Cloud Architect Q&A: Answering Your Burning Career Questions

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my name is Richard F and I can say I am Cloud hired that yes come and joy and get Cloud hired I'm Cloud hired I'm Cloud hired I'm Cloud hire hey go go Cloud architect family I'm Cloud hire I'm Cloud hired guys so I'll just say I'm Cloud hired I'm Cloud hired I'm cloud hard thanks to go Cloud Architects it worked for me and now I'm Cloud harded because because of Goud architect program I am Cloud HED see I am Cloud hired thank you Mike and the glowout team [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome everyone hi my name is Michael Gibbs I'm joining here with Alonzo Coleman and today we're here to help you build your technology career maybe your goal is to become a cloud architect or an AWS Solutions architect or an Azure Solutions architect maybe you desire to become a network architect or an AI architect or an Enterprise architect well we're here to guide you through your journey to get your best technology career for those of you that don't know me my name is Michael Gibbs I'm the founder and CEO of gocloud careers and I've been in this it architecture world now wow for over over 25 years let me tell you it's been the best ride you can possibly imagine one of the best jobs you can ever think of I love it I've also spent more than two decades helping people just like you get your first tech job get promoted in Tech negotiate a raise with your hiring manager and it's one of my favorite things to do when one of my students gets hired and at this point I've spent more than two decades helping people get hired and I have graduates working at a apple and Amazon and Cisco and IBM and Accenture and deoy and KPMG and Cap Gemini and Microsoft and Google JP Morgan Chase Barkley's Bank cant Lee web you name it if there's a prestigious organization one of my students is working there IBM P Alo everywhere if there's someone good and I really want to help you now why do I come online with Alonzo a few times per week we do it because I remember when I was starting my technology CER how people gave me all this advice do the certification study this thing and you know what it was all wrong and it was all wrong because the people giving me advice for other people that I went to school with they were in the same tech school as me they were doing the same certifications as me and they were basically saying I learn this learn this learn this the reality was almost all of them spent a long time and they and many never made it to their goals I found some people that had given me great guidance early in my career they were some Executives in it and they said these are the people I can't hire no matter what I do and if people have these skills I will hire them regardless of where they come from because I need them so critically I did that was hired first role was a senior role was a lead architect within six months and you can too not everybody I mean will become a lead architect in six months but the point is any of you can get your first tech job any of you can get promoted and any of you have got a better can have a better life as long as you know what to learn when to learn it and how to learn it so we kind of keep these things and the back of your mind for what you do I'm going to announce some free things that we have for you and then please bring us your questions so Alonzo and I can help you build your career we have Alonzo here Alonzo is a great Cloud Pro he's done a nice job on the cloud he really loved it I begged him to come back because he's so good at helping me get people their jobs he's got about 30 years in marketing as well he got questions on branding building your career he's the person to actually ask for and I gotta tell you he's uh if you've got the right brand people will come to you you don't need to look for it and that's why I have marketing experts on my team 99% of my students will never apply for a job they just have people will reach out to them and they will get hired through that process so bring us your questions before we begin I want to let you know that in about four weeks we're going to do a free AWS Solutions architect associate boot camp it'll cover the entire AWS solution architect exam it will also have some enhanced things on information security because you need it it will have some things on networking because you need them and I'll have some extra AI stuff on there because we train I Architects and we love AI so all that is completely free join us at the end of the month I also want to tell you that we have a document that will explain how to get your first Cloud architect jump so keep thinking so your your your first Cloud architect job and it will tell you everything you need to learn every last one of the skills that you possibly need and it's completely free for you and join us on Thursday on our get your first how to become an AI architect and guess what it'll be me it'll be my good friend David lithicum who is an expert in AI with over 30 some years of experience in artificial intelligence and guess what he will be there too he's the architect of our AI architecture program so join us on Thursday it's completely free alono you want to stay a few words while we're waiting for questions to come in and then let's and then after that we will help people get their jobs or do whatever they need to do life oh yeah thanks well with that that amazing intro man I I I am so so uh honored to be here and just definitely talking with everyone about how to get your and realize your Cloud architecture goals this is it this is the resource that you need I wish I had this getting into the cloud space um and I'm glad to just take advantage of it and be able to move pass along what I've already learned so please bring your questions in we're happy to help and guess what we have 50% off for the rest of the month which is only a few days left and that means 50% off our Elite programs our AI architect program our Enterprise architect program our Cloud architect program our interview training programs and anything we can to help you boost your career so Tyrone let's bring in some questions what's our first question to and used any advice you would offer to someone with no technical background who wants to become a cloud architect Mike yes two and Hugh it's all about having the right skills so I'll give you some examples let me tell you what we do and I'll give you some examples of people who we've trained who had no background and their first tech job was a cloud architect just like you Jennifer Emma for example was a mental health Tech and we got her her first job at JP Morgan Chase as a cloud architect balinder Kerr really wonderful person she was a stay atome mom before we trained her and she got hired at Microsoft uh Daniel bosu was 20 years old didn't graduated high school and he got hired by uh JP Morgan Chase as a cloud architect Jeffrey West was a geologist doing geospatial Imaging not Tech stuff who got hired at uh Ken as his first job Richard Ferrara was working at a bank before he got hired as a solution architect after our training um Aron was working at Home Depot before we trained him and he got his first Cloud architect job over at Telos uh coyote was a college student first job at AWS and I can give you examples all day and sometimes it's fun to do that but the point is is you can do it so the key is you have to understand what the cloud architect is what we do and you have to separate yourself from the silly ridiculous job descriptions out there which have absolutely nothing to do with Cloud architecture and what we do as a cloud architect here is what we do to and Hues so if you understand what we do then you'll understand the skills that you need and I'll go through the skills as well Cloud Architects are not Engineers we don't code we don't don't configure We Don't Touch Linux we don't touch the technology at all we are strategic planners so first thing you have to realize is this is not a Hands-On job like an engineer this is a strategic planner so what goes into what we do here's what we do as Architects the first thing we do is we ask the clients Executives what are the goals and vision for your business right there that's the first thing we do because nobody gives us a piece of paper and say build this so T and Hughes and of course we train all these skills in our Cloud architect training program but whether you train with us or don't you must have in order to be able to start with the executives of the business you must understand how to communicate to Executives so that means executive communication skills that means business Acumen meaning knowledge of how business operates that's requiring a skill called cxo relevancy or how to communicate to the executive SE suite and the things they care about and it has to do with executive presence being taken seriously we include all those skills they are skills that you have to learn whether you're with us or not honestly I took about 80 to $100,000 of training inside of just those skills plus my MBA we teach them in this program but they are critical skills the next thing we have to do if we're going to help an organization design and architecture is as follows we have to learn how that organization operates as a business if they make a product how is the product made where are the parts coming from how are they assembled how do the customers find the process how is the product sold these are called the business processes so the next thing we need to do as business as Architects is look at the old business processes map them out and then work with the organization strategic teams to go design new business processes to help that business flow in the goals that that business has to operate in the future this means business process re-engineering so you have to know business process re-engineering and you have to understand business processes which goes under these business acents skill of course we teach this but understand that's going to be critical for the job the next thing that we need to do is examine the organization's data how do they take their data what's their data ingestion look like what does their data storage look like you know all of that stuff all of that stuff so keep that in the back of your mind so that means understanding of data data hygiene data pipelines and all this stuff and then after we evaluate the organization's data and data strategy and everything we have to work with that organization to design a new data strategy which means so the next thing is we're going to have to evaluate the rest of the technology the networking the data center the security the compute the storage which means you have to understand what that current technology is and then you're going to have to go create a team and Lead that team into designing the solution for the new technology because it's impossible for you to know everything so it typically takes a team of five to 50 people to design the architecture so you're going to have to have good knowledge in how that underlying technology works the network the data center the cloud the security this is not code this is not coding this is not you'll never get it by doing a bunch of Hands-On skills you have to learn how these systems work under the hood and how to design them this is theoretical analytical noodle work not handson doing stuff so there's that so can you keep that in the back every mind so you will need to know them and then you will Design them next you need to look for technologies that will fit into your architecture after that you're going to have to look and create a governance structure you're going to have to manage the stakeholders involved you're going to have to manage the vendors so lots more stakeholder management skills lots more vendor management skills lots of negotiation skills now you will have to sell the architecture in most cases if you work pre-sale which is half of us and if you don't work pre-sale you're still going to have to sell the architecture to the executives to make them adopt it typically a level of negotiation so you're going to need sales skills and uh pre as well you're also going to need presentation skills because whether it's the last interview of a selection architect or Cloud architect interview it's a presentation but as an architect you're going to be presenting every day so what you need to do is learn these skills and then of course you need to learn the underlying Network and data center skills why all cloud computing is is renting space in someone else's Network and that's why I take people with 20 years of software development experience and they have no idea where to begin with an architecture neither do the cloud Engineers that have got great knowledge building you because they know how to build versus design so this means you're GNA have to have knowledge in the following networking things like IP addressing subnetting supernetting things like bgps things like link aggregation groups first hop redundancy protocols those types of things it also means you're going to need to understand compute think virtual machines think containers think container orchestration means you're going to have to have knowledge on how to design not how to build I can teach anybody how to click a bunch of boxes and launch an S3 bucket taught a six-year-old how to design these things which means knowledge of how the storage are networks work and how you integrate them together things like block storage object storage file storage things like load balancers proxy servers reverse proxies when do you use them how do you use them why do you use them the business applications that can optimize business performance and security and how do you design for security whether it's defense in depth and zero trust and demilitarized design and all these fun stuff we teach them all so you're going to have to learn them so why don't you do the following download that completely free guide on how to become a cloud architect learn those skills and join us on our next threee webinar we're not going to have one this week because it's going to be an AI webinar this week but we'll have fun next Thursday join us on these webinars and you'll learn what to do and you get the right skills you can get hired like any of my students do all the time big Jerry how important would you say member uh mentorship is Mike I hear a lot about it and also what to do until I'm able to find a mentor big jar mentorship is everything you know there's two ways we can learn in life Big T I'll tell you what the most strategic people do and I'll tell you what most people do most people learn by making mistakes they try something it fails they get they lose their time they lose their effort their money and then they try again and then they fail and then they try again and they get a little success and they try again and they fail again and what it looks like for them in their careers like this and I don't like that I don't believe in Hope as a management strategy here's what other people do the most highly successful they find a mentor and the mentor says do this and the person's career does this and the mentor says do this and the person's career does this and they say do this and then thing you realize the person has a great care that's what I did it's a big jar to put it into context my first job was a senior network engineer and I never worked in Tech before and I was a lead architect outpacing the people that had 15 and 20 years in Tech with in six months why I found a mentor it was the VP of architecture and the VP of architecture said this is what I want the world's greatest architects and I said okay I'm gonna go learn it so that's how important it is so if you're part of our Cloud architect career development program we have included mentorship in every one of our programs we have deeper mentorship in our Elite programs but every program we has has some degree of mentorship our students turn something in they get guidance they get feedback on it so mentorship is critical quite frankly until you find a mentor you don't even know what you're going to learn if it's right or wrong or anywhere in between you know I have people that want to Learn Python to become a clad architect and they learn devops and they learn cops and here's the saddest reality at the end of a Year's worth of skills development they don't have the skills for any for a job as an architect at all because we don't have anything to do with that in their life so but if they were an architect and they were poll don't learn this but learn how to give a presentation don't learn how to build it learn how to design it and if you want to build it Go build it and you can build all day long and I promise you you won't know how to design I promise you because I've been retraining Engineers that have hands-on experience building all day long and it takes just as long to get them hard as it does with someone with a new background it's all about having the right skills for the right job so mentorship is everything big JY 23 and I don't want to act like having lots of years of hands-on experience isn't valuable it's very valuable but if you've been an airplane mechanic your entire life fixing an airplane engine and now you want to be an airplane pilot you're gonna have to learn how to fly the plane because you're no longer going to be fixing the engine both careers are equally important and both provide very very good information but I want you to think about that and put it into context and you will be incredible please ask us your questions Alonzo and I want to help you from Jess go how can you find a competent recruiter online to get into an Enterprise Architects internship in the United States okay jessco I'm gonna separate the two questions no company in the right mind would ever let you be an Enterprise architect intern here's the reason why at the Enterprise architect level you're dealing with the CEO of a business which means you're going to have to get time of a person whose time is worth about $10,000 an hour or more and if you're going to have to wait take three or four hours of the time that would be $30,000 in opportunity cost just for the executive's time and they're not going to give it to an intern the next part of it is you're going to have to work with that organization to reoptimize their business processes and if you don't know business process re-engineering and you don't know what you're doing you will destroy a multi-billion Dollar business in about a week so they're never going to let you that now the next thing because they're not going to let you see the underlying systems they have without a heavy duty non-disclosure agreement and why would an organization take their most strategic resources which are their Enterprise Architects and literally say here instead of focusing on strategy for us we're paying you $500,000 a year GO train a bunch of interns they would never do it so you can't get an internship and a strategy role you can get an internship and a junior row but not a strategy row so we have a training program that will will train you that's how you become a really great architect now how do you get a good recruiter online well there's a story of I think what's it the woman who has to kiss a bunch of frogs to find her prince I forget which story it was I think it was a Disney story I can't remember I was a kid at the time but Princess and the Frog kiss well the Princess and the Frog exactly Alonzo has children so I knew he would remember so and here's the thing that we need to think about when you find a good recruiter they're worth or weight in gold diamonds and platinum they will pit you to the hiring manager they'll pre-bias the hiring manager to like you they'll negotiate your salary for you they'll do all kinds of things they'll guide your resonate it is the greatest thing you have how do you find a competent one well one of the ways is if you create really good content on LinkedIn and you leverage LinkedIn really good you're going to find who's good and who's not and a really good recruiter will reach out to you and here's the mark of good recruiter and I can tell you Christina Marino at it EXL in New York is one of the best I've ever met you can see her a lot of times on our Channel if Christina Marina were to reach out to me as a recruiting let's say she didn't know me and she said I I saw your post I'd like to talk are you interested in a job I would say Christina let's talk what's your phone number and let's speak if the person says let me see your resume before I'm willing to speak to you throw them in the trash why you need to speak to the recruiter you need to assess their recruiter you need to know what their sales skills are right they're going to be selling you you need to interview them about their connections so when you find a recruiter that's willing to speak to you ask them ask them what their local hiring managers are looking for if it sounds like one of these silly cut and paste job descriptions guess what it's not a real recruiter it's somebody that just cuts and pastes stuff in there and can help you find a job if you ask the recruiter I see there's a job on this I've seen the job descript ion but what do the employer really want and they say well they got this list of stuff but here's what the employer wants they want someone with very good knowledge of networking very good knowledge of security very good ability to understand business and adapt to things strong presentation skills and strong leadership skills it's an architect job you can say all right sounds like a real architect job if they say I'm looking for a cloud architect and the job description includes bash cell scripting windows power fell scripting pyth on scripting hands-on experience with apis it's not an architect job it's an engineering job and if you ask that recruiter and they don't know don't W waste your time with them because they can't get you hired because they don't know the careers and they don't know how to sell you it'd be real easy and Alonzo is turning in like Casper the ghost with his blue and back background maybe your background if we get rid of it might do a little better if it works Alonzo because it looks like we're having some issues in the background but I mean you know things like that are going on but if if you call a recruiter and they understand their client and they understand their client's needs and they understand their client's desires and wants and things like that they will be able to help you so they've got to be connected they've got to be articulate they have to be knowledgeable they have to have good sales skills if they have that they will totally totally totally be able to help you great question Jessica please feel free to ask more Amara how could you become a cloud security architect well Amara that's a great career totally love the career I've trained many many many Cloud Architects and I've trained many Cloud security Architects and I'm gonna tell you right now I've trained a tremendous number of people working at CL Cloud security architects in our Cloud architect career development program so we could train you if you desire in our Cloud architect career development program so here's what you have to understand you first have to have architect skills so whether you train with us or you train somewhere else I need you to get architect skills what are architect skills you have to know how to sell because if you design a security architecture and you can't sell it it'll go nowhere so they're going to be assessing your skills and scales and you can't function as an architect without Sal skills you must have leadership skills so as the African proverb says if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together your ability to get anything done as a security architect is going to be based on you building a team you will need penetration testers you will need security Engineers you will need other Architects from other fields like in order to do Cloud security you might need some network security people because there's going to be a other things you're going to have to build a team and Lead that team for every architecture you're going to be giving presentations as a security architect every single day you must have good presentation skills you must have good business knowledge because you can't do the work as an architect because in security for example we have to quantify the organization's security risk we have to do risk assessments and come up with risk mitigation plans do we transfer the risk matters rest for example so you're gonna have to understand all of that and I'll get to everything to answer to answer your question including certifications Etc so there's that so understand those are going to be some critical business skills for the security architect then you need to understand about how would you craft a security policy this the overarching framework that the organization will use you will need to have good knowledge and understanding of security Frameworks you will need to know how to use the other types of security framework that are not exactly like the traditional NIS framework or the cobit framework for example you know you build a system based upon dents and depth which is like peeling back an onion where each layer has another layer of protection you want to use those do you use zero trust yeah but zero trust by itself isn't going to be good enough either so when would you use uh say zero trust and when would you combine that with defense and depth you'll need to understand how to secure remote access how to secure applications how to secure demilitarize zones for example you'll need to determent endtoend encryption strategies for example of things that you'll need to do so end to end encryption strategies whether it be networking encryption storage encryption encryption in Flight with things like TLS type security so they'll be that you will need to know how to secure endpoints for example and endpoint protection you will need to understand that you'll need to have a good understanding of identity and access management even though much of that goes to the am architect versus the cloud security architect of course you will also need to know cloud computing because you're gonna have to be a know how to secure the systems and you're GNA have to know what your Enterprise security things are going to be for example most organizations are not going to secure their systems with AWS WTH AWS shield and a security group and a network access control list and the security Center small businesses probably would but an Enterprise might be going to pallow out though or Fortune at or checkpoint for security appliances they're not going to probably use an open VPN remote access solution they're going to be using more of an ipx solution and more of a traditional you know Cisco kind of remote access solution or something else like out though so kind of keep that in the back of your mind and then you you have to learn how to create the security design the security and put the pieces and parts together I got to tell you it is a wonderful Wonder F wonderful job now let's talk about certifications don't waste your time with anything comp to you don't do any A+ net plus Security Plus they don't belong on an architect's resume they are wonderful for certifications they have nothing against them but they are there more for help desk not for architect work so the're right I would recommend getting a cissp potentially a cism with it and you know on top of something like that you know that's kind of maybe a cloud provider's professional certification like an asro Solutions architect expert or an AWS Solutions architect professional because I'm going to make it very clear to you you will not learn how to be an architect in any of these training programs but they will serve as a framework for studying for example I have a cissp uh course that I teach to my internal students and it's 1,700 slides long I also have an AWS Advanced security but that's a 400 slide Point slide slide PowerPoint deck as opposed to a 1600 pre slide slide deck so think about that in the back of your mind so those 1600 slides in uh in in in the cissp and the cisp certification they scratch the surface you know they might talk about data loss prevention in there for two hours but you might need to know 50 hours of data loss prevention in the cisp they talk a little bit about uh you know calculating security risks you might need a little more more so kind of think about this in the back of your mind so that's how you do it you go get the training for security you get the certifications to do the following they create a beautiful stamp on your resume they make your resume look good and that way when a hiring manager picks up your resume they oh this is good let me talk them bring them in for an interview now they won't teach you these certifications enough to do their job so you get those certifications for the interview you get the skills to do their job you get some good strong interview training so when it's an interview for a job that you've never done before and you have no experience you know how to interview so well that you look irresistible to the hiring manager and then they hire you that's what you do and I've got lots and lots and lots of experience doing so Alonzo welcome back so Alonzo is a good reason why we have redundancy he's got multiple sets of internet service providers as does everybody else at gocloud careers Dom good afternoon Mike and elonzo would you recommend aspiring Cloud Architects to still apply for companies that list developing scripting experience as a requirement Dum right generally speaking I don't recommend applying for companies in the first place I recommend learning how to have companies reach out to you so it all depends on your background Tom if I were to apply for a job and I wouldn't I wouldn't waste my time with it but if I was going to apply for a job I've got 25 years of architectural experience pretty much I'll make make it through every single recruiter that likes to basically say denied denied denied it's almost like the company's internal recruiters get fun and pleasure out of the red stamp that says Auto reject Auto reject Auto reject so mine will go through because I've got the perfect resume it would then I'm gonna go to the HR Pur and I'm going to deal with all that nonsense and go through the rigar roll fill out applications instead you know at my level I'm going to do one of two things I'm going to call somebody like corn Ferry International who deals with the executive Architects and say it's Mike Gibbs I'm looking for a new role and they'll say Mike let me go call people they'll call the cisos in their business solutions groups they'll call Microsoft in their business solutions group they'll call Google in their business solutions group and say let's say let's say Alonzo is an executive vice president at one of these companies the recruit is gonna say hi Alonzo and hey how you doing he's gonna say it's uh I've got this guy you need to talk to it's Mike Gibbs and Alonzo is gonna say why do I need to talk to Mike Gibbs and he's gonna say well Alonzo Mike Alonzo Mike's been a principal architect for over 25 years he's closed Billion Dollar Plus architecture deals by himself he s they sold them you know he's LED teams of 50 Architects he's a consultant to the world's largest internet service providers the world's largest bank and various countries and designing certain systems think you should talk to them I talked to Alonzo Alonzo says yeah Mike I'm gonna hire you of course he's going to send me to 15 other interviews internally because that's just normal and I'll give a presentation then Alonzo is gonna say Mike now that we're gonna hire you I need you to fill out an application I'll go fill out that application and Alonzo will tell the people what he wants to pay me I'll get the offer I'll start working who knows a year from now I'm going to be promoted to VP or EVP and or SVP and the next thing I realize they get an auto rejection from HR uh that's typically what I do I don't typically apply for jobs because of that and because I know that I can get much better jobs by not using them now if I was brand new or I was mid-tier if I was desperate I'd probably fill out you know 100 or 200 applications manually the hard way talk to five different Recruiters in different parts of the world and they do that but we have to remember Dom right every job description out there is usually wrong so Dom I have never had more than 10% of the skills in a job description not once you want to know what's worse or better I should say I've never been on an interview where I didn't either get hired or get a better job than the one I interviewed for but I've never had more than 10% of the skills I knew what the right skills were because I spoke to Industry experts here's how I make a job description let's say I want to hire a cloud architect I've got my job description but if I didn't and the only reason I do is because I have to give people the real job description every single day of the week I would go out there I would go to indeed zip recruiter Dice and I would type Cloud architect and I'd look for something that looks 15 pages long why because I can send it to HR and they're not going to say you w comprehensive so I'm GNA get some stupid job description it's gonna cut it and paste it into Microsoft Word it's going to be 10 pages long and I'm gonna say wa it doesn't include what I need so I'm going to type what I need I'm going to send it to ahr and poof now you've got a job description that's got scripting and Dev ups and a whole million things that are totally to totally unrelated so I think the bigger question is what do they really want so Dum when Christina's plac Marino's placed me in numerous jobs one time she sent me a job description it had Linux on it it had bashel scripting it had something called expect TCL scripting on it I mean there were there were CIS log servers and tftp servers and all this other icky stuff and they wed knowledge of network management like open View and all these other things and when she sent me that job description I said Christina what do they really want you're you're the recruiter you sent this thing to me and she says Mike I spoke to the CIO they need someone that can design five nines available systems they're having a whole lot of outages they said they need a bgp expert and an OPF expert and a switching and routing expert I said okay send the resume in poof I was hard so that's the key you have to get Intel you know if you look at a job description and it's got all this icky stuff in there that has nothing to do with with what we know what we would do as an Architects and I consider anything where you got a code or configure icky it's not that it's bad there are people that love it but you know I'd prefer to take a client to dinner and have a discussion then get Hands-On en coding I just don't want to code I don't like the code that's why I became an architect I love being an architect but you know that's there so if I if I saw that I'd ask now there's nothing wrong with you when you see a job description that's silly to reaching out to other people and saying hey you work at this company as an architect what do you do and when they tell you look I take clients to dinner I buy them drinks I give presentations what about scripting I don't do that then you know it's a real architect job but if it's listed scripting it's an engineering job and if you want to be an engineer Dom right that's great there's lots of wonderful engineers and if we don't have Engineers nothing got built but that's how you're going to know the difference and then I would determine whether I would apply after I had the Intel and the reconnaissance to tell me what it is or what it isn't if you've got some questions please ask them so Alonzo and I can help you back to Dom also how do Cloud Architects assess risk Mike is there a framework that you align with and do you further analyze different qualifications or qualification analysis so you know Dom how do I assess risks I have to I have to talk to the client I've got to gain a lot of information for example every organization is going to face different risks and different threats the highest value targets in the world right now are AWS Azure and Google why you hack into AWS pretty much you can break into pretty much anybody's systems in the world same thing for Azure how much security do you think they put into their systems a whole lot so there's that so how do we analyze risks we talk to the client's executive team what are your assets it could be intellectual property could be plant could be equipment and then we need to analyze have you ever been hacked before yes okay that's something that's going to give you some information no I haven't so that'll give you some information which is going on when you walk around the organization what do you see you try to uh talk to the receptionist they give you information that they shouldn't give you it's part of your risk assessment if you bring in a penetration tester and ask them to ethically break into the systems you will find violations that are risks if I bring in some vulnerability management people in there and they start do doing scans will that give me an information on an organization's risk yeah so we're going to have to do a lot now we're going to be working with the organization's Executives for some things that you need to know that's the easy piece so but you know we're going to have to get some industry calculations to calculate in risks we're going to have to understand you know a lot of information so it's going to take a lot of questions to ask is there a framework that I align with well Frameworks are kind of personal when you know when I worked at Cisco we had a framework that we designed our architectures with it was called Sona or service oriented Network architectures it was a way to align the the the systems with all the things that needed to be run on the systems in the context of how to help a business I liked it personally loved it toggaf is a very good framework I tend to use the toggaf framework I teach Accord to the toggaf framework and here's why I use the togga framework pretty bu anybody much anybody who's anybody in the world uses toggaf as a methodology your big companies your big uh consulting firms your big architecture firms so I tend to use toga but various consulting firms also have their own another good framework that was out there was the zachman framework for Enterprise architecture alternatively you know if you're dealing with a government or entity you might be dealing with things like feed which are other Frameworks that the US government uses so I don't have a particular alignment to a framework because to me they all get you to the same thing long as I identify the key stakeholders I identify the business Bish and I optimize the business processes and I design a technology strategy to optimize the business and its processes gonna help them so it really doesn't matter so do I further analyze via quantification and qualification we qu we analyze quantitative risk we quantitate qualit quantitative risk and qualitative risks a quantitative risk is I've got an intellectual property that intellectual property is stolen what's the risk to the organization and you typically calculate it by let's say your intellectual property is worth a billion dollars and there's a 5% risk of it being compromised this year or lost this year which would give you 05 times 1 billion which would give you about $50 million of risk I did the math in my head so hopefully it's correct so there's that but there's also qualitative risk every time Azure you know gets hacked into and loses information what does that do for their brand for security or better you yet we have one cloud provider and has an outage and they give a fuzzy fluffy answer like I don't know we had a power failure in a data center that took the whole globe down or we had an impaired Network another organization says we had a hacking event who do you trust more so kind of keep that in the back of your mind these are also kind of things that we can think about and what they do and how they do it and why they work so brand damage is qu qual well the F brand damage could be quantitative or qualitative dep based upon what's the value of the brand and whether you based on my quantitative things but customer sentiment customer feedback these are the types of things that would be more on the qualitative side and brand damage could be qualitative or quantitative depending upon how it's calculated great question Dom if you've got more I'd be happy to do it rad how can anyone in QA Tes and get relevant hands-on experience to be a cloud architect okay pad the first thing we need to understand hands-on experience for the architect has nothing to do with the hands-on experience of an engineer pad I take people that have been Cloud Engineers for 10 years and completely need to start them from scratch to train them to be a cloud architect I have software developers with 20 years experience and I completely retrained them to be a cloud architect it's not that the experience isn't relevant it's that the job is different so I will give you an example I've got someone that's been configuring firewalls and IDs IPS systems all day long they're an expert at going into Cisco firewalls they're an expert at going into paloalto firewalls and checkpoint firewalls and P firewalls they're the configuration Guru they've got 20 years of Hardware experience and now prad I say could you design my security policy and they don't know where to begin or or I say well we have a 7% weighted aage cost of capital how would you weigh that information to determine whether to build a private club or a public club and they don't know where to begin how would you design a security military zone for an organization with 200,000 remote access employees and they don't know where to begin because learning how to build and building hands-on experience has absolutely zero with system design experience and prad this is where 90% of the organization people go wrong they get hands-on experience in how to stuff when the architect's job is not how to it is how to plan planning versus implementation so now the right hands-on experience how do you get it well it all involves in looking what we do Prasad if you start giving presentations you were getting real Cloud architect handson experience presentation are one of the biggest things we do as Architects and you're getting hands-on experience facilitating meeting is something we do so if you start facilitating meetings that is getting relevant handson experience designing a technology architecture to solve a certain business problem is handson architect experience so go design an architecture which means interview businesses learn about the business problems learn about their business processes learn about the business strategy evaluate their current technology and create an architecture to support their future business goals and the future business process that's architecture experience Architects manage stakeholders because in an organization we're GNA have various business units so try and get some experience managing large teams and managing the stakeholders of an organization that is valid hands-on experience now of course in our Cloud archit development program we teach all these things and we do it Architects respond to request for information request for quotes which means pricing request for proposals so practice doing some rfis rfps rfqs practice designing secure architectures practice designing High availability as architectures but make sure your practice is on designing systems that you need to work Architects sell so learn to sell I don't care whether you're selling hamburgers I don't care whether you're selling cars I mean to some degree I do but learn to sell because as Architects we have to sell our solutions to the clients now you're GNA have to lead people perad so get some leadership experience find a way to manage five to 50 people in a project because that's what we do as Architects and find a way to create strategic plans you do that you will have the hands-on experience of what we do we don't code we don't configure that is somebody else else's job and that's where people go wrong and let me talk to you about the hands-on experience because you have to have the experience and the skills that you need and I want to talk about what happens when someone goes on an interview and they say come back when you have more experience because this is really in really good information so employers are no longer allowed to give you honest feedback on a job interview you go on a job interview they give you some kind of feedback somebody takes that feedback they go to their lawyers and they sue the company so employers are very limited in what they're allowed to say on a job interview which means they're being encouraged to lie to you and say one of a few answers if I go interview someone to be a network architect and I ask them some competency questions to determine what their skills are and they can't answer them I would have two choices prad I could say go home you don't have the skills for the job that no longer works I can tell someone come back when you have more experience and doesn't it sound like a nice way to basically tell somebody no I can't hire you so a lot of people go on interviews they keep being told this and they go back and they fix the wrong problem so you have to have the right skills and hands-on experience has to be Hands-On in your job for example if you're if you're going to fly an airplane hands-on experience is flying the plane not fixing the engine not walking up and down the aisles and putting people's seat belts on or handing out drinks like a flight attendant would so make sure if you get experience it's doing it all the things now my students all the time they design architectures they present it back to us they sell it and because I have a students with a cloud architect program they actually do architecture stuff so I hope I answered your question and please answer more I really want to help you get to your goals jessco well this is not a question but I really want to thank you for all the creek content you passed on thank you so much it's by far the best and highest quality content regarding Enterprise architecture on YouTube thank you jessco I've been an Enterprise architect now for over 25 years and I love the job I really love it and you know with more than 70% of architectures failing to provide any business value you know it's one of the things that I want to do is teach Enterprise architecture because that is the solution and I love it so thank you so much jessco please jessco feel free to ask more questions provide information anything you want I want to make sure and anybody for that matter please ask your questions Malik how can you build skills on top of your AWS saaa CO3 certification so mik the skills for every job are completely different the skills you need to be a physician are different than what you need to be a lawyer which is different than what you need to be an accountant so Malik I want to ask you what job do you desire because the cloud architect skills has nothing to do with the cloud administrator skills and it has also so has nothing to do with the devops administ devops engineer skills which has nothing to do with developer skills which has nothing to do with the big data architect skills they're all different so Malik please tell me which job you would like and then I can tell you what are the correct skills that you need to build but the biggest problem we have in technology when it comes to hiring is the skills Miss much people want to be an architect and they study engineering people want to be a software developer and they study architecture and in the end here's what employers care about when we hire someone because I've asked thousands of employers over the years and hiring managers and Tech recruiters and Executives employers want someone that can do the job so from hiring an architect to design present and sell a solution and you're an excellent software engineer but you don't can't design a present it and sell it I can't hire you so I need the skills in the job you want the next thing employers care about is your communication skills after that they care about your energy Your Enthusiasm your passion they care about your emotional intelligence your your willingness to go above and beyond you're being a team player it's what all in players care about for pretty much all jobs so but the competency piece or the skills for that job you must have so generally speaking you're going to need good training to get in a really great job and you know it brings you into the thought of which careers do you need training for and which careers can you learn on your own a cloud admin job you can learn that on your own you pass a couple of certifications you learn a little Linux you learn a little python you learn a little terraform you learn a little cool brunetes you get a bunch of Hands-On labs and poof you've got the skills to be a cloud admin because a cloud admin is really a technician that just does technician work now you want to be an architect you're going to have to design a system that's going to improve an organization's business performance that's not a learn on the job thing there's a reason a cloud architect Enterprise architect AI architect security architect earn $200,000 to a million dollars a year because it's assumed you've got some knowledge and the right skills when you get one of these jobs kind of like an airplane pilot would you want to get on an airplane if somebody didn't really know how to fly the plane they just had a certification I hope not would you want a surgeon operating on you that does that was a was a dog walker and I love dog walkers because I love dogs and I can't really walk with my foot after a bad injury so dog walkers are great but you get the concept you have to have the right skills so please tell me the job you want Malik and then I can tell you what are the right skills that you should get on top of your certification please feel free to ask us your questions by the way some freey things got a free AWS boot camp we're going to be doing in about a month from now sign up now it'll be real fun uh we've done plenty but we've we've almost tripled the content for this one we have extra security content extra networking content extra AI content and it's going to be free to do it we also on Thursday have a how to get your first AI architect job webinar it'll be me and David lithicum we'll go over the RO it's going to be a fun thing to talk about join us it'll be on Zoom you can ask us questions we can interview assess you anything you want to help you in your career and while we're at it please download the completely free guide on how to get your first Cloud architect job and as a bonus for today guess what we've got our our 50% off sale off of all training programs to celebrate the Memorial Day holiday to celebrate those who have given everything and their families of those who have so please uh take advantage of it Tyrone behind the scenes give me the next question do I have experience training Enterprise architects in the EU absolutely how did they complete the live classes when your live classes start at midnight so Jessica actually um let's be fair why we pick the time of the classes we have so when our Enterprise architect class that we have three classes per week plus plus two additional classes one of the classes is Tuesday at 10: am why did we pick 10: am for our class because a good 30% of our clients are in the EU and if we picked 10: a.m. that makes it uh 2 3 P.M in the UK 400 p.m. in say Spain and France 5:00 p.m. in my home in Greece Etc it also works well across the African time zones where we have a lot of really incredible wonderful people and students in Africa I actually hired one of them that's on this call his name is Tyrone is behind the scenes he's an amazing cloud architect but he also helps us and our students he's in our program so kind of keep that in the back of your mind that's why we pick these so so the one day a week very easy for you to do simple uh the next one is uh third Thursday now that one is a little rough our Thursday class is from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. so that's 9 to 11: a 11 p.m. UK time could be a little later depending upon where you're at in Europe and the Friday class is 1M which happens to be at 6:00 pm where people in England are already in the pub 700 PM Central European Time 8 p.m. at my home and G so again that totally works we have another Enterprise architect class which we have I think it's at 2 p.m once per week once per month and guess what that's 7 P.M in Europe or in England 8 P.M in Central Europe 900 p.m in Greece so again that works for Europeans and then we have one class which honestly it's a little uncomfortable it is 6:30 so that could be at midnight depending upon where you're at and goes on for two hours and if you can't attend that class no big deal we record it and I find that some people attend part of classes or all of the classes but the answer is yes we've got lots of people hired in the U in fact I'm thinking of one of my students Ian and uh I had trained him and he's been promoted multiple times in the last two years over there in Europe and he's doing really well so that's why we did it sadly jessco there's no time that really is convenient for everybody because the 6 PM works the evening ones work for the people in Australia the daytime ones are kind of rough we just do the best we can with the time we have lots of successful people in Europe we also had lots of successful people in India it's a little harder in India but they manage lots of successful people in Australia and New Zealand and other places as well good question LinkedIn user as a cloud architect what is the best way to engage with business Executives and stakeholders have their Buy on well it's going to take a lot first you got to get to know the EXA I right which means professional meetings with them it means lunches it means dinners it means drinks it can possibly mean playing golf with them or taking them to a Super Bowl where your company say bought box seats or a football game if you're in Europe or something to that effect so there's that but then it's about before you even get to the executives because you can't waste their time because their time is very valuable learning about their business learning as much as you can find for example if you look at an organization's balance sheet and financial statement that'll give you some information industry analyst will give you some information potentially other people in your organization have already worked with that client in the past and they have some insight into what that client needs so going to take a little bit of Recon long before you meet with the client and before you get to the client's Executives a lot of times you're going to meet with some other people in other departments ask them to prep you what are the Executives goals what have you heard what is the executive like what is the executive dislike because you can if you know people better you can create opportunities to create that connection meet me here join me here and all these other things constantly things like that so that's one of the ways but you also have to know the business you have to know what they care about and you should have something to offer them relationships are built on needs so then that's how you get the business EX now how about the stakeholders well you got to do the same thing for them and then you have to put yourself in the position of the stakeholder because you know an organization is going to have all these disparate entities okay and you know the security people are compare caring about security right that's their goal but if the security people go little cuckoo and overly secure something you know somebody else that's part of in an operations Department may have to do crazy workarounds that makes the business efficient so at the same time the security people are going to put something in that's going to change the applications people and make their lives more miserable so you got to have some really good negotiation skills it's going to be a lot of meetings you're gonna have to facilitate a lot of meetings you're going to have to create a lot of collateral documentation you're going to have to show value in certain things which maybe means financial calculations and a whole lot of smoing LinkedIn user I hope you've kind of figured out by the time I said this that the full-time job is managing people leading people asking questions delivering presentations and that's why nobody lets us touch the technology because we have so much of that stuff to do if we don't get the state CL Buy in the architecture will fail like 70% of all architectures they fail to provide any business benefit which means companies are spending millions and billions of dollars to get nothing for it that hurts the business because that millions or billions of dollars could be placed on doing something else in order to help an organization get to there hope I answered your question please ask more as an AB architect so I don't know what you mean by AB architect what tools or Frameworks do you use to handle risk analysis so and then it says personally identify information and I hope that's what you mean by by pii but it could be some other things because that could be five different things so I don't exactly know what you mean and I don't want to make assumptions risk analysis risk analysis is very simple you have to quantify every risk and what does that mean so you've got to look at each and everything and you got to look at the value of the asset the potential risk that it can occur the likelihood of it occurring and you've got to do that for everything an organization actually has for every asset it's very similar to the expected value of an opportunity that you would use in finance but it's slightly different but it's pretty much the same thing so you use math uh in the old days we used HP fi hp10 financial calculators uh now typically we use Excel so it's going to be a manual process now you can calculate the value of the asset because the organization's potentially going to know it or it's been Quantified already because they're a publicly traded company and somewhere along the line somebody Quantified the asset it may have been Quantified in some form of an accounting audit or something else but or but you're gonna have to know the value of the asset then risks oh that's where it gets tricky do you run some Advance statistical calculations or have somebody on your team a statistician do it more likely if it's going to be complicated enough your company is going to have statisticians involved to help calculate these risks for you and potentially accur actuaries as well but if it's going to be small because you're only trying to sell a couple million dollars in firewall which is kind of nothing you'll be able to calculate these risks yourself now the expected frequency of an attack which is going to be another impant in your calculation this is going to get a little icky the reason it's going to get a little icky is you're gonna have to find it and that may mean hiring consulting firms that have calculated risks for similar businesses in the past who can then tailor that after running an evaluation of this organization so that's kind of how you handle risk analysis so if you have any questions let me know I'm here to help and I really do want to help I really do I'm happy to answer any questions I can tell you that we've got a generative AI webinar on Thursday and uh love to have you attend David lithicum and I will talk about the AI architect role the things we do the AI skills that you need to have if you're looking for your first Cloud architect job we have a webinar next Thursday not this one that will run you can sign up for that as well and we also have a document in the meantime on how to get your first Cloud architect job and everything you need to do building your brand all those skills you learn and of course whenever we do a webinar it is on Zoom so you have the opportunity to ask any questions you desire so do you have any questions for me I see there's a bunch of you that are still here on the stream and if you've got questions I'd love to help it and I encourage you to do so because whenever we finish these it's like people are shy or afraid to talk we typically get 30 to 50 people reaching out to answering email questions and we say join us on the next one of these so if you've got a question please ask us we really do want help otherwise if there's no questions I am going to go back to uh creating content for my students and of course we have a 50% off sitewide sale for Memorial okay well if there are no other questions and we came on a day normally we do it on Wednesday normally come on Wednesday okay I see there's a question coming in on business architect quu do I have experience as a business architect absolutely it was one of the best architecture jobs I ever had so yes I definitely worked as a business architect and it was one of the greatest now when you typically find a strategy consultant they're a business architect the CEO is a business architect the Chief Operating Officer is a business architect in fact qualco every every job that pay for the most part that pays over a quarter of a million dollars a year is an architect job so why is that so in the end of the day we typically have two kinds of workers or employees in the in the system we have the designers and the planners and we have the doers so the CEO creates the vision for the organization they set the strategy for the organization they do and that's what an architect does the Chief Information officer they help create a strategy to improve that organization's business performance with technology it's an architect job a lawyer is an architect you go to the lawyer and you tell that lawyer about your goals they create contracts to protect you for those goals they create a strategy they've got a legal defense they evaluate the available evidence they evaluate the law they create a strategy it's an architect job a physician is an architect job and that's how I learned architecture when I learned internal medicine when I was much younger so kind of keep that in the back of your mind so think about that so all these jobs are architect but yes I've got a lot of experience as a business architect and I really think that some of the best training that's actually out there is going in there doing management consult management and strategy Consulting clients for a long kind of people it's it's definitely there so yeah wonderful training you really want to join this program but none of the times work for you though times of the live session classes with your meeing at work well LinkedIn user we have two options we record 100% of all classes 100% of them so you could actually take the non-live program we have which is the same training program but you don't get to participate in live classes and guess what if you can't attend the live classes it's also half price Tyrone could you pop a link to that I think it's on LinkedIn to the actual non-live version of our training program now LinkedIn the user I'm going to tell you that 80% of our students do work full-time and both the live and the non-life programs and typically what happens is you know there's usually one class that you can attend per week or there's 30 to 60 Minutes of a class that you could potentially attend per week and as soon as that time occurs people come in they pop in they ask questions for 30 minutes or they or they ask a question they get their question answered and they leave so LinkedIn user there's in the Live program there's actually five four to five contacts with our our staff per week we run three live classes and in between those live classes we have office hours where my team will answer questions about the course you also have access to your instructors via slack to be able to reach out to them and there's a very large community plus every project you do if you're in the Live program or the non-live program that matters you'll turn in and you'll get feedback on things so we'll be in contact with you whether you're in class or not I really prefer to be in class because if you're in the class I can see you present an architecture to me but we've had many students become Highly Successful by joining the non by attending the either program and that's why we created the Live program for either people that the non-li program for people that couldn't attend our classes or for people that couldn't afford our training because they're like me and they come from the developing world and like I'm from Greece and you know things where financially pretty rough for us in Greece so I created a non-live version for people that you know just couldn't afford a live training so I think that would suit you very well I really do and please ask more questions we do anything I can to help whether you're with us or not Nate I'm lik in team with a non-tech background that's okay you've been in many sectors education agriculture media and a biology degree any advice on business Which business sector to focus on what do you love Nate you love I went to school for seven years learned how to practice Internal Medicine Nur practitioner had my own Internal Medicine practice and I love Tech so I went into Tech now You' think the first thing that I actually did was Healthcare architecture but it wasn't I designed uh systems for internet service providers then after that I designed systems for banks and then after that I went in the healthc care sector which was where my career did good so Nate what is it that you love what would you love I would say learn that because remember today is the first day of the rest of your life any decisions you make today can get you there now if you've been an educator for the last 20 years you will be at an advantage doing things for state and higher education and which typically companies have a business division for that and you can architect Solutions like that but you got to also look at the supply and demand so where is the real demand for technology professionals education to a degree but they don't have the biggest budgets in the world agriculture typically does not have the biggest budgets in the world so i' probably tend to avoid that if I was looking for the most opportunity media has some opportunity Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences have some opportunity which is more biology related banking has the typically has the highest pay of any organization that's out there people that focus on the financial industry because seconds of downtime can literally mean millions of dollars in certain cases so they they're willing to pay a premium for people that can truly design High availability systems but Nate they're all good what do you love Nate you tell me what you love tell me what your favorite thing is and I'll give you some options kie prad will you be able to architect payment Gateway applications Argo Finance applications if you join our program if so which is best for me you are a devops Sr engineer predominantly working for a for for AWS Celly prad so want to be clear we are not application Architects we are Cloud Architects and let me explain the difference if you take our program you will know how to design all of say a global bank systems now that global bank will have high frequency trading applications they will have payment gateways they will have consumer applications front-end applications backend applications they will have high security needs critical networking needs critical ability needs critical performance needs and in our program you're going to learn how to design it all but if we focused on how to do a payment Gateway application and made it that narrow of a focus you'd never get a great architect job because you'd basically be focused on applications so you will learn how to do the end to-end system design so Celly I've had to do these kind of things so you give me an architecture for a bank I am now an architect so the first thing I'm going to do as an architect designing my billion dooll architecture for a bank or I'm a $200 million architecture is going to be my architect team I'm going to have an application architect that's going to focus on the application design which is what you just asked me I am going to have a security architect or more focus on the security design I am going to have a big data architect focus on the data design but I will also bring in a data scientist because I'm going to need somebody that's a little more technical I will bring in some Cloud Engineers if I'm smart I will bring in some devops Engineers because they're going to have much more technology experience than we Architects are going to have so I'm going to want their input I'm going to bring in some security Engineers to help with the security engineering now I'm also going to have to deal with identity and access management systems and guess what that's not the realm of the security architect that's the realm of the I am architect that I'm going to bring them in I'm probably going to bring in a unified Communications architect for their so you're going to learn how to do all with us but the cloud architect is very like the Enterprise architect do we design will we design things like banking applications all the time but we are not an application architect program we are a cloud architect so that kind of nitty-gritty things that you're asking me to do would be what an application architect would do now mind you the people that architect the entire system will earn far more than the people that are just focused on the applications so we will give you a higher paying skill skill than being the person that designs the application our skills are much higher paid because we're not just concerned about the application we're concerned of everything the people the processes the technology the finance the way the business operates the security the data the network all of it all of it all of it and that puts us closer to the exce we and a little further away from the technology so I hope I answered your question if not please let me know any last questions otherwise it's time for me to get back to work and I am totally fine with that well it seems people are sh today totally fine for people to be shy today and uh and there that Nate what did you say agree on education you'll have to uh rewatch The live feed because you had to go through customs back from abroad mid answer Nate I totally understand that I love that you're actually watching our YouTube videos while you're flying back and going through customs sounds fun Nate I hope you went somewhere fun my personal favorite places to go to are Dubai Jamaica and Greece but I go to all kinds of places all the time so they're all kinds of great so take care everyone it was wonderful to spend the afternoon with you please take advantage of the 50% off uh special sale from Memorial Day the coupon code is Memorial Day 2024 I'll see you all uh I'll come back tomorrow and uh and it looks like another question is coming in thanks so much can I suggest a program while which is best for you out of the three you're confused you know some ml2 I don't know what you mean Cali of which program if you're referring to our training program if you want to be a cloud architect the program is the thought architect career development program and uh there really is only one of those programs now there are there are payment options meaning you know one payment versus three months or six months so I think they' be there now we do have a live and a non-live and an elite person so I will tell you the difference col if your goal is just to become a cloud architect uh for 90% of the people I would recommend the cloud architect career development program it is everything you need to become a cloud architect the live class and whenever possible is your best option so the non-live is for those that want to attend class and want to watch recordings of class the live ones or you attend class you can Design Systems present them sell them in class just like you do in the real world and the elite program which is there is an incredible program it's honestly the culmination of my entire life's work it covers the cloud architect program it covers the Enterprise architect program because that would means our students get earn more it covers in interviewing it's got a special interview training program and it includes our Tech leadership program and why do we include the tech leadership program I'll tell you why we interviewed our Tech leadership program because the people that earn the most in Tech have the most business acument so in that Elite program we have extra business classes that were designed from say the business school professors the PHD people that teach in NBA programs we've got additional Executive Education training additional leadership training additional Sal training and it's honestly it's the greatest thing we've ever created and it took me 30 years and $300,000 of education plus 10 other people to put that architect program together I'm highly proud of it but I would say for 99% of the people the cloud architect development program live is the right one um Tyrone if you want to drop the link to that and put it into the chat box for Kali and I'm sure you will do very well with that if you follow our our training while Tyrone finds a way to find that link to place that into the chat box any other questions for me okay well take care everyone for and uh I hope to I look forward to some those of you like padul en R I look forward to meeting you in class we're covering lots of security right now it is a really great time to join we're on a very focused security thing so take care everyone it was wonderful to see you I'll come back tomorrow afternoon if I have some time from two to four to answer more questions and on Thursday make sure you join David lithicum and me talk about AI architecture how to become an AI architect all the skills of the AI architect as well love these architecture careers I've had them for a couple decades now and don't miss this 50% off Memorial DL take care everyone
Channel: Go Cloud Architects
Views: 475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cloud Architect Q&A, cloud architect roadmap, aws solutions architect, cloud architect skills, cloud computing jobs, cloud solution architect, what is a solutions architect, what is a cloud architect, what does a cloud architect do, Go cloud architects, Go Cloud Careers
Id: uEu2BXrFVhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 8sec (4808 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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