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yeah three o'clock sounds great what's going on up there that better not be what i think it is [Music] i need a hot shower asap come on towels we're in for the scrub of our lives this will all be over soon why isn't the shower working [Music] this can't be happening this is just my luck what's that evil left me a bunch of water that's great but how can i shower with it wait a sec i know what to do [Music] for this hack pour water into an empty trash bag take the bag out and pull it by its handles hang it on a hook over the tub lastly stab a little hole in it [Music] wait get under the water running water ladies and gents man did i need that or what [Music] hey amy over here i'm coming over girl whoa yikes [Music] that had to hurt they should put up a warning sign or something [Music] it really stings whoa that thing is gnarly and it feels as bad as it looks [Music] amy try putting my antiperspirant on it it's worth a try i guess just roll it right on there [Music] hey it doesn't even sting hey girl no don't walk that way oh down she goes another one bites the dust let's go save the day shall we let's go hiking time tada a beautiful lake i'm falling help betty hold on i'll save you the water was so cold oh you're sobbing wet look my boots are filled with lake water listen you've got to take off those wet clothes they'll only drop your body temperature yeah but i'm still cold like this hold on i'll think of something i'll start a fire where are the matches we can't light a fire with wet matches jared well maybe there's something else we can use yes plastic wrap this will work okay i'm cold enough that i'm willing to try anything i'll just wrap you all up in it it'll help i promise can't forget about your torso all right now to just cut it along the front see now you have a plastic wrap jacket wow it's actually keeping me warm my hero [Music] this party is pretty great one sec i just need a drink hey you want me to top you off oh it's so breezy stay in place skirt no the drinks and food it's too windy here let's go wait don't go i have a solution i promise might as well give him a chance oh what am i gonna do they'll all leave there's gotta be something i can do come on think of something i'm running out of time wait was that a muffin man this will totally work hey i'm back and i've got party trays see now the wind can't blow anything away wow this is really smart you totally saved this party ever get lost in a good conversation eva wait oops don't tell me yup just sat in wet paint maybe it's dry now that would be a big fat no hi kevin i'm just gonna go over here sophia help me eva come on hey i have a brilliant idea [Music] take this oh now we're talking [Music] wrap the pashmina around your legs twist the hanging fabric a couple times then bring it around your back now it's a cute skirt pretty creative huh [Music] whoa that's adorable [Music] way to go girl did i just [Music] okay let's put it down together yes it's beach time jared wait hold it right there this needs to be inflated first what me you're the one who brought it ugh fine there it's done all right now let's go i love swimming huh oh no it's deflating no it has a hole in it super bomber and he's out there already having fun without me this day is turning into a drag well now what am i gonna do huh this water bottle holds water in which means i can use it to hold air in too i'll need to empty it and use this cord i'll put a knot on one side of the cord on the other side i'll use a zip tie for some reason i think using zip ties is fun i'll tighten it as far as it'll go perfect that one's done now for some more time for the next zip tie it should be nice and tight too there i did a whole row of them who even needs a cute doughnut floaty not me because i made my own time to go swimming whoa what's betty got nice job i made it myself come on let's go to deeper water i'm right behind you [Music] hey over here you should have seen that match the more sophia talks about the game the more heated she gets why is it so hot in here i'm sweating like a pig must be for my workout be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] help me oh boy i'm coming pull my arm harder come on ladies pull one more i'm mortified sophia [Music] that wait so embarrassing the whole restaurant saw that don't worry it happens to everybody i wish i could fix this hey what about this huh turn around the antiperspirant will dry your skin [Music] they feel better already so nice and cool now let's put this to the test phew what a relief but can it stand another hour of sitting only one way to find out let's pay and get out of here yes eva we forgot to do your legs [Music] [Applause] looks like vacation time is finally here whoa this hotel is fancier than in the pictures let's wait here while they get our room [Music] ready it's like a hundred degrees let me get our water bottles out [Music] huh why is everything all wet no way a toothpaste explosion look at all this stuff maybe it was the altitude [Music] next time pack some toothpaste nuggets on wax paper squeeze out your toothpaste into little globs make enough to last for two or so cleanings a day [Music] then sprinkle on a little bit of flour [Music] now take a little jar like this one and slide your dried globs inside now there's no way they'll spill [Applause] [Music] and when you're ready to brush take one and pop it into your mouth [Music] [Applause] don't worry it softens up in there see try one for yourself gotta make sure i pack everything jared turn around so i can put this in your pack can't forget these eggs wait won't they just break in there huh wait a second i think i have an idea time to crack a few eggs all of them to be precise [Music] now for some whisking [Music] done next up an empty water bottle i'll just pour the eggs inside there we go i didn't even spill now for the cap perfect eggs ready to travel that's so weird betty sounds like someone doesn't want a camping trip omelette yeah well you could also just use a sock you can just put the eggs inside [Music] see egg socks i'm a genius oh jared let me just add them to my pack okay are we ready to go all right the tent has been pitched i'm pretty hungry now though already okay fine i'll make something [Music] here's the skillet for frying hand over your eggs i've got them right here oh i seem to have a problem i told you that wasn't a good idea you've got egg socks all right good thing i brought my eggs they're safe and sound in the bottle look i can just pour them into the skillet ooh these are nice and cooked now this looks pretty good right time to dig in [Music] food always tastes better when camping summers are perfect for picnics the weather is perfect for it well almost [Music] it finally stopped did you get it back i ran around the whole park oh my god it left a rash on me it stings all i have is this banana but that just may help while it's best to find an adult this banana peel will do for now wow it feels better already wow that worked really well you're the best eva it's back watch out when you lose yourself in conversation you don't always see what's coming that was close [Music] now you jump with these little legs okay i got this just got to make sure i'm stretched all right puddle let's do this oh so close [Music] great now my feet are soaked why did i think my little legs could jump that far [Music] before you swear off shoes forever here's how to fight wet shoes all together simply rub a candlestick on your canvas shoes see the wax coming off once you've covered the whole shoe take a blow dryer to it this will seal up the wax let's give those guys a whirl now puddles are no match for your tennies see dry as can be [Music] ah it's beach time let's go catch this throw you're doing great running in the water and hitting that ball beach day selfie the sun is so warm [Music] oh everything hurts don't touch me [Music] my sunburn is too bad to touch you what are we gonna do wait i think i know what to do we have this aloe vera plant we can use this to help treat our sunburn i'll use a knife to carefully slice off the skin oh yeah look at all that aloe gel a spoon will scoop it all up perfect just like that and now to put it in the blender lid on and time to blend it [Music] there we go not too long at all it's more liquidy so now i can pour it in an ice cube tray just like that and of course there's the next step freezing it the aloe ice cubes are ready okay you watching check this out it's cooling and healing aloe is great for burns [Music] look at that my skin is so much better already no way hand that over we have a whole tray you can have your own oh my gosh ah nothing quite like being out in nature hey i gotta take a little break okay [Music] whoa my stomach [Music] i can't get out of here [Music] i knew i'd regret those chili fries but there's no bathroom out here not yet anyway get up girl i need this thing i've got some business to tend to real quick sometimes when you're out in nature you've got to get a little creative even if that means making your own toilet once you have an open seated chair pop on a plastic toilet seat like this one make it secure with a plastic zip tie [Music] once that's done flip it over [Music] now install a big plastic bag to catch the uh you know make sure it's on tight before you know it you'll have a diy porcelain throne [Music] it seems fitting to be in nature when nature calls [Music] all right sophia you're up next [Music] summer camping is so fun especially when you've got a fun picnic too time for a drink break [Music] i sleep so soundly when out in nature oh is that me i stink [Music] hey that will help me get clean i'll just hang this bag of water on the tree branch give it a little poke and then with some shampoo i'm having an outdoor shower [Applause] [Music] uh what's he doing over there huh you look nice and clean here enjoy a coke [Music] it's really coming down out there wind hey that's my only umbrella where did he get that punch up you thinking what i'm thinking it's go time start by rolling this baby out now open up the bag and lay it flat on the table next grab some scissors cut along the side of the bag then down the middle and in two places here next pull out the square you cut see these they're the most important part that's because they help shape the hood once the straps are tied you're ready to face the rain let's get this done shall we try blowing me away now wind hey ready to go into the water oh wait hold up a second we can't just leave our stuff unattended someone could totally steal our money you're right we better go check on it there it is hmm looks like my cash is still here what are we gonna do though hey i think this brush can help [Music] watch the bristle part can pop out all i have to do is fold and roll the money then it'll fit right inside the brush and then i can put the bristles back see i can even still brush my hair hey brush mine too [Music] look a fluffy dog [Music] hello puppers i'm gonna brush you oh you're so good doesn't that feel nice look at all that fur it totally still works as a brush ew well yeah don't brush your hair with that anymore but good job hiding the money now we can finally go swimming they're gone time to steal some money shoot there's nothing in here what about this girls so much hair i'm out of here it's chilly this morning could you speed up that fire uh i'm working on it now it just needs some oxygen hold on it's about to catch i can tell i just need to blow on it some more feeling a little bit light-headed jared are you okay [Music] did you just spit water on my face uh yeah you had passed out listen take a break huh actually yep i've got another idea i'm gonna need two plastic bottles for this one the one fits inside the other just like this to make a bellows see no more blowing needed [Music] look jared it's working huh what's working oh look the fire no biggie i just got it going ugh now i'm hot though [Music] it's so nice out today i'm gonna have a nice afternoon just relaxing soaking up the sun and reading my book wow it's actually getting pretty warm out here selfie and snack time it's just so hot i could use something sweet after those chips [Music] oh no my chocolate melted [Music] [Applause] oh and my sprite bottle is too hot to hold man this kind of ruins my afternoon though maybe there's something i could do okay i've got my tub and i'll put some foil in the bottom this is insulating foil too it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold there i've lined the whole tub next up it's sponge time i've got it in a bag and i'll add some water i'll just close that up now it's time to put it in the freezer it'll get nice and frozen in there it's ready i'll put it in the tub with the rest of them this book is so good but it's still hot out here time for a cold drink [Music] so refreshing my homemade cooler worked this is a nice spot right i've got something for you too okay open your eyes they're so pretty i love them they're all yellow except for this one it's special just like you oh you're so sweet you deserve a kiss oh a mosquito it was on your face thanks for saving me back to the smooching there's one on you now okay looks like they're gone [Music] ouch oh me too they're everywhere oh it's so buggy i'm out of here no betty wait just hold these for a second look this water bottle will save us i'll need both halves of the bottle as well as some bug attractant and water i'll scoop some of this into the bottom of the bottle and then i'll add water to it that looks like the right amount then i'll put the top half of the bottle in upside down done i've made a bug trap betty see the bugs are all gone huh you're right what a relief they fly into the bottle and then they can't fly out it's smooch time [Music] well that was a successful trip got my cereal and all the other grocery essentials plus a little sweet treat they taste best with hot tea [Music] earl grey never disappoints [Music] just plop it in with some hot water and poof you've got a bird tongue i need relief [Music] this isn't working water this has to work time for a refill is the water on sophia what's up with your tongue sophia it's completely red try this oh sweet relief that's a pretty good trick you saved the day girl i'd better stick around what a beautiful park i'm so glad i decided to take a walk what was that oh shoot my ice cream melted on my clothes what and i sat in gum so irritating guess there's nothing to do i'll have to change hmm let's see is there anywhere to change of course not i guess i'll just have to change out here i don't want anyone to see me though i'll just slide one leg up then pull it through to the other leg okay now for the other foot perfect clean shorts are in place which means i can now take off my dirty shorts there we go i'm back in clean clothes [Music] oh i collected a lot of sticks we sure did yeah that was hard work water pass it over to me i'm parched ah sure here you go hey there's nothing left you drank it all what am i supposed to drink now so inconsiderate sorry i'll find some more shoot this one is empty too wait what about over there looks like this is empty too yeah great job jared i'll be right back i can just use this water it doesn't look so bad smells okay betty i got you some water are you kidding me where did you get this you honestly thought this was safe to drink oh we have charcoal well that will totally work first let me pour this dirty water into another cup gross like i'd want to drink that okay now i've got the bottle and i need some gauze i'll cover the bottle opening with it and a rubber band will help keep it in place there we go i've cut off the bottom of the bottle i'll fill the top half with the charcoal we have from the fire i'll put the sand in first good and next the rocks not all of them though and then time for more sand and i'll top it with the last rocks now i can put this bottle on top of the one i want to drink out of time to pour the water through my filter the rocks and sand catch all the debris and the charcoal cleans the water look here comes the cleaned water all the water has been added and filtered look how much cleaner it is now whoa i'm pretty thirsty nope this water belongs to me [Music] can't i have just a little sip okay fine you did fetch it after all yay and it tastes so good
Channel: 123 GO!
Views: 11,750,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, craft, crafts, prank, pranks, challenge, challenges, fun, funny, 123GO!, 123 go, 123go, friends, friendly, tutorial, howto, how to
Id: 5G9aodB4cVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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