Clo3d to Substance Painter + Blender PART 02 DENIM MATERIAL - Substance for Digital Fashion

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hey welcome back to part two of this series on creating denim inside substance painter um now I want to add some more details based on what we started off in the first part so we've created this kind of Base denim fabric here and we want to lay up some more details on top of this um I've changed my top Stitch color a little bit maybe make it brown yeah and I just want to change the color of this green thing in the bottom because this screen is too much to look at so in the last video I showed how to section all of this mesh off into different areas and now we want to add more detail on this denim not leather sorry so let's go back to the denim folder and I want to pick out the Twill of this denim weave so the Twill is this this diagonal grain that right now isn't super visible so to do this I'm just going to add a fill on top of this and I want this to just affect the base color so I'm going to turn off all these other channels just to be left with base color and in this I'm going to drop my normal map from the denim that I imported earlier so where is it okay let's just re-import this again so these were from Clear 3D um these were extracted from the the 3D Source oil and I'm just gonna bring these into substance painter I'm going to import them into my library and I'm going to import them as textures and then I'm going to take this normal map and just drop it into this um base color right here you'll see the tiling is set different because my base tiling is set to 5.4 and this one is set to one so I just want to set these to the same scale and then I'm just going to right click and do add filter and then add a gradient in this filter section here and with this gradient now applied I can move these values to pick out the kind of Dark Shadow in this um Mr Lim so I'm just gonna move these push the white value up and create value down until I get this um so now you can see there's like a definition of this diagonal line and I can just set this base color blend to multiply right so you can see the visually the difference is becoming a bit darker but now I can really see how this fabric is structured um if it's too dark or intense you can just bring this blend option down a little bit but I think for now this is good we want to then add some more kind of wash details on top of this um so we're just going to add another fill but before I start adding more I'm actually going to rename some of this stuff because um otherwise we're gonna end up with a lot of layers and not know what we're dealing with so I'm going to call this twill shadow and this one edgeway because it's just um giving us this little worn out Edge this soft kind of white so let's add another fill and to this again we want to just affect the base color and maybe as well the roughness and then to this we want to add a noise so let's look on the textures and look for I like clouds three I've got clouds one two and three so let's just go for three right now and um let's add this into the base color actually let's turn off this from this channel as well so we're just affecting the the base color right now um the idea with this is to blend this across so that we get a washed effect like in the reference image so these are the references and you'll see we've got this kind of speckling happening across the denim the color of it there's these darker areas and some lighter areas that we see the shadows in the seams um we want to pick all this out as we go through so I'm going to use these noises to create this kind of imperfections in in the base color so let's set this to multiply so again I'm going over the blend options here um see how they work screen overlay maybe overlay is quite nice for this one um it's dark so again you can right click um add a filter and then to the filter add a gradient and then you could change this black for example to Blue so that we start to get more of a blue color coming through into this than a dark black um the mid gray we can again change to a blue tone and then the white we could even set to you know a really light blue so as well as adding this wash effect this noise on top but also adding in some extra blue turns to this as well um I want to just change the parameters of this now so if you click on your fill go into your noise scroll down a bit and look at scale and disorder we can change how much of this wash we're getting so I'm going to keep it quite low I think add a bit into the disorder you can change the balance if we want to pick out any more of this kind of washed out color and the contrast we can play with as well so again spend time playing around with these settings and see how we can use them to kind of create some nice effects so I'm just going to drop the opacity of this a bit and then let's add um let's do another one of these so I'm going to do uh under the fill set this to just affect the color and then we could use like say clouds one as the base color and let's play this on top again so we can do darken do we have yes which isn't making much difference so let's try multiply right multiply now we're adding again some uh darker tones into this and I'm going to add again a filter add a gradient and then change some of these turns again to blue or blue tones so uh this one can stay about here yeah and like a light blue up here and the white we can add you know a really gray blue top so again we're layering up some additional color in this but the I want to blend this out a bit so I'm just going to bring this opacity down um so now we're really starting to create this um kind of speckled washed denim look um the fabric surface still looks quite flat like if I look here things look quite flat there's not much wrinkling happening and this is quite easy to do in substance painter again if we add another fill I'll just rename this wash one and then wash two and then this we can call ring Force and I just want this to affect the height channel so I'm going to turn everything else off and just leave height open and then take this one called cloth fold medium and just drop this in the height um to really see what this is doing you can look at the height map and you see that we're getting some wrinkles across this um the tailing amount will increase the number of wrinkles the contrast balance again play around with these things if you look at your normal height mesh you'll also see how this is being translated into a normal map and right now this is really really strong so let's go back to the material View and we can see that this looks like um you know way too wrinkled um experiment with the other ones you've got cloth folds large so you could try this guy's well but the point being we want to blend this all out so if I go to height um as the channels I'm affecting up here on my layers palette and then I look under this blending here this is set to 100 so if I bring this down my wrinkles are gonna ever so slightly disappear and if I'm getting wrinkles where I don't want them like this bit in the chest here this doesn't look great um just click random under this scene option here click random and it will kind of reposition the Tails so just keep clicking until you get a nice kind of layout like you want it and this now looks a lot kind of better and more realistic because of this wrinkle imperfection this is before and this is after and it's not much but it's enough um the next thing we could look at affecting is The Edge thickness because when denim is constructed there would be seam thickness everywhere that is creating this puckering so we want to add the edge thickness and the the puckering so let's add another fill call this Edge thickness and again we just want this to affect the height so I'm going to turn off all these other channels and with this I'm going to right click and add a generator on the generator I'm going to use in this generator panel here is the UV border select and this will automatically affect again all of these these different channels and I just want this to affect height so I'm going to turn all these other ones off if you want to see visually what this is looking like you can leave color on and then you'll see how we can create an edge select around the UVs so I'm bringing the balance down bring the contrast up if you want um distance how far we are from the edges smoothness again this will create a little uh a tiny Gap bring the balance quite low down and then just turn this onto height only so turn off the color and you'll see now you've got this kind of square blocky edges around your UV Islands which is giving us this suggestion of thickness but it's it's not it's not what we want so right click on this layer um click add filter choose the filter you want and this is below so I'm going to search for blur and add the blur and then just increase the blow intensity slightly just to soften off this Edge and then I'm going to reduce the amount of uh use this blending to reduce the height in this because if I look at the height map right now um there's a lot there's a lot going on and I can soften this off a bit so I'm just gonna um reduce this from 100 down just slightly so that we get some shadowing between the the kind of seam edges um this is without the same thickness and this is width so you can see that that's quite a nice difference here the one thing is if I look at the center front edge of my skirt which is these two patterns here I'm actually getting thickness here and I kind of want this to look like one pattern piece so if I want to like take off thickness anywhere I can just right click on this and click add a white mask nothing's changed just yet go down to your brush options and this is set to Black and if I just paint over this area I can kind of get rid of the thickness that's that's here and this yeah so just paint across the front I think this is good enough again this is with with the thickness and this is without um if there's anywhere else that I maybe want to mask off I could do this now while I'm kind of depending in this this area but I think it's kind of fine at this point the next thing we want to add is the puckering um around the seam edges which we've again exported from color 3D so we can add this on top I'm going to do this in a different stack though because basically all of this is procedural this is got things that we've imported or generated from um substance painter but it's not got anything specific to this actual garment just yet so if I ever want to make a smart material I could do that with this but I want to add on top of this the the puckering layer just like I've got the top Stitch layer not inside this folder because this UV map for this top stitching um this fill here is specific to this model so if it's specific to the model I don't want to put it in the smart material because the smart material won't work on other meshes then because they're specific to that mesh so let's go into this new folder that I've created and just call this puckering and we're going to add a fill into this folder and this fill is going to be where the puckering is applied to so if I search um for denim what was it called when I imported it yeah so this is the normal map that I imported from 3D like I explained in the last video so there's a link to that if you need to go back to it um drag this into the normal input of this of this layer that we've just placed and the puckering should become visible I can see this a little bit like here I can see some puckering around this stitching and around the edges um but again I only want this layer to affect the normal map I don't want all these other channels so I'm going to turn all these off just affect the normal and you can see there's a little bit of puckering visible if I want to intensify this just call this Pokemon base let's say and then duplicate this layer and the more times you duplicate this the more pronounced this puckering is going to become so I'm just gonna probably leave two of these activated so now in my normal map if I look at my normal map Channel up here there's very clearly puckering being applied in this normal map again if this looks too much you can just turn off some of these uh again use your oppress a blending options to kind of fix this intensity just how you want it and you see as well that all the edge thickness is being projected into this normal map now as well so let's go back to the material View and see where else we can start to add some details now um what could be nice actually is if we look here at this reference the edges of this garment are actually white and distressed like the puckering is lighter in color the Garment edges are lighter in color all these edges you see here this is a lot lighter and that's because of the when this is being washed after it's been made this is the areas that you know being washed the most in this process so we want to pick out these little white edges and we can do that using again this UV border selector that we used before to add this seam thickness so I'll go back to my denim layer I'm going to look for the edge thickness that's here and I'm just going to duplicate this and instead of this affecting um the height I want it to affect the color and I'm going to set this layer as well to affect just the color and not the height and what we can then do with this is blend this soft white Edge into our base color but I want to take off this blur and I want to sharpen up this so it's really kind of closer to the edge so that we can then have this kind of distressed look on the edges I was seeing um I'll go back to my UV border select parameters and just bring the balance way way down so I get this kind of really thin highlight and then I'm going to change the the blending option of this back to base color so I'm affecting the base color Channel and set this to screen so all the black is taken away and we're left with these y edges and then just reduce the intensity of this a little bit so again we're going to kind of create these little white highlights all around the edges of this garment and this is being done uh procedurally so again this isn't specific to this mesh we can do this on any mesh so we can build this into our smart material this is without that edge selection that this is with is it still affecting the height this is the question yes it is so right if I go back to UV border select and I turn off this height I'm going to take that height information back out this is where this is without and I think it's going to be better without if I go back up here I don't want this extra intensity of like a a more raised information in the steam so I'm going to turn this off and just leave it with the base color and I think I can just reduce this blend a little bit more just a bit okay so this is really starting to look I think something like what we want now um the only other thing we want to really look at is how these same Shadows are working because if I look at mine I don't have any of these white highlights in the puckering I only have those white highlights on my seam edges right now and this looks quite blue and this looks quite gray so maybe we want to increase the blue of this considerably I mean it depends on the photograph I guess that we're looking at um but it needs to be a bit richer in color as well I think so let's look at um first the the pocket ring so let's go back to the puckering folder add another fill use the base color again this time and I'm just going to add my normal map into the base color so that I can now use this as color information and I'm going to add uh is this in the right folder nope got in the puckering folder right and now in the booking folder I want to right click on this add filter go back to gradient so delete this and do gradient and let's see how we can pick out some highlights around here so we want black and white information so I want to slide the black down a bit if we slide this way there so if I push this in a kind of weird Direction I'm going to get these white highlights starting to come through kind of like this great so now that we've kind of used this gradient to push um the levels of this normal map I want to again blend this base color and let's see what we can do so screen overlay no that is working multiply nothing seems to be working let's see why okay so the best way for us to blend this over I tried changing this to multiply and not much is happening I can just change the opacity of this if I go to my my puckering folder um I think I'm just going to create a new one and call this um hookering Shadows and just drag this into my new folder layer and set this blend of this entire folder to Overlay and if you see now with this toggle I can add in this white kind of uh tone into the into the shadows of this um this fabric so I get like a highlight and a low light inside this pocket ring now so the puck ring is actually being projected also into my base color so this is just the base color of the denim so my base texture is going to have a lot of this information in it as well which is good so again I can reduce the intensity of this because it feels a bit gray by blending this down a little and there we go we've added some nice Shadows into these seams uh the last thing like I said is to change the tone of this and I'm just I think I'm going to add a layer on top of this so I've got a denim folder a Pokemon folder a Shadows folder and then this these are other areas of my garment so above this I'm going to add a fill and I'm going to set this just to color and add like a blue like a rich kind of blue tone and then let's look at how we can blend this so let's try value color right now I've really added this super rich like oversaturated blue to this but if I really blend this down I can just pick out a little bit more of this kind of nice blue color in the denim so again to compare like we're getting a bit closer but it's quite light let's bring some of this blue in and then I think in my original denim layer let's see what the base fabric looks like so let's add a levels to this so this is my best any material so if I zoom in this is the under layer of everything um I'm going to add a levels to the base color and just push one side of this down a little no let's leave that up there and just bring the Light Side Up let's shift this quick in the middle a little as well see if we can just brighten up this animal it looks a bit artificial this blue now I want to make it feel a bit more natural but at least we kind of create a little a lighter effect on this denim let's go to this over layered color and just see what we can do with it would be more of a kind of blue green shade that we want right so this is looking a lot more like Indigo now which I think is really nice okay so again use this this top kind of cut to blend some colors onto this um one last thing we could look at is just the roughness because right now our roughness is quite flat um so adding one more fill on top of this and just affecting the roughness Channel I'm gonna go back and use my cloud noises again so let's scroll down and choose clouds 2 this time for example drop this in roughness and we'll look at these noise parameters change the scale a little disorder yeah bring the balance so it's kind of gray this is what we want okay and then under the roughness options for this layer I'm gonna just soften this off a little bit so I see my original roughness underneath that we created in the denim texture and then I'm seeing this kind of um this imperfections again from this noise on top so if we go back to the material um we've got a bit more um Randomness in the roughness of this garment um the buttons are looking a bit weird so let's look at the buttons let's look at the height of this I'm going to change the blending of this height to um normal and do the same for the normal map because I think there's something coming through here and then let's just change the roughness of this because they look too shiny let's bring that down and just make the color a bit darker and that's about it for the denim fabric the last thing we kind of want to look at is this fabric on the bottom it does have like a little print on it but for now I just want to go to the layer so this one is under dress trim um this is sectioned off using the geometry selector I've selected just this UV Island here and maybe we want to just bring the opacity down so the light travels through a little bit and then we can add a base fabric material to this so if I just put like a twill in the normal map and you can put my tool in the bump as well let's say just change the scaling of this a little bit bring it down and then for the height I'm just going to reduce the intensity so at least we've got some kind of data uh in this this fabric on the bottom but the focus of this was really on denim um in the next video I'm going to show you guys how to export this into blender export this already to to make some renders and um just see if there's any final tweaks we want to make before I'm bringing this over into blender so I'll see you guys in part three
Channel: Digital Fashion Blender
Views: 2,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, clo, fashion design, 3d, textures, lighting, cycles, render, tutorial, introduction, overview, substance, painter, adobe, clo3d, denim
Id: b126OkYrNoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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