Hello I'm Gavin I'm Sweaty. We are The Slow Mo Guys. We have been for many years now. We're in a quarry today,
not in my back garden because this is gonna go up really high and we don't know where it will land. Don't really want to litter
the neighbor's gardens with Gutters
Yeah, exactly. What are we doing Dan? It's a classic physics experiment where you take some of
the coke out of there and replace it with liquid butane fuel. And when you turn it upside down, it shoots off like a rocket. Because of physics Because of physics but I'll explain a bit more of that. Yeah. We'll learn about that as we go. Shall we begin? Yes.
Excellent. All right Dan, compressed
physics lesson, go. This is a pretty cool science experiment using the interesting properties of butane because it's boiling temperature
is about zero degrees C which if you're American, I guess its something 30 something Fahrenheit. It's basically when water freezes. 32 Fahrenheit 32 Fahrenheit. Okay. And it's stored as a
liquid inside this can because it's, it's such
a it's only zero degrees is the boiling temperature. It means it's not super
high pressure in there. And when I release this nozzle here what's happening is gas will
come out initially liquid but it's just gas. And that's because the butane is is vapor pressure is coming
up and letting the gas escape or is if I turn it down
like this, like when you're filling a lighter
and you're actually using the fuel, what will happen is the
liquid will escape rather than the gas yeah like that tastes nice. Right? And we're gonna use that phew We're gonna use that
inside of this Coke bottle. Now I'm going to pour some of
this Coke out, probably down to like, here-ish, I'm
going to put the liquid in because the butane is less
dense than the Coca-Cola. It'll sit on top of the
little layer like that. And it will start boiling then and sort of vapor will
come out at the top. But when I turn it upside
down, what happens is because the butane is pretty
much immediately boils because it's got all the
contact with the Coke which is warmer than the butane and causes it to instantly vaporize which increases the pressure inside the Coke can causing
a rapid expansion of gas. And then it escapes out the bottom causing
a sort of rocket effect. And this venturi shape here
where it increases the pressure due to the narrowness of the bottom of the bottle also helps with that. And you can actually do this with water, can't you? Except the
a, the effects aren't as pronounced because of
there is no carbonation. That's right. You can do it with water,
but with the Coca-Cola what happens is the carbonation comes out of solution and that
increases the amount of gas in the bottle, even more. So you get even more of a rocket effect. We will begin at a thousand
frames, a second in 4 K I'm just gonna bag
this, excuse me, viewers even though this is a
interesting science experiment definitely don't try it at home. The bottle could fly up
and hit you in the teeth or the eyes. And it's
also incredibly flammable. Okay. You ready? Yep. Go for it. Whoa! Whoa! Flipping egg. It just went That was like a, it was struggling at first and then the and the gas finally,
it made it through it. And it went thump Okay. Playing back. So it's, it's all about rapidly turning it over rather than like slowly because it has to rise through the coat. Yeah. So I've let go at this point cause I expected it to go. It just looks like it's floating now. Well, I don't think
there's any propulsion yet. I think that's just gravity, kicking in. Yeah. There is no anything until then. And then it's like, whoa! Rocket. You see all the butane coming out. It's like, it turns immediately into gas The wavy lines,
Yeah Look at your face Chubby like what, what's a character do I look like there
with the mouth like that? I like some sort of Moppy,
you know, the Muppet. You look like one of the three Stooges. Yeah. So it looks like what
actually happened was the Coke all left the bottle pretty much. And then it went poof. I think possibly for the next
test, less Coke, more Butte, Less Coke. More Butte. Okay. I'll pump up the Butte. Ready?
Yeah. Whoa, I got covered. Where did it go? Awesome air time It really got some hang
time there. Didn't it? I honestly, I, what a phantom. I tried to track it. Absolutely no chance. There's no way I'm going
to be able to do that. Because it doesn't take
off immediately either. Yeah, I didn't want to leave too soon. Yeah like whoosh And then when it goes up and it's gone Lift off, here we go We know the size of that. Actually we should take
measurements of the size of the Coke bottle and then we can plot how quickly that's moving. That's a good idea. Look at this, look at
this attempt to track it Nice one. Yeah. Bloody hell. It's hot under this bag. Oh! Are you, are you in the bag? Oh, its like a face sauna. Oh my God. Do you want some Coke? That is extreme, it's
like 10 degrees hotter. Oh. Ah, Put your head in that up that bag let's see what you think. Alright. Nope. No, I don't fancy that. Hey, you can see it all just like whizzing down the bottle though. Oh here we go. Yeah, I feel like there's a lot of factors in play because
once it starts moving, the rest of the Coke gets kind of
slammed down into the bottom and it's also becoming
lighter at the same time. So it's like an exponential thrust. Good so far. Yeah. Pretty fun. Lets I mean, we might as well try. This is an absolute Zweihander, I'm gonna to have to like
use both my hands here This actually stops it
from evaporating as much. Ready?
Yeah. Oh, bloody hell. Its still raining. Oh my god. Where did it go? We got one over there. Flippin eggs. Oh, no. I had avoided getting wet until then. It's like a proper slow takeoff compared to the other ones. Oh, it went right for you. I got absolutely annihilated. Oh. Look how bloody high it went Its just god, I was like
it's still out there Immediately out of frame. You're just getting showered. The big fat one's are too slushy. Like I can't like turn them upside down in the right amount of time.
Yeah. Like they just sort of And I bet because it's your,
like, you swung it around. Yeah.
It's ready to go but the liquid is still
inflicting this way on it. Yeah. And then it goes up at an angle. It keeps going off to the
side and splashing me. So I've got a medium
sized one I can still do with one hand, I think. Yeah. And I can do it pretty quickly because it's one handed and
I think it'd be a good sort of compromise between the two. This could be the perfect size. Yeah.
There we go. Oh
Bloody hell No. It was the best one I think. That was great. It was a hand launch rocket. Pretty much. All the Cokes now out. You see that?
Yeah. And then it just starts
spinning.Like 15 feet up Like it's it's like you
need a really long one. Yeah. You wouldn't be able
to throw a Coke bottle that high would you? No. I don't It doesn't have
Million years. It's like, we keep like a team rocket like little lens flare.Ding
Ding That's good fun there I had fun. Not to be done in doors of course. Probably not. Or a greenhouse. I actually like it when
there's science experiments are a sort of really fun at the same time as you're learning
something that's happening. Its an exhilarating experiment. Yeah.
Cause it's always, it's like a lot of buildup and it's very sudden I thought it was going to be
more of like an explosion. Like I thought it was going
to be like slightly more risk of this, like burst and
open or something like that. I was a bit unsure. And like the first time I
did it, I was like, Ooh. But then after that I was like, actually it's like a gradual
sort of pressure builds up and it shoots off You've got sheen on you. You got you absolutely cake to Coke. Oh, it's the thing is,
cause it doesn't evaporate. And then the sugar's left. I'm just sticky for the rest of the day. Did you bring a change clothes? No, I really should learn. You never.
I never bring a change like we packed everything into this truck. Hopefully you enjoyed that video. Feel free to subscribe. Whack that bell. It doesn't make a noise sadly,
but it does do a lot for us. And we have a second channel. Yeah. See you in the next video. We found them all. Was that all really? Yeah. Well we had to get them.