Coastal Foraging - Mussel, Clam and Crab - Clean and Delicious Cookup Autumn 2021

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hello welcome back to the fishlocker out on the show we have a stunning awesome day with us today massive spring tides so myself and with this locker girls i'm gonna go for a walk about on the lower tideline now we've got about another hour and a half of the ebb which means the tide's going out for another hour and a half we're just gonna follow it down see what we can find anything in the rock pools crabs clams just happy to be out on such a lovely day with some noisy dogs let's go when you come into a new area ashore if you haven't been there before and you want to know what's in the area i've explained this in a couple of times have a look on the high tide line because anything that's living out there that's died will get washed up here so just looking about here in this little area i can see straight away we're gonna have mussels limpets purple top shells cockles what else we've got flat periwinkles that is a queenie scallop or a variegated scallop there's another one that is a warty venus clam yeah so straight away i've identified probably seven or eight different types of shellfish there's another queenie sculpture [Music] loads of muscles around there is a netted dog welcome so yeah by having a look on the high tide line you generally have a good idea what you can look for out there let's go alive or dead oh no she's alive little green shaw crab this is a little female [Music] working our way further down the shore you can see areas like this these are mussels now all of these are a little bit small i wouldn't be taking them unless they were about that big and these are higher up on the tide line these are probably halfway through so i know that i can go down there and forage around and catch these on the way back yeah mussels mussels are great they're present all year round a good healthy stock of them and they taste delicious i'm trying to find the best way of showing you sorry but the wind's quite strong where i am hannah's just pointed out here we have got some massive limpets the size of them so another shark rabbit this is sea lettuce overlapped this is this is also a very delicious delicious little bits of irish moss some pom-pom weed and these are called pink coral weeds i've managed to get myself a little bit closer down down towards the lower tideline it's um i've took myself out of the wind because there is a bit of a wind looking around we have still got a lot of nice muscles but as i'm getting closer to water the rock pools are getting deeper so it's always worth having a good look because you never know what they might be that's been cut off by the tide now in there there was just there was a massive dalian enemy and what i'm looking for is little cracks and crevices like that up there but there are some stunning anemone up there because hidden up in some of these there might be some crabs or some lobsters i'll get my hook out and i'll have a little rick around but yeah there's loads of anemone and sponges there is a strawberry an enemy can see why it's called a strawberry enemy can't you buy all them spots down there there's a snake locks hiding away behind there there's a little shark rub there are loads of anemones these are dog whelks mussels everywhere aren't they this is about the size that would keep like this size that is a brilliant eating size muscle whenever you're collecting muscles as well don't take everything from a patch so say for instance rather than taking all of those take one from groups don't take all of a group there is a nice looking cave i'll get me flush later and we'll have a look at that yeah just looking for like an overhang like an edge like that let's have a look and see what there is there's a little crab there ah there's a velvet swimming crab but that appears to be it the little velvet we do have a couple of things here first one is a spiny starfish but the second there is a crab just hiding up the back of here there you see he's only a tiny one so he's managed to get himself in that little hole yeah a little shore crab and a spiny starfish looking up under here i can see some prawns and a velvet swimming crab i'll get the underwater camera and we'll have a look at that we've got a big dahlia an enemy a velvet crab and a ganga tricky prawns a lychee's spider crab and these two fish were actually called a hook nose or a pug looking in that hole there there was loads a couple of prawns came right out in front of the camera there was a couple of fish and i did find these two little critters now these are interesting these in my hand here [Music] one is a little decorator crab and the other the bigger one that's running away that is a leeches spider crab you believe that how incredible are those the little one you wouldn't even see would you look and this guy usually these live inside of a snake looks an enemy [Music] let's just go and put him back yeah there's all sorts living up in there prawns anemones velvet swimming crabs so every rock pool you just never know what's going to be in there i'll love it oh hello right i don't know if you can see that in there you see the crab there's a male and a female crab in there there we are that is a husband and wife pair that's the male this one here's the male that one says the female you can tell the difference because the male has got a narrower v there and also a bigger claws the female has got a larger pad these are too small to keep we'll just send them back but yeah that is a male and a female brown edible crab but that's what you're looking for just a little crevice like that looking here there is another one of those crabs see him but also oh i know you had my a couple of little velvets and a lot of little fish and shrimps there is an incredibly vivid purple top shell beautiful isn't it i'm down now looking around in amongst all the kelp just looking and like the the overhangs because as you can see we'll put a bucket there there's another edible crab that's what you're looking for just like that oh some blue red limpets they are lovely those i love the smell of this it takes me back to when i was a kid and like driving about with my brothers and sisters in the rock pools where are you when you get right down and amongst all the kelp here there is a certain smell to it i think it's lovely tide's going to be turning in just a second i'll get back up and meet the girls they're rock pooling further up the shore he's been in the wars aren't they i imagine there'll be another one this is an example of why you should never stick your fingers into a hole that you can't see the end of because look what's inside this one you see mr congress at the back of there yeah there's a conga in the back of that one i'm going to start collecting some mussels now and these are a good size try and make sure that you keep a little bit of beard on them and i'll explain why later but when you're picking them pick one or two from each bunch don't pick every one from a certain patch now they do hang onto the rocks really hard by this now most people just call it a beard but its proper name is a bisous and they hang onto the rocks like that just emptied out into this pool here and i am going to give them a bit of a sort we have got some absolute stunners now some of them you can see i've got bits of seaweed on them now the beards i'm going to leave them the most of the beards on the bases because if you pull it out you kill the muscle now i'm going to want to keep these in some clean sea water for well as long as it takes us to get back to be able to let them purge for a little bit if you get two with some barnacles on and you rub them together you break the barnacles off each other so i'll get through i'll sort them out and we'll get back to the van [Music] the girls have done a little bit of videoing as well while i was while i was down working about near the low tide line so i'll put in some of their footage as well did tell me that they saw an old man swimming in speedos i don't think i'll put that in there see that one quite well there you can see why it's a strawberry an anime skin has strawberry seeds on it you can see a really big crab claw with no crab attached to it down there an edible crab claw [Music] [Music] that's a couple of nice big clean muscles here [Music] right well we've got the muscles we got from the beach earlier on and i'm just giving it a second sort i give them a rough grade when i was on the beach kept all the the better sized ones and i said to leave the beards in them now these pieces i've left a cup to show you this here call it the beard it's proper name is a basis and it's what it uses to attach to a rock like that if you pull it out completely it kills the muscle so i'll leave the beards in and let them soak in some clean sea water to let them purge a little bit now the final grade is if you can show me up now there pull the whole beard out there's a proper one and then once i've finished with these i will pass you over to jim there you go jim hello and welcome to sparco's kitchen cooking in socks tonight we're having some mussels and chips fatigue we have these beautiful cornish coast uh mussels which john has carefully scraped and de-bearded and as usual we'll have a couple of two different dishes so i'm going to do the classic marinara with some finely diced onion garlic white wine cream of parsley and i'm also going to do a sort of made up dish where we'll have some garden leeks and garlic smoked bacon lardons and we'll finish with some of uh mr cohen's finest double cream i've got this my big saute pan on and it's very hot i'm just gonna pop the mussels in to open and start the cooking process so hot pansies or sizzle gonna put a splash of water in with them gonna want a bit of steam lid on we'll leave those for a minute all right chopped onion warm pan a little butter move on for a [Music] leaks doing this wrong way around i should smoke bacon impressed hey ho and whilst we've got we're at the stove these have just been on two minutes as you can see some of them starting to open [Music] not going to put any salt into anything because the mussels will be incredibly salty but i do like a little bit of finely ground black pepper i'll leave the lid on the onions so that they swept down nicely so i can get the baker's wax [Music] our muscles have had a few minutes you can see the nicely open i'm just going to strain them into the corner [Music] we want to preserve the cooking liquor but there will be some bits of grit sand or stone so we just leave it settled for a while and in the meantime we've got our liquid bacon coming on very nicely and there is our onions nicely sweated so they want garlic plenty of that a little bit of garlic in there [Music] with delete some bacon i'm also going to add some thyme just a nice crisp dryish white wine with the onion and the garlic and we've just added a little bit of thyme into here as well yes i've just put a tad of thyme in there so just turn the gas down on there just kind of leave that to reduce down let the alcohol burn off the wine hey here's a liquid off the mussels it is incredibly briny it's like the seed and i'm just going to put a couple of small ladle pools in each pan that's why you didn't have any salts no no salt stalks i'll just dispose of this i won't use it for anything else but you can just see that there is you can see the little bits of gritty yeah you see so you never want to tip that entirely into your uh dish so most important to leave it settle for a minute or two right back to the stove i added the very salty mustard mussel liquid and i put a 300ml pot of double cream in there most generous handful of chopped parsley flat leaf parsley and this is our smoked bacon and leek with a little bit of thyme a small amount of garlic some of them salty mussel liquor and i also put a tinier splash of white wine in there that's entirely optional and i'm just going not a lot of cream just about a hundred now you've reduced the wiring off so there'll be no alcohol no alcohol in it but you don't need to put the wine in there you could put cider or sort of a light continental lager type beer all right just gonna have a taste of these sauces before we commit yes that's good cream has taken the excess saltiness out yeah that would do two so there's half of our mussels and i'm just going to pour that sauce over just got the chips heat up nicely right there [Music] i'm just going to rinse that pan out right i've just wiped the big saute pan out i've put the leaky bacon sauce in brought it back to the heat and we'll just let those mussels just for a scant minute and they'll pick up heat again right we've moved outside for the cooking of the chips peril refuses to have fryer in the house when we did the cod in batter she was away on holiday so cut the chips soak them in some cold water for 10 minutes remove some of the starch blanch them at a 150 160 for a few minutes and then turn the fryer up 180 just another minute or so these potatoes have lovely clean skins so i didn't bother peeling them yeah the last time that we did anything frying carol was away come back like three days later yeah actually the pavlova's been mentioned in the right we're starting to dish up chips are just going to be another minute before they're finished and [Music] okay with my lizzy james i think i'm gonna get some of that bread to mop it up with jim's just gone straight in with the chips yes chips in the bowl and a good dunkin gravy i will make quick mention to that there i'm just talking lizzy i'm saying if you do get any of them and they are tight tight shutters and they won't open at all like this one here this one's closed but it's a little bit open it's got a couple of millimeters that'd be all right if they're tight shut don't bother trying to wrestle with them just discard them because there's something not right with them right well there's round two this is the mourinho one how did you see it marinara marinara this is the marinara one and the one previous was the smoky bacon and leek with some homemade chips and is sourdough bread yes it is it is absolutely delicious hannah's worked our way through just a couple of them no actually we elizabeth has worked absolutely delicious but leave enough space for dessert definitely [Music] there we are we have pretty much well and truly finished tomorrow and as i was talking about muscles that don't open my second to last one is one of those ones and see how it's tightly shut all right there we are with dessert that is [Music] homemade bread and butter pudding i am just going to say that was all absolutely delicious i hope you enjoyed joining us on the show it was um myself from the fishlocker girls and then a delicious cooker at spago's kitchen now which did you think it was the leaky bacon one that you enjoyed the most i think i did tough but both absolutely delicious thank you very much thank you thank you and i hope you enjoyed joining us all the very best see you later
Channel: The Fish Locker
Views: 466,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shore fishing, shore fishing uk, beach fishing uk, how to cook crab, how to cook scallops, beach cook up, beach foraging, how to cook shellfish, foraging, bush craft, catch clean and cook, coastal foraging, scallop, cook clams, cook scallops, cook mussels, solo, fishing tips, crab, seaweed, seafood, shellfish, bass, underwater, catch and cook, clean and cook, campfire cooking, lobster, survival, sea fishing, fish locker, the fish locker, fishlocker, mussel, cooking, eating, chowder, chef
Id: cAnL8ezuloE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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