ClexaCon 2019 - Avalance Panel

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okay who needs a minute after that video because I do so thanks for bearing with us we're super excited to start this my name for those that don't know is Jess HD when I'm not eating out about everything queer superhero fandom I oversee all of creator and diversity programming for YouTube spaces and my pronouns are she and her and I think we should normalize it so thank you less watch TV for bringing it up and mentioning it but enough about me we're here to talk all things legends of tomorrow a little show no one knows about so without further ado I'd like to bring to the stage as we know them Sara Lance and Ava sharp caity lotz and Jess McCullen Hey hi welcome um I love that you have Bebo that was really are rated and Bebo is like he was trying to close his eyes in they're too big won't be but tonight that was awesome come on Instagram live right now [Applause] so welcome to collects akan welcome back Katie um so far so good like what's your first impressions of this a Feng Shui thing going on oh go for it we go you know you're said at the bar with people and they're like this the whole time so there now we can all see each other I'm all about sitting however you guys feel comfortable huh so first impressions like how does this differ from other I mean you guys do tons of Comic Cons how does this differ this kind of comic-con well that's to you cuz you you do tons and you've been here before I mean I can say that but I've never been here and I'm like I walked out just for the first signing and I saw people that I've seen in the few Comic Cons that I've done and because just the representation and the the specific amazing strength of everyone that's out there I just started shaking and like almost cried with the people that were out there because I had new faces and faces of people that I'd already seen like in London and then San Jose people think so far away so it's amazing to see people that are friends that I feel like I've made I feel like I belong here so for the record Katie I am super impressed that when we last talked was than literally a couple days before the season 3 finale and you and Maisie held the secret in about Bebo about the Bebo bomb let's just put it that way which was mind blowing and set the bar so freakin high and then yet you go into season four and we have man-eating unicorns what has been did you know where you guys were going in season four and like what's been the coolest like surprise that they've thrown on you I mean I've just been really impressed with our writers that especially like after season three you're like how do you how do you top that and that's pretty damn hard the top a literally a kung-fu fighting a hundred foot beep oh yeah but they've I mean this season I think has been our best yet it's so much fun we have so much fun like reading every time we get the scripts we're always like what is happening like what they're like yeah that the you know the this one you become singing puppets it's like you turn into a puppet like okay did you get to keep the puppets is the question know though maybe they'll let us like at the end because you know those they might have another guest star spot to turn you into a puppet you get to keep it the weird thing is the puppets are in like a box on the Waverider so they like in the middle of I actually have a good video that's spoilers coming for because I shadowed the the episode that's coming I shot at the director so I wasn't in it but I was behind the scenes so we kept finding the puppets in this box everywhere and I bring it out often and make out with yours I don't know about like hey I don't want you to have it actually because it's like my my other you you you can have it you can yes me and Bebo and have you had a favorite episode this season so far I mean besides the puppets which was classic I I have a few of my own but I'd love to know from you guys I think the one that's coming up is gonna be a pretty cool one but I also loved the one that just wouldn't know like to air two times ago where we when we got to dance the tango but yeah can we talk about that did you guys have to go through train I actually had that later on as a question did you guys have to go through training for we we did have a choreographer that came in to teach us and so we had a rehearsal and we were fighting a lot because who gets to lead is a lead and I was like I'm taller than you look at my phone cuz that was my next question jess is kind of a control freak actually at some point in the rehearsal I was like [ __ ] needs to step back cuz she would be like you have the timing wrong it's supposed to be your left foot back you did and it was miss dancer but I'm also having to like I had the dialogue that I had like it was like we believed that Mona is intercepted by the agents and they're back into the field like and trying to like move my feet what was that line it was I believe that something has infiltrated the bureau and Mona's at stake or something like that was that that was on the Rhonda John notices something I believe there's something happening the beer and you can't sing that word wrong it was hard that's the second time she's called me a [ __ ] all these days I think I wasn't here to defend myself the last time I [Applause] love you so much [Laughter] what I love most is that every episode is just a completely different adventure and has I mean speaking of the tango like is it there any been anything yet they've thrown your way they're like you're like Oh hell's no like I or you're just like bring it on there was an episode the finale one this bibo one from the other season I don't remember a few if you remember the like there was this weep the first time we tried to do it and it creates this really gross ugly creature yeah so originally that was supposed to like spew out goo all over us and it was snowing outside and freezing and we were all like no no and then why we were lining up like just getting in the right camera positions it like somehow malfunctioned and all over me yeah that's disgusting it was so gross you should have seen that thing in real life it was disgusting so I would love to talk a little bit about just the two of you and just coming on to the show and how did that go how was auditions how is the I'm assuming you guys did a chem test and how was it coming on a show that was already established I just realize maybe I've confused the stage and you did this isn't where you talked about our contest because there was one foot okay yes I'm so competitive I beat the moderator Jess next question what was it like coming she was about it but yeah you know for me yes I mean it's funny because she is such a professional and all of this stuff this this whole arrowverse world in general is so wonderful and amazing to be a part of it very overwhelming when you don't you know come from a show that has a a universe of something DC Marvel all of it that has so much it's trying to push the envelope on representation and then the fandom is just amazing and you overnight you just feel like you have this family that you're supposed to take care of and you're you know want to interact with and you're so inspired and moved by so many stories like the last show I was on like maybe I got a housewife and there was 35 that was like my husband doesn't want to talk to me and I was like that was the one Twitter friend I had and I was like sorry not sorry like firstworldproblems get over yourself you know like there's like real stuff it was just it was such as I think the for me coming on to the show and coming into the fandom of it all is is is amazing I mean I get goosebumps I read letters and I I don't still feel I don't know like you know worthy to read some stories and interact with some people that are dealing with like a very very intense thing so I think just grateful grateful grateful grateful to represent this this character when I got a vibe I wanted it so bad I wide auditioned for a of other ever shows and I really wanted Eva and after our chem read I really wanted Eva watch what I do to this woman awesome so season 4 what I love is that it's yes it's farcical it's crazy every episode is a new goony style adventure but your relationship is really grounded in reality and I'd love for both your perspective is what is it like going from like those crazy moments - oh we're portraying like actual couple dealing with real issues in this magical world it doesn't really feel like there's ever a separation like you step into one and out of one it just feels like we're in it the whole time I think it's just once you're in it and that's this is what's happening you know and it's like there's you're in a Bollywood musical or and it's just like okay yeah we are so I don't ever feel like it's hard to slip in and out of one I think we just live in this space of higher reality yeah and all the we love it when we get to do get to have the drama stuff in there and some of the more character moments was I think like you know without that like all the other stuff doesn't matter like no one cares about the characters unless you have that emotional connection to them through their struggles like I feel like that's the pause when we get those scenes that we that's the easy stuff to slip into if you keep using that word but it's the weird you know Bollywood musical and you're fighting a blue teddy bear flying around you're like that what but then you get a really well-written scene again the writers are really great I think we I think we all think that with with Ava Lance and one of them is here Syria where she you guys can all her a Stephanie later favorite drink drinks yeah where is the drinks like but I think what I was in said what I'm saying is just that those scenes are the ones that we I think I get you and I'm like oh that day will be good it'll be what we what we kind of do this for you know finding the truth it's all way harder to find the truth in this other stuff have you guys had a favorite able and seeing this this season season that you can't apply the tango no my god my birthday [Applause] but wait wait wait this is actually why because that's seen to me it's like the writers in their homage they do to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in ghostbusters that's giant Bebo's coming through that seemed to me read like something from I Love Lucy like something from one of those you know cookie cutter comedies from the 50s or six it's just perfect timing comedy something romantics trying to happen and then all this stuff happens so it was like be as Goofy's you want but it was like two women and I'm like awesome look how it's like that would so be at normal I Love Lucy and now fash for and flash forward 2019 I felt like this is so cool this is so cool that we're doing this and you know what I mean it just wasn't the it wasn't traditional we push the boundaries on the end even and she looked amazing so come up I think it was probably like a lot cooler for you because you didn't have to be in lingerie in front of a whole crew yeah yeah yeah Touche guys were like this they were like action they were like pushing any be like this do we get it you got to be professional so speaking of Ava Lance were there any scenes that happened this season that are on the cutting room floor that we didn't get to see or any moments from past seasons that you guys I don't ever remember everything that we've filmed so like if I watched an episode and then a scene wasn't there I don't really remember it would have to be something really big for that to notice in it but no I don't think they've cut any anything no I am I'm trying to think - I mean after our last I know that after our our break up this last episode I don't know if it's a full breakup well when I was I was done I was done but I do know that I mean I remember shooting that scene with you and we we that director specifically really he's an editor and often when editors direct they direct who like editors so they're you know they want the pieces that they want and so we end up doing more takes sometimes it's just a very different thing so he we did that scene all the way through which was a long scene for legends like it was pages and pages of and movement and snickerdoodles and put it like for you what he watch the beginning to the end and I remember it was supposed to go on and on and there was like Ava had like a full mental breakdown after she left like at her desk of just like complete and I did it over and over and over again and then someone else was supposed to come in like there's a whole thing and when I watched it I was like about my beloved Sarah Lance we gonna be fine well I think there's a lot of talk about how to handle that scene because we weren't sure we're like is this a breakup or is this a fight and I think we actually shot a version where you said I'm done like a full week it was very clear that it was a breakup but then when we talked about it more because what we also didn't want to do is like we broke up we didn't break up now we broke up and like doing the breakup get back together break up get back together and like that kind of thing so I think we it isn't really a full it it's unclear whether it's a breakup or not which I feel like I don't know you guys probably maybe had like a fight like that and you're like is it over is it not over I think we've all gone through that I think that's what this is yeah and I she's I mean Katie's so wonderful about relationship scenes and we really talked it out of what the specifics just being very precious about where we're at in the relationship so we're both even if we're not on the same page as characters in the scene we know what we want the audience to come away with watching that couple after that after that scene you know what we want so yeah and exactly my point the editor I think he wasn't sure how it was going to end the button so we kind of did it all those ways and that was I was exhausting we know how it ends now so before we turn it over to the audience for questions I wanted to play a little game of would you rather with both of you I promise I promise there they're easier questions so would you rather be the Queen of England or the mother of dragons mother of dragons mother of dragons whoever answers first gets that one that's a funny story but you can't tell it I really really that's like my dream okay and I was like I want I remember when I went in summary meeting last season they're like what what would you like to do this season I was like well I want to be the mother of dragons and I want to like ride on you know like a back of a dragon and all my clothes to burn off and me come out as the mother of dragons like that's what I want I think you just launched a thousand fan fics so I think that means keep watching so would you rather fight the fight to the death of a hundred-foot Bebo or a man-eating magical unicorn Bebo fight to the death of a hundred fifty bow I thought I had to say it first is it Matt oh well yeah I guess he does Kenny the one that ate Gary's nipple let's just put it that way yeah well poor nipple I guess if you're taking bball I'll handle the unicorn that's why I took it because I knew you can handle it would you rather have to survive in a snow suit in the desert or naked in our Antarctica snow suit desert naked in Antarctica snow suit in a desert naked in Antarctica you would I mean I was like the worst freezing to death would be better is a less painful death probably than like dehydration and anyway so you didn't die surviving is true would you rather go back in the past to meet your ancestors or go far in the future to meet your great-great grandchildren far in the future back in the past I'm really curious to know what's gonna happen to the world like where we're going what's gonna happen I don't want to know would you rather have a rewind button on life or a pause button on life pause that was an amazing jinx like perfect sync Touche all right so let's open it up to questions cuz we have a packed house and I know there's tons of people that want to ask questions is a packed house oh cool I know [Music] and this question this question is for Jess I mean what do you love most about Ava her heart I was gonna say boobs [Applause] you're welcome hello other than people you've already been with if you could ship your characters with anybody in the DC Universe who would you ship your characters with I'm not answering that you have to oh I don't know it can be like a threat of thing so you stay together that's fine I really love Katie I do know I'm getting a lot of odds okay I gotta get tough no uh yeah I don't know if I should answer that either cuz they're gonna write it and then everyone's gonna be mad so let's just skip it hi we went Jess we went to your table or earlier and we talked to you about the riddle the Riddler is that Gary the green the bear yeah okay I was about to ask you if you could like share to people like your idea with no I can't I told you in secrecy but you have to make it happen I love you though and I really want to play the female or it's perched it's being pitched sorry I helped I feel like what um we all know that every time that the legends go to a mission Sarah sends them with a one-liner amazing one-liners like my favorite personal favorite is uh get your Santa best because we're going to church followed by no it's the send-off mom's got a headache so Katie and Jess what are your favorite snacks sandals from Sarah something Puritan perotin about to get our Puritan Puritan yeah and I like jumped up on the thing and it was like too much too much that one which I had to do ADR before cuz apparently I said it wrong Puritan pirates on ferret and you're that town I don't know whatever I ain't the whole tango okay cue playing hi if bebo day were a national holiday how was there an AVO celebrate take off from work take off your clothes put it rose roast some marshmallows I don't know I mean it wouldn't be I wouldn't choose this but it seems like it should be some kind of furry costume thing [Laughter] [Applause] you just played so many people's mind yeah for a costume thank you thank you hi um so I was wondering I like cosplay so I was wondering what your favorite costumes were but not that you wore that the other person wore such yes yes wait what was the question what was the favorite costume that I wore and my favorite that you wore I have such a bad memory like I don't remember if we get back together or not like or how I was trying to think about it there's like boxes don't say anything oh yeah oh yeah now I remember um I really like the leather and even working with Amy Gideon in sirens of space-time by that leather that was what we're like feeling that leather all of us we're just like you look good and you look how we look good and looking good and good good good there was some time where you weren't outfit and I didn't and I remember really liking it but I don't remember what it was whatever I think wait hasn't aired yet anyway so probably can't say into this I can't remember leather leather good default answer thank you so I'm just gonna reiterate from last year how much I appreciate that a Volant sort of says that not every couple actually has to have like dominance and this of the man the woman in the relationship and help yes that can be but we also see especially this season how it can be a bit difficult to have two strong women whether it's a bit of trouble with the dancing thing or just other issues that sort of led to the pause whatever the heck we're going to call it what advice would you give to your character as we sort of navigate the next steps in the relationship I have to like talk in the fifth person right now I think I'm like I'm talking to Eva about the future of okay I think we I think they did it that was what they set out to write is is in the fourth season was that exact thing you know two powerhouse women getting together and trying to just have like a normal or whatever that is you know not be the bosses that they are and we I think we solved a little bit of it with trying to in fifth person we solve meaning Ava and and Sarah in finding that balance of letting the other have control when they have it you know but that still hasn't you haven't seen the rest of that happen because the season hasn't aired but that's the the advice I would give would to be also to myself stop being such a freakin control freak a just you know don't date a clone [Applause] oh my god she hates it when I say the c-word I think you lost your mic I brought my memory flashy hi guys I'm Jess I knew that freaking camera would come in handy up here at some point that maybe it would be better advice like always carry your memory flasher with you that's better oh my god I'm hurting so bad inside I feel weird so my question goes off of Sarah's version of the c-word which is the assassin part of her is there any chance that the should go back to being assassin with say like they get thrown with Legends doing something wrong with the timeline she has to go back to the League of Assassins like she doesn't season 2 and where Ava and Nyssa with me because not me not me that she wants you and this oh oh here his quota here no that's good I'm glad thank you first want to do this to be together I mean I don't know the the I don't write it I think it would be cool to bring mrs. character into the mix [Applause] like that sickos I but I you know I think it's I'm curious to know how what would happen most likely would not likeness at all or they would become like best friends and they're like how did you deal with when Sarah's like affairs like to exercise the way I love that I do I do and Sarah are actually just friends and very nice to each other and even though their exes well not really exes we never dated I think Sarah views like John Constantine as like the you know who that was a mistake was a mistake I don't yeah I don't think it was like a relationship I think it was like one too many dream weak moment yeah I was that like horror episode and I think I was having delusions I must have thought it was a vine or not but I do like watching them fight over me there's no fight honey [Laughter] [Music] hey you guys um my wife and I are both kind of strong people who maybe sometimes argue a little bit so I feel really seen right now with what you are are sharing in terms of the tango and everything else so thank you for that but you spoke about the chemistry the chemistry you read and you you kind of like alluded to your vision of what could become of what you what you were experiencing in that moment and I'd love to know how of the grand vision you had for what could be like how much of that has been realized so far what do you you know are there surprises and things you want to you want to explore in the relationship and also [Applause] [Music] oh wow there's some chemistry I guess hey [Laughter] [Applause] that's kind of like a memory flasher see I see her somewhere that took some skill in that church that was like a hand Ron I snapped her neck and she still moved did anyone see that and I whispered in her ear I'm gonna snap your neck and she just went like I'm so sorry bye Katrina and I have a panel later on I know questions I guess I'm good did we answer I think I think that just answered every question ever I don't know what this happened it was something bla bla chemistry bla bla what else might think you know but anyway you know what it was about the chemistry and what we what if we realized anything that we wanted in the chemistry is if it's come to realization and sure [Applause] so one twist on the question is how much of it is planned and how much of it do you'd like talk out in advance and how much happens like the butt bumper though whatever yeah the moment all on the page the moment there there's stuff like you know if the writers will want kisses or the specific things sometimes they go out sometimes they come in when they're not supposed to sometimes you know the physicality but yeah that's that stuff usually the physicality is not written our writers really lovely that way where they're just like you know they know what the scenes about and then go it's probably a different way every single take I think I think you only did that bump bump once and we probably did that take Charlie did excuse bored J does think we're just um but yeah it's it's I don't know if I answered your question I'm still thinking all of it I feel like I just got boring there's been a lot of fun homage as to Back to the Future this season if you could be anyone back any Back to the Future character who would you be either like as an actor or as a character I feel like I mean I think I have to say better I'm gonna get fired this I love me some Tom Wilson I do I love him so much like I think that would be really fun he's the bad guy in the whole thing and he actually played a bunch of really cool different characters when you think back and watch that the Western Biff was really cool that that's her weird comb-over Biff was not as cool and be just what the what Michael J Fox yeah yeah yeah thank you the correct answer was Lea Thompson but it's fine that's what we meant I said Lea Thompson first and then I said Biff because I'd get fired this question is for both of you I was just wondering what your favorite thing is about working with one another such softies oh she puts up with my [ __ ] like let's just be honest I think truly like that she's such a powerhouse she has been on this in these universes for so long she's such a pro she knows what she wants she's you know and and it's it's let's be honest it's her show we got a female number one over [Applause] [Music] she puts up with my [ __ ] I think she's I think she's a tremendous tremendous person I really love you I think it's surprising like I've never worked with somebody where I've had such easy chemistry with what know like I feel like are like acting with you like we have amazing chemistry together like it's so easy like I don't have to try which is in you're hilarious and always a good time and yeah [Laughter] so when Constantine screwed up the timeline he created all those alternate universe spin-off kind of things if you have to choose one to like stay in for the show to be set in which would you choose yeah that Charlie's Angel one for sure that was so fun or a puppet if I could still get paid and just be a puppet and voice a puppet hey first off I won't say Jess I first know you from mistresses but I only watched your section I know you're not that 35 year old housewife the husband won't talk to them so thank you fan number two it wasn't me but I only watched your little you know what I mean if so every time you meet a girl that doesn't seem very straight in the show you get that little smirk was that scripted or was that just you not jest oh no it's heavenly not scripted I wasn't really aware that I was doing that but I know the smirk you're talking about thank you oh yeah there's a completion on YouTube - hi big fans got to say that right off the start so my question is we all know Bieber verse is too batshit to like try to predict where it's gonna go next but my question is to both of you where would you what relationship milestone would you like to see in season five did you say be boomers oh I heard that oh that's the new that's it yeah oh yeah arrow versus be diverse I knew that all inclusive was a question so like last season we saw you guys get together and say I love you and this season you kind of sort of moved in together what would you like to see in season five I personally don't want us to get married here she goes [Laughter] I just feel like it's like Oh Felicity and Oliver got married and like everyone gets married like that has to be the progression and [Laughter] I'm not saying they shouldn't be together I want them to be together but life partners I think that on TV there's not a lot of examples of people being like partners that aren't married and I think it would be interesting it's I think it's a big thing in a lot of people in society don't want to feel like they have to get married that you can be with someone and be a life partner with someone without necessarily having to like have a court document saying it so I think that's kind of a more interesting choice for them but that's just me the way today is better than the time Bureau that's why she doesn't want the court Docs uh no you don't get married to have a little Bebo's I didn't say anything about baby Bebo's we're messing with it we I mean if you're like pregnant in real life they would probably write it in we talked about the whole marriage thing and we were all haven't enough surprised interesting where is the tito's if we were talking about that the marriage thing and actually I agree with her that I don't think we needed to get married and do like the same thing that I think they were said wedding on the flash and a wedding on arrow right and but we were I really actually do just want to have a real-life pregnant belly and kick ass and still do stunts like it's actually something that I think would be so cool to still be able to like have a B be playing a character on TV with with a real belly though in doable when we don't see enough examples of that yeah well the winona did it we need more he's like inspiration I would see those pictures if my stunt double is actually her stunt double it's the same to Andrea she's amazing she's absolutely amazing inch and she would show me these videos I'm like that girl she is tailing it that's what I want to do so I think we have time for one more question um I really love the show and I really love the representation and I went to ask if you guys have read the fanfiction no I don't think I could handle it I know I don't think I could handle it either I think I would get yeah sure the writers do should I get all their a bunch of ideas is illegal don't never mind they didn't they don't do that thank you one we got one more all right yeah Jess but I found since mistresses span number three she stole my thunder but whatever I'll go for it I'm 29 wood back woman show up in the Waverider and I'm given the fact that I have been to parties that Miss Rose has DJed wood back home and DJ the Waverider for any of your birthday's I mean that would be great about women near miss Lots [Applause] they're appearing about it back woman is otama and many other woman I still don't know about woman near miss lots sure who she's with all its Messimer do you see what I deal with do you see awesome better fly but clip her wing thank you thank you well thank you guys so much for being here I want to wrap up with one final question that it's one of my favorite ones to ask and I didn't ask it last year um is what's the one thing you want people to take away from meeting you it's so funny I just don't think I'm that interesting I really I'm just this really beautiful Sasha ponies funny woman I mean why would anybody want to meet me [Laughter] [Applause] people flew from Hong Kong to see you but I want to meet them this is the thing it's weird I I can't answer it I think it's it's crazy yeah you guys don't know well this is gonna take a turn but a very close friend of mine she was very young 15 years old passed away from another charity that I do I've been friends with her for a long time you know about her and yeah but her funerals today legitimately today and and I was like I want to go and this girl this little girl fought cancer for a long time and she was a gymnast and a dancer and I used to FaceTime her on set and we was trying to fly her out and sorry but I just know that she would have never let me not come be here with other powerful women that are trying to have a voice in anything I mean she was she was so adamant about the amount of money that goes into childhood cancer and all and we're doing the same thing here in representation and she so I almost didn't come and I just could hear her saying you you have to go be that inspiration like she made me feel like I was an inspiration and I really don't I really wanted to be here to meet you guys it's it's truly the truth so I um I don't that's what I take away I don't want anybody to know what to take away from this you give me everything that gets taken away you know I don't know if that made sense take away live every day and you're enough and live every day and to its fullest truly because truly that's this like could just stop you know and and live every day what is her name again Emma can we all send Emma a message right now and all together yell Emma we love you because I feel like she'll hear it yes okay ready one two three [Applause] thank you guys on that note thank you thank you thank you let's have another round of applause for Katie and Josh thank you guys [Applause]
Channel: ClexaCon
Views: 474,560
Rating: 4.9707727 out of 5
Keywords: Clexacon 2019, CC19, CC2019, Avalance, Legends of Tomorrow, LGBTQ, queer, representation matters, Caity Lotz, Jes Macallan, bts
Id: jeo5bt4XXyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 32sec (2852 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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