coleman columbia pop-up camper conversion tour

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hello here is my official introduction of my coleman columbia which originally was a pop-up canvas camper my dad and i converted it to be a permanent hard side with the siding as a vinyl board and batten and also a vinyl stone piece which we had to use actually because we ran out of the board and batten but i'm really happy with how that turned out so yeah i'll show you the outside first at the front of my trailer i have my battery and my propane tank um and then a little exterior light which is battery powered pretty handy in the night time and then i'll take you around the side also i do have my wide angle lens on just to give a broader perspective all right so here is one of my few windows it's actually a plastic dome and now it's kind of an ironic joke between my dad and i because it was supposed to come a bit bigger than that but the full moon looks really cool when you see it through the dome so it lets a little light in and i think it adds a bit of character so here's the back side another window so this is the left side of my camper also the side with all my utilities i have my electrical cord my water box which i can fill my tank or hook up to running water and then here i have my fridge vent that one also is a vent up top but yeah i can take that cap off and access the controls and there's an extra outlet also and then here i have my furnace vent with a little screen so bugs can't get in so that's pretty much the outside pretty simple pretty basic for a camber um and then i can take you on to the inside okay so coming in this is what you see so obviously i got my little switch here a couple hooks for storage and then here's the inside view of my little dome so i got a little piece of metal cut out to fit in that space and then i just glued on a piece of burlap rope to cover the seam and then i got my bed it's just a regular twin size mattress so underneath my bed i have two pullout drawers um these were just wooden bins i got at menards and i sanded them stained them and put a nice finish on them so just for whatever storage clothes shoes towels pants apparently and then my bed does lift up so i'll attempt to show you that so i just got a little metal ring which is attached to the piece of plywood which my mattress sits on so i just kind of lift that up and then then i've got a little post stick underneath which i prop up my bed on so here is my bed once it's been propped up i just keep my toolbox some extra rope um my jack a machete my little storage bins again some extra space back here and then there is my electrical box that little cover just unscrews and comes off to access that there and then over on the right side i have my water tank as you can see which i fill with the big white hose there um and then the smaller white hose on the left comes down and comes directly out of the faucet when i hook up to running water and then i have my electrical cord there which kind of just winds up over on the left in that space and i have my water pump we put some like thermal insulation padding in there just to help keep everything insulated and just something to prevent freezing yeah so my little under the bed storage and the original layout there was a little ledge so we just used a panel from the floor and covered that up with some trim and then here this little switch is actually for my outside light i'll show you that just right under there with my grindy step um and then we'll come over to the little kitchenette area so i just got my sink here which it is hooked up to the pump right now coming from my water tank um and then i have my little gas range stove top so this just comes out props up here and then closes back again like this and then down below i have another little pantry kind of area i just keep extra dishes silverware whatever and then i have my little gas furnace here my little fridge which i think i mentioned is gas or electric some extra storage underneath my little mirror which actually is a medicine cabinet a couple pots and pan hooks another outlet my thermostat here when i'm using my furnace um this little table actually oh kind of counter top i would say folds down but it's kind of tricky so i usually just keep it up though because it is pretty sturdy and i haven't had issues with it while pulling my trailer or anything so this corner cabinet here actually was made from a recycled cabinet that i got online from a couple who had just an extra i guess from their kitchen um so as you can see the door was used there and also most of the wood used on the frame and on the bottom part of that shelf in there were from that cabinet so that was pretty cool i got it for i think fifteen dollars we did have to build a frame and stain it um to match but i think it blends pretty well but the shelves are from the cabinet itself and my flooring here i actually got outside of a garage sale for free and it's this nice bamboo flooring a very cool find so yeah i think i touched on pretty much everything in the space oh also i have another battery powered little light here so this light here my furnace my fridge my water pump um my little outside light all can be powered from the battery which i have a solar panel that i use to power and keep the battery charged um so that's really great if you want to go off grid for a couple days so i think that kind of concludes the little tour that i wanted to make of my camper um it was a very long process a very intimidating process it's a masterpiece i'm so proud of it i feel like it really reflects who i am and i'm so grateful to have had such a amazing mentor in the building process which is my dad i mostly wanted it to be strong you know well insulated and sturdy safe space for me to be asleep you know just to have that space i'm so excited for all the places that it's going to go with me and the experiences that i will have with it with friends and i plan to share more content around this camper and there's so much that i'm leaving out about the building process and the materials used and um too many things to mention in one video so if you have any questions please leave them in the comments i would love to answer them maybe i can do a part two at some point yeah i think that pretty much concludes it thanks for tuning in and checking out my space i really hope you enjoy it and i will see you around
Channel: Caitlyn Britten
Views: 501,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1J4prNI6v1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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