Clinton Young: The Wrong Man on Death Row? | Real Stories True Crime Documentary

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(gentle music) - Hi my name is (mumbling). - [Woman] Smile like you were. Lance. (laughing) Come on. Come here. ♪ May you grow up to be righteous ♪ ♪ May you grow up to be true ♪ ♪ May you always know the truth ♪ ♪ And see the light surrounding you ♪ ♪ May you always be courageous ♪ ♪ Stand upright and be strong ♪ ♪ And may you stay ♪ ♪ Forever young ♪ (gentle guitar music) - In 2013, I meet Clinton Young, who is on death row in Texas. I'm making a documentary on the death penalty and talk to him about his situation. - But you've been here for a long time, right? - Yeah, I've been here since 2003. I was 19 when I came to death row. I was 18 when I got in the cage, right? - And you are now? - 30. - [Jessica] 30. - Yeah I just turned 30 in July. It was kind of a depressing milestone. - [Jessica] I would have said congratulations, but it's not really. - Yeah, that's what I'm saying, it's kind of a depressing milestone. I mean, at one point I didn't think I was gonna make it to 30, you know. And now that I've made it, it's like wow I've spent all of my 20's on Death Row, so. - [Jessica] Clinton has been convicted of murder. Being involved in gang culture, he refuses to talk to the police when he is arrested. He's also on parole from juvenile prison, where he had done some time for burglary. For Clinton, it goes without saying that you don't inform on others. But the other young three men arrested with him have no such qualms. They all claim that Clinton is the killer. - And then, JR comes from around the house and he gets kind of like real close to Doyle's car by walking around and then that's when Clinton Young shot him. - And Clinton walks over to the body and pulled it up, put it back over his head and pulled the trigger again and he run around to the front of the car and he got back in and told us to get in. - [Jessica] After our talk, Clinton asks me in a letter to look at his case with an open mind. He says he is not the killer and claims his co-defendants made plea deals with the DA. When I look at his case I immediately know something is seriously wrong. There are no fingerprints or DNA or any other evidence that Clinton committed the two murders only statements by his fellow suspects Mark, Darnell and David, which show substantial discrepancies. - They realize all the stuff I have in my favor and they don't want me to get it before the court because they don't want me to win. See it's not about justice it's about upholding the statistic. - I'm gonna need your vehicle, pow pow. Okay. - The past four years I examine testimonies and gathered withheld information, such as crucial ballistic research. I also talk to involved parties and witnesses. I hope to get an answer to the question, "Could it really be that the wrong man is on death row?" - The guy getting in the vehicle. - You still put your money on him, huh? - It's still him. (slow ominous music) - There's no excuse, but my defense is, I didn't kill nobody, I didn't know nobody's gonna die, nobody was suppose to die. You know, we was gonna go buy some blunts, mariajuana cigars, you know, and then things took a turn, a guy got shot, and then at that point, I was worried about gettin' in trouble. David Page shot him outside the car and then Mark Ray shot him later on, this is what happened. I don't have a fear for the truth. (ominous music) - [Interrogator] Where is everybody sitting in the car? Doyle's on the wheel, obviously. - Doyle's on wheel. And I was in the middle at the time, and Mark was right here, and JR was on the other side, the left side of me in the back seat. - [Interrogator] So this is the seats here. - [Jessica] Darnell should've seen what happened, right? So he must, have seen... - Well see he lies about where he was sitting at. - [Jessica] Yeah, he said he was... - In the middle. - In the middle? - He was not in the middle, he was sittin' directly behind me, because I turned like this and talked to him. - [Jessica] Because Mark Ray says he was there. - He wasn't. - Why would- - Mark Ray was in... I guess because he thinks I did it, so he don't want to be lined up right behind me, in case I try to blame him. - No he said he was in the middle so- - Right right. That's the only thing I could think of, but he was not sittin' in the middle of the car, I know that for a fact. - So what's the car seating? What do you think was the car seating? - Oh, I remember the car seating. It was Doyle, me, David Page, Mark Ray, and Darnell McCoy. - [Jessica] Okay, so no one actually said that that was the car seating. - I know, but that's what I'm saying. - [Jessica] Four versions now. - I mean yeah, but I remember it like I could even tell you the song that was playin' on the radio at the time it happened was Superman by Three Doors Down. I mean, that's what I'm saying, I remember I have, I guess I got a better memory than them, right? - [Interrogator] When you get to the house does everybody just stay sittin' in the car? - Yeah, they stay seated for a while, until JR went up there and went around the house. - [Interrogator] So JR gets out and he, why is he walking around the house? Do you know? - They're suppose to buy weed. - [Interrogator] Okay, from this house. So then (mumbles). So JR gets out and walks around the house, right? And so that leaves the three of y'all sittin' in the car. What happens then? - And then JR comes from around the house and he gets kind of like real close to Doyle's the car by walking around, and then that's when Clinton Young shot him. - And David Page was standing outside the car walkin' up to the car when he shot him. - [Jessica] David Page shot him? - Yes, that's what I'm saying. The window was rolled down, and being like that, when it hit him, the natural reflex is Doyle sat back up and fell forward, and that's when Page shot him in the back of the head. And then I jumped out the car. - [Interrogator] So what you're saying is JR is somewhere outside this car over here? Where was JR standing when Clint? - He was standing right in front by the door. - [Interrogator] He's standing there when Clint... Any conversation, I mean you're sittin' almost right behind him. What conversations going on in the car, right before and during the time that Clint shoots Doyle? What happened? - Okay, before he was sitting like at a... Clint was sitting like at a slant way, like this. And he had the gun up under him, like this. And when he was going to shoot him, Doyle was paying attention to JR, and JR reached and opened up the door, and soon as JR reached to open up the door, Clint went and shot him. - [Interrogator] Okay so what, Did Clint say anything? When he did. - He said, "Sorry Doyle." And then just shot him. - [Interrogator] He said, "Sorry Doyle." And then shot him? Okay. - Can you remember how you felt when the first shots were fired? - It was like, I don't know, I mean... I can't really describe it, you know what I'm sayin'. It was like... I just remember thinking, "Damn we're all in some shit now." You know, and I don't know if it's because I'm coming from TYC and being in such an extremely violent environment that it actually... I mean in some ways numbed me to the violence. - [Jessica] Mm-hmm. - I mean... - But it's different when someone right before your eyes gets shot in the head, right? - Well I wasn't lookin' so I mean... I heard it and I was lookin' out the car like this. And I heard the gunshots. - JR and Clint picked him up and put him in. - At first I didn't understand what happened. I didn't know what to do. Keep in mind I'm sittin' right beside Doyle and this dudes shooting into the car. So I started cussing David Page out, 'cause I didn't know what he was doing. I didn't understand until I looked back down at Doyle and I was like, "Man, fuck." (heavy sighs) (ominous music) (rapid gunshots) (metal clinking) (loud gunshots) - And how likely is it, because the two co-defendants who did a lot less time they said that Clinton was sittin' here, pulled his gun from his waistband and shot him twice in the head. How likely is that... - No. - Is that possible? - Not just pulling and shooting, no. - Can you show me how to. - He'd have to do this number right here, and if he shot from right here. - Yeah. - There's no way. - Where would you hit me, if I did this? - Probably wouldn't even hit you. - Because? - It'd probably miss you because you're not aiming. - On this distance you can still miss? - Yes, if you just pull out your... And did like this. - Yeah. - You could miss this person. Tryin' to shoot the head, the body you can hit. The head is harder to hit. - Because it's moving, right? - But if he was... Yes, if he got a shot in the head twice and the bullet holes were kind of close, there's no way he can just pull it out and shot like that. - Because that's what they said, he pulled it out of his waistband, kept it there and shot him from that point on this side of the head. - Was he an expert shooter? - No he was 18, no. - Okay, there's no way he could've shot like that and hit the person twice in the head. - [Jessica] Because you have to be an expert? - You'd have to do a lot of training. And at 18 years old, there's no way he could've done it. There's no possible way. Because bullets do not shoot around a corner. - [Interrogator] Are you saying that Clint Young was the only one that had a gun with him, had guns with him? Did you know that he had guns with him when you left our city? - At the time, no. - [Interrogator] Okay. When did you find out that he had guns with him or you thought there were guns in the car? - When, after he murdered Douglas. (ominous music) - [Carla] My favorite picture of him is, this is probably one. That one and... - [Jessica] How old is he here? - Probably first grade. And there's the one in the suit, that's my favorite. (laughs) He was like three, four. - This one? - [Carla] Yep. - [Jessica] Ah that's really... - [Carla] That's probably my favorite favorite. - [Jessica] What was he all dressed up for? - [Carla] Just for pictures, go get a picture taken. (laughing) - He still has the same smile. - He does have the same smile. - [Jessica] How is it for you to visit him? - I can't wait to get there and hate to leave, it's real emotional. Again, this, every time. You know. Everyday you know he's living in a box. He's my baby. I would sit in that prison for him to get him to come home. (ominous music) (excited yelling) - I just remember it being so typical like the older brother the little sister. I mean we... You know I remember playing together, I remember skating and riding bikes, and going in the woods, and building forts, and I also remember me locking him out of the house, and us fighting, and playing baseball. He was good to me, he helped me with things. We played together. He also picked at me, of course like any brother and sister does. Did stuff that would, you know I don't know, chasing me around the yard with a garden snake. You know, the typical brother sister picking on each other things. He was a good brother. Or he is a good brother. (ominous music) - He drove, like almost halfway through the woods, and they got him out. - [Interrogator] Who's they, who got him out? - JR and Clint got him out, put him out, and then they... - [Interviewer] Did y'all get out of the car? Did you get out of the car at that point? - Yes, all of us got out of the car at that point, and then JR and Clint, they picked him up and carried him to the side of a little river thing. And they rolled him on his back, so that way he'll probably either drown or if he don't die from the bullets he'll drown. At first, and then he asked Mark Ray to shoot him. And Mark Ray had the .22, and Mark Ray shot him in the back of the head. (ominous music) - Okay so you're gonna voluntarily then tell us what happened out here, where everybody was, in regards to that, is that correct? - Yes sir. - Okay, this is the little road where the body was found. - And we stepped back. And Clint walked over to the light and pulled out the pillow, put the bag over his head, and pulled the trigger again. And he ran around to the front of the car and got back in and told us to get in. JR got back in... - How many times did he pull the trigger? - He pulled the trigger once again. - How was the body laying? - The body was laying like long ways through the creek. - Face up, facedown, or side, what? - He was facedown. He told us to lay him facedown. And when we were driving off he told me and them that if we said anything to anybody he would kill us and our families. (loud engine roaring) (slow music) - I mean I don't know what they talked about in the back of the car or anything like that or when I was away from them or I don't know. But I wasn't driving around threatening them, 'cause they all had loaded guns, you know what I'm sayin'. - [Interrogator] Were any of you armed? - Clint was armed, Mark Ray was armed, and JR. - [Interrogator] What were they armed with? - Two .22's and a .38. - [Interrogator] Who had what, do you remember? - Clint had a .22. - [Interrogator] Describe it. - It was chrome with a long nose on it. - [Interrogator] And it was .22 caliber, you're sure of that? - All I know is it was a .22. - [Interrogator] Okay. - And they had another one that was like a revolver, it was a .22, short, black lead. - And the .38- - Who had the .22 the short black .22? - So the black .22, Mark Ray. - [Interrogator] And there was another gun, you said you had it? - The .38 was in the possession of me. I had it. - [Interrogator] You had it. - [Interrogator] What happened? - We dropped Mark off first. - [Interrogator] Where did you drop Mark off at? - He dropped Mark off at his house. He dropped me off, right there on top of the hill. - [Interrogator] Did they talk about what they were gonna do after they dropped y'all off, where they were going, what their plans were? - They talked about, he talked about how he wasn't finished yet, and he would still have to do... - [Interrogator] What'd you take that to mean when he said, "I wasn't finished, I'm not finished yet, "he wasn't finished yet." - He was gonna kill somebody else or something. (ominous music) - At the time I'm thinking, I really wasn't thinkin' a whole bunch, that was the problem actually right. I had been up for days, I was high on methamphetamine, I wasn't in a clear state of mind. At that point I just wanted to get away from everything and that's why I left East Texas. - That's what I don't get, why you don't just get away from these guys but you stayed with them. - Well the one, I stayed with one. I ask myself why, I mean the same question. You know why I didn't just have him turn around or whatever right. I know that any normal person would've said, "Hey I'm gonna call the police." You know, but I didn't have a normal life. You know what I mean, I'm not tryin' to really blame it on my life so much. But it conditions you to certain things. You know it's the way you respond to critical situations. I just wanted to go to sleep, that's all I wanted to do. And that's what I did, I went to sleep. I had just got gas, at a little sub stations, like they have a little gas pump in the parking lot. - [Jessica] This was in Doyle's car, right? - Yes, and I drove up and I got out and went inside Brookshire's and I got the Sprite, sunflower seeds, and the buy one get one free pack of Marlboro Mild cigarettes. When I come out, that's when Page was already in the truck. - [Jessica] In his truck with Petrey? - Yes. And so when I seen the situation, I recognized it was something... - [Jessica] What was the situation, he was just sitting there. - Well he was sitting in a truck he wasn't suppose to be sitting in, so something ain't right. - [Jessica] And Petrey was there? - Yeah, Petrey was sittin' in the passenger seat. (ominous music) And so I look over there and I'm like, "Man, what's up?" And he said, "We needed a new vehicle." And so I was like, "Man, c'mon." And I hopped in the car and took off, right. (ominous music) By the time I'm to the second murder, I went to sleep. And the gunshots woke me up. When I jumped out of the truck and I'd seen there was only one person standing there, David Page. Well I asked him, "why'd he shot him?" And he said, "He knew my name." - [Woman] He knew Page's name. - Right right. And when Samuel Petrey is shot, that took a toll on me, because I'm like, "Man this dude's been tellin' me about havin' family." I mean this is the type of man that I was raised to respect. And so now he's sittin' there, he's shot, and I get into an argument with my co-defendant. - [Jessica] Who was that? - David Page. - [Woman] Mm-hmm. - It was like, this dude was not suppose to die, okay, he's not somebody that did anything or harmed anybody in any kinda way. - Mm-hmm. - And so I'm like, and then reality is settin' in, everything is gonna come back on me too. So self-preservation kicks in. - Mm-hmm. - I mean people say, "Why didn't you call the police?" Well that wasn't an option. I mean that wasn't what I considered an option. So I said, "I don't give a fuck what you do man, "just get away from me." - [Jessica] Yeah. - And then he got out the truck. - [Jessica] And did he tell you, I'm gonna turn myself in? - Yeah, yeah. - Or he just did it. - But I wasn't thinking like, okay, he's just gonna put it all on me, right. - That he was actually gonna do it. No. - And then so I was like, "Okay I don't care what you do, just get away from me." (ominous music) - And I was wondering what are the odds that David Page will tell what happened? - I don't... It ain't... I don't know. I mean, I guess that's between him and whatever God he's choosing to worship right now. You know. (laughing) (metal clanks) (ominous music) - [Jessica] Good morning or afternoon. How are you? - Good. - Hi my name is Jessica. Good to see you, have a seat. (upbeat music) So he dropped you off, right? - He dropped me off at IHOP. - At IHOP. But how much sense does that make, if he held you at gunpoint or... He didn't hold you at gunpoint, right? You felt afraid because he was carrying a gun, do I understand that correctly? - That's right. Its just like anything, you try to get away with something. Like say if I had a gun and I'm holding you, alright, or even if I'm not holding you, you're just ridin' along with me and you know I've done killed two people, you're gonna try and talk your way out of gettin' away from me. Whether or not we're cool or not. You're gonna try and get away someway form or fashion. And it took me that long to figure out, "Okay cool, that's the way I'm gonna be able to do this, "I'm gonna be able to manipulate him "to letting me go, by telling him to get away from here." So... - You out smarted him. - In my opinion, yes. (police sirens blaring) - [Young] What hurt me the worst was the police chase. 'Cause they said, "Why are you runnin' if you're not guilty." But I did not know I was wanted for murder, I'm on parole, there's a gun in the truck, I'm going back to jail. I'm outside of the city limits of where I'm suppose to be. So I'm going back to jail. (police sirens blaring) And I got caught on the interstate. I refused to talk to the police about it. You know, when I first... I refused to talk to the police, period. - [Jessica] Mm-hmm. - Because I know how it is, it's a serious charge, and I've done been involved with the cops and I know how they do things. I'm like, "I'm not talking to y'all without an attorney." - But why didn't you if you don't have... - Because, you know, like I said, I was caught up in this street cultural mindset, where you don't talk to the police, you don't inform on other people, right? - [Jessica] But what if you know that... - It'll be.. I mean I'm not sayin' it's right or wrong. You know what I'm sayin'. I mean if it was like a child or something like that, and somebody's hurtin' a child, that's different. You know, I mean it's just... I'm 31 years old now, so I see the nonsense in these quote unquote, rules that all these drug dealers and stuff and gang members and stuff did, everybody lives by. I'm not sayin' it's right, but it's what I adhered to at the time and at the time it was to me, I'm not telling the police nothin'. And so I didn't know that they was puttin' it on me. I'm not gonna get these people in trouble to get myself out of trouble. That was my whole position, right. So I'm like, "Man, ain't got nothin' to say against him." Now had a known that they was all givin' statements against me already, then I would've said, "Hold 'em up, you know." But at the same time I'm doin' this, my mom, I'm tellin' my mom go find Darnell so he can help me. And my mom was like, "Baby I think he's the one that first told the police." I was like, "What?" And I read his statement, I don't know, I mean I don't know where it came from or why it happened that way but I mean that's his story. (slow music) - [Interrogator] Anything that you want to clear up here today? Remember anything? - So I can remember it now, that's it. (ominous music) - When I was in jail and everything, I heard that JR did go with Clint to Midland and Odessa. I don't know 'er name... - Okay, this'll conclude the video. It's 3:28 on the 27th of November 2001. (ominous music) But I'll say that the way that the law is written that I didn't have it in my mind that I would be walking out of that courtroom a totally free person. But I'm thinking 10, 15, 20 years here. - [Jessica] Which is also a lot. - Yeah, it's a lot but not in Texas standards. Because Texas hands out life sentences like it's candy. (insects chirping) - These are the two option that could've happened, "I'm gonna need your vehicle, pow pow." Okay. - And where so I fall from that? - From here you would fall this way, that way. - Okay, so that doesn't make sense. - It doesn't make sense there. Okay now the other one is if I'm gettin' in the vehicle and you're turning to do whatever you got to do to see... He's right here, pow pow. - So that's what happened. - And that's what happened, you gonna fall this way. - Like this? - Yep. - And this is what happened, this is what they said. - 'Cause if I'm gettin' in the vehicle, pow pow, I need your vehicle, pow pow. - And then I... I'm not sure if he fell like this or like this, but he fell... - Towards... - Towards the steering wheel. - Yeah. So it was this guy right here gettin' in. - This was him? - This guy gettin' in, right here. - It's the only option. - Yeah, if he fell forward this guy right here shot him. Pow pow, he went forward. He was gettin' in the vehicle, that's the only way if this guy was leaning forward on the steering wheel, he was gettin' in the vehicle and he got shot from inside the vehicle. - And that's what they all said, that he was gettin' in the vehicle when the shots were fired. - Then he done it. - But they said he did it, and he said, " I didn't see it cause I was just gettin' in the vehicle." - 'Cause he's the one that done it. This guy was the one that done it, gettin' in the vehicle. - [Jessica] Only option. - That's that's the only person that could've shot him. They just, they ramrodded that guy. 'Cause the guy gettin' in the vehicle is the one that shot him. - That's David Page. - That's the only one that could've done it. When I get back in the car, Clint shots Doyle in the head twice. - Whoa, that goes very fast. So what happened in between? - Well we was just riding to Longview it's... We get out there, I go knock on the door, nobody answers, I knock on the back door, nobody answers, as I'm getting in, I don't know if you know what a... I think it was a Pontiac Grand Prix or Grand M, two door car, if you're sittin' in the drivers seat, someone else is sittin' in the passengers seat and you have to lean your seat forward, for the person to get in the back seat, all the while you're like this, two shots to the back of the head. - [Jessica] Where were these bullets placed in the head? - Well Clint was sittin' in the passengers seat, so he had turned sideways and fired. - But in your first statement you said the bullets were on the right of his head, right? - That's what I was gettin' at, he was like this, one's gonna hit him here, the other one's probably hittin' him there, I don't know. I don't know exactly where they hit him I just know they hit him somewhere in that general vicinity. - [Jessica] Yeah, they hit him in the left. - They couldn't have hit him in the left. - That's in the papers. (ominous music) - Couldn't have. - [Jessica] Hit him in the left. - Couldn't have. - [Jessica] I'm pretty sure. (ominous music) - Well on the second murder, it's my word against David Page's, they can't convict me based on David Page's statement. That's why the forensics are so important, 'cause they have nothing on me, all they have is co-defendant testimony, there's no DNA, there's no fingerprints, I mean you got two vehicles and like four guns, there's not one fingerprint from me. - [Jessica] First you stated that Clint took the final shots, right? - No. - [Jessica] In your first statement. - Oh yeah, in the first statement. - [Jessica] Why did you do that? - I was tryin' to save Mark. I got told to. - 'Cause you were friends. - Right. I've known Mark a lot longer than I've known Clint. It's like I told the investigators, first two investigators, I was tryin' to save Mark. - Can I ask you a very very honest question? And I hope you're not offended, but this is my common sense again speaking, so I'm not attacking you, and I'm not judging because I wasn't there, this is what I think, I think it's really hard to believe that someone lies in court to protect his friend and will not lie to protect his own life. Do you know, do you understand? - I never lied in court to protect my friend. - [Jessica] You said... - That was a statement. - Okay. That was your statement but it was really really important. It was your first statement. You said, "Clinton shot this guy." - He did. - [Jessica] He killed him you said. - I figured, like I told you in the beginning, I figured, you shoot someone in the head you think they're gonna die. - But what assures me that you're not saving your own life right now? What assures me that you're telling the truth? - Well the only people that know the truth is me and Clint, on the second murder. First murder, the only people that know the truth is me, Clint, Mark and Darnell. - [Jessica] Do you want the truth to come out? - Truth is out. - [Jessica] Well everyone says something different, so, one of you is telling the truth, yeah. And you say it's you. (ominous music) - So this is actually where the first bullet came in, and this is the second one. - How did they determine that? - Because these come from the same gun. - Okay. - And the third wound was on his right temple. And it came from a different gun. And this also matches up with what they say happened at the creek, when the guys was face down. So these were, there were only two shots fired with one gun, and one shot fired with the other. So this could be the only scenario. - [Jessica] Can we remove the dog? (laughing) - You said it's a two door car, right? - Mm-hmm. - Okay so he may have been leaning forward. - [Jessica] Yeah, he was actually. - So you would need to be like back here, a little bit. - [Jessica] Yeah, so yeah. - 'Cause you'd need to be a little bit... - That's uncomfortable anyway. Alright, we ready? - Yes, but the dog is still there. - She'll be alright, it's going up that way anyway. Like this here. (two rapid gunshots) - Did you hit it? - In the shoulder. - Shoulder. And one of the co-defendants said he was actually aiming, from 20 centimeters off, then you can hit him in the left? - No. - [Jessica] With your left hand then? - Yeah. - Then you would have to... - You'd have to reach around like this, where this guys is, "Oh here, hold the gun, shoot him." - [Jessica] Can you, maybe you can go that side without... - Well, you'd have to lean back. - [Jessica] Yeah. - And those two guys behind back here, gonna say, "what are you doing?" - Yes. But why would a jury believe this, if it seems so clear to us? - Prosecutor. If the prosecutor has a good story, he can get the people to believe it. Now the defendant, his attorneys gotta be real good to counteract that. Apparently he didn't have a good attorney. - [Jessica] No he didn't. No. - So that's... If you don't have a good attorney, most the time you lose anyway. (ominous music) - [Jessica] And how did the body fall when he was shot, do you remember? - Slumped over. - [Jessica] Over towards the steering wheel? - Towards the steering wheel and the side of the car. (ominous music) - [Jessica] Was Doyle dead? - He was moanin'. - He was moaning? - Yeah, he was still moaning, he wasn't moving but he was moaning. - [Jessica] And what did you do? - Well Clint had a gun, I had no gun, I helped put him in the trunk. I ain't gonna lie. - [Jessica] You had no gun? - No ma'am. And sittin' in the car and I'm just sittin' there. - With the body in the trunk? - Yes ma'am, I'm just like debating, "What do I do?" - [Jessica] And what were your options? - Well I coulda went, now that I think back on it, I coulda went and hey look... - Easily. That's what I think. I would've gone. - But I just seen this guy killed one person and he could easily say, "Hey go take care of these people, "they just snitched on me, "cops are after us." I was thinking about my family. - In the meantime this victim is moaning in the trunk. So didn't you feel like I need to help this guy? - What am I gonna do to save him, by myself, other than contact the authorities? - You didn't do that either. - The way I looked at it, the dude was already dead. - [Jessica] Were you ever sitting in the car thinking, "I can call 911 or I can just inform someone." - Well see that's why I had said something actually, I did say something about that hospital to him, I said, "Look man, we could just drop him off "out side the emergency room and take off." Then somebody else, person that didn't even shoot him, just happened to blurt out, "Ah but they got cameras outside the hospital." And then so, that kinda like nixed that idea. And they took him out there to the creek. And they laid him out there at the creek, the other co-defendant shot him, right. - The last two shots were unnecessary, in my opinion. - [Jessica] But who shot him? - Mark. - Mark did, why? - Clint told him, "Here go ahead and put him out of his misery.." - [Jessica] And he did. - "Or you'll be laying down there with him." - [Jessica] So he threatened Mark? - That's right. So he grabbed a pillow, stuck a gun in the pillow, and shot him. - [Jessica] Who grabbed a pillow? - Either Darnell or Mark, I can't remember which one, but I know there was a pillow, 'cause he fired the shots into the pillow. - [Jessica] So they put the pillow on the head? - Yes ma'am. - On the back of his head? - I believe so. - [Jessica] And then they shot him? Mark did? - Yes ma'am. - [Jessica] With what gun? - A .22 revolver. - [Jessica] Clint's gun. - Like I said, all three of them had guns. - [Jessica] And you were the only one who didn't have a gun? - Yes ma'am. - [Jessica] But if all three have a gun, why would they go to the creek because Clinton says so? If they all have a gun. - You would have to ask them. - [Jessica] It doesn't make any sense to me. - It'd be different, if I would've had a gun I probably would've shot Clint. That's just me. You're threatening me, okay, self preservation. If I would've had a gun I would've shot Clint and that'd made me a hero. If Mark would've shot him, that'd make him a hero, if Darnell would've shot him that'd make him a hero. He done shot somebody. - But tell me how it works when Mark has a gun, Clint... I'm just trying to understand, maybe I'm just missing something, Clint has a gun, he says to Mark, "Shoot him or otherwise you'll be laying with him." Why didn't Mark shoot Clint? - You'd have to ask Mark that. - [Jessica] But what do you think? - Like I said I don't try to rationalize what other people think. It's a lost cause. (ominous music) - We took the back roads to our house and he dropped me off close to my gate. (ominous music) - Here's the problem, and this is the thing about Texas law, there's what's called The Law of Parties, Now I wasn't indicted as the primary shooter, I was tried as the primary shooter, I held all these people that had guns hostage, you know, I forced them all to do everything, everybody's got a gun but the person testifying, everybody's in fear for their life. (ominous music) - [Jessica] What would've been your motive? What does the prosecutor say about your motive? - Well they said it was for the car, to go see the girl. But that... - Oh right, yeah that was the first one, right? - Right, right. They said that and then I needed another car, but throughout the interview process my co-defendant, one of them, eventually says something about the car being taken, right? And so the police just kind of latched on to that. Because that's what makes it capital murder. So you can kill somebody and walk away and that's not death penalty. - [Jessica] That's not capital murder? - Right, it's not capital murder. You can kill somebody, walk away, come back and take their shoes, that's not capital murder. - [Jessica] No. - But if you kill somebody for their shoes, it's capital murder. So they had to prove this theme that I killed the people for their car. To take the car, and they wanted to prove a continuous episode because of the second murder. They wanted to figure a way to tie them together. So the only thing they could come up with was that both cars were taken to go see... - [Jessica] The girl. - The girl in Midland, right. Of course nobody ever brought up the fact of me having a car. (laughing) (ominous music) - I walked up to the truck, Clint was sittin' in the truck with the guy. The dude said he was gonna give us a ride. - [Jessica] This is Petrey? - Yes ma'am. Supposedly he has family in Midland and he was gonna go out there anyway. - [Jessica] Did you know him, Petrey? - No. - Never seen him? - Never seen him. - We just got gas. We just got gas. I'm not fixin' to pay for $10 worth of gas, if I'm fixin' to kidnap somebody 15 feet away, and carjack him, and abandon his car, that don't make no sense. I'm sayin', "Hey well I'm fixin' to pull up here, "go get some cigarettes and somethin' to drink." So I go into the Brookshire's, I come out, this dude's sittin' in the car, in the truck, and I'm like, "What's goin' on?" And so he's like, "It's cool man, I got this," So I'm like, (sighs) "Hey man we need to talk, right." so I get into the car and I drive off, right. And he follows me and we end up later on, I said, "What are you doin'?" He said, "Well we needed to get rid of Doyle's car." I said, "Okay, but what's up with this dude?" He said, "Well man, you know, he's just givin' us a ride." And he kind of grinned. Now I never heard him threaten Samuel Petrey and I never seen him threaten Samuel Petrey, again I was inside the Brookshire's. Which the police never went there and interviewed anybody, conveniently. They never talk to the, in a matter of fact in the evidence, you see the photos of Brookshire's parking lot, there's a sub gas station, a small gas station, here in the United States, I'm sure you've seen these big shopping centers they've got little gas stations in the parking lot. - Yes. There's one like that at the Brookshire's, there's a little gas station right there, they never talked to that clerk. - [Jessica] Why? - I don't know, I mean the police never, they never investigated the crime scene. They just, I mean, David Page told them what happened and that's... they just drove by like three weeks later and took pictures of the parkin' lot. - [Jessica] Three weeks later? - Yes, three weeks. That's all they did. There's no police report, there's nothing, they never investigated that. They never talked to a store clerk, they never issued a media release asking if anybody seen any witnesses. David Page told them I kidnapped him and that's all they ran with. - So we stopped by, what's called a pump jack, for the oil fields, things that pump up and down pump the oil out of the ground. - [Jessica] Yeah. - While me and Sam are talkin', Clint's walkin' back and forth on the edge of the truck like, say that's the truck, Clint's walkin' back and forth right here, me and Sam are right here. About that time you hear, "Sorry Sam, you gotta die." Shot him twice. By the time I'm to the second murder, I've went to sleep. And the gunshots woke me up. When I jumped out of the truck and I seen there was only one person standing there, David Page. Well I asked him why'd he shot him, and he said, "He knew my name." - He knew Page's name? - Right, right. And what it was, I had talked to my ex's father, and he said, "The Texas Rangers are lookin' for David Page." And I turned around, I didn't know the conversation that David Page had while I was asleep. And he'd been tellin' this dude his whole life story. So I said, "Hey they say the Texas Rangers are lookin' for you for murder." 'Cause see at first they weren't even lookin' for me they were lookin' for him for the murder of Doyle, the first victim. And I said, "Hey dude, they lookin' for you for murder." Well right away his eyes cut back there. And so I'm like, (sighs) I shouldn't have said that. But like I said even then I didn't know what all they'd talked about. And then come to find out afterwards he told him he was from Ore City, Texas. And he done told this dude his whole life story, right. (ominous music) - Alright I was in B Wing with Page, I know I was there with Page, I'm not sure of anybody else because (mumbles) inmate requires that but... Then, I know, I had seen on the news when everything happened, you know what I'm sayin' as far as the case goes. And then later on, and then he ended up comin' in there, you know. And then... But they didn't say everything as far as details, but then later on he started talking about things. - [Jessica] Page was? - Yeah. And I know they were cutting him a deal, as far as testify against Clint, you know what I'm sayin'. - [Jessica] How did you know about a deal? - About what? - [Jessica] You said, I knew he had a deal, but how did you know? - Because he was all tellin' people. I think he said like 40 or 30 year plea agreement, you know what I'm sayin', to testify against Clint. - But who did he have the deal with? - The DA, I believe. - [Jessica] But he told you that? - Yes ma'am. - [Jessica] One on one. - Yes ma'am. (ominous music) - Yeah, David Page, it was 2010. Well he come in there and at first we didn't know what he was in there for and then he was like, "I'm in here, I got 30 years for murder." And then he went on telling us about his case. (ominous music) How they drove, who shot who, yeah he was sayin' a lot of stuff that he shouldn't have been sayin'. - [Jessica] Like what? - Where they hid, where he hid the gloves. Something about he took them in his truck and took them somewhere else. How they were at a pump jack and he shot that dude in the head. - [Jessica] He is, David? - Yes, David Page, my bad. I'll verify. But David Page said something about how his lawyer paid off the district attorney and they made a deal, a plea agreement. That if David Page testified he'd get 30 years and that Clint Young would get the death penalty. Like 30 years for David Page, that's the least amount I've ever seen anybody get for murder. Ever. Usually it's 80, 90, 75. I've never seen nobody just get 30 years. - [Jessica] And you actually overheard him saying that he made a deal? - Yeah, oh yeah, he told me. He said his lawyer made a deal with the district attorney that if he'd testify that they would guarantee him that he would get no more than 30 years. And that he would be out in 15. (ominous music) - And how come so many people say that you admitted the crime? How does that work? - Well, it's a lie. - [Jessica] And it's also a lie that you have said that they were not gonna connect you to the murder because you were wearing gloves? But were you wearing gloves, that night? - I had bought some, yes. - Why? - 'Cause it was cold. - [Jessica] It was 11 degrees. - Hmm. - [Jessica] It was 11 degrees, or 11 Celsius. - It was cold. It wasn't no 11 degrees out. We were all wearing jackets. - [Jessica] Mm-hmm. - So. (laughs) If you're wearing jackets it's kind of cold. You really can't tell but I've got messed up hand here, messed up right there from fighting, I've got poor blood flow due to cutting myself right there when I was younger. Messed up this hand whenever I was a little kid. My hands get colder, my hands are cold right now and I've had them like this almost the whole time except for the time I'm using, so... - [Jessica] So you needed them because you were cold? - Yes ma'am. - [Jessica] So you never said that you shot Sam Petrey through the head, twice? - No. - [Jessica] And that they will never connect you to the murder, that's just untrue. - Whenever they asked me about it I said, "There's no way they can connect me to it, "due to the fact that where I was standing, "where Clint was standing, "and where Sam Petrey was standing." - [Jessica] Mm-hmm. - And the fact that the bullets came from the wrong area. They can't place the gun in my hand, with or without gloves on. (ominous music) - [Jessica] But where are those gloves now? - In the State's custody. They tried to destroy them. And I said, "Look I didn't kill that old man." Take my DNA, take my blood, take my hair samples, test them gloves, I didn't kill that dude." They didn't know what gloves I was talking about, so we sat there arguing about gloves. Finally they go back out to the crime scene and found them. They left them out there. But when they sent the gloves to be tested they asked for DNA testing on the outside of the gloves and all these years I was thinking, "Why would they do that?" (ominous music) - [Jessica] So they offered you a plea deal? - Yes ma'am. - For how many years? - I think it was either like 60 or 65. - [Jessica] 60 or 65? - It was 60 probably. - [Jessica] And how did that feel to you? - I'm like, "For what, I've like came, I told y'all "what I knew, "about both murders." - So first they offered you 60 and then at one point they offered you 30, right? - Yes ma'am. - [Jessica] It didn't feel right. - No it didn't feel right at all. - [Jessica] Because you helped them, right. - I figured you help me, I'll help you. - [Jessica] Mm-hmm. - Okay, this is where the criminality of the State's actions come in because they're bound by Supreme Court Law. I mean it's the law of the land if you make a plea bargain you have to inform the defense. When I go into that trial, I'm allowed to know everything that's going on. My lawyers had a hearing before the trial and put the District Attorneys on the stand under oath and asked them, "Has there been any talks of plea bargains?" - And they said no? - They all said no. Okay well we got that report, the new attorneys and I did, they get the lawyers personal file and that's how they got this report, and so they go get the attorneys billing records, that he's filed with the courthouse, to get his money. And on almost every line is, "Met with district attorney and client to discuss plea bargain." Met with district attorney... It's like five lines. - This'll conclude the video, it's 3:28 on the 27th of November 2001. (ominous music) - Is it true that Investigator (bleep) told you that he thinks that you are the killer in the second case. - Yes. - [Jessica] And what did you respond to him when he said that? - The same scenario. - And what did he say about that same scenario of yours? - He never shot it down but he just kept saying, I still think that you're the one that did it. I think that you're the one that did it. (ominous music) - The DA had never had a death penalty case and here comes this horrible case. And it was me not saying nothing. So he got one side of the story. And that's the co-defendants. It was just, it was like the perfect storm for him. And he went all out. And he had this big elaborate trial, like it's never been had in Texas before, he just rolled his dice, and after the State upheld my conviction, appeals court held my conviction, he retired. - The only reason I can think of, and forgive me if this is too short sighted but the only thing I could think of is they offered you a deal because you were the killer and they wanted to close the case. They wanted to have this capital murder. - You're wrong. - [Jessica] So that didn't happen? - No ma'am. - And how would you feel if he had actually been executed? What would it do to you or to your soul or to your... - There's a saying that my religion has and it's pretty much the only rule we have to follow "And ye harm none, do what you will." I can do what I want as long as I'm not hurting anyone. - [Jessica] You never hurt anyone? - I can't say that. But since I've picked up this religion, I've done my best not to. - [Jessica] And when did you pick up this religion? - 2006. - [Jessica] So after the... - Yes ma'am. (ominous music) (ominous music continues) (metal door clanks)
Channel: Real Stories
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 5sec (3485 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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