3x Creep Finally Faces Justice And Goes Away Forever

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to catch a predator our favorite show to what do we what is our favorite show to what to show you guys to spread around [Laughter] today we're checking out the weary predator john pierre michael weary and but just uh before we get started this guy has been to prison like three times for the salt daily weapon for uh for for many things uh it's actually one that i like watched it like uh the history of like to see like what all he had done and this guy is yeah this guy's had a he's had a wild life but tonight he showed up at the house i think i think he thinks the 13 year old boy and uh he's going to meet chris hanson but before that have a seat please if you're not subscribed already subscribe check out buff pro and buffer on youtube and twitch and thank you guys very much for watching this video so this is uh this is like the the uncut when i got pulled up here i just want to show you like how it starts out because it's a little it's kind of weird online he told the decoy that he was a promotional photographer promoting such films as kindergarten cop and some gay porn films then he tells me hang on a second kindergarten cop and gateway hey that's uh why is that a connection okay all right all right so he's a photographer he agrees to sex in exchange for the career help and then they're like hello like right yeah you just like tab that goes around the corner to check you know he's like looking to make sure nobody's there anyway that's that's the part that i want to show you at the beginning because it's that that's cut out from like the uh the condensed version here that we're going to react to uh oh okay yeah and so this is the part where he found it that's creepy yeah this is the part where he finally comes in i don't even think the ones we usually watch mary was telling me this and she's like i wish that we would like go a little deeper into it because it doesn't explain a lot about like who the people are and like why other like more reasons why they're not good people because she's like a lot of the people that we've done so far have been like bad people but we just don't know it because we defenders yeah okay we don't know it because we're just watching like the condensed version of the interview but anyway so this is him coming in the door finally he uh he almost takes the whole door down with him [Music] like the kool-aid man oh yeah and when you see him come up the driveway he's got a backpack and a hat and he looks like a hiker and he's weary thirsty he's thirsty he just buzzed up in the whole house and just ran straight to like they haven't finished this part of the set yet you know that's the the plot was showing he just going straight through the water hose yeah he just just jumped straight in where you at where you at hey sir sir could you come back over here please and have a seat right on there you should be in a hurry there wait have a seat the power of chris hanson hey come back over here and sit down the guy's like oh okay like zombie walks back over he didn't hurdle the the the gate that time though you know has there how many i think there's been like one dude we've watched that ran right from the start right ah yeah one like ones i've the ones we've watched one guy saw him win whoop nope and ran everyone else has been like oh yes i will have a seat you must be the father i can talk my way out of this or something i don't know i always reference the like the south park bit where he's like take a seat like they can't help themselves but take a seat and who were you looking for john peterson john patterson yeah and why were you looking for john huh i was going to duck [Laughter] why would you try to get over there oh i don't know i thought i was looking for somebody you know [Laughter] he's so shook right now i don't know what to say he's so parched they just made up a name too because old chris was like looking at the paper like oh john right no peterson not peterson peterson this dude is so so shook right now i can't even get a story straight so you were just walking down the road and you thought that this fellow with a construction company lived in this house somebody told me that he lived somebody who is somebody somebody somebody said something right come on dude that's what's wrong yeah you know they told me he lived here you know yeah yeah i came here looking looking directly for that job at night you know walk around this house give me that interview i'm just gonna bust up in his house yo i need that job now and i'm thinking at this point okay here we go i'm just going to let the the line out a little bit here and see how far he takes it all right yeah sure tell me your story master storyteller let's see you do this yeah renew that driveway i'm glad they got like these cut down versions like people have taken and edited it because the the uncut version or whatever is like 30 minutes of this guy just like blabbing on about this story oh yeah it goes on for forever wow my name is michael michael michael wilson no michael michael wearing it so you're saying wait what he said well just the guy chris is trying to like throw out a fake name in the galaxy from him like wait how would he know almost my name no that ain't me hey give me my real name you know you were at the public library using a computer and what you know is i was in a public library that's what you may know you don't know everything i know you want to tell me the real story or you want to go with what you got it's up to you i love that okay so yeah they they skipped a lot right there about him like blabbing on about like the stuff that didn't matter but they he was at a public library where he was using the internet uh and having these conversations and so yeah chris sounds like we know you're at a public library and you're doing it and he's like oh yeah you think you know me bro i had to hit him with a with stacking them papers but you don't know what i know dude you don't know what i'm going we got all them dirty details right here shame on you sir yeah right my man started sweating and he was already dehydrated and just started pouring more sweat right there i know this dude had this crease in his forehead for this interview started he's aging right here on the spot this is the communication that we have between somebody using your screen name and a young team and all of a sudden you're here you not someone else that's right yeah god it's the fact that they're here like they show up to the house is like gotcha uh that was a thing really yeah those are i don't i don't know what it maybe people in the comment section can help me fill in this gap there was a thing with the show where people started to try to get out of it by saying it was entrapment because they were getting them to commit this crime and then arresting them right i don't know it's even comparable like i don't know like a cop trying to buy drugs and you sell it to him and then he arrests you you know that would that not be i don't i don't know i don't know what the least i don't know how that worked out yeah go ahead i was just thinking like because even even the chatting their chat log right like right nobody nobody made them reach out to those usernames you know what i mean that's true yeah yeah yeah i don't i don't know what the legal definition of entrapment is but i feel like you know these guys aren't if they go in before judge and everything they still got stuck in jail then it's it's legit but then i was like i didn't get it too far into it like i went down like a little bit of the rabbit hole of what happened to this show they stopped airing it or you know stopped making them is because the same the same reason why they canceled a dude from the uk dr phil uk man jeremy jeremy kyle yes it's kind of the same thing is that someone that came on the show ended up taking their own life and so then they stopped the show and it was like uh i think it was like a lawyer or something they had caught and busted out yeah it was like a whole it was like this whole mess like the cops showed up with cameras to his house to arrest him or something like that but anyway in in any way those people that know more about it than what i just said you know let me know in the comment section and then fill in the gaps that i'm missing and uh let me do that yeah yeah anyways get back to this guy stumbled through his story here i don't even know who you are i came in here i was just now told that gate's open come on in okay i mean just it just defied logic i don't even know who you are so that discredits everything that i just said to you i don't know how does that change anything well it doesn't matter who i am bro because he's going to tell you don't you worry right exactly he's gonna tell chris he's trespassing right now look man i don't know you need to get off this property yeah you are you don't even know these people anybody was a young woman unless you look at my adolescent stuff and then i was an adolescent so you've got a record i'm good wow you got a record this dude's got an extensive record actually this guy is like this guy's still locked this guy's still locked up actually he's he's still in jail for a lot of it's it's a it's a wild maybe i'll pull it up and we'll go through it in a minute just let's finish this time for that don't you know i'm asking you why are you asking i want to know the truth yes i've done time for that because this is an interview bro i need you to say it i already know come on man what's up you tell me straight up i've done time for that it was a young woman ain't no kids in me what what ain't no kids in me god taser and we will discreetly go to your room and talk and we'll talk about whatever pops up and stimulates you to whatsoever that's somebody using my username at the computer of the library and you know they must have called me you know they called me and got me here to set me up you know they said i was gonna get a job i'm just trying to get a job man it's just me your boy john pedro story on computer predators adults who go online to try to meet oh they got the boom mic put the boom mic on him we don't want to touch him anything else you want to say bro no if there's not a scott patterson do you have scott peterson's name written down no i have an address i can leave an address that's all he's planning to do his name changes scott not john anymore [Music] where's scott that's his brother yeah you know all these good friends call him scott you know he maintained the very end of the interview that he was just a dusty determined traveler who came from oh man they didn't even take this guy down they usually freaking like clothesline the dude and powerbomb him right no leg dropped nothing young man i thought was supposed to be here what's that person's name scott was supposed to be here and he didn't mention his name i just said look scott's scott's supposed to be here maybe tell me his name you know i just made up a name god damn dude he's charged under california's three-strike law because of his criminal history and he was sentenced to 75 years to life in prison in 2009 he sentenced to reduce 50 years to life upon appeal he wrote a book why he was in jail uh called in for life conventions of a three-strike prisoner from his book this is where they got all this information that is going to go through he got he got diagnosed with childhood schizophrenia uh he was abused as a kid and okay i was molested uh by a 15 year old boy when he was 14 year olds he he was charged with molestation because he got two 13 year old girls drunk and had sex with him while being detained with other juveniles he taught a 12 year old how to give oral sex wow so he went to mental hospital after that and he was told that he had asperger's and it wasn't schizophrenia at 17 he got released from the hospital his family want anything to do with him his 18th birthday he moved in with his previous psychiatrist from the mental hospital and they became lovers wow [Laughter] after being accused of theft from stealing from you know his lover he moved out and became a prostitute after eight months he moved back in with a psychiatrist he began studying to become a psychiatrist but failing his classes he started smoking and selling crack geez it's not over with man this is when he was 23. uh when he's 23 year olds he shot a man in the neck with the gun he was having a hallucination the man survived and he was convinced to assault the daily weapon and since the three years in prison so that's when i was talking about the very beginning he was he had a record right he's it's all the devil weapon he even mentions like his stuff from you know being a juvenile right he got in trouble for that um in prison the prison shot caller pimped winner out for excuse protection so yeah when he was in there okay later he fell in love with inmate so he fell in love in jail and he started uh when he got out he started attending church run by a member of the the mason family you know the mats and the excuse me not amazing matson family yeah so yeah all that [Laughter] mercedes decided he wanted to be a minister too good uh when he was released he went back to the psychiatrist you know because they did a great job uh they were stealing from yeah and then he got he got sentenced to another three years in prison pleading guilty to raping an ex-girlfriend a friend of his uh he served two years at that when he was released he moved back with a psychiatrist again and began studying to be a minister and now he's 38 he fell in love with a 25 year old woman in his bible study group they got married moved to ohio and he started studying become a medical assistant 38 years old going to be a medical assistant he was 42 years old he was he was sent to prison for failing to register as a sex offender and his wife divorced him okay and in 2006 this is where this video happens [Laughter] after all of that this yeah after all of that we get current right he filed petitions let's see uh in 2016 he filed a new petition to have the court determine if his imprisonment was lawful that's where i started like looking at like it was entrapment or whatever right he was psychologically evaluated in 2009 they concluded that uh he was having psychotic process the time of evaluation and the psychologist recommended that winry was to be remanded excuse me to mental hospital for a period of time and he is still incarcerated to this day oh so yeah jeez so everybody in the house everybody in that house is lucky that he'd just go in there and just start stabbing people or something because this guy is he's a jeez man he has had a wild wild life and is not a good person at all and and this is the the thing that like was the the nail in the coffin i guess this is what he's uh that got him his third strike i guess yeah yeah this is like his third i guess like uh i think his third felon yeah i think like the first thing with like the ex-girlfriend or whatever was like maybe his first one and then failure to register was the second one and then him actually going out and doing this was probably the third for as a sexual offenses i guess that's how it worked out but anyway yeah so there you go how about that wow wow so usually we would go through these videos and be like oh man that guy was so stupid he just couldn't even keep his story straight now he's going to jail but now it just adds like a whole new level of holy crap this guy was like it's a good thing that this was a sting and it wasn't actually a 13 year old in the house right exactly geez that makes it dude a perspective this thing just like put the show in you know like that's it it was already awful and god-awful but now dude yeah insane man anyway i hope you enjoyed this video leave a like do all that cool stuff leave a comment tell us what you think today's your birthday happy birthday stay toasty my friends we'll see you next time
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 2,503,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react
Id: ZXhI7Be2zY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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