SIMPLE WAYS TO HANDLE EMERGENCY || How To Make the Best Out of Unlucky Situations!

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[Music] I waited two weeks for you to get here [Music] in boy are weak and have a good time wearing new shoes is the best isn't it from the park to the mall you'll wear them everywhere but it comes with a price hyemi man these new shoes are killing me see blue that's Peru doll hmm I have it say hello to your new best friend what strip of this stuff is all you need hey I'll give it a go hey don't you do it let's see yes huh there's no stopping these girls now after a day of traveling it's easy to feel more exhausted than ever man I never want to go on an airplane again [Music] haven't had anything to eat for hours I wonder if I have any snacks left in here hmm is that what I think it is I guess this could work but it has a giant hole in it pay an electric water heater oh right I know what to do if you have some instant noodles like these but can't use the cup put the noodles directly into the electric water heater pitcher next pour in the fresh water and be sure not to forget the flavor packet time to shut the lid and heat things up after a few minutes you should have yourself some hot noodles [Music] mmm that smells so good let me just get a little situated here yes a whole batch of noodles all for me don't have a bowl no problem you can eat it right out of the pitcher so alicia's while lily is hard at work Vicki seems to be more focused on her new nails so glad I went with candy apple red I can't believe this it's ok dick it's just me oh here do you want the last step of my soda kind of gross but you're sweet to offer Thanks nothing like a little sugar to cure the blues right wait a second this red bottle matches my nails maybe I can do something to fix this awful situation first cut the plastic bottle down the middle like this then take off the bottom part of the wrapper and remove it from the plastic is attached to now snag a pair of scissors and cut the plastic ring wrap the plastic tightly around a pen like this keep going until it's wrapped tightly all the way around once you run out of plastic to wrap secure it closed with a thin piece of tape drop it in a little Bowl and fill it with piping hot water fill it up all the way after some time passes and the water cools off of it you can take the little plastic piece out get rid of the bowl and cut the plastic long ways now flip it around and do the same thing on the other side there you go see all those plastic pieces all you need is one for this one nail glue will serve as the base of your new acrylic nail now take the plastic and place it over your nail and add some nail polish to tuck things off hey that looks pretty good and you never guess it wasn't part of the original set would you that was a close call check it out it's official you're the most fabulous girl in class Vicky's watching a movie with your best bud is always fun especially when that means double the snacks or he'll share with me since my chips ran out he's way too into this movie to even notice looks like choosing a thriller to watch was the best idea ever [Music] did you just steal one of my chips Juana I'm gonna put them on this side where they're safe oh man looks like I've reached the bottom of my coke bottle my chips are definitely not safe here without me [Music] how can I trust that Lana's grubby little hands won't find their way into my chip bag hey these plastic ties can work Lana you're about to be put under arrest a gift for me okay fork it over this is for your own good and mine Lana I just love movie nights don't you Oh Adam can be so annoying but he doesn't know that I can outsmart any trick he has up his sleeves especially when a snacks at stake want to know how shoelaces can get you out of a jam like this once you've untied them you can use them to pull off your restraints take one lace and pull it through the tie and over once you've done that get a hold of the other lace from the opposite shoe now tie them in a knot once that secure lift up both your feet and move them in a peddling type motion see it's coming up Adam really underestimated you Lana [Music] and now for the moment ugly waiting for a great movie and a mouthful of salty goodness little does Adam know he should have grabbed more chips from the kitchen along with that coke hey how was this bag empty already and where's my soda that's it I'm never inviting Lana over for a movie night again hey over here I'm coming over girl that head hurt we should put up a warning sign or something it Wiley staying with that thing is gnarly and it feels as bad as it looks hmm try putting my any purse bearing on it it's worth the try I guess just roll it right on there hey it doesn't even steam hey girl no don't walk that way Oh down she goes another one bites the dust let's go save the day shall we [Music] craving a summer treat Sophia to the rescue oh man yes sir hot today yikes I'm sweating like a pig over here oh girl that's nasty yeah you got to do something about that Sophia this is so embarrassing it's okay I think I have something that can help here you go thanks but what do I do with it put it on your pits hello how come I never thought of that if it's going to be a hot day take a thin pad like this and stick it to the armpit of your shirt oh don't forget the other side hey guys wake up Hey look nope it's fans see just keep pants handy don't sweat it another day another difficult math test but as if the equations weren't hard enough a broken calculator can take things from bad to worse what's wrong with this thing what the heck it was working yesterday it probably just needs a new battery let's see I can just replace it and it'll all be good oh I totally brought the wrong sized battery I can't believe this what do I do oh that's a bummer isn't it hey Lana check out the gum rubber Lily's holding do you think it could help hey give me that if you find yourself in a battery jam like Lana here all hope is not lost simply take a foil gum wrapper like this one and crumple it up into a bowl and make sure the foil part is facing the outside put the wrapper against the metal coil like this now stick the battery against the foil as if it were the regular coil here comes the moment of truth yes we have power people I was pretty worried for a minute there you knew my piece of gum would save the day oh hey Kevin come on in whoa stop right there you'd better take those dirty shoes off before you walk in and further man what do we doing this is so embarrassing anything around here I can use if you find yourself in a situation like this the best thing to do is just color the empty space looking for Kevin the black markers and tins are easy to come by phew price is officially a verdict looks like Sofia's doing laundry today - hey I can't see what I'm doing here oops no no the soap uh how are you going to clean all that up these paper towels will have to do [Music] are you sure you can flush those Sofia oh boy it's ready to go think how can I clean all that up when your toilet is having a moment try covering it completely with plastic wrap really layer it on there when you flush the toilet push down on the plastic wrap creating a suction effect after a minute go ahead and take that stuff off [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: 123 GO Like!
Views: 14,360,339
Rating: 4.5484142 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, hacks, tricks, craft, crafts, prank, pranks, 123 go, 123 go like, 123GO!, tutorial, how to, know how, emergency hacks, emergency life hacks, beauty hacks, travel hack, food hacks
Id: -Y7tA5mNb7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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