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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome everybody to the stream i hope everybody's having an absolutely fantastic day i i know that i am i i need to turn on this little camera here because we're going to do ourselves a good old-fashioned scuffed unboxing right here ladies and gentlemen uh i was sent a package well first of all first of all most importantly we are doing a round 100 run here and there's a little there's a little kicker that goes into this so you guys will see this in a second but i was actually sent a huge box by call of duty and then godfall sent me a box as well so i wanted to quickly show you guys that hold on wait wait this is what i was gonna do this isn't what i was gonna do hold on ladies and gentlemen this this package showed up from godfall that literally is a gigantic like heavy-duty helmet and i don't know what to i don't know what to do with it i don't know what to do with the chat oh my gosh should i wear this the entire round 100 run should i wear this the entire run because i i feel i feel powerful i i i don't know what to do it take it off okay okay listen ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh it like sticks in my head uh so god paul sent me that thank you to god for uh for sending that over and then i also got a package here from uh from call of duty and playstation oh my gosh zoomed in i also got a package here from call of duty and playstation so i i figured we would just go ahead and open this up that's cool with y'all real quick see what's inside of it um see we're doing it i mean this is a little scuffed unboxing oh wait what i thought this was playing cards whole black house cold war official use only um okay we have that oh yes oh yes wow i'm gonna be i'm gonna be looking real good today what okay so i got i got some of those we got a uh jacket this is wow thank you call of duty members only jacket okay so there's that and then we have this big box that says ps5 on it so i assume it's gonna be like some weird way to present it we also have this box right here i literally can't even like zoom out any farther these boxes are so big um it's a it's a it's a stereo it's like an 80s stereo chat chat what is this pat what am i what what what am i okay well there's that oh i guess that's what the cassette player goes to and then there's this i actually like cut my hand on the side of this box oh my gosh you got to be kidding me i have now cut my hand on this box three times because it said like fragile in the box and whoever shipped this box was not fragile hold on i cut my hand again for the third time on the spot oh my god [Music] hey i'm a band-aid dude i i kid you not i have cut there's a huge and i mean absolutely huge like just super sharp gash on the side of this thing because whoever shipped this box did not ship it very nicely at all i kid you not this is like one of the worst like handled boxes ever whoever shipped this to be ashamed you guys can't really see it but anyway let's open it up so i can get rid of this box and never ever deal with it again because oh my gosh hey noah congratulations on first in the world i just solved the easter egg using your tutorial much love glad you uh glad you enjoyed it play the tape oh my god wait oh my god wait call of duty sent me a ps5 i literally just finished setting up my ps5 what in the world i literally have another ps5 now what do i do with the second ps5 do i give it away i i have a second ps5 now what do we give this away dude this box is so sharp we'll give this away how about that uh give it to you okay yeah i'll get oh yeah yeah i'll give it to you hey leave a like on this video and uh i'll figure out if we get if we get like if we get five likes i'll figure out how to give this away we'll probably do it on twitter more than likely but yeah if we can get five likes on this video i'll give it away let me know if we get five likes and then we have like a flag as well so thank you very much call of duty and uh ps5 or playstation rather for sending this over this is absolutely incredible i can't even tell what this is like a gigantic cold war flag really really cool stuff sorry it's kind of a stuffed opening oh we got the jacket the ray ban player and the jacket and then obviously the playstation in the game so super cool thank you so much to them for uh for sending that over i really really appreciate that and thank you to godfall for sending that there's too much going on there's too much going on let's let's just get into what i know best yeah let's just get oh my god bro i look over at my twitter and we just had like a thousand people follow me because everyone heard that i was about to give this away on twitter tweet it out right now now i need to get a good picture of it i need to get a good picture of it so i'll wait i'll wait i'm going to tweet it out later but make sure y'all follow anyway ladies and gentlemen uh so so i did a bad thing i did a bad thing chad so last night if you did not know last night the ray gun was nerfed okay they they they put out an update that nerfed the ray gun it needed the nerf let's not all front and say it didn't need the nerf the reagan probably needed the nerf it's still the best gun in the game but i was basically recording so if you want to know how to get a free reagan i uploaded a tutorial earlier on today on how to get a free completely free reagan um and i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie i was i was recording for that tutorial and i had unplugged my ps4 to go on my ps5 right like to plug in my ps5 because i used the ethernet cable and i realized that i like while i was finishing the recording in this game i still have the unnerfed version because i unplugged and because i didn't i haven't restarted since like a day and a half ago i still have the unnerfed version of the ray gun so i got the ray gun from that easter egg that i uploaded on my channel if you guys want to see how you get a free rig and easter eggs on my channel right now i the ps5 is custom wait wait the ps5 is custom hold on hold on actually wait wait are y'all trolling or is the ps5 actually custom if y'all are trolling i'm gonna be real mad at y'all wait are you all serious if y'all are trolling i swear i swear chat ah look what you did chad look what you did my cam my camera is now scuffed because of you did you know that did you know that you discussed my entire camera um okay dude i'm so excited for my ps5 i'm so excited you guys are effing trolling me hey oh my goodness okay all right all right literally literally a troll happy birthday troll i'm gonna i we are not friends we are not friends chad anyway as i was saying uh we are going for the round 100 easter egg completion uh with the uh the pretty much the last time that you're ever gonna see the ray gun in the unnerfed form it literally is it one shots zombies at actually any round it needed to be nerfed let's let's not front here and act like this this didn't need to be nerfed that being said am i still sad about it absolutely i i it was so weird to have it but it was but it was so much fun at the same time to have an unnerfed ray gun that we could literally just like clap zombies with play the tape uh i i think it's just the soundtrack for the game chat i'm pretty sure it's just the soundtrack for the game [Music] so we're gonna do we're gonna do some steps of the easter egg obviously we're still super early on and the uh in the game are only on around seven uh yo omar harris and silver thanks for becoming a tier two and tier one member and big taco and michael scar and edward richthofen thank you all for the tier ones and uh donuts guys appreciate that appreciate that it always doesn't give me the reagan bro the box is literally the hardest thing to get the reagan out of it's actually unbelievable first actually i have done the coffin dancing 14 times and not a single ray gun lol good luck this run wait are you serious you might you might if that is true you might be the most unlucky player in the entire world if you have done it for i got it three out of four times that's insane that is insane i thought my luck was bad but you might you might be the most unlucky that's that's playing on console and congrats on world first my man i managed to finish bbe twice this morning thanks uh why are you playing on console i'm playing on console because i got i i got this beautiful ps5 delivered of course the absolute beaut um check this spot also fun fact these little crystals yeah so fun fact these little crystals uh that spawn in wait how much health do you have if you have upgraded jug it's 250 right am i am i crazy um i got i got the regular my first try bro yeah i didn't get it on my first but it was very soon um wait is upgraded jug 250 health i think it is right yeah fun fact wait just like our strike team found part of a device any idea what it is [Music] how short this easter egg is what is the fun fact did i say that i had a fun fact wait did i actually say i had a fun fact i don't remember i literally have no idea what i was going to say i literally have no idea what i was going to say uh look for side easter eggs i i'm starting my side easter egg hunt tomorrow side easter egg hunt starts tomorrow but i really want to since i have this ray gun i really want to do my round 100 on it now there we go we got that man going listen to that man go chat listen to that man go oh the crystals the crystals thank you for reminding me about the fun fact chat the crystals you can legitimately get a reagan out of the crystals that that was my fun fact if you break the crystals in the dark ether you can get the reagan out of it it's pretty insane thunder it absolutely rips um hugh mara thanks for the two-run membership by the way if you get the chance to use the stoner 63 pack punch it into the psychotropic thunder it absolutely rips yeah i used it day one and it is literally one of the best weapons in the game literally one of the best weapons in the game you got a right gun from one earlier dude that's sick [Music] how do you earn ethereum crystals do you literally just play and then extract you literally just play and extract you did the easter egg already right yep yep we got worlds first dude we got worlds first all right we gotta wait for all these diary entries to end we'll be teleported back and then we can go for the pack a punch uh what's called uh or not pack a punch we can go for the uh easter egg steps basically i want to get down to the last easter egg step and then uh we're going around 100 that's that's the plan that's the plan can you check your leaderboards uh sure um congratulations the world's first thank you man dude i'm so excited to speedrun this map as well are you feeling about zombies this year at first i thought i would hate it but i am enjoying it a lot bro that's exactly what i saw when i saw the gameplay first i was like that really doesn't look that good to me that really does not look that good to me and then i played it and i was like wow i've watched you for years this is the most fun zombies has been in a long time i'm not kidding uh i know for several i thought you should have it because i watched you for years anyways uh have fun thank you joe mama appreciate that who's joe though uh okay now there's something you don't see now we need to just yeah oh we already bought jug oh go it was built specifically for the undead so let's go ahead and started on the uh upgraded creature and let's let's get it let's get it poppin chat let's get it poppin when do we get more zombie maps not sure hello zombie i need you i need i need the zombies given where the breach have closed is risk definitely definitely still possible even without the reagan buff but since since i since i haven't i want to show off the buff ray gun one last time before it's gone forever one last time enough have you packed a punch the knife i have i don't i don't really enjoy it it's good it's actually pretty good especially for boss zombies but honestly i'm not i haven't really been using it i kind of forgot that i'm supposed to be uh using these zombies for the for the wonder weapon upgrade as well and now people will say joseph's mother gosh dude i don't know why that made me laugh so much that was such a dumb message uh the real jozo um yo thank you joe mama for the donation as well thank you thank you thank you very much i'm on zombies dude this thing this thing is is hungry it takes a lot of souls zombies man shouldn't kill those zombies did you forget to adjust your fov no you can go 100 though just for you how you feeling about zombies this year you dude i i really i i think a lot of people okay the cut the no cutscene part sucks really bad i'm not gonna lie the no cutscene part sucks really bad i i don't know why there's not a cup scene it probably has to do with developmental resources but i really really really really really hope that the the next maps have a cut scene and they just didn't do one doing this here or this time because they ran out of time and resources and stuff um have you seen the red ghost zombie that comes out the box yeah the the jump scare one yeah i have seen it it's pretty insane i love your videos dylan thank you thank you for wow i was one zombie off unbelievable um love your vids thank you dylan appreciate you watching leave it to the nazis to create your weapon that literally spells out die do you think they even knew they were the batteries uh joshie cottonville thanks for the tier one membership oh i forgot to i forgot to get the the what what should i call it hey guys on the next radioactive zombie remind me to uh remind me to uh noah you can throw a stun grenade at the tank and it will shoot the tank oh really sting grenade works oh i need to not open up that door not open up that door um yeah apparently it's just any equipment i don't know i just use syntax easy as that dude is the reagan bad after the near no it's probably still the best weapon it is not as good though not much just for sure it is not as good can you put this in here oh you can nice on a separate note will you be doing a playthrough of the campaign uh if there's nothing if there isn't enough interest of it i would do a playthrough of the campaign if there's enough interest in it probably not for a bit though just because i'm enjoying doing zombies so much right now i'm loving loving zombies man true truly truly truly loving it oh does that does the boss first you can do this see solo right after earth is around 15k it's around 15k now interesting yeah so so it went from like no it did over 30k i think it 24k was the max number but it actually did like 35k or something like that there we go okay good stuff um let us enter into the other dimension uh curtis thanks for coming with your members in the world i live in korea so i fell asleep with your live stream on but got woken up to you screaming really sorry about that jack and jake love you a lot from their friend jet jacket uh second jake love your from their friends jet yo thank you jet if jets actually your name that sucked that's a cool name jet like league of legends not league of legends uh what am i saying you know what i'm saying the other league game all right get the second upgrade built yeah i wonder if that boss zombie can cause the reaction with the tree i would assume so i i really can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work but it might not i don't know if you make it to round 30 with no downs i'll donate 100 dollars that's it that's all i got to do around 30. still going for a gun from the laser box cut across your mind shot doesn't spawn for me so good for reagan but how come the laser box uh i cut across from deadshot it still doesn't spawn for me did you watch the did you watch my tutorial you said not to do i panicked yet i don't even know if anyone's gotten it but i hope there's a cutscene that one dude i didn't even think about that that would be very imagine if you collected all the intel pieces and then you got the cutscene people would grind the intel so hard i personally wouldn't like it because the the easter egg is more of an enjoyable like race for me does that make sense but um that would still be crazy dude that would be out that would actually be absolutely wild eric uh pluckta thanks for becoming a tier 1 member yeah i actually have a lot of the intel i don't know how much exactly i have but i have a lot of the intel no i'm going to miss it maybe i got it wait is it is this going to be glowing ah i got it poggies hockey's chat oh look at my first note it's a bug on the computer side by twitter just in case it happens to you king okay i uh okay i'll i'll check that joshie in a second joshi if you use the link in the description it does the text-to-speech and everything like that to donate rather than using super chat pogers poker chat the electro bolt uh omar thanks for the 50 super chat again i can't read your message i'm sorry because that doesn't pop up in my software because it's i'm sorry i'm sorry uh okay so i need to get the guy to shoot the thing and i need to kill a dogee dog are the two things i need [Applause] hopefully we get a doge around here gray series and what the nazis were doing at that station what's the best upgrade for the die in your opinion i really like the electric one for the boss fight for the boss fight i think electric has got to be the best for sure is that it controls it's gotta it's gotta be the best who knows what else that's the way to kill a megaton on a high round uh probably reagan honestly still or you buy a chopper gunner they are your biggest fans uh where are you by chopper gunner or you uh hey hello have you done the coffee consists directly yet have you done this easter egg yet in this game that would be really inspiring also that's the do i think custom zombies will be coming to this college fight fortunately i don't think so because it's not bad because it's not a theme when we're halfway through the easter egg and we're hey no i've been watching you for many years even before the whole iron wolf scandal much love bro heart emoji oh that was funny that was a funny time chad to the guy who can't get the fire upgrade you have to get the ether scope first the tutorial isn't exactly right yeah so i put in the description of my of my wonder weapon upgrade guide that uh to go check the new one because i need this man i need this man chat i need this man in my life you know what i need him to do when are you going to play gaurad or zombies with xqc so i'm planning on like the next two days we're doing some solo stuff hunting etc next to the tree you can knife the fuse box instead of taking all teleporters uh you basically yeah you get the to get the fuse you basically have to give this portal watch my watch my full easter egg guy that has all the correct steps just that's all the correct steps keep up the grind homie tell my boy tutorials hey first try the easter egg we love that dude thank you thank you for the donut my friend [Applause] imagine i went down right there that would be that would be so silly billy if i went down right there chad that would be so silly i have not picked up i didn't pick up the vile i was like why can't i not place this raptor one we'll circle back later let's just kill those guys let's just kill him man no armor from that at all really uh dodger man you're a beast thank you man hi nate i know you got something for early access just want to say i'm proud to keep it again homie bro the people who think that like i i literally have been meaning about it for so long that i don't know if people are actually that dumb that they believe it or they uh or or the or that i i don't know what the problem is like if people are legitimately that oh i needed that play account i'm dumb um i i actually i actually don't know if people are just that dumb or or what it is that people think to this day this is not a joke they think to this day that treyarch gives youtubers early steps oh my gosh it dude it it blows blows my mind i'm not kidding people are so unbelievably dumb about stuff man how dude i like i don't even know if i can like talk about it without getting like annoyed bro people literally think that we solved the easter egg in two hours and whatever however many minutes it was uh because treyarch gave us steps dog have you seen the easter egg it took barely any time because did you see how easy it was to solve it was like one of the easiest easter eggs of all time and i don't i i actually love this that part but the fact that people think that we like it's actually crazy it's actually crazy people are actually actually like so dumb yes treyarch is going to risk their entire reputation to make sure i'm first in the world guys yeah it legitimately blows my mind like i don't understand how bad legitimately mind-blown hey noah what perks do you think will be added in the future much love bro what perks do you think will be added in the future um probably like i could honestly see double tap returning oh play counter on i need this i could honestly see double tap returning to be completely honest with you um will it return i don't know i can see mule kick coming out i don't know i just hope there's a lot of updates i hope they update skills a lot and give us stuff to grind for i want like god tier skills that cost like 100 theory my crystals to buy i want like really really hard like hard to get skills would y'all like that like if there were just god tier skills for your like perks or guns or whatever that would that would uh like cost just a hundred etherium crystals and just require you to grind the game so much you know what i mean that would be so cool that would be so cool because honestly i'm almost done buying everything already i'm legitimately almost done buying everything because i i've been playing so much because i love the game but i am almost done let's see uh where am i picking up the last part from oh yeah right what do y'all think are we gonna are we gonna beat this round 100 easter egg temper not chat but i'm gonna be honest i do not want to level up everything [Applause] you joke you joke dominic but that is literally how some people sound that is legitimately how some people sound i wonder if there's dude i'm excited to see what kind of crazy tricks get found with this with this easter egg like there's probably a way to skip them talking skip the interaction and everything like that and get the wrench early [Applause] that is no aquarium the easter egg is so easy found the steps by myself it wasn't that hard long night dude haven't you heard haven't you heard man i the youtubers got the steps early that's how that's how the easter egg was found dude haven't you heard you haven't you heard the good news i'm probably not going to talk about it anymore because it's just it's just so dumb also also i'll say this as well uh because because i know because like i know most of you guys are just here to chill and have fun like you know how how how how like a new game is supposed to be just chilling and having fun and enjoying the really really fun game that they put out um but i'll just say this as well uh the the finding the wonder weapons early and stuff like that that that anyone could set their console to new zealand and not download the updates and do that it's not so cool didn't give early access to the easter eggs literally anybody who decided to just not download the update and start playing and play offline got the steps like could could hunt for it there's no there's no like i wonder if a molotov works actually i want to try that one said a stun grenade works oh it actually worked um don't feed into the trolls now i know i know the sad part is they're not trolls though they're people that like i recognize as like being in the game a lot or like being in my streams a lot and stuff too but to be honest they're probably just here to hate hey man i've said it before i'll say it again in terms of like early access and stuff like that oh my god hold on in terms of like early access hey man i i didn't get early access because i paid treyarch you know what i mean like you get early access by grinding your channel up go i went from i went from 1 000 subscribers to 80 000 subscribers and black ops 2 guys early steps are the type to pour milk before their serial number true um um let's see well we got plenty of subjects ideas you're so defensive about it something's up well i i mean would you be would you be happy if your character was attacked i don't know put the detonator into the nuke for the ending the nuke the nuke is probably a side easter egg of some kind that much that much is definitely a thing it's gotta be it's literally gotta be there's no way the nuke is not a minimum aside easter egg for sure um oh yeah that's what i was saying i like i didn't whenever i was watching t martin and prestigious key and chaos like silencer i'll get early like go to get invited early events i didn't sit there and complain i i grinded into work to get my channel going you know what i mean i i i like like i've said it before but just like channel your channel the energy into something positive you know what i mean like my dad was killed that's my biggest advice i can get accident for years man you make things a little easier i like like uh like i i i i've sat here and sacrificed so much for it to like do youtube like and make my channel big obviously it's paid off obviously it's paid off in the end okay hold on can we why aren't these guys being sucked up there we go finally i like i i sacrificed a lot when i was getting no viewers and no subscribers to make my to like work on my channel and everything you know what i mean like it didn't just happen overnight it's it's something you got to work for well hello noah got round 50 today with raygun x-file didn't go as planned though hope you are having a good one is uh noah got run 50 today with reagan x holding ghost plane though i hope you're having a good one piece yeah then in solo the expo is actually pretty hard if you're doing duos or higher just buy a chopper gunner and your expo will be good it's a new generation everyone thinks they're entitled to everything i mean i mean i'm just i'm not trying to like i'm just trying to spread some spread some like positive like encouragement you know what i mean being loving all of the content you've been putting out lately especially this pokemon unboxing thanks for buying concerns what's up chat thanks for buying some of those shirts i appreciate that guys the merch does not have much longer left if you if you're planning on getting any of the self-revive club merch the founders pack just anything that is in that in the link in the description there's not much time left for getting the merch just a heads up there it's the pre-orders are going to close very very soon this isn't over let's get after him now okay so that's the last thing until the uh i've been watching you religiously since the early black ops 3 you die bro i'm so sad this will be the last the last game where the ray gun is this op oh my god what did i get slapped by oh he there he was in there wait the boss zombie was in there bro i got owned by that guy they like eat you as well not this game won't go on the leaderboards it won't go on the leaderboards because i because it's like not connected to the internet and we're sure not gonna find him in the darkness options well he was once human maybe there's something around here something from his past something to help him remember who he was just beat the die machine easter egg at round 16. can't wait for the next zombies map to be released i'm building the wrong things over and over but i'm having a great time already hey noah have you gotten the red ghost slash team third try there is a broken wall where you get the family photo have you figured anything out about it it's open in ether wait there's a broken wall that's open in the ether next to where you get the fan okay i'll check that out i'll check that out that's interesting yeah tomorrow is gonna be our big side easter egg quest hunting day today i really wanted to go for this hundred with the last the last time that reagan will ever be this good um [Music] someone tweeted me a picture of someone using the strat and i don't know who it was i would love to credit whoever it was but i don't know who was actually playing i just know someone said here's the here's a good strat for round 100 and sent me a clip of this strat so i'm trying it out i don't know if it's any good or not but reagan getting nerfed it's getting nerfed from uh the fact that it could one-shot zombies infinitely it had infinite damage on pac-man's tier three so yeah kind of just getting there it needed it though i just i just hope they bought some of the aorta don't go your way you yell for that's how things work nowadays definitely not trying to like start a war or anything like just just just trying to just trying to just trying to talk some sense into people you know [Applause] it seems it has a bunch of side easter eggs yeah this map has a lot of side easter eggs there's already been some threads picked up there is a giant dude in the dark ether it is like a hundred stories tall it's literally bigger than the origins robots that walks around in the dark ether that people have seen i don't know how to get it but that's one of the things we're gonna be hunting for tomorrow this is my first donation but i love all your videos and streams when is the latest i can get a self-revived club movie uh when is the latest you can get a self-revive club hoodie um the 23rd 23rd i believe what was your honest opinion on the easter egg isn't it out of ten um i think in terms of hunt it wasn't it was uh it's great content you guys like watching everything like that so in that aspect the the hunt was pretty bad but in terms of so so here's the way i'll put it i i saw a comment that summed this up perfectly on on my video i was like for the people complaining about the length of the hunt would you rather have a really good hunt or would you rather have like a really really like long and good quote-unquote good hunt or would you rather have a fun easter egg that because because basically i'll put it like this the the hunt the hunt only lasts one time the map lasts forever so i think if the map is good it's way more important than the hunt being good you know what i mean i think the map the map being good and i think this easter egg is really really fun and it's replayable it's a really good time oh that's that's basically my opinion that's basically my opinion y'all can let me know if you agree with that or not actual opportunity strike team that's what i think this is sulking 118 strat yes sulky that i think that was it um yes sulky sulky is the uh is the guy inside the easter egg alert there's the corridor quarter behind stamina that has four red buttons and you shoot them until they turn green and the giant zombie comes out there's a corridor avoiding watching your e-tutorials till i figure it out i got stuck on the upgrades park then cave yeah honestly the upgrades is a big part of the easter egg there's wait do you mean do you mean the the red buttons behind uh what's it called you mean these red buttons over here behind uh not stamina but yeah i saw these red buttons a while ago is anyone able to like is that is that actually true those red buttons actually do anything are you gonna play the campaign i don't know if if there's enough interest without without spoiling anything did y'all enjoy the campaign i honestly don't know anything about it the red buttons do stuff if you're in the dark ether you guys did enjoy it oh that's good oh that's good to hear maybe maybe i'll play it what is the best weapon to use for early rounds uh the the shotgun that is on the plane window closed get the shotgun that's on the plane so i think my strat is going to be i use the chopper gunner before i use ether shroud i think my because if i use if i use the chopper gunner if i if i get into a bad spot again i can uh the buttons behind speed cover he was trying to figure it out oh but he didn't he didn't actually do it he didn't actually figure it out got to the boss fight and died can you briefly explain what i have to do in the first round ten rounds of every game sure uh first things first open up uh open up power turn on power open up package of any call of duty i'll show you guys much more than just mission after mission of shooting oh that's good uh right here buy that shotgun and first thing you should do the ps5 if you're dying a lot maybe you can get a job having a great day but honestly uh honestly you don't have to get jugged i would pack flush the shotgun first i would pack a bunch of the shotgun first if you're not if you're not doing the or if you want to do look at my main easter egg tutorial you can get the free wonder weapon instead but honestly getting that shotgun is a huge huge player winning the ps5 giveaway uh hey good luck omar you in particular though no one else did you know teresa zombies easter egg in the campaign that's what people were telling me i need i need i i don't want to get it spoiled though so don't tell me what it is i want to i want to do it for myself hey shut up okay let's buy our last perk and then we are good we need to buy a chopper gunner as well run run run how did you find this strat noah uh sulk sulky sully down [Applause] going out megaton did not want to go down what's your favorite element of wonder weapon um oh we got a sulfurous can't use it fog uh my favorite element of wonder weapon is the electric one i really like the electric one i am an electric simp oh what was i going to answer i was going to answer something noah my main man did you see my tweet about the rock in cold war zombies rock and cold war zombies no i can safely say i did not see the rock tweet what is the rock tweet so so does the uh what's it called does this does this wonder weapon infinitely slow this is slow forever i know what i know i know it gets way worse at killing but does it slow forever bro you know what i really want has anyone used the uh the ice the ice field upgrade yet i really want to try out the ice apparently the strat is a lot harder whenever the reagan nerf uh you do you like the ray gun isn't as this powerful apparently this strat is not as good uh but it still works this is how someone got to round 115. and i keep what what is his name again sup noah gotta say i'm really loving this new zombies definitely i don't want to shout out after the blade blocks yeah no dude dude i i stand by there's there's the most ways to play and experiment and customize it's one of the most replayable zombies of all time ps5 but thank you to i've been a fan for a long time hey thank you man me and my bro made it to the boss fight last night on our first try lost course he went down with the ray gun and it glitched yeah there's a there's a glitch with the ray gun right now unfortunately but the devs are looking saying things from other languages because i i can't i can't know for sure what they mean and i don't want to accidentally say something like really really bad i know that sounds kind of lame but i've i've done it in the past where i've said something someone has wanted me to say in a dono and i have uh said something bad so i'm i'm not saying it [Music] i tweeted a joke about how you thought that one rock by the playing crash with the art was an among us character oh yeah dude i literally thought that you you guys know what i'm talking about it literally looks like there's an among us character artwork on the map like it actually looks like hey noah first time donating hope you get this round 100 unfortunately i have to go hey well thank you thank you for tuning in for as much as you have i appreciate that very much and i hope you have a great rest your day doing whatever you're doing whatever you're doing hope it's uh hope it's dandy hope it's dandy my friend uh i added you with the speed cola easter egg uh you'll need to be an ether to do it um okay let's see you added me with a speed cola easter egg how come i'm not seeing it did you just do it alright hey man love your zombies content do you plan on doing this easter egg with xqc possibly love those streams uh yeah i'll play it i'll play it for sure wait what in the world okay so apparently you shoot wait okay hold on let me get let me get one zombie and try this out i'm curious if i send the 100 you picked my interest now the ps5 go up uh no not at all actually not not in the slightest not not even close but uh i love you i love you more that chances of me loving you more definitely increased one zombie at the end of this round do you think there is a way get a cutscene at the moment i don't think there is oh nice perfect okay oh wait hello okay all right let's see here so apparently according to this guy go into the dark ether and then you shoot all of the walls here we'll see uh where's my dark ether portal at let's go up top do i think there's a way to get a cut scene yeah again possibly i don't know does the reagan count as pistol skill upgrades yes it does it counts as a pistol in the uh in the everything um first time donating but love your videos wait is that how do you get it where you start with combat knife uh you literally just make it you just put it into your creative class literally just put it into your credit class revive me i might lose a weapon slot yeah true detected all right so this guy said he went in and he shot all four of these buttons oh wait hold on go away go away i'm watching an easter egg this is the best zombies since both rimo can't wait for the next maps and for my merch to arrive what happens now the light came on oh there's a what the what was that there was a giant claw that came out of the door what in the world wait what was that [Applause] wait don send me a clip of that send me a clip of that don what there was big hand man [Applause] yo remastered thanks for sending that to me what in the world you can use it again couldn't find anything with it oh my gosh what is that what is the point what in the world yo mark uh richard thanks for becoming a channel member yo uh don are you here i don't even know don's here jonathan have a grab a zombie apparently apparently it's been tried already like a trap maybe so with this strat how do you get reloads off when they're super sprinters does anyone know what's the straps for reload while they're super monkey sprinters upgrade we're guys we're going to easter egg hunt tomorrow we're going to easter egg hunt tomorrow today i just want to get around 100. that's my goal for today stun do the zombies bring you enough stun grenades that that works hey noah what's your view on the points system slash gun damage emo it needs a tweak as smgs do no damage and no points on it yeah i think smg's need to need a buff for sure smg's that's for sure gotcha i agree wholeheartedly hey noah the ether portal on the packer punch never spawned for me in 20 rounds so i couldn't get the electro gun look at look at my main easter egg tutorial uh the other easter egg tutorial when i made the four wonder weapon upgrade tutorial they've updated it since then do you think this is the hardest zombies game so far do i think this is the hardest zombies game so far um in some ways yes but also in other ways no i i like it depends on what aspect you're talking about it's one of the hardest zombie games to come back from if you completely die like if your teammate lets you completely die out man i'm not going to earn any of the ethereum crystals from this game uh who let the ray gonna get that good well they nerfed it from what you're watching right now i'm playing with the unnerfed version because i'm playing offline and i haven't updated it on this console yet so are you gonna go for the dark ether camel even though it looks like v03 dark matter in grabbing it uh i i think so yeah i they need to increase the amount of xp you get for playing with guns and zombies it's actually kind of silly how slow you up uh upgrade guns and zombies or you rank up guns and zombies some i might do something where i like play multiplayer off stream um i might do something where i kind of play multiplayer off stream and get get all the gun upgrades and everything like that going um and then yeah do it like rank up all the guns and then i'll be able to go for [ __ ] you guys would you guys watch a series of me going for dark ether and zombies would you guys be interested in that thank you remastered for sending that that easter egg by the way are you waiting till tomorrow because the devs aren't in the office to give you the spreadsheet xdjk happy birthday yeah that's it uh there are a lot of camera challenges yeah and the camo challenges are actually fun it's just that you can only do them once you've actually ranked up and that's kind of i love your videos you have inspired me to become a youtuber thank you for helping me smile when i need it bro i'm just here chilling but i'm glad i can glad i can help out in whatever way possible man you made her 30 rounds now that person owes you 100 bucks yeah did that guy really think i was going to go down before around 30. his dis disc chat what does elemental pop do it triggers a random alternate ammo type every little bit oh actually i hate that man is there a setting on controller that makes it so i have to like hold to pick up stuff on the ground stick layout tap to reload tap to interact prioritize reload you may tap to reload it and interact with both our mail simultaneously tap to reload hold to interact okay that's what i want it still did it did it not change the setting what are your critiques of the game so far yo noah have you seen the massive monster easter egg yes i have seen it does anyone know do we know how to get into a sponsor do we know how to get into fighting shooting all the satellites with a pack gun and the radio played next to the viral drop yeah i saw that as well i saw that as well i think i picked a bad day to go for around 100 huh lighting molotov good stuff good stuff equipment behavior is the setting i i tried that already with the introduction of super sprinters do you think using sniper rifles even feasible uh as of right now no the ads times are just too long the ads times are literally just too long it's not it's not even feasible now i would say how does reagan have so much ammo because this is the uh pre-nerfed version of it it's pre nerferino i i really hope i really hope just i i understand why the reagan was nerfed the reagan needed i have 9.5 k kills on the mp5 and it is only level 42. they got a buff weapon xba sound yeah they really do they they they need to buff weapon xp because that that's just that's just [Music] um let's get some i want to see that hundred uh last time you did this i donated and you died chad let's get some noah j clutch in the shot i want to see the hundred yeah i i i want to get the 100 too trust me when did the game update last night how many players can get the die shockwave uh all four where's the last zombie i hear him where is he do you think the knife will get nerfed no i don't think so i i just hope it's a general like mentality i guess treyarch buffs things that are bad rather than nerfs things that are good i don't want this game to turn into b04 where every gun sucks i really don't want it to turn into bf4 where every gun sucks [Music] how many people can get the reagan all that's what four get okay we're back at it there it is i cannot get the portal under pack a punch to spawn am i missing something check uh check my easter my full easter i got i show how to upgrade all four weapons in there and it's post patch it's post patch so it has correct steps on there dude you use my new tutorial how many people can have the dice all four players can have the die shockwave and reagan it's possible hey man round 52 is going to be crazy chad round 52 is gonna be truly wild first in the world video idea of a bucket easter egg step i only killed one zombie and doors do not open i only kill one zombie doors do not open uh i don't know send it to treyarch i don't fix bugs i play the video game i'm a youtuber i play the video game i'm sorry i don't i don't fix anything i don't know how to do that do you think they will have double tap in the next maps maybe i don't know it would kind of break their system so honestly i i doubt it though point system i think the point system could use a little of yeah i i i would love to see in addition to zombies dropping other stuff i would love to see the zombies dropping zombie essence which is basically just like 100 points dropped i would love to see that man that's like thrown into like you can drop salvage you can drop points and stuff like that just to like give a little bit of help to the to the economy it's mostly the fact that hitting the box is just a destination to your economy hitting the box unless you earth in the update last night ray gunter as far as we know just the ray gun just the ray gun because it requires you to be online but my internet is too unstable to keep me connected feels bad that is tough sorry man undead tango down that is very very tough from the box it is off running around being a stabby boy was funny yeah i i like the variety that you can do if you want to run around and be a stabby boy and zombies you can which is really cool that that kind of variety was never ever ever available ever hey no i was playing yesterday and my character said one the waffle made short work of them they said the wonder waffle makes sure wait really dude does that confirm that there's going to be a wonder waffle at some point in this game that would be insane that would actually be nuts if they added a wonder wash to this how is your ray gun doing 24 000 damage i thought it got nerfed to a dude for those of you guys who have been here for a while does anyone else feel like we've answered the same questions like 30 times at this point no no hate no hate because i know people don't like show up late to the stream but how many times have we answered the reagan question do y'all think um i i was going for a um i was going for a uh easter egg tutorial about doing the dancing coffin easter egg and then i unplugged my console to um i unplugged my console to uh what's it called um to set up my ps5 and uh it allowed me to uh stay on the patch before they before they nerfed it so i'm playing offline right now that's how i'm playing the buffer again long um i should have a comment at the corner like of the stream no because then i'm just gonna have people who wouldn't even know the difference either way asking about it so i'm good i'm good hey no i built a free app called chronos that conveniently has easter egg guides for old maps and new maps love you noah hey that's cool man nice it's a good idea it's definitely something i need that that need that is going to always be necessary to beat the zombie maps they should bust them all do you think the molotov's good the molotov's pretty good i think the molotov's all right [Applause] undead [Applause] we are zooming right now we are absolutely zooming right now love to see it you really do i mean i'm not getting any of the xp or upgrades or ethereum crystal 100 i watch rarely live because the time zone happy to stay up for your stream at weekends hey finish guy yeah it's probably probably mad late for you over there hey noah the operator that kinda looks like you in 50 years love your content brother wow i hate you the operator pack kind of looks like me in 50 years huh okay that's cool have you played dead ops arcade yet have they played dead ops arcade yet i'm not a huge dead arcade fan to be honest with you i know i know blasphemy blasphemy but i'm really i'm really not i'm not a huge dead ups arcade stem i know i know a lot of people like like dead ops arcade but on behalf of us all we appreciate everything not for me congrats on first totally deserved hey thank you man we we set up literally the best easter egg hunters in the entire world and we kind of smashed the easter egg thank you for the guides you the champ big kisses hope you get to 100. hey thank you man ordered my hashtag self revive club hoodie how would you rank the wwe also do you think new kick would be good on this map i do mule kick would be really fun on this map i i don't think it's necessary for the for the map to be like the best thing in the entire world but i would actually love to see mule kick on this map this has an option and apparently they are going to do that they're going to be adding all any new perks that come out they're going to be adding to all maps through the wonder fizz so you'll be able to you'll be able to use the wonder fizz and uh get new maps which is really cool or get new perks that they bring out [Music] hold all the zombies do run outside oh that's really cool actually kisses excuse me come again hello okay all right we go again some people in chat were asking what the ass is called it's called cronus zombie guides again chronos zombie guides gotta love that five dollar free advertising gotta love it dude gotta love it why are you using the print nerf reagan because i'm a pansy and i want one last hurrah i want one last hurrah with it before it leaves because i wanted to go for a round 100 run yesterday but instead i had to do the easter egg tutorial and there we go we have hit the health cap some people were saying the health cap is actually 35k [Music] is that true are they interactable what's up with the anomaly monkey scattered around the map no idea hasn't been solved yet [Music] oh my gosh we got we got a hundo buff oh my gosh you right now you deserve 100 advertising my mistake wow thank you man thank you very much when are you going to this month again that's pretty funny i'll give you that that's pretty funny dude that's pretty funny [Applause] how much worse is the post nerf ray gun oh i'm getting kind of slapped here how much worse is the post nerf reagan um it's it's still the best gun in the game but it's no longer like one shot kill on every round you know what i mean so still good for sure second time donating was it ever confirmed that the sam in the trailer is samantha maxie it is indeed confirmed it is indeed confirmed his old sami maxis okay what am i doing wrong if this track can be done with the post nerf reagan too i'm doing something wrong where's the founder of it i want to talk to him i want to talk to him get him in here okay i wanted to tweet out that little side easter egg thing [Music] oh wrong clip wrong clip cash cash cash too many bones and not enough cash sell your extra bones for cash um too many bones not enough cash sell your extra bones for cash what the heck kind of message was that brother are you okay chad should we be worried about this man should we should we be worried about this man you just said to sell your bones for cash sending love from jack and jake oh did he not die hello we have another zombie somewhere there's another zombie there's another zombie oh this is not where i'm supposed to be chill zombie chill chill chill chill all right boys i just put that clip up on twitter of uh the side easter egg with the giant claw if you guys want to see it you want to see a giant claw easter egg weren't weapons supposed to be random rarities also if you get the right that was our speculation that was our speculation but that was not the not what ended up happening cricket muffin where is martina is she cricket now yes she became clicket cricket lucky i now keep lucky cricket bro this is this this run i am in physical pain of this run chat just to let y'all know because i have three separate cuts on my hand from this super nice package i got sent by playstation but there are three cuts on my hand three of them go ahead and grab that go ahead and grab this and we will run back don't be live at any dude on the goat man what can you what can you say what can you say he's the goat no we love you so much you are amazing there's a bus there was a boss there's still kind of a boss here that means we will have to see the german since they both left the primus campfire death site what nobody loves it so much you're amazing and we love you thank you jack and jake appreciate that appreciate that uh the german that means we'll have to see the germans since they both love prince wait what i don't understand that devin i know what you were talking about that's a few points just a few i'm dead we've got a few points it's true hey no i love your content but how did you and your group finish the easter egg so fast because it was maggie easy nah you caught me dude you caught me it was because treyarch sent me the steps early dude dang man i was hoping i wouldn't get caught like that chat 56. exiting the safe area on insta is not a very good idea good to know good to know [Music] good to know they call me oj456 they call me steve the solo easter egg on a stream love this game yo cool cool doctor reform congrats on the first little easter egg you got it sulky there he is what's up bud listen okay so i i asked earlier somebody somebody sent me a clip of someone doing this strat and i couldn't tell who it was because it was just like a twitter video um and then my channel told me it was you tell me to tell me your secrets for the strat how do well well first of all i'm i'm doing i'm doing panty mode because i have the uh i have the printer fragrano but what what are the strats i'm very scared for round 52. i'm very scared and i don't know and i don't know what to i don't know how to do this strat all i know is that you stand here and you were throwing stuns the video that i was saying already in the zombies story as well congrats on first strategy to get good economics i'm looking for his message i don't see it yet stratus don't die yes chad i understand the strat is to not die i need some armor and some ammo century turret it really is it really is the century turret craft sentry guns and place them in the tunnel can you place more than one century gun um how does that pre-patch reagan because i was uh recording for an easter egg tutorial last night and unplugged my ps4 to play on my pc and then uh to play on my ps5 and then they nerfed it and i said hmm that would be fun so i'm doing one final hurrah with the reagan is do you really put like multiple multiple sentry guns down is that the strap centuries help a lot to help you really throw a stun and when you kill a dog you make that's a bullet that slows the zombies and i was also great for reloading okay so reload so so do you just do you just put okay so let me see so you just take a sentry gun and you just put it in the tunnel like that wait why do i have two sentry guns deploying sentry turret wait you get two of them [Music] like that i didn't wait since when do you get two century turns for the price of one since when what congrats on world first noah have you got any idea what the monkey apparitions in the nectar on totem building no idea literally no idea at all i bought two did i buy two wait can you you can't no there's no way you can't hold multiple multiple kill streaks i don't feel like there's a side i feel like there's a zombie behind me that whole time just thinking if this is adult sam post primus and ultima's deaths at campfire then eddie should also still be alive uh adult sam post permission then eddie should also be here live correct edward richthofen should still be alive in uh in this universe yes absolutely correct noah jacobs finding all the ghosts oh yeah oh yeah there's extra ghosts and stuff like that we're doing all the side easter eggs uh oh [ __ ] thank you thank you yes i will try uh yeah we're going to hunt for side easter eggs and stuff tomorrow there's already been some stuff found some like leads basically he's trying to tell me this loki is trying to tell me something okay i'm looking i'm looking sorry i'm also trying to survive i'm looking for his message i'm looking um put the century towards the tunnel exit and have it be facing you i found out to be the best system back and what did you think of the easter egg ending i want the old point system back uh i think the new point system is fine if they just do some tweaking so did i buy two no i just bought one noah doesn't even work at treyarch chat how do you do this unsolvedy no i don't know does it look like i built i can't [Music] oh god this was a terrible idea i can't get into place if you want me to send it to you yeah just tweet it to me anything you guys find side easter egg related tweet it to me oh ah yes put myself in the in the gaps good good idea noah good idea all right chat we're about it's about to get so much more real there's an armor here somewhere raptor one in range for extraction it's about to get so much more real chat one more round and here come the sprinters monka monka you have the turrets actually facing you in the tunnel ah okay i'm gonna mod you by the way thank you thank you for the help on the strat did you want to turn okay that's cool do the turrets have bullet penetration [Applause] one more round till sprinters um if the upgrades didn't get found early the hunt would have been a lot much longer and would have still been fun tbh i can't even hear what the donation uh i want to tell you i think i've just that would have been a lot much longer still would have been fun tv that's true true but um oh my gosh that was a hundo bomb i couldn't even hear it there's too much zombie destruction uh yeah that's true but it was it was available to everybody the side quests were available to literally every single person uh who had the game you just had to like uh go offline they were they were available to everybody so it's not like it was anything early and i mean i'm a youtuber i'm going to make the content and have the easter egg guides ready and everything like that you know what i mean so all right here we go monkey s here come the sprinters and then a hundred dollars from man fair pig says is the sears easter egg for charity comes back hoping it is uh that that is the hope that is the hope that this year the zombies community is alive enough to uh to do an easter egg for charity that is the hope yes here comes the rock spreaders oh my goodness chat oh my goodness it gets real dude there he goes look at him moving chat look at him they're so fast are you really beating the easter egg on round 100 yes that is well that's the plan anyway noah did you see they advertised doritos in the campaign established hey noah what did you think of the easter egg and what do you think the next one i really love the easter egg love every part of it hunt was very very easy but honestly that's not the worst thing in the world hunt was very very easy and uh very disappointed there's no cutscene though i love this game very disappointed there was not a cutscene though gotta say wow the turrets actually do some work here [Applause] megaton dog smoke helps so much with the sprinters grab all this ammo grab everything i love how you can fill up your ether crowd while you're in ether shroud that's really cool to me i think that was a great idea it gives you like a purpose to actually like still attempting to kill stuff responds [Music] i don't know what why why i have two come on sprinters i'm not scared okay i'm a little scared okay i'm a little scared now lisa was i feel like the strat almost like in a different way is like behind it is isn't it is it in a way like someone easier whenever you have uh what's it called absolutely whenever whenever the reagan's nerfed simply for the reason that uh you get you get a whatchamacallit um the zombies bunch up a lot more so they get stuck on each other which is really nice deploying sentry turrets what does the poison thing do so much damage it was insta-kill do the sentry kind of claps chat the century kinda claps just when they're both focusing the same one man whoa that zombie ran straight through that oh my gosh he's ducking and weaving my shots don't see that the same damage but lowered ammo capacity or vice versa i feel the ray gun keeping the same damage but lowering the ammo capacity well it's too late they already both lowered the damage and they have ammo capacity i'm playing on an old build because i unplugged my ps4 to install my ps5 last night after the easter egg hunt i should just i should just pop ether trap there's no reason there's no reason for me to be like trying to risk that you know what i mean all right let's go exhale let's get out of here chat i'm just kidding if they lower the damage they can't lower the ammo to they already did oh i forgot to do centuries oh well isn't he missing at first no i got six uh i'm trying i'm trying to consider what's better in that situation should i just go ahead and use the chopper gunner like should i just go ahead and use the chopper gunner because i get the kills for it anyway or what hey noah just got 37 41 machine you think that's good that sounds really good no idea if it's actually good or not but it sounds good some of these zombies learn dennis from seasonal amount dude straight up man straight up some of them learn the enos maybe maybe zooming out here they be actually zooming oh my no what no chat the run's over chapter runs over the run is actually over [Applause] i can't believe it i can't believe it well looks like we're not corner camping anymore sorry to bring it up if there is any negative reason um bro i i literally have to train now i literally have to train now i'm just dude i can't believe it i can't believe it i literally can't believe it dude what happened i i bought the door that was keeping me safe from my corner camping strap i bought i accidentally bought the door when i self-rest dude why why i died in the stupidest way possible i died because i'm stubborn and i didn't want to use my ether shroud that is the okay well well on the bright side this is a way more impressive uh this is a way more impressive uh like skill wise are there any other spots that i should try chat i'm trying to think bro i can't believe that happened i actually can't believe that happened how are you not running out of ammo for the ray gun the mouth because you can buy ammo bro i'm so sad the last the last game that i will ever get with this reagan i accidentally bought the door dead meat dropped big rip arena energy plane wing guys no the plane wink is not gonna work hallway by armor it's just like that it's that tunnel just smaller hallway by armor right here wait right here there's no way right there's no way this is a good idea right it kills a kill hold on hold on did i buy a new cell press okay i did i did let's go get him a toe attack there's no way this is a good spot right unless unless it's secretly a really good spot um yeah there is a fast travel spot right next to that zombies do so much damage look at my arm i just had armor a second ago um all right i'm trying it again effort trying again here we go we don't have stun grenades the only problem tell me why my xboxone game crashed as soon as i hopped into the helicopter i need some i need some stun grenades that's my problem down [Applause] hold the phone chat hold the phone hold the phone chat okay hold the phone if i keep getting the ether shield if you can if i can recharge my special every single time then i'll be fine then when i need to go to ammo i can just take this is it spooky yeah but this actually might be the fastest spot [Applause] okay hold on why why okay decoy grenades are trash how much is for sure hold the phone shut hold the phone we're on to something here we're on to something here when a boss comes you're screwed when a boss comes i'll probably just leave right and then if i get into a bad spot i just go chopper gunnery okay i see where the problem is the chopper gunner okay so the problem is here's the problem with the strat right here's the problem the chopper gunner doesn't work except as a let me reach in my health thing it doesn't actually work for charging up your ether shroud enough so in order to get this to work the problem is if i'm if i miss literally one cycle if i miss one cycle let me try this full stuns if we get one cycle off where i don't fill up my ether shroud completely then i it takes me out of it quite a bit but if i can keep the cycle going this strat is insane knocked roof nah knocked roof isn't good i've tried it before i think i think if i just straight up oh well now we have a boss so now i can't really test it oh [Music] yeah all the zombies are underground is the only problem so i can get out of jail free there okay i want to try this without the boss on me because the boss army kind of screwed me right there let's try this without the boss zombie ever just light yourself on fire how is he so calm right there dude i i'm a i'm a seasoned zombies professional i need both a chopper gunner yeah the main the main problem is the bosses the main problem is the bosses if i can do this i can kill the boss faster is it the straps uh i don't know i don't know how much of it is the game and how much of it is the strat here we have the bosses coming is that it might have been the only boss left oh no there's this one okay now that the boss is dead i want to try this strat again i think so here's my here's my plan shoot until i run out of ammo right once i'm out of ammo i'll have my ether shroud up all right let me heal my armor i think this track can work i think this track can work for me why why isn't the power on it because i'm on the last step of the easter egg that's what it looks like when you're on the last step of the easter egg so i can try to buy a turn replace it and then go into chopper gunner or do you think it prioritizes the gunner and you lose turret no idea chad i like it chad i like it a lot chad i like it a lot chat so i don't know if this strat will work post patch when i when i when i do do the patch update i will i don't know if this strat's gonna work but as for right now it's really fun sentry gun there's no place for me to buy it quickly enough before the next round changes chat sintra gun isn't i mean it's useful it's not like incredibly useful you know that's what you get and then whenever i need ammo go straight up grab ammo and right back down baby okay this strat could work congratulations bro it's fast too it's so fast [Applause] it's so fast okay so it it doesn't work for boss zombies but whenever we have his boss zombie we should just go outside and play outside that's pretty good yeah i i don't know i don't know if this will work for with post patch ray gun i wanted to do one last hurrah with the with the ray gun so this probably won't work anymore if i had to be honest it's probably not gonna work anymore but hey so whoa why didn't that activate it first that was weird that didn't that didn't that didn't activate for a second we oh gosh i wasn't even paying attention to my ammo there's literally i literally have one job and it's to pay attention to my ammo your game is gonna crash in two minutes if it does i'll mod you so that you don't predict some dumb things like that ever again get him a toe tag all right let's go grab some ammo ammo and straight back down bro i love it i love it so much how's your eighth drago song before it disables uh because i have it upgraded [Music] if you spend if you spend your stuff you can upgrade it to i almost don't even want to look at the zombies i almost need to look at the uh oh my brain rod for you to sign stop right now okay i i i we're even alive when we have bosses here no way did he just one-shot me like that oh i was gonna take the thing the boss just one-shot me so hard get my ether shroud so that i can buy perks dead meat dropped okay we're stabilizing here we're stabilizing here i need to buy another self-res i need to buy that's it hey here go here all right from now on from now on chat make me leave if there's a boss on me that's twice in a row the boss zombie has killed me in the spot that's the only thing that's actually killing me why did that not go off for a second okay so if i don't get my ether shroud expired they'll circle back fast travel and then go back and then i'll have my ether shot for the next one okay so we're learning we're learning strats we're learning strats here that will never be useful ever again because it's this gun is literally nerfed yeah i guarantee you this trap doesn't work on the on the nerf dragon unfortunately i strongly strongly doubt it what are we on 66. i feel it does anyone else feel like this is way more stressful than round 66 like i know around 60 around 66 is the high round but i feel like this is way more stressful than around 66. why don't you pay down why would he this this feels like not around 66 to me um i have a cell phra revive all right we're all good we ride again here we go stressing us out because you're making it harder than the other shot well i can't do the other strat anymore because i messed it up execute order 66. oh how come you don't do trials to stack perks uh because why i mean not much of a reason is there this is stressful no i'm dead there's no way to survive this i jumped over the dog what a clutch dude oh my god oh my god clip that dude oh my god that is sick that was wild that was truly wild i ain't never seen something like that before i truly ain't never seen something like that before um ladies and gentlemen stop asking about ray gun look it up if you are confused all right and we're right back in it dude we're right back in it let's go oh gosh jumped over the dog to save my life you gotta clap for some of the great clutches noah has pulled off this run thank you j-man you do you do it you just gotta please clap you know it kills a kill man i hate i hate how often i have to go buy armor i feel like it's so often it is definitely a complaint of mine now so they already confirmed the nerf to ray gun yes dead meat dropped i'm surprised the zombies don't attack you while in a chopper gunner zombies don't attack you all in a chopper gunner um that's i mean that that's just how the game works though they don't they want people to actually be able to use chopper gunners on solo so if i can perfect this strat i feel like it's really really fast was trying to do the easter egg but had problems with getting the fuse for the shockwave upgrade any tips uh check out my easter egg guys i i updated the easter egg so with the new new steps um the full watch my full easter egg yeah a few people are getting it unfortunately i just realized i have no shopper gunner let's go get one no gunners dave chappers yeah a few people have been getting boss fight errors unfortunately [Music] yeah i think i think i have the strat now for for how to do this i just blue screened after getting 68 kills in domination that sucks almost as bad as the sound i'm about to take okay we got both the boss zombies killed all right we're gonna buy we're gonna use this chopper gunner we're gonna buy a new one here any repetitive yet bro this is the most interactive round 100 ever man i you realize like how much on the fly decision making and like wait wyatt my chopper got her straight up glitching out what in the world wait what armor packs any armor gamers you deserve it uh thank you thomas appreciate that appreciate that nice chat nice 69 nice in the chat boys you know the drill yes you two know uh okay bro this strat is so like quick but it's so scary too man it's so quick but it's so scary all right we go back down we have ammo we go again oh crap okay i need to take care of that immediately okay i was checking to see if that was possible let me go ahead and plug my controller in nice that was a nice round chat that was a nice round nice it's not me to do that here we go next round are you here wait why did that random zombie come up and it was just chilling right next to me i just need to do that off the start i need to not delay look at all the goodies look at all the goodies chat i'm gonna stand right on top of the ether tunnel gotcha let's go get some ammo not that dude we are we are running through this right now we are running through these rounds and it's actually like kind of like i know i'm sitting in the corner spamming a reagan but i actually feel like this is kind of a decently difficult strat to do does that make sense like i feel like i feel like i'm actually having to play the game like i'm not just afk i imagine i accidentally expel yeah the only way i'm expelling this is on round 100 when i beat the easter egg [Music] that's the only way i'm expelling this hello zombies that's what you get you get what you deserve so many colors [Applause] so many colors chat so many colors all right dude i i really i really really like this strap boys this is working i think whenever i get into a bad spot if i just preemptively throw a stun grenade or i feel like i'm gonna be in a bad spot pop one out let's go we are flying [Music] so that it says you survived a full 100 rounds at the end oh true true your character that trigger finger must hurt by now bro mine does are you kidding me is it true you got the easter egg steps early bro my you you guys say it's just trolls who say that i i get easter egg steps early um but legitimately that like people people legitimately think it i just had someone come into my chat ask hey is it is it true i heard you got easter egg steps really like bro what like what am i supposed to do it hurts me chat it hurts me a lot i'm so glad i had that alternate ammo mod on the raygun no mvp but you can get it to trigger by using uh you can get it to trigger by using the uh what's it called the elemental pop uh first so kinda sorta you have like no points yeah he didn't say no though drop a c4 in front of the door for an emergency clean knot i don't want it to do damage to me though and if uh c4s do damage to you you do a lot of damage to you with that all right let's uh we have a boss zombie so let me oh my gosh the plague hound's going off um we have boss zombie so let me run around here ether shroud to split them use this now no don't run away oh yeah they ran away well you just like not oh wait is that one of them oh that yeah that's one of them right there oh i did not get what i wanted oh boy okay armor that was really bad that was really bad hey noah congrats on the e do you ever wish the e was more challenging this one seems too easy for the girls very easy this one was very very easy it is true it is true it was very easy and i wish it was harder but it wasn't but the important thing is that it it is an entertaining and fun easter egg to do and it's not super super hard and it's a really good entry into zombies more than pewdiepie sub to wow that danny mullen interesting donation thank you thank you for that yeah i i i like i like that it's easy and it's more accessible to more people personally hi noah subbed back in beau two days haven't watched you in years until recently congrats on all the recent success yo thank you man i haven't watched your years well well i hope the zombies has gotten you back into it max because it's definitely got me back back in uh playing the new games i really didn't barely played any b04 because i just didn't enjoy it but this this game i know i will i will enjoy and i i am enjoying molotov going out wait wait my ether shout is glitched cat my ether shroud is glitched or does either shroud not charged on insta kill that's kind of poofy if either shroud doesn't charge on insta kill does ether shroud not charge on insta-kill do you want to have the right gun uh i i was playing last night getting my footage for my video today on how to get the free reagan apparently one on zombies but i'm not gaining any more xp's there's something else i need to do all about that sounds like a bug my man i'm only joking steps we send them to pizza who sent them to knowledge ah yes i've had true true it's the youtuber conspiracy youtuber privilege dude if i slow if i like manually slow down my shots oh my gosh we're gonna hit this round one hundred boys using this dumb snug snug flip shlap ray pun that launch long bomb bomb mystery my mag dumb dong here's five dollar wow travis scott that's crazy 73 in two hours that's pretty good wtf yeah that's really good two hours 30 for for this long this strat is cracked that's what you get chad how would y'all feel about cutscenes that like what the heck that dude just zoomed at me how would you like you know how we have operators how would y'all feel about cut scenes that literally has have nothing to do with the operators but like have to do with like weaver and samantha and everything like that you know what i mean would you all be down for stuff like that oh i gotta reel it off without using ether shot let me go i i would prefer it yeah i think i would too i i don't really have any connection to the characters we're playing as but i would love to see storyline uh oh that was dude jeez man are you reloading to slow down you have sb cola i do have speed that's the crazy part just how slow the reload is getting reloads off using the stun grenade tactic i almost don't want insta kill i almost don't want it because it it takes longer to uh to do everything we got 18 more seconds let's go catch you see how hard my man noah works get real he wouldn't cheat us scratch on world first yeah uh i mean people are gonna think what they want to think it's whatever yeah y'all forget i'm not like some sort of crazy like let's go like old school crazy fish fish fish fish fish fish i'm just a dude who plays zombies you know what i mean i'm not like this like crazy important person i'm like really not that not that crazy important person y'all think you'll think so at least some of y'all seem to think but it does just feel more of a mission than a storyline what do you what do you mean do you get more storyline of the sea strike than you do in a lot and i'm doing great thanks for asking that dog just tried to jump at me through the wall oh well now that i figured this strat out i really want to know if it works post reagan patch can anyone can anyone who's who's on the latest patch which should be ever unless you unless you've literally had your internet off for a while should be everyone can anyone tell me if uh if this strat will work on the newest patch you guys know you know not to upgrade the shroud to tier three right now right it can glitch you through man effect that it told me it was going to give me either so got a next fill option that's i say the reagan emma want to fill the shroud in time that's true i tried it in the tunnel strat seemed way more efficient okay so so you're saying this one works silky but it's not near it's not nice what major did you have or i'm sorry otherwise you're trying to see guys like you go to school inspire the kids and stuff yeah i actually finished my entire degree i did um i went to uh university of texas at austin and i got a major in economics go to school kids i finished i i i still finished school when i had one million youtube subscribers that was really risky and completely pointless i don't know why i did it but sometimes you just take the risk okay we're good reagan doesn't look nerfed to me that's because it's not right now i i swear i've answered the same questions like a billion times all right round 77 coming right up ladies and gentlemen we are we are moving and grooving oh i missed that nuke chicken wing chicken wings hot dogs and bologna killing zombies with the homies noah you're the best thank you man you're the best you're the best you all think i'm gonna y'all think i'm gonna complete this around 100. or going to play the campaign thanks love you daddy if there's still enough uh like i'm probably gonna stay on zombies for like a month straight to be completely honest with you but no way [Music] okay okay that's fine cool that's fine but i watched your a gun easter egg and tried it five times but haven't gotten it yet resident sleeper some people some people have gotten uh very very unlucky with it i got i mean maybe i just got extremely lucky but it was super super easy for me to get yeah we're fine guys we're fine nobody panic [Music] just get me off of the people goodness gracious all right i almost have ether shroud not quite though there's always a zombie that sponsor did not get him this time okay let's go up we need to get first the ability to play pre-nerf tray gun because he's a youtuber kinda sus huh bro i like i know y'all are i know the people who are donating are kidding because they like they're like part of the channel and like i i i'm not going to risk it i'm hitting this i know the people donating that are like are are just kidding because they're like literally part of the channel and everything and i know they're not like like all the dumb people who actually believe stuff like that but it still makes me sad y'all are making me sad right now y'all are making me very sad right now where do you get your hat uh link in the description guys the the merch does not have much longer left the self revive club founders called this stuff will never ever be available to again and if i see you if i see you on the streets rocking rocking this merch i'ma know you're you're an og i emailed treyarch on the easter egg steps info early and they said to come to you first pogchamp that is a blogger's moment right there dude that is a pogers moment that is a pog champion moment right there kirsten i gotta agree goodbye i love just going beneath the ground as the zombies are trying to kill me it's great uh-oh not risking it not risking it this time not risking it this time is there a limit to how many self revives you could craft nope as long as you have well the limit is how many salvage you have if there are two boss zombies right in front of me and they one shot me i'm going i'm going to uninstall oh my god they were in front of me they were in front of me i was right about that we always go this way we go this way in this house tango down bro i wish they would just under the ray gun it's so much fun i mean i i what the strat i'm doing is 20 yeah i got it c4 on the outside of the tank on the tank step and it still made it shoot when exploded oh nice that's cool come on boss zombies come on fellas where's this health bar there we go oh no chat this game has ruined me if my zombie doesn't have a health bar i get mad now oh no boys if my zombie doesn't have a health bar i get upset whoa that was that oh there's another megaton it's not very poggers that is not very pogers the boss zombies one shot on later rounds if you if you don't have armor they will one-shot you yes undead i did the dancing cop in zombies thing for the first time and didn't get a rake um i mean apparently everybody who's donating today is having bad luck with this so you're not the only one anybody who did get the reagan how many tries did it take you i think this is the last one the last of the mohicans hey no like bothersome revive hoodie and dave thanks for buying a self-revive hoodie as well and tyler hey did i already say tyler i don't remember either way thank you guys well they're very nice human beings that was i don't know why that was so scary i thought it was gonna die there dude start charging you with that armor my favorites my heart for zombies what is yours bo2 is just too nostalgic man all right we have gotten past the boss round when is the last time i had a dog round wait a second do you not get dog rounds wait actually for real though y'all remember the last time i've had a dog around got the die from the confidence easter egg nice that's sick why are the lights off because i'm on the last of the easter egg on here been watching since go to all your streams and customs zombies you have been an inspiration for a while love you man hashtag five mil hashtag five mil bro if you all haven't subscribed yet please subscribe we've got 35k people watching right now if you guys have not subscribed yet please do so your name will pop up right underneath my face cam and uh if i see you i'll give you a smooch smooch is optional though you don't have you don't have to take the smooch from me today for free and got free dies shockwave nice yeah some people are saying they're getting the dive shockwave instead just almost even better in my opinion [Applause] there's a crawler on my feet right now um keaton thanks for coming to tier one member i'm 79 baby come on come on now i'm uh well i'm close i'm close to your favorite number dude thank you alex oh my gosh i thought i threw a stun there for a second i thought i was dead my friend the nuke doesn't affect the dogs but is this the new strat uh it's a strat i don't know if it's gonna work though don't don't don't don't plan on this working the only reason it's working well i don't know if it works on the update but the only reason it's working for me is because i'm playing on a uh previous patch because i installed my ps5 and then they nerfed the reagan while i was installing my ps5 so 100 about a billion times but i just want to make sure everyone knows why am i doing it because i want to get to round 100 on easy mode because i'm a pansy let's go baby any fellow any fellow people in the chat that are pansies or is it just me come on come on fellow pansies don't leave me alone here don't be sh don't be shy don't be don't be shy fellow fellow pansies come say hi [Applause] uh what the heck you did you not see my i i'm sorry sir you must not have seen my ether shroud that was around me ray and alejandra thanks for becoming members peyton thanks for coming to your too you're extra cool you want extra cool how many kills do you have 8 82 round 80 baby and we're doing the easter egg on round 100 as well we're in the danger zone now chad we're in the danger zone now for sure before we were just chilling around 80 plus is where things get real first time donating even though i have been a long time fan great bits but did i hear they nerfed the ray gun yes why uh because you can do this with that is why that stun grenade is we're doing work dude let's go chad let's go chad we're doing it around 81. oh my gosh ethereum crystals i'm gonna move my face cam over to this side so you all can see how many aetherium crystals khalid thanks so much for getting a uh a hoodie panic everyone panic for the streamer ssr true thanks for coming in tier 1 member appreciate that [Music] edge me their souls will you play the new spider-man on the ps5 uh i really do want to play dude the problem is all these games come out all at the same time and like i only want to play zombies right now i like literally only want to play zombies does anyone else have that problem there's like a billion good games out like i want to play demon souls i want to play like literally everything but all but at the same time all i all i can all i can play is zombies because i'm loving it so much this year it's not gonna risk was that a boss what did i see over there did y'all see that you want to see something crazy it's not working anymore oh that's right it's dark ether only donating again to tell daddy three arch to unner fraga and i know they are listening i know man i know dude i i don't know i i like at the end of the day who is it hurting if you can do a camp strat like this right at the end of the day who's it hurting it's not hurting me i'm having a blast right now so technically if they want people to have fun with their game they should under the reagan right i'm saying gotcha ether shroud i love the fact that the fact that you can earn energy toward the next one while you're still in the first one we're moving can you stream this map with courage at some point yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna basically be tweeting out in like a day or two asking all right who which youtubers want to play zombies and i'm gonna run whoever wants to play through zombies with me throwing stem texts let me just take this to be safe what happens if he dies on round99 pain yeah if you guys have anyone you want to play with to let them know let them know that i am uh i am down to play with literally any youtubers or anything like that no matter how many zombies experience you have i am down to carry it i am down to carry literally anyone no matter how much zombies experience they have so let them know i need to buy some armor at the end of this 83. some more ammo while i'm waiting c4 going out i can put a c4 in the ether tunnel guys don't let me know let them know you want to see how crack the monkey bomb is whoa isn't that the point of wonder weapons is to be overpowered and a blast to use i think so personally i i agree with that but i guess there is a point where it makes the game too easy that they're trying to avoid that no i want to buy a t-shirt for him so take this money instead i want to buy a t-shirt but i'm forced to take this money instead well hey i appreciate the fiverr dude sorry sorry you can't afford the t-shirt man it's just the same day if you're that you shouldn't you should have donated if you if you're you should have donated if you need the money that bad dude again come on playhouse get on get on in here playhouse oh did you hear that zombie oh he was like being shocked that was hilarious oh fellow boomer here been watching you since zombies was a thing love you bro keep up the great streaming i'm not getting very many drops right now unfortunately fellow boomer here uh thank you so much redneck hunter appreciate hey i don't appreciate you call me a boomer though only for only fortnight kids are allowed to call me a boomer and that's if they're carrying me four player round 100 bro four player round one hundreds are so boring they take so long i'm not worried bro thanks for becoming a tier one member i heard that knowledge 456 wants to be carried in zombies i heard he doesn't know a lot about the mode script it might have been a true light of a reload it was it was 50 expo was already hard in duos it was still more managed i feel like they toned down i mean maybe it's just me but i honestly feel like they toned down the number of zombies that spawn in like four player modes and stuff maybe i'm wrong but i i i hope they did because [Applause] can i call you one if i say okay boomer while i knife the furys and get the revelations world's record yes yes that that that is absolutely loud yes oh shoot okay wow do the slow stack oh my goodness i have a 12 12 000 high grade salvage and 44 000 low grade that's actually not as much as i thought i would might have that's kind of weird around 100 easter egg boys 25 buckaroos noah use this to buy and send the poor man in the last donald shirt i wish i could i'd be sick we need to find this man hey noah i've been watching you since gta 5 mods and it's been such a journey with you do you see how i'm in ether shroud when i'm dead oh crap okay cut clutch up kind time foreign no why did i do that no oh my god that was the dumbest play i've ever made that first of all why did the stone grenade had stun the dog second of all how did the dog two shot me on round 84 and third of all what am i doing oh my god that was the only game i'll ever have with the buffed reagan and i didn't get the round 100. that was the only game i'll ever have with the buff reagan and i didn't get the round 100. what am i doing dude that was so bad that was so bad that was so so so bad why did i not go for a self-rest first i should have just paused and thought about what i was gonna do i literally should have just paused and thought about what i was gonna do pain pain pain pain oh my gosh oh my gosh sad boy hours big sad boy hours what am i doing patrick thanks for coming to your threesome yeah what am i actually doing what am i actually i just bought your self revive hoodie thank you thank you anthony i appreciate you there's only one thing that can make me feel better chat there's only one thing that can make me feel better there's literally only one thing that can make me feel better right now all right let's see what we get today oh my finger my fingers are just cut up from that box they're actually just cut up from the box ladies and gentlemen if you enjoy pokemon content i don't know if you knew this i don't know if you guys knew this but i literally have a third channel which is dedicated to pokemon it is dedicated to pokemon openings a new video was up today a new video is up today one isn't it yes it is ghosty i've explained this like a billion times and now that runs over so it doesn't matter anymore fire um i i literally have a third channel dedicated to pokemon it's down below in the description if you guys enjoy pokemon openings go down to the description right now i better pull a charizard based off what just happened to me i literally better pull a charizard right now for the pain that i just went through in the play that i just made i better pull a charizard i better i better pull the thousand dollar charizard right now fire i'm guessing fire every time charmander there it is we're pulling the charizards game no keep it up lll hello very nice literally have no idea what that pokemon is that's a that's a zoomer pokemon that ain't that ant-man charizard that that ain't that ain't my charizard right now one two three four fire i'm guessing fire every time come on man there better be the charizard in here there better be the charizard in here come on dude dude i i i have i just have a feeling i'm gonna be abnormally abnormally mad if i don't get it right now fire scyther magmar charmeleon coughing clefairy staryu jigglypuff ekans kangaskhan i'm opening i'm opening up one more i wasn't gonna open this one i wasn't gonna open this one but i'm opening up one more i don't care i don't care this is the most scuffed opening i've ever done i'm opening up another one we're getting there i shouldn't have called you a boomer just bought a hoodie dot have you thought about getting dragon ball super cards no i've not thought about getting dragon ball super tried the m60 packer punch times three it is ungodly one two three all right here we go i'm pulling the charizard or i'm banning everyone in the channel i'm pulling a charger or i'm banning everyone fire there it is there's the fire graveler farfetch ekkins side up staryu clefairy slowpoke misty's determination oh my god shut up epping wrong charizard it's the effing wrong charizard this is like the 30 one this is like the thirty dollar one oh my that's not the right charizard there's literally only one charizard that's not good and it's this one right here it's literally that it's literally that charizard there's one charizard in this entire deck that is a bad charizard and it's that one and i pulled it here we go one two three four fire either charmeleon cubone geodude eevee jigglypuff coughing reverse whole magikarp and mew oh that's such a nice card actually i'm dude do you ever just tilt and open pokemon packs because that's literally what's happened right now i've just tilted what is happening to this pack opening what is what is happening right now this is what the end of that round 100 run looks like look like right here one two four fire charmeleon again bro we have we've gotten so many fire pokemon there is it has to be the charizard in here reverse cycle fable and would you like my blue eyes white dragons as compensation uh no i only want pokemon cards are you actually gonna ban everyone yes if there's not a charizard in this pack i'm banning everyone you're all banned here we go fire all right chat you've got like four cards lieutenant sergeant strategy misty's determination pokemon center lady magikarp slowpoke clefairy coughing quagsire shiny boys we have one more card we have one more card and if it's not charizard salutes in the chat salutes in the chat oh sevens it's been fun guys it's been fun we'll see in the next one yep that's it mods get to work get everyone out of here mods bang yourself mods go ahead and get started band yourself first those are actually some cool cars that i pulled ah i'll let you guys off the easy this time i'll let you guys i'll let you guys off easy this time you guys earned it i pulled i pulled two shiny cards in these packs the last one and i'm calling this charizard too hey chad um anyway ladies and gentlemen boys and girls that is going to about wrap up the the the video for today that was the last game you will ever see with the pre-patch ray gun unless treyarch brings it back and put on my shape and react to the new shadows world record i want to see you in pain no actually i'll probably upload it tomorrow uh ladies and gentlemen thank you all so much for tuning in um if you guys want this free playstation i took it out of its box to check if it was uh to check if it was uh what's it called a custom one but if you guys want this playstation or here i'll just show this um i'll be giving it away on twitter i'm giving this playstation away on twitter the rest of the playstation's right here i'm giving it away on twitter maybe i'll give away this boombox as well um you're pronouncing diancie wrong somebody somebody banned that guy ladies and gentlemen boys and girls thank you so much for tuning in if you guys have not already hit the like button hit the subscribe button and i'll see you on the flip side i'll see you in the next it i'll i'll i'll smell you later bro i kind of like this streaming with sunglasses i can look anywhere i want you guys can't see my eyes anyway ladies and gentlemen i'll see you on the next one though for real thanks for tuning in guys uh big f's on the round 100 if you guys want to see more pokemon content on the third channel link down below please go subscribe over there because if you guys keep subscribing and keep growing that channel it'll be a permanent channel where we open up pokeball cards right now we're doing a series called uh i don't stop uh opening pokemon cards until i get a charizard that's the series going on so please go over there uh actually actually before before we end here before we end before we end here's here's what i'm gonna do here's what i'm gonna do okay so um let's do this let's do this uh here's the channel it's called more noah j moreno aj i'm gonna i'm gonna be uh i'm gonna be responding some comments here i'm gonna i'm gonna be responding to some comments the newest the newest comments i'll be responding to some comments here this is the third channel more noahj open i'm opening up pokemon cards until i get a charizard i am cursed i am cursed so i'm going to refresh here and i'm going to reply to some comments make sure y'all are subscribed i can tell if y'all are subscribed or not you better be subscribed start another rom 100 no i don't think it i don't think i will how much gunk do you have a lot hello stream hello just checking if nobody responding he's not it's noah's stream i just realized i'm on the wrong account this is my this is my reaction channel account are my eyes okay smile imagine being so mad you start opening pokemon cards dude couldn't be me couldn't be me ladies and gentlemen hey dude sup sup of the pokemon opening heart hello from the other side hello lad you can constantly backslide in an angle and it's the fastest thing in zombies oh interesting i came from the stream but i already watched it hello again again welcome back all right ladies and gentlemen i'm actually ending the stream now thank you guys so much for tuning in thank you guys so much for coming out i appreciate y'all go check out the pokemon channel because i'm having a lot of fun with it and uh i really want to grow that channel so thank you all for tuning in thank you all for coming out i will see you guys in the next one big salutes and peace out everyone bye
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 1,675,941
Rating: 4.8964019 out of 5
Keywords: noahj456, noah, noahj, gaming, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, zetsubou no shima, revelations, black ops, black ops cold war, black ops cold war zombies, call of duty zombies, call of duty 2020, cod 2020, treyarch, reveal, trailer, call of duty black ops cold war sniping, sniper, black ops cold war multiplayer gameplay, bocw, cod bocw, cold war sniper gameplay
Id: wdIXCoQPFro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 50sec (12050 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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