Colby Raha 255 FEET At Mannys Yard

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] what's going on how are you i'm good i'm tired what the [ __ ] have you done money makes [ __ ] happen dude that's right you're [ __ ] oh you're checking so just keep hitting the button until vfo comes up cool or so we call this chad read because it's one two two two two so we always use this frequency as like a it's an unknown frequency yeah so we just call it chad reed and so that way we won't be talking with anybody else we're good to go sweet send a hose what's going on dude look is that your is that where you're running today yeah that's what i'm running because i was out here [ __ ] 7 00 a.m [ __ ] watering dirt for this chopper to land so there's no dust word so i look like [ __ ] sauce no like this is the gear you're running though today oh no i'll be wearing a shift apparel uh gear racing a shot my plan is wrap around here start my dive dive down say the car whatever between the car and the tent whatever kind of down low shooting high and then we start our rap by the trees around him so we're as he's coming down we're getting kind of a landing and then i'll wrap around and come right back up here yeah three and we'll get ready for the next one so i got a thousand on the flip what do you think i'm not doing that for a thousand bucks more like 20. i'd rather make it to x games and win that and then win real the convince the center drop that was a blast [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] we're uh we're moving the ramp back to like 60 more feet so i should be real close to 300 and uh yeah and go for it the wind's picking up but it should be all right last night was a lot windier and i was hitting it so it should be good dude okay hello it's your turn how are you i'm doing fantastic how about yourself i'm pretty good just basking in the sun here this make you nervous a little bit i try not to think about what he's actually doing and just like printhead and he's just flying through there but you'll watch i'll watch i always watch right yeah trying to just get the shot we're trying to get all crazy you know but i think the last one is pretty good so i'll try to get some more stuff i got a couple shots in the heli already with the longer lenses okay cool you spot any ass up there jay did i spot anywhere any ass no any good tail no no actually yeah there is one girl up there i think her name's kelly um she's pretty hot but uh you know i'm just here for business you know this is the new jay i'm doing approved jade just here to get the shot and uh you know the old j might have been into that new just here for business okay that's it it's the same story dude depends what day you're getting like a 60s rock band dude they only have a few songs he's just you know he's not accepting the new j you know i mean he just needs to embrace the new js just you know very professional old jay that's a different story motor triple xj and yeah but new j just here to get the shot did you did you throw your tank tops away or oh the tank tops well you know if i want to have the gun show it's still [Music] oh hey ah [Music] [Music] um [Music] um dude loves checking his spokes yo that one looked good [Music] dude i was hauling ass i couldn't go any faster oh yeah that's sick i it looked like the one the second you came over that thing you crested the hill i was like oh so i had to like come down the hill and like get a good straight run shift to third and then pull up so i could grease the gap the gap up there's like probably 70 feet or something long and low just to get over that knuckle in the air shift to fourth and it's just full throttle pop the clutch to get it into fifth and just hold it as fast as i could and i'm leaning back because there's all this sand coming down the hill it just took like the perfect run perfect shifting and the right preload and as soon as i popped off i knew i had it i like brake checked it and greased it that was the one dude i'm like done with that thing that that thing is gnarly and it's a little windy too so anyways stoked on to the next project now to finish up this real moto and we'll turn that sucker in here in like 10 days you've been going to speaking school or something you
Channel: Raha
Views: 1,414,038
Rating: 4.6877828 out of 5
Keywords: dirt bikes, motocross, freestyle, free ride, x games, moto x, motorcycle, bmx, bicycle, mountain bikes, crusty, Colby raha, manny's yard, swap moto
Id: QSgdcYHaajg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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