Climb Like A Pro Cyclist! | Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid

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[Music] sunriders were born to climb light agile and hair climbed like a scolded cat and then there is some riders that just don't like the sight of any incline the sight of a mountain in the distance strikes fear in their eyes yep so in this video i'm gonna give you all the tools and what to avoid when climbing so next time you take on some climbs wow you'll be climbing like that mountain goat i know you are right now it's time to hit the climbs right [Music] let's start off with a really common mistake something most of us i mean well nearly all of us have made when climbing and that is starting to climb too fast too hard just think about it we're really excited we come into the climb really fast we want to keep up with our mates only to get 500 meters we're out of breath we're breathing out of a gasket we've gone so far into the red we don't even know if we can get up the climb don't make this mistake pace yourself go in nice and easily back off a gear or two and wait until the last little bit of the climb where we can empty the tanks and unless you're doing hill climb well you're not going to want to go too deep because i'm guessing you've got a little bit more roddy after the climb now if the climb's familiar you could time it to perfection pace it till the last moment but if it's unfamiliar well it's a little bit more difficult but make sure you go in easy and you work up that sweat [Music] now it has to be said the longer the climb the more important pacing is the shorter the climb well i guess you can get away with powering over it but when you hit those mountains it's all about pacing so to recap don't go into a climb too fast pace yourself right within yourself and finish strong you got this [Music] when we climb we're going to be expending more energy and the last thing we'll do is hit a climb where you're depleted on energy stores it's just not going to end well you might not even make it up to the top of the climb bonk and it all end really badly so we need to be prepared if you know a climb is coming up then fuel up have a gel or a bar but be careful you don't eat too much the last thing you want to do is eat too much and then feel rubbish when you hit the climb you want that happy medium you don't want any big highs or any big lows keep it nice and constant that way you'll end faster and you probably will go further and likewise while eating on the bike isn't advisable either i mean think about it you stuff your face and then you're breathing heavy how can you fit food in and the oxygen you need well it's just not going to happen just think about it though have you ever seen a tour de france rider fill their mouths full of food on a mountain so if they don't do it you don't either be prepared [Music] now another mistake a lot of people make is staying in the same position for the duration of the climb and all that happens is that you hit the top and you saw your back your neck maybe even your bottom so how do we stop this well all you need to do is switch up your position as you're going up the climb the longer the climb the more you can switch it up and what i mean by this is not only setting the hoods sitting back on your saddle but when it gets a bit steeper maybe jump out the saddle all this does is alleviate some of the pressure from your bottom but also get some of your other muscles working you might even find you start putting out more power now this isn't super sustainable especially for those long climbs so when you get back in the saddle mix up those hand positions maybe on the tops on the hoods and if you're really brave well you can hit the drops like the great pantani known for driving down up the climbs in that aerodynamic position now this is all about anticipating what's coming up what you want to do is look far enough ahead so you can see the different gradients and the change of the climb if you come into a hairpin and it's a bit steeper well you want to prepare for that and by that i mean changing your gears drop down a gear that way when you hit the incline you could jump out the saddle or even rev out meaning you're going to get over that climb that bit easier what you don't want to do is leave it too late hit a 15 incline and then try and change gear well let's just say it's not going to end well it's far more difficult to change gear under load so try and anticipate what's coming up and change your gears accordingly a lot of people make the mistake of pushing a two big gear trying to stay in that big ring when you just don't need to the muscle's gonna wear out quicker and you're just gonna well not go very fast so drop down the gears make it a little bit easier for yourself get a gear or two easier than you think that way you're putting less of the load on your muscles and more in your cardiovascular system [Music] and then there's rocking of the body bobbing you see the pros keep nice and steady on the bike surplus all that power is being generated it's all going into the legs and this is what we want to replicate so if you can engage that core keep that up body still and that way you'll become a more efficient climber now this does take practice so take it steady practice it and before you know it well you'll kill it i got faith in you so there we have it the most common mistakes that you're going to want to avoid now i'm hoping that sharing this video with you you're not going to make the same mistakes we have but if you've got other mistakes that you make on climbs then let me know in the comment section below and i guess well i'll see you in the next video but don't forget give this video a big thumbs up if it's helped and you've enjoyed it i've conquered that climb now so uh on to the next one
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 794,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: climbing, climb, climbs, climber, grimpeur, uphill, riding uphill, cycling, cycling uphill, mountains, hills, puncheur, mistakes, errors, tips, top tips, better, improve, skills, gears, gearing, technique, pacing, contador, froome, pantani, speed, gradient, steep, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Road Bicycle, Top 10, GCN Cycling, velo, hank, james lowsley-williams, sec-top-10, sca15, gc21s, ិ, ꗧ, c1, ꔈ, ꗶ, Ղ, n1, ක, ཋ, ሙ, ସ, ଙ, ホ, ᠫ, ケ, パ, ළ, Ա, Լ, Ծ, Հ, ፕ20, ェ, ዾ, 4470
Id: CcU65BuXt1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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