Close wire woven bracelet

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hello there everyone today I'm going to show you how to make this way out woven bracelet this is what it looks like so there's lots of lengths of wires worming together but then you have a color in there to break it up so if you want to learn how to make that then keep watching and here are the things that you'll need you'll need a couple of pliers for this you'll obviously need a wire cutter to cut your wire and then a flat nose plier and then you'll need your wire in this case a fine that works best working with 0.6 mil wear and that equals a 22 gauge and this is a silver cover you can have to choose whatever colors you want to use and then as the accent color in this case I'm using a blue in the intro one I use the black but you can obviously choose to use whatever you want and then I'm going to be using some insulation tape to help hold it all together so get your things together and then let's get started so the first thing that you need to do is you need to get all your wire ready so that means cutting all your lengths of your both colors if that's what you're using and then in my case I have the base color as my silver and then the accent color is the bloat of the silver one you need 25 lengths and of the blue you only need five and each of these they only do the same length and they need to be roughly around 35 centimeters so the first thing we need to do is we need to start setting off all our ways and for this we're going to be using the insulation tape so I'm going to cut off a small piece and then I'm going to grab to start off with I'm going to grab three of my silver wires and then what we need to do is start lining them all up so first set I have is a three silver wires and you want to lay them so they lay side by side like this and then you want to put some tape around to hold them into place when you put your tape around you want to make sure you just have a little bit of your tail left at the top and then just secure the tape in place this is why you don't need to use very long length of the tape it's just to hold it nice and secure and fastened while we're working with it so so that's your five set so now I'm going to just get another piece of tape and get that ready so I just put that at the back of this roughly in the same area and now we need to get out two of our silver wires and one of our colored wire and we now need to line these up and the pattern that I've done is in this set with these three wires I've put the colored in the middle in between the silver so they'll lie like so again flat next to each other then what we want to do is place them next to the other ones again with roughly the same tail sticking out at the top make sure they stay where you want them to stay so the colored one lies in the middle like so and then we just wrap the tape around this so we hold this section in place like so be careful when you're doing this you don't want to be pulling on your wires out because they'll come out of the tape that's why I'll show you in a bit when we're doing put them all in place why we leaving these tails so do the same thing again get your piece of tape ready and then you want to get three silver colors wires out again that's the next step line them up next to each other to the LifeLock and then place them on the tape right next to the others like so and again fold the tape around to keep them in place and we just continue like this putting the tape in place getting the next wires out two silver ones and one colored line them up with a colored one in the middle like so and then place them into place like that roll the tape around so it's nice and secure and we just continue like this until we're not wires alternate between the sets with and without the color so just continue you can make it otherwise you want to make it you can use more wires as well if you want to it's completely up to you so do that and then I'll show you what to do next so I've now set up all my wires in the pattern and the order that I wanted to be and I use the tape and we have a little bit sticking out on the other side so what we need to do with that is we need to get some flat nose pliers because this is going to help when you're going to be working with it because if you just started working with it now chances are the Y's will probably pull out because even though the tape is holding them you can still pull them through so what I just do is bend over the very tips just like this all of them and then transcribe it if you can because this will stop them from pulling out through the tape because I kind of almost grabbing on to the tape like so as you can see can't pull them up now so that's now secured in place and we're ready to start actually weave the wire together so the weave itself them using is actually quite simple it's just making sure that you keep the wires in place and you keep the way they need to be and the first part you set that and it off is most difficult but once you get going it gets a lot easier so remember that you have your ways in groups of three and that's how they're going to stay so what we do is we grab the first group it doesn't matter what so you do it from it's completely what you feel most comfortable with and then we want to start weaving in between all the other groups so you go over the first one make sure you always grab your groups of three and when you're doing it just try and make sure to keep the Y's in place as well so say with the colored ones always make sure that the color one is in the middle so go over the first one underneath the next one start pulling this the first set of wires over a little bit more and grab the next set make sure the colored one is in the middle so we need to go over that one as you can see the first part is a little bit fiddly but once you get this first one done it comes a lot easier and then the next one we need to go underneath the next one we have to go above don't pull anything tight yet we just need to make sure everything's in place before we do that the next one the next step three underneath again and then the next one is with a colored one keep the color in the middle as you can see if you hadn't been your ways back at the top a lot otherwise were part of them pulled out by now because you're working with them so that's why that little trick just helps quite a lot next step we need to go underneath and then the last one we come up on top like so and then just check and make sure everything lies the way it needs to lie so all your colored wires are in the middle of their set and nothing is crossing over too much I have one that's a bit temperamental here so try and flatten them out make sure everything is in place like so and then I'm going to pull this up a bit make sure obviously these three wires are nice and flat and even as well like so so then we need to start on the next row so we leave it like this for now and still it's going to be a little bit fiddly because until you've done like the battle first two rows it's going to become a lot better and easier so we go back to the beginning to the same side you always start from the same side in this case it's going to be one with color in and then you want to start weaving that across and you want to do it in the exact same way make sure everything is in place so this one you want to take it over the first one see first three like so and then get your next set coming from below the previous wire need to go under them like so and then again above the next step grab the next set below is now you can probably see that from now on because everything is basically split into the sections now it's going to be a lot easier to weave because you don't have to sort your wires out as much as you do in the beginning go ahead the next set of three above that next set with the color we need to go below that so then above the next step keep an eye on the actual set of wise that you're weaving with as well that they stay in place so the next step and then below the last colored sir just get that color into place like so and pull that and then we're now left with this so just try and pull your weaving wires tight and push them up as much as they will go because this is going to be quite a closed weave and then we want to bring down the very first set away you leave with with and they are going to be coming underneath this one so you just keep hold of it and then gently bend it down like so so it comes down and lies right next to the other ones and becomes part of the weave and then try and pull everything tight so they're your basic started off your weap so we now need to continue this exact same way go back to the beginning leave this up to the side for now back to the beginning the very first set bring it across above the first set and then we need to go below the next one so we'll continue to doing the exact same thing so the actual wave is not really that difficult it's just obviously keeping track of all your wires and keeping them in place that's the important that next one above don't worry too much about them lose me off just a little bit now because you tighten that back up before you move on and as you keep going then when you've done a few the previous ones will stay tight so as you can see is you just going over under over under over under starting with a new one over under over under over under so that's all there is to it really quite simply and that's the last one from the very first weave we did bring that over make sure it's nice and tight tighten this one and then tighten the bottom one and then we want to bring this one down the previous wheeling set like so underneath again and you now have this you can see the whole thing is down to form now and you continue go back to the beginning grab the next set go above the first set and just make sure you pull everything tight and it will find its natural place where it's going to sit and become a nice and tight weave so over under over under just going to catch my colored wire before get too much further get it into position so as you can see it doesn't matter that they kind of do lose position as long as you catch it and then put them back into position and the next one I'll do that and then under the last one which was the one which you spent down previously double check everything is still in place so pull the previous one tight first and then pull the one you just use tight like so and then back to path leading to bend this down to bring it back into the weave like so so those are there is to it you continue until the other run out a while other you reach the light that you need to be so do that and then I'll show you what to do next so I've now continued weaving my wire right until I've run out and then obviously now we need to finish off the end so we can actually turn into a bracelet one thing I will say a little tip if you plan on making more than one of them I suggest that you work with longer lengths of wire and make a long piece and cut them up instead of just making several smaller ones because you'll have a lot a lot less wastage that way so then I'm going to show you how to finish off the ends so the way that we're going to do that is you need to stand one end and we always want to get rid of this end with the tape and that until we have a point where the actual we starts off nicely then you want to get your wire cutters out and then all you do is just work your way across cutting the wires let's do a few out of time try and do a straight line across you can you can always come in from the other side it's going to be a little bit trickier to get your wire cutters through because you have several layers of wire but just work your way through it like so so we now have this end when you start nice and straight and then what we need to do is determine how long we need to be so we can cut off the other end so I'm going to do let's get out a measuring tape and then start with the end where just cut it off and just to tell me how long I want it to be and say if you want a seven or a seven half-inch bracelet you always want to cut it off around that area but you want to keep in mind that you need to leave space for the clasp that you'll be using so maybe take about half an inch less or so than what you want it to be so I've now cut off the length but I'm going to be using and don't worry about the ends coming undone or unraveling or anything because obviously because it's wire it's going to stay where you put it it's only if you bend the ends or anything but try to avoid that so we have the piece ready and then now what we're going to do to finish off the ends we need to get out some ribbon ends look like this and you just need to make sure you get some that fits the right size with wise because you don't want it to be too large so it sticks out too much but also not too small because you want it to be able to cover the whole thing so this size is pretty perfect for this specific bracelet and then I'll show you how to attach that now so the first thing I do is before I put on the ribbon end I like to just roughing up the ends because I think it makes it a lot more secure because you're going to put in glue in the ribbon ends and if you just put your wire in like this and put glue it might hold all right but I think you're just at least over to just pull out the wires so I like you just roughing them up so they have the glue has something to grip on to make it a lot stronger it's all you do is get your flat nose pliers and then just go in and grab your wire just a bit at a time one or two at a time just the very end like one or two millimeters or so and just bend them the outer ones are always bent inwards but then otherwise the rest I just bend them back and forth crossing over like I said it is little just to roughing up the wire to make sure that makes it extra secure so the glue has something to grip onto something roughly like this you can always just test it and see if it will sit nicely otherwise it just anything you need to adjust and just go and flatten it down alright so and of course you want to do that on both ends so now what we want to do is get out of ribbon end and then we also need some glue in this case I'm using some e6000 I generally use this for this kind of thing a lot because it's really strong and it dries clear and it stays a little bit flexible but still really strong so do recommend using this glue for this and I normally just take a toothpick because you can't really go in straight from the tube because you need to get a glue in side the ribbon and basically and I just go over with the glue all around the sides you don't want too much just do a little layer take a little glue at a time you can always add more just cover the sides and the ball because if you put too much glue inside it's going to come spilling out when you close it and want to try and avoid that and then what I do as well just for the extra security is I like to just put some glue on the actual end of your wires as well and try and get it right in there in between all the ways that you roughed up again not too much also this will help then your wires grip a bit more to the actual ribbon end so just a little bit in between all the nooks and crannies or your wire so if you like this it's going to be fine and then what we need to do is just place our ribbon end onto the end like so I'll show you place it where you want it to sit then you get your flat nose pliers out hold on to your ribbon end best as you can to keep it in place and you start squeezing it down don't just go in on one side and squeeze it all the way down do it gently a bit at a time moving across back and forth and then make sure you check that it's still where you want it to be because while it's still not 100% flattened you still got a bit of time to move it into a right position so checking all this time if you're happy and squeezed it all the way down so it's nice and tight make sure you do it right out at the ends and sides as well like so and only just come in from the other side so those teeth that you have on the ribbon ends can grab onto the wire as good as possible as well like so and that's your ribbon end attached and then of course you do the exact same thing on the other end so I've now attach the ribbon ends in both ends and then what you need to do now you can either do it now before you attach your clasp and that I do after whichever but then you need to start forming into the shape of a bracelet now what you can do is use something to form it around if you have something that you think might work otherwise just do it with your hands you just do a bit at a time just do it gently get that rounded shape just work it just a bit at a time and don't worry about doing this your wires not going to break by doing it like this just working it back and forth gradually Momo that's how you're going to get the best shape by doing it by hand because you don't want to just go in the middle and bend it a lot that's going to more likely take it out of shape because with it being a brace that you want to kind of round it and a bit oval as well you don't want any sharp bends or anything as you can see start to take shape you just go of the specific places that you need to do spend a bit more now what almost there I think that's pretty good because then you have that space left where you're going to attach your jump rings and your clasp so you need it just to be that little space left you can push it a bit more if you want to obviously push it so if it's the size that you need it to be and then you just go over it make sure everything is how you want it to be and just attach your jump rings and your clasp and then on the use extender chain as well so that if it's not quite the right size you can still then mold it after the fish's then having extender chain on you have that option as well so that's pretty much done now all I need to do is attach the clasp both so there is to it because that's how you make this bracelet that's why I work bracelet so I hope you enjoyed that and thank you very much for watching hello there everyone today I want to show you how to make this open wire woven bracelet and this is what it looks like so as you can see it's woven but because a why fourth wire we can achieve this open effect of the weave and what I've added as well is into some of the pieces I've added some twists at lengths of wire to give it a little bit of an accent
Channel: CSLdesigns
Views: 586,744
Rating: 4.9052005 out of 5
Keywords: Close wirewoven bracelet, Wirework, Bracelet (Fictional Object), Weaving (Hobby), Handmade jewellery, DIY jewellery, HowTo, How To, Do It Yourself (Hobby)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 41sec (1961 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 08 2014
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