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hey ladies and gentlemen [Music] welcome to the celebration stream welcome to the celebration stream we are going for the d machine a full easter egg we've already beaten it we got first in the world baby cheers chat cheers oh my gosh i feel so good right now dude oh my goodness oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen welcome on in welcome on in we don't lose we don't lose those we don't lose those chat [Music] oh my god welcome to the stream kraken one open for you guys right now cheers man cheers oh my gosh do the whop bro i'm about to walk that i could walk right now that's how that's how good i feel world record speed run time world record speed run time dog the world record speed runs already set it two hours baby we already did it bro i feel so good [Music] i feel so good man that's unbelievable i feel unbelievable right now ronald reagan dude ronald reagan we party gaming history dude we are we are yeah guys that was 100 the easter egg was the coolest thing i have seen good job noah thank you man thank you thank you thank you yeah so that was 100 the the uh the full easter egg congrats man first time we got the we got the calling card in the dark challenge we got uh we got everything [Music] we got we got the calling card we got the achievement saying this place was that was it that was it we did it boys we did it correct you know what if we can get right now i'll crab raven on round two maybe 15k likes one you're my favorite thank you man thank you very much man that was that was incredible man that was incredible like the bit boys that's the same that's actually insane hi mister are you doing the easter getting yes sir we are and uh mr don mr don i'm going to get you perfect recordings of everything okay you good to go done i think i'm gonna get you down perfect recordings of all the steps aside from the wonder weapon aside from the wonder one upgrades i'm giving you perfect steps for everything okay i'm gonna be giving you like really good recordings of every single step so you can use this for the tutorial okay let's go boys let's go boys remember guys helping me work on this tutorial off this game show some respect treyarch hype congrats tell everyone i can't do it i can't do it from canada you yelling makes my hormones tingle wing think but contract some firsts in the world glad to witness it liv yo thank you so much man thank you thank you thank you i can't believe i can't believe it man i told you guys i i don't know why only only facts i told you guys this was gonna be the god squad i told you guys that this would be the god squad what'd i tell you uh guys i'm not thinking at all i opened up the uh the wrong way or that there's an achievement for like freeing the die machine or something and i don't know like is that something that we did machine yeah it's like it's like the full it's like d-i-e machine let me let me have a look but i don't know if that's just the probably what we did is one hundred percent g-main easter egg yeah well yeah it says the main quest that's why i'm saying like i wonder if there's just something else it's probably like a side easter egg type thing they've been more in the more recent games they've been putting in achievements for like complete side quests and stuff yeah isn't that the achievement that we got when noah picks up is there any problem i don't know i can't really check oh yeah i don't know i was just looking through the uh the ps4 trophies i can get a look at please oh yeah yeah uh yeah so for this run can we like make sure we're all we've all got like footage of the everything yeah yeah i can be a little zombie [ __ ] because i don't care congrats so if there's a point where we need something i can just hold the zombie okay honestly i'm still in shock i can't believe that you're just being haunted right there so we don't need to deal with it nope nope nope it's super useful for that ending boss fight but the nazis were dealing with honestly you might be better off doing it in a solo game because it's gonna die to be put out can it be so the only thing i missed in my tutorial is that you have to go through all three of the ether tunnels first i don't know like they're super easy they're actually easier to do on solo they're extreme incredibly easy and um you can do all four of them in like a 20-minute game somebody wants to sit down there we can pick up the machine part and then you can just place it right away oh yeah yeah shout out right i'll wait here yeah just let me know why meanwhile i was doing the screaming okay i'm going to take this ether tunnel over here okay i'm going to absolutely [Music] do we need to uh hold any zombies i fell asleep after the second thing you guys can do step woke up to you guys being completed and finished super quick boy because i have one up here i know i can't remember what the first step was are we just going to find all the little things outside like the antenna yeah well i think we need i think we need that could you be appalling no people can't yeah what did we do first the controller please do the controller i'm sure they know about it people have been reporting that so oh wait uh uh you interacted with the community jordan thank you man i did that after we else maybe we just need to spectroscope pieces then yeah oh yeah yeah specter scope is definitely the first step so make sure we don't like it let everyone get recordings of each one and yeah they've got to be in the same place right i would imagine they are there there hasn't been any multiple spot points for anything else so far which i love treyarch if you're still watching thank you yeah thank you for not doing multiple spawn points we really didn't need another dead of the night again so i'm glad they didn't give us 37 spawn points for that jalapeno there's nothing i have one of each of your merch congratulations appreciate it so much thank you thank you thank you you're a legend can you ask some of the real questions where are your thoughts on v06 zombies sorry i'm done with you she's probably going to [ __ ] with young's one i just left it in the front imagine we lost worlds first to papa john's literally when i went down for it i'm like dude there's another team behind us and they catch you up because i'm getting a free papa john's from the door yeah he's sold sir but no one's even close to finishing no one else finishes dude people are going to die on that boss fight a lot yeah surprised we didn't i'm surprised we didn't die especially first team going in like normally it's the first team that takes the bait yeah and it's like okay you gotta do this one man so you just went down due to those blue things wasn't that the only one alive at one point yes we can do it and get the etherscope parts hey you missed my previous tip please check congrats on first oh yeah it does say engine though i need to make sure i got the recording thing here sorry you know as i'm just saying yo madru with a hundred dollars thank you so much man congratulations so much is going on right now i'm so sorry for missing but thank you so much bro thank you can i get some noah nukes in the chat i appreciate it so much in the campaign also big congratulations thank you thank you thank you man i need to focus here all right sorry everyone ready yep good yeah okay so first ether scope part is not here maybe we do have to do this weapon pose yeah oh you can you know about this kind of syrup top right the canister yeah yeah that's for that's for the wonder weapon no um okay maybe you do have a new idea upgrade first yeah i think that literally is the first step of the easter egg unless i'm using something here let's look at the other spawn points while we're in this i guess one was down low i don't know what the third one was the third one was uh here i can show you where it was i was on oh my god i didn't i didn't see but my face was on the papa john's part [Laughter] they made a custom papa john's box that's the reason oh my god if you are when does merch get shot also congrats noah on being first we believed in you do you want to see oh oh it's okay so this part is here this time they just spawned in a different way don't pick it up yet please i guess i guess they just have a different order like the order the the the spawns are static but the order can be different does it kick you out right when you pick it up yeah uh we got a big boy that's one first but let's be honest the knife is the real one the weapon so if you want to get the the vial everyone got this recorded no yeah uh i believe it's it the order changes but the the spawns are the same but the order changes okay that's what it is now now we have 87 dogs [Music] uh we need to have him shoot the thing down here what that knife do though what that knife do though it kills everything with the most points possible it's so good run the knife as your primary if you're a good player oh yeah for sure it's so good i mean you get the bowie later on but the knife is just fun to use congrats on first in the freaking world time done time face game is off so i can record for youtube uh we need the i'm so upset i've tried playing yeah i'm recording for the tutorial guys that's why i'm that's why i'm turning my face off my pc you can put this first all right i think you can hit fungus any time don't you have to put oh okay still alive are we trying to kill these guys wait the knife does that much oh chill sit this one out okay uh huh i think there was that armor there maybe yeah don you don't have to record this part i already have this part of the guide up so you don't have to record this part at all don't worry about this the uh what's it called the uh any of the wonder weapon upgrade stuff don't worry about it i'll tell you i'll tell you whenever i'll take my face came off the machine what was that oh my oh okay so yeah that's that's the okay now we need it's a celebration you just get in the um yeah you go you go into the you go into dark ether and then the parts are there for the ether scope oh yeah as soon as we uh as soon as we see the dark ether portal go ahead and take it uh okay does it have to be a specific one or can it just be any of them no it can be any of them okay well there's the one up here so i'm gonna grab this one the scope has three locations here's the clip for the tutorial here's the clip for the tutorial let's see don't pick it up just yeah i'm still waiting for my last round earrings to finish one second if you can pause the game no way that'd be great i literally just yeah there you go because i don't want to call it this rendering's nearly done it'll be about 30 seconds [Music] that was so sick that was actually so sick [Laughter] i mean thanks for the invite guys as well absolutely you proved yourself this year yeah yeah all right i'm gonna give you some credibility uh you yeah me to grab it okay and it's one part per yeah it'll send us it'll send us out right now if you've already picked it up yeah have you picked it up congratulations you finished one of two sc all right there you go the door is open for the corner can you dress or maybe it doesn't send you out maybe you missed if you take this portal you should go right in front of it yeah yeah it's down here can you ping it uh yeah row right right right right yeah what is it looks interesting come on i find out larry so you literally tweeted out two weeks ago and i was saying first in the world squad right here dude i i knew it i knew it there was no way we were gonna lose that can i pick it up yeah yeah go for it but yeah the phone's got it yeah oh yeah once we go free then it kicked us out i thought it was just timing did it just kill me while i was being teleported i don't know just about yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's very close very nearly okay so now uh we need to craft it so i'm gonna i'm gonna go and craft it real quick um at the table with a symbol above it it's our lucky day strike team we have new orders um we've taken have we taken we've taken all three portals i think up and down so well if someone can let me know whenever the pack-a-punch thing spawns the pack of punch portal spawns where does that respond uh oh uh here i'm gonna enter dark ether again what's the next step uh we use the thing to find the ghost with the journal oh yeah yeah yeah so everybody head to uh speed call is the first one i yeah okay cool oh [ __ ] i got it no i got another we got another big boy in here messed up have you gone inside is this been a wonder no no that spawns in here every single time after we've got the scope yeah yeah don't pick it up yet let's wait for geeky to get this recording yeah yeah you got to hook up all the boys here of course come out come just be cola over here next to the computer uh so you basically have to pick up a book above um and then you do the anomaly underneath once you have the book all right so up here up here don't end around turning around don't be afraid to kill things i have several zombies on me okay so here's the diary everyone got it pick it up and then you go down here and you reveal the spectral zombies and then you give him his diary yeah you guys can kill stuff yeah oh pizza i see those i just saw those three little jellyfish yeah definitely insiders this may take some time i'm gonna send us back out now right just fielded the hoodie and hat hey my guy thanks for buying some merch dude and then what's next here doesn't it drop something right here or what what is it oh no oh no we have to we have to go in the ether again and then give him his journal in the main room yeah and you do that three times okay oh wait no it might be computer now you have to do all three first it has something wrong here there's only one letter written on the journal you have to do you have to do three ghosts and that gives you the three letters that you need for the computer oh yeah yeah true nice nice nice um okay i need to do wonder weapon stuff real quick so if you're gonna continue to hold a zombie if i have a roll um so i need the vial so i can do that i can finish that one this round um is the portal underneath pack a punch there yet anyone can check it's probably going to be uh oh okay you got the flask i can go plates by the tree if you want if i can't if i already already did i already did reaction plant vial no okay yeah i just need uh sorry was that um no there's no portal no portal yet okay cool so last thing i can do is suck the canister place that down there and then we need to kill one of the hellhounds right next to it okay um we can go next round all right i will nuke everything up here rafter one is nearby strike team x full window is short so take it now what's happening there's like a hostage situation at ubisoft yeah dude um whenever we do the next regular dark ether portal not the weapon upgrade one um let me do the wonder weapon thing first before we uh before we do the diary part we don't know much about omega group oh we should probably be doing the challenges oh yeah let me see if the anomaly will instantly spawn up here once you do that because the second one was inside the challenger uh can it hit can you guys can you guys take all three portals while i'm doing this um like from the top to the bottom just to make sure the stuff isn't spawning just yet yeah yep don't do don't do it just yet don't do it just yet oh no i'm not touching it i was just letting you know that you and pizza can do that one now we've got the red guy already uh can everybody take a portal from the top from the doctor huh i can't see the anomaly it's in the it's in the it's like a long one of the walls i wouldn't i can show you which one it is don't hit it yet yet oh yeah it's responding to me it takes a while hold on i need to go see if this is here and then i'm on my way to y'all i don't think this is going to be here yet because i haven't had the portal spawning yet it's not here yet i wonder what is the requirement because we've taken all three portals now okay uh everyone here for this anomaly let me come down uh hang on do you guys have a zombie i can hold it i've got loads of zombies all right uh i have yeah i have a group on me so if you guys have zombies down by you just kill them [Music] that's probably why thank you sir that guy is stronger than the normal one i am better now now get your revenge c4 come on there we go okay uh let's go ahead and hit the anomaly sweater where's the normally i haven't well that's unfortunate oh next time uh yeah let's do another trial here [Music] where is that yeah guys i'm taking the face came off to record the tutorial i guess [Music] oh we still need to kill a playhound next to the uh oh yeah i just had one then i just shot in the face all right we're doing a trial step here just make sure we save a zombie at the end of this what is the i'm trying to figure what is the requirement do y'all think to getting the uh are you sure you don't have to go through specific portals in order to do the things i've we've been through all three of them already no i'm talking about like the dark either yeah yeah that's what i'm saying there's a specific portal you have to go through in order to like there's one special one that's fun yeah to get it to spawn yeah exactly i don't know what it is it's just random which one it is no there's a certain portal it's so to do the careful zombies here we're on the last wave here area you guys can kill those i got two over here okay uh you can keep them keep them keeping those those are the two okay we're good okay uh let's go look for portal a and let me check if that portal spawned in b oh yeah also if the anomaly portals or the dark ether portals are you should uh do the anomaly yeah yeah we should do it are we getting so much intel recently from this machine yeah yeah there's certain challenges that will say intel trials oh okay let me double check real quick two seconds if they're the other portal down here so what is the requirement i'm trying to figure that out okay uh everybody right we're just gonna go record the uh the anomaly in uh the trial room yeah yep i have the zombies on me so you guys should just be able to do it right away all right let's kill this guy geeky should we use it uh wait wait wait for pizza yeah i'm here okay yeah let's do it to be clear we are not trying to change these men so much as restore them but the initial results are encouraging slightly removing exo elemental contamination from their brains improve some higher functions and reduce their violent outposts as these men are far from restored medical trials will continue uh it's not sending us out can we go do another one where's the next one um is it the wrench no there's there's there's where's the third spectral i can't remember uh it was inside of the new room right it's either that or it was in front of the uh but that was true when we got the wrench yeah where was the third one visiting just look around it'll say and i'll just run into it i think it was in power wasn't it i don't know him again i think that was fun power yeah yeah wait wait i can try and protect the assembly machine oh yeah that's right yeah so we can actually do more than one that's the same if we if we do it quickly you can do it more than one oh no just missed it it turned into a person for a second but i think i think it just decides you don't have enough time and sends you out of it anomaly normally so did we have did you have to do the wonder weapon first uh i think so what was the first step no no we we were getting the the etherscope parts first yeah the ethers go i think you did we get that did we get the first etherscope parts before after we got the free wonder weapon here we i i don't remember we just oh no no we got the etherscope parts we definitely did that's the first step of the easter egg the etherscope part yeah right uh are we flipping rounds let's go to portal again yeah okay kill enemies from a higher elevation hmm ah yeah chad we already beat the easter egg we're just doing it again because we're that good oh this is perfect this is this will be the playground completed and extracted yet it's a good thing that easter eggs are like could you imagine how mad everybody would be if they used to just done like four hours after really we would have had this be and if it was unlocked oh yeah 100 yeah wait oh people would have got yeah we just does the um machine that you can buy all the perks from move around or is that only available it spawns in around 15. oh well no i just saw it like a couple rounds ago uh you can see it in the dark ether oh but it's sponsored okay we we really need to figure out what the prerequisite is for doing those last two wonder weapon upgrades i i'm trying to think of anything so so i'm missing the the there's one you have to take a specific portal and then the one with the laser cutter and then all of a sudden randomly they started working eventually right after we said like maybe we have to travel through all three tunnels neutralize the zombies oh i don't know a melee attacks that's quite hard if you don't have a comfy knife uh as soon as we see ether portal we can take that yeah don just use all of these really clean recordings that i mean that i'm doing it should all be better than the ones i had i thought you played really really well considering you know zombies yeah he did dude like said i did my first zombies easter egg in august so it's been pretty good but it's been a bit of a come up first easter egg the first in the world real quick oh [ __ ] i need armor and joke to take this don't use lmgs you can't move when you're using those if you get upgraded stamina it helps a little bit okay also upgraded uh oh let's save the zombie save zombie save zombie um upgraded uh quick revive is so good because it instantly heals you and the person you're reviving to full so that's what i'm saying okay so what's up one now what we're doing uh waiting for dark ether portal which is right here uh actually i'm gonna go get arm we need to all get armor run around 15 already [Music] um yeah upgrade to armor level two and then i'll take the portal oh wait this is the wrong side dude i really like this thing like easy easter egg or not i think the hunt was really fast but the easter egg itself is really fun yeah definitely it'll be something that'll be fun to see really really well all right i'm gonna take this portal everyone in the box uh let's get the recording for the power room honestly you can just activate them and leave because after that it doesn't really do anything all right don't don't oh i guess there's still a lot of zombies all right so okay let's kill boss on me real quick oh hello now i need ammo for the thing are we activating the anomaly not yet hold on we could have done all with monkey bombs in that boss fight would have made it well easy yeah all right i'm gonna okay uh let's clean up this herd right here and then we'll activate it yeah all right yep i got i got zombies on me so you guys can just do it whenever oh just like the other ones so now you should be able to go interact with the computer and then there should be another anomaly in front of the uh in the daytime mode right well you might be able to interact with it now no i i think i tried and you have to do it yeah because the computer is off the idea all right right right i'm good i'm not i'm joking this is a guy to be like four minutes or maybe five about five pounding the wonder weapon upgrades yeah i'm gonna die i used my ether shroud to survive otherwise i would have died too i'm gonna throw a decoy i just down again right as the teleport oh what [Music] okay let's get one zombie oh god i might go down well it depends on how many of the things spawning careful of last we're not even close to last are we no you're just gonna come here uh you guys can go do that i'm gonna hold a zombie hey yeah here's the next here's the next step don uh here's what's right next don't do it yet i'm on my way yeah i'm not doing it okay they're still if you guys have zombies just kill them and then the wrench should spawn and then we come beat the tank and get the part to drop okay i'll save rounds this is why you need all four window weapons right yeah after after like in a couple of things oh god but i have i have a group on me so if you guys just want to do whatever you're doing look for a dark ether portal yeah this one this one under pack oh okay that one finally spawned in okay yeah go ahead and hit that one geeky we're not gonna be able to do anything in this one at least i don't think we're gonna be able to do anything on this one uh this is for the wonder weapon upgrade okay i might as well try oh i'm only gonna be able to do one of these aren't i does anyone have a maximum any chance i know because i'm only gonna be able to do one of these because my ammo is low has anyone got their reward ready uh see if it has a max ammo yeah just uh just don't kill any zombies because i think we only have one left [Applause] oh wait do we have a dude oh we should kill him for that it should only be a thousand for ammo unless it's unless you're talking about for the wonder weapon in which case i think uh oh i think there's enough zombies that i can do two of them yeah i can do two of them at least oh here we go i got a max for you oh beautiful nice max wait uh where's the computer we should see if that nope okay so it does have to be a specific one for that and where was the wrench i just got an achievement for traveling to every single area in a game the wrench just drops in front of the like pipe or the like tank thing that you put the oh i want to see whereabouts this is is it here do you see it no no you stop that we have to activate the uh normal portal yeah we're a zombie you're a zombie well but is it near the tank where the zombie pops out or no it's in the it's in the speed collar room oh okay oh that sort of thing yeah we're doing it for the second time yeah dude i've not seen any of our friends be it yet uh apparently oh no the uh there's a there's one of the crystals over and um i'm hoping i can get this hurry please no oh get get it get it oh we got it as long as i have it in my gun before you teleport back you're good okay so that's three out of four wonder weapons um so do we have a regular dark ether portal still there there is one yeah we've got one you just go just two seconds here and then we can hit that and i should be able to um yeah i'll be able to get the fourth wonder weapon upgrade done two seconds though not yet okay longer you hold the trigger the more powerful your lightning blast becomes it's done all right uh what's the next step for the anomalies we need to do i don't think that's i don't think that's the one oh well okay it's just immediately teleporting us out oh it's because it's because i did the thing okay so we need to power up the machine now no we have to um the wrench there should be a wrench that drops on the floor in there and where in the speed cola room in front of that tank where they are i think i think we have to do all four of the wonder weapons first okay so this is this is the next step of the easter egg mr dawn this is the next step of the easter egg here we are recording all four of these check out the computer charge capacity yeah okay yeah so then we need the wonder weapon okay so so don show this charge capacity and then you're gonna take the wonder weapon you're gonna shoot it it's going to do that and you're going to do this one appears to be some kind of chemical freezing agent yeah i need to go get the other two real quick dude the speed runs on this map are gonna be fun on solo yeah they are all over five this game is off because i'm recording the tutorial chat just weaponized it for close combat i can't imagine it's as lethal as nova 6 maybe hold your breath when firing just someone in my chat i think he's solo has managed to get to the tank step on round seven that's insane that's some optimization right there how do you get a big guy in then as soon as you build pack a punch he comes in like the next normal round i think oh nice how did he get that many points though i don't know i don't know if he is soda or not he just suddenly appeared unleashes a fiery blast that okay and then last one and i don't think we have to kill him to kill the big guy underneath the portal i think you can just kill him if we could restore brain functionality and stay with me here to the correct subject that subject could then help us deactivate the accelerator that's quite a leap there weaver but not entirely out of the question yeah yeah you know what that could do it all right so it does that and then now we just need to get a computer screen show something again you have to go we have to go into uh we have to go into the dark ether again and then you get the anomaly in front of that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so next step here don after shooting all four of those you gotta go back into the dark ether yeah so oh geeky you should probably go back down there yeah every time you say tank i think you mean the other kind of thing yeah no the uh anomaly here yeah come down here boys oh behind people have gone us pause just make sure no one else approaches us no one knows we helped ourselves to whatever this is you know perfectly well now for both of us to buy a nice battery in the country i do not know why they need a gold for a big fish tank but it's at least easy to take out hey there big boy look more like a gas chamber all place things are dead but i reach long after a bad smell fades away so then it's going to spawn the yeah the wrench should be on the ground in there yeah it'll be purple and glowing there it is wrench yep and then you come freaking we go to tank boys and then let me buy let me buy a sim text on the way real quick if you want i can throw some text out of it i i've got one okay do you think he needs some sense it is senza star tried to frag and it didn't work i think the whole thing at the whole point is that the zombie is supposed to peek out and you hit him with a suntax and explosion causes the tank coat to go off i'm just gonna kill him first just because that's what we did last time i mean you might as well you should at least try to science it you know just to see if it makes it easier uh i mean it's just one shot of it again i don't think it makes too much zombie pops out throw the semtex now let's try it i want to see you've got two right oh i only bought one but i can buy another one real quick oh so you do have to kill him first then okay that makes no sense it does but it doesn't because the zombie's body would be blocking the explosion but also it makes no sense yep there it goes and over here oh zombie but that's part of the easter egg oh yeah and then a bunch of stuff spawns in that oh yeah we have to protect you i'll do your run forgot about that well i'm i'm with you so if you guys just wanna and then this next step is the one where you have to split a zombie right yeah it should be it's so good there's nothing annoying there's no multiple spot points thank god we got plenty of subjects wow this voice would have helped so much more than we got yeah yeah dude i actually noticed that when i was hunting for the uh the uh what's it called um i i noticed that while i was running and looking for the uh upgrades um the lady if you had the lady in your game she was the most useful by far and actually like giving you helpful steps and the the dudes like did nothing [Music] i'm at the entrance to the facility the little automatic doors that open up yep and then pizza's right next to me i used up all my zombie skill on the first game i haven't been the same since getting getting comfortable now getting stuck on zombies all right tier 3 armor everyone buy your armor i'll protect we can we can just grab that nuke we need to we need to go next round anyway we need it we gotta wait for a dude to spawn in you're ruining milo's life hello excuse me chad what do you mean yeah chat face cam is off so i can record the easter egg steps nice and clean so i can have the tutorial ready for you guys dude we just need the the toxic dude right yeah we're waiting for toxic dude yes sir yes sir why is the face cam on all right i hate y'all face game is on because we're not doing a step right now i can't win i think it was your dog that's a dog i actually i i have a wonder weapon if y'all want to go yeah yeah i am too i've been on i've been on epic for like six challenges now oh sorry oh oh i thought that was going to be the i thought main power was going to be a little that little side room where the terminal is to start the challenge yeah it is oh it's nice do you think by the power bonus oh god that little tiny room yeah understands all the stairs makes a little more terrible but still jesus it's not great i wish this gun slowed down the zombies just a tiny bit or did a tiny bit more damage one or the other i'm gonna leave i i finished my reward uh hang on people i'll pick you up and then grab that i'm gonna throw a distraction grenade in there for you uh if someone wants to come with me i'm going to go ahead if anyone else is done uh i'm going to try to lead zombies out to spawn so if you guys want to try to let me keep one up here don't yeah i don't kill everything up here all right are you liking the news obviously are you still in there uh you should uh start another challenge see get them to go uh could someone come down here in case i get it i'm going to drop it on the floor brainy turkey i got a fire sale if y'all want to hit this all right uh don't don't kill everything don't kill everything let me try to hold this one yes hold on hold on looks good to me what's the challenge i can't even see it because i have zombies all crouched it's pretty easy it's pretty easy it's still it's still definitely difficult it kind of depends on how fast you want to do it the faster you want to do it the harder and harder and uh more challenging it's going to be uh can anyone come to the challenge room oh yeah i got the zombie on me so oh good just okay i'm gonna beat you guys down here it's gonna be like a free perk or something but oh i got one okay free wonder weapon here for someone smg very efficient uh right here there you go thank you it's beautiful did you get a max ammo too i think they did wait no i didn't maybe i did i don't know i got a ton of ammo so can i upgrade it from one of those yeah yeah yeah pick any box you want uh the hero let's give you the freeze one freeze ones over here first one's pretty good right there's an explosive one was coming in clutch though so we might want one person with that when we go into the yeah well we'll spin again for it uh okay go next round we wait for big guy geek you're out of uh armor yeah i'm just going down if you guys are in there you should hit the challenge again that weapon trading strat is really good yeah it's really good it's sick yard that's the best literally the best challenge it it grinds up really really quickly and it's the best place to train oh we got we got a zombie sorry all all right uh but there's a megaton here as well so we need to do that step but maybe let's let's wait till the end of the round to do this step because it's gonna be really hectic to try to do with everybody get on here no don't do not kill the mega team reds in this game all right i can get geeky thank you the pinging system get out of here i take back what i said about it being easy i need to get armor too where did my armor go i swear i had armor that's probably from the megaton yeah deletes dude i went up to around 60 yesterday and around 60 zombies like six shot your armor just six wipes man okay so this whole armored down on the ground behind you okay get out of there get out of there get out there if you can't first place in the game to be all right let's get down to one zombie star if you want to try to hold one yep yeah i'm gonna leave oh the megaton is in here oh yeah uh save me all the zombies are going to you guys since i teleported out yeah okay you got zombies yeah all right i'm going into murder mode yeah something's still spawning too so don't be afraid um uh do we have does anyone have a megaton with them besides me yeah yeah okay i'm gonna kill this one so we just have one left [Applause] don't kill everything i just need to make sure that zombie really wants you for some reason oh my god he turned around again zombie honestly pretty pretty big play would be bringing a combat bow into the boss fight talk about like two shots the megaton bombers uh what about a war machine would that be good yeah i've just got one machine yeah there's a lot of clumped up enemies okay uh i think we're heading around yeah that's being a chopper gunner insider that would have been interested i i don't think i don't think it works underground unfortunately okay i'm gonna start leading the megaton down to the bottom if anyone who needs to record wants to come yeah yeah yeah you guys can go for it i have my zombie out here so we just not gonna step for like so like 20 minutes oh yeah because we just have to wait for that dude we had to wait for the megaton to spawn so yeah which is the best wwe upgrade best weapons and field up i i really like the electric one i think the electric speed runs thanks man uh ether shot is definitely the best weapon i really like the shotgun all right geeky coming down yeah i'll come down there play i started yeah i got one on me all right we're about to kill this guy down here if you want the recording sex on if you have dead wire on a weapon it increases damage to megatons by a fat bit yeah i i saw that as well and if you have a fire upgrade it deals to extra damage to dogs it's pretty cool okay you ready to kill this guy and i'm good okay let me hop down here all right uh yeah let's go don't kill don't kill don't kill me don't kill [ __ ] you got it have we glitched it no i should just do it uh it probably just skipped the voice line um okay uh you want yeah come in here everybody come in what about that computer maybe that's where they stored the shutdown procedure nice what did we do to get him to come out again did who to come out the dude because he goes to hide um we got the family photo from uh let's get out of here that could have gone better this isn't over get after him now okay uh don't end around don't don't kill the actual zombie just kill the house well the round already transitioned so it did okay uh a lot of megatons right now oh my god that freeze gun is so good what you were literally like holding them in place so good i'm talking switched over okay we need to get set up for boss fight now i believe we've not been the one inside of knots have we oh there's a cell press here sulfur is here for someone yeah we still have to get the thing from knocked out yeah but wait we need to get ready for boss fight before because i'm pretty sure it automatically starts the boss fight as soon as uh as soon as we do that as soon as you pick it up and go in there and i think so let's get it upgraded guys get your facebook running the weapon for this this is gonna shotgun chat you like that you like that uh electric wonder weapon that thing melds dude smells them i mean even even if that thing melts them the uh the red one one shots it's insane how close are y'all to are your legendary rewards um oh you can actually see what color everyone has right now yeah i know that yeah that's how it was on ancient evil too see the little fires change let's keep the zombie alive yeah the last save last uh i think there's still some other zombies alive but yeah honestly if you have a wonder weapon you should just like get your get your perks obviously but you you don't really need an upgraded weapon at all you just need your upgraded wonder weapon and then you need points to restock the ammo on it how am i still on epic i've done two of those all the way through those give like zero points all right great zombies almost are good one game yeah i guess i'll go hit the box see if i can get something wherever it's at it's over here yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna spin some also uh if you're using a regular gun putting the electric upgrade on your gun does bonus damage to uh boss zombies so well good show electric does bonus to boss zombies and fire does bonus damage to dog zombies fun fact well the fire damage to dogs just seems so weird it's kind of pointless to be honest with you but yeah i still can't afford the armor upgrade [Music] you can't even get two two armor nope oh i just haven't picked up many of the things don't worry yeah okay honestly now that i know how this boss fight works if someone can just have the gas one and just place it on the and protect the dude i can kill all the bosses with my wonder weapon yeah i need a hundred more together it sucks i think you can get some whenever you complete your challenge as well i think it shoots them out so just completely epic then but are we trying for another reward i mean if somebody wants to hit it you can oh yeah that's an easy one that's easy we can save a zombie well um no i'm on epic yeah chad we're just we're beating the easter egg a second time how y'all feeling by the way i feel like i feel like i've had to focus the time because we've been two seconds so yeah i've been trying to been trying to focus and everything like that but how are y'all doing thank you guys all for being here i appreciate y'all uh i don't know if y'all are having a good time i i'm done with my i've already got the wonder weapon so i don't think i can get it again so i'll just hold it on me over here so y'all can get reward i've got mine now legendary yeah uh okay don't don't hit it yet wait for someone else so that way you can give them your wonder weapon yeah get it yeah how did that work how do i give them so basically if you get the wonder weapon you want to take out oh i lost zombie he's coming um you want to take out the wonder weapon you want to buy that wall bye that's right next to it yeah um it'll drop your wonder weapon on the floor you're picking up the rewards you'll have to pick up the one that's on the floor okay you lost the zombie again by the way he's not wanting to follow me finally i got him there's plenty of space up here for this for one zombie [Music] okay everyone go to the trial room so geeky can give you his wonder weapon we we really only need three now that we know how the boss fight works we really only need three yeah hit it see what you get rip no oh you got salvaged though you got a lot of salvage though you want you want to go one more yeah we got one more challenge okay let's see if we can get something yeah just go to the move let me go home hey treyarch tweeted us out they said congrats uh congrats to uh tagged all four of us time to get at work uh on the side quest awesome that's so cool thank you track let's go is that one of those that's one of the first times they've tweeted us out that's awesome so that is official confirmation from treyarch that we've completed the main easter egg i wouldn't kill them you guys need to finish i am at a legend that's actually sick i'm gonna quote retweet that why haven't i got a picture of weaver right next to didn't get it now let's let's see if i can get mine i got firesale oh [ __ ] no that's a lot of zombies all right i'll i'll hit fire sale here's uh here's insta kill for fire sale i did not get it either we were so lucky in that game oh i just missed it by one up here i got a gold rp is someone want this oh wait what are you going to pick it up for or drop it right now brother i'm just gonna try to hit for a reason we're doing a little completion here and uh we're recording the main easter egg zombies is actually fine bro zombies is so fun to actually shoot the zombies man shooting zombies has never felt better in this game man for real oh yeah like that you can just sit on top of the boss too and just hold that down and it'll kill everything that's on top of them what's that the ammo sucking thing oh yeah you can look at the boss and hold that down it'll kill everything so we should probably it uh i'm i mean i'm fine to go in with what we have now i think we can do it easily yeah if everyone everyone buys the combat bow the combat bow keep like be careful because it does do a ton of damage to you if you like it has a ton of splash damage but it like one shots all of the uh the bomber zombies so if we all have combat bows two of us have zelfres i think like just let's swap out my war machine man yeah we can keep one more more machines that's fine all right let's see i'll buy well should i wait can you only have one support thing or no okay yeah okay um do we know where our dark ether portal is or let's buy perks everyone buy your perks get everything ready uh geeky if you want to go ahead and switch out your wonder weapon for this one right here underneath where i am uh this one this one is super good just to shoot in the middle it's not a very good like panic weapon like you won't be able to like save your life with it but if you just shoot it in the middle it'll do so much damage to everything they're running through just basically i remember you saying that in your guide because i listened to your guide yeah where's the book uh right here right here here's the upgrade let me let me uh let me hit the box a few times at least because if i can get a ray gun and upgrade it once that'll still be pretty good oh yeah i have 12k so wherever it decides to move i get a self revive uh you basically um either find one by killing zombies you spawn with one in solo or you craft it for the high grade salvage if you have enough of it i'm actually curious i i think i'm gonna bring a chopper gunner in whatever it is get the ray gun i'm never going for the reagan ever again after yesterday it's so hard did you did you hear what me and lex did we did it we did around 50 x fill we spent 1.5 million points on the box and go didn't get the ray gun well we got it but like the only times we got it it glitched out well i got a wonder weapon so which one should i go for uh probably fire fire's pretty good horizon uh that one is uh outside over here the one that's on the truck yeah on the truck okay because uh yeah all right all right we should be more than good now with three wonder weapons yeah all right uh where is dark ether portal we can go in yeah but we need to go into our keeper for that right yeah do we have to go to the next round for that or uh there should be a dark aether pole somewhere there isn't one of knocked hey noah what are the locations for the oh just kidding uh what are the locations for the antenna for that the ethers uh zombie come here zombie i don't remember exactly i'm i'm working on my tutorial right now i'm literally after we beat the easter egg i'm going to go work on my tutorial not the zombie it's not what i'm marking can you mark the dark either ball yeah i would imagine you can but oh no you can save it you can save it it keeps the emma you can just put it away boys i'm so proud of us man i know absolutely smashed it all right here we go zombie you just mark it does anybody have uh anybody else have monkey bombs or is it just me i've got one anomaly over here over here boys over here this is a tent overlord just because i will devour you when it gets reactivated i do not know what will happen that information is considered very much above my rank but considering the precautions the others now take i must face the possibility that i may never see you again i hope this is not true i hope that nothing will change the world will stay as it is but i fear i am opening a box that cannot be closed i will see you both again me and some friends completed the just after you can you help us find where we place eye of video evidence help us find or replace uh there's no real official way to find out a cillo unfortunately there it is it just switches this right back into the boss fight so that's the trigger for the boss fight that family photo so you gotta get bus back ready before that all right here we go uh star you might want to repair your armor hmm yes do you give him the photo or does he just automatically have it he's got it oh okay i saw that coat scene on their blood years past they were my samia my family i came here to this cursed man to do a job and maybe they had me net they made me turn on this machine of the damned it caused horrible things i caused horrible things i make a group they have big plans you are here to stop them i will help you we will shut off this infernal machine close the gateway it will be the first step i will repair the damage i have done zombie is still here now when i can shoot him with this and he dies in two shots ridiculous you can literally just sit back here and hold down oh dude that's what that's why i wasn't having problems with the ammo every single one of these that you killed a drop ammo that refills your wonder weapon at least this one reveals yeah it does not with all of them so yeah uh no have you just come over here and you and i just freaking stare at him literally you protect him i'm gonna melt bosses and stuff i'll say i can literally hold down left click and everything will die or right click just everything that does i think my wonder weapons glitch like it literally won't fire anymore really it's just stuck at night ammo yeah you need you need to get a certain amount you need 15 we also have the much more control yeah yeah we we kind of got overrun by the bosses at one point last time all right i'm melting this guy down here i need help oh the the megaton split out of the bit of the maniac or whatever it's called the red one why does all that sound like stitch talking about ohana that is such a good one oh my god boy all right no one doesn't follow me uh we're gonna leave through uh weapons we're gonna lay through weapons i might different every time maybe there could be i'll show you guys the path that i took though wow we crushed that boss fight yeah that's all i need to hear raptor one is inbound strike team get the hell out of there well careful careful for them spawning yep okay here's what i did uh go left here and then jump oh i got knocked down but you want to jump over the wall there yeah perfect come here come on go up go up uh somebody's stuck down there pizza's dead sorry oh you went this way okay yeah come this way come this way then i went right then i went in between these two over here circle through and easy clap boys nice all four of them easy clap four-man x-fil easter egg he's so lucky that you went the right way there it is let's go [Music] smash that run hour 23 new speed run world record dude four player world record let's get it smashed it there it is right i'm gonna attempt this solo oh good luck brother yeah have fun you were here chat you were here that was good you were here let's go let's go um oh this map is so good i think i think aside from the lack of ending cutscene i think aside from the lack of ending cutscene this map is so good that was so much fun yeah you know what you know what as far as like i know everyone's disappointed that there's no cutscene and stuff one thing that i actually wouldn't mind whatsoever is yeah like you beat the cutscene or you beat the uh the easter egg whatever and say like i mean i understand they have limited resources and stuff but say they like had enough resources to make the cutscene but it wasn't ready by the time they like had to submit the patches and stuff i literally would not care if it like gave you a youtube link and you got to go watch a cutscene rather than have no cutscene i think that'd be yeah that'd be cool but i understand there's probably reasons that they don't have it either way man we smashed it great work today boys great work today boys uh we'll see y'all for dlc one then yeah see you guys let's go boys let's go boys easy easy oh did we hit 15k likes did we hit did we have did we hit 50k 15 50k did we hit 15k likes you know what time it has been baby you know what time it is then baby it's time for the crab rave ladies and gentlemen boys and girls if you have not hit the subscribe button yet hit the subscribe button if you have not hit the like button yet hit the like button and ladies and gentlemen boys and girls without further ado [Music] so [Music] just as a reminder if you have not picked up your full set of merch it is limited time you don't have much time left the full sellout mode t-shirt long-sleeve t-shirt looking absolutely fire on the back if you've not picked up the boom tee we've got the self-revived club logo in the front and we've got the moon easter egg on the back with a bunch of cool stuff at the bottom and last but not least well not last but not least actually we have the hat we've got the beautiful beautiful hat we got the dad hat self revive club noah j456 hoodie thank you everyone who's been buying the merch i really really appreciate it it is linked down below in the description as well as the sticker pack if you guys are interested in that um ladies and gentlemen we have absolutely we have absolutely smashed it dude we have absolutely smashed it we are picking up tomorrow with more side quests more things more hunts we're picking up tomorrow um but for today i'm gonna now go work on the easter egg tutorial so that all of you guys can complete it for yourselves um and i'm gonna put that up on the channel probably here in the next like two three hours or so sounds good sounds good everyone cool with that i know i wanted i want to do a solo attempt and we will be doing a solo attempt here soon but i want to get this easter egg tutorial out for you guys so that you can actually be there for yourself anyway uh i'll see you guys i'll see you guys soon for the easter egg tutorial much love much much love i really appreciate all you guys tuning in over 115k i want to tweet this out but here i'll show you guys look at this look at this look at this right here ready i was so hungry from coffee and energy drinks to stick a break for this you can't make it out 115k peak concurrence that's absolutely unbelievable 115k peak concurrence on the first in the world easter egg so i'm going to wrap it up here thank you guys all much love much love hearts in the chat be good to everyone be nice to be nice to your neighbor be nice to yourself and uh we will see you guys very very soon for that easter egg tutorial i love you guys very much and we'll see y'all in the next one alright peace out everyone bye-bye
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 1,179,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noahj456, noah, noahj, gaming, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, zetsubou no shima, revelations, black ops, black ops cold war, black ops cold war zombies, call of duty zombies, call of duty 2020, cod 2020, treyarch, reveal, trailer, call of duty black ops cold war sniping, sniper, black ops cold war multiplayer gameplay, bocw, cod bocw, cold war sniper gameplay
Id: eZaQJgEc7BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 56sec (5636 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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