The 55 shot left at 170 MPH 😳 - Sick Week 2024 Day 2

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morning and welcome back to day two day two of sickly we are frighten early it is still dark out we're probably going to be too early to the track but it's nice to be early yes kind of kind of she'd rather be sleeping or putting makeup on well it's only cuz I stayed up to edit for you guys till 4: you're welcome thanks for watching anyways we're headed to the track we are currently in second uh second place and unlimited iron grubby and Nick are in first place in the heavy class and they got in late last night and yeah see you guys at the track we got a lot of switch over to do I actually feel bad cuz I hate when that happens the other way [Music] morning so we got here before the sunrose got here really early before Meg got here cuz we actually got a lot of stuff this morning she silent that's okay though no we got here before the sun rose we actually had to wait outside we couldn't get in gate finally got in the gate we got parked we got a good spot we got all the good things happening now if we can just make the car behave and act nice be great I will be not I will be nervous until we make the next pass that's where I'm checking stuff what are you doing cuz if you catch Val early like we've had it before where a ke has busted or or I should say a lock or something like that so I go through every day to make sure it happy after okay I just want to make sure we need to get some rags and wipe that up K gasket wipe both sides head so [Music] it nobody's had an issue or anything like yeah they don't have problem next year it's just a smed wrong it's just enough wrong to cause me a problem it's just not going to budge nope do you want to see how close [Music] see [Music] well good raining oil I'm getting ready to I can't get that Jack s under the front I need to cut them off can I do this good morning good morning how are you good good how are you so far so good I just ran the the exhaust Valves and all of them are really good so if I feel that way at the end of the valve lashing we're golden feel like you need to introduce yourself hi I'm Matt from the NH from NH but we know Matt from Road where did you first meet us road kill kns nights yeah yeah I told Alex to be on time to lanes and she actually was well that's a a first no I know I know she really wanted the pass absolutely yeah so Matt um we don't have Nolan this week but Matt's kind of playing or Nolan honestly I get to have all the Sass yeah he's and be cranky and hry that's me that's literally my job um we're trying to get him to extend his trip we'll see if it actually works we'll find out tomorrow stay tuned yeah but I don't know where it [Music] be you got the tire pressure gug out right [Music] number two at Bradington h Sports Park and I'm with the one and only Alex Taylor Alex while she gets into her uh into her belt here and gets the the hardest on the con system you had a personal best yesterday with the 55 tell us about that yeah at9 at 24 and I honestly did not expect [Music] that 679 static um I'm really not changing anything for today air is very similar how itly heck yeah and I mean one and done yesterday hopefully that's the plan again today and then your goal like we were talking before sixes in every track so good luck to you I really really hope it works out and I'll get out of your hair so you can actually concentrate on getting this thing down the racetrack thank you Adam Dory Alex Taylor thanks so much guys for tuning in again SI week 2024 game number two coming at you and we're about to see this 55 work thank you the same should I do a big burnout again do a big one I think so I'm only got 128° in it like sorry here just a little bit let it warm up I put a lot of fuel in it you can probably go ahead and start it just to warm it up has run as quick as 648 oh no one want just [Music] 70 de to live 9 170 she got squirly on the big end the back end of the car was all over the place that was kind of scary uh otherwise that would have been a six so hopefully get that figured out I don't know if the track's a little wet up there or what that looks scary uh but bring it back around and hope to run a six next pass [Music] doing okay is there any oil on the TRU no we don't see any when you guys know that's my only thing I con sure is there any oil under the car not that I see that I just I did have a concern of it I just wanted to check so I can get it off the track thank sorry guys I'd rather be safe than sorry I didn't know oh I agree thank you that's I'm going to try to start it and uh if not I'll take a e whatever you want to do thank you let me TR it out from under the car and that's one I saw I was like got your oil on the track and I asked the guys I was like is there oil on the track they said is there oil under the car I was like no like we don't see any on the TRU okay so I figur that Volkswagen must have done it that's the only thing that it could be when I did the burnout I looked down and it had like I said no like the oil pressure on the burnout when I was back up sitting there idle and I looked down I'm like that's why I was like what do I do but it came back up gentlemen we are waiting on the top end of the racetrack to let us know everything is St okay go down so that Volkswagen put oil down scared the crap out of me cuz it took the back end of the car and went and I threw the shoes and it straightened it out and I was like have stage and we're going to bring the Rotator in so the rotator kind of us the next evolution of track the traditional dragger that sounds fine fine see if it got oil pressure if it does drive it back I'd rather drive back cuz people think it's you probably and okay I literally like I got up to the top end and everything felt great I mean the car was a 11360 and then it kicked the back end out from under me and I was like and I threw the shoes and it got me straight and I was like all right we're under control but I got out cuz I thought I dropped the oil but I didn't drop it yeah to come show [Music] you [Music] with n ,000 all [Music] right [Music] every hel I need a [Music] helmet can you nope sorry we're going to get we don't have any concern about the oil pressure right well I am but I didn't do anything wrong that time another stupid Volkswagon can you TI my side belt try to calm down some some big purose I just I just hope the oil is okay the motor sounds good we're good everything's good all fine thing we could have done different was take the freaking thing apart that's just all day I don't think it's it's that hurt or hurt and in may need a couple more quartz of oil everything felt fine it's as I got scared when it kicked me which I had a reason to be K but it scared me cuz I thought I dropped something yeah I understand better than finding a wall um can you take this and I'm going to put mine over here [Music] 4 [Applause] [Music] thank you we got that 20 something 693 it's aist matter we'll take it yeah good job guys so the first pass it would have been good it was on an 80s something pass but she got down I don't even know where about 1,000 foot probably and the car in front of her had put oil out they checked the track before she made a hit and they dried you know wiped it a little bit but they didn't drag it well she went down hit that oil that was evidently on the track it shot her hard left she pulled the shoots and lifted got it straightened up but it killed her run it was a 709 I think 170 mph so we ran back and filled it up with fuel and went out again went 697 at 207 I think is what it was so it's not as good as we want but it is a six so she's coming back we'll look it over pack it up get ready to head to the next track what's the low pressure do I think it's just low on oil before we leave I don't want to but I want to lash The Rocker I want to check lash okay that was actually a 693 was it 93 nice 93 209 so uh and that was a 116 60t it does not like it well nobody else got gear the fastest pass today 41 reaction huh 041 on my tree oh that's nice that was my other one too it was an 043 I don't know I it was so um that was a lot in like an hour's period of time um we ran the first pass and thing was doing really good had 11360 ft and like all through the first half of the track it looked amazing like it was great and the right the bug right before me they had a poof of smoke and it looked like they probably dropped some stuff the track went out they looked they didn't see anything the 55 found it unfortunately um but it's okay we got a 709 at 170 something on that first pass I could have turned it in and probably would have kept my average in second but I really wanted the six so we like whipped the thing around the staging lanes were open still I packed my shoots as we're like pulling forward in the staging lanes and ran a 693 at 209 11660 ft not many people are getting down the track right now so like overall long story short I'm happy with it and I'm going to turn this in I'm going to take this suit off cuz even though it's not hot in air temperature today the sun is making it hot warm hot okay you're welcome what do you need are you good I'm so my brain is so scattered trash you've been walking around with it for last 20 minutes yeah I got a s injectors so uh shout out to the motion race Works crew um we are Street injectors a little leaky I think Dad talked to you about that you guys about that and they sat for a while and we actually last time we were on six summer we had Mike Belle send us our D works and overnighted them well we forgot we forgot to put them in for this time and they're definitely um leaking and it makes it no fun to drive on the street and I walked over to motion race works and I was like hey do you guys have any injectors and they didn't have any for sale they were kind enough to loan me theirs that they had just like their personal ones that they had just had cleaned so shout out to them could potentially make our week much much better so um we're going to borrow those and then I'll send them back and get them cleaned and get them back to those guys but big thanks Big thanks so cool thank you that's awesome try again that was my bad thank you guys go ahead okay people I'm going to work for the NH but we're going to rearrange those letters it's going say hot rods allowed now there you go hot rod are [Music] allowed right to my heart Dennis Taylor for na hang on a an R whatever the new I no yeah no hot rods allow now whatever nasty hot rods allow I like it okay you know Keith I actually remember the first time you put me an impound and what an insult I thought it was and now I'm like please put me an impound please put me an impound you only put people in an impound you want to hang out with and that day somebody wanted to hang out with you I don't know who it was but they it was you even if you don't admit it so there now can I go down yeah easy I don't think there's anything else kind of So what had happened was on that first pass when it oiled down I honestly thought that I kicked a rod or threw oil somewhere so I killed the car trying to save the motor well I know that when you kill the car we figured out the hard way you kill the car and you're still moving you can overextend the drum direct drum and blow the seals on the second pass I just now had a chance to look at data on the second pass we lost 100 so for those that are going to say you always have transmission problems transmission was perfect the fact that there was oil on the track I thought that I kicked the rod I lifted I shut down all that that's the [Music] problem G them a might have to some sealer probably won't drive before we have he spun but he's able to pedal and still go 750 so nice just there's literally so assuming that this is the problem that we're pretty confident that it is this won't be a quick fix I mean it'll be a quick fix that's what I should say it'll be a quick fix [Applause] we need something to work on no sign of a blown [Music] seal are they in [Music] everyone nothing wrong [Music] I wonder if the check balls on seated like they say they can check it I don't you can't check it they're right there can you push on it how are you huh no they float in there see they're floating but the idea is a centrifugal force when it's running real high RPM and pressure and unse them then you have a lot of leak but the problem is the clutches should show that leak and it doesn't so let's put that seal back on we need some stickers all we're doing is being sure of ourselves it looks a little warm but it's not there it's not hold the clamp and TI it's I think the plate is too far this direction I need a screwdriver would you drive me a straight screw driver no that was on the pass like that that last pass was 90 lbs of pressure in third gear the whole time there no BL third gear was blown the whole time all so all please P to the Lane calls all run the L all we can do is take it apart see but there's no sign of a blown seal there but it's not like dead like I think it's on the verge there is something in there that's hurt get the the big SE clamps and let's pull it apart but I don't know how to verify that we don't have a pressure way to pressure test it huh compr too hard to do you have really need Center support out I do yeah so the only thing we can do is take it apart and see how it looks I'd rather do that than put it back together not knowing but here's the thing those are all perfect can can the rele valve like that yeah maybe but I don't know how it would affect third gear trying to make enough money not converter charge it's converter charge trying to set myself up yeah because afterward so we pulled the transmission because she looked at data and said oh pull the transmission why because the third gear line pressure took a dump it's almost nonexistent there's a guy that well you sure C there you have to burn the clutches and blow the seal for that third gear line pressure is bad okay so we pulled transmission we just pulled the direct clutches which is third gear pulled them out nothing wrong so we don't know if it's a sensor or there's a there's a converter charge pressure relief valve that can get a piece of trash hung in it which is external which would have been a lot easier to take out than the transmission but you know it could be that the converter charge pressure valve it's got a piece in it and it's leaking so she's talking to Jake right now to see if he agrees that that could possibly be the problem but right now there doesn't look like there's anything wrong with the Trans which isn't really that big a deal we pull the trans so much that we know what we're doing is 30 minutes to take it out 30 minutes to put it back so we're okay we're going to figure out what Jake says see what he says and figure out what to do and probably put back together put it back in the car it looks perfect so we're better safe than sorry I'm I'm used to that what are we doing here we just pission for the nothing's wrong my third gear pressure drops 150 lb oh wow but it must have been not real because the clutches aren't get down the [Music] track 7 I car cough Cann find I just compression test something something happened yesterday after 6:15 wonder if I should check the I you would get 34 12 point I'll cut that's that I'll go to the front okay I can go to the back okay well what are you going to do are you trying to lift the whole thing I thought we were okay we can try let me get a different position that's going to work I think we're have to put it on the ground in the back and let me lift the front Okay like [Music] this go under further more more oh not that much oh no this way okay [Music] now okay all right pull it your like towards your side of the car on the jack maybe a little right there I get out probably going to need you to go behind the hold on hold on hold on on got to go forward can you get back I am nasty and I am gross I am gross and I am nasty and I want to take a shower but we're 5 hours from being built 198 so proud you me too Dennis is Happy why am I happy that's sarcasm we took the he needed some exercise cuz he wants a burger later so we just took the transmission out for fun you'll probably take me to some goofy restaurant and give me a piece of pizza you like your pizza I'd like a steak better would you like to have a conversation with our lovely piz people who are watching what's up people they get stck yeah let's talk about something what do you want to talk about well we pulled the transmission out we thought we had it figured out had the pressures we actually saw been real pressures our diagnosis you got a mouse in your pocket okay I told him he's said just pull it we got to go pull it so you're I think I remember it that way that's true I said we should pull it and then I said well let's look and then he said no let's just get it out remember that part cuz you assured me the pressure were bad the pressures were terrible but I don't see it inside the transmission turns out maybe the sensor's bad I don't know weird very weird very weird what happens um the pressures look like crap transmission doesn't show it so we can't fix something that's not broken so we just pulled it apart for fun P anyway we're so good at it it only took 38 minutes to take it out take it apart put it back together in YouTube world that's actually only like what 3 minutes it only took three minutes pretty cool right that's because we're experts eh so no Canada so we're packing all this junk we're going to get on the road and apparently I owe him steak nuggets from the gas station we're professionals e you wouldn't know that that's the hosers the great white North thanks full full circle you Calvin around here I can find let's see oh wait all the Canadians are over there over there oh we could go over there and say that to them and they would know exactly what I was talking about you should yell at you want to walk all the way over there no yell see Nancy I'm do I'm going to hey grub what way to not suck okay oh are you in first place still I was being nice to you but I will start being mean we'll send you to the batter woman don't throw her away that's perfectly good white girl do it again do it again do your talent what do your thing impressive in cowboy boots tacos your mini [Music] tacos okay we're going to hit the road grubby's being grub Nick's having to deal with grub Grub's in gas station okay weirdo I got that from you Nick broke a lot of stuff today I didn't break anything Nick fixed a lot of stuff today yeah R broke a lot of stuff today Nick help me fix it ni what a good boy what a good boy who's a good boy Nikki Bobby hey I just took a video I ripped my wound open grossing on this pile come on neck was getting his makeup see you said it wasn't I almost brought you those this morning get um do you need a Band-Aid checkpoint one the motor Enclave in the middle of nowhere Florida seems like but I am in the way so I have to move sorry guys Point number two you guys go eat is it good okay oh I got you okay checkpoint two is RJ's wild wild chicken wings right checkpoint three final checkpoint we got a lot more miles under or to go but pretty neat I'm going to get out of the way now awesome black oh he's got to go with us I told her no oh come on you baby it's so sweet you can take it it can be your that's what I said you don't have a black one I don't have this color yet in my collection no just put your hand down come back see I haven't even picked it up I didn't take that St it's okay [Music] baby T like a little Panter it is I love it so much so what are you going to name it unfortunately there's no way to get it home good luck but it is a sweet yeah if it's not freaking right [Music] now
Channel: Riding With Alex Taylor
Views: 122,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 55 Chevy, Drag and Drive, Sick Week, Sick the Mag, Alex Taylor Racing, ATR, Hot Rods by Dennis Taylor, Mickey Thompson, Drag Racing, Testing
Id: LA01msh-8ZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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