Climb Up The Tower To Save My DOG Challenge in Minecraft

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our dog Max was just taken away by a mutant zombie oh no not Max where is he he's in this Tower right over here Corey and we have to climb all the way to the top to save Max from the mutant zombie before he eats him okay well let's go save Max hurry all right let's go open the door Corey and wait there's a zombie it must be the mutant zombies minion let's see what he has to say Max will be Ian and this is his bone Quarry No I gave him birthday homes we have we got save him right now all right Corey and it looks like there's two ladders to go up this Tower but which one should we pick left or right ohms you choose uh all right let's go to the right way because right is always right hopefully we don't get trapped and eaten by the zombie right hopefully let's see and um ohms oh my gosh Corey there are like a thousand zombies over here what are we gonna do I don't know I think we gotta fight them ohms but what's in his chest um let's see and oh my gosh it's an iron sword and a bunch of golden carrots well let's get rid of these minions you ready yeah Corey together me and you we're gonna be able to take them on you ready three two one go Corey go get the zombies get them I'm getting them and why are they all named Timmy I don't know Corey but I'm in a corner and I need help open time no okay I'm coming I'm coming oh no time don't die there you Corey you saved me I almost just died right there but we have to finish them off and come on I got some and they're all dead we did it Corey yes perfect Holmes let's keep going we gotta save our dog all right and now we can climb up these ladders let's go perfect ohms and whoa what is this Corey there is so many things in this room I see a Target block some Redstone and another chest Tom okay it looks like we have to hit that Target block somehow to activate this redstone block and it's gonna open this door so we can get up oh you're right Ole Miss but look over here there's a chest wait really oh yeah there is a chest but what's inside I don't know let's see and oh there's a crossbow and one Arrow this must mean that we have to shoot that Target block with one drive but Corey are we gonna make it ohms I believe in you you can shoot it do you really believe in me Corey because I don't know if I can no almost you can do it I promise all right Corey since you said I could do it I'ma pull the arrow back and I'm gonna at the Target and in three two one here and wait Corey I did it the Redstone Block got pushed and the door open let's go homes one step closer to saving our dog come on hurry all right I'm going up Corey and we have to be quick or else the Mew and zombies gonna eat him and wait a minute what's this is this a bunch of Parkour homes this look super duper hard I know and wait there's a chest in the middle I wonder what's inside this let's see and golden apples ohms oh my gosh we each get 32 and these heal us up so much look at how many hearts we have now this is perfect homes let's keep going all right Corey do you think you could do this parkour first try of course so if you're ready here we go and yes I made it to the top and um ohms watching shot you Corey there's arrows going everywhere way I'm coming up let me see this and I made it what's going on um way Corey they're skeletons we gotta go quickly go go go okay okay hurry hurry hurry oh Corey we made it that was super duper close we almost got killed by the skeletons I know homies that was so scary but what is this um I don't know there's a bunch of leaves and there's a sign right here it says you'll never make it to the top is the mutant zombie talking about us oh no oh because he must be getting close to eating our dog we gotta hurry all right Corey let's go and wait is this a maze I think so ohms this looks super duper hard Corey follow me I know everything about mazes let's go this way and then this way and then this way and then this way and then this way and then this way and wait Corey I'm actually right this is the way up whoa what how'd you do that but oh is this a missing ladder oh no we must have to find the missing ladder but where could it be it's probably somewhere in the Maze almost let's keep looking for it all right hum is there a chest anywhere around I don't see anything do you and wait homes I think I see it wait really cool you actually found the chest yup it's right over here and it has one ladder oh really perfect give it to me okay here you go and now go place it down oh I'm sorry all right follow me Corey we're running out of time we gotta save our dog and place the ladder down and let's climb up okay here we go here we go and wait a minute Corey we made it to the top we're here whoa this is oh this is something but what is this is this like a camping ground uh I don't know but there's a chest right here let's see what's inside and inside the chest is a helmet and a water bucket nice but wait a minute there's a paper here it says I took your dog to the next Tower wait what our dog Max is in the next Tower but Cory how do we get down from here well it gave us a water bucket and a diamond helmet and I think we can use this to our advantage um Corey how is water gonna help us get down we are so high up we are literally higher than the clouds right now like this almost you ready oh what are you gonna do Corey don't do anything dangerous here we go oh Cory and wait why oh you saved yourself with water Now Catch Me Corey catch me yes nice you got me Corey perfect but wait now we have to go to the next Tower and it's this giant wooden one Corey let's go let's go okay let's go inside and whoa do you see this what the heck is all of this it looks like a roller coaster it looks super duper cool um all right and look there's a chest right over here let's open it up okay and it's two Minecart zombies one for you and one for me so let's place it down right over here okay and now let's go three two one hit the bottom here we go and wait a minute what's all this way Cory there's arrows oh my gosh Cory Cory there's arrows I'm dying I'm dying oh this hurts that was super duper dangerous Corey look at our bodies oh there's so many arrows but anything for Max you're right Corey but eat your golden apple so we can heal up some of our hearts that we lost okay I did it and now we're back to full health Bo what the heck is this there's a random chest here ohms with some bamboo behind it hmm yeah look up there Corey above us is a hole and that must be where Max is oh you're right but how do we get there huh maybe it has something to do with his chest and wait there's two pieces of string what do we do with this I have no idea homes maybe it has something to do with the bamboo let's break it down okay and how many bamboo pieces do we have I have six I have six two all right give them to me there you go and wait there's a crafting table let's see what we can make ah wait oh Corey we can make scaffolding with this oh that's so smart homies and we can use that to climb up exactly so let's Place one like this and climb up Corey oh yeah we're going all the way to the top and yes we made it to the next level let's go ohms but wait a minute what is this I don't know there's a bunch of Honey blocks huh wait a minute Corey I think I know what this is it looks like honey parkour wait honey parkour what's that I'll show you but first what's in this chest oh oh my gosh yes even more armor now we have pants and booties perfect homes but we you should hurry I think Max is gonna be eating soon oh no you're right come on Corey follow me up these ladders and I'm gonna show you how to do honey parkour okay ohms so we have to jump all the way down to that ladder but instead of just jumping we have to jump onto the honey and hold it and yes I made it Corey now it's your turn try it out whoa that looks so cool okay and oh yes we Sue McCory good job and now we just have to do a few more times go homes all righty hold the honey and yes I made it Corey now it's your turn do it I made it too all right and now the last one Eddie asked Corey I just barely made it did you yup let's go and Max are you up here wait a minute Corey he's not here but there's three doorways and I think I hear some does that mean I think it means if we pick the wrong door away we're gonna be zombie food oh no what do we do um let's see this doorway has a bunch of fire in it oh my gosh let's see the middle one this one has a bunch of zombies in it and then the last one there's nothing um but this seems too good to be true right yeah let's go to the fire one ohms uh Corey are you sure you want us to stand on Fire It's Gonna burn our toes off this is probably fake fire ohms let me test it and um oh Cory's enough it's not fake it's not fake all right here take my water and climb up quickly Cory get up oh thank you ohms oh are your toes okay yeah they're fine all right um should we try the zombie way yeah let's go come on and oh oh my gosh there's so many sorry oh my gosh this was definitely not the right way and now we're gonna die I'm trying to do oh I'm super low I have one heart but let's get out of here ohms all right and wait Corey was the real way actually this way are you serious I can't believe it we should have went this way the first time we're so silly yeah but let's go inside and there's a ladder to get out oh yes Corey perfect and what's up here oh wait it looks like some Parkour is that slime parkour I think so I think we have to jump jump on the Slime like a trampoline and then jump to the other side but that's gonna be super hard right I don't think so almost watch this oh my gosh Corey you jump so high all right now I believe I could do it too and yes I made it Corey we did it nice so let's keep going up all right Max we're coming to save you don't worry we're here Max where are you and um ohms wait a minute he's not here Corey we were too late but there's another chest again what's inside let me see what's in his chest and oh no ohms wait what does it say I'm gonna eat Max in the next Tower we gotta get out of here quick okay okay hurry always follow me we gotta jump again here I go oh I'm right behind you Corey catch me call me thank you Corey let's go let's go let's go Max is in this tower all right we don't have any time to waste it oh my gosh it's a diamond Tower and wait what are these jumps I don't know homes they look super duper High though how are we supposed to do that I don't know we can't jump that high we can only jump like one block but this is like ten so what do we do oh wait there's a chest in here maybe and here's a hint and wait there's ender pearls and their pearls what do we do with those with ender pearls we could throw them like that and teleport to the platform come up Corey okay I'm coming and they made it good job Corey all right let's go to the next one ender pearl throw and yes I made it me too here we go and one and one more oh but I didn't eat a golden apple to heal some health okay let me see and I made it two ohms oh good job Corey now let's go up to here and I made it okay and yes I made it too nice job Corey now let's go up to here and then the last one over here and yes I made it to the end and I'm just gonna skip to the end ohms there we go oh nice job Corey we made it now let's climb up these ladders and wait a minute Corey what is this why is there a bunch of lava homes I don't know but it looks like we have to get all the way to the other side to climb up to the next area right yeah how do we do that um wait a minute there's ladders behind us let's climb up here and uh wait there's a chest okay what's inside here oh there's a slow falling potion so that means we have to jump from this platform all the way to the other side with this potion oh that sounds awesome hurry all right and poop did you get the effect yup I did me too now let's jump in three two one bad yes Corey I made it did you yeah I did too all right Corey let's climb up to the next part and wait there's another one of these lava jumps but how are we gonna do this we can't make it with just a slow falling I don't know oh but there's another chest underneath you and wait there's 32 enchanted golden apples these are the best golden apples in the game but why homes um let's see what happens if we eat them and oh Corey we got fire resistance for five minutes so that means we could just jump into lava and not die oh that's so smart oh I'm sorry hurry Max is gonna be eating soon oh no go go go go and yes we made it to the ladders climb up Corey climb up okay I'm up and uh ohms yeah what the heck is this there's a bunch of indicators oh no Corey grab a diamond sword and let's fight them we could do it together okay okay they're so strong they're so strong in a golden apple oh no no Corey these are the strongest mobs in the game how are we gonna do this I have time wait Cory imagine better die I'm actually about to die this is really really bad today so strong they can do magic oh no Corey get him get him die die come on yes we're getting them all now they're just these floaty fairy thingies get out of here hurry up kill them homes kill them all right and die come on get out of here and get him Corey nice is that it yeah I think so almost that was so scary but look we're at the top of the tower yes Corey we can save Max now go go go go go go go Max we're here and wait Corey there's a throne here for the mutant zombie King but he's not here so where's Max I don't know let's see what's inside this chest and wait Corey there's another note and it says Max is in the emerald Tower Corey no oh my gosh shows were too slow we gotta hurry all right Corey let's jump off and I'm gonna do the clutch and yes and this is the final Tower Corey Sophie's not in here that means Max has been eating oh no oh let's go inside and whoa what the heck is this there's some slime over here and a Target block but why I don't know do we shoot it again I guess but wait there's a chest let's see what's inside and yeah there's 32 arrows and we could use the crossbow from before oh nice almost loaded up load it up and shoot it all right Corey Seattle the slime with me and I'm gonna shoot it in three two one shoe and whoa we got launched up here oh that was pretty fun oh but what is all of this it looks like some Emerald parkour and look there's two ways to go up hmm oh ohms I think I get it wait what one of us goes the right way and one of us goes to left weight and we have to press the buttons at the same time oh that makes so much sense so I'm gonna go this way and you go the other way Corey made it okay and I made it too you ready to hit the button in three two one hit it and yes blocks appeared all right Cory let's do some barcode catch up on the ladder follow me okay okay I'm right behind you ohms and wait there's a chest over here but what's inside I don't know let's see and there's some TNT but for why I have no idea huh let's climb up more and find out and whoa there's a room in here with just a redstone block what should we do um TNT Redstone oh I get it wait what Corey Play City and T on top of the redstone block and it should blow up this wall oh you're right Corey let's try it Corey run back take cover and boom nice oh yeah we made it and wait what does it say so much for privacy Corey what is this why is there a villager over here and is this his bathroom Corey is he taking a poop right now I think so on oh my gosh yes he is oh let me take a smell ew Corey that is disgusting and Wait Almost I think I see something in here wait what's in there what oh wait oh oh wait Corey is that his hoop really I think so he'll get it away oh my gosh Cory that is disgusting let's get out of here okay and wait there's another set of ladders and a chest with five pieces of TNT Corey what are we about to do I have no idea but I think some things are gonna explode oh no let's climb up Corey quickly quickly okay I'm coming and wait a minute Corey what the heck is this uh ohms are these emeralds yeah and hum it looks like they're marking a trail for us to follow should we walk on them can we even walk on emeralds I don't think so it looks like we would just fall straight into the lava but do we have any other choice I don't think so I'll try first you ready yoms okay Corey please don't fall in and boom oh it works Holmes oh we can run on them nice all right Cory follow me all the way to the other side go follow him that's gonna be really really really bad I made it Corey now just follow me and there's another chest with two more pieces of TNT now we have seven why do we need so much TNT I have no idea but wait there's more Tower to climb so let's go and we're getting close to the top but what the heck is this um ohms it looks like some water some Redstone a button but for what wait ohms I think it might be a TNT launcher oh that makes so much sense that must be why we have seven pieces of TNT to put all around this but wait we're missing a piece of TNT but wait what's that Target for oh wait Corey maybe that's the last piece of TNT let me shoot it and oh there's gunpowder yes and he's dropping a bunch of materials look look oh nice and this is all the materials we need to make another piece of TNT okay hurry make it make it ohms our dog is up there Max is gonna eat all right Cory it's ready and now are you ready to get launched yup bones I'm ready and let's hit the button and Corey get on the fence quick okay okay I'm on and whoa we're so high up and wait a minute Corey I see him yeah me too um you and zombie then free them okay let's go let's go and Cory got he's heading me Corey this is really bad we're bouncing everywhere he's going crazy oh no oh no I'm sorry lead him down lead him down all right come down here Mr zombie wait Corey he's actually hitting me everywhere I need help oh no no way where do you go Corey he's right here he's right he's right here oh wait Mister oh no Cory yeah I'm okay I'm okay get him get him all right Corey wait a minute I ate one Corey now I'm attacking him get him Corey get him get him you can't beat me and Corey cause we have teamwork and friendship we gotta save Max you gotta [Music] we got him down let's go let's go home we did it we saved the day for the mutant zombie now all we have to do is free Max come here Max let's go and now let's free Max come here Max we missed you so much buddy ah we got him you're such a good dog Max and if you want to join the family scroll down and subscribe
Channel: Omz
Views: 2,619,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft but, minecraft troll, minecraft pranks, minecraft funny, noob vs pro, minecraft, hacker, minecraft noob vs pro, minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker, build, house, challenge, minecraft pro vs noob, animation, minecraft animation, noob, pro, vs, big house minecraft, safest, mob proof, jayjay and mikey, mikey and jayjay, jj and mike, maizan, water slide, troll, prank, minecraft prank, omziscool, kory, omz, family friendly, minecraft trolling, minecraft challenge
Id: JnBlFlzGfAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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