just some features here it has an E port so that you could slip through an extension cord for power which we're going to do we're actually going to have a little generator for us it has the expandable carry bag which means that you can rip that tag and the bag will expand open it also says expandable uh continuous snag free pole sleaves so there's only two I believe in this it includes the rain fly so that if you have uh rain or whatever I'll keep the rain out and spacious interor it has room for two queen ear beds uh hopefully we still have a queen ear bed uh my wife said we did so we're going to try putting one Queen eared in here has storage pockets for devices and stuff which is going to be good uh we're not we're going to rough it out cuz again we're in our front yard or yard in general and uh we'll have a laptop in there to watch some movies and stuff like that so that's why we're going to run the generator it also has a ground vent in the back to help uh with ventilation we also bought a little uh High Velocity fan that we're going to put in there and you can also set up without the rain flly which looks like that and you see the meshes on the the mesh on the besides people have said in reviews that it goes very well to look at the stars with those mesh things so it's very good and it comes with a limited oneye guarantee I actually bought this right from Coleman so it went well they actually had a a really good sale and it was a better price in most places uh also the biggest thing is it has weather technology in it so it's supposed to be able to withstand 35 Plus mph winds and it's up to 33% more water resistant uh Zach and I laid out a tarp though just in case just to keep the water out from the bottom so I don't know if I'll be able to tell you about the leakage in the tent I don't think there should be a lot a lot of rev viewers said there was not a lot of leakage in their tent at all cuz the seams are all uh enclosed and stuff so we're still going to do the the tarp though just to be secure and safe so when you open up the bag it has the box with the tent and the material in it and the directions come seam right into the inseam of the bag which is awesome so hopefully you'll never lose them It also says how to get repair parts for your tent and it gives you a listing there so it's coing it should be high quality which should be good and it looks like it's really easy to set this up I'm just going to let the video run while we uh set up this tent now I I am not a veteran at setting up tents in fact I'm quite the novice so this might take me longer than what they say which is a 10-minute setup so I'm just going to take my time with there I'm not going for a world speed record or anything and uh Zach will hopefully help me he's getting over a bug right now but he'll hopefully help me and if not I'll have to finish it myself so please do not judge the setup Speed by the by the way I do it okay bud here we go so let you know I went and bought these staks at Harbor Freight they're uh better than the ones they give you they only have like little little little staks like that small hold down the tent so we went and bought some higher quality ones Harbor FR was a place to [Music] go the tent PO is coming their own [Music] bag so this is the main tent pretty easy to set up even with a four-year-old say hi hi you did a good job you did a good job look at that yeah how big that tent is yeah huge yeah humongous yeah we going to sleep in that tonight yeah yeah all right next we're going to go for the rainfly we got to go for the rainfly you could leave it like this and you have the mesh sides to see outside and we'll see all the stars at night right right be pretty cool right that's right and then the E port to put in your extension cords right over here we'll take a look at the features on the inside once I build the whole thing with the rainfly [Music] so so the rainfly goes out with four hooks and it just goes around the rings on the bottom I'll show you a closeup after but uh it just Clips right on the Rings all right we are going to go in next going to show you all we the inside right all right so we going to grab you bring inside so here we go going in the tent the door is very big this is supposedly supposed to be 10 ft by 10 ft it's the SunDome and it looks wonderful uh the rainfly by the way the pole goes vertically and it just has two pieces of velcro there's one on this side has this little really wellb built mesh it's kind of like a plasticky mesh holder there so that's awesome Zach how do you feel good okay the door is way big so you can fit a lot of uh outdoor materials in here again we're just in the front yard so I'm not going to do much with that we come in the tent and it has a window with a zipper I wouldn't say hi Duty zipper but it's a good enough zipper you want to leave the window down bud no I like it up all right we'll do that after okay this is the mesh there's a mesh and then the rain flies under uh above it so there is a mesh here I don't know if you can see that hope you can you got two storage Pockets there's the size of my hand so if I spread my hand out it's about the size of my hand there's one there and if we go to the other side of the tent there's another one here same size uh it does say it's made of flame resistant fabric it is not fireproof though but it meets a flam ability requirement so that's always a good thing uh I will not be burning any fuel and the generator will be far away from here but just to show you that they gave you the warnings right here for everything it's a bit of 100% polyester but again they must have some type of flame resistant uh spray or something on this the uh bottom of the tent is much like the tarp that laid down but it's it's the heavy duty type tarp and I know that they really do the seams very well and that's why water almost never enters the water and Zach wants to close the door so listen we're going to do this really carefully okay so the door it's actually got mesh on the outside and tent material on the inside cuz I believe that this will just turn into a screen after but let's it's got yeah it does so it has one major zipper here Zach I need you to pull this with me I need you to pull really carefully just go right across can you reach that right across all right how about I get it over there and you do the rest after oh there you go see even a four-year-old can zipper it there you go all right ziper the rest Bud go all the way around go careful don't push hard can't do it don't pull hard okay don't pull hard just pull easy there you go there you go go and the four-year-old has closed it in so Zach that's what it's going to look like tonight okay okay and then if we want to make a window out of this and the screen door we're going to pull this down we're going to unzipper it and then there's a mesh that's right here in the door let's close this now that's actually just a window so it's just a window on the top half to let some light in and that's a window for the front I want to close this now okay we'll close the windows okay okay so I'm going to just come back with you we're going to talk about the E port which is right over there we'll see how it's designed and built so we're in the corner of the tent and as you can see the the uh ground part of it goes up for quite a lot to repel water out and this is the E port from the inside uh it's just a zipper so you just open it as much as you need to get the power in it doesn't have any mesh or anything which is fine you know you got to make a very very small hole and then close it as much as you can to keep bugs out but it's just a small little port to put an extension cord in and then you just you can zip right up you don't have to use it and that'll keep it close from Bugs and uh one of the features I liked on it because I knew I was going to use some generator power out here on the front yard while we camp tonight the last thing I have to do is just uh tie down the rain fly there things for the stakes there's little ropes they have to put down to keep it tight so we're going to do that next one last feature from the inside it has this lower back breathing port and I believe it attaches you can actually make that go out with a tie down where you can close it of some sort but it just allows more ventilation in the tent uh people have complained that this lets water in but honestly it looks pretty good to me uh if you want I mean you can basically just STI that down and keep it closed or we can stake it out and keep it out we're probably going to keep it out cuz we don't expect any rain tonight so I stand corrected it comes with a bag of steak but they're just your ordinary steel staks that people say won't last so I don't see anything wrong with upgrading with the cheap P Freight ones I think those cost me like $33.99 so it's really cheap but it does come with steaks so overall it's an awesome tent for the money I got it for coma is running a sale like I said but just to show you the rain flly comes with these ropes and just kind of make them taut and they can go right into here on your uh steak right there basically so that's where the Rope goes same thing here there's another rope here has its own steak put in the ground another rope another steak and it just has that all the way around here's your back ventilation Port I kept the window open to try to a it out a little bit before tonight we'll be using it so it's looking really good one steak for tent rainfly and everything else so it's looking really good built really well so it's night time in the tent and I got to keep my voice down because my kid is fast asleep so the Comfort level's high this is a uh Queen siiz eared and as you can see there's enough room we're not roughing it out we're using the E port over there with an extension cord running from the house got the laptop for movies we got snacks and stuff and this portable uh cooler with kind of has a a refrigeration type unit in it popcorn but uh yeah it holds a lot and for two people like this is more than comfortable so that's it that's the last report I'm going to make tonight before we go to sleep in here so YouTube have a good night that is my review of the Coleman SunDome Sixers 10 ft x 10 ft tent as always if you like this video found it useful Please Subscribe and if you have a product that you would like reviewed please contact Eric by emailing him at Eric 5150 DIY have a great day
Channel: Eric DIY
Views: 97,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coleman, tent, six, person, 6 person, Sundome, camp, camping, review, electronic, port, rain, fly, rainfly, guy, line, lines, anchor, stake, stakes, anchors, cool, warm, hot, cold, freeze, freezing, nice, good, sun, dome, tall, comfort, comfortable, size, great, Walmart, quality, eport, mesh, build, how, to, how to, diy, interior, night, time, space, spacious, floor, air, mattress, queen, king, twin, over, overnight, sleep, sleeping, bag, inflate, inflatable, excellent, Summer, Fall, Winter, all, season, seasons, extension, cord, off, family, electronics, reviews
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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