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[Music] [Applause] it's time to play some zombies it's so much fun today day day we are going to grind our ethereum crystals they are going to [Music] make me so opi we've got all the boys here in the call today we are going to play some zom [Music] zombies outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak outbreak break of the out don't know what just happened there ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome everybody to the stream i hope everybody's having an absolutely fantastic day i am ready we're going to go ahead and claim this free bundle because what the nuts oh my god that was insane uh ladies and gentlemen make sure if you're not already you use supported creator code know which a456 then all caps if you don't use all caps it won't work add support from creator code nodej456 hashtag oh my god it's it's so oh my should we play as her should we actually play as her during the during the the games today with the guys should we actually play as her bro i feel like i'm gonna get roasted so hard if i play as her bro i'm gonna do it just for fun i'm actually gonna do it just for fun wait i i'm gonna be the last one to join the lobby and i'm just gonna join like bro they're gonna be bro i'm climbing all right boy okay yo hello thank you for the prime are we uh are we ready um yeah yeah yeah um we're trying to get everybody to join my game i just restarted mine just in case uh we had lex and milo in here they're gonna go uh i still don't want to be online alexa i can send you an invite but the party privacy is invite only apparently is it now let me see yes how do we change party settings oh hold on a second social manage party yeah um party privacy is i'll just make it open real quick yeah okay let's see your shopping should be able to do nothing party okay that's not what i want to do alex can you invite me uh did you get that invite i can send you an invite but i can't join this is your daily reminder that rubbish is we need the boys to invite i can say why can i send you an invite how was it the year is 2021 and we it's still a a literal jigsaw puzzle to join and play with your friends how is that allowed oh my god why is it so hard i didn't get an invite where's the invites i'm sending them is this party invite scent check your uh check your inbox thing see if that works i'm trying to get smeal in here then maybe you can join through him did you see him yes it says he's already in there for you is he not in there odd no hello hello hello can you join chop because i need to join off someone else because it's not letting me off shop okay same same issue as yesterday yes exact same one 2021 and the biggest easter egg ever was game session not joinable on wait hold on hold on it it might be doing it give it two more seconds is real real quick if anyone can hear me right now can i just get uh a quick um if anyone can hear me can i just hear not sure if you've seen it but the jump scares or not you don't have to do it if you don't want to potato scroll i love call of duty invite system today uh lex oh wait oh there it is there's some sort of weird issue between our accounts right now i don't know what's going on it's just like not compatible or it's straight up not compatible we gotta we gotta sort that out all right we uh we running it we doing this yeah you all ready to go i'm going i'm going full like headache shotgun try hard mode by the way okay me too me too i'm going in let's go on to play dude this the shotgun is cracked really cracked good to know yeah let's see what do you think who mother evan who um uh may do you want to epping go do you want to effing step into my arena i'll smooch you um death angel not sure if you've seen it but the jump scares zombies dude i saw that on twitter i'm really excited to see if that actually if i can find one today mr daley reminder that trump is the best pokemon of all time this is your daily reminder to shut your mouth hey maybe i am no a brit four five six oh here we go ladies and gentlemen it's beginning the first round of outbreak played not on midnight i feel so much more alive and awake this morning it's insane but last night was super fun yo shout out to the shout out to the real ones who came out to the stream last night noah amp today bro i feel amped to play this i actually had so much fun last night and i'm so excited to do this on like a full night's sleep dude anyway chat chat you want to see something uh unbelievably unbelievably irresponsible no i like to poop all ops striked him deploying video on my pokemon channel soon about those cards oh my god it's so loud i'm gonna go for the car and pick you all up in it all right sounds good i'm so excited to upgrade more tears today same yeah i just want those crystals number one priority i spent like 30 minutes today figuring out what i was gonna upgrade first it's what is it for tier four and five four refined and then five flawless dude i'm looking forward to you i upgraded stamin up fully um sorry hear that brother oh interesting last night yeah i'm gonna i want to see because like there's no sprint slow down once you upgrade it fully and it's like i don't know that that's like a huge change it looks like it sounds like it's going to be i'm looking forward to trying that out yeah i uh sam as well yeah nice how did you get armor already out of the freaking crate i'm hearing the automobile hello hello i would like a ride in the automobile come to pick up the homies yes sir hello oh my god we gotta get big noj all right did we do a dragon on this map last time i like don't remember that i think i think it's random yeah i don't think we got a drive but i don't think we got one last night on this map i know we got all the snow on the other one but i think we could do the dragon right now all right yeah i'm done yeah let's do it oh it's game there he is look at i love how it like flies up as well yeah it takes off so funny it's so sick okay we are here i just got a hit and run for i still literally got a hit and run up like objective thing completed really yeah we're like ramming zombies we love that yeah i think you got one for ramming every type of enemy in the game i just hit a zombie and just got did like loads of zero damage on i did too yeah i'm still doing it what is going on wait the car blew up bruh dude oh yeah that's actually so concerning dude are you guys are you guys like really really lagging right now is that just me i'm definitely lagging more than yesterday but there is a little leg that is heavy like me right now really really i i was on private server this time uh because lex uh indicated we should go crazy we can if it's still possible i think before we get too far we should restart and go into a public server because that was really good for me last time how do you find the dragons oh they're on the minimap if you if you uh if you if you pull up the mini map oh i didn't hear this oh oh that piano though oh my oh how did i hear that the first time oh because we crashed because we crashed out of our first game jake thanks for coming to tier one appreciate that enjoy the emotes my friend what up bob dude that piano went hard that piano went actually so hard i was sick all right here we go now we're gonna get now we're gonna get some better servers there hello wait i'm gonna try to talking game where does my what is my hello do you believe in miracles there's a camera you sexy things sex thingy i believe in miracles says you gave her your sister you where are you and i'm so sorry can i sleep can i drink tonight hey we did i think i think i'm in yeah i guess we'll see alexis doesn't have a character picture what happened here oh there we go i don't know i don't know what's going on the woods is so rendered that he needed extra time to render it where is the where's the v choke is that for the ex where is that it's the very last one yeah in what though girls like it's called task force for me uh whatever the last barrel is just is the one you want strike you all were going to roast me from my outfit this time around but no one did it oh okay i didn't even notice that all right all right all right listen it's uh wait hold on [Laughter] i mean we have some choice words to say but you know we'll we'll see here oh my god well one more time [Laughter] can we take the jump pads i want to take the jump pad i feel like we should that's good wait what is down the street what is this objective down the street is it a new one where are you looking what is this objective right here in front of me what there's like a family is that just where you are oh it's the mobiles you are um that's actually wild um do we want to ride some snowmobiles sure by the way is your guys's uh connection doing better no yes i feel much better yeah okay public matches is the wave then it looks like uh please i can't understand icelandic all right objective first is that should that be the first order of business i think so seeing as we have uh do we have you want a ride yes i was going to say as soon as we have skulls um we might as well activate those just because they'll like they'll be something we can take out while we're doing other stuff in the map yeah okay uh my internet's bad so i'm gonna have to dip i i don't think i can play co-op with mine oh no no yeah i see you stuttering around well hold on i'm gonna quit this match see maybe rejoin back yeah i'm like you're not playing on xbox are you people saying xbox is scuffed right now i'm on ps5 i'm gonna just eat if i can even launch a solo and see how that goes so i'll hold on okay oh doggy ow he burned me are you filling those whoever or whatever did this huh you want me are you feeling those uh sure yeah what does it make are you feeling my orders of doge first time of course that the outbreak maps will be able to be played yeah go for it okay um oh my god are you good i just got blocked violence today for sure i woke up and chose air what did you do bro i've never caught that much air ever in zombies that was unbelievable oh yeah so maybe alex will have a better luck in my connection rather than a public server um no jason wants to be host and pl pl plus we have a random here and i don't i'm not really yeah yeah i don't think i don't play the random is there but is there another fourth we can get if lex isn't able to to play because i feel like having four would be would be fun uh probably not that's ready right no other footage yeah name literally one friend that you have yeah okay you didn't need to call me out like that come on all right oh it's my host migration yeah i guess noah was host then wait are you shirks i think it said it when i left i'm oh well i just could have been i don't know i backed out and then it said host migration i'll invite alex real quick chat tell us to join we're gonna try a new host real quick before yeah i'm i'm still in so i i uh like should be able to connect better to your host if that is the case i'm more central to him but it still doesn't let me join you noah i might have to join through like lex or milo the way i was doing it do you see me on your friends list um yeah but you're offline what dude that's so strange yep i i see my like if oh so if milo's in your game i can join his and that'll should just put me in all right let me i'm quitting match now so i will bring so you want me to invite you shop or uh join and then invite yeah my internet's better by myself but i'll try and join you guys all those try one more time see if you see if you can play on my connection yeah it says you're offline now can you invite them i am joining smilo uh hop on in party privacy has been sent to invite only oh oh good but hernen321 can join good good good good okay okay i've removed him tried joining again all right i mean okay that feeling when you can play with vernon but you can't play with your voice shout out to her and indeed oh my god all right well let's let's pray let's pray this word okay let's turn and play hearn and go to that album guys what is like my chat is is undecided what is the the op loadout for the hour i still can't figure it out uh in the next seven seconds i will tell you the op logo barrel task force 25.2 is how much all you need body bottom bottom body that's it yeah flash cone is what i use the very first second one i mean second one yeah i've got five minutes magazine the first one and yeah okay i'm pretty sure that's what i yeah honestly as long as you have that bottom barrel you're fine yeah the other ones don't matter all that much right he's nice yeah i'm pretty sure it's fine everybody send your energy to alex's modem give him all of your so energy minimal captures um pretty good oh let's go is it better let's go no drop frames boys was that were you dropping frames earlier like in gamer on your like obs no internet internet like where i'm at is like really random like it'll go from like it'll go from like 100 megabytes up to like zero in like 10 seconds right nobody let you relax he's not allowed he's banned yeah i feel for you so hard dude having connection issues is literally like the worst it actually is the worst feeling ever i i feel worried so hard yeah glad you're good now dude that's what yeah the past week of my nightmarish life has been wait really wait does that work with double points yes it does i'm getting 200 per no way oh stop going so i'm missing out no yeah that ball goes really far it absolutely zooms away okay uh yeah i don't know i don't know where y'all went but i'm coming right so i'm having a problem oh my god all the zombies scare me man they're just ridiculous dude why is it that you get way more way less points in this determination you could just like farm hella points if in the beginning like you just went and killed zombies for a bit of everything on like round one yeah that's a good shot so on difficulty what do you heard like what what's the big thing i think that like honestly at this at this stage you're kind of fine literally doing like whatever it's your preference like the first three tiers like welters are going to be probably fairly chill apart from the panzers they're about to kill me is we basically grinded like all the side objectives and everything like that until we were absolutely stacked on gear and then we literally just farmed main objective for crystals over and over yeah ridiculous holy moly um do you all want to do try it out if you guys want to do them also train go hunting may as well i mean they did give us a pretty really good yesterday um i heard it's really really good so funny like you guys don't know nice thanks brother no problem brother okay i will start an objective for all of us i will start the triad yeah dude yeah it's more so like the jumping through the windows one is just like freaking doors yeah he just vandalized the property everybody grab the ford truck okay i'm i'm going to get one i'm going to get it my ford truck is pretty far away oh god i'm oh god i'm so bad at driving oh no honestly on the early rounds we can all do an objective too one megaton blaster that's ridiculous what the hell that what have i done to that car oh yeah whoa you are oh tell me when you hit something and i'll tell you if i get a red flash of your position okay well i mean like maybe you might have to be a passenger dude i'm just looking for zombies man i have no idea where these guys are yeah i'll be cruising and there's not there's not much action going on somebody all xp grinded already in the zombies yeah getting new trials dude this is rough what's going on i just ran into a barricade it's running track it down target is blew up my c4 oh i got you i'm here doing my trials my god shoot oh i got a nuke by accident he literally just ran into my car i don't know how he's down you guys our work is done nice oh i just got an achievement for killing the yeah it was like we got like a speedrun achievement yeah literally all right well we're ready to go the next round whenever all i want is zombies with my vehicle please yeah someone yeah wait yeah there's like nothing spawned do you see any zombies at all i do dude we've completed the world cup congrats boys honestly we still have this challenge if we want to go to the next realm it's going to be completely full of zombies and we can just start running him over that is true should we just rinse like literally just going straight away yeah i think we're that's best right away i'm just playing gta 5 right here i don't know me too i'm getting them to work there's someone over here oh they're awesome yeah oh my god when you teleport it like flings you out of your car really i didn't see that that's funny so funny i wish there was a way that like you would teleport you just fly in like going full speed at the car with the car you're so good all right let's run some zombies over there seems pretty confident she was going to fight pretty confident she was gonna fight the uh oh wonder she still is oh i'm sure the great war is not over the great war is not over i am sure about that my friend 100 hundo p noah jake could not be more lounging right now i don't know if you can start character you could not be more lounges oh no he's not lounging is it worth to do the uh the requiem thing over here might as well we're already next to it yeah yeah yeah okay let's do it where is this one it's the little guy on the you just jumped over it like it's just there oh this man is dead here we go uh ring of fire right here i have the upgraded ring of fire by the way nice oh that that dead nice that's crazy dude [Applause] oh yeah me too like what the heck did everybody get a quick driver right here if we want to go i'm going toward the objective oh i'm too low you're way too low for that i cut it but then i was like nah it didn't work i'm so close right sir no i'm just below the essence that's you really don't need like you upgrade like your loadout weapon and then like get cool stuff from the things you do yeah i agree mystery box kind of not it i kind of feel that way about like a lot of cold war like there's a lot less incentive to use the box than they used to be yeah yeah i i i thought i thought i was never gonna use the um the loadout weapon but once i realized how cracked some of the guns can go with attachments yeah yeah bro they're supposed to be in a mode like this uh do y'all mind if i start this trial or the head thing go ahead beat yeah go for it oh is it always his main objective like it's gonna know what color everyone's like icon is just so like yeah you can see where everyone is in the map like you know exactly who's who um i opened a crate with you know and i pinned it if somebody wants it it's my budget okay i do not but i need to defend this so we don't lose i think still beating i'm coming i can actually take your your spot oh my god oh my god though they come behind oh no this is an unacceptable behavior um or something but i literally got 1600 points from having advice multiplayer that's been a problem since 2015 i'll let you all know when you figure it out good job you're the dragon and i'm just so confused because some custom apps just condense like everything i love about zombies and like one little experience and it's like that's just what outbreak is it's just zombies with a lot of like the crap cut out so gun exploring i'm so far away from you guys just doing things that tombstone is really good now what is like the new uh tier four and five on it do you have any so tier four respawns you in at the end of the current round instead of the start of the next round oh yeah tier five means there's no perk decay so you keep dying yeah that is that fire it's actually gnarly like it's gonna be worth using as solo players yeah it's gonna be so good okay because like before i it was like not really beneficial to run but now yeah now you want it now it's dodie goatee okay that's pretty sick i did not know that yeah um okay so that is 14 seconds on this so we're good so if yeah if you fail an objective it's like hey youtube um i hope you're doing great we haven't had calls appreciate that positivity in the chat the only one was the um the canister one last night which did get a little sketch was it the one on alpine or like the snow map yeah uh toward towards the end i think it was on i think it was this map actually hopefully oh really like did it get healthy because like i feel like we were gonna die like we could have died before like you know i mean before we would have like let the thing lose enough health but we we may we may have i don't remember i i think it was just that like the um i hope they had either focusing on getting the canisters in like we still had like probably dude that would actually be the second one just like really really overloaded with zombies and stuff and i think it could have gone through this so well we sort of clutched it but it was okay i'll take the ford truck oh we got oh this one's all this one's hard yeah yeah this one's socks yeah yeah because what's the best way to do it uh i did it with an rpg that was good really because if you don't kill them all the way it doesn't count or maybe this nuke might do it i don't know that that'll be so nice if it did yeah all right from the great what if i throw a four truck at them does that work one truck versus one big and oh i didn't even get there no i have the brakes slammed on as soon as you get out like i'm getting speed and i'm jumping out and just throwing the truck at them yay oh my god he's trying to keep the conversation outbreak related oh my god that zombie jesus christ scared me because it's yeah well i mean it's like we're used to seeing the number on the screen it's like okay it's like okay we're on round two now like no we're on round 20 now yeah what do you think i know you're right behind me and i thought i thought a random zombie drove up the zombies the zombies get smarter as we get smarter what do you think about playing this map interesting i don't know if i'm a huge fan of grief or should i wait for you all i'm ready yeah i think we can just go next area probably right we're kind of we're kind of rinsing this right now we can get a little harder stuff let me let me come over to the anomaly real quick i just want to upgrade to the rarity only you guys can like activate the beacon i just want to use the like machine there yeah we are we are going to be flying we just got to get we just got to get the good stuff so what do y'all reckon a shotgun in a ray gun is like the the duo that's probably yeah or the reykjay i think having a spread of those two is has like worked right here was actually really clutch yeah you're right yeah at least okay yeah okay let's do this oh i'm gonna buy that new that new stamina that new new okay okay like like a speed demon when you have it you feel much faster yeah this is gonna be so sick for regular like zombies training too dude yeah speed runs and stuff are just gonna yeah oh oh my god speed i don't even think about that speedrun dude ether shroud now has two charges so you can bop through walls twice and you get a speed increase of sprinting after you either shroud now so your literal speed runs are going to be shattered from this update once people get through crystals oh my god yeah that's the moves let's go yeah i need i need to purchase me let's get the snowmobiles and let's roll down [Music] real quick oh i get your uh points when you rams obviously that's cool yeah right dude pretty scary man ps been watching since extinction did you know what i wanted to be i just had a play can jump at me and it kind of looked like a bear if we ever get like a bear hound thing like plague bear that'd be amazing he's so cool did you see the jump scare on alpine i want it we're disabled oh sorry to hear that okay this thing exploded on me oh i shot the tempest bullet out of midair yeah dude i did not know you could do that you use a pod gun dude you can throw a c4 and like a mangler or a tempest can blow up the c4 in mid-air it's the worst okay um quicker vibe can actually revive you now oh let's go crazy 100 is gonna explode i can feel it yeah you're [ __ ] right i'm taking it away okay i did i just felt it when as soon as i walked with your brother yeah you're right honestly i won't be able to play the update until tomorrow probably it's only yeah i'm just like looting a lot of the side houses while we're here because i feel like all of us in one place isn't actually gonna make it faster sort of thing yeah i think in the later rounds it's a good idea when we're all together but oh yeah yeah we can just do whatever we want oh my god it's so weak i gotta upgrade this is so good oh we are getting here dude yeah dude all thompson monkey bombs are the go-to for these i actually got a level up that's crazy the first one where's the world dude to get xp that's crazy uh we got a purple pistol actually what's up main obj um is there anything else side ones we can do i don't think so i honestly think we like if on these early ones we can actually just split up and just do stuff like at all at the same time true yeah i like that you like two on two one yeah two main objective yeah i think i think we're done with sides though for this one do you guys like shattered glass the new ammo mod i was thinking yeah i like it a lot i it becomes really useful in higher rounds when they give you like hella panzers and stuff like it's so good it's great like getting those upgrades on it is a really good good move this is a uh hold out so uh it'll teleport everyone all right yeah yeah we got it we uh the uh the bomb you place onto the crystal actually has like a four-minute timer that is the timer when you're in here that's cool oh wait attention to detail yeah uh you all put f in the chat uh for xbox no it gets another fifty dollars if you all if you all say f covet in the chat okay well apparently oh i mean it sounds like a decent deal for me i'm not gonna lie at least it'll be a different spam but for real at that thing man taking so many lies so tragic man it really is taking so many lies taking so much like life you know i mean it's just a shame but this is this is this is an escape from all that from all that stuff so we'll keep we'll keep it on happy notes um excuse me can we stop dropping hundo bombs kaiobi loses thank you so much y'all have got to stop though [Music] oh my god dude that's actually insane bro what what what is going on with y'all recently are y'all are you sane are you good dog are you actually just wild and out brother i don't understand thank you so much for all these for all of these yo can i get some can i get every single person in the chat to do a nuke emoji right now for me can i get every single person to just give me a nice nuke emoji underscore underscore oh boy oh boy no thanks we can all get through this together yes sir thank you lewis no more no more from you lewis you you you've done enough my friend you've done enough for real you guys complete the e and the ending cut scene is just lex's forehead zoomed in i hate that so much i hate everything about that but okay oh that's funny both super spinners at eight man oh no that's unacceptable what did we get to last night boys before our game crashed well damn yeah it was like 12 or 13 and we were still we're still getting the bag man like um we were going to like 15 16 strong yeah at least yeah like is th so have we found if there's like a limit at all but like i would i would love to know there probably isn't because i i mean if it just scales with difficult the idea is i if you're good enough you could probably go infinitely like just like so just like the normal like high grounds yeah yeah yeah that makes sense uh what uh field upgrades are y'all running by the way just for later rounds so we can strategize i have healing oh perfect that's actually i gotta eat your shroud in case someone's no good perspex yes just wondering yeah it's only mainly for reviving that's that's kind of why i dropped got it right now the tier four is so good it's like a phoenix up oh tier five i mean everyone keeps their perks that's ridiculously old what the heck yeah um oh really nice all right i gotta change change up the straps boys although to be honest it was it was like fine yesterday it was uh yeah yeah we were okay early rounds it was it was pretty chill hey that's gonna you better hope you don't get a ray gun now because all that or the armor is going to be for nothing it's going to be gone yeah that's true lux have you seen that yeah wait what the answer is the tiniest splash damage of armor right now or of the ray gun completely wipes all of your armor out yeah oh it's rough okay no i have not seen that that sounds rough it is a bug they've confirmed it's yeah they're fixing it it's a fixed thing always something with the ray gun always the ray gun dude i was thinking about this the other day do y'all remember when black ops 4 is in the easter egg scene do you remember when the tigers did oh that's so funny remember the tigers would literally kill you yeah yeah one week dude one week i don't know how that ever got past like qa or anything they're like yeah this is fine and dude the super surrender dogs on blood they have like armor or whatever bruh that was ridiculous i don't know how that ever got approved ever couldn't be me so funny a little bit of cringe a little bit of cringe or cringe kecker cringe what a throwback i'm like i'm i'm feeling beefy already with my like setup yeah i did me too i got it i got a tier two hower we're looking good i have a tier two purple hower like four five out of six perks like i had a boy are you getting so much salvage i don't know my friends [Music] [Laughter] i love how long you can play this still be having fun i love it yeah dude try it out let me know how it is i upgraded it to tier three so i wanted to do that before i tried it out just to get the base experience oh my god oh my god oh my god all right i'm sorry i i'm just letting you know now that i'm going to say it guys the world grows harder and so do i there it is i'm just giving in to that one at this point hey have you have any of y'all got mr dan's book mr band i have not i need to though i got it it came in uh last week i gotta read it it's gonna be yeah brother that little river boys war machine let's go i'm coming into hopping that for the truck more tractors all i care about further wait wait you want to you can as well i'm gonna stand on the top hold on wait wait this is optimal this is optional here we go here we go i'm getting in so i get the points that lux runs over the zombies honestly i don't know uh we have the samantha thing upstairs oh yeah where's gersh at from my boy gersch we're just mine everything we got him yeah how do you get up how do we get up there dude do we have a parachute up there no no jump up up here get ready to blast this thing i'm i'm not shooting it yet waiting for you oh what is this oh if you haven't seen these they're so serious that's so cool there's just multiple ways up like multiple things to do chopper you okay let's just okay we can shoot it let's go you guys go for it i'm gonna go do the drag on regular zombie matches oh i'm just all right you guys can go do the next bit i'm gonna go get the big essence over here okay i ain't gonna go do dragon boy zooming samantha b [Music] four trojans i'll hit one of these for you guys that you guys specials are elites special okay easy collapse you wanna you wanna blast this boy yes sir [Music] die why did you pick up all the points you know what i'm saying oh nice big new does that so how did the nukes work did they just work in like a radius of where you picked up the nuke is that what it is i don't actually know to be honest i'm not sure okay i'm gonna do a dragon uh you guys can do the points and i will see we get out of this what objective do we have this this oh my wait i'm getting muted how i hate it when that happens brother i hate when i get muted and i'm not even glitching dude what the heck it's sad did i hear a megaton all right let's do this okay dude friends of guard might actually be the player oh let's look oh okay you can have it you can have it ah dude i heard the die ain't that great but okay might as well it's definitely uh reagan ray k meta oh yeah that's not bad i mean like it'll get the job ring of fire yeah but then again everything is good i need all some merch do you have okay dragon is you missed the merch my friend i'm sorry you missed it smile okay the merch is sold out brother oh i hear the crate i'm scared man roaming powerhouse what can i do oh my god into a mimic oh my god oh no it's not it's not cool no it's uh oh my freaking goodness me it's really funny man i have a intel reward i'm gonna go to the intel station locks if you wanna i come an intel that i would like to get they already got so strong i finally showed me that you got so strong yeah this like that the difference between last round and this round is is crazy to me yeah there's a big difference it goes it goes up real fast uh me and likes are gonna go to the trial station then we'll meet at the obj okay j obj players object there we go ooh hello again my friend i am pleased that you know i just wanted to say all the lifes you have made some of my darkest times so just worn in enemies on me was that one of you guys i collected intel so maybe got any plans for another murder cheers it won't be for a little bit bro this stamped up tier five goes it's amazing you're literally you look like you're ice skating let's have a let's have a foot race right here we're going around the circle without jumping uh and we have to come back around okay like i'm literally so slow with tier three okay here we go ready three yeah two one go win i'll take the outside line to make it fair literally like ice skating in front of me that's a ridiculous look how far behind i am look at this look at this turn around once you finish dude that is nuts i love it is it a significant difference yes no it's like it's massive it's like you're really flapping me at this point dude i mean i am flying with this this is crazy it's great though where is is milo here i don't wait what ella where are you okay we'll do the uh retrieve objective okay yep yep guys should finish around the same time and we'll go to the next one i got a combat ball instead i'll go to b y'all go to a i'm really cracked right now with my gun so i should be fine to go by myself has anybody got a red gun yet uh no sir on the board that's tough man wait oh no i gotta drop it one sec i'm still holding it right wait i have like i was even like sprint wait i wonder if we can do the thing wait i wonder if you can walk faster backwards like with the uh like the world record strats yeah i'm trying right now it doesn't look like it i'm trying to do do you guys remember that thing from world war ii where like you remember like the uh the uber chanel where you could drop and keep picking it back up but like yeah i'm trying to do that with this it doesn't work we missed the uber chanel no shout out my boy the ubersnow my m16 is so bad i need to upgrade i need to upgrade this boy like yesterday oh this is monkey okay i don't like users did anyone see whether the bad guy spawned in from uh oh i forgot you have to like here yeah i didn't yeah you gotta like drop it in i'm talking about my diamond monkey at the last second dude i got it good job dude that's question oh my god you fly with easter shroud what dude oh you what dude wait i missed it do you have another charge hold up no let me get back that has to be broken on no clip bro i know like what the heck i can't believe there's no way that's not supposed to be running dude if that is actually that good i i turned into a super spinner right there yeah hold on like wait let me get that back i gotta see what's going on oh my gosh dude um okay so main objective is done nice i'm gonna get like maybe three thousand more points lads i need to try that again gold star speed yeah dude that was so weird i was i was chasing down the enemies from the skull objective and i think the panzers killed each other i think they had a little disagreement on the bridge and just got brawling and then they were both dead when i turned up i think uh i think it was the nuke from us completing this objective that just wiped the entire map maybe oh yeah true possible ah the as possible that's actually probably it but that'd been funny if they threw hands and they both died that'd be really funny that's my head cannon yeah we love that okay bro there's no way that's real oh my god milo you are stacked on points i'm going to show you guys this one goodness jamer over there uh yeah i'm ready to go to the next area whenever honestly all right say no more fam okay okay okay oh wait um let's can i get like two thousand more points before we it'll be faster just to get it on the thing because you're only gonna get 20 points per kill on all of these zombies yeah yeah fair enough there's no more loot boxes either so yeah may as well suppose so let's do it let's do it get some more aetherium we gotta go for around 30. that's we're going for today boys round 30 round 30 run we know the xbox servers are down jiu jitsu xbox server doesn't care anymore chat it is not original comment yep dude did y'all hear nintendo 64 just went down dude it just went and dude right do you have an escort mission for dimensional transfer the rover oh the escorts are so fun i love these i had so much fun with this one last night i i can literally tell you guys i have stamina up five because you are literally at the end of my bro we are out do you have regular stamina i have stamina three so like in another world i mean honestly to navigate a map of this big though you kind of need this fully upgraded stamina if you're like imagine that on d machine where you're yeah riding through this small little box map like that's gonna speed up are gonna be so fast now wow eat these nice hit marker to dog i think the stamina will definitely help because because people were you we were it was basically just like a modified slide cancel uh it was just like a stop sprint canceling you would get the initial like speed boost back yeah but i think the one that's really going to change it up a lot is the ether shroud that one's yeah especially if that speed is intended which i hope it is because that's it oh let's go what's your game ray k baby oh my god that's not paid off it uh it was just out of a box a random box there's also a um tombstone here if anyone wants i'm good uh uh we should grab the car and do the dragon huh or maybe one of us here i'll i'll get the car you stammed up five users okay never mind i'm i i need to get og reagan that's gonna be my uh my my meta today i just need to not have why is it i'm coming oh that's so weird okay so i lads that's really strange if you like hover over somebody else's name i thought i didn't have enough scrap this whole time because i was hovering over noah jay's name yeah i dude i had that yesterday where the scrap it would like default to someone else's scrapbook yeah i'm like yeah i have 150. i haven't been spending it and that's like okay for that crazy aim bro oh my god man this temp is just donkeyed on us dude to be like that do be like that should we do this oh no the tempest are running after me dude that's no good i got him i got him i just uh i just upgraded my gun so i'm stomping right now okay oh actually there's a lot of these like did we do what do we anger the zombie godzilla i don't know what happened oh no you uh remember you can sprint and like throw grenades now too it's kind of useful dude i just adjusted that with my monkey that was so amazing it's sick in it you can do it yeah [Applause] so you want to have everybody for a dragon oh yeah it looks like it i see okay yeah we got a small one there small small small small dude there's one tempest please die i've been chasing across the whole world thank you somebody should activate a trial i found a head on top of a telephone pole it's called the i've been hacking and i tried to pick it up you were like in front of it and you pinged it um i was gonna say how did you mock on the map yeah i saw that i don't know how we did that i i just i just pinged the objective like like you you saw it like physically in person you ran past it sort of thing or wait what are we talking about it says there's a ford truck here but there's not a ford never mind just don't worry uh some of my chats just said there's a telephone pole on the bridge that has a severed head on top of it called the ivan head oh really i'm like right next now i don't know [Music] i don't see any telephone poles though on this bridge yeah there's none near here at all maybe it's like a higher difficulty thing around yeah yeah um lex oh uh are you actually no let's just do the objective package is too far i'll worry about it later yeah i mean this is the this is the only it's an escort objective so it'll arrive right at the beacon anyway after we're done yeah can i get a can i get a pickup in that truck truck the truck or your tractor your uber truck is oh boy i wish that was the thing uber try it wouldn't send any car except for a truck to get you right yeah you gotta be a ford great britain oh yeah i need to put shatter blast on too man that's going to make such a difference i can already feel like my shotgun is starting to do that driving head is just the name of that we got a lot of stuff out of us oh yeah yeah yeah guys watch this i want to show you this you all ready i'm gonna zoom okay here we go you ready oh my god he's literally flipping he's literally that's like uncomfortably fast yeah oh god you could probably travel half an outbreak map with one of those things yeah no like we did one side to the other you could probably go i like the smilo i like this a lot yes sir sadly my shoulder does not have range i think it might die i like how there's like two different versions of this or like asks to repair like portals or sometimes just has to find the right one that's kind of cool the monkey is now the radio when is it going to be the joey conway joey what if it's just a monkey again i want to feed my cat and i turn into a head oh god i really gotta eat where is this going what is the world just going over this trash exploring dude doesn't care that's monkey bro how y'all getting so many points right i need 10k to triple pop here mine's my guns have to be nearly done that's it's hard how much described i got a fair bit i got enough bad videos so it's it's nice that this payload isn't like overwatch where it's like there's armor in there for you oh nice thank you you get the most value out of that one get out your brother i've never seen that before flame goat are you good flame ghost no there's a there's flame ghosts oh oh yeah oh what the hell what was that was telling me yeah he's in the tents down there the jump scare from uh d machine from the machine yeah that was sick yeah i might die oh my god oh this is getting kind of cracked right now i'm clutching yeah i'm literally waiting my gun's gone [Applause] have you stayed still with your shotgun it just threw your elbow all right how about how about this one uh you're holding up the rig wait is it no no no jay's broken oh look at noah i promise me yeah no you're broken you're broken i don't want to oh my god the zombies holy so outbreak difficulty 100 run oh um hear me out the thing is we would we would just crash why did it die for a second there i see the portal it's that way the portal this is probably gonna oh oh oh wait if this is the final one i'm gonna put an artillery on it oh he got the strats though oh i'm gonna be i'm gonna be ahead of the game here folks there's our breach get through it okay here it is all right i'm gonna bomb them all right artillery i'm not shooting go crazy i cannot even see them shooting from oh my god it's gonna get value let's go high values very very poor truck indeed uh i think i'm okay uh bear back one second wait no no just stand right there oh my god what's going on with you guys okay let's click this screenshot it whatever it is send this tweet this at noah j right now this is horrifying oh he's having a bad thing this is horrifying [Applause] wait he knows afk is he going to die from the gas i don't know maybe putting him out of his misery would be a good thing to be honest wait is he here no he's afk he said he had to be at brb okay well small afk at the right time yeah my god proportions said they had to be rb as well bro anatomy has left the chat look at his shoulder yeah that was you yesterday shot that's why we were like not sure how broken you were yeah this is like yeah track you just don't need to fix this this is actually just fine i'm terrified his face is just blinking yeah it's like what's wrong like what's up is it worth the hit the box for the reagan and the reiki and all that or i think we're gonna get him through other means but you can try okay this is horrible should i act i'm gonna activate a trial for you all just in case okay yeah it might as well i can't look at this this is gonna give me nightmares yeah it's like actual nightmare fuel i was about to oh i need to get my perks back he needs some milk [Music] all right i'm going to activate the anomaly just so i can use the equipment oh wait yeah that's a good idea where's the thing boys i have i have the greatest announcement of my entire life after literally a week and a half without hot water we have hot water now go you stink i've showered three times in a week and a half because i have to go to someone else's house to do it noah jay just oh my god can i shower yeah you got something you got water just hot water right now so many dishes and so much laundry to do it's unbelievable i'm not i'm actually not looking actually i need to break it again i'll be back [Laughter] dude congrats congrats on the water streamer you don't know how good you got it till it's gone you know what i'm saying some christmas business dude all right i'm ready whenever y'all are for exiting it i don't know if y'all are doing stuff great i'm coming in oh i all i need really now is like around if you can afford them i'm gonna save up for a gold hower hell yeah brother actually not a bad idea maybe you should do the same i'm gonna get a gold m16 and then i'm gonna get a gold howard can i pause you guys just before you accept that i want to um i want to get my perks just two seconds there's a machine up here machine apparently i'll just come to you guys okay [Music] i need a rebrand uh chat oh i see a lot of people asking how much shotgun's so good i'll show you all the build after this game and uh the other thing is that i put i put my uh tier three ethereum crystals into my shotgun class so it deals 25 more damage okay that's also great um are you all ready to game i'm ready to get rid all right let's start gaming okay round six round round six brother brothers well let's bring it on oh my god i keep thinking it's good dude i don't know what to do to like to get around that i always think it crashes and it's worse now because like a little loading screen pops up for a second too just looks first what's your guys's favorite uh map on outbreak so far i think i like this one yeah i kind of like this one yeah it's definitely the biggest this one feels like i like the gold gold nova one or whatever other like that's probably my second favorite like the kino one the kino kino guys it's in the game kino's back here we go he knows here uh if anyone runs past that uh trial machine can you slap that puppy on i will do that actually right now [Laughter] yeah that was crazy rock you could like jump over i guess not all right um yeah why all gaming i'd love to get a one weapon oh stay in the air i love this one this one's fun oh can do oh wait is there a job in there oh there is there's one up here perfect yeah i'm coming up there yep um i actually don't need the reward so i guess it doesn't it doesn't uh stop you guys getting your awards if i do it so i'm not gonna yeah you might as well dude i just saw you elevate my life god dude yeah just get some like start the top of the mountain and then just hang until you get downhill dude this reminds me of the ski trip chad new respire is absolutely over today new tears on ring of fire are absolutely nuts i just melted there yo pro strats float over to the next jump pad and do it all over again where is that one oh this boy is far you know what i'll i'll take one for the team and i'll do the uh the whatever the requiem mission oh is there a yeah skulls over there i'm doing the uh the lightning box right now okay yeah do it okay let's just do as much as we can at once yeah we might as well just be wrong points chap i don't know why the enemies feel kind of stronger than they did yesterday maybe because i don't have shatter blast you feel kind of stronger than you did yesterday oh hey hey i hey it okay oh where's the jump pad oh there's one all the way up this road if you come with this job i'm just gonna outpacing lexia yeah oh my god dude they give them names and stuff it's kind of funny yeah oh my gosh yeah i need cheddar i keep forgetting to get that all right no worries that broke his armor nice he's cracked he's cracked he's cracked one shot absolute oh i was in the i was in the death smoke i didn't realize hey what the oh thank you appreciate it i'm running to go get some air time bruh yo me too that's crazy used your die bro why there's one time to use insta kills and uh ring of fire i'm trying to use it never all right here we go this should give you some sick air time brother maximum velocity oh hopefully this gives me uh legendary yeah i'm almost at legendary can you get ray guns from the trials because i know you can't do it in d machine like i'm pretty sure it doesn't give you a ray gun from oh he's [Music] milo's over there literally taking on the entire objective by himself for hanging in the air yes sir i'll be here for when you're ready to uh on the magazine for the hour let's see if i get it now does your trial say intel trial in the top left yeah oh mine says intel it's it just means you can collect the intel as a reward but then you still get the well not as the reward but like in the top left of the actual area that turns red oh i'm not sure um where's the trial station lines oh it's over here uh it's yeah it's like down the slope i see i'll drive over there i'm literally just in the air i'm really i love that for you man thing dude my god i love that for you follow that energy trail it's moving oh no that's sad i got a purple pistol where'd it go oh he brought him oh it didn't really it went all the way over to you blue if you wanna i will he's real naked hit him with the ring of fuego why not did you just do him he did he did he's going to split or oh he's just dead oh he does split kill yeah nice oh we be getting them flawless crystals dude lawless dude are you flawed or flawless [Laughter] thanks i hate it oh right here oh there's a there's a hey i'll kill a mimic for some of that trial xp oh yes sir dude wait stay whoever's here stay here um just in case i get uh right now i gotta die do you want to die no um i'll take it for now um okay let me pick this yeah oh yeah oh you can switch over here oh wait like here we go here we go you wanna die yeah no lex is like that i can tell because he's not picking up these points right in front of him is making some weird like ringing noise hold on go kill the stuff around left maybe it'll unlock him out i i'm i'm watching him i i feel like i'm fully frozen is it your stream or yeah like your internet or like your game game i think i think just just stay right there lex i'm gonna kill the zombies around you just in case it because like yesterday we had some weird stuff like that where uh are you connection interrupted dude i just hear this buzzing's all yeah i just like that i think no [Music] oh god no dude oh can you will you be able to rejoin it's private so probably let's try yeah let's definitely try yeah i got a ps5 error code oh that's new oh oh lex lex did your wait did your console like start like buzzing and then it crashed oh yeah yeah yeah that's the ps5 crush sedge damn that sucks that is rough all right dude yeah ps4 the most reliable console yeah yeah let's wait i might i'm gonna mute for just two seconds should we should we wait on this round do you think you're waiting for that should be coming back he's not back here i'll try to invite you it does say status not joinable uh-oh are we in a public or private no private so you should be able to join yeah do you think it's too late in the game uh i just invited you i just invited you also if you can keep it pulled for a second i need to be tapped out for just two secs okay uh we'll we'll watch you yeah um lex uh during the easter egg hunt one of our players lagged out um and he was able to get in after like like three or four minutes of trying like just me oh okay okay i will i will do i'm just i'm just gonna okay just waiting for the world record on this now well it's kind of like the world record for what you know what i mean how's the how's it looking boys i'm still trying to join okay how this goes okay hold on i'm actually gonna restart my game enemies out here r.i.p to xbox players xbox servers are done right now maybe it's time to upgrade to pc gaming what do you use i use pc i play on pc personally myself um yeah smiles afk at the ray-ray we're all we're almost full build here chat not gonna lie not not really we need we need we need a thousand more cell we need a thousand salvage to get this to gold and then we need uh to buy self-revised uh can we all try inviting me again maybe that might work yeah uh invited wait it could be because we're uh difficulty six now and maybe that's like past the threshold or something i don't know i am not sure i will try i'm back hello hello uh oh is my oh no wait that's fine that's yeah that's uh um it i think it's sick because like when i hover over you know what it says uh it says not joinable game session is not joinable but i'll keep trying maybe if we go to the next rant maybe you can maybe like try to join in right when we teleport to the next area yeah that that might work should we try yeah yeah go ahead and start it we'll we'll try to oh yeah literally literally as soon as you did that it says i can join your game now oh really wait what yeah something just changed what the what the hell [Music] if not we'll try it yeah that is very weird we can get in try using the portal i think it's we're going to do it i think game session it just says not credible but let's see how it goes let us do it all right so you're ready to join in three two one let's go golova oh joining party yo pause champ pause champ pause champ yeah it doesn't let me go back into my settings so zombies oh the player cannot be joined the game is already in progress ah i think i think wait i'll try again but we'll see might be a rip yeah i think it's a rip for me homies like it's like it gives me the option to join chop but not noah really i'm not even host yeah that doesn't make any sense have you tried joining me or like milo i'm i i tried joining chop but try drawing milo i'm back sorry yeah i joined to invite you lex no i've i've tried it says uh game is already in progress so i think i think about homies um sad damn that actually sparks so much that's so so unfortunate no we chill indeed i wanted to try solo i know solo is really difficult but yeah might as well do okay homies ggs hope you guys get into it thanks man everybody everybody can i get one singular tear dripping out of their eye emoji relax please what's our loadout looking like yo pug nice nice dude don't know walled feels really fantastic [Laughter] um whereabouts is is that you pop are you purple now who's papa [Laughter] do you guys want to do this gold chest or not um does anybody have one besides like a shock wave station until i have a great day okay oh god nice wait how'd you get that how'd you get a ray gun uh out of the uh the last main objective okay if you see another one holler at your boy um oh wait you guys doing the side one right now or uh i was doing side i'm doing man okay do you want me you want me to activate that the side one i wasn't sure if you wanted me to or not is the satellite up like the side quest that's main that's maine oh okay i'll hold the main then if you if you all want to do whatever you guys want to do communicating i'll just help everybody wait did the box disappear whoa am i am i dumb wasn't oh it's not on the map for some reason that's weird yeah i don't know why that's done that okay yeah this is gonna be this can be interesting interesting experience definitely going to be spicy on this round yep it is doing like all these big big funguses do you think the game will like not crash as or or maybe have a less chance of crashing the less players we have likely i'm pouring one out for him right now but at least the game won't crash so chad we had an idea and we want to ask you guys what your thoughts are about it so you guys remember the uh 20th first night of september yeah and most importantly that but also um the drunken manga stream we were considering thinking that maybe we should do a stream like a little bit later in the uh the day like probably starting around this time or wait an outbreak drinking game with the boys uh what what are your thoughts chat so if y'all that sounds like something that would be fun to you all uh leave a like that's what i'm saying and let us know if that sounds interesting bro it actually sounds so fun like like every time you go to a new world like every new world that yeah it's something to bring you down yeah every time you every time you do like a cycle or drink oh my god that would be that would be freaking rough [Music] did i not do it fast enough all right we got a baby main quest done um where do you get the rewards for this like if a regular comes out where am i going to see it [Music] not that kind of quest brother sad don't don't go yet i'm grabbing this water gold gold boy okay gamer what'd you get uh oh there's a gold something uh dear girl dear matty kimbos actually like actually not a bad gun oh yeah yeah yeah i mean i'll ping him if you want to come over there i'm okay okay i got me short the gun uh there's also a tombstone if anyone needs a park i got full perks brother you're all good okay let me quickly run over and pack um still on my single pack for my rake and i just don't need to be i've got 100k points so i'll uh i'll sort that out and then i'm going to be ready for next yep i need to repair my armor because reagan go sploosh explodes i am still trying to acquire reagan oh yeah i need to put an aat on my do you reckon i've lost the way to go for the shotgun i ate shop yeah i think so i'm having the most success with it so far i mean i guess it's like the ray k is good against mimics the ray gun's probably good against panzers the uh i'm pretty sure collapse panzers yeah it's like the they're hyper weak to shatter blast i thought like their weakness yeah yeah i'm just wondering if i think honestly if you i i forget which element it is but the i honestly i think the main problem is going to be megatons when we do the holdout stuff yeah yeah yeah i mean if you have two guns like two bullet guns maybe a dead wire's not bad but i'm gonna go shatter blast i think get a baby yeah i might switch over to dead wire because honestly like i'm only really gonna be using my uh shotgun on those types of bottles oh my god right right right we gotta we gotta um we gotta put on our tryhard panties here soon boys yeah oh boy hell yeah let's get ready when did we crash last night does anyone do you guys remember the exact round i'm gonna say 12. i think i think that's what it was yeah 12. okay first time ever donating glad it's you [Music] uh well chop needs a ray gun but i think we could just grind the actual main objectives now i think so i say we do that because i'll probably be getting a regular eventually just by killing enemies and stuff no problem no problem no problem i'm gonna i'm gonna zoom to the objective temperatures we have tier five oh sorry stam and you're literally like just like 100 in 10 seconds it's so crazy oh my i don't realize you can make the cars go so high you should have a spinning oh yeah a spinning wheel oh that'd be so good what's that sorry take that as a uh i was going to say do you want to hit the skull stairs thing because it's right next to our yeah our objective might as well tap it yeah it doesn't doesn't hurt it don't hurt brother brother all right oh we got another hold on this is going to be fun these i actually really like these ones plant the charges on the dark holdouts dude this area of the map just looks so this all right i love it thumbnails if you're listening or never listen to any point like listen to this this area is gorgeous like gorgeous it's so good does the youtuber type legit man yeah unfortunately it's still bad um it's not gonna unfortunately i'm ready he said my people need me all right uh oh we got that we got the good one over here now let me make sure i've got yeah i've got plenty of ammo i have a lot of points and i have no too much chat or nothing to spend it on monkey yeah that's that is a thing that i think we're gonna like continuously tap into your health what dude what go grab that armor that was over here oh you already checked that i was shooting forwards here like i think i just shot some random chat can you like let me know what the hell just just happened yeah yeah i just watched you like die when you were shooting that wall yeah uh if y'all could not back up so i don't break my own armor yeah wait i'm just gonna suck the wall right here and so like they'll just chunk off as they come in let's see if this works wait does that oh that's actually kind of lit hold on yeah if i slow and then you slow them down and i didn't suck yeah oh this is the the deadly duo right here [Music] wait this is working wait this is working it's a little dangerous for me this is working everything is fine fire another and another grabbing some ammo real quick yeah chad the brigand thing is a glitch will be fixed both ray guns bug take your armor if you shoot nothing too close it wasn't doing that to me yesterday though with this thing wait like this one doesn't have splash damage so uh if if we get an armor drop you should try it yeah oh dude can you imagine they tried to patch it and they made it worse yeah just instantly yeah break your arm right now look at this this is this is this is the metal we have mega time coming i'm gonna ring a fire okay okay yeah i gotta get away from that though give him give him the work boys has been given there's a death machine on the ground do this so so long it's not like i can't believe it's still going chance the insta kill that increases the longer you're in it oh yeah oh it's hot man it's hot thank you very very cool bro i'm praying for a reagan to come out one of these oh this is getting kind of spicy boys yeah i'm just holding my trigger down raygun go my check hold on trump's literally just like like there's all this chaos and he's like nose to the floor reagan oh milo there's some armor up there right run through and grab it yeah yeah yeah i all right i'm gonna like shoot the floor here and zip it the yeah palm it doesn't seem to be doing anything to me no like i'm i'm standing in the try the wall over there where you were shooting earlier maybe something specific with that i don't know what the hell it was i think he got muted i really do i think i was watching him though i didn't see the meat but sometimes they just hit like sometimes you just don't even see them yeah because it can go through walls as well so yeah and it's pretty dark in there i want to say he got muted but can't be sure jumped onto me and that's why maybe it could have been a shattered like a a weird player physics thing we'll never know all right the speedrun continues on to the next one it does yes indeedy i like how like this mode is or i mean we have our traditional zombies maps and then like this game mode is literally just optimized for co-op like like i mean traditional zombies co-op is fun enough but like this is it just enhanced on on drugs really it's great chop jumped through him and he lost his arm or probably a death barrier thing i mean maybe oh i think someone else is my in my chat saying it was me so maybe people think that it was chop jumping through me but actually it was the meat like you know how it like goes over your screen sometimes when you get hit by it yeah maybe that's what they were seeing i don't really know we have to we have to examine the visual evidence yeah but i just said it's because you didn't have any ada immediately get me out of this place do you reckon oh just one second someone said before we go dragon ring of fire works on death machine to oh i need to upgrade my thing hold on that machine is not insanely powerful as is i'm pretty sure it's literally just the chopper gunner gun without the chopper oh it's hitting oh it is hitting okay oh it it hit yeah is it it yep that's two panzers they're gone oh my god i ranked up from that milo you made uh if the death machine kills the order really fast in the final boss fight everybody's saying he got mega buffed order did like wait yeah really orders got hella buff like multiple mags of stoners don't even kill them now oh what oh no i need to go test it out for myself but that's what i'm hearing speed run has definitely changed then wait is there is there a bug right now where you you re-pick up a death machine and you get your ammo back or something yep oh well i i accidentally just did that so uh got a full death machine yeah yeah i saw that subnautica below zero comes out in may which means we finally give you a play almost around 10 gaming yeah let's go dude it's about to get real intense pretty good yeah i still don't have a right camping dude dude maybe the monkey threw the meat at me that would explain it the monkey to the meat all right yeah i feel like you're not gonna get a regular from anything else anyways uh i'm gonna pick you boys up here there's there's been legendary stuff in the side things i've been doing so i think there is a chance from that um like dragons and stuff you think uh yeah like the crate that i did and the the thing i just did just then i think there's there is a there is a possibility okay like if you want to go off and do that do that box and then i'll um where am i going oh i lost my tactical nuke oh there's a lot of tempest now okay gonna be one of those days love you both he got the same by the way let's go let's go um i have a donor that says okay this is ironic i have a donut that says say hi to milo and i think he just muted to read the same thing um but i was going to ask you guys a question from it too oh my my sister said don't tell milo hi oh hi how's it going oh my god right now and get my um get my armor because i feel like i'm just going to be too squishy otherwise i'm leaving you with quite a lot of zombies though sorry it's okay i have it again oh my god how's it going trump um pretty good mangoes are tanking a little bit but i'm doing all right okay good stuff just seeing what i can get out of this why is the merchant uh you just kill them all okay okay okay i killed uh i killed a tempest before you just just cruising past thanks brother rammed that snowmobile into it i have a lot of mimics yeah i was gonna ask like so in like 30 seconds what's your uh like overall opinions of outbreaks so far because there's a donation i got that was basically saying like they're skeptical and they don't know if it's actually as good as it sort of looks um what do you guys think it's my quick little blurb about it is it's the it's a actual fantastic starting point for what they could add for more stuff it's a concept that's what it is for me let's prove that this kind of thing works yeah i i think i agree with that it's like they they had an idea and they've they've actually executed it really really successfully which i was honestly not expecting i was kind of expecting it to be ring of light okay there's nothing scuffed about literally yeah oh which is so nice so so nice a little bit more than i could chew over here i'm coming back brother what's this oh god oh god yeah there's an orange power on the like i gotta have a crate if anyone wants it yeah i have one right now i'm seeing a ray gun though because the pines are on the roof just like oh that's that's you chop i i think i need help with this object no my armor i'm a little i'm a little tight up mourinho no dang no are you are you on b no i'm unbeaten yeah i'm running over as fast as i can to help you everything is so strong this is so sad i'll copy you while you put it in you guys i'll help you as soon as i can i have to kill these two things though yeah you're fine oh my god all right let's go grab hey does anybody need a free perk nope all good i need a ray gun dude all right that was a lot of zombies holy yep there's still a lot back there you ain't kidding yeah no if you want we could flip on these guys and i could ring them uh yeah let's do it all right i'm down okay do you have tombstones you want to revive yourself to keep your parts uh yeah wait oh i got him we'll keep your first might pick you up no it won't oh my bad i didn't know that oh okay it's okay i'm only a little bit in pain now you have a ray gun to con console you there we go that's that dead wire coming in handy there still nothing why was that mangler so chatty right there oh my gosh oh dude i thought it was a rake it's a stoner god damn it all right oh no oh gee mr what if i use ether shroud and then pick it up and i start zooming you know oh yeah that's true good job boys good job boys okay no i've uh i have not received the message to say hi to you as well okay yes i was i was wondering i was waiting it was only a matter of time brother well done well done right before we uh before we actually tp um armor anybody i think i think that might be a good idea uh yes let's do it at the the beacon yeah sounds good sweetie yeah i have like so many points i wish i could like just buy a ray gun for like a hundred thousand points come on ow i almost got one shot by that zombie there we go beautiful beautiful yeah yeah yeah yeah chad i fully don't expect any of you to actually know the answer to this but how much how much like like does replacing and like buying a new and then paying someone to replace a hot water heater usually cost too much and it seems very high they're trying to run they're trying to run it up right now dude they know the situation my guy definitely heard me streaming while he was down there working on it so here's the here's the super chess coming in he's like yo yeah those nukes yesterday they're gonna be paying his bills bro okay i have seen everything from 300 to 10k yeah this guy said 1400 at least geez 10k very funny college tuition right there yeah yeah yeah i was growing my kids at college but then i figured hot water would be better 2k ish dude i don't know who to trust because i don't know if like the person typing is like like this 32 year old like grizzled dude that like is a plumber in the chat or i don't know if it's literally like a four-year-old who just learned how to say when you're a child yeah yeah i don't know who to trust honestly at the end of the day they most they both might end up being right whoever they are so in my chat chat just said my hot water and heater installment cost 9.6 grand wow okay it's not that much it's not it's like a third of that why would it ever cost that much like like if they're doing all the what like piping in the house or something i guess that like makes more sense no this is just the unit outside for the tankless heater we have a tank that's fun i think it depends on like also the size of your house too i think that's a factor well it's it's the same thing like the everything's already hooked up it was just basically the unit itself needed to be taken out and then put a new unit on the wall and just connected to the existing stuff gotcha installation is super minimal if you're replacing yeah i guess that makes sense if you're literally just replacing a uh a unit sort of thing so so so is is is 3.7 k does that sound like it's too much because that sounded like more than i thought it was going to be to me that did it yourself and played 400 for the heater um i know that the tankless heaters do cost more okay but but you're also paying for installation right how many days was the installation though by how long did it take it was like literally like 40 minutes they gotta be ripping you off they're they're yeah i need to look i need to look oh here chad i'll tell chad chat here's the here's the uh the model how much does this cost okay it's a navian npe 240 a how much does that cost i'm about to do a no-nonsense guide little do they know that you have access to the internet you have a highly mobilized mobilized charomoba they're like young internet savvy people oh i always get multiple quotes do you realize that i had to call and this is not an exaggeration 82 different plumbers to get someone to come out because everyone was swapped because everybody's water heater broke in texas everybody oh my god that's crazy my god napping would be eighteen hundred dollars yeah that's what i'm seeing 1800 is wrong yeah that's what mason said around 2k yeah a little under 2k okay so i'm so so i don't know he so he he told me 2700 is what was like the total but i don't know if he already included the thousand dollar down payment i had to pay you know oh so i i should probably i should probably message and clarify that if it's 27 i feel like like if you're paying 2k for the unit like i guess it's i mean certainly a lot more reasonable than it being 3.7 like paying yeah stay with the rover that much could just be installed over 40 minutes surge charged because they're swamped oh 100 i was talking to the guy that when the first time it came out and he was like i've literally been sleeping four hours since this happened because i've been working so much wow i'm gonna try to get on the thing oh i missed it the thing said nope as soon as i got on the thing though every single zombie just whipped out there yeah tough scene okay the zombies here are getting really like this is getting really aggressive a little bit sketchy here actually it's getting a little aggressive over here yeah and there goes my armor good stuff i'm trying to stay near the thing just keep it moving i'll try and take out this mega i'm glad stims get absolutely clapped by uh the like or the hellhounds it just ate my entire stamina i didn't gain any help oh wow oh no oh it's not pretty dang it okay don't get me don't get me i'm gonna tombstone myself okay he's gonna try and crawl away a little bit first i fell through the world no way okay so should i revive your body wait wait no you're dead dead are you serious treyarch oh no no oh you have your tombstone your team's here though shake would you reckon there's a timer i don't know that is a wonderful question that is so bad oh no my boy got deleted genuinely deleted i guess like once you do the objective just like if we can hang around for a little bit yeah yeah we will someone says there's a timer okay well okay so we'll try and uh finish this and as soon as that's done hopefully it spawns you back in dude what is that portal in front of did you see that noah yeah it's repairing these or it's like closing them oh oh i'm i'm back i'm back in i'm back in here go grab that stash timer was like a minute and a half what the hell is pretty good i'm yeah i mean okay notice yourself tombstone kind of kind of sucks but also at least i'm back it saved you it saved your stuff at least yeah at least it did that yeah that was very clutch oh this drake's waiting for milo wait oh i got shocked why does it say i have zero money now do you have your guns at least i have my why did i even buy that thing what was the point isn't it the whole point is i'm broke it literally said it cost 25k and it took a hundred grand from me and now i have no perks and no money oh i spawned with 25k and it cost 25k oh so it robs for points if you if you die you're me i literally got robbed it was daylight robbery right there oh that's the panzer i'm gonna be yeah i'm gonna just be like running away from you guys for the rest of this if you're interested yeah yeah just do your thing we got you dude we'll get you we'll give you some honestly yeah we can hang around here and get you set back up as much as possible before we go yeah i think we might need to just take her take a sec to yeah oh there you go you got 30 grand how about that oh there he goes i mean i'm not complaining but also i'm so lost as to what's going on right now i'm so confused oh my god dude that wasn't such a range of emotions from like from like sad to oh it's okay i have tombstone to falling through the map okay i'm back already it's only been a minute to losing out all of your points don't have any bursts to oh it's all back i got 30 grand the emotional rollercoaster of outbreak my guy just experienced more emotions than we have in the last in the entirety of bo4 yeah legit that was wild my guy bloodshot wanted to tell both of you guys hi he donated one to say hello to both i'm gonna die again boys okay i am close i have two armor yeah i uh i got tricked by a mimic that was a box oh he's coming he's coming wait there he oh my god okay okay bless we've made it through that all right let's get let's get to the portal let's get out of here we can leave yeah there's no reason for us to be doing this right now whereabouts is the park machine over there no you just got needed you weren't even in like a good spot what's all that yeah yeah it happens sometimes i really i honestly think trout should just get rid of the meat entirely like i don't like it it's so it's like it's such a good idea to a problem when it's actually being used correctly but so much of the time they just throw me at you and it's just not how that's meant to work yeah i i don't i don't see it like ever i hate me so much dude are you kidding me i'm bringing the ford truck i just bought all my perks i can two stone shadow but then it's gonna put do i risk it do it do it do it yeah yeah we can cover okay okay okay i'm here i will cover your shadow streamer thank you i am feedback it's not covering me that's teabagging me okay yeah i mean i need let's get out of here wait did it did it reduce how much armor i have i only have two armor now oh yeah you're two slots now what is going on man this map is cursed we need to get out of here it is so cold agreed let me let me buy my next i'm gonna buy a chocolate i've never had to rebuy my third armor thing before that's so weird and can i even afford any parts i can't oh my god let's get out of here this is very cursed we gotta oh crikey where's jc jc was the rock we didn't none of this happened when we had jc truth okay that's a good idea i should get self-respect we need that sucks so much one little slip up and then just calamity since then um all right there's a crossing bench on the left here i'm i should probably go buy a self hey guys i have a really fun challenge for everybody in the chat room let's let's let's not try to talk about xbox being down for five minutes please dude that would be crazy if i have literally read about 10 000 xbox messages in my chat room today and i'm trying not to let it annoy me but it's getting to that point chat i understand i think everybody knows please stop i beg of you stop saving anymore yeah it's a good idea chat i'm not gonna lie he's gotta he's got a point he's got a point oh my god like bro i understand the world doesn't revolve around xbox though i'm down i'm down tremendous right now my turn got me down tremendous okay i'm coming back over to you guys with myself perez equipped are you doing the side the side objective here uh i was i was just being sad but yeah i think i was doing that unintentionally at the same time okay gotcha is this backpack a weak spot wait no you haven't you haven't activated i don't think oh have you yeah okay yeah yeah this way we got the soul dead money please give money that's what you want to what right shop that's what you're looking for right there yes sir m60 let's go oh hello a horde of dogs i think i'm gonna become a plumber i don't think i want to be a streamer anymore you do the same right now okay this is a rough rough couple of minutes i'm going through here all right i'm going to spawn the boss yes sir can we can we oh i wish i i mean i understand why they why they do have like different health like things like they they split it up keeping me safe right now i nice he's a moon which means the zombie's gonna despawn my whole chat's now saying n64 is down thanks guys i really appreciate that it's been down since 1996 too the hub is down stop it oh boy oh he gave me the suck all right did you did you used to be able to uh stun the panzers in uh in garage before they shot uh i can't remember to be honest it's been too long cannot remember zombies are definitely moving now they certainly are do not let it escape finish it off is down that is the truth you are telling no lies that's zune music is down oh my god soldier console is whoa that's great oh there's a lot of zombies behind us i'm gonna ring a fire and annihilate this guy because i'm tired of looking at him yeah back he ran away he ran away unfair yeah at least i have 20k now i can spend some skrilla milo is down [Music] if this message has anything to do about xbox being down i'm ending the stream noah did you know this box is down so can i get some nuke emojis in the chat for your boy billy with the 100 donation thank you so much for the donation also i literally hate you dark no heart randy up church daniel shaw jr thanks for being coming to tier one member and ryan french thanks for becoming a tier three set this is actually a perfect idea here's what we're gonna do right here's what we're gonna do we are going to make it so only members can tell me xbox is down i think it's perfect if you if you if you haven't already become a channel member it's super easy you're watching the stream uh you go down here you click the like button you click the subscribe button and then you click the join button you can pick from three different tiers that are different prices per month it's a super super cool way to support the stream and you can tell me that xbox is down in members only channel as in that pog matthew whenever so many people are spamming you don't have to worry about timing people out i i this this is how i have to deal with it there's no that's not on the mobs when that many people are doing it don't worry about that don't worry about it don't don't worry about it but but i appreciate the attempt because you just took on literally the entire world um members only yes members only only members are allowed to tell me that xbox is down i appreciate the valiant effort but don't worry about it there was a donation that came in and i said if this donation says anything about xbox i'm ending my stream and the first words were noah did you know that xbox is down and then i just went to a technical difficulty screen oh okay oh my god there's oh my god that is are there so many bosses in this room like jesus what the they were having a party in that dude better be some loot in there i hope they were keeping keeping two meters apart what the hell bro there's so much stuff running out of this there's literally 100 points in here yes sir okay lads this is the round where we capped out on yesterday we crashed oh yeah see what we can do we also definitely have super spread liverpool harry potter too liverpool harry thanks for becoming tier one um thanks for this year one nicholas i still have not seen another reagan and i am kind of depressed about it but yeah i'm i'm kind of shocked that it's uh we just need the right objective and you'll get it 100 i think it's actually this one that we get a bunch of them on i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna be really sad if i don't i can be so [ __ ] all the way down here yeah it's so cool just like the ski trip just like pokey trip you guys know your team has been eliminated yeah i'm sorry to report that you've died i'm gonna go upstairs and craft some uh monkey bombs before we start this great call yep nice call i'm gonna help you i am gonna i'm gonna make a i wanna make a death machine or something yeah that's a good that's a good shot where's the thing here yeah boy we're gonna blast that downstairs bro where is this thing at why is it mine idiot what are you looking for i'm looking for the crafting bed is it upstairs um it is yeah it is i think it is up here you have to climb oh that's so sneaky right here brother yeah i'm gonna make i'm gonna make some decoys and let's get i already have a shopping okay i'll just keep that yeah i'll uh i'll probably get um yeah i'll go for monkeys thanks for coming remember okay this will be really good for what we're about to do this is going to be we do need to make sure we're clearing zombies off the uh data station because it it does take a lot of damage let's hold open okay i got i got to talk wait so i can just watch you do that oh yeah you should start care yeah i got this dude with them sprinting like that is actually like it's so much more difficult this this i feel like they come in so fast you don't have time to react to it they're just in so yeah it's good [Applause] you're the boss enemy save those specialists for for that time yeah prepare yourself i'm gonna fire in my laser oh man oh i wish i hope they implement order somehow in this i'll be so sick i would love that i would love it so i'm getting i'm getting meted oh no i'm not yeah they need to get word in here somehow uh-huh what's coming in watch out dogs oh also megaton yup beaming them nice just because like why not kind of thing yeah yeah yeah yeah go for a gopro you have you have dead wire milo yeah what's up yeah go ahead go on this video another time i'm gonna i'm gonna re-monkey since we have a lot of bosses running in got the mega or got the first mega dead at least my armor just broke my arms xbox is down let me revive myself let me revive myself okay that's a ray k i don't know if i really want that actually i died oh my god i'm dead i'm i'm in my tropicana wait are you fully dead i'm fully dead i i got a megaton slapped while i was oh my god shop are you good in there i've got no armor when i get out of this chopper tropicana uh do i want it for the shockwave yes don't use it though oh no oh my satellite uplink you got to defend it milo ring of fire okay yep no okay i'm gonna see if this works you have to you have to get out and defend it we have 17 seconds just stall for 17 seconds i think it's fine i think it's fine i think it's fine it's fine it's gonna be close oh my god it's gonna be close we're trying to get bullets in there oh i'm alive what's this i think we got it oh i'm beaming it it's done complete wow geez those are tough oh my god wow yeah immediately hopefully they might even learn i'm glad you're wondering oh the stupid ray gun broke all my armor oh yeah yeah i still don't have a ray gun either let's get out of here we are down down tremendous right now we got to go yeah that was let me get set back up though yeah that was a tough time i was like why is the person i'm spectating standing still and then i realized oh my god that's amazing bryce heinz thanks for got upgrading tier 2 are you using right now i am indeed yes is it still doing work at all um honestly a lot of that i was actually using my shotgun because i was just like yeah i wanted to just be like spraying into megatons and stuff with it i think we could use some explosions some like slow slow explosion things there yeah yeah i probably uh that might have been a good thing to swap over to where's the perks here right here bacon i like the bacon i need uh i need the armor station here we go all right well we we came out of that one with our tail between our legs yeah yeah that was nice that was scarce uh is there anything else that we need to do before we go like you guys got choppers you got support streaks like all that stuff yeah i almost want to just go to the next thing and not waste any uh resources on any other things no i just mean like in terms of buying stuff like making sure i've got everything in my loadout yeah i'm good well that was like that was really good like it was obviously sketchy for us but like i like the fact that it was sketchy like that's a really good thing for the moment i've been obsessing over your videos at this point your vids d hey thank you nick uh thanks for the 10. appreciate that station isn't down long yeah thank you okay thanks for uh you need money or need to get perks just i just need to get them i literally was looking at everything else like what else in my loadout might i need and i just didn't look at my perks at all so dude it looks so weird having legendary weapons that's a wall bye i might actually use the uh that's so weird oh my god are they going to meet me don't meet me don't meet me don't leave me don't leave me don't hear me don't hear me don't hear me don't meet me don't meet me you getting muted i'm getting muted gotta hold out here you all want to do the uh the little boxing over here real quick [Music] should we do it what do you guys think i mean we can maybe knock it out real quick or we can just move i i don't know i mean the only thing that really needs to break i think we should pass it yeah i mean i hold out all right let me grab my i bet zombies are gonna spawn on me in here please no go be no zombies gold uh yeah i'll buy tombstone where the hell not gold 50 50 chance actually helps the actual tombstone stone has come in clutch a lot right yes yeah to some extent oh is that what got you back in just then yeah okay two for two on that on that aspect i i i mean tuesday is a good perk for just not for her solo dude i love how it's only good when you don't have a self-revive yeah i thought it slows you down when you get near this yeah it's kind of cool oh damn all right let's get it boys what the the uh crystal just told me it means that's no harm you're like yo oh my god he just powered through that was quick okay i'll i'll uh i'll hold barrier here all right i'm just slowing them yeah yeah so yeah chop basically if you need i'm gonna be focusing the front the whole time okay okay yeah you slow call you cocktail milo yep yep yep i'll stand here so if i pop my ring of fire everybody gets it yeah and then also i might need to like jiggle around a little bit so be careful not to hit yourself got this should i shoot it like in the doorway there do you think or like a little i think that's good because then i can actually see what i need to shoot okay yeah are they there oh yeah there's one are y'all how y'all looking it's chill right now very chill right now yeah same same here okay we got this health payload brother you're fine yeah here we go good news is um there's a lot of crystal so far thank you xbox live is down hashtag no gs yes yes please do not break down the whole barrier mimic please no that's illegal that's so annoying okay i've got my armor's gone sorry yeah i i i wanted to shoot for chop i'm gonna grab this double points oh there's some megaton here coming in my way all right i'm gonna i'm gonna ring a fire here okay great split yeah we seem to kill this yeah they didn't nerf the reload cancel lots uh is there still a way you can do it or like is it just non-existent no no split that one too there's a third megaton god chill out uh drop your ring of fire yep i'm not gonna lie boys this is a bit sketchy right throwing a monkey monkey out yep focus megatons right now yeah yeah i'm how's the game not crashing yeah this is actually a bit a bit insane do they drop any weapons oh yeah nothing there's a war machine which we've used i need that spirit free speed cola i'm good now well that was a chaos not gonna lie right what three black green black screen i've got black screen okay let's come back let's come back are you back that was spooky as hell i'm gonna try to hold warm up my uh there's that there's a max ammo out there okay yo yo yo yo kid i'll shoot for you oh i'm uh i'm throwing a monkey right now monkey out now i'm one hp i'm gonna focus on focus megaton now now i gotta eat throughout nice that's so good 30 seconds boys don't use the ray gun right now you're not gonna do any damage yeah yeah okay this is dangerous we got megaton blasters coming in oh this is very dangerous i just stunned in here i'm gonna die too hold on stay alive eight seconds just stay alive no i can self press do i need to even be up for it to do the thing i'm gonna raise myself now okay oh my god okay oh my god you got your guns poisoned right oh my god it's getting spicy this is getting real i think we need to maybe think about filtering the strap for that one a little bit yeah oh my god that's getting spicy monkey this is gonna be a waste of points but i just want to see how fast the mystery box goes now until next time it's not even that much faster oh it's not oh i didn't i didn't upgrade speed call it nevermind oh right stop warning remember everyone's long perks now be careful let's get out of here let's go straight to the anomaly oh my god those are insane now we need to make sure we have full like everybody has monkeys like yeah dude i think there was one decoy i threw in the middle of it that was like so so lucky because i ran out like completely out of the room and back in and nothing touched me and i was on like like 50 hp he was so so close i think what i need to do is i just need to make sure i'm switching to my shotgun the the megatons are the problem that's like that's 100 percent in we can deal with zombies yeah like i've got i've got dead wire but i can't switch because i'm needing to slow stuff down with a ray k so like i i can't use the shotgun in the situation i'm gonna switch i'm gonna switch to uh watch yourself fire no doggy um i'm gonna switch to fire and whenever we get no no no no deadweight deadline yeah that's what i mean uh dead wider and whenever those guys come i'm going to switch to my shotgun and melt them yep i think that's i think that's the way i i definitely think we need one ray-k to slow the enemies like that's so crucial yeah i i think two i think two is a little redundant i think we'll be fine with just one i also get self-resist boys the good thing about oh yes yes yes yes yes very good shot um oh i already got one oh i didn't use it because yeah i waited for you to pick me up gotcha yeah okay um uh so the cruisers and the chopper gunners are not available in that so yeah that's a little rough well um what else is available i'm trying to think of what the war machine war machine would be really good for that i think i think death machine is better so you know kill yourself with this very very very true yeah so decoy grenades just might not be bad for that either i've got some uh what's it called monks yeah monks yep all right um yeah i am uh set back up raygun fully upgraded i'd be chillin oh you've already got okay nice awesome yep that's that's perfect all right i'm ready dude yeah it's just so pretty man i think the one good thing about having um a second rayquay person is that there's someone then to pop the to pop them because like obviously i i'm literally just slowing it like in that situation i was just shooting the all fire and never actually popping them because it would just would have been too chaotic uh i feel you so like if we did have that that might help us with wave clear but obviously it doesn't insta-kill stuff like this high around so maybe that's maybe it's less useful it's the slow stuff and then like shotguns and regular ray guns will do the damage this is good because it's actually making us like sit here and strategize you know yeah which i love but i love that this is good retrieve this one we should all go together we should go one at a time do it baby oh it's retrieve my this is gonna be sketch man um oh god okay yeah so we'll have one designated runner and then yeah two covers so who is your designated driver wait are you the driver of the dark ether that's honestly we can literally put those things in the ford truck like you can get in the truck with them i don't think we should because if it blows up all of our armor and all of our health has gone on all three of us at one time i think we should just run it fair enough okay okay before we do it can we make sure we've got nothing chasing us before we activate yeah cause like right now there's like a load of zappy boys on us and stuff looks like the undead got here before us my team will finish the job ethereum dude stop meeting me for no reason zombies all right i think it's clear over here yeah yeah hold up hold up hold up hold up let me just make sure that there's like there's some stragglers that are coming i just feel like we should uh clear up the loose end if we can um i don't think there's anything more than i can get right now yeah i'm pretty i'm pretty much solid pretty cranky right crank brother oh there is a gold uh yeah there's two yeah megahertz fair um dude are we getting meated i hear meat yeah we are good across the world bro see that that's gotta go man i guess it's such a bad feature like it's so good for when people are glitching out the map or whatever but it's gonna be let's go let's go yeah megaton we're gonna focus this guy milo do you have stamina uh fully upgraded all okay i'm gonna get around these ones i'm gonna i'm gonna join the thing okay i'm just i'm gonna i'm gonna pull running back this real quick yep i mean honestly if me and noah like have like zombie aggro here you might be able to sneak around the area a little bit yeah yeah actually good idea all right it's on itself all right yeah i'm using a blast yup yup yup yup i'm throwing a monkey okay monkey going in we got it we got a sold out we got a soul that i'm gonna ring a fire for it i'm i'm getting muted what yeah the meat all right all right it's getting spicy but i'm doing i'm good i'm good yeah i'm with you i'm with you did you cover the front uh you want to cover your front or back another soul that are you serious i'll get front oh you should watch my back yep okay my arm is broken oh make it sound up front i'm gonna i'm gonna go into chopper i feel like that's gonna give you guys good covering fire all right yeah just just cover kind of cover on me yep uh yeah cover him for the uh yeah i'm trying to almost done got it nice all right um my armor's not looking too hot um i can grab the second one if you all want i'm like headed there right now you're gonna snag this thing uh yeah go for it actually i have a chopper gun or somebody else wants to grab it oh wait it's saying i can't use mine maybe mine was in the air i just finished i just i just got out of mine i'll grab it then chop all for right gotcha um yeah i'm ominous right now boy so i'm kind of useless i'm not gonna lie okay oh it's fine i got it operator on the move just uh just give me some comms like what's uh let's go watch out this fire i'm tracking your decoy back there yeah i have no more equipment oh my god there's so many okay i'm using jumper gunner i'm gonna kill this yeah yeah go for it go for it go for it this is what it's here for just providing i'm just gonna keep trying to slow for you now like slow behind us okay so you go through the trees perfect yeah okay we're at the thing now i got you i got you loading oh my god oh watch out for fire i forgot goodbye no oh dear all right all right i need armor badly chat if you want the uh the the dude to talk and everything like that make sure you use the link in the description yeah sure strauss i do and i doubted it where's our anomaly oh it's for the left okay um yeah i need some armor thank you thanks for uh those donuts guys are all pretty good on goats and cars thanks thanks guys yeah my i am burning through my bed can i we'd have to stick around and farm here for a little bit yeah which wouldn't which wouldn't be awful to be honest i feel like if we did it methodically it wouldn't it wouldn't be terrible i kind of like the chaos i kind of like being down bad yeah that's that is it's uh it's a different kind of feeling you know what i'm saying yeah um all right i will go another chopper is there an ammo box here uh that should be i thought there was i don't see it uh it's over here don't you get a match from new telly yeah you do yeah i'm pretty sure you do okay okay nevermind uh let me get arma these monkeys are burning through my salvage i think i'm good now looking at my loadout yeah i think so i still i can't help but wonder like maybe i shouldn't have this shotgun maybe there's something else i should you know after this next objective can we like pause it for once again should it get i really need some water soon we couldn't even drink our water for a week because it was like poopy poop of water that's right thank you to your two members appreciate it all right so this one's an escort oh this one's dude this one was low-key hard when we did it uh that's on this map yeah yeah you ready to buckle in for some boys try hard panties on i think i'm gonna switch my uh i'm gonna switch my class real quick actually while your paws can i get water and go for it all right are you not using ring then i'll be your background um not for the one that's moving because the one that's moving is kind of tough to use the ring on i just feel like when you get to like i mean yeah oh no i i forgot i forgot was not here yeah um i feel like when that when you get to the place where it stops the like wave that comes forward it could be useful to use on that but i also maybe i'm like yeah i i'm gonna try out frenzied guard i want to see how the armor replenishing works and i want to see if it'll help with this step do you have it maxed no okay so it'll be 10 seconds of no zombies 10 seconds of oh activation repairs your armor to full enemies you kill repair temperatures in your armor normal enemies explode after hitting you increase duration to fifty seconds opinions on xp i feel like it's really alone yes i feel the same so what's the they don't think right now yeah i'm thinking of changing it to like to maybe to shutter blast the best strat for hold out is pretty true some kind of different weapon i don't know what but like i feel like there's there's got to be something i could use this better than the shotty here for for what my like my role is in the game i guess before slowing the zombies sure but maybe i don't know like maybe like like an rpg or something like maybe that would be a better move i really don't know are yours upgraded um i have the god shotgun so someone someone made this point in the chat uh that if you get oh well i mean this this is like a future game thing but if if we get uh tier four a frenzy or uh sorry um turns you can put turned on your shotgun whip it shoot a mimic or a mangler or a megaton and then use that please that would be huge that is that is very true yeah also um what i was asking like if you upgraded your weapon class of like your launchers because like some of the upgrades deal like tons of damage to special enemies i bought them at tier three okay i think you need four and five i'm pretty sure the other way yeah how much we just need four or five yeah alrighty schedule gamers yes okay so everybody got a chopper gunner yeah yeah i have a death machine yeah okay uh no i will probably have you use yours last maybe all right i'm gonna stay by the car because we all left it and it stopped [Applause] one of you guys run ahead a bit yes because then i feel like we'll have uh like slightly spread spawns which we'll just be a little bit more aggressive on them as they come out yeah the bit behind it is working and then we're gonna probably have a big horde coming out here i don't think it comes out of the first one i think it's only the last one it's always the last one is it okay that's actually really good it's about to launch here though yeah that's fine we should focus this panzer whenever it launches yeah but it'll die when it launches i think on it oh yeah you're right okay we're trying to dilute this blowing slowing the panzer oh that's really useful oh i put on the wrong class okay hold on i gotta switch it one more time oh my god how did that happen i don't know oh we got spawning left side transformation uh yeah if we get to take care of these little groups at before they even get to us that's like the best thing yeah that really is is the one man on the rover just like oh my god okay lads they are hitting hard now not only if that's they are hitting hard yep and my arm is gone we need to kill the shock zombies yeah yeah nice remember we have a chopper if we need guys and there's no time limit on this as long as they're not hitting it we'll we're fine yeah yeah and the the uh the ray k has been really good for like slowing them down when they're on it it's doing a really good job with that so far yeah oh let's go in there hold up big work yep beautiful almost died going for that but that was for the boys that was truly for the boys spooky moments all right that's going to tell us just in case there is stuff between us i'm thinking about using my chopper gunner on this one i think that might be a good idea there's ammo in that little house by the way if you'll need it it's gonna keep sliding for you okay okay okay nice let's get that all that dis big panther yeah behind the truck i'm focusing it yeah are you focused i'm gonna i'm gonna stay on on car we are a well oiled machine well oiled mate now uh i'm just gonna try to charge up the rest of this okay you can shoot into the anomaly i i lost it okay no no no here we go i'm gonna try this i'm gonna literally just leave them all away with frenzied guards okay you need to run it in i mean there's actually that was actually really easy okay sick sick we're we're crazy black people as well nice boys we are maximum levels of we are receiving now nerd right now yeah exactly my thoughts exactly dude i know it's just yes sir i mean it was a good idea but it was useless no no yeah like did you even have to use your chopper under there milo no i didn't which is really really good yeah if i can save one save on that salvage that's really handy i do need to replenish mine oh run through this building fast this is where you just lose all your armor because the zombies spawn everywhere oh yes sir i am getting out of here i don't even want to think about that i need a pet i need a pet i need a pet i need a pet come here dog [Laughter] in quick succession got my priorities straight you know absolutely dude wouldn't have any other blow ups that was really sad that little plus five was the saddest plus five i've ever seen all right beacons active boys i mean pretty pretty much good i didn't really spend it yeah i just need armor and then i'm i'm i'm sorted yeah i think that was that was actually a really good one i need to get a chopper gunner choppa what you're going on where is it oh it's over here i also i wonder if like what lethals are you guys picking up also should i put turned on should i just do it um you know what nah i have elemental pop and i'm getting turns every once in a while so like you're kind of just gonna passively get them i feel like anyways i just did it for as a yolo for the boys we'll see what happens it might suck but i'm literally going to just use it to like try and turn like a zombie and then just turn back like it may be useless but i can always switch not a secret monkey bomb an outbreak on kolova six yeah it's yeah did we just book it straight there always dude go for it i think probably yeah let's see the only thing we can do a race cell there oh are you sure no jayhead hey look listen you got the you got the you got the sprint i got the long term game dude i got okay you're really fast he's ringing no no no no no no no no i still got the long term game 200 meters that's more than enough to catch up dude okay okay okay in before trump just pops it again again second second win baby just has another one somehow okay reminder on this one uh look down look down look straight at the ground don't look at the laser so it doesn't crash yep the son where is the lad where is the lad there is no lad only pain only pain oh you you all have a lot of zombies dude yes yes the guy's on the roof wait is he that's toe yeah that's actually dope oh my god that's so cool that's like epic boss entrance yeah what a guy what what a show-off is his name zumba oh actually it's a rude sandstorm all right he's moving he's moving okay that means the zombie's gonna die job jump man i i gotta say i just love it when the zombies die dude yep same man my favorite part always a good feeling target reacquired so fast i'm so quick i also really like barging for all the doors like that is just such a cool thing to have in zombies now i like shooting him no oh my god i freaking hate the armor glitch it makes me very sad yeah as a rough okay he's moving oh wow you okay you ringified him yeah nice if you want to use ring for the last one we can there yeah we can just delete it that was so quick did reagan ring a fire ring that one nice position sick actually i'm gonna try to get some armor out of these oh hog you [ __ ] you you gotta fly come on let's go on the roof yeah yeah can you do that oh my god you can that's amazing bring right here right here right here yep i'm going the wrong way he's splitting i'm going to spyway oh my oh my god i'm going this i'm going to super spyway i fell down noah yeah i got was getting clapped by those zombies there oh ring of fire please die thank god harry did you throw your name in the goblet of fire you throw your name into the goblin okay well that was again like decently clean we uh we got a little crazy at the end but it was it was honestly still like kind of you guys didn't see my super spy engine technique did you repel down from the ceiling well i went in from the very top and i like like jumped onto the chandelier and parachuted into the church oh nice love that yeah i mean i turned a few zombies that round but like i don't think that i don't think turning them was really yeah i don't think it made any difference to anything uh i might try shatterblast next well like is there a way to check what skill tears you've upgraded no no okay do i go back to doing a right to it wonderful whatever i wonder if this does um i'm going to try shadowblast the last environment yeah i literally bought deadwire and then i was like shadowblast this is the man that that needed two thousand points earlier uh love for this briefing for one eye the pleasure becoming a member keep it up yo thank you the main delorean appreciate you we've lost confidence oh is on me always jumps out of the ford truck always having time i'm a really good driver so yeah i believe you i believe you full speed i'm not taking my finger off the w key okay i don't believe you here we go there we go we don't get blown up it's the tempest that i'm worried about as long as we don't see it that's a stop sign it's now go sign let's get it and no tree either oh and no rock either oh very good very good very good honestly that was some clean driving oj there's a lot of them hello hello head please defend my head okay here we go it is a gaming time oh he's dead a lot of them yeah why they just like explode sometimes even oh god even like when their health isn't that low they just pass away oh that guy's flying super spinner manglers are not kosher they're not kosher give me your thoughts here big boy straps right big boy straps one person like it's a two-person special set up one-person ring of fire one person a frenzy guard frenzy guard guy just takes all of the aggro for everything the other two players stand in the ring of fire and absolutely blast anything they want to and they don't have to worry about shooting the normal zombies they can just kill bosses kind of like that yeah kind of like that cracked or not great it's pretty good it's uh it's it's a theory we gotta try out you know what i'm saying it's a thing we gotta test i'm theory crap in here you know yeah yeah i feel you honestly i'm just counting out the ones until we get another hold out yeah yeah i thought uh that last one was a little spooky you like that one chat oh sorry y'all are still talking about xbox two hours later oh my god do not go back do not i'm a little low on what i'm over here i'm gonna throw some nades brothers throw them explosives expenses are becoming more and more useful to use okay this is what this one's actually pretty easy it's just like the one on the snow map is dropped yeah that one is really hard you go there we go good job big kaboom [Applause] big kaboom we are going crazy on the sticks going crazy oh my god i got lost by that mangler i think i think around 20 is within our reach i i do as well i reckon we can make it around 20 is absolutely within our grasp today round 20 tomorrow around 100. [Music] megaton coming in from the back here i realize the head is like groaning yeah he's like oh hello i'm gonna i'm gonna ring a fire right in front of the thing okay sounds good oh my armor yep same oh my armor throwing a monkey yeah can we get members only please this console i cannot wait to fix this glitch genuinely that makes that will make my heart so happy yeah okay that was like that was good easy it was good but also having no armor is just so horrible in this game yeah it is so bad cheers oh no this game has that thing where you hear different quotes that's my number one gripe about apex legends is that the voice legs are consistent for everybody um yeah that's rough it's just like if there's a trick and the aat hits it on its last bar it'll stop it splitting wait as in it'll glitch poops will it glitch and not like die will it just be infinitely alive or will it just insta die what's the cost of the first time um pretty crazy uh i'll show you all after this game oh close enough that's where i wanted to park it so okay honestly i'm gonna change over to uh frenzied guard and i think y'all should um should i keep my wrangler no yeah y'all should use ring and i'll use frenzy guard and whenever we need to melt some bosses i'll pop it y'all stand in the ring and kill everything while i'm trying to survive you'll pop it will drop it understood yep pop it lock and drop it where is the oh yeah we go armor more go all right boys round 20 incoming that's freaking go first in the world first on the wall all right 18 rounds here we go boys here we freaking go boys there's a monk of tos in the shower is that ram rash the monkey os all righty harder see but at this point it's for 18 it's like but does it though you know is it actually getting harder we just technically the only thing i mean i think that i think everything's at max health i think technically the only thing that can get harder is higher percentage of zombie sprinters yeah yeah yeah which definitely is happening yeah yeah they have an absolutely speed right now it's also like not as easy to tell that they're super sprinting because the map's so open like it they almost seem slower but it's really just you have more area to work yeah all right well we gotta hold out boys here we go yeah um uh i'm kind of wondering would it be better for me to like do i want shatter blast or dead wire for this shatter blast i think that's what i'm running as well yeah i mean if you wanted dead wire gopher because i'm wrapping shutter blast okay i'm probably not gonna even switch like to my other gun i'm probably gonna have to just keep the raycast slower out at all times but i can't even use the ford truck there's so many tempest now i'm crying all right so that's that's the point if we start dude it keeps switching my my class back to what i i mean originally yeah sometimes you have to do it twice this way um i think you want this right away yeah yeah so we don't take any armor damage before we go yeah starting yep around 20 gameplay will be sick it's like around 200 pokemon direct tomorrow oh absolutely i'm gonna watch that i feel like the round 20 on here is equivalent to like around 100 in a real map not that much time yeah as far as time hold out room over here boys uh oh this is i'm a little scared it's better than running around i'll tell you that much you're gonna lose your armor in about 10 seconds we need the sleeve do we have a rake yeah we do we do we do okay yeah let's do that then just slow them up i i like the thing is is you guys need to make sure you keep your armor by like like like i'll try not to move but i'm gonna i'm gonna need to move a little bit so just don't back up stay stay close to the door we'll appreciate it like not backing up is uh that's the way i get i get an angle right here and i get a shotgun let's keep that armor on the floor okay yeah let's keep the armor on the floor because um oh yeah you reagan noah i'll shotgun right here okay reloading all right what is okay i literally hit my the back wall right wait julia's armor yeah i had to pick it up sag okay this actually might work okay with bosses though uh just make sure your ring fires right just yeah call call for the boss i've got ring no do you have a ring uh no i'm using the uh friends of yards i need to go out and just look for ammo no ammo streamer no i'm uh get back in streamers i'm kneading i'm gonna start my troubles standing okay just like i'm moving over now okay oh there's a nuke uh grab that whenever you see that i was gonna grab it uh we should use this opportunity to delete this boss and there's another one outside delete them another mangler okay i'll although barriers you guys go ahead you go for it good job do we not have megatons on this i'll just clip through the wall and go back out let the barriers settle okay mimic yep oh no my armor oh my god oh my god my armor again son mimick slow no jump ring i i'm using a frenzy oh sorry sorry yeah i already asked that didn't i beautiful okay well this is gonna be it's really just the the uh megatons that are yeah okay he's splitting okay as soon as he finishes splitting drop ring whoever's out there you need to get in here i i can't call i'm throwing a monkey right now monkey now ring down ring is down nice let's go beautiful this is about okay get in here get in here get in here i have a monkey down okay okay good job fellas another megaton i'm gonna try to peek out there and what am i getting hit by losing incremental health there's those fire on the floor okay i i've been clapping this megaton so he should be at least a little low health coming in here oh yeah i split him i split him 30 seconds fellas yeah easy clappers split up no c split we might need to get the hell out of here actually uh gonna keep spamming keep spinning keeps keep spamming we got ten seconds i'm frenzy guarding i'm frenzy guarding yep go for it go for it i'm just gonna keep spraying here we're fine we're fine boys i gotta eat their shroud in case too yeah no we're good we're good we're good dude this one's wild i love this yeah oh my gosh let's go let's go dude i ended with max armor let's freaking asking you shall receive brothers stood there firing the old fires and watching everything slowly weighed towards me while you just mowed it down that's great we are absolutely goaded wow we got a lot of freaking salvage too what do you guys think like 30 plus we had what like seven weeks after yesterday yeah like 16 i think it was 16 flawless and brought out so many after this dude yeah it's gonna be good okay let's around 100 boys all right uh but build new equipment and stuff if you need it uh i've got my chopper i've got my i think i'm good here to move i think i'm in a pearl remix hopefully brother that'd be pog uh does anyone know if you're allowed to restream the nintendo direct i'm gonna take it that you guys are good as well seeing is everyone just went silent oh yeah i was just i was asking my channel if they knew if you're allowed to restream nintendo directs oh my guess is you're not what's the verdict i know people will watch react to the smash stuff but i don't know if they're allowed to watch the whole thing um how are you all still grinding savage we haven't died if we haven't died we haven't stopped like that's just the way it goes man it's too good look at that look at the look at the numbers on the scoreboard here bro we're putting up numbers this is getting strike unhealthy sending you the call go retrieve date oh the retrieve ones are yeah retrieve is definitely sketch like we're gonna need to make make use of our choppers here for sure i kind of like these ones though especially on this map um everybody uh yeah to save time we could actually plant someone at the place where it's gonna go i think it's random though is it i think there's i think there's two locations where they technically can spawn i'm pretty sure also if you pick it up you're going to get immediately clapped yeah because they're by default and uh spawning a bunch of panzers and stuff as well yeah i saw the panzer and i clapped let's go my team will finish their work do be careful clearly my team yeah team sucks um okay yeah i'm ready are we just are we are we just going into it are we clearing out i'm clearing yeah i feel like we should we should clear out i'm kind of like not there leaving the premise just to be on the prowl i'm gonna start needing oh my bosses dude y'all chill we haven't even started the objective yet right yeah that's why we need to clear it out if we just left them there that would be making our life so much harder all right cool i think i think it's good you ready hold on hold on hold on hold on you're here really yeah it's dead over here okay we're good we're nearly we're nearly there yeah there's some in the house as well that i'm a little worried about i don't know what's actually in there i think we can run away from it all right okay disengage okay canister and bring it to the rocket can you get crystals an onslaught i have no idea bro he really calls it aetherium aetherium he oh he's educated milo that's why no oh my god i'm on hb oh be careful streamer i lost all my all my armor in like one second um what the heck my 1911 just got upgraded for using the raygun what hello yeah that's not the thing what excuse me all right i'm grabbing the thing okay if you get in trouble if you look like you're gonna get in trouble let me know i'll pop friends of yard okay i lost it again never mind ignore everything i said because they've um yeah i'll get the other one too let me just run this one in yep okay i got a path to victory here decoys lit decoys lit hey guys are so good yeah nice i'm slowing it yep you're good you're totally clear totally clear perfect job i know you're getting you getting a yeah okay we did have a megaton squad in back here i kind of feel like i should hmm how am i doing for rare i've got a lot of rare i could i could chop her here all right go ahead yeah um if you need just spawned in on the objective as well so i feel all right all right um okay i'm gonna like stand in between you guys come help out a little bit here come this way no jay all right hopping in put that thing in nice what a clean run carried another jar and then we launched the rocket banks easy oh yeah banks yeah yeah yeah yeah i love that show dude that's crazy yo yeah but but you know about the show but you know about ada yo let's go my favorite song yes turn that up dude yes what's the world record for outbreak i don't know like is there one right now let's have you seen like no clue my friend i got muted watch out what's your favorite what you want i was getting muted too sad all right i'm ready we're not even in a glitch spot that's like this exactly exactly all right get us out get us out of here brother yeah all right we going we gotta refill my armor you're probably probably okay like that little dribble you'll get it back now we're at the 250. yeah i think i think having the extra spare making some tacos do you or any of the boys want through the rounds like crazy yes bryce i do all the tacos please thank you thank you my friend this is good stuff computer are you good no you know what's about to happen i am harder oh well okay yeah i mean that that is what happens oh we have to go to the up bro do you reckon that purpose will be putting on the other side of the world oh there's a jump pad right over here oh perfect the jump pads move around too interesting there's a panzer oh panzer you think you can jump and be all cool huh i mean he is kind of cool i'm not gonna lie no he's not there's actually two of them there was a huge wait there was right here way waypoint mark it's up here boys uh there was a huge thing of salvage like pre-spawned in the world that was like yeah was that green one yeah yeah i've seen those before they're uh chop are you are you ruling what climb on the container uh it's okay i'm just gonna take the ford truck okay okay in 30 minutes oh nevermind there's actually no in the map there's no fuel in the truck ford is out of business no no i mean now we're here now should we just start it or do you want to wait first it's been too easy recently brother no really about that chaos right now stop give them to me yo yeah yeah you're like guys this is going so well i feel like we're gonna be playing until the day of the night you know what i mean like crazy like like like if we keep going for much longer i'm gonna turn ancient evil dude like jesus i i i am leaving after this round no what happens when you shoot a zombie in it and it falls over what happens the blood of the dead comes out dude that's that's crazy i'm literally leaving after this round i'm not going why are you leaving oh wait no never mind that it's classified dude yeah yeah all right we gotta head out are there any more maps i can't remember we gotta actually head out as individuals of the society don't even worry about it dude don't even worry about timing people out honestly i'm over it i have a truffle gun are you right chat thank you oh i just popped my ring because i just got spooked yeah no prob i i have a chopper if we need it actually i'm gonna go and use it right now because there's a megaton maybe i didn't need to use it there but i wanted to i certainly wanted to good luck no oh bad nuke bad nuke no way jay no i needed to change my thing again because it won't stay on the thing i want it to stay on he's not he's he's just chilling dude yeah it's gonna wait we need to keep walking up i thought it was about to launch but it didn't launch yeah it was kind of weird all right well my cover a lot of boys up here yeah i do not have a chopper so if we uh i have one yeah you don't have one okay well we're we're down bad on that um i might if you if you loves can hold down i can go make one real quick just there with that i have one just in case we're fine yeah that's a big ass i gotta just start using my shotgun on these megatons what someone doing it said surely if noah leaves that means milo becomes the alpha and noah becomes the omega no that just about managed to become the worst one so congratulations i'm congrats i love it i love it oh my god he is on our thing oh no i'm gonna i'm gonna monkey yeah go ahead there's so many go ahead michael go ahead michael selfridge okay yeah yeah we'll see i'm doing it i'm doing it not sure why i didn't do it earlier actually keep running things when i'm grabbing this armor i was just if you guys can take the aggro i'll literally just walk the thing into the portal okay uh controller oh it's getting sketches getting sketches getting sketch this stuff i'm thank you thank you it's going it's going it's going this is last one right this is third thing i think we'll make one more one more after this is that oh christ yeah unless we had like the big finale there's one more it is one more euro okay are we going to go past armor right now oh can i go back and grab something go ahead i'll run this i don't know if this is a terrible idea right now ciao panzer trimmer are you guys looking over there uh i'm um i'm okay i run i just need to know this panther but things get escorted fine should i run to the i'm gonna run to the crafting thing and just you and just buy a chopper and then just use it i feel like that's good fast if you can make it there i feel like i can't it'll be like 15 seconds probably oh we've got a lot of help on the thing so protect yourselves before you protect the thing yeah yeah word oh okay we gotta clear out i don't know if you know but xbox services are currently down okay we're doing work right we're doing work right now if that changes let me know and i'll just obviously use it like well i've got nothing wrong right oh easy clap look at us no jay easy clap easy friends oh good easy friends they all just kill themselves upon me i'm so strong let's go that's around 20 boys all right well that's the gg from guys i'm out i'm leaving uh because i'm not because i want to get harder or not noah jay i know oh yeah i i i but i thought i thought if the world got got harder do you ever have a no where he and you want him to and when you try and when he does it and [Music] what do i do with you lads ben put us put us in the bin i think that's i think that's that's where we belong all right time to leave challenge in outbreak is your favorite yeah i'm just gonna shoot this gosh ball that's here because i'm chasing that round shoot all right y'all ready to leave um [Music] oh i need perks i literally didn't realize i had two perks there is uh the table right here okay just go ahead and uh get ready to spam there's don't read what it says just go ahead and spam it okay no are you x filling us know it don't you dare don't you dare you you filthy animal that's right make sure you spam it okay wait no no no it just don't look let's do one more look let's do one more he wants to let's do one more noah listen we could absolutely make it to 25 in like 20 minutes it'll be eat speed run no oh no you don't understand what do i not understand though jake i want to go take a shower milo let's let's do one more to finish 20 noah yeah i actually let's do one more hey fine all right all right okay i put it up don't get tricked don't get tricked don't get tricked don't get tricked all right it still just says beacon it's fine right now it's freaking dude i hit warp are you serious freaking dude boys we gotta go no i'm good actually i might just stay here actually i have you guys i'll have to i'll explore by myself doug i can't believe you know jay i can't believe you you just got this guy this dude this guy only think about his shower honestly literally not anything about the boys he doesn't think about it whatsoever easy clap boys can we get some noah in the chat i want to see some knowledge right now noah yeah oh my god this is insane yeah all right okay yeah yeah have fun with that oh my god have fun streamers i'm just running up a hill and there is just like carnage going on like what is happening here are you serious i can't take this man okay very funny bait me into coming to the site so i can stand here while you shoot everything in the chopper hilarious hey we're not done yet i got frenzy guard brother break yourself upon me oh my god what's the one shot related because he betrayed the boys was it worth it down bad for my homies dude loading evac for a long time we came for a good time you know i'm staying there brother [Music] noah [Music] go take your shower go take your shower and go think about what you just didn't think about you dude you better be careful stop slowly the shower about to hit so different it's gonna send me into the dark either dude i hope it doesn't you never come back to be honest what is happening are y'all on a black screen i'm at a black screen but i just see my name on okay oh wait oh i got a double loading screen oh nice a game set settings have changed so that's really good because that means that that entire round didn't count sick did it actually not i don't know about to find out the moment of truth how much do you reckon it would cost for me to send poop to noah's house dude it's actually cheaper than you thought i sent a i said good news no no for real there's this guy who hacked me and he like hacked my uh uh amazon account and he bought a bunch of stuff and shipped it to his house so i cancelled all the orders and i bought elephant poop and i sent it to his house instead i mean i made a video i got like 2k views i was sick how long ago was this i remember that actually it was in college bro we up right now oh we real up we operate now oh wait there's oh that one is there not a shroud yet is there not a leaderboard for uh for outbreak there isn't like i'm looking in there yes get that yeah i actually don't know i just wanna right now or specials count for like wonder weapons hey i've been watching for a while now and just wanted to congratulate you on i don't know you come and ask how's it going bro that's a really really good question shot daiquiri tier five oh my god i i'm already i've spent so many already i know me talking about already i'm almost out dude well we gotta run it back that was good tier five can i do i only have one more all i need to i have all my perks fully upgrade now except uh elemental pop we offer right now what would be especially definitely yeah yeah that one that's definitely yeah that's definitely a special needs can be turned pog pog and then um weapon classes dude dude boys that was a that was a good run gotta say it was good cute here's the beauty it's a beauty i might upgrade launches and specials just in case they count i have no idea if they do yeah i did mine just in case all right just because why not yeah i'm just gonna end up with some crazy crazy strong crossbows special enemies can be slowed with cryofreeze nah nah you're never gonna use cryo freeze so like perks i have all my perks tier four well i do have 40. i might as well just literally just get a load of these i've got 40 40 things i'm kind of interested to see how much the melee tier five the damn like knifing heals you actually yeah i'm curious man these crystals be getting spent too fast man i got a chance yeah i know i'm being really careful because i like i'm already out i want to think about him really yeah i'm almost out i have one more tier four that i can buy and that's it yeah i'm down though well we were up for about my head we were up uh man that just that went through so fast i don't even know what to say okay prevent park decay i feel like it's good and that's it i'm out yeah wow guys i'm never gonna use the melee one so i'm not getting that right now like i i in another time but when we're focusing on outbreak like melee is just not it's not hidden it's not hitting an outbreak i think i've already completed all the outbreak challenges for the thing as well is the reykjay in a storm wait where do you check that which one are we done uh the outbreak event tab wow uh it smells true ex fill three times okay that's one of the ones i need to do actually yeah i need where's the other one there's one more yeah and you do that as well that's pretty much it let's get launched use the vehicles to eliminate 100 zombies okay imagine imagine thinking i'm going to play warzone these other ones that's cringe all right boys uh been a pleasure it's been a bit it has been a pleasure it has it has truly been a pleasure um that was a crazy ride yeah it really was i remember when lex was with us oh yeah all of that boys we played like what seven hours of outbreak and we're level 10 i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna [Music] apparently for your crystals guys raygun counts as uh reagan castle's pistols and ray-k council's assault rifles so you should upgrade those oh word wow yeah reagan about that that's not true that's huge cool yeah so see you tomorrow boys are we running it up i mean uh so tomorrow i don't know if i can if i can no it's going to be a day-long shower it'll it'll all it'll have to be much earlier than today so we'll see i'll i'll be around saturday though because my sister has a graduation thing so yeah okay all right boys yeah well thanks for playing on dm or whatever yeah okay uh let's all go wrap up stream so i guess no i'm gonna keep streaming forever chat chad i'm never gonna stop streaming yeah i'm never gonna stop streaming we're gonna we're gonna we're we're we're gonna stream until xbox is back up that's a joke uh if you guys have enjoyed the stream a really cool free way to support noah j456 all caps in the uh supporter creator uh make sure you do all caps because if you don't do all caps it won't work no j456 all caps um at support um i'll probably be we'll see depending on what time the nintendo direct is i might stream that on my uh pokemon channel tomorrow i don't know what the plan is tomorrow there might be absolutely no video because i do want to play outbreak but i'm not gonna be here for most of the day um so yeah we'll have to see we'll have to see i'm really excited to try out ether strong tier five i'm really really excited to try out frenzy guard tier five and i'm really excited that i now have multiple perks at tier v dude i'm literally gonna be zooming like actually unbelievably zooming it's gonna be really cool really really cool anyway um thank you guys for tuning in thanks so much for coming out you guys want to see the m16 class okay i'll just scroll through it real quick and you guys can rewind and pause at each one if you want to see what each one is there it is love you videos my guy tori what does that mean hello anyway thank you guys so much for tuning in thanks so much for coming out shower stream all right we're ending the we're ending the stream on that note make sure you all subscribe if you haven't already thank you all appreciate you all we'll see in the next one and adios everybody bye
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 849,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noahj456, noah, noahj, gaming, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, zetsubou no shima, revelations, black ops, black ops cold war, black ops cold war zombies, call of duty zombies, call of duty 2020, cod 2020, treyarch, reveal, trailer, call of duty black ops cold war sniping, sniper, black ops cold war multiplayer gameplay, bocw, cod bocw, cold war sniper gameplay
Id: -ztwvIMT0-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 58sec (12658 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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