Code Like a Pro | Setting Up Your MacBook Air M2 for Development in 2023

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hey there everyone that they share back again with another video and I asked on Twitter specifically that would you like to see a Mac setup how do I do my setup on the Mac when I prepared it for the development there are a lot of tools that almost every computer needs and how do I set up when I use it for professionally coding not that much for recording the videos because I use another machine which is little bit more powerful so I said hey would you like to see this a lot of you said yes a lot of you said no but I'm going to listen only for the yes people so yes you wanted to see that so I actually bought a new Macbook here this is a MacBook Air and I think this is a perfectly good device any for anybody who is getting started for the development side of it I'll be using it for app development as well and yes the MacBook Air with the M2 Chip is completely capable of that I have chosen the 256 uh 512 variant of it not 256 because I will be keeping some videos in it and that's the only reason otherwise the base variant is absolutely fine so let's go ahead and see this video is going to take a couple of days because today we're going to be just unboxing it and seeing that how does it looks like and in the later on videos I'll show you how that's being done so all right so this is not a very professional unboxing we are going to just go through all it all right so let me just go through I don't have a setup specific like unboxer videos I'm just doing it on my desk itself don't need this I can just throw it out and wow this is very Sleek this is very very Sleek that we have here all right so let's go ahead and do this all right I'll have to do this I'll have to do this all right so it's all done and let's see what's inside the box I know it already I have unboxed two three of the MacBook Air in the past as well this always takes time finally all right so let's go ahead and lift it up it's actually decently heavy as I remember from the MacBook Air they used to be very light called as air but I don't mind it if you give me extra power extra battery I don't mind it at all let's go ahead with that and and we just remove it like this yep there we go ah very Sleek I love this and what else do we have we have a cable whereas the charger are they still giving the charger they are still giving the charger at least with the MacBooks uh this is very tiny one compared to my old one but good thing that I liked about it is that there are two ports into it one for my phone one for my laptop maybe I don't know all right so this is the setup now what I need to do is there is a shortage of ports here what I need to do is turn it on I have to log in with my Apple ID I have to turn it on I have to log in with my Apple ID and then install a software so that I can record the screen on into it and I won't be recording I won't be adding any other software other than my recording software so that at least I can show you what I'm doing on the screen otherwise recording this way is really really Troublesome so let's catch up with the screen itself where I'll be just adding a screen recorder to it and I'll catch you up inside this one all right this is one of the tough video to record and probably the toughest one because showing up how you are going to set up your laptop is not the easiest of the task without the high production level I probably need the camera guy just behind me who can record the screen and probably a good condition and can show you all the things but it's not really feasible for me as of now so I'm showing you the recorded version of it and there are a couple of challenges in front of me I'll already I'll just directly mention this first you can see in the screen itself that there are two bars there so yes the MacBook Air screen is not truly 4K the resolution is little bit odd so that's why I need to connect it up to another screen to properly record 4K or HD videos but we cannot do much in here so that is going to be the challenge I can just get rid of them by zooming in cropping it fill but then you'll you won't be seeing the dock which is the really important part to see it and you won't be seeing the top navigation bar as well which is also on the difficult one apart from this I have installed a couple of recording softwares and my Chrome as well apart from this I haven't installed anything and during this journey this will be a little bit of unformal kind of a thing so I'll walk you through what I use as a daily driver for the storage why I should use MacBook Air this is the M2 version with 8 gigs of RAM and 512 of the storage I don't need that much of high storage I can go with the base version as well but since I record a lot of videos I don't want to run out of the space and the Android studio and whole of the things we are going to install here because I'm planning to record some videos on upcoming videos on uh try my hands on flutter and everything react native series is going nice I want to continue that as well so I'll walk you through how the installation storage and pretty much a lot of things works so the first thing that I'm going to do is just grab another desktop I usually keep a couple of desktop on my screen because it's much more easier to just switch between them you are probably writing some code checking it on the web browser or on the simulator so it's much more easier for me to work here and apart from this the first thing I'll mention is I use Chrome majorly I do have Safari as well here but I don't use it much the Chrome is the daily driver and the Chrome is decently set up it's not fully set up I usually use a password manager as well to properly set up things and don't want to remember everything so that's why there the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and download Mega don't get with the suggestion yes there were some suggestions with the Megan Fox but no we are looking for a mega desktop and you can actually use some others as well like Dropbox or something the mega actually is much more cheaper for me and works seamlessly between our teams uh when they record and edit the videos and pass them on uh it's a nice storage so I don't these days I'm not storing anything in my local drive it's far more riskier for me because I record a lot of videos I don't want to get with them so I'll just go ahead and open this up and just drag and drop I will not log into it because that's a different operation just wanted to show you that how things are there and how I want to do it next up I would love to do is a bit of a cleanup so there's too much on my dock I really don't like so obviously all you can do is drag and drop this away and it just removes everything and yes I don't like my talk even slightly like this come on so let's just go ahead and get rid of all of this you can right click and manually just remove this but if you drag and drop this like far away on the top navigation bar it just removes everything so a calendar I'll keep it now I'll just remove it so calendar also we can just remove it notes reminders no I don't use this reminders free form it's a good software but not TV definitely don't want to use it Apple music no I don't use it either podcast yes I like that much clean I'll show you more of the cleanup process as well and my workflow that how it actually goes you can see it much more cleaner now and there we go now press command space which is your Spotlight and I want to have terminal all the time terminal needs to be there but this is too small of a terminal so let's go ahead and change its preferences that I always do so settings and let's go ahead and change its profile yeah that's too small of a font uh I'm old so this kind of a font doesn't work for me this is too small and I'll also go ahead and yeah that's that's okay I don't want to change too much of the colors because when actually you record videos and stuff it looks too unobvious for the user that hey there is too much of going on into this now close this and let's quit this and I use terminal I'll show you a couple of other Terminals and Spotlight operations this is much better easier for people to see I'll show you how I change my Z profile as well this is too big of a profile for anything I will together do this now let's go into the finder and clean up the cleanup is the most important for me so there you can see a lot of files are there and I don't want a lot of such information to be there this is mostly going to be a developer laptop so uh as much as I first let's go ahead and go into settings because this is bothering me a lot let's go on to trackpad and let's enable everything scroll and zoom all good more gesture uh yep point and click tracking speed I need a little bit faster one clicks are good and scroll and zoom yep I have turned all of them in and the more gesture is okay okay that's great also usually I change the mouse settings as well Mouse and trackpad mouse keys Mouse options yeah that's okay double click speed spring load and all of that mouse keys alternative Point reaction no not gonna be working on that that's okay as of now okay uh there we go looks okay but still there are some settings missing let me just check them again okay let's go into trackpad again Bluetooth trackpad secondary click to uh okay to click with yep that's exactly what I want tap to click yep that's what I was missing I want tap I don't want to just keep on bothering with the fingers drilling down into the stuff so I usually keep it like that easy way that's personal preference all right so let's see with the books no I cannot delete this and I don't want GarageBand so definitely don't want that move to bin it's a too big of a software that I don't want uh maybe people who are into more into music and stuff they iMovie I don't use it don't want to use it on this machine at least if I'll be using I'll be using directly Final Cut Pro but yeah keynote also don't want it if I want to use I'll use an online version of it save so much of the memory on the system and music we cannot delete it numbers I would love to delete it and there we go saving too much of space OBS sometimes I use that for recording purposes so I'll keep it pages I don't use it I use the online version of Google of all these alternate softwares so they are much better for me podcast we cannot delete it I would love to but we don't get the option of it deleting it and that's it it already saved so much of my time so let's just empty the bin and there we go and it already is saving so much of the space so that I can use it to record the videos and all of this okay yep now it's done and as you can see now we are into document everything is empty in the downloads we have some couple of things Google Chrome OBS and mega let's go ahead and clean this up move to bin and yes I like to keep things very very organized and very very clean so that's an obvious thing and the next step is we're going to go on to finder and the settings are actually the windows let's go into settings of finder and hard disk yes I like to keep it don't want this one so let's reject this then we have sidebar so which one do you want uh home folder yep I'll keep the home folder on the sidebar there are a couple of other folders you can keep it and I'll just keep this much only and rest I can just navigate when I want there are advanced settings as well so show file name extension yes I love to do that always want to see that and show view options all right so icons can be a little bit bigger no point of having smaller ones text size yeah 14 is good enough show file item info so you can see it's just a 512 uh gigs of free space here that's enough good enough all right so let's just open the finder and then I would love to see more views of it so I'll say show all tabs okay show tab bar yep that's what I want then I'll go ahead and say show path bar yep that's always a good idea and show status bar that's always a good idea so I always like to keep the things on just right in front of me so that I can easily see them and then we're gonna have a customize toolbar what else do you want on top of this here already the default options are good enough but maybe you want to have an airdrop sometimes I do that take videos from my desktop to my phone and publish them on LinkedIn on Instagram and a lot of things so probably an airdrop option would be good enough yeah I'll just leave it this time don't want to do it so usually that's the basic stuff I do now let's go in here so this is my home directory uh and this is where actually things start a little bit uh interesting so uh by the way I just press command shift and the dot uh command shift and Dot this actually shows up the hidden files as well you can do this with the command line terminal as well I like to keep these files always in front of me so I can see where my zsh profiles and z uh shrcs and all these shells are there it's very important for a developer to have them always around because you are always injecting the path files and all of them so that's where I enjoy it more so Mouse setting is done finder is done so now let's go ahead and install some of the softwares and properly organize and configure it all right so I'm going to go into this one and would love to create a new folder on this there is an interesting folder you can create and everybody creates it it's known as developer and as soon as you create developer folder automatically Apple gives you this Hammer icon which I absolutely love and I would love to just place it at the very top of it so there we go so that I can access it easily and now I'll create couple of folders into this one so I'm going to go ahead and say YouTube so all the YouTube stuff will go here uh there are a lot of research work that I do and there are a lot of company work that I do so I'm going to go ahead and name the folder as PW and by the way you can press command and I as a shortcut to go ahead and open this up just like this and you can find more extension info and all these things which I all the time use and by the way let's go ahead and find some of the logos as well so I'm going to go ahead and say YouTube logo and I'll use this one all right so let's close this one and open up this one and open it up and I'll just drag and drop this one here YouTube logo and I'll just replace it just like this and there we go our logo is changed so I like to keep my YouTube folders and everything in my personal laptop I always do this but in when I'm actually recording the screens and all of that I never show this because people get panicked about hey how come YouTube is there is YouTube installed in your system I don't do that similarly I'll just add a logo of this so I'll just grab a logo of my company where I'm currently working as a job so PW logo and we'll just drag and drop I'll keep I usually keep the logo inside the folder itself uh that's actually a better approach and there we go this is jpeg I would love to have a PNG but okay I'll figure it out later on and open this up and there we go and now I know that there is couple of logos and then there is a basic code that I'll be writing so this is going to be personal code reference so create a folder with the name of code so all of the research work will go in the code anything that I have to research for the company work to record more videos for them will go into PW folder and anything that I want to record or just research for YouTube purpose will go up here so that's the basic organized structure that I usually keep in my personal laptop these are some fun stuff that I actually love to use this and apart from this there are some files or folders let's just say I'm researching these days a lot on next.js so I'll just keep it organized like this next year's all the folders files everything will go here I usually use labels for them as well there are a lot of labels that I use you can just click on show all and can have all the labels so there's an active research going on it so I'll use a purple onto this one so that's it these labeling helps me to organize things and later on search based up here so I want all tags up here so I want all the purple ones to show up that where I'm working on uh yes this is my own productivity system I use this a lot but it's pretty nice and easy so I use actually use that so let's just open this up developer much easier all right so next up is uh we'll be having I won't be usually the next thing that I do is go into the Chrome sign up I have different profiles with different emails and also I use a password manager so I log into that I'm not going to be doing it right away because it might expose some of the things which I don't want to but password manager is one of the thing I always always use I highly recommend you to use one whichever is your favorite uh I already made a video about it that how you can install your own password manager if you wish so that's the one thing so really basic and absolute basic all right okay next up is the notifications yep that's one of the thing I love to just turn off so there is notifications and you can see that the preview sleeping uh so I always go for never I don't want any notification from any calendar badge I usually don't like it any notification is not a good thing and allow notification when screen is logged and no I just don't want ever notification from any of the app that I'm using okay this is attention span so I don't want that okay next up is we're going to be installing a few softwares and some terminal access so first let's go on to Google and say I want to install my favorite Brew install that's the first thing I do and let's go ahead and copy this open up our terminal minimize this so that you can properly see it and there we go this actually is going to require your password as well because this in is a top level execution permission it is going to install the xcode command line tool as well I'm not going to be installing xcode because it's a too heavy bulky softwares it takes too much amount of time as well and I don't have any much urgent work to do on xcode itself yes I'll be working on flutter but I'll be working it through the simulation of Android that's far better and easier so we'll be going with this yeah it's downloading the command line tool this is going to take some time so bring your ICT along with you all right so this took some time and really a lot of time because of the xcode command line tools and the Brew is almost all installed but there are a lot of people who missed this last instruction which says next steps obviously it is right in front of your high as it says it so please do this it says that you need to set up your path so that you can access it from command line terminal and for this all you have to do is get this path and place it into the Z profiles so basically you have to just copy this command and have to run it and yes that's all that's all you have to do because without this there is no zsh profile or Z profile in which your command or your paths are being added so that's all you have to do so copy this let's go here and paste it and that's it it doesn't return you anything because it's instruction to save some things in the Z profile I'll show you that and that's all it does now you can go ahead and eval this as well so this is just a checker file it is not compulsory to run it but still will do it and and that's it now what you have to do is you can go ahead and check this Ctrl L is to just clean everything on your terminal and now I can just go ahead and say bre press the Tab Key and it automatically gives me suggestions so break is one Brew is one that means Brew is installed now a couple of things before we go further just write CD and hit enter we are into the home directory we can check the PWD present working directory and I'll open I'll use Vim yes I'm a old school Linux user I don't show it much on to the camera and on the recording videos but I use a lot of in fact I have never installed anything to edit system files even if I have some editor installed I always go for web it's like a muscle memory so I'm going to go ahead and say that hey I want to go into dot slash Z profile sorry slash dot Z profile and there should be file let me go ahead and check this ls-la do we have this profile yes we have Z profile so we want to open this up so I'm going to go ahead and say dot Z profile open this up and we can see this exactly is the command that is being added for us that was that is actually coming up from the Brew now press I to get into the insert mode and you can just go ahead and move on to the end of this line there are shortcuts as well if you wish I can make a video on the shortcuts and everything that I use for the Vim but I would love to add one one more line here which is just editing my Z profile the profile name so it goes something like this so we can go ahead and say C profile custom customize and there are a lot of things how you can customize you can feel free to just use any one of them there are a lot of Articles around it and just see so there are a couple of them that how we can configure them so it's into Z shrc all right my bad this is all we have to write so PS1 yeah just like zshrc this is the one that I was using the prompt is equals so yep we'll be going for that but I was turns out I was writing it in the wrong file it's actually zshrc and my bad I was writing it into the profile let's go back and we're gonna just quit this one and now we can see that we don't have any zshrc file and this is interesting you'll find your new Macbook without this zshrc this is a file you should be creating because there are a couple of other files and folders you'll be creating which actually creates this for you but let's go ahead and create this the best thing about the Vim is actually creates one file if you don't have this one so what I want to do is just create this zshrc so let's just say I want to say dot and zshrc if the file is not there it will create one so I'll go into insert mode and then I'll write prompt prompt just like this and we're gonna say equal two codes and then Simply Having a person sign n till day dollar till day dollar all right so let's go ahead and try this one more time write and quit and yes we need to close the terminal load it up again and new window or I'll just close it entirely quit the terminal and start it again there we go this is much better and less of a name I just want the name to be here some people don't want it the name to be there so you can just remove the end there are a couple of other nice make use there is no specific folder or specific website where I always go and look for it it's something which is on the go I always figure out things on the go especially when you have these kinds of configuration stuff so terminal looks okay and we have Brew installed Brew is one of the magical thing and you can install pretty much anything through the Brew I always love to install everything through the Boo and I'll show you that how actually this works I'll minimize this for a minute let's go into the terminal and the first thing is let's check uh The Brew version that we have so Brew dash dash version I don't remember the command is it dash dash version or Dash version or Dash help or something but usually it is one of them either Dash version or dash dash version so our version is fine let's go ahead and install some of the fun stuff with that by the way first one we're gonna go ahead and do is Brew install dash dash cask and then we're gonna say visual Studio Dash code and this is going to take some time but this will install Visual Studio without me going on to visual studio code website and by the way in case you don't remember this that's okay you can always go ahead and go on to Google and ask it seems like the internet is bit slow and say Brew install vs code and it will give you probably there's too much of downloading going on yep there's a lot of downloading going on so here's the formula of the Brew almost everything can be found here and this is the same command I used pre-install Cask Visual Studio code so yeah exactly same I happen to remember this because I use this a lot Brew so that's all let me just wait for a second till it get installed till the time just step up your iced tea all right so vs code is installed and you can by the way check this into the finder and let's go into applications and you're gonna see somewhere here here we go Visual Studio code we can launch it up through the terminal as well we can say code or Visual Studio code just like this hit and enter and it opens up and obviously I'll if you wish I can make a separate video of setting it up but setting it up is super easy I did a live stream with the official vs code guys on the Microsoft Channel you can check them out all you have to do now is just sign in into your GitHub and it will sync it everywhere where you're using it I usually use my custom design theme which is specific for teaching purpose so check out the type stream that's much easier there will be somewhere on the screen that how does it looks like you can check it on official Microsoft vs code Channel all right so this is all now we need to install a node as well because I write a lot of type JavaScript and typescript as well but for that we're going to go again on Google and we're going to say NVM install now I don't use a node directly by going just node and downloading and installing it I usually recommend that and I always teach it like this to students because they are in the very early phase but usually all of the people you're gonna see they use node version manager because it allows you to install node through different versions of it at the same time on the system I can install the 20 18 16 whatever the version suits me and I can just go back here and can see the installation steps so install and update so this is couple of things that you can go ahead and use it I'll just use this command and I guess do we need to do some custom zshrc we have to run this command as well uh okay let's go ahead and try this out these instructions do change a lot all the time so make sure you know which one you are actually using and properly read the documentation where it says how to install it and properly work on it all right so this looks failed to clone the NVM repo please report this couldn't connect to server fail to connect unable to fetch is my Internet working looks like my internet is working all right so let's go ahead and try this again curl and now is it working so you'll see these kinds of uh funky things happening to you as well sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't work uh no such foolproof thing so if I go ahead and try Envy NVM nope let's try to just restart the terminal and start it again and do we have n v m here no no don't want to list all of them NVM nope okay so let's go ahead and Export this okay running either the above command download the script and runs it the script uh clones the NVM repository attempts to add it C profile Snippets correct profile okay uh we are on to the bash zsh so let's try to Source it although we have restarted it there is no need of it but anyways let's see what's happening and also let's see what is happening into this Dot zsh RC there we go we can see that the NVM is properly installed on our systems okay let's go ahead and quit this and let's see that how we can actually use it do we have uh command Dash V NVM okay so how can I install multiple versions of it that's the interesting one we are looking forward for that it says NVM install a node okay this install latest version of the node okay let's see if it does work NVM install node and by the way you can give the version of it after it let's just say you want a 20 or something like that you can give a version but I'll just say NVM installed node and let's see if it works properly does it gives me a node environment which version by the way there is a latest 20 version which is given to me okay and now it's good let's see if we have node Dash V and node version okay and let's just say NVM use shouldn't be there NVM use node oh no it is not installed all right NVM install node and there we go now it's downloading and do we have a version of node now nope looks like we need to restart that this is the same I said and we have installed node NVM run node oh my bad NVM this is exactly what happens when you install it so many days after so many days NVM run node version node is oh sorry NVM this is the same that we are saying and we have run hmm and we have installed this used to work like this it's been a while that I have actually switched into NVM so that's why it's happening and we have installed node or do I need to check the tutorials again not tutorial but actually the documentation and now it's properly installing it didn't took this much of time previously hmm looks like this time it is doing some work what it did earlier I thought it was all installed at that time all right let's give it some time till it installed usually it's much more faster than this probably my internet is junky all right let's wait for a second all right so this one took little time I don't know why it said to me earlier that hey we have installed it note 20 and try to use it and worked out yeah it happens to everyone so this is the default version and now let's check if we have the node-v yes we have version 20 as but the good thing about this is you can go ahead and say hey I want to install NVM install no just 18. it will install the node 18 version and then all you have to say is NVM use 20 so it's going to switching to switch to uh to 20 version and then similarly you can say after installing saying 18 version it will switch you to 18 version it's very useful very handy especially if you are making tutorials on The Cutting Edge versions of it I have a video very soon coming up on the Note 20 and some of the latest features which is offering so yes that's going to be really really handy and helpful all right so uh a lot of installation work is there all right so this is all done let's go ahead and try more okay so the JavaScript environment is all done and good let's check out the python environment by the way there is a python environment that comes up here python Dash V and I think that's python 3. uh Python 3 that comes up yep so there is a python 3.9 which is pretty decent I don't want to update it too much all right so I think we do have python version yes I do have some college work as well uh to do with python upcoming projects are coming in Python so yes expect some tutorials on python as well soon it's all right uh but I'm gonna love to install a python utility uh so uh Brew install mini conda the full-fledged Anaconda is actually too big and too bulky I don't want that into my smaller system so I'll just go ahead and get many conda it actually helps you to get multiple version of python again and you can create multiple environments in which you can install multiple things so for example if I'm working on numpy Library I can go and have it on another environment if I'm working purely on Django I can have it in another environment so I usually like to keep it there so let's go ahead and install this hopefully this time it will install much more reliably as compared to the previous one so yeah much faster whenever it happens so fast I'm I'm like it's not gonna work it's not gonna work and there we go all right taking time that's good but just a time taking for unpacking all right so let me just wait ah there we go the moment I say weight and it just does everything there are so many libraries that it installs by default for you which is more than enough for anybody to just get started with that but in case you are a full-fledged python developer go ahead and install full-fledged Anaconda you can just search for it that instead of mini conda you want an anaconda version of it and Brew will probably give you that and there we go same just say Anaconda this is a full-fledged version it's too big and bulky for my MacBook Air I think this is more than enough already for me all right so it's successfully installed and that's it that's all what we want to do and then probably we should have now the conduct command so probably need to restart this yes this terminal restart happens a lot so yeah now we can see that we have this command as conda and let's run this conda and try to have an environment list and we should be having just one which is the base but we can install as many environments as we wish and that will give us more environment so all you have to do is probably say conda in it and let's just say we want another profile so I'll just say zsh profile this is just a name and reopen your current shell all right so we have new conda base this looks good let's restart this and now let's run one more time so there we go why notice here now we are into the base but if I go ahead and tell it to list me the environment list so now we are into the base but we can switch on to another one probably the last command didn't worked out well so we have initialized it for the zsh profile and there we go let's try to build another one or I'm going to go ahead and right now just say conda D active weight and oh sorry Coda uh conda deactivate and there we go now the profile is not there so base is gone so we have activated it for Z as such profile but if you have an in their profile you can go ahead and work on with that all right so seems like my conda situation is under control python is much more easier and there we go let's close this all right a lot of stuff is going on all right uh next up what I want to do is my python situation is handled my JavaScript situation is handled uh next up is the heavy one the Android Studio so Bruce install yes I love to install everything through Brew that's so much easier and Brew Cask Android Studio yes you can install the full-fledged Android Studio with that and uh why is it not getting deactivated quit terminal and there we go let's just say conda d activated yeah why is it getting activated by default don't want that probably need to change some settings in the file but we'll do that okay let's paste this Brew install Cask Android Studio not that this is going to bother you the conda default when it comes up it's not going to bother you much only the utilities that you install for python or the python packages they will be installed in that sandboxed environment rust will be same so no big deal this one I expect is going to take a lot of time these days the good thing is that with the Android Studio the Java also comes so you don't have to separately install it but even if you have to then you can just go ahead and say Brew install and you can install open jdk version 11. if you're building any kind of mobile apps whether in react native or flutter or the recommended version is open jdk 11 which is supported a lot and it's far more better than installing the latest one there are a lot of Licensing issues in that so probably you want to avoid that let's wait for a second till it install the Android Studio for us all right so looks like it's almost done 100 percent and is going to take a couple of more minutes to finally configure it and getting ready get it ready for me let's check in the meantime that what's happening in our finder and application folder and application folder looks like the Android Studio is still not yet here it will be it will be don't you worry it takes some times still going to take some couple of more minutes let me pause the video in the meantime all right so finally it is here let's check into the application folder whether we have got yes we have got Android studio and we can just double click and open it up directly and I would love to see whether I have Java or not so meantime it's just popping up and down let's go ahead and check whether do we have Java it is dash dash version or Dash version don't remember it uh unable to locate Java runtime uh it usually is there let me just close this terminal and start it again this is a common thing let's go ahead and see whether this profile is loaded otherwise we'll install it directly so we're going to say Java Dash version unable to locate Java runtime so we'll probably install Java directly and I need to just really get this conda foreign don't want it uh do we have Java probably don't have it we need to install Java 11 just with the it usually comes with Android Studio but probably there's some issue usually it's not that okay don't import anything and yeah don't send anything and should be taking all the repository fetch next it's a standard yep I'll just go with the dark mode Android simulator build SDK tool Google API SDK player Source this is a bit of a lot of stuff but can't do anything we have to install it and yes what else I can do I have to accept all of these things yes I have to accept this as well and finish this is definitely going to take some time so luckily we are in the video editing so we can just fast forward this I'll just say show details and I'll pause the video till the time it does all the things you don't need to watch this huh finally it is all done and installed so let's just finish this up and yep let's click on the SDK manager these are a couple of things you need to do uh the Android 13 data miso is installed okay and SDK tools we definitely want to check this one again and make sure that a couple of Android SDK command line tools yep we need absolutely 100 we need this uh and then Android SDK platform tools emulator is good uh Play services yes we are going to need Play services otherwise you'll be running and working through some of the apps which uses some of the internet or Google Play services won't be available there so yes we need this one web driver we don't need hackson if you wish you can install this I don't need it as of now if I'll need it later on I can come back SDK updates no such big deal so all you have to do is just click on okay okay and it will again go into the installation mode accept the license next and shouldn't take that much of the time just 73 MB and these are compulsory steps that you need to do otherwise things will not be that much great for you all right looks good finish and let's try again SDK manager and looks okay SDK tools you appear properly notice here there is a path here as well slash user slash hitesh whatever your name is of the laptop and Library Android SDK these are the things we need to set up because these are not directly set and let's go ahead and actually use this and so what we're going to do is let's go into Google and say set Android but in Mac and stack Overflow is always a great idea to work on with this let's try this all right so we are here and all we need to do is just set up all these paths the problem with them is notice here it says username and this one instruction is for the bash profile the batch profile is not here we're into zshrc so all we have to do is copy all of this and by the way this is exactly the same path if you notice here slash users then whatever the name Library Android SDK and we just checked it here users Home Library Android SDK so it's exactly same path if yours is different go ahead and check it out and use it differently I'm going to go ahead and copy this first I'll open up my vs code I usually keep a Sublime Text for such operations and we'll paste it and instead of this username we are going to go ahead and replace it with my name or my laptop's name and now we have to just copy all of this and have to paste it into the zsh RC or is it zrc zshrc all right we'll go with the Vim classic whim and let's just say I want to have a Vim and Dot zsh RC and open this up and we have a lot of things going on into this one so conda setup install I will go I to get into insert mode and I think we can just press p we have to go into escape and then we can see p nothing to register so it doesn't copy and paste like this usually you can just press y to copy and P to paste I'll set up a different videos for that I'll just go into this and we'll say insert mode and I can actually directly copy and paste into this one I'll directly say copy and we'll paste just like that all right this time it works all right so this looks good and there we go so we have all the path Android home uh by the way you don't need all of them to be set up uh the minimum that you need is first this Android home this path needs to be there then we need this SDK path as well so platform tools this needs to be there and then there is this one tool slash bin so these are the compulsory ones that you need to have all right so as of now this looks good so we're going to just say Escape colon WQ right and quit and we need to just close and restart it again hopefully this time it's going to have an Android path working let's see if we go ahead and do Echo Android home so this should load up that's the theory to test it out and there we go it loads up nice and easy so this is basic requirement now let's go ahead and test out Java Dash or we can just write Java we don't have Java here so we're gonna go again to brew so we want a brew install jdk 11. and there is a nice here and Brew install open jdk 11 copy this paste it up here and that's all we probably need to do these two are really required in case you will be working with flutter react native any mobile development that you need to do you need these two guys without them any installation is or anything that you want to do is not going to work this is a lot of setup environment all right so it took a lot of time and finally it is here but when you install open jdk like this setting up the path is really important otherwise none of your application will be able to find it up so all we need to do is first notice here it says Java wrapper to find this jdk SM link it with that all you got to do is copy and paste this so yes this is the instruction that you have to follow the first step is here again elevated operations so provide a password just like this and then it also says that it's a keg only probably will talk about The Keg only later on it's a Max specific thing all we need to do is set up The Path and have to say it like this so open jdk notice it saves this into again zshrc so in such cases where you directly actually run this command it creates one file if one doesn't exist for you I'll just hit enter that's it and also finally what we need to do is export this flag so that compilers can actually find it and yes this is the last one so paste this and there we go now we can probably open up zshrc there we go and should be having all these details so notice here Homebrew open jdk path everything is probably installed setup uh that's all you need probably uh I think that's only one path you need for the Java installation if not we can again come back and always work like that so Escape quit there we go and now probably I should be having Java now so if I go ahead and say Java come on yeah now we have a lot okay that's the fun part Dash V or dash dash version dash dash V come on how can I check the Java path I don't remember that either yeah there we go who remembers these kinds of commands everybody just looks for it hints for it and all of that you see two very much polished tutorials nobody remembers that all right so this looks good and everything is properly set and that's a wrap and probably I need to now go into the next phase so obviously I'll need more databases to work on with usually I work with the online versions of it uh but again sometimes you need some offline versions of it so I need to install some databases who installed databases these days nobody uh everybody just goes through the docker way of it so I'll just go with the darker way as well and let's see if we have docker and again Brew install Docker yeah that's that's pretty much it and let's go for it to install docker is it going to take too much of the time yeah this one is also going to take some good amount of time that we can pause it's not that much of a big software all right so disable this Behavior by setting home brew now install cleanup now I'm happy with this let's see if we have docker now do we have darker like this should be having a Docker like this let's go ahead and see if we have Docker installed up here now we don't have let's check in the application do we have Docker no don't we don't have docker what this is saying sometimes it just does all the things and I don't have Docker installed like this really bad or do I need to just download it already installed so let's just see if in the command line we have docker now we don't have Docker just like this let's restart the shell probably that's the issue or I'll install it yeah we have docker yeah we have docker if I can get the docker like this now we don't get the the visual version of the docker so that's bad let's go ahead and say Brew uninstall docker that's the great thing about the brew that you can just go ahead and install it install it I'll probably go ahead and get the visual version of it the GUI and I'll say Darker download Docker desktop probably I should be asking for brew to have the docker desktop installed probably I'm asking wrong Brew install Docker desktop and install Docker desktop on Mac okay let's see with Intel shape with mac Apple silicon that's no I don't want to go into that much of depth cast Docker now I'll just go with the basic one download let's download this is not I want Apple chip oh 590 MB quite a lot but that's not not that big we can just go ahead and wait wait for it cookies I don't need to say anything till the meantime it gets download Okay so this will solve all of my issues regarding postgres mongodb or any other thing that I want to install app right whatever the database anything that I want to install again it's your preference sometimes your preference goes more with the command line sometimes it goes better like this all right verifying the docker DMG okay when you're going to install all right that's it I guess ah it's copying now two gigs when you're running short on the gigs which is space free on your desktop two gig seems like too big all right let's wait for a couple of seconds till it copies all of the things all right so this goes nice and we can just move on it here we don't need this now let's reject this let's see if we have docker and there we go Docker app I'll not log into it because that's probably going to take another some time and it's just a login no such big issue there and it should be up here in the bar some sometimes come on open this up yep open this up too many of the tabs and there we go we can probably close the Android studio now yep you can quit this and yes I accept the terms and there we go darker is up so I don't need to install any further requires password yeah just go for it that's nice I can use my finger uh no I don't want any notification no notification no notification Android Studio 4 squid of course if Android Studio is not going to crash too well and what is your role skip that just give me the docker engine all right so finally the docker engine is up and running I haven't logged into it so that all of my images and what all I'm working is not synced all right so in the meantime I've also logged it into GitHub because we need to configure and set the GitHub we'll be pushing some code here as well and all you have to do is login into GitHub and there's the SSH and gpg keys I won't be talking about gpg keys in this video because it requires a little bit more complex setup and it gives you that verified green tick that hey the the system which is sending these updates or the push to the repositories are actually verified but this is sshk is enough we can just click on the new SSH key we have to generate the SSH key from our system and there is a command I'll give you that so this is the one SSH Keygen dash dash RSA you can use other methods as well but we'll go for RSA copy this make sure you give your own email ID for that I'll just click up here and I already generated one and I'll generate another one so this will generate a key key for us RSA key it will it usually doesn't take this much of time all right do it faster please there we go file name yep we'll go Direct One passphrase no because I'll be anyways changing this file once I finish recording this videos passphrase and there we go next up is we need to copy this key on the clipboard so we'll just use the PV copy command to copy this so we can just go on to this and say paste it and now in query it should be on my clipboard now let's test it out we can go up here paste it there we go and don't change anything here just keep it as it is title we're gonna call it as a MacBook Air and add SSH key all right so git we won't be going that much in depth because there is nothing too much of it once you add your SSH key that's it that's it it works out of the box uh probably in some cases you might need to add your SSH agent to your keychain which is very basic again it's given in the documentation itself if you want me to walk through of it I can do that this is already a really long video so now technically in theory this MacBook is ready for work I'll definitely make more videos if you have any doubt or questions around it just let me know I'll be doing all of my mobile development my college work on python as well as my tutorial that I do on the channel regarding JavaScript all of this in this small machine this is perfectly capable of doing it I won't be doing my video editing on it because that's going to be too much on this uh a small mini machine but yeah that is it if you need to walk through have a walkthrough of installation of anything of more than these let me know in the comment section I would love to do that for you but yeah this was a really long video I don't know if somebody will be watching it or not but yeah this is it thank you so much for watching this really long tutorial it was really difficult to make it one but we finally did it and I enjoyed it thank you so much hit that subscribe and let's catch up in another such video foreign
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 108,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Programming, python, javascript, devops, cloud
Id: daURe-AI5qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 20sec (3380 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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