CNC Plasma Cutting and Fusion 360 design

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the channel this week's video is about our plasma table we'll talk a little bit about it we'll talk about how we design the parts that we need for our business and we'll watch the machine cut them out what it's cutting out here is a set of custom hood vents that we sell we sell these online and we sell them in all different dimensions it just depends on what the customer wants these particular ones are 24 inches long two and a half inches wide with six two inch holes now this set this is the set of two of them was designed in fusion 360 ran through a post process and then input it into the mach 3 which runs the table and you can see it cutting it out here now you'll see the machine cutting out a few different sets of these we have different sizes for different jobs and it does a really nice job of cutting them out now this is a product that we used to make by hand we used to cut these out in the radiuses and drill the holes and do all of that stuff 100 by hand and the introduction of this table into our shop has been a game changer [Music] as we watch the machine go through and cut different size vents for different jobs we'll talk a little bit about the table it's a four foot wide by eight foot long cnc plasma table that means that it has the ability to cut a sheet that's four foot by eight foot now that doesn't mean we haven't cut bigger we've cut four foot by ten foot panels and we do so easily by just centering the panel on the on the table for the cut surface and then adjusting our designs to make it so it can cut that 10 foot panel but for the most part 99 of our stuff we use 4x8 sheets the torch itself the thing that actually does the cutting is a hypertherm 45 xp and we're running the machine torch option this little unit this little plasma cutter has been amazing we have nothing but good things to say about it we're able to cut with two different types of consumables we have standard cut consumables and fine cut consumables now the consumables that's the copper tip on the end of the torch and that's what does all the work and they're called consumables because the more you use it the more they get wore out and you have to change them out every so often and the fine cut consumables just as the name implies means that it cuts a finer line if you will in plasma torch talk that's called the kerf now that's the width of the actual cut and again this machine that we got has just been fantastic [Music] so here we are in our design software this is fusion 360 and i'm going to attempt to walk you through how we make some of these parts so we start by telling it where we want to draw it on the page and that's called selecting the plane and then here we're going to take the create a slot function in fusion and we're going to make a uh essentially a slot this is just going to be an oval shaped part that we cut out and you'll see here once we get the size right then we're going to use the offset and we're offsetting it by a half of an inch and that's going to be the outline of the part and then we use what's called construction lines in the system and with the use of construction lines we'll find the centers on all four corners of this or the four sides i'm sorry and with the within those centers we're able to draw these circles which will be the screw holes now because of the system the way it works it will find the center of every one of those lines which makes it really easy to do here we're just adding these holes for the screws as you can see that little triangle means that it's center so i put the cursor right on there right on that construction line until that little triangle comes up and that tells me that since that it's in the center and because i'm using a center hole or center circle i'm sorry i can easily draw those circles for those screws right in the center of the piece now for the next part we're going to start with another circle and we do a two and a half inch circle just simple as that and then we take a rectangle on the center and from the center of that circle we draw the part that we need uh for the sizes that we want once we have it to the side that we want we fill up the corners which is we just knock off the corners get it to the shape that we want and the size of those those fillets and then we'll go through and we'll draw some construction lines and again find the center of those construction lines and draw some circles for screw holes now i keep referring to these construction lines the difference between the construction line and the blue line that you see the actual part is the blue line and the construction line is just for sketching it won't get picked up when we go to manufacture this part so the next step is we finish the sketch and then we extrude the part now this is what actually builds the material into the sketch and we're using quarter inch plate so we extrude them to quarter inch thick now because i need two of these little small single single hole parts i'm going to one put it in the place that i want and then i'm gonna copy it and just slide over another part there i go now i have a whole set i'll just move them around until i get them work set up just how i want i'm kind of nesting them for the cut to use as little material as possible so once that's done we go from design to manufacture we do a new setup now this is going to be cut on the plasma table so i'm telling it where where i zero out the table that's where i want it to the start that's where it's going to start and then from there we choose the we choose the torch and we tell it what what material that we're cutting so it knows the inches per minute and it knows the curve and then we select all the pieces that we want cut and then the cut path is designed or the tool path we go through and we simulate it just to make sure that we caught everything you can see there that black circle that's the tool that's the actual torch and yeah shielded to cut everything out [Music] so here it is from design to the table it's cutting out those pieces that we just drew up [Music] and if you remember that tool path in the simulation it's following that exam same exact path so from the design part to all the parts cut out takes about 15 to 20 minutes for this job now if you can imagine having to cut out this quarter inch plate by hand and drill all these these holes it would take much much longer than that and not come out as nice and the other part of that is we still have the file so we can repeat these parts infinitely you
Channel: Two Guys Make Stuff
Views: 2,904
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Id: vguwsIXAJ34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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