Clear Out The Fridge Baked Pasta Recipe

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Welcome Friends welcome back to the kitchen today's theme if there is one oh wait a second there we go if there is a theme is cleaning out the freezer and the crisper and we're going to make a baked pasta so I've got a pot on here we're gonna make the sauce first in the bottom of the pot I'm going to put a little bit of bacon fat and then to that I'm going to add a little bit of frozen bacon I had just the tiniest little bit of frozen bacon wrapped up in the freezer it's one of those things that I passed over every time I needed more for another recipe so today I figured out how I'm going to use it and it goes bacon is just getting a little bit of crispy around the edges a little bit of Browning in the bottom of the pot I think that's good enough now I'm going to add carrot celery and onion we'll get that into the pot Stir It Around now I'm not really looking to get any Browning on these onions or the celery or the carrot I just want to soften them make them translucent and we're pretty much at that point so I'm gonna dump these out into a bowl then back onto the Heat and out of the freezer I was looking for something else and I realized I had this little bit of that's ground pork so that's going to go in and then in this container I had a little bit of ground pork and a little bit of ground beef in that goes and we're gonna fry those up until they're browned now this isn't super brown but it's brown enough for me today so I'm gonna put the veg back in stir that around and we'll open up a spot here in the middle deep in the freezer I found these containers this one uh tomato paste if I have a half can of tomato paste left over I'll just put it into one of these plastic jars stick it in the freezer remember to use it later this one was way at the bottom don't remember how long it's been in there but it is looking at it it's perfectly fine uh maybe a little dry at the top but otherwise perfectly fine this one um again perfectly fine don't remember how long it's been in there this is uh Moody pizza sauce so I'm gonna put that in but first i'm just going to stir on the bottom here and you can see it's nice and brown just trying to caramelize some of those sugars that are in it get everything off of the spoon then in goes the pizza sauce stir that in this is one of those non recipes where some of my ingredients aren't quantifiable like that pizza sauce if you don't have half a can of pizza sauce to put in don't really worry about it too much um you're gonna put in other tomatoes and other flavors and it's all going to come together I'm just trying to use stuff up and I'm also trying to show you that you don't have to be terribly precious with a lot of this stuff that if it's if it's a group of flavors that you like they're going to go together but in this case a tomato based sauce pizza sauce isn't out of place flavor wise with what we're trying to achieve next in I have a little bit of wine it's been in the fridge a couple days we didn't finish it uh it's pretty good wine actually it it won a silver award so it's not the best but it's not the worst it just it just needed food so it's going to become food now if you don't want to cook with wine totally get it there is a thing about alcohol alcohol is a solvent and some of the flavors or flavonoids that are present in this pot only alcohol will release them or alcohol will be the best way to release them it's also going to add a little bit of an acid component you could just put in uh a little bit of stock and some vinegar you could use verju which is a green grape juice that's fairly high in acid content and kind of works the same as wine don't overthink it it could just be beef or chicken stock you just want a little bit of liquid in the bottom to start to scrape up the brown bits so you know if it was a half a cup of water with two tablespoons of vinegar you would probably come to pretty close to the same end so there we go looking like a really good sauce at this point next in Tomatoes just a can of tomatoes some pepper some cinnamon and a little bit of nutmeg it's probably enough nutmeg marmite can't make a tomato based sauce without a little bit of marmite about a tablespoon I guess and we'll stir that in put the lid on turn it to low and let that go for about two hours it smells like it's done it looks like it's done too let's give it a little taste and see where we are well that's good that's really good there's something about the cinnamon that really adds just that little bit of extra to the sauce it's not for everybody really it's not for everybody and I get that so if you're not into experimenting and you don't want to try it leave it out I really like it in this preparation now salted water coming up to a boil here looked in the pantry and I've got a bunch of parked bags of pasta I've got some bow ties I've got some ears and some elbows I want eight 900 grams worth of dry pasta to cook I think to fill this dish and for the amount of sauce that I've got going here okay the water is up to a boil so in with the bow ties and probably half of these elbows and ears so while the pasta bubbles away here I've got some provolone and I have a I think that's a 9x13 so Julie and I will have this for dinner tonight and then we will probably eat that all next week for lunch but you could put it into smaller containers if you have a smaller family or you live alone put it into smaller containers and freeze it it'll freeze incredibly well and you can just take it out thought on like a Tuesday night thought overnight and then when you come home from work on Wednesday stick it in the oven and do the final heat through that's all it takes so this is a great make ahead meal I guess I'm saying so I've got a piece of provolone and I like to use provolone in this one because it melts really well so I'm just going to cut some slices off now I'm gonna coat the bottom of this I've coated the bottom of the pan in butter and I'm going to throw in some panko because I had panko in the cupboard Best Buy 29th of March 2022 I know how Best Buys work it doesn't mean that it's gone bad it hasn't hasn't gone bad it's still fine but you know it's been hanging around a while so it's probably time to finish this bag up so I'm going to sprinkle some on the bottom of the pan and I'll save what's left in here for the middle and the top now use any bread crumb that you want or don't use breadcrumbs at all I mean I've got um I've got some bread crumbs here of the ends of breads that we that we hang on to to make bread pudding I could easily Crush those up and put them in the bottom panko isn't technically a breadcrumb I think we just say breadcrumb in English because we don't know what else to call panko if you've never really seen the method by which they cook it you should look it up it's very interesting instead of baking a loaf of bread and then drying it out and crumbling it up they take bread dough and they don't bake it they cook it by shooting it by putting it between two electrodes or and then shooting an incredible amount of electricity through it they essentially electrocute it which is why you get those shards of of of crumb instead of round crumb that's what gives it this texture its crunchy the way that it's cooked it's not baked okay pasta is cooked so drain as much of the liquid out as I can and then into the sauce give that a stir and get the pasta completely coated with the sauce before we put it into the cooking pan that all stirred together now okay I got really excited and I pressed the wrong button on the camera um so I put down a layer of the pasta in the sauce I put down the provolone and now I'm grating on some pecorino because I had pecorino in the fridge um the only thing that I bought for this meal is the provolone everything else was stuff that I either had you know that had to go or that you know is just stuff that I always have in the kitchen anyway and so you just layer this out another layer if you have enough bread crumbs I don't have enough panko I would put breadcrumbs in the middle layer as well uh I don't have that luxury today because I'm using up what I have okay so I'll just smooth that out put on some provolone you could grate the provolone on as well if you wanted and then some pecorino and then final layer of panko now the oven's preheated to 350 you need half an hour 45 minutes just to heat it through melt the cheese bring the whole thing together hey clay friends Fork is it lasagna no no I see macaronis it's it's Pantry freezer fridge clean out baked pasta hey that's my favorite kind so it's it's everything that we had that you know did you throw lots of extra vegetables in like this is going like like a lasagna when you're like oh and looks like these carrots are gonna and these broccoli so I used I I didn't I and you know what I I no so the carrot and the onion and the celery okay there you go so yeah that's perfect we didn't have any Peppers or anything in the house but if I'd had peppers I would have put peppers in yeah um frozen corn pasta is really forgiving that way frozen peas would be great yes yeah pasta is a very forgiving dish that way you've got the cheese the pasta the the tomato and then anything else almost ghosts so out of the freezer there was a half can of pasta of pizza sauce and a half can of this it's a little bits of ground beef and pork um three different kind of pasta noodles because we had part bags of each oh don't you hate that you get down you've got like this little tiny much yeah a little tiny bit sorry that's pretty good Glenn yeah so probably it's such a damp cold day this is great it is damp sprinkle day so this isn't a recipe this is a method what I want to show you is that you can just take a bunch of things that sort of go together and make a really good quality dinner out of it um you know just all of those little bits that you've got in the freezer or the back of the fridge and come up with something that's tasty and filling whatever's on the sale card yeah yeah you know if if ground beef was on the sale card well you don't see that much anymore but big bag of peppers yeah all of that stuff and it's the it's the method it's the idea that I want you to sort of grab and I want you to be Fearless in the kitchen and just give stuff a try keep shuffling it in yes so um I like the cheese though that's not the usual cheese uh it's provolone it's the only it's the only thing I bought to put in this with some provolone and then I uh grated some pecorino on top so that adds a nice little twist to the flavor bottom of the bag of panko that had best before date of a year ago over a year ago at this point um it's a method give it a try use your imagination it's going to be fine that's lunch for the next week thanks for stopping by see you again soon which one of those cheeses really adds an interesting uh kind of the pecorino is kind of a high note in the mm-hmm yeah I've got so much better than so much more flavor than mozzarella without the embarrassing whoa sticky part okay shaken shot
Channel: Glen And Friends Cooking
Views: 43,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glen And Friends Cooking, historical cooking, canadian cooking show, canadian cooks, Anelletti al Forno Recipe, baked pasta recipes, oven baked pasta recipes, baked pasta with vegetables, glen & friends cooking, glen cook, baked pasta, pasta recipe, pasta al forno, baked pasta recipe, pasta recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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