Clover Bend (2002) | Full Movie | Robert Urich | David Keith | Barry Corbin I Erin Gray

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[Music] [Music] hey [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] um all right are you okay i'm fine 20th is china right i got something for you too yeah um well 20th i went all out yeah new truck really half ton all black v8 engine 242 horsepower four-wheel drive uh-huh the ascendant but it wasn't like the one i've been looking at and i got a ranch too just outside the city limits lots of hills no traffic and i talked to your boss and asked for an early retirement man and he agreed you would do that for me oh wow i figured i'd get used to it but too bad anniversary's over you missed it well maybe next year um maybe cops do it with a bigger gun yeah and a quicker trigger too yeah okay well maybe bigger bullets do you ever regret taking this guy for better or worse [Music] in local news in the city of longleaf a man who was reportedly distraught over a breakup with his girlfriend shot and killed her last night as a long standoff with police lapd arrived at the woman's house after a frantic neighbor who 911 a man wielding a gun and holding his ex-girlfriend hostage the suspect was fatally shot by an lapd detective good morning hello [Applause] oh dad hey your mother did that hey use a glass and how about putting some clothes on oh hey george hey hey hey hey come on i need some orange juice yeah mom we need some orange juice what are you laughing at my mom says you'd starve if you had to boil water sam well that's what you said when was the last time you cooked a meal around here buddy hey dad can i shoot your gun after school today wipe that smirk off your face i'll think about it no mom you are too young to shoot a gun well how am i going to be a cop if i don't know how to shoot a stupid gun because you're not going to be a cop we'll bring some targets this weekend yes i got to go how are you doing to school breath's taking me ride the motorcycle guy brad the socialist they don't have to all be in the nra do they dad wear a helmet i do i do don't worry i'm home early tonight we're leaving tomorrow morning seven o'clock sharp do i have to go you still like camping yeah i used to love dolls too dad it's our one trip a year you're going mom well i want to go shut up look we'll be back on sunday and it's only once a year whatever bye don't ever grow up well i have to maybe partners these eggs are really looks like a start of another beautiful weekend here in southern california near the beaches and mid to up good get the fishing rods all right get out there and enjoy it while we got it folks traffic is heavy in all our freeways so take your pick patient back buckle up relax and enjoy and here's something to make your time pass a little bit quicker bill that is not nice didn't they see each other last night yeah but when we were there age we saw each other every night my point exactly remember this honey no norm redmond's pavilion friday nights the first time we danced yeah all right why don't we dance anymore cause we're old why don't we not go camping drive straight to colorado visit friends see your dad and go dancing at pavilion next year oh it's always next year god get a room already you're a dead bed dude can we go already let's go let's go all right come on here we go you're an animal all right here we go true it's you and me [Music] first you're such a jerk just our luck well it'll clear up i'm gonna get a cup of coffee do you want anything what nothing no what i have a coffee yeah no what well you know the other night um you never answered my question what question well did you ever wish you had done things differently i mean when we first met you were gonna see the world you had a lot of dreams next year two sugars i know oh god hey sam why don't you get some chips hi excuse me could i get some all coffee [Music] bill i don't try to be a hero i kill you i kill everybody in here got that all right now get the safe open [Music] open the [ __ ] [ __ ] what you trying to trigger the [ __ ] you tell jerry [Music] all right load it up get down oh my god hey hey i can keep him where i can see him they're gonna stay right there nobody gets hurt i'll let her go what you gonna do man get in the van move come on bro let's go hear what i said all right now get on the floor face down i said get on the floor [Music] you're a cop aren't you you armed you that get a shot i'm sure as hell not gonna miss from here shoot him dad sam it's your call [Music] let her go and walk out the door [Music] shooting ah go go go [Music] [Music] call an ambulance let me see ah this is bad it went through clean but you're clean i just gotta get the pressure ah get easy get easy little brother you're gonna be all right be all right [ __ ] cop shot him honey hang in there [Music] honey honey uh okay i'll take you someone hang in there tyler all right it's looking a lot better man what'd you find out about that cop was a cop lapd ain't there anymore where is he now gee they didn't tell me we'll find out how the hell am i supposed to do that i want to know where he eats where he sleeps and where he shits you got me yeah sure oh [Music] why do we have to do this grab your things let's go you got everything yes [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so my grandpa hey sweetie hello biggin got something for you i'm gonna need a new deputy around here he's grandpa oh i got your rooms made up going in hello son hey dad appreciate this find a place as soon as we can no no stay as long as you want to everybody's glad to have you back you know after you left after the funeral a couple of deer were spotted up by beth's grave thought she'd appreciate that how are the kids well sam blames me claire blames the world how about you you know i wasn't kidding about that deputy job i do need one i think he'd do you good i'm retired your uncle hovey called said he's sorry he couldn't make it to the funeral i guess he's been driving a lot lately you thirsty sure [Music] so ugh [Music] [Music] so [Music] there you go [Music] what beer you all right yeah my old truck down there by the office you're welcome to use that driving the minivan in this town might get you tarred and feathered um need a little tuning we can try to do that tomorrow all right hey i did the paperwork for you kids school and start next week and i think you're gonna enjoy it yeah right what are there like a whole 30 kids in my grade 32 33 counting you i was two years from graduating all my friends are back in la why can't i just stay there claire i'm not gonna argue about this every night come on honey you'll make friends here you'll see hey bigger they've got a great baseball team at middle school i hear you're swatting them like maguire i didn't say you were excused what could i be excused too you're excused you really ought to be tough man look i can handle it i know i'm just saying look maybe they're right maybe there's been too much change everything they've been through you know not a day goes by but i don't think about your mother leave the scar but the wound will heal i think the best thing you've done is move back here start over for you and for them i feel like i'm losing them too i'll let you in on secret you won't lose them but you're the parent now and be on their schedule come on let's wash these dishes up watch a little ball there's still a few pleasures left in life [Music] sam sam are you awake [Music] yeah back it's me cops in colorado place called clover ben i know where he eats sleep and where he i know can you believe it oh joe's been painting that house for two months well that's what i said well can you blame her i mean have you seen the way he works at brush okay i'm next on the list i need to speak to you i gotta go lunch tomorrow i love you cotton come on what does it say on my desk cotton clayton mayor what does it say on your desk my timmins where's the confusion oh [ __ ] oh bill that was such a nice funeral they're so glad to have you back thanks mark rose now come on i'm gonna make my kid here a deputy dad that all right with the town council yes of course oh welcome home bill so nice to see you thanks ross now cotton i'm a god-fearing woman and i've been telling you about them next door she's been going around screaming all night long and it's like they have a pornographic film on their television with the volume turned all the way up what do you want me to do make a curfew on sex they're newlyweds for having sake you've got an election coming up three or four if i'm not mistaken now how are you gonna handle this i'll tell you what i'm gonna do rose i'm gonna listen to it myself next time they start heating up you call me and i'll come over we'll listen to it together maybe we'll pop a pan of popcorn deputy how about sheriff or mayor for that matter be nice to have a little change around here [Music] raise your right hand look dad i told you i'm not interested oh come on you don't have anything to do and i need the help damn it i'm not gonna do it all right all right we'll talk about it later come on let's go look at that truck phil hey holby how you doing good to see you huh this is my nephew wild bill taught him most everything he knows we're headed up to a show in durango but we'll be home later this evening if y'all come by well uh maybe another time well it's great to have you home man thanks thanks good to see you you too cotton lord bill i'll call you okay uncle hobie you still drinking showing my foot going to an a.a meeting that woman's gonna file for divorce if he don't dry out it'll be number four and it's not like she fits in around here anyway do you mind your own business mom well hey mon uh this is a federal marshal would you call him and give him the numbers where he can reach me of course thanks how you feeling bleeding stopped good because i don't want to be left in the hospital you promised me right you don't need to go to a hospital you're going to be just fine little bro just get it keep it clean i'm sorry man what are you sorry about you didn't shoot yourself wash this down besides your fever's down you gonna pull through this kid we still going to mexico you bet just like i promised as soon as you get better margaritas and sweet brown skin girls soon right yeah you just keep resting and getting better yeah sweet brown skin the sweetest i just talked to stan over at parsons he said he'll take a look at that minivan if you want to trade for something useful i thought i'd like claire driving claire well she's 16 years old yeah so well i don't remember having a car when i was 16. you didn't have cars when you were 16. now don't be a smart ass point is i think kids ought to work for something okay what do you think what do i think i don't know the first thing about it i thought you did looks like a plate of spaghetti to me i think i have an owner's manual in there let's see if i can find it what you're shooting at you know if you hit that bird you'll most likely kill it who cares who cares well i'll bet the bird cares i mean he's just minding his own business yeah well so is i [Music] [Music] so wild bill i heard there was a new sheriff in town look at you you're still a cowboy well what happened to the cowgirl you're talking to the town doctor turning your head in coughing never has been so pleasant cotton dr mayhew turner now ex mrs turner bill i was in new york when i heard about beth and i couldn't get back for the funeral i'm so sorry i never forgave her for stealing you but i always knew you're in good hands she was wonderful yeah she was look up i can't stay you're on my way i got a house call over at hank wagner's says he's got a prostate problem whoo let's catch up once you get settled sure i'm around and there's not far to go in this town good to see you good to see you too bye cotton bye-bye sweetie [Applause] she's got a waiting list and to think i used to be afraid of needles what maybe you better take her up on it they grew up on one no you know getting to know her again i'm not interested in getting to know anyone i didn't come here to make new friends well they're old friends you know i wish you just stopped trying to fix everything i'm not some old pickup truck that needs a tune-up well i'm just trying to help you know i don't want any help you know i'm really tired of people being so damn happy to see me the only reason i'm here is beth is dead just once i'd like someone to be sorry to see me you know that would be kind of nice they just want you to feel better what you want to feel better i know you don't know dad i'm a cop i mean you chase poachers and and drunks you haven't drawn your gun in 35 years you don't know and it wasn't your fault two days before beth was killed it's our anniversary and i went out on a call and uh this guy had his ex-girlfriend held hostage and i went in and i had a shot and i took it and i missed it i killed her that day with beth i had a shot i think i had a shot i don't know i don't know if i could have done anything i don't know if i could have saved her [Music] i didn't do anything it's okay [Music] if i could spend just one more day with you [Music] i wouldn't want to cause one more day [Music] one more day never been [Music] if i could make time stand still i'd freeze the day we met [Music] tell you just how much i love you but there'd be too many words to say [Music] one day [Music] oh one more day one more day [Applause] never been now federal marshals want to see you we made a positive idea on mcgary and his brother the guy that owns the gas station wasn't just selling gas mcgarry and his boys were collecting on a bad debt now the uh third man is jones mostly small timer till he hooked up with mcgeary there was another one yeah well we're still working on that we do have some leads photos in the paper now the word is they may be heading to mexico apparently mcgarry's moving dope from south of the border lots of it and there's something else we got a snitch who says he overheard a conversation in a bar outside of la says mcgarry's brother was hit he hasn't shown up at any hospitals but according to the kid it was pretty serious and and word is mcgarry's been asking about you i mean he's a cool customer of this guy i mean he's smart but he's also a rational so i mean it's not out of the question that he may come this way would he be stupid enough to do that i would even know bill's here this information's cheap look we can assign two men here in town just as a precaution think of a cotton we'd be all over the news maude hush look i've lived in this town my whole life i know these people if you assign marshals here it won't do anything but scare them they'll keep a low profile low profile you know a man can't tank a dump in this town without half the people knowing what he had for breakfast look if trouble comes we can handle it but if trouble comes let us handle it all right yeah post these you'll know everything i do thank you sir all right bill bill don't play cowboy not with this guy my guess is that he'll be hell and gone from here before he shows his face anywhere it's not that crazy i don't like seeing my name in print they looking for us man it's time for us to go back to the original plan man get the hell out of dodge mexico tyler's not ready to travel that's [ __ ] mac you say this ain't right dawg it's a whole big deal waiting for us down south man let's just go oh [ __ ] man there's your cut from jerry's bye bye what about mexico what about it they don't know me down there no they don't do they you show up without me though berries the deep the coyotes won't find you y'all i can hire me another gun anywhere it's your car dog we leaving here soon enough what about the cop what about the [ __ ] cop max said we're going to colorado or go to mexico can i come in you shouldn't be so hard on dad hey you're one to talk you can't blame him i need to shoot him make it sound like that's so easy do you think about her all the time i saw in a dream last night have you [Music] what'd she say to you put the toilet seat down remember that time on april fool's day when we put blue dye in her shampoo we thought it would wash out but it was permanent yeah she had blue hair for a whole month but she never got mad she's not even she moved to go to school with green hair what about me i was waiting for tommy reynolds to ask me to dance and i showed up to school with orange hair she everyday is doing on purpose and remember how she used to dress us up on halloween got us all made up we'd scare every kid in the neighborhood oh man our friends were afraid to come over for like a month hello bill is cotton there uh no he's not who's this it's joyce hovey's wife i'm sorry to call but i'm worried about hovie what's the matter we're splitting up and he didn't take it so well i don't know where he is all right joyce uh i'll find him [Music] so [Music] how do you know where to find me well hobie this is where you taught me to drink thoughts pretty good too didn't i what are you doing i'm just waiting on that southbound come by it should be here amen getting soft are you oh i'm getting old so this is it huh you know i just don't know what i got to live for i can't make any sense out of this world here don't start talking to me about making sense out of the world that's my point you know we all loved elizabeth there wasn't a finer woman in this whole world that i can think of just ain't right do you ever read aristotle he posed a very interesting question how can a man live a perfectly correct life and still be blown away by the capricious winds of ill fortune it's a predestiny you know if everything's planned out and you can't change it what's the point i mean why wear seat belts why stop drinking why do right by anything if it ain't gonna make no difference well maybe there's a bigger picture we haven't figured out yet and we think we're immune to it we think it ain't gonna happen to us a lot of good people die because it's your destiny yes believe that i do i do because if i could have changed some things in my life it made them different just too much to bear well then i hate to be the one to break the news to you but the southbound don't run on these tracks anymore the story of my life you go up on walnut ridge uh come by there on the hour well i think we should i mean hell we're out of tequila anyway look at that a little break yeah you know [Music] [Music] maybe we'll just skip on that ridge really the next time i see you take a drink i'm gonna put you in jail got my word on it all right just take me home you know they got a thing called uh satellite tv even cable would be better than that well what i wanted to only watch one channel which you can barely see well i can kind of see it how they doing not worth them got no defense same crap as last year i want to be deputized no no no you want to make it legal to put a bullet in his head you want to hunt him down and kill him end up getting yourself killed know that marshall's right leave it to them what would you do with his mom here you go hey phil i'm a little sore take it slow now huh nice and easy help me get in the car sorry brother [Music] come on [Music] [Music] uh five card deuce is wild we're not jacks tens two and fives all right cotton lindsey mom i need the bible it's where you left it hey bill ladies and sheriff i nominate you deputy baker county district clover bend as mayor i approve the nomination raise your right hand you solemnly swear it up hold preserve and protect the laws of baker county to the best of your ability with honor integrity and virtue so help you god you do congratulations now get used to doing nothing hall of justice all right rose says the council wants to see you she said it's important she sounded upset she's born upset come on let's see what she wants see it cotton [Music] what do they want and them old farts always got your bowels in an uproar [Music] now carl have you read this article i read it so and it doesn't concern you people are talking cotton they're scared scared of what what if these killers come here looking for bill now bill we love you but we don't need that kind of trouble here now you hold on right there she's right bill your being here is putting the rest of us in jeopardy this is a quiet town and it's his home as much as it's yours we're just saying are you through saying it bill bill this ain't nothing personal never personal bill rose you are a shriveled up old i can't even say it in here come on bill it ain't the whole town it's just four old fogies in there [Music] need a friend in this town take a walk trust me there's nothing to do here that can't be put off for another hour still getting used to that i read the paper should you be worried you'd be a fool to show up here and who says he isn't a fool thought about leaving this is my home i'm not gonna run i'm not gonna let him do that you hope he's coming don't you or you're gonna track him down it's just like someone western you have a shootout in the street you're just as thick-headed as you always were you used to say that was a dying breed exactly my point it's a dying breed and you're going to get yourself killed i have no intention of getting killed so how many times you've been married twice i never had that magic not like you two had i always handed that maybe you were the lucky one how's that she could have done better i doubt it bill i'm serious about you leaving if this guy comes looking for you don't be here maybe you're right maybe i do hope he finds me this time i won't miss [Music] sam what happened to you kiddo hmm well what happened he was sticking up for a kid who was getting picked on what's the other guy look like there are three of them not very good odds kiddo they were jerks all right let me give you e for effort hi is he okay hey hi what's she doing here she's a doctor don't be rude can i take a look it doesn't look like it needs stitches i think you'll have a bruise for a while but it'll heal i'm quite popular sorry oh don't be silly house calls are the best part of this job where's cotton oh he's on a call out to charlie gad boss place he's taken to his wife again whatever that means it's hard to keep up i hope we uh we didn't waste your time coming out here no of course not hey why don't you guys come for dinner sometime soon sure okay hang in there sam i'm just a friend i'd like to be yours too [Applause] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] hey it's gonna be all right what are we making um french fries and and mac and cheese okay french and italian can you help your old man out i think we're gonna have to start over yeah um well look we've got um you got your homemade style uh chicken thing here and it's got the real pearl pasta in it and these little itty bitty cans how much further how the [ __ ] do i know look at the map matt matt i understand man but it's time for us to forget this vendetta [ __ ] just get to mexico how you know this guy picked up and left he's expecting me expecting you mac that guy's been looking at us he's got the newspaper with the pictures he's nervous as hell start the car [Music] what's in the box nothing hmm is he coming here is who coming here the guy that killed mom that's what the paper said i don't think you should worry about what's in the papers does he want to kill you i i don't know what he wants well do you want to kill him go to sleep mom used to do that yeah i miss it too dad [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] because he's stubborn that's why he's just like his father you can't tell him anything i don't know why he doesn't just leave the whole town feels the same way bill where's cotton she's at home mod the tracks will call i would have called you honey bill i need you to talk to your dad for me he's lonely nobody wants to be alone please lindsay don't you have a phone call to make or something you need a deputy if them some [ __ ] head this way they got to get through me first oh where's my gun are you drunk well he'll like shoot better what did i tell you i was gonna do if i caught you drinking again come on let's go when i come on now you're in a can i can't believe this mobs sweetie help some sense into him i don't think there is any sense in him hovie jackass creamer sugar i gotta go mom honey play your hand oh come on bill will you play your hand i got eight shades of eye shadow on the table here [Music] dad can i speak to you out here hey mo turn that crap off now remember how i backed into that park car and identity the minivan yeah and remember how i burned the transmission because i didn't have it all the way in drive i'm still paying for it yes well i don't think i should drive the minivan anymore no no come on dad i'll wear a helmet i'll be with you no mr clay it's real safe try to let me pay for it once i get a job a job please i can't drive the minivan to school take the bus dad please i just want to fit in i'll think about it that is not a yes until i say nice to meet you brad it's chet [Music] claire come on get in the truck [Music] so [Music] [Music] what damn get in the house what do i say [Music] dad yeah what is it i want you to take these kids to nancy's mcgarry here yeah what are you gonna do if you think i'm gonna let you stay here and face look do this for me now please say i'm getting your grandpa's truck you too claire dad why are you doing this guys why are you doing this that's enough when is it enough why are you gonna do this look claire just don't argue with me all right but what are you gonna prove that you can kill too it's not gonna change anything all you had to do was back down nobody had to die come sam come on let's go sam let's go let's get the truck going in son [Music] [Music] cotton what's going on i'm not sure look just take care of them keep them inside with doors and windows locked cotton it's all right we'll be fine lock them doors and windows [Music] watch the road it's about time bill's in trouble you sober over enough what trouble cotton get dick pierce on the phone tell him i need every deputy he's got call drexel but uh what just do it now don't be out of my place [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] back i don't know about this man no he's probably not alone you keep your eyes open [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you okay hobie i'm all right so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] sam get out of here [Music] took my brother a month to die it took my wife ten minutes [Music] [Music] sam go back to the house [Music] go on right now dad stay back [Music] you all right son yeah we got the other two go and get sam in the house [Music] go on [Music] come on [Music] uh [Music] ah you [Music] [Music] um so sorry oh bill i just want to see you smile i can't but without you [Music] yes you can i'm fine come dance with me cowboy euphoria a [Music] that fantasy my dear you pulled my dreams out of the blue and maybe true it's you and me in the end euphoria you pulled my dreams completely true it's you and me in euphoria it's you and me and me and you euphoria [Music] if i could spend just one more day with you i wouldn't want to cause one more day one more day [Applause] would never be if i could make time stand still i'd freeze the day [Music] tell you just how much i love you but there'd be too many words to say [Music] oh one more day enough [Music] if i could make time stand still i'd freeze the day we [Music] met one more day one more day [Applause] [Music] never been [Music] and tell you just [Music] one more day one more day one more day and if i couldn't make time stand still [Music] we met [Music] you
Channel: Films 4 You
Views: 880,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, TV, Movies, Entertainemnt, Full Movies, TV Shows, Feature Films, Robert Urich, David Keith, Barry Corbin, Michael Vickerman, Clover Bend movie, Clover Bend full movie, Clover Bend feature film, Clover Bend, Drama Film, Drama Movie, Clover Bend 2002 Full Movie, Clover Bend Film, Clover Bend Full Film, Clover Bend 2000 Full Film, Clover Bend 2000 Movie, Clover Bend 2000 Film, david keith movies, tv movies, 2000s movies, LA cop movies, Los Angeles, LA, full drama movies
Id: B0ZiCwcT664
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 12sec (5532 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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