Cobra Coaster Island // Pop-Out Panda Island | Animal Mechanicals | Cartoons for Kids

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foreign Cobra coaster Island [Music] animal mechanical Mission time [Music] good morning Animal Mechanicals good morning Island very big mission today your destination is Cobra coaster Island [Music] I'm down down down [Music] more like McKenna no fun to me oh you'll see Komodo Cobra coasters are a blast but there's a problem for some mysterious reason the super exciting Cobra coaster is not working yeah why isn't it working unknown your mission is to find out why and get the Cobra coaster working again [Music] [Music] here we are Cobra coaster Island no let's go Cobra coaster fun fun I fail to understand what is so much fun about a cobra coaster Komodo don't you ever have fun oh no I fail to understand the need to have fun Komodo doesn't know what he's missing let's try to see why this coaster isn't working it looks okay to me what was that hmm I'm a can of banana [Music] on the Cobra coaster it's a McKenna monkey ah he's kind of cute he may be cute but I think he's the reason the Cobra coaster isn't working right the Cobra cars won't work until that mischievous monkey stops tossing McKenna bananas at it we need to catch him and get him off the tracks oh no he's climbing higher [Music] for me to reach me too who can reach way up there and grab the monkey [Music] wait a minute I just had an idea I can reach anything behold the mighty sasquatchy [Music] um let's watch his super stretchy stretchy like a big robber monkey who's trying to grab a fast little monkey [Music] that's funny come to Sasquatch monkey catch him Sasquatch [Music] some more I can do this oh no the monkeys weighed the top of the coaster now even the mighty Sasquatch can't stretch that high there's no way to reach him Animal Mechanicals can do anything unicorn [Music] thank you [Music] he's a fast little guy [Music] I have some tricks of my own Mr Monkey GO unicorn hey where'd he go I see him he's hiding we will never get him now Never Say Never if someone was small enough and Speedy enough they might be able to catch him small Speedy that's my job no McKenna [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] out of breath by my calculations it is impossible to catch that monkey nothing's impossible for Animal Mechanicals because when the going gets tough [Music] time from a can of monkey trap Max keep chasing him I'll make sure he stays down here Sasquatch you you ready Sasquatch readier than ready [Applause] [Music] okay here I go [Music] [Laughter] make him come down a little lower unicorn wow [Music] wait wait now Sasquatch [Music] the coaster is working again Animal Mechanicals mission accomplished [Applause] we should take this monkey back to the Jungle where he will not get into any more trouble come on little guy time to go home so have more fun but it is dangerous for a monkey to be on a cobra coaster not if he's riding the coaster with us yay oh no come on Komodo it'll be fun I don't have fun remember yeah hey there coffee monkey I think he wants to ride with you Komodo oh very well then one ride and that's it [Music] fun fun fun foreign [Music] did you like it no I didn't like it I love this fun mechanic can we go again and again [Music] [Applause] how about panda Island [Music] animal mechanical Mission time [Music] good morning Animal Mechanicals good morning Island very big mission today your destination is pop out Panda Island Chicago pandas are cute and shy that's right they're also very hungry the pandas have eaten all of the bamboo at the bottom of slip slide mountain and now they need your help to get up the mountain where more bamboo grows but why do they need our help because slip slide mountain is very slippery and with their big boxy bodies the pandas are very slidy slippery and sliding this is going to be fun your mission is to help the pandas up slip slide Mountain but remember they're very shy you have to be quiet and gentle McKenna can you do it [Music] here we are pop out Panda Island [Music] pandas they're trying to climb up the Mountain all by themselves [Music] that's okay pandas you tried really hard this isn't so bad [Music] on second thought slip slide mountain is definitely too slippery for those pandas to climb up on their own Animal Mechanicals we'll just have to give them a hand a hand huh I've got two of them don't worry pandas the mighty Sasquatch will help you yes watch remember what island I will send be quiet and gentle pandas are extremely shy [Music] you might find this interesting pop-out pandas are extremely shy [Music] now we'll never be able to move them even a little bit Animal Mechanicals Never Say Never instead of walking them up the mountain maybe we could push them up good thinking [Music] they're so in my opinion it will take a powerful Pusher to get Three Pandas up that slick slope a powerful Pusher I'm the animal mechanical for this job Rex [Music] McKenna strong [Music] yeah [Music] run the titanium Tyrannosaurus go it's not easy but I can do this Rex is so great [Music] um I have a question how are we going to get up the mountain Rex wait [Music] too late it's never too late if we work together unicorn fly [Music] Sasquatch you hold on to my tail and everyone else hold on to me and me one two three here we go it's me impressive unicorn here we are pandas the top of slip slide mountain and here we are two we made it everybody [Music] there's a new bamboo under the snow cap Yahoo three chairs for wrecks and unicorns Sasquatch hooray um the snow-capped mountain hooray it would be wise to be less loud oh hooray hey buddy next time you might want to be less loud oh no the bamboo is buried we need to remove the snow so that the pandas can eat the bamboo I could do the digging but we need a small shovel my shovel is so big it would ruin the bamboo hmm a smell shuttle huh I think I know where we can find one of those I know Komodo [Music] one super sturdy small snow shovel to the rescue [Music] handy dandy Tool Time [Music] hmm Sasquatch are you okay buddy first I scared the pandas then I bury the bamboo under the snow I'm not so good at being quiet and gentle it's okay Sasquatch you were only trying to help you'll have your chance [Music] there finished [Applause] go on pandas go get some bamboo the pandas are still scared and shy anything to get them to eat I know the mighty Sasquatch has a quiet idea where is he going foreign [Music] nice bamboo here you go look they're coming out the mighty quiet Sasquatch to the rescue it's kind of fun being quiet and gentle I mean ow well we got the pandas up slip slide mountain and they're eating again Animal Mechanicals mission accomplished does that mean it would be okay to do something loud the pandas do seem happy and full I think it would be okay to be loud again what did you have in mind Sasquatch some loud slippery sliding fun [Music] mechanic has we have some loud slippery slimy fun too [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Animal Mechanicals - WildBrain
Views: 205,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal mechanicals, animal, mechanicals, animal mechanicals full episode, animal mechanicals full english episode, animal mechanicals theme song, kids cbc, disney junior, animal mecanicals, mecanimais, season 3, episode 1, full, episode, movie, cartoon, animal mechanicals toys, animal mechanicals video, videos, animal mechanicals youtube, animal mechanicals english
Id: -Q3CD9xrtIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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