Cloud Compare - Properties and Scalar Field

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in this video I'd like to show you the information that you can read inside the property panel inside cloud compares software and I'd like to talk a little bit about scalar field which is an extra information that is added to each point of the point cloud in addition to its position so XY and z coordinate so this is a point cloud that I've just loaded inside cloud compare it's a little piece of a much more bigger marble query that I managed that was made that I was able to to reconstruct with Aero photogrammetry and so if you want to have this this area filled with information so this is the properties panel you have to select the point cloud here in the DB tree otherwise there's no information here and actually there is there are very few tools that are available here so click left click on the name of the point cloud and you have some more information you have the information inside this panel let's go through them very quickly so this area is divided into blocks there's the cloud compare object information cloud information and then there are some blocks that are related to this color field which we'll go through in a couple of minutes so skull field color scale scalar field display parameters and then in the end there's the transformation history let's go through the information on the average that are related to the point cloud as a 3d object in the 3d space so number one is the name which is the name of the file for certain a is name of this query you can make the point cloud visible or invisible just clicking here in this box actually you can do also here then you can have the name shown in the 3d so it's there's there is a new label that appears in that in the 3d area and whatever movement you you will you decide to do in your point cloud the name will follow the point cloud I don't like having the name the label with the name because it's somehow distracted then there's a option that is related to the color you actually actually ab3 option for having cloud compare displaying the color of the point cloud so each point has a color related somehow related so there's an option that is the default option in this case is RGB you have the software displaying the color of each point cloud that are in red green and blue information this point cloud is made after a photogrammetry survey so there are pictures that have been processed and they were able to build the color dance cloud you can have a lighter old as a scanning point cloud that is somehow color because you have also a kind of photo acquisition and field so that's the energy be information it's really nice because it gives you a very real aspect real feeling of what you have surveyed and what you are seeing on the screen but you can choose between none and in this case cloud compare get rid of all the color information and color colors every point with white for cloud compare white is no color RGB or scalar field so that's no information here that is different from RGB but there will be some more information after I will talk with you about scale field and what actually it is so let's stay with RGB box dimension these are the corner opposite corner of this box that contains the cloud then there is information about the cloud itself let's scrub it down number of the points so six hundred fifty two thousand eighty five seven right this is the number of the points of the cloud this is the global shift do you remember my last video on cloud compare global shifting is an action that the software does if the numbers of the points are big numbers and so cloud compare shifts all the number in order to have a much more much more lighter data to work on these are the information about the global shifting so you know how the software acted over the x y and z coordinates the global scale point size you can choose between a different size of the point from 1 to 16 and change it you can look at this point cloud changing the here changing the sides of the point make the the point cloud better visible sometimes other times it's not very visible like this one but you can choose between these numbers that you have here in order to have the point cloud the the best the better ways visible way that you are comfortable with while you're working on it then there's this color field three boxes related to the scalar field I'm gonna go down here transformation history if you somehow modified the point cloud sorry modify the point cloud in terms of position of the points I mean rotation translation anywhere that modifies the coordinates of each point there's a kind of information about that here that's the matrix transformation matrix or you can have the information written in axis angle and center this is not a transformation I'm just moving around point cloud for inspection and I'm not more and not modifying anything transformation means bringing these points and taking them in another place pay attention that this is not an entry so if you do kind of sequential transformation so a rotation and an end translation you have some you have the information here at the very moment in which the transformation is over and so there is a kind of kind of controlling kind of verification between the original point cloud and the the end of the process and here are listed what what are the results of this kind of control but let's go back to this color field because now it's the time for scalar fields so two scalar fields for entering these kind of scenes color fields are scalar field is a number an extra number for each point cloud you are able to give extra information in terms of number in order to have better definition of the point cloud scalar field could be multiple entities mathematical and entities or in this case physical and entities but we also have mathematical entity and this in cloud compare scalar fields are added to the XY and Z information and you can have as many scalar field as you want inside the software so the software is able to take this information and using for other processing or some other calculation inside it or that you may want the software to do for you but I'm not going to talk too much about the theory of the scalar field because I'm not quite confident about that I'm gonna show you what does it mean and I'm gonna do a little processing for computing the verticality all the points in this point cloud so mmm I will go very quick quickly through this processing because that's not the purpose of this video but I'm sure that you understand what scalar field is with this little calculation so I'm gonna go here tools other complete geometric features and I'm gonna ask the software for verticality so his he is calculating the verticality all the points of this cloud I think that this point cloud colored this way and I can and I can show you here that the colors actually switched between RGB and two scalar field I think that this kind of colorized and colored point cloud its makes you better understand what's color field is for each point the software assigned a number that is that goes from 0 to 1 0 stay stands for horizontal plane 1 stand for a vertical plane thanks to these numbers the software is able to get a new representation of the point cloud maintaining the 3d aspect so the position of the point XY and said didn't change at all they are related one to each other the same way as they were when we imported we uploaded this the point cloud inside the software but what changing here is the color that I see on screen and that's the number that he has just calculated I can always get back to the RGB color representation it I'm sorry not not RGB scalar field calculation is Callan field representation is non-destructive so you do not lose the RGB information the software adds some more information to the point cloud to the point of the clouds get back to the scalar field once you have this color field processed and shown in in the 3d area can act here in this three block three boxes color fields color scale and Scala field display parameters here is well actually you do not have to act here because here is kind of the rack up of what how many scalar fields you get inside this the data are related to this point cloud this case you get four and the one that is active its the verticality right you have intensity so you can maybe you can have intensity information about a laser scanning point cloud you can have as many scalar fields as you want there is a number of how many there are inside software uploaded calculated register somehow and taking in count by the software and here's the active one then here color scale and scalar field display parameters you can actually manage the representation and how the software gives you back the colors of the scalar field you can choose between any combination of colors that you want choosing between the one that best fits the that's not very representative the one that best fits the what you're looking for or the way that you are analyzing this data you can change the steps and you can go back with this one and you can make visible a kind of information here that the scale here that gives you the information about what you see in terms of number you can see there's the flat horizontal plane here they have verticality numbers that are equals to zero and then there are some vertical planes here that has got a vertical number that is quite closer to one then there's some something in the middle which is a little bit greenish and yellow here but you can you can move you can choose the way the the parameters are displaying in in the 3d view so you got two options here you can move here with this triangle and actually you are changing the ranges of the representation of the scalar fields in 3d areas so I'm moving from 0 as minimum numbers for displaying to zero point one point two and so on so you see that the the the colors of the point clouds are changing what I can do the same thing on the higher part of this representation and going back from one to zero point seven etc or I can act with this filter this white little circles here are kind of a filter so I am filtering the number the display range stays the same but I'm filtering numbers so I moving I'm closing the filter so consider that out me that could help me selecting points that are not flat not vertical but thus they stand in the middle so in this way I'm excluded everything that was blue everything that was red and there's everything that is between yellow and green and I can make this kind of selection active and removing this point clouds these points of the point cloud so I can act as a filter this way so scalar field is a really really really really huge features inside cloud compare that enables you to do a lot of thing yes there can advanced think advanced processing but not so advanced I think that we'll go through them in the next videos in this video I just want to show you that there's the this chance for asking the software for extra information about the points in addition to their position I hope that you enjoyed this video I hope that this video was kind kind of a useful for you if you if you'd like to share it I would really appreciate it if you have any question feel free to call to fill the comments below and you can reach me out at thanks for watching see you in the next video ciao
Channel: Metrical Talks
Views: 2,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloud compare, software, point cloud, scalar field, properties, information, open source, open source software, tutorial, metrical talks
Id: U9dpCXCpNHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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