Coding My Own Startup

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[Music] good morning so it looks like it's been raining quite a lot and we left a lot of windows open last night so it's not looking too good [Music] [Music] okay so right now you might be asking yourself the question of why on earth am i watching cal clean up his apartment and there's not really a good answer to that but what i thought i'd talk to you a little bit about today is i i have this idea for a startup that i want to build that i wanted to build for ages now and i've just felt like i've been pushing it off pushing off just making videos for this channel and i feel like i want to get back to just programming and doing projects a little bit more on this channel and so i know that i had like a startup vlog a while back like when i got started essentially so that's like two years ago or something and a lot of people seem to like that a lot of you guys seem to like that but i kind of stopped doing that after a while because it just got too much and i thought i'd try to get back to that and try to finish that app actually and and to be honest it's making me a little bit nervous because i'm going to be building this thing in flutter and i haven't worked in flutter in over over a year actually like last video that i did in flutter the last thing that i built in flutter i think was i think i did a youtube clone like a year ago so i don't know how this will go i don't know if i even remember how to program in dart so let's see how that goes and i thought i'd just document kind of the journey and every now and again i can post one of these videos which is basically going to be just an update on how it's going and some of the progress and some of the things that i'm running into and also show you how it's going as i'm building this out from scratch so today what we're going to start with is just the design again we're going to review that and we're going to see if we can or i'm going to see if i can actually come up with a better design or if i can if i'm happy with the design that i've got and in that case i'm going to then get started in flutter and hopefully the goal for today is to get the flutter project set up and get some of the components and the project structure all that organized and then hopefully maybe get started actually building something but we'll see how far we get i'm a little bit nervous because it feels like this is something that in the past me i would say that this would be like it will just take a couple hours but i'm scared that it'll take like the entire day or even more just to get that stuff up and running so let's get started with that and let's see where we're at with the design [Music] let's try it [Music] i don't know [Music] all right so uh now i've basically created a new project and we're gonna build this thing out from scratch again and uh one thing that i wanted to show you is i did this video a while back where i did like as it was a collaboration with fiverr where i basically asked a lot of fiverr developers to essentially or ui designers to basically revamp and design my app in a better way than i have designed it and what they came up with or one of the designs that i liked the most was this one so we basically have the design already there are some things that i need to change about this that is missing and that i think can be better but in general we have like the basic layout for how this is going to look already designed which is really good so that means that we can actually get started doing a lot of stuff so i'm gonna wait with uh revamping and like editing specific details about this design because really what we need right now is just an overview or we just need like something that is pretty much exactly what we want but not exactly what we want or it doesn't matter if it's not exactly what we want because all that i'll be changing is basically maybe like adding a button to this little thing here or like adding more information to one of them or something like that which will be fairly simple things so it really doesn't matter too much into the in the design because i'll just be able to add them anyway uh so that's really good we have the basic design here so now we just need to start to actually build this thing out in some sort of way and how we're going to do that is basically create a new flutter project so basically just done the flutter doctor thing i ran that and then i did flutter upgrade which basically upgrades everything so that it should be all up to date so now we can do flutter wait actually let's first create our a folder here called app i think and then go into app and then in here we'll do flutter create excerpt log perfect so now we have everything here so now what we need to do is we can test run this and we can see if it actually works i'm not really sure that it will work because uh i know that this there have been some problems with the running the stuff in windows before so we're gonna just try it out to see if it works hopefully it will so we're gonna do cd into extra log and then we're gonna do flutter run i'm just gonna see what happens all right we have the project up and running we can press the button and it will update this thing that's really good because this is something that i was kind of nervous about here was whether this would actually work or whether it would just be like some error that would take me all day to try to fix which has been the case several times when i'm doing this stuff so um i'm really happy about this now we can actually get started building this app which is i guess a little bit even maybe even scarier than uh just doing this all right so um [Music] all right so i thought i would take just a quick little break and head to the gym but it is pouring down with right now so i'm not sure how i'm gonna make it to the gym but i wanna go there i'm going to roll for about 40 minutes all right so now i'm dressed and ready to go to the gym and uh now that's sunny outside so not sure about that but hopefully it will stay sunny before i get to the gym at least so that i don't have to walk out in the rain and yeah let's go to the gym alright so before going to the gym i just realized i haven't eaten anything all day so i need to do something about that and what i usually do when that happens because that happens quite a lot is i'll actually make a little meal shake and i'll have that before i go to the gym and for this i use huel who are also finally sponsoring me for this video which is awesome and making my dreams of becoming a sponsored elite athlete come true anyway i use fuel black edition for these quick meals and huel is nutritionally complete food that contains all 27 essential vitamins and minerals protein essential fatty acids carbs fiber phytonutrients which makes it a proper meal and the fact that it's also a shake means that it will be absorbed a little bit faster which means that i can eat it right before i work out without leaving me bloated and just feeling crazy full and one of the biggest problems that i have with eating is the time that it takes me to both make the food and then eat my food and before using huel i would just make a protein shake but just drinking a protein shake is not ideal since there are so many things missing in that and it doesn't really help with my hunger so that's where heal comes in for me it's really fast to make because it's just powder that you mix with water and it also contains protein fiber carbs fats and all the other vital nutrients which makes it a complete meal it's also perfect for post-workout when you want something that your body can absorb really fast so that's where i typically will use it but it can also be used as a super quick breakfast or lunch or like in this case a quick meal before my workout so i highly recommend checking it out and there's a link in the video description and thank you again to huel for sponsoring this video and getting me that one step closer to feeling like a sponsored elite athlete [Music] all right so while i'm busy doing that let me explain what the whole startup app is all about so quite a while back i did a couple of videos in collaboration with fiverr where i basically asked fiverr app designers to design my app better than me and later i also did one where i asked fiverr designers to create a logo for that app and that app was actually a real app idea that i have and have had for ages and this idea was actually what got me into programming from the very beginning i basically learned to code in order to build this app but i never finished it so now i kind of thought i would put some time in to try to finish this app and the idea is basically to create a workout tracking app and right now there are in my opinion no really good workout tracking apps out there none of them do it the way that i would want it done and most of them appeal to the beginner but not to the advanced and i've got a bachelor's degree in exercise science and so i don't really care for demo videos of how to do an exercise and i also don't like that with exercise apps you basically can't choose your own names for exercises but you only have the predetermined exercises to choose from which means that you're limited to the ones that they have and generally they don't tend to have all the exercises that i want to do so i want to build an app that lets you track anything and let you name the exercises whatever you want and most importantly i want data i want to say stats on every exercise and workout that i do over time so that i can see the progress and this app would be aimed more at the elite athletes than the everyday gym goer and i'm not an elite athlete by any means but the way that i track and plan my workouts is not too dissimilar from how an elite athlete would now i don't really have any idea of like what the market for an app like this would be so this is not so much like a billion dollar app id or anything like that as much as just something that i want and that i wanted to build and that i've wanted to build for ages now and so as far as like what the market is for an app like this right now all i know is that there's a market of one and that's me because i want this app basically [Music] all right now i'm back and now let's get back to work all right so i've spent now a couple of hours just trying to get everything to work first of all the button here for the login didn't work so nothing happened but now it's updating and this was because i didn't use a stateful widget i used a stateless widget for the gradient button which is this little widget that i created for this button so apparently you need to create a stateful widget and then you need to set the state so that it updates the state of the app which means that it actually will do something so that's one of the problems i run into then the second thing that i run that i've been doing now is figuring out how to fix or how to create this sort of login screen where we have the login option and then the sign up option and then it has this little thing underneath it which i'm assuming now like this is just a design that i got so i'm not sure what it's supposed to be but i'm assuming or i want this to be an animated line that goes from login to sign up so if i press sign up then it should basically turn blue and then this line should slide across until it's underneath sign up so that's what i've been doing right now and what i did in order to get that was we can actually look at how it looks first so if we press lo with press sign up now it slides over and we get this little effect of this line going across but the problem is that i'm like this works but it doesn't look or it's not a perfect implementation because right now i basically aligned it with a divider which is this little white line that you see here uh that's just a divider and i've basically aligned a container that's blue with this uh little line and none of this is like generic so it's not like it's basically device specific at this point so this means that right now on this particular device or this particular emulator that i'm using it looks good but if we use a different screen with a different size or a different height and whatever then it may not look the way that it looks right now for instance like it doesn't align to the signup thing properly it doesn't align to the login thing properly i've just done that like i've hard-coded different values here that basically makes the thing align properly so that's something i need to fix as well but now we basically have the login screen created or the login form created now we just need to create the specific stuff for the login information and then for the sign up information which will be a little bit different so that's gonna be the next step but for now i think that's gonna be it for this video so yeah i know this was like a really short and kind of weird video i didn't get much done but i wanted to just get started with it and kind of make this sort of shitty ass vlog of this whole project and i thought i'd kind of kick this off again or like get get back into like doing this project and trying to actually finish it i have no idea like when i'll be coming out with the next update it'll be a lot dependent on like how well this video does which i don't have high expectations because i don't know it feels like i didn't do much in the video i hope you enjoyed it either way and please let me know if there's anything like that you specifically would like to see in the process of building this app i think that the next step is going to be actually going to firebase and like creating all that stuff and starting out some of the backend stuff for this app which will be taken care of by firebase or with using firebase so that's going to be the next step and also picking like a i don't know what you call it if it's like a pattern or framework for how to handle the like talking to the database within the app i think there's a pattern called like block pattern that you use which as you can tell i don't know too much about it but that's something that i want to look into and gonna get started on as well so hopefully the next update on this vlog series thing for building this startup app will be having a little bit more stuff actually in it of me actually building this out but i just wanted to get started because i got into this like really good mode today of just like working on this app so yeah just let me know if there's any specifics that you want to see or if you like this video at all and if you want to see more of it if you don't that's fine and yeah i hope i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Kalle Hallden
Views: 135,712
Rating: 4.9092832 out of 5
Id: eCJ5oZqZp60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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