CLIMBING Technique 96% of Climbers DON'T UNDERSTAND

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today we are going to talk about a crucial body part in the climbing technique that's Often underutilized by beginner and intermediate climbers for the sake of not dragging out the answer I'll tell you now that it's your hips there's certainly other body parts that are more important like fingers or posterior chain but I chose the hips today more for a better reason being in the climbing Community for quite some time now I've noticed that finger strength and posterior chains get plenty of attention yet the hips are the next most important thing despite getting so little attention comparatively especially when it comes to comprehensive climbing tips content these are so simple in hindsight and once you start implementing them consistently then I think you'll be surprised by just how much your climbing style can evolve you may have heard the phrase use your hips before from more advanced climbers and wondered what the heck that means in my experience certain movements really help teach climbers how to start using them more so in this video we'll go over some of the best ones to start helping you use them more along with some of my favorite tips for getting the most out of them all right we're gonna kick things off with the static examples the entry-level example of using your hips is the example given in the drills for beginners video so in that video I mentioned how it is all about getting your weight over your foot in this scenario the hips represent your center of gravity so this is where the majority of your weight will be and the foot you sit on is your base of support and base of support could also be thought of as like the place where your weight exerts Force onto your feet the perch is such a common and crucial technique for not only efficient movement but also to learn how to feel your hips in an accessible manner you really want to flex as many muscles as you can when doing a purse so that way it'll help to develop a good mind muscle connection with your posterior so my recommendation is when doing a perch really try to flex your butt and hamstrings and you want to force your butt up into the wall I want to keep those hips close to the wall the more intermediate example of using your hips in a static context is going to be the sad the SAG is a very positional technique that is all about learning to disengage your body so you have just the right amount of tension on a climb some climbs will have moves where if you try to do them from bent arms then it means that as you fall into the hold you'll have to fight gravity even more to keep your current position similarly the potential energy from being higher due to contracted arms means the swing will be more intense the same concept can apply to your hips and maybe even more so because of the fact that as we said your center of gravity is where the majority of your weight will lie the SAG is commonly used in modern day Boulder climbs where the Finish is pretty slopy and requires sinking into a sloper in order to reduce the amount of weight that is being exerted on these sort of low leverage holes however the SAG is a lot more versatile than most realize and it can be used in a variety of situations to make all sorts of moves easier in the example we've seen so far you can see that I'm using this sag and keep my body low as I fall into this crimp in the middle of the face this is a huge optimization for me since it puts my body in the position that I would have already fallen into had I not been saggy whether you're struggling on a difficult tension Crux or looking to make easier movements more efficient then remember to always be on the lookout for opportunities to employ this technique because it can have a huge impact on your climbing efficiency all right so now we're going to talk about the dynamic instances of using your hip so the first time that I had learned about using my hips for momentum was when I was around six months in declining I asked a friend of mine who was really technically good like in the sense that he climbed harder than you'd expect for his physical strength and his advice was to use my hips to get to hold some more and I had no idea what he meant by that so we went up to an easy climb with some nice jugs wide feet and where the next move would be a slightly horizontal move my first attempt I did the move by pulling with my arms since this was back when I was more of a lock-off team but then he showed me how to do it where you keep your arms straight this forces you to rock between your legs and doing so will create momentum that is manipulating where your center of gravity is doing this will leverage not only your legs but also leverages momentum doubly reducing load on your arms but as you start to progress your usage of hit motions to generate momentum you'll start to discover positions where you feel stuck unable to swing your hips you might determine that hip motions aren't a viable solution to the problem yet in many though not all of these circumstances it's still possible to leverage your hips for now I'll discuss a very specific instance where this happened these are called hip thrusts a hip thrust is when you want to use a pelvic tilt from either a highly tension oriented or delicate positions to create momentum with minimal swings generally for moves where the minimal swing is necessary to not compromise your position but the momentum is still required to execute move without raw strength let's start with examining what a pelvic tilt is most people are aware of either pelvic tilt as a post-pregnancy exercise or they've had anterior pelvic tilt which is often seen in people who sit too much and it's a phenomenon where their hips start to point downwards but the exercise itself though is actually more about using your lower back to control the orientation of your hips and learning this motion is surprisingly useful when trying to conduct Dynamic movements from these sorts of delicate positions we mentioned before when using the pelvic tilt to create a hip thrust the goal is to push back like you would on many Dynamic movements yet instead of just pushing away from the wall then also want to incorporate this pelvic tilt to help stick your butt out so after you push away from the wall and stick your butt out you'll want to then pull as hard as you can and hopefully with all your lips don't ignore the Heat and then as you're pulling as hard as you can rather than doing nothing with your core instead use the opposite direction of the pelvic tilt to instead forcefully hump the wall this helps to direct your weight into the wall as you're conducting Dynamic movements if you want another tip on how to use your hips then the first drill in this video on drills for intermediate climbers also has some valuable information on how to flex your butt to keep your hips up which is great for better maintaining tension alright so hopefully these tips for how to use your hips have been helpful if you like the video then subscribe for more climbing technique and progression tips and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: beta boi brandon
Views: 120,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: climbing, bouldering, climbing technique, bouldering technique, beginner climbing technique, intermediate climbing technique, v3 to v4 bouldering, v3 bouldering, v4 bouldering, v5 bouldering, v6 bouldering, hips in climbing, how to use your hips in climbing
Id: Gnl-ZnH_PsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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