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yes good morning everyone good to see everyone here happy sunday to all of you we're going to go through a couple announcements and it looks like people are still trickling in i was gonna welcome first-time visitors is everybody here for the first time if you just raise your hand awesome good to have you bless you thank you for coming all right first off uh we have just a couple announcements we're going to show them up behind me we have our wednesday night service so i just want to invite you to come out to that we had a great time with pastor joe he's doing a kind of a four-week series on revival history so you talked a little bit about the history of coast and uh how it's been connected to the pentecostal movement and just all sorts of stuff that has really exploded worldwide i wish we would have recorded it because it was so good and but you'll come check out tonight and our wednesday night and it should be uh it's gonna be great also we have a membership class so every year we offer membership to everybody that's not a book signed member and uh you can come on thursday and learn about what that means okay and so everybody's welcome to join and participate in ministries but we also have uh members that are official books i'm members of the church and you can learn about what that is on thursday night at 7 pm today after service over in this area we're going to be having some time of prophetic ministry and it's going to be great and also we're going to have a bring your own lunch so we're going to have that again we used to do it every um let's see today is the second sunday so every second sunday we're going to try to bring back the bring your own lunch and what that is is basically if you want to go buy food or bring food from home that's what we do and we just kind of hang out in the cafe area we bring out some tables and we just spend time together and having a nice meal together it's just a great time nothing just super informal so if you want to come and do that that would be great and it's my pleasure to bring up two of our awesome family brothers and uh i'm going to bring up clark custer and lot alberto his lord come on up and lot and clark lead up our boy scout and our cub scout ministry here and so we're just going to have them share they're going to show a few slides behind me all right thank you rick yeah we're so excited to get going again with scouts and boy scouts and cub scouts cub scouts is six year to five to ten boy scouts is 11 through 17. and uh yeah the boys we've been getting together we've planned for boy scouts we've planned our calendar for the year we have campouts every month our first meeting is tomorrow night in the chapel we meet every monday night from 7 to 8 30 and we have about 60 boys so we're just to see the boys get together you can just see the joy and just actually getting away from zoom and coming like being together so we're very excited for that and um yeah and when do cub scouts meet good morning we're going to meet tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon it's our first meeting our parent orientation meeting is tomorrow at 6. so if you know anybody if you have any kids 5 2 10 bring them we're going to be here we're going to have a lot of fun we're going to go through our calendar where we're going to do the things that we do like camping hiking and other events that we we we do with with our kids so our group is very small we are praying to have more join more more kids because of kobet our group went down a lot so plea please pray for us and um yeah okay yeah so let me show you a few photos if i can so we did get to do a couple of activities with the troop uh this year oh this is we went to summer camp at uh camp whitsett so those are the guys so yeah good looking group and they you just see the joy and being together you know they just enjoy hanging out here they're playing chess or just being together so it's fun uh at camp we climbed a little peak there in the morning before breakfast and uh had a good morning hike there was fun so i did a bike ride uh at the beach so we do all kinds of different uh activities uh what else there this was uh earlier in june i don't know if you were here that day but we had some our eagle scouts so these boys have all obtained the rank of eagle which takes quite a while to do but uh very proud of them and we tell them it's not so much something you achieve as something you become we say you are an eagle scout and this is what true for you the rest of your life and so it's about character about leadership but we're very proud of our young men so far in the troupe we've had about 58 eagle scouts i think we started in 2010 and um you know um so much of the paper you read bad things but there's good things happening in america too amen all right all right what else oh we went camping in the desert believe it or not we got snowed on how about that so but hey didn't bother us all good so that was fun i did a little rock climbing there so we do all kinds of uh different outdoor things so it's fun this was our long-term camping trip we went from mammoth to yosemite this summer on a backpack seven days so we had 18 of us uh our troop is you know maybe it's confusing in the news about is it boys is it girls what is it but we're all boy troop so you can you can't actually you're not allowed to mix them so there's either boy girl troops or girl troops so we have a boy troop but we do invite siblings to come so that's why you'll see some some girls here but siblings are welcome with as long as a parent comes so we had actually uh chloe uh pastor rick and jody's daughter come with us this time but this is half dome in the background so uh yeah we had a it was a beautiful trip yeah uh this is half dome again with you can see the little people walking up behind but we this group all did that so it was a good adventure yeah and some of the the view there from the thousand island lake you know it's beautiful california particularly has such beautiful places to be so you know and i thought about the scouts a little bit yesterday because well of course yesterday was 9 11. you know one of my neighbors died on flight 11 i believe it was john winkus he has a little bench in the hickory park there but uh you know i read about todd beamer maybe you know you know the flight 93 that this was the last plane up and it was headed for the white house but at first you know everyone thought this was an accident right or whatever but then there's the second plane wait a minute you know this can't be an accident so the people on that plane were trying to piece things together and so todd beamer was on the phone with like an operator for like 14 minutes and kind of walked through this thing and uh you know he became a hero that day but he didn't just decide to be a hero god had prepared him for that moment and he was ready right so he was an athlete the plane they had to rush the cockpit they tried to bounce him off by doing all these things but his balance was good couldn't shake him he was a strong christian man as a 32 year old he was a strong christian man with that operator he's about to hang up he said hey can we do one more thing i want to do say the lord's prayer they said the lord's prayer together and then he actually recited psalm 23 up until the part where it says for you are with me and then he turned to his fellows on the plane there and said let's roll and that was the last words he said and they brought down that plane in pennsylvania instead of letting it crash into the white house where you know would have killed many more people but my point is that you don't just wake up one morning and become a hero you're prepared and you're ready so as scouts that's what we're trying to raise up to people to be eagle scouts they're ready for what god has called them to be you know as leaders and uh they're not that way at 11 but they become more and so we're proud of our scouts so help us pass the word we appreciate your prayers and support and thank you very much anything else you want to say a lot all right god bless you thank you awesome yeah i just uh i went i was on that trip with them and i witnessed firsthand just the great job that clark and team is doing as far as raising up leaders so i want to encourage you my son's one of the boy scouts and it's a really really good program let's go ahead and stand to our feet and we're going to pray and jump into some worship all right lord we just thank you for this day god we thank you so much that we can come and gather lord freely lord i pray that you would just move mightily in this place today lord i pray god that you would just come in such a way that we would be forever changed lord and we just lift up the person on our right and lift up the person on our left today you to you god and we ask for your blessing upon them we ask for your grace to rest upon them jesus i pray that you would rock them from head to toe today god we love you we love you we love you we love your presence lord we're so thankful we're so thankful today we love you we bless you god we pray this in jesus name and everyone said amen [Music] treasures [Music] but you came along put me back together [Music] is [Music] nothing is better than you [Music] i'm not afraid [Music] to show you my weaknesses [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you turn shame into glory you're the only one who came [Music] highways you're the only one who cares [Music] you turn shame into glory you're the only one who cares [Music] [Music] you're the only one [Music] [Music] oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing better there's nothing nothing is [Music] is is [Music] do [Music] you [Music] cause you're my obsession but when i lock eyes and views [Music] and all i need is you and all i see is you just you just [Music] [Applause] [Music] i see my reflection when i lock eyes with you i feel your affection i love to get lost [Music] is you just you it's just [Music] is [Music] you just you just [Music] is [Music] [Music] is you just you just you [Music] so come on i don't care what it looks like [Music] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't care what it is [Music] i don't care what it looks [Music] [Music] i don't like what it [Music] care what it is like [Music] you just you just [Music] oh you [Music] is you just you just [Music] focus our eyes at the center of your hearts [Music] at the center of your heart focus our eyes at the center of your heart [Music] would you focus my eyes at the center of your heart focus my eyes at the center of your heart i wanna see you focus my eyes at the center of your heart [Music] do [Music] the lord wants us to focus our eyes right at the center of his heart right now [Music] lord i thank you for the love that's there the undying unconditional love that's there thank you that you're fathering us thank you that you can father us there and guide us gently to you god guide us gently into purity of heart purity of heart holiness and righteousness god we want to stand with you right now stand next to you and look right in the center of your heart yes jesus [Music] let a he wants to minister to he wants to speak right into you cause if you look into his eyes he'll go right down to his heart he just wants a ministry right now i don't want to leave this place we want to stay right here as long as he calls us to be here yes [Music] stay right there i'm going to sing the chorus i want you to just stay in that place where your eyes are locked in on his heart locked in and is [Music] and all i see is you just you just you [Music] all i see is [Music] just you just [Music] so if you need to stay in that place please do don't leave it [Music] i've never been more loved than i am right now i wasn't holding you up so there's nothing i could do to let you down it doesn't take a trophy to make you proud i've never been more though [Music] i'm going through a storm but i won't go down [Music] right [Music] you are now is [Music] when the sun goes [Music] right [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] i'm already chosen i know who i am already [Music] i'm [Music] already spoken i'm already [Music] and that he is [Music] you are [Music] you are enough so i am [Music] how much more will he clothe you how [Music] much is [Music] how much is you are enough [Music] you are now [Music] if [Music] you [Music] in all things [Music] i love these [Music] and even famous [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] down [Music] one thing your is [Music] i would see to see your beauty to find you place your glory [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we give you [Music] your [Music] once again [Music] my [Music] is [Music] me [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] please [Music] we sing hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] we sing [Music] we sing hallelujahs [Music] hallelujah [Music] me [Music] hello [Music] me [Music] [Music] yes jesus [Music] focus on you on your eyes we lock eyes with you jesus [Music] worship you the creator of heaven and earth you're worthy of all our praise you are worthy of our gaze on you there's so many things that we could focus on so many distractions but you are worthy of our gaze [Music] of our focus of our time just these few moments this morning worshiping you you're so worthy jesus and as we worship you fills our soul [Music] just to be connected with you god it's what we need it's what our hearts long for [Music] so we just receive your love this morning [Music] we pour out our hearts to you and we thank you that you're pouring out your heart to us we receive it this morning wow [Music] you're so good to experience you as the ultimate bliss of life [Music] your tangible presence is so attractive [Music] give us more god give us more we want more we're hungry for more of you i'm so hungry for more of you oh jesus thank you thank you for always meeting us here wow [Music] wow amen [Music] amen amen so good thank you worship team well i'm doing good now that's awesome yeah 9 11 was crazy do you guys remember that we went um on a missions trip right after 9 11 we took some youth and a couple pastors i wasn't a pastor at that time and we went and we helped the feed the workers who were digging for bodies and there was when we went it was still smoking and we evangelized we prayed for people but it was i mean heart-wrenching there was a the fence that was all around um ground zero was covered with flyers and pictures of missing people that were never found and you could just as you walked along and saw all of these cries for help have you seen this person have you seen this person it was heart-wrenching it was so heart-wrenching that was it broke my heart but it was a it was a just incredible time in our country you know and the churches were filled right after that and i feel like in a sense we failed because we didn't really explain the times correctly a lot of people said it was god's judgment on america and i just thought wow if that's god's heart if that's what god does you know that's pretty sad god goes after the lost he died for the lost right and we just cannot look down our noses at people who sin because before i was born again i was a sinner dogs bark sinners sin that's what they do but we go after them we don't judge them we go after them right that's what god does and he showed that on the cross and so now our world is heating up again and you know what's on everyone's mind and the hot topic that's in every church every bible study the end times it always comes when there when when people's comforts are taken away the topic of the end times when is it going to happen when is it coming back is this the mark of the beast is this the you know is this the end well it's an age-old question when when is he coming back the disciples asked jesus many times but i'm here to tell you i got the answer i know when the bible says when right you guys have that slide when when will he come well i'm going to tell you this morning when he'll come okay it's in a verse matthew 24 44 this is jesus saying the son of man is coming at an hour when he's going to tell us you do not think he will that's when very clear right it actually is very clear this is the message this is the win it's for a reason the reason is so that you're ready at all times right what have you guys ever seen undercover boss that show it's so fascinating that the owner dresses up as a worker we've seen it lots of different companies the ceo would dress up as a worker go undercover and go to one of the stores these are like big chains and stuff like that and he'll go as a like as a as a first you know a starter a worker that's just starting and they'll train him or her and they'll show them the ropes or her and and it's really fun to watch because usually the ceo is like he doesn't know what he's doing like he's at the top and he's running the whole company but he's really struggling at like making whatever they're making you know and the employee some employees are getting frustrated some employees are really nice then he gets to hear like the complaints of the company you know the inside scoop and they don't know who they're talking to right but why do they do that part of the reason why they do that is this you want to see how your company's doing on the ground level you're at the top and you're you're doing numbers and forecasts and and all those things board meetings and all that but you want to see how the worker who's touching the people how they're doing right and the reason why they go in in uh they go as you know hidden they go in costume or whatever is because they want to see how the workers will act when they don't know anyone's watching right so jesus came as an undercover boss he came to earth to see what was happening right and so the reason why it's so important is because if the ceo shows up at a company of course they're going to be on their best behavior right but a ceo wants to see how the culture really is so come and see how they behave when the boss is not around so i don't think god is like necessarily that same like every illustration of god in heaven kind of breaks down but it is a kind of a good uh illustration for this reason if he told us the day he was coming would everyone just wait till the day before to start praying and worshiping right he wants us to be ready at all times not to trick us but to be ready to not be offended because you know when jesus comes back and all the things that happen there are going to be many who fall away why would they fall away well i tell you the root cause of that falling away really is being offended at god why didn't you show up when i needed you you know where are you you know if i was god i'd run the world differently right and so people will get offended people will fall away and god doesn't want to lose anyone so he wants us to be ready at all times right so the disciples asked him many times when when is this going to happen when are you coming when is the end of the age right and he said it's not for you to know when but be ready and he tell them about the great commission this is what you are to do not be focused on when or the times would be focused on your assignment while you're here on earth right it's coming it's coming and then the other thing is how how will he come well this actually the next verse is another one on the wind the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know does this answer the question of when you're thinking no but it actually does it answers the question of when there's a purpose behind coming when you don't expect or not you know giving the whole plan i have a feeling this is just my theory is that you know when god gives us direction a lot of times he gives us direction at the last minute or he says i'll be with you i'm gonna you know i'm gonna let you know what to do when you get there right and all obviously all of us want the no no i need to know now so i can rehearse i'm having this meeting with this person and it's going in my mind all night long of how it will go it could go this way and you play it out it could go this way and you play it out and your your heart is just anxious going through all these scenarios and then when you meet with that person it usually doesn't go anything like you imagined right and so you're like god why don't you just tell me the next five years and what's going to happen so i can put it on my calendar and i will be ready but what is being ready being ready is when you're leaning into him that's what being ready is so if you think you when if you you think if i knew what was coming i would be ready but that's not necessarily true when you're with him you're always ready for anything that comes that's the goal is to always be ready right but i have a theory this isn't the whole message it's just a side note when you're gonna do something for the lord or you have a conversation with someone or you're gonna witness or whatever and god doesn't give you you know what's going to play out beforehand i have a feeling that it takes the enemy by surprise because if he knew what was coming he'd plan for it as well but when you're spirit led and you just right in the moment boom you change direction on his unction it takes the enemy by surprise that's the great general of the army he knows when to give us orders right but then there's the how how is he going to come well i want to tell you that too i told you when i want to tell you the how okay how will he come that's another big question how is he going to come what's the verse for that for you yourselves know full well that the day of the lord will come just like this is the how a thief in the night that's the how if the person knew that the thief was coming he would prepare so you always have to be ready and so when we look at the end times when we get into the end times and we're going to start with matthew chapter 24. we could start with revelation but really there's a lot of things in the gospels about the end times and matthew 24 is one of those big ones right we have to read the word in its context and so when you're reading the word any part of the word you have to understand something who is it written to who is writing it and what context is it like as far as what historical context right because anyone can take two verses and put them together and justify their actions even the enemy the devil himself uses the word of god right but how can we use it correctly how can we read it correctly you can take two verses the enemy can take two verses and guide you he can say jesus went to a field and hung himself and partner with another verse go and do likewise i mean you know what i mean you can twist the bible i've seen it so many times but when we read especially about the end times okay who's speaking this is in in matthew 24 this is jesus speaking who is he talking to and when was it and where was it right so there's a lot of verses in the bible that we use like jeremiah 29 right god i know the plans i have for you do you understand that that wasn't spoken to you i'm not saying that's that's not god's heart but that wasn't spoken to me that was spoken to the israelites at that time and so we take that we take those stories and what i call it is we get we extract our theology out of stories god loves to share stories because he shows the best that's the best way for him to show who he is right and so we see these stories and we can extract god's heart and at that time god is saying look you have a future and you are blessed because my heart for you is to bless you and we take that scripture and yeah it's good to memorize it but say oh this was god's heart for the israelites at that time but we know that that's also god's heart for us his people at this time right and so matthew 24 jesus uh is talking to his disciples in a private conversation right at first uh it starts out where they're telling him hey jesus look at the temple look at how amazing the architecture is right oh this is for later so they're saying to jesus look at the architecture because i'm sure it was probably the most amazing uh structure at that time and so he's like look at you know they're saying look at the lines look at the the arches look at the stones how well they fit this is just amazing right it was it was a sight to see and then he says to them matthew 24 2 do you not see all these things truly i say to you not one stone here will be left upon another which will be not which will not be torn down so they're saying look at this magnificent structure and jesus throws in this bomb yeah pretty soon this thing's going this place is going to be leveled real encouraging right look at the amazing temple and they built it so well hey guys pretty soon this place is going to be flat and it says in 3 verse 3 as he was sitting on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things happen when and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age what will be the end of the age they want to know jesus answered and said to them see to it that no one misleads you okay pay attention because all of our minds are focused on the when right give us a date jesus is it now i mean things are happening in our country now that point to you know biblical references and stuff like that and it's heating up and so all of us are starting to wonder wow okay is this it right but if you were in iraq in the last decade you'd be going through way worse stuff than this if you were in afghanistan right now you'd be going through way worse stuff than this we've had a grace on our country for many years that the church was able to meet without anyone bothering it but now that this is starting to get encroached upon we're starting to think about the end times this is normal christianity america has been abnormal christianity but it's just like the movie wall-e you guys ever seen wall-e when they didn't use their bodies guess what happened they got fat and their bone density went down so they couldn't even barely walk that's what happens when astronauts go away their bone density gets soft because there's not that gravity pushing on their bones to strengthen their bones their bones respond to pressure right and so we haven't had a lot of pressure for a long time ever since this country was founded which i'm very thankful for and hopefully we'll have a great awakening and get back to these roots but in the meantime let's use that pressure and say oh this is good this reminds us of what jesus said you'll have tribulation they will hate you because they hated me so that's normal christianity right yes sir but this is what we're all asking when when when and jesus doesn't even answer that he starts with see to it that no one misleads you see to it that you're not deceived i love the the uh conversations around the book of revelation and all the nuances of matthew 24 and how all these things point to certain things and well it's so fascinating there's so much there right but knowing all the details and references does not make you ready knowing what's on the news every day does not make you ready what makes you ready you got to buy that oil that time with jesus so when things happen you're not offended you don't wimp out you realize i'm already dead so what more can man do to me right when you're with jesus because because he says in every time when he's saying hey have courage he says because i'll be with you so when you're with jesus when you're practicing that being with jesus i'm not talking about with the theology of jesus i'm not talking about with the teachings of jesus i'm not talking about knowing all the prophecies about our times i'm not talking about how we can you know expound on revelation that doesn't make you ready being ready is being with jesus the person jesus not the idea of jesus that's what being ready is and you'll be ready for anything when you're leaning upon the king of kings and lord of lords right if you're fearful of what will happen if well that's your battle today fear that's your battle today the battle is not if i go to jail or if i'm beheaded the battle right now is the fear that's coming against me because cory tin boom you guys don't know corey timpoon went through the holocaust and um [Music] before they got taken away she was getting on a train with her dad and she was asking him about what if i get taken away what if you know persecution comes what if you know i get killed for jesus and she said dad i don't know if i can make it how do i know i'll be able to last through that and he said when will i give you the ticket to board the train and she said well right before i get on and he said in that same way god will give you the grace when you need it and so when we battle the fear or the idea of persecution we're we're battling god this is how we battle god i know you'll be with me and you'll give me what i need [Music] right because you're with me that's the answer to so many things because you're with me because i will be with you he says right he told that to joshua he said be courageous i will be with you he told that the same language at the great commission matthew 28 do all these things i will be with you so how you get ready is knowing and being assured that god is with you right it's when we feel alone that we get fearful it's when we feel alone that we give into temptation but god is with you he says for so many will come in my name saying i am the christ and will mislead many you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars so there are wars there's wars but there's also rumors of wars see that you are not frightened for those things must take place but that is not yet the end see to that you're not frightened he's listen to jesus's heart here listen to my heart here he's saying this is normal the problem is so many times or so many people they've been told it's easy oh with god it's easy oh with god everything's gonna be okay he's you know well we go through things even with god and so jesus's heart here is saying look these things are going to happen so don't freak out because these things will happen wars rumors of wars false prophets these things will happen he's telling them in advance right for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes and we've seen that over the years right but all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs it's just the contractions then they will deliver you to tribulation and will kill you and you will be hated by all nations because of my name now remember who he's talking to he's talking to his disciples right but that principle still applies to us for we're following jesus and the world system does not like the kingdom they don't do things the same it's foreign it's it's uh dangerous do you know in our country they're labeling christians as the dangerous ones yeah the dangerous ones the ones that are going against you know the progression of things going against the the tolerance of everybody going against you know status quo going against what you're told there was a harvard professor that said you know the problem with christians is that he had a whole paper problem with christians that they're not afraid of dying and so that's why they're a danger to society think about that with the pandemic that's going on when you have someone who's not afraid of dying oh yeah they're they're a danger so but he says what if you were told what if you're you're you're mentor your best friend you're hanging out and he says hey listen they're gonna kill you they're gonna kill you it's gonna happen he's not saying they might he's not saying there's a possibility he's not saying hey if you don't get out of there fast they will no he's saying he just flat out said they will kill you the only one i think the only disciple that did not get killed was john but they tried put him in a pot of boiling water he survived no boiling oil boiling oil he was not supposed to survive that was a miracle so what jesus listen jesus's heart here he's saying look at don't freak out you put in there don't be frightened don't freak out these things are going to happen in these things they're normal christianity we just had generation after generation of comfort i like comfort i'm not not saying anything bad about it i want my kids to be comfortable i want my parents to be comfortable i want all of you to be comfortable but when these things happen don't freak out because we're just we're used to comfort we can't forget half of the bible and about what jesus has told us that there'll be tribulation right they will hate you some of us may get monitored i don't know i'm not predicting that just saying that's christianity are we willing to die for that well truth is when you become a christian born again you already died die to yourself right a living sacrifice the problem with the living sacrifices that they tend to wiggle off the altar let me read that again then they will deliver you to tribulation and will kill you and you will be hated by all nations because of my name he understands he understands that when he came on the scene he was going to be hated he understood that when he began to do miracles began to teach that the religious the people that were were dominated by the religious spirit would hate him and hate his disciples then he says verse 10 at that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another he's not only saying they will hate you but though something will happen even in the fellowship that people will turn on each other many false prophets will be will arise and will mislead many it's interesting to me that a lot of the church in america they don't believe in prophecy and prophets but if jesus is warning of false prophets don't you think that would be real prophets otherwise he would say beware of anyone who says they're a prophet beware of any prophecy no he says beware false prophets so there are good prophets and we're guided by prophecy many false prophets will be arise and mislead many we've seen that over the years let me give you one example joseph smith he was a prophet started the mormon religion his the book of mormon goes against the bible a lot of the things goes against the bible so which one do you choose but he has misled many that's what you call a false prophet he had a revelation he had a vision he wrote it down this was supposed to be from god and i don't even know if you know his heart could have been right wanting to seek god i don't know i'm not going to judge his heart even but that's false prophecy has misled many and there's been many more false prophets verse 12 because lawlessness is increased most people's love will go will grow cold so you can see all these things about how to be ready right you can see with what he's saying is going to happen you can tell okay these are the things i need to watch out for number one don't be frightened number two don't shrink back if they hate you because that's normal number three fight for unity because in the end brother will betray brother so fight for unity number one my four number four test the spirits first john chapter 4 test the spirits because there's many false prophets going on into the world he doesn't say test the spirits because you might hear false prophecy he's saying test the spirits because you don't want to be one test the spirits how do you test the spirit you look at you read in first john it is there's the majority of it in testing the spirits is love the holy spirit and prophecy it has to be done in the context of loving unity if you have someone who's speaking of lofty things who can give crazy words of knowledge and prophesy and is very gifted these miracles or whatever but you have that person and they're drawing people to themselves that's a big red flag if they don't have you see first john also says beware you can tell they're not of god because they don't listen to us what does that mean well they were the the apostles of that day and people that didn't listen to them they weren't in alignment and so number one they don't have love number two they're not under submission i've seen many people gifted gifted people hey who's you know you start talking to him hey you know what church you belong to or hey you know [Music] what are you are you part of a a family somewhere you have a mentor oh no you know they're just on their own and they're gathering chicks to themselves and that's some red flags right there according to the book of first john right so we want to make sure we're not being led astray and we're not leading others astray the whole chapter of first corinthians 13 is in the context of the spiritual gifts it's not the wedding chapter they use it for weddings it's not the wedding chapter it's the gifts chapter of love it says whenever if you could know the mysteries but not have love you're nothing so the spirit of god will reveal itself by love first right that's how we can tell okay so now we're understanding how can we be ready and then it says people's love will grow cold and that's first and foremost love for god so we have to continue to keep our hearts red hot with love and passion for god the first love right first love that's our job in the old testament in the temple god lit the fire but the priests had to keep it burning so god will light it but you got to keep it burning it's your job verse 13 how you say how do i you know like make it through all this this is a lot well number one you have the holy spirit you have the grace of the holy spirit which grace means you get to live a higher ability than your own strength hallelujah but it says but the one who endures to the end he will be saved not the one who prays the passionate prayer not the one who is on fire for the first month of being saved not the one who has the biggest ministry not the one who can see miracles and pray in tongues all day long no the one that will make it to the end so what's the focus be a big shot with a big ministry everyone look at me it's to make it to the end i want to make it to the end i want to make it past the insults i want to make it past the persecution i want to make it past if i go to jail i want to make it past if i'm burned at the stake i want to make it past that i want to make it past the materialism in our area the busyness the distractions the the apathy the lukewarmness i want to make it past that i want to come out on the other side faithful to jesus 14 says this gospel or good news of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations it's interesting the world means the the uh inhabited earth there it doesn't mean the globe it means the inhabited earth and in this context i'm sure jesus had more insight than this but they had a limited view of what the inhabited earth was they pretty much felt like the roman empire was the world they didn't know about america they didn't know about australia they didn't know about all these different continents they didn't know but it says the this message of the kingdom the gospel the kingdom the good news of the kingdom meaning the reign of jesus right the good news is you're telling people and and this is still the great commission we're telling people that jesus has beaten sin beaten death and is reigning not he will reign he is king of kings and lord of lords and when you come under his kingdom there are benefits there are uh inheritances there's there's just it's just everything right that's the message so this message of the kingdom will be preached to the whole known world as a testimony to all the nations this isn't nations as we think of nations the word is the different ethnicities that's the word the different ethnicities so if they're they're looking out at you know all the people in jerusalem and just the the areas that they know of they're like oh yeah this this message is going to go to all the ethnicities not just the jewish okay and then the end will come that word end is interesting what do you think of when you read that the end what does that mean the end the end of what the end of the earth does the earth explode the end of mankind the end like what we all want to know when the end will come but i don't think we've really thought about what the end means the end when we die because i'll be seeing the end pretty much in about 80 years i know right because i'm living to 120 just so you know what does the end mean well i looked it up and it means a toll a tax when they take the taxes a toll like a toll road when they collect that that's what that word means it also can mean collection so when he's saying and then the end will come [Music] he's saying and then there will be a collection then there'll be a reconciling then there'll be a moment where you give an account right but then he says to come the word will the end will come the word come means to be present so imagine this there will be something instead of like the end meaning all that we know will come to an end how about this not all that we know will end but there will be something that comes that will actually be present does that make sense so something will be added that's what if you read it that way then there will be a collection or a toll and that toll that collection something will actually be present at that time so you look at like okay the kingdom right and is he talking about on the whole earth or is he saying listen when you preach this message of the kingdom then that the kingdom at that time will be present in that time and place i don't know but it's not end like we think okay an apocalypse we all these movies are like you know everyone's running from the zombie apocalypse and everyone wants to get a 4x4 and some you know guns to be ready for the zombie apocalypse that's what we think of when we think of end you know the sky is falling what does it mean does that mean it okay then something will come into fruition right interesting right the whole point when i read over and over like all these verses like i've read all these things already right and and going back to matthew so i've met read matthew 24 is where i started and then through revelation in all these different areas like ii thessalonians and daniel and stuff like that what i'm realizing is there's a very strong message in the end times theology there's a very strong message when i come back to it's not the jesus is not addressing the when or the how jesus continue and the bible continues to address and and bring this message to the forefront what's that message be ready that is the message when we read end times scriptures in theology the message that comes loud and clear is be ready be ready for when no always be ready because you don't know when so that's our job to be ready when we when we study the end times the whole message is you be ready okay how are we going to be ready probably the the thing that's the most potent in being ready is that first love that first love message for jesus is probably the thing that has to be in place in your life to be ready that falling in love gugu-eyed blissful you know hearts heart beating for jesus love that has to be there in order to be ready but i want to give another thing so i'll be going through some getting ready things but i want to go back to matthew chapter five the sermon on him out when he starts his sermon on the mount the very first beatitude that he says in verse three five verse three he says blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are the poor in spirit so that is the part of getting ready why because humility will keep you from stumbling in many ways humility will keep you from many of the tactics of the enemy they will to be poor in spirit is to recognize who you are and what you contain and to recognize how far your strength goes how far your intellect will take you being poor in spirit is the first part of being dependent upon god of leaning on god we want to be dependent upon god because when we're not dependent upon god we make many mistakes right so king solomon who was considered the wisest man ever to live he learned this lesson he did things he experimented with things all kinds of stuff he's he just went after life and what the things that he wrote down were from the lessons that he learned and one of the lessons that he learned as he wrote down for us is pride comes before a fall it's not a declaration it's a lesson learned and he's telling us pride comes before our fault listen i've i've exp he's saying i've experienced this the times that i have fallen i've looked back and realized oh yeah i was prideful so humility can keep you safe i'm not saying completely but a lot of areas humility can keep you safe humility can help you with relationships humility when you see the limit of yourself when you see the the huge difference between you and god right the huge difference between you and god then you will see your need for him then you will listen to people when you have pride it usually blinds you to people when they're trying to tell you something you ever had someone try to tell you something you're just like i am whatever husbands listen to your wives they may say i just don't feel right about that why i don't know i just don't feel right about that but what you know what just listen take it because they know something you don't it's true humility helps with marriage humility helps with friendship humil humility helps with temptation with sin with um humility really helps with theology if you think you know it all like at one point when i graduated from bible school i knew it all i really did until god wrecked my box he said boy you don't know it all let me show you humility is a huge step forward humility is not like oh i'm such a worm oh look away you know no we want to celebrate i celebrate who god's made me to be um i actually i in the past i've been just riddled with insecurity but god delivered me and today i'm like thank you god for making me this way in this way in this way you know i really celebrate like if you look at a a painting on the wall don't you celebrate like wow that artist is amazing right that creator is amazing of course but we have to understand how the distance between us and god and when we understand that then we can see miracles we can step out in faith we can have courage right because god's doing it's it's based upon his ability every time i've seen a healing it's based on his ability i simply believed and i prayed but it's based on his ability and so when i teach when i preach whatever i do it's based on his ability right and so the pressure is off it's just gazing upon him it's like when david meets goliath and he looks at goliath and goliath is at least three feet taller than him maybe three and a half feet taller than him he looks at goliath he's going to go it is he's thinking i'm a lot smaller than this man no he's thinking god's a lot bigger than this man right it's the way you think so i am wonderfully and fearfully made of course but i am nowhere near the power of god and he lives inside of me so i can step out with boldness with excitement i can step out with confidence right he's going to meet me even in like with our friend dan bauman who comes those once a year you guys have heard his story he was in prison in iran for nine weeks beaten every day it was horrendous he they bring him before the judge and they said why are you here and he said the spirit came upon me and i spoke the gospel to everyone in the courtroom i looked at the judge and i went on for about 20 minutes and he said that was the power and the strength of the holy spirit see jesus said don't worry what you're going to say i will remind you in that moment so if the world if our country comes to it where pastors are put in jail i'm not going to fearful about it now i know god will meet me there right there was this story about a dad and his son and they were they were going they were going through house to house and they were asking people they first they asked him are you a christian and people started not saying they're a christian and they would get this happening in in iraq not this story but this this happened this in iraq where they went and they took the kids and they begin to ask them and then they begin if they said yes they beheaded them but there's this this story where there was a dad and his son and they were going to kill the son and they said to the dad renounce your faith or he's dead and he's talking to his son and he's like i have to do it i can't watch you die and his son said no dad i don't want to die knowing my dad was a coward god is going to meet you i'm not saying tomorrow we're all going to be put in jail hopefully we're going to stand up we're going to fight we're going to pray we're going to see a great awakening in this country right but listen what's going on in our country is not hindering the harvest it's helping the harvest and hopefully we're going to see a big shift that's what i'm hoping for but don't forget what jesus said tribulation hate martyrdom is normal for the christian and we should not shrink back from that what's more dangerous is lukewarmness that'll kill your soul they can kill my body but i don't want to ever be found lukewarm amen let's sing one more time let's sing one more song [Music] so i'm going to go through a little series i don't know how long it's going to take about the end times we're going to get into some revelation i've never wanted to teach revelation because there's just so many views so many things and i'm not that versed in it to be honest with you i get down to the to the nitty-gritty basically when i read the word i ask this question okay what do i do you know what i mean i'm not so into like all the nuances of this and that i just i'm an application guy so what do i do what's this telling me to do right now right and revelation is very difficult to understand it's a apocalyptic scripture and so there's a lot of visuals and all that stuff but we're going to have some fun going through it i don't know if i'll go through the whole thing but definitely through the letters and so um [Music] what i liked when i was at talbot school is they gave us the four basic views on revelation and end times which is really good to think through you know because there are brilliant people on every side and i don't really know and we're not going to split hairs on that we're going to have unity all the way through it and if one of you has a different view than i do that's great i i don't really know i just want this one view to come through this one message to come through and that is your heart has to be ready for anything and how you are ready is that you are so close to god it's like a marriage right when he said what when two people come together let no man separate that you're so close to god that nothing and no one can separate that bond between you and jesus that's how you're ready and that's why i don't care what your view of end times is as long as you are madly in love with jesus that's the main message of the end times that's the main message of jesus in matthew 24 be ready be ready be ready be leaning on your savior realize you don't have it all together you don't know it all that's pride but have humility and say jesus i'm going to lean and depend upon you and i know that you will be there for me no matter what happens i'm going to have courage in speaking the gospel because i do not fear what man can do to me amen let's all stand [Music] god we thank you [Music] we thank you jesus for your words of warning we thank you for your heart that wants us ready we thank you for you just wanting your bride to be safe and secure and i'm not talking about physically but you want every one of us to make it to the end to be with you in bliss in heaven and so we are definitely looking forward to that we're going to take as many people as we can with us we're going to steal souls from the enemy [Music] but god i pray that there's a if there's anything in our lives that you want to point out because we understand we we're we're not prideful in the sense that we understand there are things in our hearts that even we don't know and so we asked father that you would help us woo us to be ready for anything and everything in jesus name amen [Music] i don't care what it looks like i don't care what it looks like i'm so weird [Music] i don't care what it looks like [Music] oh [Music] is you and all i see is you just you just you [Music] is [Music] is you just you just [Music] you i see my reflection when i lock eyes with you i feel your affection i love to get lost [Music] when i lock eyes with you [Music] we sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] so kind like a fire [Music] and i don't care what it looks like i'm so in love [Music] and i don't care what it looks like [Music] [Music] take me over i don't care what it looks like [Music] [Music] is you just you just you [Music] it's just you jesus just you jesus [Music] oh so good just feel his presence right now god we want to be ready we want to be ready for you yeah i just just want us to just stay in that place today and you know i want to share a couple things that we have going on because you know doing this christian walk like this and staying ready we can't do it alone right we need each other we need encouragement we need to encourage others right so here at coast we have a lot of things going on that you may or may not know about but out in the front is a calendar of the next two months just different things that we have and so we want you to be aware of that so you can be part of it and we can just fellowship so one of the things is today we have bring your own lunch it's the second sunday of every month and so you can either bring lunch from home you can go and grab something and come back but we just fellowship with one another we just eat together you know we do that family fun nights once a month and we just have these different events because we want you guys to connect with one another and we want to encourage each other so we have that going on so if you can stay today we'd love to have you just hang out and have lunch together another thing that we have coming up is if you want to be a member of this church we have two meetings for that so this thursday night at seven we have our first membership meeting and then the next one is next month but we'd love if you want to become a book sign member be part of when we vote for things just to sometimes have some inside scoop on stuff it's just a great thing to become a member so i just wanted to let you know about that but i also want to invite the ministry team up today if any of you need prayer for healing for anything that's going on your life our ministry team would love to pray for you so you can come up for prayer as well as we have the prophetic team that's going to be over here today and if you would like to get a prophetic word then go see them so i just bless you guys lord i pray that every person here would just be filled with your presence right now as they go out and i pray lord that their weak would be blessed in abundance god in every area that their needs god i pray that you would meet them lord and i thank you for every person who's here today god we love you and we thank you for this time of gathering together and we bless your name amen [Music] you
Channel: Coast SouthBay
Views: 78
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0chdDECdmVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 10sec (6910 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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