Border Agents Break out Machine Guns | Border Security: Australia's Front Line

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tonight on border security the fight to protect our border hots up we are australians and we are old australians and we're not stupid a random search turns ugly on you australia customs discovers a concealment of sinister contents everything there is sub-diffused [Applause] with several flights landing at once passengers off a flight from asia are just beginning to clear customs there's at least two of them who are not happy about the delay and it's about to cause some problems i would prefer gloves you're handing out clean clothes it's a bit like now you've already done all that well that's his luggage not your luggage so you have your luggage in here as well okay but i packed it yeah part of his is in there with the dirty clothes and part mine with dirty clothes and clean clothes all right but you've had this bag yes and i packed that one too you packed that bag as well yeah okay sure yep because i'm the better packer as you can see with the men arriving from a high-risk country customs needs to make sure that they're not carrying any contraband at this stage it's just a routine bag exam and customs officer sarah has no reason to think the men have done anything are wrong going to arrange our transport if we miss our connection where are you traveling to we're going to taree what time's your friday it's 8 30. 8 30. you should make that flight is it a qantas flight that you're on which airline are you on big scar you should make it 835 and if you don't well then i guess you have to speak to the airline and they'll walk you on to the next class it's not your problem so what you're telling me it's not your problem fishing vessel 1 000 yards on my port bow this is australian warship vulnerable you should stop and leave two i am going to board you in a joint effort by the navy department of fisheries and customs two illegal fishing boats were intercepted operating in the waters north of darwin but now an even greater concern are the vessels like this one given the scope of uh the number of illegal fishing vessels we're now seeing making deep incursions into our territory we use both uh fremantle cast patrol boats uh run by the navy and our own australian customs vessels to respond to the threat the menace of overfishing in australian waters is clear and present every year customs and the navy apprehend almost 300 foreign fishing vessels in our waters at the moment the best was about seven nautical miles away from us and heading away it is a race as the warning bull tries to stop the illegal boat before it reaches the seaboard tracking currently on 1.5 miles on our port bow or personnel therefore stand to boarding station is that what you're telling me it's not your problem i'm telling you that if you missed the flight you need to speak to the airline and they should be able to book you on to the next place thank you you've answered my question that's what they're looking for a couple of older type gentlemen thinking there's pedophilia which are going to fall in the soup again what expect to find if you check our passport you'll see we've traveled overseas many times we are australians and we are old australians and we're not stupid i've never done i've never done drugs in my life not even a marijuana said she saw us coming from 50 meters and thought there's two our farts i'll pick on them and she waited till he got to the green gate to me is harassment [Music] meanwhile in the arafura sea hmas warnham bull is running down its third illegal fishing vessel and this one in particular has no intention of stopping you should stop talking too i'm going to board confirmed indonesian flag with a potential fine of up to 275 000 and his boat bonded for 50 000 it is no wonder the indonesian skipper is trying to make the navy's job as hard as possible okay so in response to verbal warnings i recommend one single shot five point five six millimeter approved let's get there to present the gunner sir um otherwise i shall open fire on you [Applause] [Music] yeah uh no response to verbal wings recommend uh one single shot five point five six millimeter across the bow of the ffv yeah okay that's what he's be able to encourage the port and your [Music] [Music] so now a much tougher line of action is required [Music] every year millions of letters and parcels come through the mail handling unit it operates 12 hours a day seven days a week staffed with customs officers trained to detect suspicious post now susan has spotted something unusual in a package from thailand it's got what i consider to be a really clever concealment in it it was something that looked a little strange the address was a little off so i felt that i really needed to take a closer look at it clever concealment is nothing new to these officers and there are a few clues they can look out for when we opened it up and had a look there's a lot of different things in here it's very busy there's plenty of bits and pieces it's essentially children's toys and things of that nature and there are also these packets of biscuits now these were all wrapped up but i could see with this one particularly that it appeared to have been resealed it's just the faintest amount of extra glue showing there someone's gone to a lot of trouble to hide whatever's in this box but susan won't know how sinister the contents are until she examines it [Music] passengers cannot pass through any australian international airport without scrutiny whether it is a sideways glance from customs or quarantine x-raying your bags every passenger who crosses our border is being watched [Music] this lady and her mother are living in australia but they're originally from cuba they have not declared any wood or anything on their incoming passenger cards and we're finding quite a substantial amount of wood this is potentially a problem because it's wood from cuba and south american countries do tend to have a lot of bora and other insects in their wood so we have to make sure we check all the wood wood bora could easily wipe out the australian timber industry and kill large tracts of our old growth forest we're just checking to see we may have to give them a fine if they've been out of australia more more times than now we're just checking that they've been out of this country three times and by now they should be very aware that wood is something that must be declared because it's a very high risk item over at the sydney mail unit susan has discovered a very clever concealment that has all the markings of a professional job weights were quite different the contents didn't feel as i would expect the contents to feel judging on the outside of the packet so i decided that i needed to open them up and have a look and what i discovered inside was a large quantity of white tablets so these are quite obviously not the biscuits that they're supposed to be someone's gone to a great deal of trouble to conceal these we don't know exactly what they are there's no markings on the tablets but from my experience i would expect that these are probably a steroid of some description this is a really really good find because it was such a good concealment the people who have sent this from overseas have gone to a lot of trouble so that it will get through here and it hasn't the whole package has been designed to look like it's going to go to a child it's full of toys it's full of chocolates and it's full of supposed biscuits so it's made it's consistent everything there is sub-diffused to take away from the real intention which is to get steroids through customs i've put it on the scale now and it's a little over 300 grams that's quite a sizable haul it's not a narcotic product but we take it very seriously people take steroids thinking they are doing something positive for their bodies but the misuse of steroids can be devastating which is why customs take such a hard line what will happen now is our investigations group will look at it they'll do their research and they will try and track down the offenders and this could lead to a prosecution for whoever's involved a find like this is a great hit for the male unit but susan is about to find out that she has an even bigger surprise waiting for her meanwhile over in customs a senior officer has been called over to address the passengers concerned that they are being harassed we were we were here three months ago um you're an international passenger you're coming on an international flight yeah you're subject to a customs examination yeah um the officer hasn't said anything that's harassing she's doing a bag exam yeah that in no way is harassment yeah okay well let me just add she's already stated because when she started falling apart we told her and said we hope you're going to pack it back and she said no you pack your own bag back again well the officer wait a second the officer will help you but most passengers prefer to pack their own bags because um the way the packing may be um done may not like it right actually when the officer started searching was she not wearing gloves until i said to put gloves over the last few years there's no trouble you're saying that because you're australian you're exempt from customs examination no no okay well so you're saying you're here it's all strange more than you're picking on foreigners no that's no we treat everyone equally [Music] julia and her mum have just arrived back from cuba where they bought some souvenirs the problem is they are all wood and pose a quarantine risk to australia we're going to have to find you here this is in your language this is not in english your mother could draw yes but i was i i do that quickly because i i what the baby was really crying because well very quick is not the idea this is an important document it's a government document but that it's not so much that it's it's one piece of wood it's a lot of wood it's a lot of wood and it's undeclared so the officer will now consider taking further action [Applause] susan has just come across another package from thailand one of the things we do get often from there are steroids this particular package the way the image looked on the x-ray machine indicated to us that there might be something really suspicious in here so the more carefully we open the wrapping the easier it is for our investigations department or the federal police to reconstruct it and susan's discovery indicates that the sender knew exactly what they were doing even employing a few tricks of the trade okay just opened this box and i found carbon paper that's a very good sign that whoever packed this thinks that they can defeat an x-ray machine they can't these vials that you can see here and there's quite a lot of them and i've got at least two more boxes worth in there they're labeled as deca durabon which is a steroid each one of these vials holds one mil which doesn't sound like a lot but to sell that on the streets you'd be looking at quite a good price now the bottles are interesting they're labeled as spirulina which is simply a herbal extract the fact that we've just found all this decade or a bowline would lead me to believe that what's in these bottles is not spirulina the two packages contained around 500 vials of steroids and sparked major customs investigations officers in brisbane later detected another 12 000 steroid tablets concealed in the same biscuit packets a queensland woman is facing charges relating to this third seizure the charges carry a penalty of a hundred and ten thousand dollars and five years in jail has been chasing this vessel for the last hour and the master of the illegal boat continues to evade the warship using dangerous maneuvers the illegal fishing boat is not responding to warnings so it's time for the big guns and burst fire [Music] it is becoming a battle of wills the indonesian skipper knows that it is unlikely that the navy is going to give up and yet he keeps trying to evade capture so their response to 12.7 millimeter recommends match party so they switched back the snatch party is put into the water once the warship is in a position to give them cover the snatch party will go in and take control of the illegal vessels [Music] snatch and it's an anxious weight while they get the all clear from their crew [Music] [Applause] with the routine search over the two passengers are free to go shame on you australia and we live here though they're still not happy our experience was if i can say up to here you know what are they about and we think you die australians they just want to make big no big time of themselves for customs officer sarah it's just another day at the office i generally don't react and sometimes it takes a lot of self-control not to if you see it as a personal attack you wouldn't survive you know what i mean you get it every day and you just won't survive it's been a long flight from cuba for this passenger and her baby but because she didn't declare her wooden souvenirs she'll be held up for even longer let me explain to you one thing the office is trying to tell you that if you had one piece of wooden item we can understand you've forgotten about it there is a lot i can understand you have a baby who's upset but the card is in your own language you did read it you did tick no so you must have read the questions and you signed it okay i thought that was if you have some disease or something i know start to read it it's very plain it says do you have any wooden items [Applause] [Music] okay that's a legal document there's no reason why you shouldn't declare it well unfortunately this time there will be a fine issue for false declaration well as you could say the baby was really upset and i know it's a very long trip from south america and a lot of people get very tired when they have to fill out their incoming passenger card on a plane but i think it's important that we help her to understand the importance of the potential dangers of wood coming into australia julie was given an on-the-spot fine of 220 for false declaration and bringing prohibited goods across the border [Music] the illegal vessel is finally under the navy's control it is time now to see what this vessel was up to in our waters we've managed to get our boarding party into the water and the navy boys and girls have gone across and come over the side and got him to heat too immediately so a long chase a bit dicey at times but they managed to get on board and contain the situation yeah obviously making a run for it both of them were tracking to the north at say seven knots and uh they i guess refused to stop on many of our orders and that's why we had to send the snatch party in in the end to take charge of the vessel and bring it to a stop for us with the situation under control it is up to the fisheries officer to determine whether the vessel has been involved in any illegal activity well when i was speaking with a master just down below i asked him whether he had any uh charts or maps uh he indicated that he did have some and he proceeded to uh come up to his accommodation area i just followed it and followed him up here and noticed that he was going to open this cabinet which was locked when he opened the cabinet i uh saw what appeared to be a gps geographically when i asked him earlier whether he had a gps he said no but it's clearly actually so these fishermen didn't just happen to be here they are part of a sophisticated syndicate with high-tech gear [Music] finally apprehended the warning bull tows the illegal fishing boat to gove in recent times these sorts of vessels which we refer to as ice boats have been somewhat more belligerent than they have been in the past i think the um the master is concerned obviously that uh if he is apprehended or caught taken back to australia that he may lose the vessel and catch the master pleaded guilty to fishing illegally in the australian fishing zone and to resisting apprehension he was fined sixty thousand dollars and sentenced to six weeks jail if he reoffends he faces fines of up to 250 000 and two years imprisonment next week on border security baby come on show me your muscles a baggage search creates an ugly scene i've had enough just settle down and in customs fact is stranger than fiction okay what do we have unfortunately don't even talk about it this is no laughing matter for quarantine got no way of verifying where these have come from that's border security
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 394,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danger TV, Danger, Customs, Drugs, Borders, Agents, Contraband, Illegal Immigrants, Border Patrol, Customs Agents, Airports, security, security dogs, dogs, heathrow, border, smugglers, smuggling, weapons, dangertv, border agents, border force, illegals, border security, airport, nothing to declare, police, locked up abroad, border arrest, border security: international, Border Security: Australia's Front Line, Australia's Front Line, Border Security Australia, Australia Customs
Id: Ptp7zG8ZzDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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