Clout Slayer Abridged (Parody) | One Shot | 2nd Gear Squad (2GS)

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assign me to the quest that leads me to the Goblin infested cave excuse me the Goblet infested cave quest give it to me oh you ain't going nowhere near that cave why not I'm the dam goblin slave me the least of your worries because you do your job woman I ain't scared of you or the goblins yeah No I only joined this party to preach in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus but I honestly don't even know who you three are um at least that's what I'm assuming since that's what mom Paul keeps screaming at me well my name's bastard one son of old dirty bastard himself Paul told me I was the chosen one but the coat hanger didn't we're all brothers and sisters and we know know each other praise God oh no father please help these three unfortunate siblings and we're just about to go write books and goblins you won't in oh you see we're trying to unification the world by breeding was different speech so Jolie old yeah yeah RJ ham remember y'all a family that writes together stays the game I'll have to respectfully decline I'm just here to help havens know the ways of God and you guys [Music] and goblins are really smart things they live study and while listening some classical garbage goodness couple and Richard we have guests though goodness me someone call the Dean will it seems you're trespassing and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave Oh quite [Laughter] [Music] well well well I like the little powwow you guys got going on here we got so much some violence oh is that rape with a side of it is a fluid [Music] I am the tax collector and your rent is due [Music] magic hands oh my god that is your name what's the situation court on I see well you may call me zero one one seven John [Music] even though she's sick in the mind she's still one of Jesus's beloved well let's see when someone has been assaulted by goblins gotten their nipples been enough by said goblins and injected with AIDS is it ethical to save them when you live with our nipples [Music] we must unify Emma Kate the goblin race with terrorists may your sick dreams die with you Oh advantage over while I go collect some taxes [Laughter] [Music] [Music] self-righteous [Music] [Music] sesame hey kids don't don't worry don't worry I know what you're thinking you're probably mad because your father's name is Damien but your mother's name is shark WETA but it's all good I'll make this quick and painless death a slow and painful death I want to hear them squeal like pigs whoa that's a bit much even for me [Music] [Music] [Music] young male babe stop it baby damage woman for the last time you are not a pretty cop how many times do I need to teach you this lesson woman shut up and stop bothering me when I'm checking for fish listen I've paid you everything I have this month so could you please just hang out with my niece for a while why you don't even have to talk to her she just likes her company first you're late on your taxes and now this you've got some big green goblin balls to be asking me for a favor love the milk he came fresh out of my breasts yeah please if I have to hear another word about nipples and milk I think I'm gonna commit self goblin side fine but I'm raising the tax service fee by 20% thank you kind sir come on No Deal then Hey okay fine please save me oh yeah gotta smash the name he's a head of Academy put the toughness jamb brickbats my bag so would you say this Slayer has clouds Oh deep where can I find him where's the cloud Slayer I demand you summon him it what slam my desk one more time one more [ __ ] time I [ __ ] dare you Zelda I [ __ ] will [ __ ] your desk and [ __ ] you [ __ ] kiss I can do whatever the hell I want cuz I'm a sexy rich elf and judging from the men in this joint you all want to have sex with me damn that help be looking like a snack I'm totally tab dad ass dude she's like 2,000 years old she's old enough to be your grandma's grandma or something doesn't bother me to me booty I seriously regret being your partner you listen right here you flat just a Dorito eared sit on from sword art online ripoff if you lay a finger on my dear Goblin Slayer I will find you and rip your head off and feed it to my rabid Pomeranian dog named Chucky ha I'd like to see you damn try guilt [ __ ] and you just insulted me and people who insult me don't live for long base for the hell out of the way force death with my ticket but you wanna split buddy Oh Calvin Flair how are you do you need anything can I be of service to you in any way oh of course oh damn goblin so you're the CloudFlare goblin slave no me and my dad could get famous got introduce yourself eylem but do you son-of gaku grandson a dime julu hair to the yoshi droll you can call me Johnny and judging from the way your armor hugs your hips you must be one of them done gaez yeah note all of that I'm just gonna take my [ __ ] in Cortana here so I'm afraid I'm gonna have to timely ask you people don't [ __ ] off why are you people following us Tolu is in pursuit of the essence of the Golden Gods the force of all omniscient their holy elixir my Buddha you mean geez certainly my Buddha's insist on I bought that at a convenience store for one copper piece jeez it's cheese it's [ __ ] cheese I'd like to dip you through some of that holy as well yeah notable ah dojo he's gay Warcraft you're just mad because you're short and ugly I'm going to kindly ask you to [ __ ] off you cougar I don't stick my sword up your mess I meant to my sword katana status report that meets help us later out you didn't pray before you ate so help yourself because Jesus and I sure ain't that's cuz he's a little [ __ ] don't know find your bodies [Music] [Music] so this is where your Messiah showed your people the way oh I see well it seems your culture and people are devoted to their ancestors like mine would you two shut up about Jesus on the way think I could speak for all of us that none of us other than you ain't even welcome Oh brave adventurers I am The Sword Maiden yes it is indeed the place where Mel Gibson portrayed Jesus in Passion of the Christ [Music] greetings slayer of goblins heir to yoshi's island Johnny of John's and princesses Zelda oh and flat-chested LOI Priest girl what do you want woman I have a job befitting of you a great goblin slayer if it doesn't involve goblins then I don't care why of course it involves goblins lots and lots of goblins first you have my attention now you have my interest you see in this holy sacred land something dark and terrible has been happy cut to the chase woman every second we waste is a second a goblin doesn't die fine here's the abridged version goblins have been forcing people to attend study sessions and seminars in the sewers below us I want you to go in there and kill them all their lectures about climate change are driving me insane if we don't change our ways warning is going to kill us all in the next 10,000 years I'm goblin Steve and thank you for coming to my TED talk today damn those green [ __ ] are learning question do I get to keep some heads you may keep as many as you kill excellent may I ask why though probably so he could use them to give himself head because he's a loser no you fat-ass it so I can throw darts at them and turn them into mugs I absolutely love the way you think goblin slayer and what's our reward your reward your reward for doing this great deed will be 1,000 gold pieces for each of your party members and sleeping with me for one night oh really I get to smash the most thickest of holy [ __ ] in the lot in your dreams shortstop no that last reward is exclusively for my dear goblin Slayer who would even want to sleep with the likes of you old man what I'll do it you thinking you even had a chance with me hurts my insides more than what they did to Jesus oh the other maidens have got to hear this I think you're an exception sorry there's no saving you look at his face no go off brave adventurers kay bye home oh I love a little month I need to speak to you for a moment yes what is it sword Maiden I know exactly what you're doing huh what cut the dumb and innocent act I know you're trying to seduce Goblin Slayer but news flash you little blood [ __ ] stain Goblin Slayer is mine so take your lowly ass and flat-chest elsewhere and get with someone your own age and League Goblin Slayer only deserves thick women like me yes you do you little liar I can see it in your blue lustful eyes oh I hate the ones that act like goody two-shoes alright just so you know I'm watching you you Christian cupcake how can you watch me when you're wearing the blood shut up it's actually just for role play and makes me look sexier well whatever I say will convince you that I don't like Goblin Slayer so I'll just say it yeah I'm after goblin Slayer he's mine I know it you conniving little [ __ ] my chances are higher he doesn't roll with thoughts like you well we'll see who wins goblin flavor bring it on [ __ ] by the way your tobe cosplay is [ __ ] don't disrespect me in my Jesus ever [Music] all right we gotta go into the sewers and find where those green freaks are holding their seminars seriously think they'll go in there someone of my elegance seen in that [ __ ] yes because you're actually a ho so shut up and quit complaining we have work to do are we there yet no I'll be there yet no oh yes really no I mean that's [ __ ] if you end up getting Garland know for a fact that I won't be helping you so I've got a question for all the women in the group what you're gonna ask out to put on some panties what's the question gee Mac if you women are so afraid of getting raped why don't you just wear a chastity belt with the protection seal inscribed on it what sit down there and it forms some weird infection what in God's name is wrong with you and this is why the goblins keep multiplying excuse me we'll be good agricultural change to our society we need to evolve Oh brilliant Disko wait who the hell is that guy you know what I feel like you guys get me you know everyone back in my old crew always makes fun of my green hair this pricks should we kill him of course you wouldn't kill him cuz you're a hammer I bet you'd want to kill a woman ah and of course the guy who was only using this party is cracking gay jokes that sound like a nine year old wrote them which by the way is not useful or remotely funny [ __ ] pull your weight kids for daddy's gonna have to put you in timeout has made you a weapon worthy of your special excuse my comedy sick I feel like the Prince of Persia rocking this [ __ ] come on to him not you too don't tell me I'm the only Leon man a part of this group [Applause] you tell me so bad it's nothing serious I'm making me what product run to the ladies I won't hey guys [ __ ] say [Music] you'll never be moderate you have three shut the [ __ ] up my kudos to lose Yoshi since it's distinctly All Right girls good maybe so useful oh no we already proved ourselves anyway your worth is five dead goblins no you misunderstand I'm saying that we are in danger [Music] zero to death means he's not a goblin so it's a deal isn't like you why don't you tell your kind of bug off loser that's racist apologize to Lou will drop you in doodoo buttered poison water he fell victim to becoming a test subject health classes what's so bad about remedial think about it a bunch of infidels and hormonal II struck little green teens doing indecent acts with your body I call upon the tribe of Toulouse great-great-great great-grandfather Shaka Zulu lend me your age and he Marco why not [ __ ] what's up my [ __ ] please take this woman to the refugee camp satis be coward gotcha but tulu commands it what the [ __ ] breathing thirty silver for walking fifty gold for each arrow I use I knew you wanted this [ __ ] come on now guys now why'd you have to go and interrupt my research and what kind of stupid research would a goblin like you be doing I am a professor in think Oh better I eat at mill ass women s human ass elf ass dwarf lizard goblin ass you name it also for your information I'm not a goblin I'm an ogre ogre - got it there's a difference thank you very much uncultured swine wait what you mean you're not a goblin oh come on dude you know you know what no no no let's go let's get out of here come on party's over guys party's over let's get let's get it moving we're done here out of that entire sentence that's what you chose to pay attention to those autumn eat my ass [ __ ] boy I mean goblin Slayer what a stupid major to excel in I won't be surprised if his behavior is asinine what how dare you I will show you the true power of knowledge this certificate in electrical diploma engineering even further [Applause] sorry I don't get impressed by a piece of paper that is student nullified you i attested gate squirrel to the nervous system of a frog that I found in the fields of town sorry but you don't need to talk [ __ ] anymore [ __ ] where'd you even get that scroll from I got it from some woman been you to do too much deep throating or maybe has lung cancer I don't know I can't remember what she said do you wanna know why they call me sword made in no I don't in don't really want to know either so well you're about to find out [Laughter] [Music] I've got the goblins in the bag they're not attached stab them in the back system live was the past stealing human [ __ ] I know they're a chore if you clap in Jesus saying case a fire but all in my bladder cheated on my priest girl with another please girl playing all the poopies cloudy ain't nothing new to me overs be so Moody faker you can't take me down take these gums to the okay I'm gonna stay until I can no more mother take these godless little towns cake I'm gonna stab until I can no more why did they leave me the court said they filed a restraining order against
Channel: 2GS BootLegged
Views: 1,363,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goblin Slayer Episodes English Dub, goblin slayer, goblin slayer episode 8, abridged series, ment, goblin slayer abridged, goblin slayer abridged 2, Goblin Slayer Episode 1 English Dub, DragonBall Z K
Id: UbkUJiaAt1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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