Chris Martin talks to Valentine in the Morning on 104.3 MYfm - May 5, 2016

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eight six six five four for my FM Christina here come on come on it sit down eight six six five four for my FM what's that noise if you guys know what the noise is the noise is Chris Martin walking into the studio hello we are there right now right now yeah I better snuffin so we're doing a contest you can leave those off okay let's first we're doing a contest called what's that noise yeah we asked people to identify a sound yeah I'm gonna play it for you okay and you tell me if you think you have it okay what what could I win Yatta money nothing yeah actually nothing no I don't look like that all right here is ready here comes a sound yeah all right Chris Martin one more time okay absolutely you'll have ten seconds answer for absolutely nothing um sounds like a ski jumper great that was now what no what we do now that was a whole like for bluffing me come on that was a victim ocean that's what it was now it's a ski jumper that wasn't no us no guess on man that's a pretty good guess nobody gets that did they I'd say no a 50-meter ski jump what was 75 yeah well I'd like to be real ever properly Chris Martin yeah thanks for the applause all I did was walk through the door but thank you we're just happy to have you back oh it's very nice to be back this is fun to have Chris back in studio we haven't seen him a little bit last time he came in Jill really found out about why my wife loves Chris Martin I'm really good friends with laylani his wife and she's been telling me she's had a crush on you for forever she was like oh yeah yeah you know like I get it but once you were in here I found the charm and now I get it I don't know how to response was that was that sweat cuz that is a little kind of an embarrassing weird little question statement of stuff but did you have when you go back to like your youthful days did you find that women responded to you differently than other mates back in school I'm so sorry can you repeat the question when you went back when you go back to your younger days as a kid yeah did you find that women responded to you more so than your other mates uh no really oh no you were Thomas our business lane awkwardly embarrass you but there really is a charm that Chris Martin brings into the room when you have a very sweet can I tell you a story that my dad just told me which is very sweet he's single and this woman the other day told him that she'd had a crush on him 55 years what yeah What did he say he said well I was just a light he's he sounds like James Bond yeah he says well we should do something about it I love I said I don't know what he said but he but it just made me smile that yeah that that happened is that other woman's single right now yes I believe okay do you think Chris do you think that your dad and so the woman might maybe go out for a dinner or something I I would that would be wonderful imagine having a crush on somebody for 55 years amazing yeah and they were both in relationships at times I assume and his crush lasted through those related very innocently and right lovely and she waited till the time was appropriate pretty yeah yeah do you approve of her do you like her I don't know who she is Oh oh no your dad's on her for that long you don't know Wow what is my relationship yeah um anyway so I was just trying to deflect the question know about the great deflection so the tourism are the kids going on the tour with you this time um uh uh Katie all of our kids has been coming in and we just went to South America and there was one day when all of our kids were there we had this birthday party for my son actually yeah in Peru oh my god I was amazing what do you do for a big Peruvian birthday party well you just have opinion you a bit concerned which we totally understand but yeah anyway so we had this birthday party in Peru and there was like a thousand fans outside the hotel yeah our kids were on the roof having this service I think it was quite trippy for this right but fun are they getting to the point I think we touching this before and in such a a slippery slope in your world but I think I think you guys are raising the kids right I think you're okay here they understand I think do they understand what they have is not what my kid has or somebody else's kid has to have they appreciated it or is it just really product of their own Rio I mean in terms of having what parents in the yeah parents mean business and things that you can put on their table that maybe others oh not so much in their wheelhouse um yeah I think you do I I think as time goes on especially as they travel more with us and yeah they in some of the places in South America you know those places that aren't very wealthy and you know they starting to see more of the world and yeah I mean it's hard for me sakes I'm probably bit biased towards them but I feel like they have a sense of perspective and spent appreciation head on their shoulders oh man I think so I mean yeah yeah when the band is out how many kids collectively are there amongst all of you guys amongst what I think is 12 Wow holy I know that's awesome he's running a little daycare on the road yeah it was very sweet and that sometimes they come on the stage you know we yeah it's like a we are the world moment all the kids come out on stage and start singing or something that's awesome it just makes me I brought them out a couple of times there's the end of the concert because I can see them all there on the side of the stage with their passes and taking pictures of each of their dads and so I said I just come on and dance with us we have a song called the sky for the stars which kids some of them like and so they come and like jumped up and down it was really fun that's awesome it's so neat to see your parents face light up and they really really let their kids cabs gonna be a dad I don't know if you knew this last time he's getting water on the way fantastic do in July July 13 thank you very much so we'll watch his face light up through the years you when you talk about your kids it's that instant instant reaction from a parent who really loves her kids and you have that look yeah and you have those blue eyes what I did there was that shielded that just went viral of the morrow the autistic boy that was at your show in Mexico City I just saw that you can't watch that video without crying and that his dad is just so happy to be there listening to music and they're singing along and that video was incredible yeah this was nuts yes on us I mean right now I thought right now like we're talking about I feel like a normal dad with some concerns sure but then when someone reminds you of some of the things that happen in your job it's really trippy and wonderful and when I'm in that mode which I'll go back to you next week when we go back on tour yeah then I can handle it all but right now it just seems like happens that all happens to somebody else do you sort of it mm-hmm yeah I don't want to dwell on the other head injury thing but like are you worried about your kids playing sports or anything would you let your son play football down my road I decided to take my kids out of MMA class how do you were they doing well in it though they were good they were killing thriving were they oh that's really what they were like challenging but I get to go I was gonna make much money with it I know I know no you know I thought you know what maybe not yeah maybe cage fighting at age 10 that might be something cuz those cages seem pretty safe to me I don't know it's like okay yeah this it's gonna be the area they're not gonna get away so you got an eye on him right uh yeah put an ask you a question uh they play sports but not nothing crazy yeah what are they playing what sports you know basketball volleyball okay nothing huh how could they play yeah okay sorry it's football with the concussions in the head injuries I think you know that scary stuff yeah a lot of parents out there so hey if I do come to the show of my wife and I know we all want to go watch you perform and the show is that the race goes yeah okay we need the people so here's the thing no you don't come well pack it up oh if I don't 13 tickets now 13 yeah which nearly fills off of the front such a fever so if I come with the wife would you do me a solid here yeah well let's see what it is okay so if I come in we come backstage maybe it'll meet greet would come back and say hi yeah will you react to me and I'll have somebody let you down there will you react like I'm your best buddy my boiler price of course super tight like that what do you do now were you sorry you only have just abbreviate immediately yeah you want yeah just not Valentine just Val Hey Dude what's up P men right yes yes so you react like that my wife will see it man I'll I'll walk away a hero but she knows I must appreciate you cuz I come in to speak to you yeah but I don't think she thinks that we hang out together so so if you wanted truth we haven't so much why is that one time we played ping-pong but why do you get a point some of those things out I'm saying we can't of course yeah you'll react to like this is that's sweet yeah like roll mates absolutely all right but you just saved one of my animals from yes yes yes a river yes yes it was it was in the river it's very sad I remember that animals that you jump like yes it was your cat wasn't it beep I'll say fee man God what would I do without you thank you she'll say oh yes let's go make another kid right she'll say that the two of us will just run off into the parking lot what did he catch the show honestly but we'll just run off into the park in line week another baby soundtrack though yeah I got this minitest yeah hits sky full of stars as soon as I get to the parking lot okay yeah is that that's all the time you need you never listen to your own music in the bedroom uh use me to go to sleep oh no don't back away cuz that's a great question Kevin heaven is a flat no okay how - oh it's not another way this you're one of the only ones oh no no no one knows that no I mean one of the only ones that doesn't listen to Coldplay right right as a soundtrack for intimacy that's so funny because some people yeah it's just chose that music cuz it's different avenues and different people use it yeah thanks do you have a soundtrack for intimacy this is I'm so glad you asked because that's the question I was hoping we'd get to because it isn't awkward at all Chris was just um just about to talk about desperate to talk about it yes weird to talk about it the guy walked in the room he said hey I'm representing Cole play today every single one of us is desperate to answer the question what is your hashtag soundtrack for intimacy and it's spreading all over the world Coppola fans go nuts on this one today so the stage is yours my friend um I don't what I mean what's that noise we would this is just random city you can guess what yeah let's go back to that contest that's a soundtrack gonna see Oh would you stop it oh my god uh what else doesn't horizon what else we got to talk about we got the album obviously out we're just having a nice great time yeah I'm ready just here to tell you that I just anybody say life is good and well no so it's nice you know when people play your records it's nice to come in and say thank you that's really high very nice a look but it's really true that is nice and um we actually don't get that that often really yeah honestly that's what I honestly fear so we have we have a couple of weeks between legs at torso yeah I miss just nice to come in and say thanks there is a rarity with artists and I'll point out yourself that's very nice you thank you very much for this say that you came back to say thank you for playing music and being on the show it was another gentleman the other day sent us a bottle of wine I forgot that B it was Thomas Rhett is a country star way in it where was this woman well there's one bottle and I didn't you know okay anyway so he sent this bottle of wine to my son Ethan yeah we took it home and he spent a very nice note he said I want to thank you guys for playing music and it's such a rarity for someone to thank somebody in life now you know I mean we just we don't do the thing is that we did growing up maybe the thank-you cards and everything and I said that's really nice it just became well like an artist coming in it's kind of accepted oh hey play my music oh thank you very much see you good bye whatever maybe take a picture where pew to come back and say thank you and for this guy to send us a bottle of wine I'm like that's that's a difference and I thought that's really nice you know it's crazy I mean I think the part of the reason why I feel that way at the moment is because there's just no way of telling people how how much they give us when they come to a concert ticket right now we've been around for a while these shows are huge and there's so much feeling everywhere that and of course I'm doing my job and I'm being in kind of Rockstar mode or whatever but then when I'd like we said when I come off I'm like holy whoa yeah I wish I could like say thanks to everyone for that the experience they gave yes so you would actually like to thank every single person if you could by the way you know do that yeah but if you could you like to shake your hands and say thank you yeah because people are so sweet to us but you know they hold up signs or that or they write post cutting or whatever they they give us so much and it's just hard to get to everybody mm-hmm we'll sign what we can and we'll meet who we turn but you can really you're getting just as much from the experience yeah especially I think especially now cuz I'm at a place in my life where I can really let it in where I'm really soak it up and and feed it feed off it and yeah are you in a better place right now to write music than previous years because to me I always wonder and it differs for every artist do you have to be in a really good space of bad space I space a happy space what's the best spot you think for your hits I think that you have to be in I don't well we we but we're a very strange band because we have some songs that are hits in some countries and not in others and O'Kane just round them to album so I don't know that hits so much but in terms of songs I think the key thing is just to be open with yeah I might sound a little kind of hippie ish but it's just to not try and steer the music any way other than the way it naturally wants to go if that makes okay flow out of you yeah because most people who write songs or books or whatever will tell you that you get to a point where you can sort of sort of receiving it really sure and so as long as you don't get in the way of that then you're going to move us being open but then you seem like you're in a good spot because the new album is the the brightest that you've ever released I would say it seems the happiest well it's kind of the end of a certain story so yeah it's like the end the final scenes last question um I'm gonna be honest I did not see your Super Bowl performance okay my dad was very ill at the time since his passed away oh so that's way thank you um and so I was traveling uh seeing him so it was weird of saying I missed the Super Bowl entirely mmm I just missed it all I missed you performance I missed everything the first time in my entire life you miss kind of a national world event like that and so I miss your performance and Beyonce and everything but I did want to touch on you and Beyonce and you know she's on the song we just played and everything yeah did you know anything about lemonade did you know anything about that yeah I told you yeah really yeah and I learned about the song she was going to play in the Super Bowl and the message of it and everything yeah and I was very proud that uh why are Super Bowl because it was a fiftieth one we just wanted to make it less about one band and more about like a celebration of music and and the diversity of music and people that make it especially in this time when it felt before that look the world was trying to be more divisive yeah you know so we wanted the collectively to do this kind of mix of strange types of music and then be had this new song that was about what it's about and obviously we can't get away with singing that so we said yeah definitely let's do that can I ask you one last question and you do not have to answer because we have a very special relationship now buds and I'm gonna see you back sorry it's my cells your soundtrack to gypsy jollies gonna left is great and I thought you were just gonna come back out that's great okay enigma sadness that's good stuff that's creative operator no this is a serious question and and please do not answer if you feel uncomfortable well now you've said oh so much talk enough to us no you don't you really don't you honestly don't because people's private eyes are the private eyes that I do respect that do you think down the road you can see yourself entering another relationship and finding marriage again that's the Koala said well thanks but I'm so happy you lost because I really wanted to talk about all this stuff today right now I'm just grateful for every day here God gives yeah I don't know the ceiling right I'm not close to anything right you know I like that it's perfect Chris Martin thank you very much for coming thank you to give around I guess now they're going nuts man
Channel: News Coldplay
Views: 106,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris martin, coldplay, valentine in the morning, interview, 104.3 myfm
Id: FGOK1q8sc4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2016
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