Ridiculously Easy Pasta Alla Genovese Recipe - The Must Try Easy Beef and Onion Sauce

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Welcome Friends welcome back to the kitchen welcome back to I don't know what I call this segment what was on sale at the grocery store today um and that happens to be beef rib finger Meat um this is a dish that I had for the first time maybe two months ago at a restaurant in Quebec City one of my top three restaurants in Quebec City it's called bevette Scott a tiny little place 20 24 seats a tiny little room two people worked the front of the room three people work in the kitchen two turntables great music great atmosphere um not hoity toity but the food the food is Top Notch right at the top of of the game so I had this dish pasta Ella Genovese um and it's the kind of place where you the menu is really tight there's not too many things on it it's constantly changing and you go in Julie and I go in and we order one of everything on the menu because the plates it's not small it's not Tapas but the plates are fairly fairly tight you can eat one of everything on the menu and you get a good overview of what they're producing in the kitchen I had this Blown Away couldn't wait to make it except the price of beef has been ridiculous so I've done a lot of research about this dish and I have to tell you it's one of those simple dishes that basically boils down to buy weight two parts onion one part beef slow simmered until the whole thing falls apart and then you mix it with pasta at the end it's not it's a sauce but it's not really a sauce it's kind of one of those things that the meat just falls apart to the point that it coats the pasta so in this pan I'm heating up some bacon fat and the first thing we're going to do is brown off the beef so as I was researching how to make this I looked at probably 35 or 40 different recipes for this dish the dish originates in Naples [Music] um there are very strong opinions on the correct way to make it the traditional correct way to make it and what I found was that the farther back you go into time into history looking at Old cookbooks The Wider in variations there were for this dish and that over time just like everything else in cooking it has narrowed down to two or three streams with people screaming and championing their particular traditional version um you just don't see that in the older cookbooks so traditionally um what today is called traditional you're using beef farther back you go in time people were using beef or pork or beef and pork some of the oldest recipes that I found for this just said meat they didn't tell you what kind of meat the assumption would be that you would know what kind of meat to use you know everybody's going to say oh you know you make it with beef but I look at that and say you know use what you had and it wasn't very specific let that go a little bit to get it seared on the bottom and then give it a stir once we've got some brown happening and so at its core this is very simple peasant food the only other ingredients carrots celery maybe a little wine we'll talk about that and maybe pancetta I'm going to use bacon today because I'm working on a budget I got the beef really cheap I had bacon already in my freezer I'm going to use the bacon but in some of the oldest recipes that I found they didn't call specifically for pancetta they called for the fat left over which is what I used to start cooking the beef so you didn't actually put the pancetta in you use the reserved fat from the last time you cooked with pancetta so it's that flavor they were looking for and I guess as people got a little bit more money in their pocket all the time you started putting the meat in the pancetta in as well so if you have Bacon Fat like I keep a jar of bacon fat all the time um that's what I used I'm going to throw the bacon in as well because I had it okay we've got some pretty good Brown on this beef so I'm gonna pull it out so if you've watched this channel for a while you know that I I think the tradition is important but I think it's also really important to know where the recipe comes from what the variations were along the way but the most important thing about cooking in your own kitchen is making it accessible to you and your family both from a flavor perspective and from a budget perspective so if you have to make some changes to make it work in your own kitchen do that I really believe that so I'm using bacon I'm gonna put the bacon in next in is some celery foreign carrots the fat and the pot were really hot so cooking this bacon a little bit and getting the celery and carrots going isn't going to take very long it's going to happen really quickly this is also going to go in the oven for four and a half or five hours so um you know the Browning stuff on the beef not strictly necessary adds a little bit but you know if you were in a time crunch this is one of those things you could just jam it all in the pot and stick it in the oven so next in some salt and pepper and a few glugs of white wine so I'm using an Italian white wine don't really know what it is it's all written in Italian although it says on the label it's Superior so it must be good and it is white wine that is beef I did use white wine white wine is the traditional wine and I know I probably say this every time I I use white wine with a beef dish farther back you go in history in all manner of cooking Italian French English cooking white wine is the wine that was used for these long slow braces and I I think there's a few reasons for that let's get the onions in here so I've got about four pounds of chopped onions and they are going to fill this pot I worked there to about eight cups of of chopped up onion so white wine white wine in a dish like this white wine brings a a bright acidity that lifts all of the other flavors and doesn't necessarily add its own flavor it just adds something that lifts everything else you put in a red wine red wine sort of takes over it's got heavy tannins it's got heavy flavors and it kind of takes over the other flavors doesn't Elevate everything it just masks everything that's why I think they used a lot of white wine it's the acidity without all of the tannins so I'm going to put the beef in here now as well and so if you don't want to use wine um verju is always a great option uh although can be a little bit pricey if all you're doing is is using a quarter cup in this in this pot I would just use a little bit of water with maybe a tablespoon or two vinegar that acidity will sort of add to what we're what's going on here it's really that acidity that we want so at this point it's simmering in the bottom the onions are going to break down the beef is going to break down I'm going to put the lid on I've got the oven preheated to 325 degrees I'm going to throw it in there for about five hours and let it cook all the way down about every half hour I'm going to come in I'm going to lift the lid I'm going to give us a stir stir it all up make sure that there's enough liquid in there to keep it cooking without burning and sticking to the bottom I don't want to add too much liquid because at the end we need to drive the liquid off to really build the sauce okay so that's five hours in the oven and everything has come together in in a almost really deep Brown way and it's really easy just with the back of your spoon just to break up the little pieces of beef until they completely fall apart this is beyond fork tender at this point now one hundred percent one hundred percent there is an argument for cooking this even longer eight ten hours if you've got that much time the kind of thing that you could do this the night before put it in the oven all night make sure there's enough liquid in it so that you don't have to check it air on the side of caution and put too much liquid in it and Let It Go all night and into the next day for sure the one that I had at bouvette Scott they had cooked it for 72 hours and at the 72 hour mark the beef and the onion were won it was indiscernible what was beef and what was onion and the flavor was absolutely incredible so I'm just going to break this apart a little bit I'm going to take this there's too much here for Julie and I to have for one meal tonight I don't want to have it for leftovers tomorrow what I'm going to do is I'm going to portion this out into containers and stick it in the freezer and I can freeze this sauce and then on a weeknight when I don't know what to cook or when we need something really quickly I can pull it out and then just go ahead and cook the pasta and finish it now salted water is boiling in goes [Applause] hmm half pound of pasta now we want to cook the pasta maybe 75 percent of the way so I've got a big pan here I'm going to heat that up and I'm gonna put in a couple of scoops of the meat and we're going to heat that up and I'm going to put in a little bit of wine as well a couple of Scoops about that much and just a splash of white wine the same wine that we used earlier foreign pull that out drain as much water as I can and I'm not really going to worry about it too much because I want some of the pasta water in here when we had this at bouvette Scott we were sitting in a place in the restaurant where we could look into the kitchen and I watched the sous chef make probably 10 of these over the course of the night and so he spent a lot of time emulsifying together all of the ingredients with a really big Shake I'm probably not as good as the sous chef well I know I'm not as good as the sous chef if you need to get in there and stir it then get in there and stir it and so I added a little bit of the pasta water I watched him add the pasta water at the restaurant and it was interesting because they had a big pot that they cooked the pasta in and every 20 minutes or so because it was always boiling he'd add a little bit more water to it but they cooked all of the pasta over the course of the evening in that water so by the end of the night that water was really starchy so whatever he added really sort of built the body of the finished pasta oh and I've grated some pecorino here and I want to add that in and mix it into the sauce so we'll mix that in watch your heat if it gets too dry to add in a little bit more pasta water and I think that's ready to surf okay and so we'll plate that hey Jules hey Glenn hey friends that that looks pretty good I'm gonna say I want to eat this with a spoon do you okay and a little bit more pecorino on top because for Glenn there's never enough cheese Never Enough cheese okay that's much more than I can put in there a little hot it is hot okay hmm onion and beef that's pretty much it it does make it simple and simple um in my research of course some people used pork some people use pork and beef together I saw one recipe from it tells Italian and it was two contemporary Italian chefs making this dish and they added apples and tomatoes and raisins and all kinds of things so you can expand on this I think I would really like this cut back the beef a little bit half put in a pound of mushrooms chopped up oh yeah and a can of beans to extend the protein that would make this chicken that cake is not for you he's just so naughty he is so naughty that would extend that would extend the dish um and cut down on the cost of the beef a little bit any pasta you like and then so this will be Frozen and pull that out defrost it put it in the pot and then just cook the pasta and it's dead simple really quick easy meal there you go it'll be for me when you're away thanks for stopping by see you again soon
Channel: Glen And Friends Cooking
Views: 93,151
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Keywords: Glen And Friends Cooking, historical cooking, pasta alla genovese, pasta alla genovese ricetta originale, pasta alla genovese napoletana, pasta alla genovese recipe, genovese napoletana, pasta alla genovese napoletana ricetta originale, ziti alla genovese ricetta originale, ragu genovese napoletana, ragu genovese alla napoletana, carne alla genovese napoletana, ragu genovese, ricette napoletane, genovese napoletana ricetta originale
Id: Hd7ls9TEJpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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