Cloud Computing Introduction | What is Cloud Computing | Types of Cloud Computing

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[Music] welcome back interesting topic cloud computing so in this video i will talk about what cloud computing is cloud computing is everywhere around us whether we are using facebook twitter gmail zoom for video conferencing or citrix server to connect to workplace remotely there are countless examples of cloud computing with respect to aws aws architectural underpinning is based on cloud computing that being said in order to have a solid foundation of aws or any cloud service provider for that matter understanding of cloud computing concept is a foundational must step in this video i will start with what the term cloud and cloud computing are then i will go through about its related terms such as cloud services cloud computing platform and cloud computing platform provider okay so what cloud computing is cloud computing is essentially about providing services such as infrastructure platform or software over the internet the cloud in the cloud computing used as a metaphor for the internet cloud computing refers to the internet based computing in cloud computing computing resources such as servers storage network and software applications are delivered over the internet in other words in general term cloud computing is about providing services over the internet over the internet is the key phrase in the context of cloud computing cloud computing's underpinning hardware is the same physical server storage and network the only difference is that cloud architecture enables cloud providers to organize and consolidate massive hardware such as computing resources storage network and software to make it available over the internet so now we know the term cloud computing there is another related term cloud computing platform what is that the backend system which is providing services is called cloud computing platform so now we know the term cloud computing and cloud computing platform the another related term is cloud services what is that the services which are being provided by the backend system over the internet are called cloud services so now we know the term cloud computing cloud computing platform and cloud services the another related term is cloud computing platform provider what is that the providers such as aws google microsoft which are providing cloud services from their cloud computing platform are called cloud computing platform provider to summarize cloud computing deals with providing infrastructure platform software and other related services over the internet the backend system of the cloud computing is called cloud computing platform and the services are called cloud services the providers which are providing cloud services from their cloud computing platform are called cloud computing platform provider or cloud platform provider or you can also say cloud services provider i mean these three terms are used interchangeably so we went through many terms which you may come across with respect to cloud computing now when you hear these terms next time you know them what they are welcome back cloud computing or more specifically cloud computing platform is a back-end system which provides services over the internet depending on the kind of services the cloud computing platform provides it has been categorized in different types so in this video i will talk about cloud computing platform types cloud computing platform is a general term there are mainly three types of cloud computing platform the first one is ies which is infrastructure as service as you can see in the cloud computing pyramid diagram ies is at the foundation ies provides virtual computing infrastructure such as virtual servers storage and network as a service a good example would be running a ec2 instance on aws which is basically a virtual server now the next is pas which is platform as a service pas provides platform infrastructure to build test and deploy software a good example would be running databases web servers on cloud platform pas can leverage is for infrastructure needs right then the next one is sas which is also called sas sas is essentially a software solution delivered as a service over the internet you might have used sas solutions such as gmail salesforce microsoft office and many others sas can leverage ps for platform needs and is for infrastructure needs recently with revolution and modernization in data science and data engineering das which is data as a service has emerged as one of the categorization of the cloud computing platform there is also a cloud computing platform called desktop as service which delivers desktop services using this type of cloud computing platform you can use remote desktop service to access desktop remotely for example citrix server is a very good example of desktop as a service and function as service which is a synonymous term for serverless computing is another type of cloud computing platform function as service providers provide infrastructure and computing resources to run function without users having to go through setting up the infrastructure and computing resources to execute the function to summarize cloud computing platform is a general term mainly there are three types of cloud computing platform infrastructure as service platform as a service and software as service and there are other platform types as well which have emerged recently such as data service and desktop as service and function as service which is getting very popular very fast nowadays okay so i think you got the idea about different type of cloud platform types welcome back let's start with infrastructure as service which is called ies insult as you can see ies is at the bottom of the cloud computing pyramid which means it acts as a foundation for the cloud computing platform iis provides virtual computing infrastructure which is provisioned managed and maintained over the internet for example ies provides virtual server storage and network as a service advantage of ies type of cloud computing platform is that it eliminates setup and maintenance expense of on-premises data center it's an excellent choice for the smaller companies and startup which don't have resources or time to have set up their technology infrastructure it also takes away operational expense and burden of day-to-day managing of computing infrastructure such as taking backup applying patch making sure that system is secured and not at security risk etc some concrete examples of ies are awc c2 which is an aws service to launch a virtual servers on the cloud see this is an example of ies type of service as this is providing virtual servers virtual servers are kind of technology infrastructure component next we have here is aws ebs which is elastic block service which is a storage service that is commonly used with ec2 this is also an ies type of service as this is providing a storage service storage is a kind of technology infrastructure component right and the other one we have here is aws internet gateway which is used to manage internet access for the servers launched on aws this is also an ies type of service as this is providing network service network is also a kind of technology infrastructure component right so i think now you've got the idea of ies type of cloud computing platform [Music] welcome back ps which is platform as service is another cloud computing platform type ps is above ies in the cloud computing pyramid diagram ps provides a platform infrastructure to build test and deploy software ies is very open as is platform provides virtual servers storage and network to users and allows users to do whatever they would like it's like if you got a brand new linux machine right that being said ps however is a bit more specialized or focused compared to ias pas can leverage is for computing infrastructure needs ps examples are providing middleware such as gms providing runtime environment for programs such as database such as oracle mysql and web servers speaking about pas examples aws has many pa services such as aws rds emr to name a few google app engine is also a very good example of es to revise pas provides database web servers and tools which can be accessed anytime on demand from anywhere over the internet it eliminates in-house buying and setup of databases web servers and dev tools welcome back so we talked about ies and pes the next one is software service which is also called sas sas is very well known type of cloud computing platform i can guess most of you either heard about it or might be already familiar with it as you can see sas is at the top of the cloud computing pyramid diagram sas is essentially a software solution delivered as a service over the internet sas software is typically licensed on a subscription basis sales providers manages all aspects of software such as delivery and management ensuring that service level agreement is maintained for example software is available whenever or wherever customer needs it and it performs as per the service level agreement this is very important actually right so sales providers manages all aspects of software such as delivery and management ensuring that service level agreement is maintained and for example software is available whenever or wherever customer needs it and it performs as per the service level agreement so sas software are mostly executed directly within browser this feature of sas eliminates need to install or download any software in order to execute it so idea here is that if you're using sas you don't need to install any particular software on your client side you just need a browser okay so speaking about its advantages seeing sas is delivered over the internet you don't need to deploy or install any software same idea which i talked earlier it can be up and running very quickly and it can scale as needed the value proposition of sas type of cloud computing platform is that it has enabled smaller or startup organizations to use or subscribe to very expensive software such as crm er phr and many others to help grow their business so sas is really very useful for uh smaller or startup organizations of course it can save cost larger ignition as well but it is really advantageous for smaller startup organizations because it cuts down cost a lot particularly if they are using expensive software such as crm er phr and and many many there are many other software which is very expensive nowadays right so some examples of sas are salesforce gmail microsoft office and google apps i think you got the idea about software service now [Music] welcome back this video is about data as a service recently with technological advances in in data science and data engineering data service also called das has emerged as one of the categorization of cloud computing platform it is a sub type of software service essentially in dash dash provider provide on-demand access to process data or data product speaking about data as service cloud computing platforms advantages das adds agility to the data product data can be accessed on demand from anywhere which is a huge advantage additionally das providers can provide process data with lots of flexibility it also adds cost effectiveness with automated etl job once you have developed the data pipeline and automated the process of data ingestion data transformation and data publishing with a web service endpoint you save huge on your data product as these are mostly reputable type of work das improves quality as well as you can add test cases in your data pipeline to make sure that data product is producing the correct result to revise data service enables on-demand access to data product over the internet which improves efficiency in terms of cost and time to process data and make it available to its user over the internet [Music] welcome back now let's talk about desktop as service or dash das delivers virtual applications and desktop services over the internet the service can be accessed like any other cloud service via web browser or secure application downloaded to a device such as desktop laptop or tablet das is offered as a subscription service and is multi-tenant in nature the providers stream virtual desktops to end users devices the backend virtual desktop infrastructure called vdi is hosted by dash providers advantages dash makes monitoring auditing securing and managing our desktop infrastructure easier and efficient because of centralization as clients don't need to install any software to use their desktops they can connect to the desktop just using a html browser for example if your workplace is using desktop as service you can connect your workplace desktop remotely using browser or some client for example you can use citrix client to get full windows based virtual desktop in this use case this is really your leveraging desktop as a service to revise dash which is desktop service essentially delivers virtual applications and desktop services over the internet which makes monitoring auditing securing and managing our desktop infrastructure easier and efficient welcome back next cloud computing platform type is fas which is function as service function as service is a synonymous term for serverless computing function as service providers provide infrastructure and computing resources to run function without users having to go through setting up the infrastructure and computing resources to execute the function this allows users to focus only on the code users deploy the code having function and fas provider executes the code and the execution environment scales up or down automatically we only pay for the computing resources used by the function call essentially pay as you go pricing model this is a very good solution choice for method or function calls which have dynamic workload that fluctuates a lot only drawback of functionality service is the execution time since function needs to have resources provisioned each time they run there is a possibility of some performance lag one of the examples of functionality services aws lambda for example say you have an image processing function for generating thumbnail image you can write the function in your language twice such as java python and let the aws lambda execute the function in this use case you only need to write function for image processing and configure the computing resource requirement and aws linda will take care of allocation of computing resources and running your image processing function
Channel: KnoDAX
Views: 16,140
Rating: 4.9305859 out of 5
Keywords: cloud computing introduction, Introduction to cloud computing, cloud computing types, cloud computing platform, Infrastructure-as-a-Service, daas in cloud computing, cloud computing platforms, software as a service in cloud computing, Types of cloud computing, function as a service, FaaS, type of cloud computing, DaaS, data as a service, software as a service, IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, advantages of cloud computing, infrastructure as a service in cloud computing, Cloud service providers
Id: Wj7Bh95Jae0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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