Clear waterslide HACK!!!

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hey guys ariel here um so this is an impromptu tutorial because i was making a cup for a customer and i figured oh um that's another tutorial that i could do it's how to seal a water slide because i have an inkjet printer i don't have a laserjet one or a laser printer whatever you call it so um i have to seal my water slide so this is what i have right now so it's going to go on a black cup so this is actually going to be a dual tutorial since i only have clear water slides i actually have to um paint this white so that it would show up on my black cup so all i did was um i mirrored the image so that when because when it goes on it will look like you know the image will be flipped if it has words or anything then yeah you definitely want to mirror your image so that your words will come out properly but if not like this one it really didn't matter if it was mirrored or not but my customer wanted wanted it to be this way and then so that's why i had to mirror it um anyway so okay so this is my water slide i printed it already um the settings that i use is um glossy uh specialty paper and i printed it the best quality so that's how it came out and then so we're gonna use to seal it we're gonna use um i like using rust-oleum i always have matte clear on hand so that's what i'm gonna use and then we're going to use the plasti dip glossifier just make sure that it's clear um so make sure that the cap is clear yeah so plasti-dip classifier all right well let's begin so i'm going to start with my matte clear estolium so we're going to do um like a couple coats of it just to be really sure that it's sealed because i don't want to have to redo it if it starts running on me so it's pretty warm here today so it shouldn't take too long for this to dry so i just make sure it doesn't go in the crevice so just spray it there we go and so i'll be back once that's dry for the next coat all right guys so it's been about um five minutes and since it's kind of warm out here and it was out in the sun it's it's dry to touch see i could touch it it's fine so i'm gonna go ahead and spray it again the second coat of my clear mat just like earlier really make sure that you get all angles so not everyone likes to um cut their water slide before sealing but i do i don't think it really makes a difference and so i just cut it and what i did with this one was i cut it with my um with my cameo so it's pretty um close to the edge of the image all right so we're gonna go ahead and give this another five minutes and put our next coat i'll be back okay so it's been about five minutes again and we're gonna go ahead and apply the third coat of our matte clear some people only do two i like to do three just to really be sure that it's sealed like you really make sure that you have enough on there like i said before i'd rather be super sure that i'm good that it's completely sealed don't have to redo it again later okay so we're gonna give that another five minutes and then we're gonna put our first coat of plasti dip like this one all right i'll be back all right yep it's dry so we're gonna go ahead and put our first coat of plasti-dip glossifier the clear one okay you just coat it like you would with your clear um spray paint okay so we're gonna let that dry and then put another coat so it's been about 10 minutes i usually uh let my plasti dip dry a little longer because it takes longer to dry so even with it being warm and under the sun i still gave it about 10 minutes and if it's cold or anything i usually give it like 15 to 20 minutes it really just depends on like on the weather i guess and how long it takes it just takes longer so just have to be a little patient with it so we're gonna go ahead and put our second coat plasti dip just like all the other times like really get it on there all right okay so i'll be back again for the for the last and final coat okay all right guys we're almost done so we're gonna be doing the last and final coat of plasti dip okay go really get it on there okay i think we are good all right so give it another 10 minutes or so and then should be done okay so we're all done if you're gonna put this on like a white or light colored cup then you would be done and um you could go ahead and apply it on your cup but since like i said earlier this is gonna go on a black cup that i had made so i'm going to go ahead and um paint it with my white flat rust-oleum spray paint so that's why i had like if you're doing this you have to invert your um or mirror your image so that your words will come out right so i just do one coat of white spray paint on it it's so that you could see it on your dark cup because um like i said i didn't have any white water water slides so that's why i kind of have to do this hack just paint it make sure that everything is covered okay that looks good so we're gonna go ahead and let this dry and then we'll we're gonna apply it on my cup okay so i'll be back all right guys so we're back um it's been about an hour because i had to go do other things so i didn't get back to my water slide until about an hour later so this is what it looks like when it's done this is the back part um the paper part where the water slide is kind of on and then this is the part that we sealed and sprayed and painted white so it's completely dry as you can see so the paper part it feels like paper and then this side it feels kind of um uh what do you call this like glossy yeah so it's pretty smooth and so i have my water here i like to use warm water which my water is not super warm anymore it's been kind of sitting here and then um i have the cup that i'm gonna put it on um so i used this is called uh starry night this is uh this can be found on the three tough cookies design uh website so it's a custom mix it's a black that sparkles under epoxy okay and then i have my brush this is the brush that i like to use to kind of like get rid of air bubbles and stuff um under the water slide i mean you can use whatever um you have i guess a squeegee or whatever um this is just it works for me one day i didn't have my squeegee and i just grabbed this and it works so i use it that's what i love about crafting you can always improvise there's no right or wrong if it works it works and then so just to recap on things that we used for the water slide i use first the rust-oleum clear mat to seal all my ink because i have an inkjet and not a laser printer i did three coats of this um five minutes in between and then next was the plastidip glossifier so i did three yeah three coats of this also make sure that it's the clear one so check the cap and since i'm applying a clear water slide on a dark tumbler i went ahead and sprayed it with the white spray paint okay so i forgot to show you guys what water slide on paper i use so i had to run inside and grab it so this is what i use it's the sunny scopa i don't know if that's how you spell it but anyways i mean how you pronounce it but yeah so i got this from amazon i don't quite remember how much i got it for but i'll um put the link down below so you guys can afford all the supplies so you guys can um find it okay so well let's get started so i usually like to put like a rag or something under this because it does get kind of wet okay oh and this little duty here um i got this from the dollar tree it was under like the office stuff so i think it's like a desk organizer thing but it fits my cups perfectly so i use it for this sometimes if i already have something on one side then i'll put something um like cloth or tape or whatever i have on hand on the sides so that like it doesn't ruin whatever design i have but since this is still plain and it doesn't have anything on it yet um and my epoxy is completely dry i'll go i just go ahead and put it on there like that okay so for the water slide you want to make sure that it doesn't like curl up on you so what i usually like doing is um i put the the printed side down because i've noticed that it doesn't really curl up when i do that and then i kind of try to just like push it down if it does kind of curl up a little so this is the paper side and this is the printed side put that down so you just submerge it so working with water slides was like really hard for me and then so i'm kind of glad it's gotten a little easier i know that it's like not for everyone i try to avoid it if i could because it's i just need more practice with it so i really shouldn't avoid it but you know for me printable printable vinyl is a lot easier to work with than this but to each its own okay so as you can see it's starting to kind of bubble up in there so it's starting it's almost ready so i've actually tried um there's a couple brands on amazon so i tried the haze one i think that's what it is and that one it just i wasted so much water slide it just was not working out for me at all so when i someone had recommended this in one of my facebook it's kind of stuck there one of my facebook groups and so i decided oh to give it a try and so far i love this one way better than the other brand sink my paint what's going on okay well swept our cup a little it's almost ready i could feel it kind of sliding off so i'm kind of impatient and so i like i really shouldn't be touching it too much but i'm always like is it done is it done i'm so bad like that and as i'm telling you this i'm still doing it okay i think we're good just kind of figure out where you might want it so since it does have that layer of um paint it's a little harder to get it off of the the paper part so you have to kind of wedge it a little bit what's so cool about it is since it does have the plasti dip it's um it's pretty flexible so you could grab it and kind of work it and it's all right okay yeah it's stuck a little bit on this part there you go the same whole thing so yes you could actually see this is why i love this water slide so much it's because i could take it off handle it whatever and it's fine it doesn't like fall apart on me the other brand was falling apart on me that's why i couldn't work it i couldn't work with that one then you just kind of work it until it's to your liking so everything is flat oh just take my brush to kind of try to get rid of any water that might be under our air bubbles like that one right there foreign he's something understood is he's [Music] i do apply a little bit of pressure when i'm doing this [Music] uh just make sure that um none of the sides are wrinkled like this one right here just push it down and there you go that's how you apply a clear water slide on a dark tumbler i'm gonna go ahead and put the decal that they wanted right here which is their name and then it'll be ready for epoxy alright guys thanks for watching until next time
Channel: 3 Tough Cookies Design
Views: 19,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QeXTf0H64pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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