CNC Dust Collection part 1

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I have been in need of making a desk collection for the CNC machine for a long time in fact every time I show something on the CNC someone asks why I don't have dust collection set up for it I'm going to start with the dust shoo at the spindle and I'm going to start with a design that's shown on CNC router parts web page and Nathaniel at CNC router parts made me a model of a version of that that has 2 4 inch hoses for the dust collection so that's what I'm going to try and make now the big endeavor for me on this was figuring out how to make the g-code to run the machine with fusion 360 I haven't been using fusion and I'd like to switch to that so I was actually able to figure out the cam part of that program and get it to work pretty well so the first thing I made was a prototype I guess for a first test to make sure the sizes were right and that it would work and that what I was doing in fusion was actually going to make something useful so I cut the first parts out of MDF just as as tests to make sure the sizes were right and it worked pretty well I found from doing this that the the size of the hole for the spindle was just a hair tight I made that a little bigger and cylinders for the hoses were just a little bit big so I made those little smaller but the space is for the magnets and attachment of the bottom and a top piece in to work pretty well and figuring out where I needed bridges and where I could get away with without using them and working out a few of the kinks I think some of my passes that removed a lot of the volume of the piece were set to remove different amounts so I ended up with with not a perfectly flat bottom but I figured out what that was that needed to change and it looked like it was going to work I could then start making the final version out of the plastic that I had gotten I'll put something in the description of the video about what kind of plastic is due so first I cut out the bottom half that holds the brush and the first thing I cut out was the slot for the brush then I cut out the holes for the screws that attach to the magnets in the upper teeth once it was all cut I could then cut out the piece from from the piece of plastic I've started to do a lot more like screw my work piece down to the table that works better than then a little hold down clamps as I have I've had too many pieces move on me then I could work on the upper teeth which will be cut out of a much thicker piece of the plastic I think it's been each and a half and I put the screw holes in the same place so I could screw it down to the same screw holes in the table now in making this part I think there were 10 different passes to cut so the first one is to remove a lot of the mass of the material so it starts to define the three holes that are in the piece as a center hole that goes around the spindle and there's a hole on each side for the hoses as I thought with the two hoses is that I have a six-inch dust collection pipe running to it and if you do the math 2 4 inch circles is actually less surface area than than 1 6 inch circle so I can sort of preserve that 6 inch pipe by having the 2 4 inch pipes and I can cut a holes within the circles and it's plastic when you cut it puts a router it doesn't seem to make the real fine dust like wood does it seems to make all similar size chips so it made a big mess but it didn't make a lot of stuff floating in the air and I can cut the holes for the magnet and I wanted to cut the slots for the fins that go around the router so it can be clamped to the or to the spindle so I had to cut out the center piece and then I can cut a slot then I can cut the whole piece out of the block of plastic and it's done and I can remove the shoes and clean up the mess and cut the piece free from the rest of the plastic I didn't try sanding this stuff but I found I could cut it with a with a knife to kind of clean it up now the underside of the air intakes I wanted to round over just to kind of help the air move up into those two then round over the top edge of the other side of those excuses well then I could put the magnets in now the thing with this plastic is you can't really glue anything to it nothing sticks to it so everything has to be friction fit so the magnets are held in with friction and the brush is held in with friction and I can put the screws in these screws will be attracted to the magnet in the upper half and that's what will hold this up now I was beginning to notice at this point that I was getting some bending in this piece because I had removed so much material it's almost like there's stress in the plastic which seemed odd the brush isn't really sitting flat against the upper piece like it should my very first run with the brush I ran it into the workpiece and broke the bits off so I was trying it without the brush and it kind of works but but not real well so the next piece that I want to make is a clamp that holds the flexible hoses up higher than the dust shoe basically so the dust shoe doesn't have to do the work of dragging the hoses around that's what this clamp will do so that so the thought was a clamp was to make something that would go around the flexible hose but would be cut in half so I could put it around the hose and then screw it together which would then hold the hoses in place so cut out a shape and then put holes into the edges then when I cut the piece lengthwise I can then screw it back together again with these holes so I can cut it in half carefully now I need to mount it to the 8020 piece that the spindle is mounted to so I needed to add a little piece so let me do that I had a little ledge attached here to be able to attach a camera to the spindle and I took the piece from that to use for this that had all the holes drilled in it for the screws that attach to the 80/20 so the backplate of this kind of slides onto that piece on the router then the flexible hoses can go in and go onto the dust chute and then the front of the clamp can go on I did make a new version of this so you can see that it's a little bit different shape from what I had before but it works the same way so now that clamp will hold the hoses and there won't be as much stress on the connection between the dust shoe and the hose now the plan for this project is to have a new air line come in from above the C&C but for now I'm going to attach this to a connection that I have in the floor just to test the duk-soo and kind of see if it works so it'll be the same Y connection like this but this will be up near the ceiling whereas right now I've got a connection in the floor and I'll just bring a pipe up that Y connection so I can fit a scrap piece of PVC that I have and attach it so it doesn't move then attach the wire connection to that so I thought I would test it so I made a terrain of mount hood and I could do some 3d carving I've been wanting to do more of this and this would make a lot of sawdust so really this project is making the sawdust and the terrain is just a byproduct of that so I found a nice thick piece of plywood which was the old death on the backside of the old kitchen and it's a one and a half inch thick piece of old fir plywood so it cut it down to a piece I could use and I pull off the old plastic laminate the glue was so hold that just peels right off I needed a way to hold it down to the table so I cut two rabbits one on each side as basically a place to put a screw or I could screw this down to the CNC table then I could attach it to the to the table and I did a roughing pass just back and forth and without the brush I was a little nervous because it really wasn't picking up the forest much even at the beginning and as I've got into things that really wasn't picked up to suffice much I did discover that I had a gate open somewhere else in the shop that was taking some of the suction away and this was somewhat long half-inch bit so where the air was going in was a little bit far away from the surface but it was kind of like the dust collection wasn't doing anything because I just had a big pile of sawdust I didn't quite get the very summit of Mount Hood so I glued on a piece of birch plywood which would finish off the top of the mountain and maybe look like snow on the mountain and I ran a little bit of the finished pass a little bit high just to kind of cut that down a little bit and even with all the gates closed and as much suction as I could get and a shorter bid it still wasn't picking up the sawdust very well so I stopped it and put the brush in place and this made a huge difference I see why people use the brush when this was done there was literally not a single speck of sawdust on the work table it got everything but the problem with this is you can't see the bit or it's very hard to see a bit so I'm thinking after doing this I need to remake the upper piece anyways because it's warping and I have some ideas of how to make it out of wood I think and I'd like to play around with different amounts of brush like this the brush really have to go all the way around can it be a window in it can it be sort of on one side and not the other side so I think I think that'll be for the for the next part of this project but I did get a nice strain of Mount Hood out of this and the other part of this project that needs to get finished up is the new dust collection pipe that will come from above the CNC machine and that's kind of a whole project in itself so that should be coming up soon thanks for watching
Channel: frank howarth
Views: 249,764
Rating: 4.9445176 out of 5
Keywords: Woodworking, DIY, CNC router, CNC, CNC wood router, CNC machine, Dust Collection, 3d, 3d map, 3d topography, Fusion 360
Id: hqyxRLoujts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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