What is Virtualization | Virtualization in Cloud Computing | Virtual Machine | What is Hypervisor

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[Music] welcome back this video is about virtualization and its related practical concepts virtual machine and hypervisor okay virtualization is broad term however since the context is cloud computing we are talking about virtualization with respect to cloud computing okay so first we'll start with virtual addition uh what it is its examples and its advantages and then we will talk about virtual machines virtual machines are separate isolated containers inside a running system having their own operating systems and applications okay another virtualization technique is container which will cover separately and then we'll talk about hypervisor which is essentially responsible for creating and managing virtual machines these three topics will cover in this video by the end of this video you will have gained a good understanding about virtualization virtual machine and hypervisor okay so what is virtualization it is an advanced uh software engineering concept that allows creating software-based virtual representations of servers storage and networks okay as we know that fundamentally servers storage and networks are hardware constructs however by leveraging the virtualization technique we can build their virtual representation means software representation okay the concept will become more clear when i will show you how to launch a virtual machine a type of virtualization okay as i said earlier another type of virtualization is container good so let's go into more detail about virtualization virtualization is a software engineering technique in which software is used to simulate hardware functionality for example using virtualization you can create servers storage devices or even networks but these are all virtual okay so virtualization essentially creates virtual computer systems virtualization or in technical terms virtual computer systems allows organizations to run more than one operating system on a single server as you can see this is a game changer with respect to saving cost in buying and maintaining physical servers since fundamentally or in a traditional classic sense we have one os on one server however in virtualization since more than one os can be run on a single physical hardware organizations can reduce their needs of buying and maintaining physical servers as you can consolidate their service needs in a fewer servers okay so virtualization helps reduce physical service needs okay as i just said virtualization as it relates to virtual computer systems which is a type of virtualization allows organizations to run more than one operating system on a single server with that concept in mind let's see why virtualization is needed imagine a scenario suppose you have a server that is being utilized minimally wouldn't it better if you can utilize it in some way where you can use this server's resources to create some sort of another server inside that server that's the basic idea behind virtualization or suppose you would like to run an application in a separate isolated environment on some physical server so that application would not have to compete with any other processor processes for the resources that would help in providing consistent sla okay in this use case you can leverage virtualization technique now you understand why we need virtualization let's see virtualization examples what can be virtualized so we can virtualize uh storage servers and networks this means these hardware constructs can be created in software form as well using virtualization for example using storage virtualization we can combine multiple physical disks to form one logical storage and that can be assigned to a server examples are logical volume or read group using network virtualization for example the same physical network can be used by multiple containers running on the same physical server basically the network is emulated to be used by containers as if each container has its own separate network we will cover containers separately container is another primary virtualization technique your entire application can be run in a different environment without the need for separate physical hardware for example docker containers containers are are handy and popular in devops so let's take examples of virtualization using virtualization we can run multiple instances of an off an application on a single physical server desktop virtualization enables to run multiple desktop machines on a single physical server and this is called desktop as a server okay we can virtualize servers what it means we can run multiple virtual machines on a single physical server for example we can run windows and linux operating system as a virtual machines as two entirely different environments on a single physical machine each of them has its own ram storage network okay so i think what the idea about advantages of virtualization nonetheless let's see virtualization advantages for the completeness first virtualization increases efficiency of servers by allowing resource usage optimization as opposed to you underutilized servers since you can run multiple os instances on the same physical server you can efficiently utilize underutilized resources on that physical server the next one is derived from the first one as you see virtualization reduces capital expenditure and physical hardware as using virtualization or virtual infrastructure you can consolidate many physical servers which are underutilized into fewer servers thus saving not only a physical server but also saving on space power or air conditioning requirements maintenance and other things that goes with having to have more servers as opposed to less servers to get the same operating functionality okay now we know that virtualization is software engineering technique to simulate hardware such as servers storage network let's look into virtual machine which is one of the main types of virtualization okay the virtualization technique which is used to create virtual servers such as windows linux server is called virtual machine in other words using virtualization we can have linux machine windows virtual machine which can be run on a single physical server in their separate isolated environment please note not just to this is just an example we can run many instances on the same physical server okay so what is virtual machine virtual machine or virtual computer system or vm which is the more popular term you can think of virtual machine or vm as a separate isolated container having its own operating system and applications vms are discrete separated and isolated self-contained and completely independent because they are self-contained and completely independent multiple vms can be launched on a single physical server now having multiple vms on a single physical servers enables various operating systems and applications to run on a physical server this physical server is called host as it hosts multiple vms okay now question comes how do virtual machines get the computing resources such as processor memory or storage well there is a concept called hypervisor or virtual machine monitor which is a software that creates and manages virtual machines and it also mediates communication between host and virtual machines hypervisors allocate resources or in other words sales host resources to each vm hypervisor is separated and decoupled layer between host and vm a hypervisor allows multiple guest vms to share host resources such as processor memory and storage which means you install one hypervisor software and can set up multiple guest vms on it okay there are two main types of hypervisor one is referred to as type one or bare metal hypervisor the other one is referred to as type two or hosted hypervisor a type one hypervisor runs directly on top of bare metal hardware as you can see um acting like a lightweight os on the other hand type 2 hypervisor runs on the os as you can see here this hypervisor is running on os and this one is running on bare metal so just to repeat that the type 1 hypervisor runs straight on the hardware and type 2 hypervisor runs on the os okay that's the reason type 1 is referred to as bare metal and type 2 referred to as hosted okay let's talk further about type 1 or bare metal hypervisor it is installed directly on the hardware in other words type 1 replaces the operating system in place of the operating system we install type 1 hypervisor type 1 or bare metal hypervisor is typically most commonly deployed there are some genuine reasons why this type of hypervisor is mainly deployed number one since it is directly installed on hardware as opposed to on the os which at times can be attacked prone this is considered to be more secure than type two and number two reason is that since no os layer is involved it performs better and more efficiently than type 2 or hosted hypervisor because of security and performance reasons type 1 hypervisors are usually preferred for enterprises when deploying hypervisors on their data centers this is a diagram for type 1 or bare metal hypervisor as you can see at the bottom layer we have physical machine and then we have type one hypervisor which means hyper voice is running on the bare metal and at the top layer we have virtual machines in the hypervisor layer examples of type 1 hypervisors are vmware esxi vmware um vsphere microsoft hyper v and zen hypervisor this is an open source type one or bare metal hypervisor that allows multiple vms to run on the same physical hardware zen hypervisor is the open source standard for hardware virtualization and the kvm hypervisor which is kernel based virtual machine it is also open source virtualization technology kvm is a virtualization module in the linux kernel it allows linux kernel to function as a hypervisor and that way you can run multiple vms essentially kvm module converts linux os into type 1 or bare metal hypervisors okay aws uses zen hypervisor but aws is in around 2019 announced to use kvm the question is aws is still using zen based on this webpage aws isn't abandoning zen it's hypervisor of choice since the onset of the platform for future platform we will use the best virtualization technology for each specific performance plan to continue to launch platforms that are built on zen and our hypervisor going forward the spokes uh person said uh you can read more on the web about what awc is using xenons kvm are both the main concept to keep in mind is that both zen uh and kvm are are open source virtualization technology okay type 2 or hosted hypervisor run on the host operating system okay and this diagram for type 2 or hosted hypervisor as you can see at the bottom layer we have physical hardware and then os installed uh since the uh this is type two hypervisor diagram hypervisor installed on the os and then we have virtual machines okay examples are type two hypervisor that runs on the operating system are um oracle virtualbox vmware workstation uh and microsoft virtual pc okay the main difference between the type one and type two is that type one hypervisor is installed on the bare metal while type two hypervisor installed on on the operating system okay
Channel: KnoDAX
Views: 3,421
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Type-1 HYpervisor, hypervisor, type-2 Hypervisor, virtual machine, virtualization, virtualization in cloud computing, what is Virtualization
Id: 7CLytaxC3Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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