Cleveland Indians inside the park home run leads to benches clearing vs. Seattle Mariners LIVE 1998

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four hit 300 in the spring training the Bible on the left field back his Hill to the warning crash es up [Music] Bell is around second on his way to third they're going to wave him home here comes the relay they've got a shouting he can't hang on and the Indians lead one nothing I tell you I am really surprised that they waved him home well welcome back Dave and inside the park home run in his first and back coming back to Cleveland and boy the thing that made this John he was busting out the batter's box when he hit that ball I think the win might have knocked it down a little bit Hill went all the way back to the wall as you'll see him jump it goes off the wall and they have to see he did not get all the way back to the wall Jeff Newman being very aggressive in third base going to send him and on the transfer on the relay throw they come up empty it is the Indians one Seattle nothing and then David Bell all over the Fly ball off the wall and left it kicked away from Glen Allen Hill and he turned it into an inside the park home run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that yeah and Randy just continuing to walk up and say something like he meant to do that here they come he was saying that was a slider now Pinella is going after Kenny Lofton well you see there's a lot of frustration that is right on the Seattle Mariners part of Kenny as Johnson was yelling at him walking in that was a slider and we've seen him throw a few balls to get away we were saying hey don't worry about it and then it all started you're right it's all stemming from frustration well my cockroach making sure to get Kenny away here comes look out over here is that Pinella again yes it is I tell you Luke canola when he his fuse goes off it's troubled you remember him when he's playing absolutely [Applause] the umpire's trying to restore order that's the one thing you don't want to do is wake up a team when you've got him down and beating them like that now the last of the Indians Bullpen has finally made it to the center of the diamond and then they'll have to turn around and go back now the Mariners in the midst of a seven-game losing streak well here's a guy that is the stopper for this ball Club anytime they you know it's almost unheard of and you got a guy as good as Randy Johnson that they've got a seven game straight good point and he's coming out tonight thinking hey I've got to go ahead and complete this ball game he feels this is his game and he's going to have to use both sides of the play we've already seen him Miss many times to right-handers in that zone now the crew chief Larry Barnett had something to say to lupinella he's obviously going to talk to Mike Hargrove and he doesn't have to go far because he's right there with Kenny Lofton all right let's take a look at the pitch that started this real speed [Applause] [Music] he kind of got up and that's what Johnson didn't like he can't walk into the play and temper started the frown they've got that straightened out so this should be a well of a game well they're going to be a few more minutes so we get all the bullpen people back where they belong all right now Larry Barnett the crew chief has a word with Randy Johnson he's just trying to keep things under control it's a good job by Barnett to let everybody know what's going on and get him on the same page nobody likes to have a ball come in that close but like intentional and no he said it was a slider now it goes again Wilson grabs Lofton that was not a slider that was intentional he was just going to let him know he didn't like it but this time the blueprints got here a lot faster probably because they hadn't set down yet Sandy Alamo has been kicked out now there's some severe barking going on Sandy is arguing on fire and he's been tossed Johnson's never left the mile [Music] Sandy's had enough and he was telling the Umpire go ahead you've already won both benches now he comes right back up and in lupinella you can see Sandy he's still hot and I think he's been kicked out in the car he's gone he's going to get his money before he goes oh he's talking he's chirping right to the home plate up player Ed hitchcocks is what he's doing he told him exactly what he felt thank you [Music] all right let's take a look at the two pitches that have started at all and the Indians get hurt the most by it because they lose their catcher that was the first one I think that was even close to this one you see you see where Wilson was he was sitting down and away and Johnson obviously he knows where he's going he's got better control than that he that was a purpose pitch yeah but he's not going to be ejected you've got to steal my car goes still with Kenny Lofton and he's trying to tell him to calm down now we don't know exactly what the umpires told both managers but that pitch right there as Kenny out that may be Kenny that's out and sand and Johnson holy smoke wow [Applause] went back out he got thrown out Johnson was thrown out for the pitch up and in and then Sandy was thrown out because I don't know if he realized what was going on you're going to see if we got enough players to finish this game wow what a nice start to a chilly evening I'm going to tell you what we may be here for a while because they're going to have to warm somebody out and I'll tell you what that's something that the Mariners desperately did not need race thrown out but they've lost their lead off man and their catcher but they get into the bullpen that's true early now Lou Pinella has got to make a decision on who he wants to bring in [Music] well those guys will be watching us on TV from in the clubhouse well you can see Sandy is still he had three players kicked out in this inning well the sad thing is Bartolo cologne you see him sitting right there he has retired the first nine hitters he's faced he's been on fire you don't want him to wait around and he's going to have some kind of time to set until they get another pitcher warmed up and then resume this ball game now my cargrove is having his say now with the crew chief Larry Barnett [Applause] there are many conversations all over the diamond down there well the call has been made to the bullpen for the Seattle Mariners but it's going to take a while obviously to get a pitcher ready looks like it might be Wells coming in [Applause]
Channel: Andy A
Views: 601,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lPxP6scUCr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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