Cleetus WIPES OUT in Mullet! | Sick Week Day 1

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what is up 1320 fans welcome back to the channel welcome to day one of sick week 2024 we just got done with the driver meeting they just called cars the lanes and we're kicking the week off here at Orlando Speedway so we've got racing from about 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. after which all of these cars that are on the property all 336 of them if to turn in their Time Slips and then make their way to gradington Motorsports Park night out of all the Dragon drives out there sick week is the Super Bowl of dragon drives all the craziest cars come out all the fastest cars there are 12 cars in the unlimited class which is the really big boy class six maybe even 5sec cars and there are 27 stick cars on the property that's a crazy stick class all right guys with that being said let's take you guys to some racing action this is the C red Camaro fun fact about this car it is naturally as so keep that in mind when this thing goes [Music] down 776 176 naturally a [Music] [Music] never [Music] [Applause] got Alex Taylor rolling up for her first pass of six we FL 24 they were doing some testing definitely mid sixc car for sure we'll see how fast the car goes on the first F oh and we got the world's quickest and fastest H in the right Lan [Music] awesome [Music] all right 679 for Alex Taylor her goal for the week I know is a 6C average so I'm pretty sure they're happy with that probably going to be a one and done pack it up and head it to [Music] brington first of all high five I just told that was your personal best yes that's your PB personal best on day one of siik week not bad looks like your testing worked pretty well yes I started to get antsy yesterday cuz like we didn't make a test pass but like I studied data studied data studied data and even though we didn't make a quarter mile pass really in our 4 days of testing prior I felt confident in our data but I start always start second guessing myself and I put what I thought Nick and I looked at it some last night as well and 679 and 214 so I'm very happy so the goal for the week 6C average is that correct okay well you're getting there and a finish okay if we finish and with a number like that like we weren't leaning on it hard we were easy on the Boost like I'm really happy right now what real quick just real quick what did you guys change about the setup that's making it work so much better this year when we figured out what we were doing like I I don't want to say that like there's always something to learn but we learned a lot about the combination it's very similar you learn what the car likes we did yeah uh we're a little bit bigger CU K 540 versus a 509 uh a little bit more compression so about 3/4 of the point um and they're bigger turbos really not probably using that they're 98 instead 88 um but yeah no it's a lot of it's just we were pushing it really hard last year and we ended up hurting it with fuel and timing and some other stuff and I think it's just happier right now gotcha gotta well one and done yes get her packed up get her on the road we'll see him R to [Music] tomorrow [Music] 79 at 176 and Randy [Music] [Music] for he throw down on his all right this is the opal asona you guys might remember this car from drag week 2019 this thing was on its grof obviously they've rebuilt the car they are back and they're going for something in the sixes they did a 648 I believe during testing yesterday let's see what they can do on their first pass here today [Music] 628 238 they are one and done getting on the road hell yeah what sounds like Magnus the driver of the esona uh went into the sand top the track they said there's a little bit of damage but it's probably just cosmetic so probably pull it out of the sand get her cleaned up and they should be good for a one and done and get on the road and head to [Music] Brady up are you fixing your little boo boo over [Music] here but anyway congrats on the 628 that's awesome you guys just going to pack it up and try to get the we broke oh so we tear all the up and the cam was hurt and stuff last night yeah yesterday [Music] yeah have you slept yet yeah a little bit a little bit the day before we P the transmission aboard uhhuh this girl is not going to make it easy for you she's a bad girl well congrats on the 28 we'll see you in brington man hey two eight getu speed T see you man go 745 at 187 milph [Music] oh [Music] [Music] pass 9 to Second that's a good Tom B 819 170 in the Durango his goal is seven and that's as close as that thing come so far it looked pretty good it went a little to the right but it looks pretty good Tom it's not a seven but this it looked that was the best looking P you've made so far I'd say oh yeah no we're super happy with that like we're at least we're at least getting down to where our starting point should have been but I mean fig out we went an ass backwards way to do it while we did hook the tire and it worked got you going be happy with that you're going to go back up forn another one no we're happy with that so we we get around talk to some people do some craf get the road but enjoy your own event you yeah we'll take that as like a there a one and Dawn to move on and that's couldn't be happier that we finally got the freaking leave I wouldn't a week ago I would probably tell you I'm not happy with that but like with the week we've had on just trying to get it to go down I mean I'll say I'm happy with that well it was really cool seeing this thing make like it really did look like a good drag car making a pass and it sounded this thing's loud as hell I'm sure you're aware of this yeah well good pass and we'll see you in BR buddy awesome up next we have probably the fastest car on the property Mr Jeff in testing yesterday he did a 619 and then backed it up with a 612 later in the evening his goal for the week is to beat the dragon Drive average which is his own record and I believe it's a 619 average throughout the entire week [Music] [Music] inan 6 a 47 47 milph 6:15 at 247 he got a little out of the group but he stayed in it I think he's probably going to be happy with that in one and done 6:15 [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's [Music] he1 [Applause] 13 all right last night when we were leaving the track this for Festiva was taking apart and obviously they have it back together we're checking everywhere so it's back together we're good what time did you guys get done with it last night so we left here around 10:00 that's not bad I took I went back home to Palm Bay to get some tools uh took a 20 hour or 20 minute just breather on the couch came back worked on it till 2:00 a.m. okay took about a 3H hour power nap in the car got up at 5:30 this morning missed the nut had a go to Ace when they opened up put it back together yeah but we're good to go it's all running good to go yeah I'm just tuning this cold weather out of it right now but uh all right we good to see you guys made it to day one okay better than last don't break it and uh we we'll we'll see you up there all right we got Bryan with the jablin and then we got schroer the C2 Corvette coming up right [Music] [Music] after right in the center a little pump of smoke 648 and 223 for Brian Goldstone that is a 648 223 that thing was dead straight real Gooding pass thater in the C2 64 corette [Music] keep take down it is 815 at 165 779 180 real lazy out the hold and at 815 at 165 way slower than what that car used to doing I'm sure they're going to come back [Music] [Music] ton goes 855 s week brings out some of the most unique cool crazy builds that you've seen for Dragon Drive stuff one of them is right in front of me this thing we saw thing yesterday uh it's wild just check this out so what we got is a vside FD RX7 with a 6 L LS and twin turbos what do you guys call this thing the digi car the digi car yeah gotcha it used to have a uh digital camo wrap on the car we haven't gotten to rewrapping it yet gotcha gotcha it's so why you why did you decide to throw a 6 lit twin turbos in an FD RX7 with a vside kit well we've always had this one LS swapped my one of my friends is a distributor out of the UK for Veilside and he called us up he's like hey no one's drag race the fortune kit yet do it I think it's more of a show car thing that's why it's like I saw we we all saw this thing yesterday and all of us took pictures of it put in the group chat like did you guys see this thing it's insane looking what are you guys hoping to do with the car this week so it's just a stock bottom end l96 it's got a used cam in it it's got you know um the standard sloppy mechanics job so LS7 lifters LS head gasket head bolts um we have it up to 25 lb which is about 12200 wheel horsepower okay um it weighs a bit though cuz the body kit that we put on and all the safety equipment we went overboard the safety equipment um so it weighs like just around 3,300 oh wow okay so we'll probably be doing like an 81 or 82 okay um cuz we're going to we got to keep it somewhat soft out of the hole cuz our axles are pretty weak um can't just give it all all the power out of the hole um but our real goal is just to you know first time doing Dragon Drive just finish out the week that's the best goal for a first timer that's that's the first goal and if we make it to Friday then you know we'll hop in the computer turn it up to 30 lbs and see if we can get a seven hell yeah well I'm glad you guys came out this is awesome car to bring out to a drag drive and sick week good luck on your pass we'll see you [Music] man [Music] and what was known as the ninja car now putting an all black finish 12 well it did a burnout and it did a 1208 at 119 he'll be back around that's he trying to do an 81 [Applause] 82 [Music] this fox body behind me for the past I believe two sick weeks has done the Eighth Mile class and this thing leaves so good it's a monster of a car and I believe it won the past two years or at least last year it did this year in modified class he's doing quarter mile I can't wait to see this thing go let's go check in all right you guys went from 8th mile to qu mile this year yes why did you decide to do that you just want to go fast uh in the in the Dragon Drive Community it seems like there's more notoriety in the quart mile stuff that's fair that's fair we didn't want to go back on the 235 until somebody broke the the record that we set so okay so you guys are just going to let that one chill till somebody breaks it yeah yeah somebody breaks that record we'll come back on 23 now what is this thing do in the quarter we've been 670s at 218 really yeah oh God okay I know in 8 Mile this thing leaves this thing is the best looking car when it leaves and it's the only convertible I've ever seen leave as hard as it does so we love this car uh what are you hoping for a first pass you take it easy or just going for it if if it sticks and goes based on the track I expect in the in the 50s all right man well good luck to you see you up there [Music] 641 and [Music] 214 uh frecking moving looked good just left so hard I'm going to guess he's going to be happy with that one done 641 uh yeah that thing that seem a bad bit it's going to be a contender of the modifi class Here Comes our buddy Brett L now last year at s week somebody in the class protested him and said he had a one piece front end which was illegal it wasn't a one piece front end but this year they just wanted to make sure so it's like four or five pieces now so no way it's a one piece run end anymore oh Brett does a 635 and 238 he is on one right now one and done for Brett I'm sure that is freaking [Music] awesome 635 my boy that was looking good yeah it was a little messed up it was doing uh a little weird chip thing on the starting line so I'm like oh that's not good and then um a two little weird spot soundtrack but I was like I'll stay in anyway so it's got more in it oh yeah I mean it uh yeah what's the best on the car what's the best ET on the car right now 633 with with a four you're right you're right there so we've never ran these turbos to the quarter we went 633 against Garrett and fl2k smaller turbos that Eighth Mile was a 416 right that Eighth Mile was a 422 quite a b number yeah so well one and done congrats boys thank you get back on the road all way also I appreciate the new eight nine whatever 10 piece front end is right yeah it's like you know when you go to KFC you order what piece bucket you want whatever piece you want we'll put on the seen a five piece six piece got I've never seen so many of those freaking little Zs the car the color contrast really makes it you know look stitched together but I was like all this fine all right boys get her packed up we'll see you br in tomorrow [Music] see ride com it again 875 at [Music] [Applause] 157 looks like and was able to save it and why don't you this ladies and gentlemen he's P it over to the side to shut it off all right so uh our guy Nick at the starting line was like you got to take a look at this pass I was like okay what is he he's like the the road Master wagon okay how Wild could it have been oh my god dude that was a wild ride what happened exactly uh I I mean we did uh we did Street and ye back in November and uh the car hooked up real well in Carolina and it picked up the front end um I actually took a little bit out on the starting on the on the launch just CU I didn't want it to pick up that hard um but but it still it clipped and went so um not not real sure but it hooked hard and it it upset it it drugged the drugged the trailer hitch I felt it get a little weird and so then let out and let out a little more than I should have but um yeah I came down and clapped the pan and and then went for a ride just the pan okay just the just all it all it kicked or uh kicked in was the um the drain so okay just a drain buong but not bad not bad yeah so we'll see if we can get one we'll find one and put it back together again okay a little different than when it was a stick shift car I I was literally about to say can you give me a quick rundown of what it is cuz I know this thing used to be the stick car it was fun but it was just a family kind of wagon and now this thing got a lot more serious so quickly what's the setup on the wagon now the the engine the engine setup still pretty much identical um just kind of worked at it you know 76 mm turbo on on an LS2 48 cubic in um but we went with a uh a 4 l80 um cuz tired of tired of breaking stuff shift in the car and breaking Parts constantly and with how much this thing probably weighs stick shift's not easy on it you know exactly so I mean it was it was a clutch almost every event so now it's so etct ET wise what are you looking for with other roadm this week honestly I'm I'm set up to go to a 100 we ran a 10:02 last year and I was really hoping to do a 9 this morning just just to get a 9 second pass in and then come back and go go a little easier on it but um instead we we just went up so well uh get a new pan on it uh get her over to brington and uh we'll see what you can do there bud all right man thank see you H yeah up next we got bla the crew chief is coming up and the motion race Works Mustang [Applause] all right we got cetus and bullet and then we got Ruby coming up next after him [Music] 7 75 226 he spun off the line and Power Wheel so fetus spun off the line did a Power Wheel he got out of the groove and all that still did a 75 at 226 not bad I'm sure he's not going to be happy with that but still not that bad up next we got [Music] Ruby [Music] sh was 850 with a zero was a zero Ru than okay so apparently Ruby is in the 850 class just did an 85 with a zero that's the best you can possibly get one and done for Ruby not bad hey James Fred well first of all congrats on your you you had a win last night at brington yep and then you come out here and you just first pass get in the car just cut up with everybody 850 with a zero with a zero you're a bad man my guy trying dude trying okay so 850 class again with this thing you've done well in that class in several different Dragon drives before yeah we've podiumed a bunch one I think we won one or two of them mhm out there in uh uh race week in Colorado and stuff like that so we're familiar with the class and what you got to do to get there anything new on Ruby this year that we should know about it's just got Leroy's old motor in it so it's actually got a Dart Block in it now got something nice in there something nice in it now and then it got a whole rewire so she works pretty good okay well congrats again on your 851 and done we'll see you in BR anything buddy you too bud Fred not much what happened their first pass knocked the tires off right on like didn't even move just knocked them off so which D is is our same starting line tune as the other day so it's just like oh man some variable in between there fig you know do you did you grab a button or something cuz all of a sudden you spun and then you did a power wheelie and then you're out of the Grove you were you were still trying I let off the gas and then I hit the gas again and did a freaking wheelie and then I let off in the wheelie got back in the gas again went 226 I was impressed with the mile per hour for sure yeah the mile hour was there but the ET was not you know what's the what's the goal ET for the car this week what are you what are you shooting for Brett just won a 635 so we got to run up there with him oh yeah that's fair yeah what's the best in the car that you've done uh what we go beat 632 or something like that one time something like that we've been 6:30 so okay has you been there not impossible we just got need it back we just put the four link in the car so it's a little different now but learning new suspension and whatnot sorted out yeah all right buddy well good luck to you we'll see you up there on the ready for the [Applause] he 60 with a 7 at 160 mph for Kevin oh we got the boosted boys Kyle boosted boys Kyle in the platy this thing is too freaking cool if you guys don't know what the platy is uh Tesla modol S plaid with a body swap with a Honda Odyssey so it's all-wheel drive 1,80 horsepower uh I'm not sure what it does ET wise but he's in he's getting the lanes right now I'm pretty excited to see this thing go it's such a sleeper cuz it's like a 4 different color Honda Odyssey and it's 1,000 all-wheel drive horsepower it really it still rolls down down I'm actually impressed it's got some window switches wired up nice okay ET wise what are we looking at well we got to go slower than 999 so oh okay I'm probably going to launch it normal and out the back to keep it higher than that 990 so I don't have to turn into 20 second this is the weirdest because everything looks so new and modern inside and you're so low yeah I'm really low because this SE was built before when it was heroy it's on the floor and I had to put a in or some sort of racing seat so we can have some proper harnesses so I'm kind of stuck down here on the floor for right now if it works it works when you have the Tesla seats in it I'll put it back in obviously after the event they actually have a lot of adjustment they go really high and it feels pretty nice not bad as long as you can see everything I'm good not bad at all nice all right man good luck to you can't be any worse than uh steeve Mor sitting in the back seat of the wagon I figured when I was building this thing it can't be any worse than Steve Morris sitting in the backseat of his wagon back yeah he yeah he's like from the front end of car be there you go all right man good [Applause] [Music] luck going up against kyleen [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh get stopped in time everybody clear the starting L please everybody clear the starting line please [Music] Tom what's he doing over there is he working he's actually working on his car oh yeah yeah that's that's what Jeffrey just said is like he can't get bitched at this week because he's not allowed to be crew so he can only Scott to do something and he doesn't trust Scott to do anything so therefore he's got doing all all right so what are for the no prep King fans at home that might be watching this and they don't know a dragon Drive stuff they just know that Lutz is doing it explain to them at home basically the basic rules like Lut can only have him and his co-driver working on the car he has to take his tools everywhere he keep you trailer what else do they know yeah no that's the that's kind of the big thing it's you and your co-pilot I mean those are the only two that can be wrenched on the car um you can have other competitors could help you they just can't be in competition to be your help so um so kind of in an emergency type situation somebody get out you get outside the parking lot you get all the help you want but you can't have support Vehicles no one can be following along with a trailer a rig Parts anything like that that is for you you got to carry everything in that trailer you pull the trailer behind your car you can stop at an auto park store though if if you happen to know somebody lives on the route you can stop at their house like I mean that's fine but you have to stay on the route if you exit the route you got to come back where you left the route so there's check along there and basically just to bring it back to the old days that like literally like call it snake in the mongers type thing where they were like their Grudge Racing across the country and they have their pickup trucks their little tow rigs pulling everything with them back when there was not FedEx and next day delivery and all of that stuff but um but I mean that's it so like Junior here like in this he racing as well but he's in a different class and so he's not allowed to touch the car especially he's in one of the slower class so you can't you got to make sure that's not a support vehic I mean Jeff's done this plenty of times no PR Kings Jeff's been a drive drag and drive star so like so he knows the rules he knows the stuff with it and that's it it's basically you and your guys all right well thanks for giving me the run down on that first of all congrats on the 615 pass that's awesome are you guys happy with that one and done no are we happy with that we happy with it we'll see what everybody else does then we'll make it decision at the end of the day if he tells me to stay I'm staying see what we do wait we got one or two things going on here we can leave here for 6:15 or we can go for it and if we break it we don't have to go for it you have Trail right there in local to me where I can get here tonight fix it and then make the drive tomorrow we're going to wait and see what everybody else does I don't want to leave that on the table but if I have to I will okay and remind me your bet that you have the ET average record on a dragon drive and it was a 619 is that right okay awesome well may one two things going to happen here okay we're going to go into FES or we're going to lower that average okay either one all right we're after something I just don't know why all right see you boys thank you buddy [Music] you can Mar other way to the right side standing 121 M I [Music] believe this is a I believe I remember right an 81 lont wagon you ever seen one before the front the front end very unique to this ge apparently it's got a proar big BL outside it's Extremely Loud and it's very awesome what it does here on day one unforunately he get a time did he red light oh he red L damn it no time for the wagon all right [Music] he has a lot of trouble again we do apologize for the downtime we are doing our best to try to get [Music] and the swi has problems p over to the side the will complete the side we got a couple badass cars coming out first of off we have this I believe it's a 65 C2 Corvette it's got a LS twin turbo and it's supposed to be pretty quick and then after that we have the shark Porsche which has the massive lower and then the shark intake up top so we'll see what this cars can do on day one of sick [Music] week [Music] 489 at 16 milph in the mile quick back story on this 84 c44 vet that's behind me it's got an LS and a twin turbo in it but that's not the real story the real story is the guy that's driving it he's from England 5 days ago he got the email from the sick mad guys saying he was approved to come to the event he didn't have a car he didn't have a plane ticket so 5 days ago he booked a ticket flew here got with one of his buddies they bought that car 48 hours ago so he's about to make his first passive s week right now so how many miles do you guys have on this unit right here from when you got it where you when we got it so I would tell you we've had to do a lot of auto park store driving um I would say 3 hours 3 hours worth of driv what do you think it's going to do do you have any idea at all well we know a stock one does 13 something so if he does less than that it's up for sale after this video and we're going to buy something else if it doesn't do a 138 it's for sale yeah it's for sale some guy came up to him earlier and was telling him I got a stock one and I did a 138 here at this track in it so that's what they're saying uh if it doesn't go faster than a stock 96 bet they're going to sell it cuz it's slow tires 489 at 154 for Sheldon and the Corvette on the left hand side this was a brand new purchase less than 48 hours ago and they it's for sale it's for sale okay it did look like he got into boost a couple times but then he had to get out of it yeah I don't know if it's I don't know if it's spinning we're worried somewhat the transmission it's got a little wine so I don't know it's hey went down only you guys would would buy a car in 48 hours and think let's drive it 1,000 miles and race it yeah why not [Music] right [Music] [Applause] so cruising around the pits at a dragon Drive you'll see occasionally pretty often actually cars broken that happens in pretty much drag race uh and there's a javelin here and they have the entire rear differential out of it let's let's check in we need to support we're getting creative I I don't even know what you're doing right what I don't know what you did or what what you on the launch the the car dead hooked for the first time ever congrat congratulations and uh the four leg brackets immediately ripped off the axle and the drive shaft exploded so we got a drive shaft coming yeah we got a drive shaft coming they took the pieces and they're going to use what's still good hang on so they took the pieces of the drive shaft and they're going to make one for you somehow yeah ADV Advanced Drive Line and here in Orlando they're going to make it literally as soon as the guy gets there to drop it off okay and he's bringing it back and uh the front was still good it didn't hurt the transmission or anything so my yoke up by the transmission was all good the rear just exploded and so they're going to use the front and just make a new aluminum tube that comes back gotcha so fix this what bend it back or reweld we're bending it and rewelding it we got a welder in a generator that somebody showed up with and it wasn't the drive shaft fault it was the rear end brackets broke got this car was built back in the ' 80s and never actually raced until this year well and uh they built things differently back then yeah uh day one's already pretty exciting for you boys one has been good hey we're here we got to figure it out there you go [Music] there goes Mr Tom Bailey I want to show you guys this cuz this is something pretty neat I always pointed out every time we do a sick week but check out the tires on this thing those are big knobby mudding tires and why do these race cars use these mudding tires for street tires well they're treaded and they're like 35 Ines tall which is the height of their race car tires and they're way cheaper than a big tire to go on a race car for a street Tire they need that 35 36 in tire so they're not wrapping up the RPMs on the engine so bad so you'll see quite a few of these race cars 6C cars doing mud tires on the back it's kind of funny looking look at this absolute unit right here we going to be doing some stuns for us today maybe I don't want to get too spicy know the crowds out hell yeah I don't know how will do on track prep we're going to find out today yes that [Music] breath got America's death trangle triangle going for a rip right here thanks to our good friend B this mcf check this thing out here we go Lo connection oh no no no straight to the ground dang how is this ping oh no thanks brother grab that Wing George you got a liability that's sad you got insurance [Applause] [Music] the house this thing is freaking sweet all right so give me the rundown first of all I love wagons so I had to come over here and talk to you about this thing yeah it's loud it's freaking awesome I think you guys just built it you guys just got done with it Yep this is a what am I looking at exactly so it's a uh my rendition of a 1981 Pontiac lemon's Grand Lem man Safari wagon they make these with the front end and everything I've never seen one before my you can make one or you can you can buy one just like this but it's 1981 only for this front end really so they made him even into from the 70s all the way through the ' 80s but 81 is the only one that had the pronounced point on the FR correct that and the four headlights instead of two gotcha so more looks like a Trans Am Grill but it's actually lont gotcha what what's the other there's a lot more cooler yeah so it's a uh big block chabby 540 cubic in okay um solid roller deal trick flow head uh it's got a procharger trank Drive setup on it uh f312 jeez okay so it right now we only we're only about 25 lbs of boost um it's plenty I think how much power does it make it um so I actually I don't know what ET did you run today uh I don't know so oh you didn't like the boards that's right you were you red lit I I remember so the trans brake didn't hold um that was only my fourth attempt at a pass in the car anyway so I believe I actually left in high gear when I came back I thought it was in low gear um according to data log I probably wasn't and that's why the trans braake didn't work I get to the other end before I even get out of the car the trans brake worked perfectly fine okay so driver air uh my log says it still went right around 785 in high gear gotcha not terrible it looked good when it went down track I was just looking for looking for boards I looked back like oh he readed lit um so you're going to hop back in the lanes once they call you I'm really hoping they do call us okay that's fair cuz you know they keep pushing everything back and I feel like at a certain point they made us call it a day we keep having a lot of situations l downs today lot of downs well I love the wagon I love all wagons but race car wagons are my freaking favorite so especially when they have four seats hell yeah love the car good luck this week awesome thank you very much he both thr the shs early 784 147 so there's this Dodge van behind me right it's it's called plumers crack it's got a plumber on the side of it uh and it just looks like a fun car that they're just taking on on sick week actually it's pretty quick last night it was right next to another car that had a blower out the hood and he had him by a car I don't know what's done to it but I'm about to go find out all right man this thing's way too fast for what it is so I need to know what the hell you did what what's the what the setup what are we looking at here 548 cubic in big block Chevy 548 cubic in big block Chevy yes sir now turbo 400 we're running it's on pump gas all motor no nitrous on it right no nitrous nothing um that was my that was my first and only run so far so we'll see what it now what what ET was that 1189 89 yeah Jesus oh no 1189 119 got you than good luck man [Music] [Music] oh Nock and it looks like he just fin the dve where he back [Music] that's oh Nock it looks Drive sha just aded drive sha just left the [Music] chat first start of 2 [Music] 121 all right 3:30 p.m. we were supposed to be finished by 3: we've had so many oil Downs that they've kept pushing it back kept pushing it back it is called all cars to the Lane so anybody that's made a pass and wasn't happy with it want make another pass any car any class kind of lanes right now so we have some cars like Cletus is in here uh the great Pontiac wagon is here L's got in the lanes nobody's run faster than him he said I was let's we're going to see how everybody else in the class runs he's still faster than everybody by far but he's back in the lanes trying to improve on his 615 maybe we'll see a five out of them I don't know but the lanes are now getting packed backed we're still going to be here a few more hours so a lot more racing to [Music] come I should also mention that the more time we spend here at the track the less daylight we have once we get down the road because they have to drive to Bradington tonight racing starts at braon Motorsports Park tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. so everybody wants to make the drive tonight and if you're here till 6:30 at night it's going to be dark most of your driving that's going to suck I think it's 220 230 Mi something like that so keep that in mind all these cars they all to make passes they all to like their passes turn turn in slips but then they have to drive 230 M tonight after it's all said and [Music] done all right guys just a reminder we actually have a merch store last shop we have everything you think from t-shirts these stickers loers leggings hats we got everything you can think of go buy some and here we got cus all right Cletus did not have a good first pass but Brett did and Brett's in modified as well Brett did a 635 quickest bullet has ever been I believe this a 632 so has to do a PB right here to be competitive with Brett moving on to BR let's see what he can do all right pleas a do a 673 at 220 mph guarantee that's not as fast as you want to go [Music] uh so I don't know if he's going down there for Cletus or the other car that's it hey dude offroader all right doing truck stuff you're doing truck stuff with it not ideal okay how how fast were you going when you hit the sand well what what exactly why did you hit sand did not well here's the deal when you go through the traps you usually not on the brakes cuz you're waiting for the parachutes they never hit and then I started slowing down and I was just locking them up unlocking locking them up unlocking just trying kind of like use max braking and then the the shoot started working a little bit but it was too late so I just kind of before I got to the sand I just kind of locked them up went sideways dipped in and then I was able to drive out once you drove right out of the S TR yeah I just checked everything was good and drove right out not bad also 673 I know it's not a low six but it's still a six it is a six I'll take it still big yeah I'm I'm not upset but I want upset transmission's okay it made some weird sounds all right buddy well glad you're okay glad the car is okay we'll see you next [Music] [Music] time all right so once it gets going not bad but getting off the line kind of a struggle for [Music] that [Music] we [Music] here [Applause] all right we got Mr Jeff L back up here for a second pass today first pass was a 615 which is faster than anybody else on the property period not fast see what he can [Music] do try to hang on to it TOS the shoot early and go 647 [Music] at on to it to to shoot early and go 647 172 647 to 172 and that's like letting out of it way way [Music] early the the 825 167 with the parachute is that pretty pretty decent 825 pretty decent pretty good I mean it's new so it's all new new block new crank new piston really baby stepping it what's the what's the best D on the car uh last year was 80 in we're happy to you know be where we were at similar to last game all right 825 not bad you guys going to pack it up get on the road yeah we're going to head out all right we'll see you in brington yeah see you it is currently 555 p.m. you're supposed to get done at 3: all these cars behind me still need to make passes and they still need to make a 230 M drive tonight that being said uh Jeff Lutz ran once did of 615 ran the second time didn't go as quickly he still ran a six and he's back in the lanes literally competing against himself I guess I'm going to go check in with him see what the hell he's thinking uh three passes and he's already way in the lead he's going for something specific Jeff what are you doing buddy you know about this um anybody else with this kind of lead already would just be like we're just going to back it up F yeah that don't mean nothing to me uh we finally what we finally got the shake out of it and we blew it on the tuneup so we're going to leave the shake out of it we fix the tune up I'm going for it okay that's what I'm here for good luck man yes thank [Music] [Music] you [Music] that was a pass oh my goodness what happened since the last time I saw you well what' you break the transmission got hurt I didn't even tell you I was still in Sandstone looking at the data log we just blew second gear out of it so oh third gear kind of caught it it's all 9500 RPM and then high gear grabbed it so and then transmission fluid is real bad so we're just going to we're going to try and drive it to braen and put like it is with just first and third and just see what well yeah it drives okay oh okay a low power okay so see if we can get home what is it th 400 yeah it's the Eminem 400 all right surviv World Cup and all that savagery and then it's just Christmas tree race all that all good and then it's just like no signs boom something race that's R Car be all [Music] [Music] right [Music] crosses lades wow 714 and 153 but it won't care 644 getting out of the gas early he did a 644 at 181 so not a great pass he's swinging for those fives I'm pretty sure he'll be done he'll get the car back in trim and get it back on the road but uh he's swinging for it can't can't say he's not it is 6:40 p.m. we still have a 230 M Drive ahead of us but we are done here at the track most people have gotten on the road already or they're loading up their trailers and getting on the road and unfortunately like this Maverick behind me some people are getting loaded up on two trailers which means they're out we had a lot of breakages today a lot of oil Downs a lot of Carnage tracked the best they could to try to keep the track running all day when there's that much oil downs and breakages not much you can do so we're going to try to get loaded up get on the road here by 700 p.m. and then we have a lot of miles to go and we will show you guys all the stuff we see along the way this is going to be a long video if you guys are still watching this video thank you very much I'm not sure how much there is how much more there is in the video but uh it's going to be a late night so stay [Music] tuned hello guys we made it to our first checkpoint uh we did get out of there by 7 it's only 7:30 and is Exploration Tower is the first checkpoint you guys are new to drag and drive coverage you have to take a very specific route they tell you where to go you can't get off Route or it's against the rules and when you hit your checkpoints on Route you have to take a picture of your car in front of the checkpoint so all these guys right here are getting out to take a picture of their car to prove they were at the Exploration Tower and then they're going to move on with the route Tower behind me is the first of three checkpoints on this route tonight so we still have two more places we got to stop we got a lot more miles to cover I think we're going to hop in and kind of follow these guys to the next checho for a little while we're going to take you guys all the Carnage all the stuff along the road everybody's pulled over we'll stop see what what's going on see if they're broken and all that we're going to get back on the road we got like another 200 miles to [Music] go and that was our first trailer burn out woo first trailer burnout of s week hell [Music] yeah [Music] all right we have made it to the second checkpoint of the day which is Bizarro Pizza uh we got a couple race cars a lot of people sitting here waiting for race cars to go through buy the slice red do they can we get a pie in like 15 minutes I am starving I see a lot of pizza sitting right up like Vegas style you're ready to get it yeah let's go Pizza we're starving we haven't eaten since we left the track we're good now is it hell yeah shout out to uh the original Bizarro famous New York style pizza it was actually pretty good we smashed like eight slices of that like real quick so I think all all the cars are pretty much gone we're going to get loaded up and head to checkpoint 3 and see what other cars we can catch on the road all right even though it's way too dark to see the ocean uh and all the guys that left at like noon today got to see the ocean the ocean's right behind us we can't see it it's way too dark but we're still going to like try try to take a peek you can kind of hear it all right it might be way too dark we're here there's the ocean there it is we got to touch it without getting the Jordans wet oh sh oh sh oh sh I touched it I touched it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys the third and final checkpoint of day one of sick week 2024 it is 11:39 p.m. here's the freedom Factory we made it uh we didn't see too many cars broke down on the side of the road we saw some cars driving but we're going to go ahead and guess that most of the cars that broke y or yesterday jeez it's so late it seems like it was yesterday most of the cars that broke today probably broke at the track and they didn't make the drive that's what I'm going to assume that's probably why we didn't see many also we didn't leave the track till like 7 so we're tired we might get to the hotel by midnight might not but that being said that's going to go and do it for day one coverage of sick week 2024 we'll see you guys here at brington M Sports Park tomorrow oh my God this look this look freaking [Applause] epic this is so ridiculous
Channel: 1320video
Views: 386,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1320video, 1320, 1320 video, cleats McFarland, sick week, sick week 2024, crash, wreck, accident, mullet
Id: JZpxaJw1Mrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 37sec (4237 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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