Cocaine Soup | Border Security: Australia's Front Line

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[Music] [Music] tonight on border security we will be investigating this target in their attempt to escape us they've run aground on this reef they can't run and they can't hide we have evidence of fresh blood on deck don't get upset i'm just asking you some questions here miss songs indecent proposal you don't have any room no i have children i have no room and a mail room weight watcher the weight says 425 grams this one weighs 350 grams tries to find that secret ingredient jimmy i think i've got something sydney airport customs officers clear thousands of passengers every hour for most all it takes is a stamp but for others that's just the beginning right thank you that was customs they've just completed a baggage search on a young female passenger uh they have some concerns that she may not be here for genuine tourism purposes while she's on a tourist visa so we're going to invite her back for a quick chat peter has a korean interpreter on the phone my mother i know it's an interpreter but something's gotten lost in translation what are you talking about are you crazy huh get out of my way oh if you have questions why don't you want to talk to me instead of the interpreter i can answer your questions thank you very much for your time cheers bye-bye okay we're going to get another interpreter now that interpreter doesn't want to talk to you you want to talk to me mental man all right i can tell you 0 4 4 go ahead over [Applause] the top end we will be investigating this target over coast watch has spotted a boat taking cover in the mangroves illegal fishermen drug runners or human traffickers customs vessel arnhem bay has joined the church moving out of the mangroves they've created a mud trail okay right you should be able to pick them up with their small boats and their dinkies and dugouts they can scoot up little uh virtually drains get up into the mangroves and use it as virtually like a letterbox as the aircraft flew overhead they found that uh they're over in that direction over there and we can see yellow floats in the mangroves which indicate that uh possibly they've tried to hide some fishing gear up in the mangroves there and then make their way distant silver cells from it and in their attempt to escape us they've run aground on this uh on this reef back in sydney there are many many korean people live we're here to travel why me why am i me this song says she's just here for a one month holiday okay okay don't get upset i'm just asking you some questions here but she's made no bookings and has very little money the custom service tells me that you've brought about 500 australian dollars with you all together so where are you going to stay hotel because what are you doing but you can only sleep in a hotel say one two nights here in sydney they're very expensive and the money that you have you can't live if i have no room yeah i will sleep in street or see this this is the problem that concerns immigration okay there are a lot of koreans so i want to meet korea i talked to in korea so you don't know anybody else in sydney no i'm worried about this okay you tell me that you're here for one month as a tourist and you're just going to look around sydney but you don't seem to have enough money to support yourself for a week much less for a month are you coming here to work yeah zelie60 this is six one we have evidence of uh fresh blood on deck and down below and uh drying shark fin tied to an aft mask over down below further evidence that the indonesian crew may have been fishing illegally in the area as you can see this appears to be shark fin there's quite a bit of shark fin down here and uh amongst their bags of rice just located some quite large ones how much shark fin do you reckon on board jack probably trained five and ten kilos skipper reckons ten if convicted the captain and his crew could be fined up to half a million dollars fishing illegally in australian waters is risky business we just got a warning from the acv that uh there's been rumored to be anything up to about a four and a half meter croc in this area jack that list is becoming a bit dangerous mate you best get up you have yeah i have a tourist visa not a work visa yes i know this song has 500 to last a month peter can't see her making it unless she works illegally can you get more money from korea i'm not real i don't want you to sleep on the streets eat hamburger yes i say cheap hotel yeah 65 that's four or five days have you got a credit card no we suspect she's come here to work but we've got no idea of the background and it's it's pretty traumatic for her a second interpreter might get some answers if it's possible to have a different one they had a bit of a falling out miss song wants to make a deal you don't have empty room no i have children i have no room i can teach korean your children not in not in one month you can't and i can dish washing tissue clean house i can do yeah but see if you're on a tourist visa you can't do any of that no no money no money doesn't no you can't do it anyway [Music] sydney airport the cargo mail handling center this is where customs officers screen all priority mail postmarked sydney i'm pushing these parcels all day and you just wait for that one parcel that's going to make your day and you know it when you see it on the screen it's what brings me to work every day just trying to find those drugs [Music] jimmy i think i've got something have a look at the cans they're not consistent all the way through say if it's food it should cover the whole can you've got gaps around the side all that way and they're not consistent like that's similar to what if you wrap something in a condom or you wrap it in plastic in my experience that's loaded that's got that's got gear in it for sure i don't get excited until we get the dogs from getting over it utah's a drug expert if she sits the package recipient is in trouble good dog wrench come utah find it good it's too hard there's been no reaction from the dogs all i know is there's an unusual image on the screen i'm just going to go and talk to my boss miss song is having a moment to cool down while her case is assessed i've finished my preliminary chat with this lady it's one of those ones we could call 50 50 quite frankly i actually believe her when she tells me that she's a bit of an artist a bit of a young free spirit and that her plan was really to link up with young koreans and dos she said at first that she'd sleep on the streets if she ran out of money but then she said she'd go home it really is she's got a credit card no she's got no credit card she's got no access to any further funds peter i think it's not 50 50. yeah i think it's 50 50. it really i mean she'd exhaust the funds in two or three days i know i know and then she's destitute unless she's once a young korean friend who gives her a bed and a meal and all of that but it's a lot of ifs she might advance other reasons that i haven't already heard so we'll listen to whatever she has to say and then we'll make a final decision after that [Applause] [Music] back in the mail room the dodgy package includes two cans of soup there's no uh liquid uh feel in the cans that arthur's not buying it says for 25 gram they don't feel that heavy so i think i'm going to weigh it right the weight says 425 grams indicates 390 grams which doesn't agree with the manufacturers and being uk they would be spot on with their uh weights this one weighs 350 grams both same type of cans so the weights are different i'd expect uh the weight to differ 2-3 grams 4 grams but we're talking over 30 grams uh you're on the speaker phone so we should be able to uh do this a little easier all right miss sun we have not made a final decision to cancel your visa as yet and we would seek your reasons why we should not cancel your visa before we make that decision ms song tried shouting her way into the country she even offered pete free housekeeping this is her last shot i collected every money that i could find and i spent all of them to buy the airline ticket and the leftover i brought here with me but didn't know the airfare was so expensive and i the exchange rate was just terribly high i left the country for this trip almost like i run away and i don't see any meaning in my life could you allow me to travel as long as my money runs out but to see the problem is miss son you've only brought enough with you to last you till this weekend i can leave this country on weekends yeah well i'm afraid that your ticket is booked for some time in february and we intend today to consider the question of your cancellation miss song hasn't told peter the whole story she hasn't played her final card yet [Applause] had some decent shark 10 on board i know that much it's worth between four and eight thousand dollars the boarding team is now searching for proof that it was fished from the area we're just gonna make our way into the mangroves now and take a look at those yellow fishing floats we saw uh rock tracks going up the beach into a swamp so they're in the area at the moment i'm very quickly chucking these floats in the boat because i want to spend the least amount of time on the beach as i can and it's not just because of the crop warning a second foreign vessel has been spotted in the area hello english english anyone we have six persons on board the vessel's name is uh bella vista but at this stage no fishing product found the indonesian captain claims they're here sheltering from bad weather but customs is not convinced just a very warm one a very warm motor means that they've only just recently motored to this position or that they've had the uh the motor running and then possibly worked out that we were too close to uh make a break for it [Music] on board the indonesian fishing boat the weather was no good they knew it was there was islands here so they come here for sure the captain's story checks out there's no evidence to suggest they were here fishing illegally yeah go ahead 6-0 this is six one i'm just noticing two persons waiting off their previous type three i wonder if you could wind up what you're doing there and go up and see what that's about over yeah but the first fishing boat sinadabo is in deep trouble and now two of its crew have jumped [ __ ] the problem here is they've come to a place that's not a proclaimed port that's an offence and there's a number of commonwealth issues involved there quarantine and immigration are you concerned about the spears over i'm not concerned about the spears but certainly the fact that they've landed i feel we should probably walk over there and escort them back to their vessel later yeah put down i do to stay on the boat not to come ashore didn't i what's wrong just experiencing some breathing difficulties not not asthma or anything eh might be asthma is the mail room at sydney airport now i think we're on to something both cans of soup weigh much less than they should and it's definitely not soup there's something inside it [Music] it feels solid could be hash could be don't know until i open it up i wonder what it is originally i thought they were tablets it could even be that tightly packed no it's a powder jimmy bring me number 13. i am now putting in a test kit that's going to be tested for cocaine which is the most common uh drug that we find these days if it turns blue we've got cocaine [Music] nightfall in the western islands has brought with it a rising tide and a rising temperature 45 years old in the last week getting the vessel off the reef has become a matter of urgency we can try mate but you know what i mean i reckon we might be a goer uh i'm just practicing from the stand now we're still on the rocks he's now claimed he's got an engine problem my concern is that uh he might be sending us up for a bit of a sucker punch here that making us think that he hasn't got the capability to move off under his own steam at this stage everyone's very tired i want my guys to get some sleep and i i'm not unconvinced that this guy might make a move later on tonight and there it is very pure stuff for that color blue now i feel like a winner now i've got the green because it's confirmed proof positive the soup cans contain cocaine yep okay you'll come out this afternoon thanks very much the australian federal police seized the package forensic testing later revealed that the cans contained 593 grams of cocaine that's a street value of around 120 000 they've become very good at it because usually there's indicators on the can that gives it away but as you can see it looks quite normal the parcel will now be repackaged and used as bait to catch the drug trafficker travel around the city oh god miss song has saved her best till so apart from you just wanting to see sydney for a couple of days until your money runs out and then go home do you have any other reason why your visa should not be cancelled i've got somebody to see who have you got to see you told me you knew nobody what's that person's name the person knows but you can't tell me this person's name famous korean man with the um surname of but i can't tell you much about him i just got a feeling that he's here i think you're lying to me miss son either you were lying to me either you were lying to me before when you said you knew nobody in sydney and you had no but no contacts here you're lying to me [Music] [Music] okay miss sun i'll be back in 30 seconds peter now thinks he's hurt at all i've served the notice of intention to cancel in her reasons why the visa shouldn't be canceled she's come up with a news story you're kidding no uh she now tells us that she's here to marry somebody another korean gentleman whose name she either doesn't know or doesn't want to tell us she has a feeling that he's here but doesn't know that he's here and has no contact details that she either has or is willing to disclose so i said to her look the first reason you have insufficient funds to be the tourists for your proposed period of state you've now come up with a different reason for coming here and that doesn't accord with the purposes of a tourist visa anyway and i think she was making that second story up as she went along quite frankly yeah he's very famous apparently linked to the south korean president but she can't remember his name i don't know i'd worry for her if she were in australia on a tourist visa i'd worry that she'd be prey to unscrupulous people all the reasons for coming now are just completely gone so she might come up with a third story the medical emergency is over this is our guys having all the breathing difficulties smoking the cigarette and shouting instructions doing that this morning yeah miracle isn't it it appears to have been a diversion the crew has now confessed to having long lines out to sea i jugged the undertale upon the consulate at the indonesia designer i've just told the captain that because he's been fishing here he will never be going to an australian port and i'm in the port of nullenboy where he will talk to the department of fishes in relation to his fishing venture here but first a detour to collect one final piece of evidence [Music] the owner the captain and a crew member were charged with fishing illegally the captain and the crewmen both received good behaviour bonds the owner a third time offender was jailed for 30 days after serving his sentence the owner posted a bond for the release of his vessel and sailed back to indonesia in immigration that you do not have sufficient funds to be able to support yourself here as a tourist and we intend to cancel today your tourist visa because you don't have a visa i'm now detaining you you are now in our custody and you are not free to leave this song is going home to korea but there's still something missing the truth she's pressed the button can you tell me what's really happening because we have different stories the true story i came here to leave korea i want to feel freedom but now it is freedom sometimes you go home and you have a lot of sleepless nights did i make the right decision you know what is their family going to say are you sending them back to poverty there's issues like that that you as a human being you can't avoid yesterday i was going out to from my home you exactly i'm sorry it's fine what happened why did you leave home i can live there korea made me crazy korea makes you crazy [Music] i think she does want freedom i think she's a runaway [Music] it's a sixty thousand dollar ferrari just behind that seat come back a little bit but its contents might be worth a hundred times then i think the interesting one now will be whether or not we get it off the air valve a lot of those in here do any of these forms of idea he's laid his cards on the table have you ever been known by any other names mr lao no but is he bluffing we have received information that says that this passport may have been fraudulently obtained and this man will lose more than his appetite when he picks up his parcel [Music]
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 504,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danger TV, Danger, Customs, Drugs, Borders, Agents, Contraband, Illegal Immigrants, Border Patrol, Customs Agents, Airports, security, security dogs, dogs, heathrow, border, smugglers, smuggling, weapons, dangertv, border agents, border force, illegals, border security, airport, nothing to declare, police, locked up abroad, border arrest, border security: international, Border Security: Australia's Front Line, Australia's Front Line, Border Security Australia, Australia Customs
Id: J1ZG7vIjjWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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