Coldplay's Chris Martin In Studio

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Fresh 102.7 it's Carson and Kane Fresh 102.7 with Chris Martin of Coldplay hi Carson hi Kane how are you Chris I'm great how are you I'm good good to see you again thank you for having me you know you're welcome any time but he only really because I was here at 3: last night and you were not oh I'm sorry you always say that and you always let me down this is what happened last time total Love Fest I hate to be between you guys but we've known each other since we were like 7 years old yeah back when I vacationed in England I was just going to say that yeah we had a house country home near your vacation home yeah yeah we just hang out and you know shock oysters I don't know we shared swim trunks we shared swim trunks what do you guys do now that you're in New York all the time we ice skate and he likes to jump rope and make me watch oh my kind of sounds like the stop this this this six minutes I thought that was between us whatever oh I'm sorry it's out there now new album that's why you're here um uh is this your last album uh I don't think well it's the definitely what the one we just made this one no is this your final album I don't I mean who knows who know don't do that don't make it the last well I think we've put everything into it we right now we wouldn't know what to do if you asked us to make another album we're in this world for a while we want to go on tour and all that kind of thing it's the seventh album seventh studio album headful of Dreams coming out on December 4th I heard a great story that um you fast sometimes 24 to 30 hours to be more creative did that happen yeah I do I fast once a week yeah one day a week yeah is that for creativity or is that just well I think it's one of the the benefits of it both I think I started doing it because I was sick one time and this guy said to me just try not eating for a day because it'll make your body feel healthier do you drink though what you doing that yeah water yeah yeah okay okay doesn't that mess with your metabolism though no actually so but this is what happened and I did it and then I found that I could sing bit better and also I felt so grateful for food I'm sorry to go really deep straight away deep but um so I do it once a week and it makes me very grateful for food and just grateful for everything in a in a way that I wasn't so much before after a fast what do you go for what's the first food that you're well you're supposed to go for something like you know a kale salad or something but I always I tend to have Nutella and pancakes which is terrible which completely defeats the point but doing you know doing the first bit something nice and easy so you don't get crabby you get creative that's fantastic about 3:00 if you fast for a while about 15 hours in you get a little antsy so you got to be careful who you're talking to at that point have you ever tried like the 30-day fast or the 10day fast no well you've never been a big big kid so you know why would you need to do that yeah so yeah but I do do it and and I really like doing it it sounds like it but do you get more creative did did no but that's okay um yes does stuff come out of it maybe even with this album where you fasted longer than 30 hours all of a sudden you wo I got these great ideas well I think that that feeling of gratitude and stuff just naturally brings out a joyous feeling so and and also when you're when you're hungry you're very focused so so both both sides of it I think help creatively we have to try that well I tried it once already and it didn't really go so well for I just like to pass out when I when I fast but mentioned uh you know how it makes you feel happy and and whatever the whole album kind of has that theme right it's it seems like a joyful album it's definitely a joyful album it's not it's not about always being happy because no one is always happy but it's about well it's about a lot of things but one of the things is to kind of embrace everything that's happening to you and try and alchemize it so that's how you would describe it being different this time around yeah I would wa hang on alchemize yes alemy chemistry you know what that was a little bit I played the game alchemize means when you it comes it's an ancient thing of turning uh iron into gold so turn basically turning something that you think is not so great into something amazing Alchemy Works try and keep up yeah you guys I mean I you know I should have bought I'm sorry I should have used a less pretentious word no I like it we're learning we're all good with that right yeah it's who you are so that's it's a joke so who's on this album we heard that you have a lot of uh celebrities Beyonce and too and uh gwth gwth and your new girlfriend there's a lot of women on there uh okay thrown me with about nine different angles uh there's lots of guests on the album yeah one I used to be married to yeah she's got a great voice remember in the movie lots of people I never know how to answer these kind of questions well so great at going down that was that your idea was it was that you know when you're in the studio won't you come sing with me or did she ask you or in that instance um Gwyneth very kindly came and sang on one bit of a song because she gave me this idea a few years ago of when you lose somebody um it's strange how the world just keeps rolling you know and you're going through something and everyone else is just fine that's a hard thing yeah and but everybody experiences it so this funny thing of feeling alone in something but knowing that everyone else has probably been through that too so on that particular line I just asked if she would do a Harmony because it was her idea that's awesome yeah and then we have uh lots of people we have um beon singing and um this girl called too and oh yeah I love too guy called no gallager he used to be in a bank called Oasis and the Pres we sampled a bit of the president singing Amazing Grace yes that's right so it's his first album it's really cretive President's first album yeah that's how we're trying to set it first rock album is it how how did he sound was it it sounds amazing well didn't you see that clip of him singing Amazing Grace he sped it out before he's got this real resonant round tone it's lovely no autot tune on him at all wow no of course not what what about um you have two gorgeous kids anyone uh either of them have any kind of desire to sing or perform if all of our kids sing on a couple of songs oh good but yeah but in asked your question yes they love to do music and dancing and all that kind of thing yeah what about you you have kids I do I have three do they like to do it they love to sing and dance but I don't I can't sing so I'm wondering if it pass down I've tried it's not pretty that's not true she sings in the studio and you can carry it don't even for for like 3 seconds she can car do silly I do it silly well I think everyone's got some singing in them probably whether it's good or bad is left up so speaking of your kids are they excited for the holidays yeah yeah yeah yeah they are very excited so you're here now in New York um England different Thanksgiving I mean here it's an American tradition what do you what is what are you guys doing what are you on Thanksgiving yeah just hanging out with the kids and um having a couple of days quiet if it rains we do this thing where we like go and jump in puddles and stuff you you know basic kind of Singing in the Rain Hollywood movie stuff you got to start videoing that that's that's awesome I'm trying to be like the dad from Mary Poppins you ever see Mary Poppins but not when he's like a mean old Banker but when he becomes nice at the end when he's just Singing in the Rain what are they asking for for Christmas um uh just the regular kind of I don't have kids I don't know what that is what what are the regular kind of things like a helicopter and an elephant yeah I guess things are different when you know you're they're they're kids of a superstar they they'd like me to just see if Rihanna could come and live in the house bet that was my next question do they think you're cool uh that's a great question I think it varies you probably know this with your own kids sometimes yes and sometimes really no it depends on the situation if what do they call you a dork for um like what do they say Dad you're a dork or you're that's they don't they don't they don't they're pretty nice to me I got to say mine aren't I guess do you ever go out of out of your way to like embarrass them no but if I just say if I'm at school watching a game or something and if I if I'm sing if I start to dance or something they'll they'll shut that down Road very fast yeah yeah it off yeah you can dance though I really can't but I love to try is that why you fell into the drums in Central Park yeah and what the funny thing now is that anytime you fall everyone's filmed it yeah it's over it's you just got to own it yeah so you can't really sort of pretend it didn't happen you look pretty agile at the amas with the gorillas and I'm getting down I mean I think you don't have anything to worry about I was like the falling on TV is even crazier when it's planned yeah no not planned but just when it's like on TV yeah the video uh for the first single features monkeys whose idea was that so you know um who do you know who Andy Circus is he's the guy that played Gollum in Lord of the Rings and um he's the main ape in Planet of the Apes and King Kong in king kong so he's the guy that sort of really took motion capture to the next level okay he has a company in London and I met him one time and we sort of came up with this plan that we'd go in there when we had a song and to see what came we came up with so he he and we and our friend Matt just when we were in the studio in the motion capture suits went through all the different things you can be you can be a dinosaur or an ape or a and when we got to ape we thought okay there's a really cool idea there so we that's how we did it it looks great I mean the artwork is I love looking at it it's it's a lot of fun and CU that's all of us as kids really yeah wait really yeah where see those little figures in the corners yes that's the five of us in each Corner when we were like 10 years old I am not seeing that I'm not seeing it yet either you're not seeing it okay see there's like a balloon yes see up to the right there's a guy sitting on a planet yes that's me then you see there's a guy hanging off hanging off a planet oh now in the cloud in the cloud and there's will diving and then guy is as he's holding his little brother as a baby it's like looking at an ultrasound yeah it's very similar I could tell you've never out we nearly went with that have you ever looked at an ultrasound yeah not my own he doesn't look that similar he not he's not don't worry but we'll run with it hey you know what I want to ask you about some lyrics I thought I heard on the song bird pleas buts yeah um are you really saying quote we've got this moment you and me go to your muffin the geography if you want to hear it like that that's so diplomatic go to your muffin that's what it kind of sounded like you go to your muffin that's what kind of punishment is that it's like foring someone to eat I like muffins you go to your muffin and your brother has to go to his cakes and I'll see you in two weeks that's terrible parenting I would never send my kids to their muffin no saying then but I don't want to ruin it for you because I love that Taylor Swift song Blank Space where where you think she's saying star and I thought that was such a cool idea I don't want to know if it's different so if you want to run with muffin run with it like hold me close to T Danza same thing Tony Dan yeah just it's better that way sometimes all right sometimes you do want him to hold you closer yeah in my experience wow what's going on here now yeah there's nothing to be jealous of we're good it went from Z to 60 uh what are you thankful for what I thank this Thanksgiving yeah uh right now I'm just thankful for every day you know I think you only have to turn the news on to appreciate life itself and let alone being in a band with your friends and having kids you know I'm so lucky and I feel very grateful for basically every moment without fasting without fasting but but God when you're hungry it makes you twice as grateful for n shows well headful of Dreams seventh album comes out December 4th it's going to be another cold play Smash W you were there on the first album man I was thanks a lot I was it was all all me remember you guys been together since you're seven oh yeah thanks a lot oh thank you how's this been for you it's been it's been pretty good all right it's been pretty good so um you've announced part of your tour when are you going to announce the American tour um that is a good question yesterday we were just talking about you did it is and yes we start in South America and then Europe and then we'll hopefully come here after that okay we hope so I hope so too good luck with the album so thank you
Channel: New 102.7
Views: 45,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fresh 102.7, CBS Radio, Interview, New York, Variety, Chris Martin (Celebrity), Music (TV Genre), Coldplay (Musical Group)
Id: 7lgo57XXbYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2015
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