Coach JESSICA MAUBOY'S niece makes an unexpected appearence on The Voice

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oh my God [Music] when I was younger and I'd always seen The Voice come on I'm like oh my God that's what I want to do being here now it's like wow I've come a long way [Music] hi I'm sorry of my boy Hudson I'm 17 and I'm from the Northern Territory Jessica Mauboy is my auntie watching her become who she is it was amazing but yeah growing up she was just she was just only just you know I don't really sing in front of her I just sing in in my room in the bathroom I'm not very um out there as I would like to be my advice to you you know be yourself but I'm I'm feeling in prayer don't cry I've got makeup twice like I've been through the same thing yeah you've done this twice as the second one second time around no good my cast prayer proud of you Ryan yeah a lot of family you just get on that stage and make it you all say right you get up then you make it yours that's what you hear from yes [Music] I usually tell my auntie everything but and it just has no idea that I'm auditioning today I think there is a big chance she's not going to recognize my voice at all if she turned her chair I think she's going to be in for a big shock my stomach's going around my stomach's going around oh I love this song All Along [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh good control [Music] [Applause] it makes me feel like I can't live without you when it takes me all the way I want you to stay all right I want you to stay what's going on okay what's happening hi hello what's your name my name is Soraya I'm 17 and I'm from Darwin oh yeah oh yeah um are you okay why what's happened what's happening oh my god um hey Raya hi you guys know each other yeah how she's my niece [Applause] oh that is amazing guy I don't like your chances [Applause] no wonder she can sing like that I don't think I don't think it's fair to have someone you're related to on your voice [Laughter] oh my goodness I mean how does it work now that you know you can't pick Jess I mean you just can't that is just not fair how are we even gonna win with any pitch we ever have I know Raya right yes that was stunning I mean I know I know we're kind of flipping out about the relationship but you you're spectacular whatever I I wasn't sure you you sung that with such maturity and so much emotion it's very difficult Raya to tap into an emotion like that and and I'm just so thrilled that someone like you what what a surprise package thank you so much your control is insane I mean it really felt so natural for you you know it's like literally like speaking that was a really solid performance thank you so much and um it's so crazy obviously it runs in the family um but it's so nice to just be able to like I guess step in your own shoes and have your own moment and and take inspiration from Jess of course and I'm just gonna say it I would love to have you on my team I would thank you and how how nerve-wracking was it playing singing in front of Auntie Jess it was it was [Music] [Laughter] can I say one thing um rare before you choose like I'm really really proud of you oh and and I'm so proud of the young lady that you've become and I know there have been challenges in your life already and I'm so proud of you just breaking through them and no and you know what I want to tell you right now whoever you choose it doesn't have to be any chess like I'm just saying that it doesn't have to be me but I want you to go with your heart yeah and right now like this is this is literally your opportunity to go whichever way you feel is your most Comfort the most support because these guys were killed to support you know what I'm saying and Bob no hard feelings like literally like you do what you need to do [Applause] of course I love all of you guys and I appreciate you so much for turning around [Music] but I'm gonna have to pick Frida [Applause] that's crazy are you sure well you can't take it back now wow so ugly no thank you that's amazing thank you so much I can't believe it wow thank you this is awesome and I cannot wait to rub it in Jess forever no I'm kidding mom you're kidding me yeah [Applause] they take the Rita absolutely I think she just wanted to be independent and good for her she wanted to step in her own lane and that's amazing I love you bub I was just saying you know like it is a really great decision that you're doing what you're doing because you need to find your room without you know you've seen only just take this long journey and this experience and you've heard only just so many times and you've seen every performance but now you need to come out of that Circle and be able to see something different yet proud that's really sweet so cute so cute that's insane how did you feel it oh my God I was so nervous guys started talking and then I'm thin Rita and then I just have like I don't know I feel like I connect more musically with Rita thank you Rita thank me thank you because this could have could have gone either two ways you can you could have been like I'm gonna tell you when we get home he did it I'm so happy that she chose Rita I know that you would take great care of her and give her like the advice the advice that she needs you know I promise you know and she's in good hands I promise the tough love that you give you know I think that's really important anything else that you'd like me to do oh no that's it okay fine fine I'll just make a note um anything hey there welcome to the end screen don't forget to subscribe and hit the Bell to receive notifications see you next time tonight [Music]
Channel: Talent Snacks
Views: 24,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Talent, Snacks, donut, dance, variety, singing, the voice, dancing on ice, the puppetshow, the winner is, go for it, challenge me, superkids, battle on the, dancefloor, emotion, suprise, funny, hilarious, acts, talentsnacks, jessica mauboy, saraya mauboy hudson, the voice 2023, the voice 2021, the voice australia, australia, rita ora, guy sebastian, keith urban, stay, rihanna, the voice blind auditions, the voice best auditions, voice auditions, best voice auditions
Id: OumnectFKo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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