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welcome back mighty mamas and mighty people to our journey of cleaning through anxiety and depression together today i bring you that real life messy house cleaning motivation for depressed moms and dads pretty much anyone who is struggling with cleaning house while living with anxiety and depression maybe you're just feeling stuck or in a funk you can't get out of bed you can't get yourself off of your couch to clean your kitchen and your kitchen is a total mess like mine is right now but you really need to clean those dishes and you need to start cooking you need to do something then this video is definitely for you i am here to motivate you to get started cleaning your house right now with me so get up get your coffee and let's get cleaning together okay so today's video is all about cleaning motivation for depressed moms and dads or anyone that is just having trouble getting up cleaning the mess that they have in their house right now so i am here to walk you through the mess to help you get up and get started cleaning right along with me and i highly recommend that you watch this entire video the first time just to see like how i move through this mess and get an idea and to really get that motivation to want to clean and then play it again so that you can clean right along with me so i'm just gonna jump right in and get started cleaning here and what i like to do is i always like to clear the counter before i even start doing dishes i don't like doing dishes so i figure if i clear the counter it's going to help me to want to at least do the dishes because i feel like i can't even start doing dishes until i have a clear counter i always start by collecting any trash from the counter and as you can see i have so much trash overflowing in the recycle bin here and the trash can itself so i really needed to start off with a fresh bag and then i am just going to continue on by starting in one section of my counter at a time so i like to start at the very end and then work my way up into the sink area so i'm just removing any type of food from dishes any type of garbage that's just sitting around any type of recycling that needs to go in the recycling bin that is what i am doing here and i'm going to work my way in sections closer and closer to the sink so that i can clear the sink and have room on the counter for that so if you're cleaning along with me right now i highly recommend that you start by clearing your counter it's just going to make you feel so much better it's going to reduce that anxiety level once you see the clear counter i feel like having a clear space gives you a clear mind to move forward in the cleaning process [Music] [Music] so one of the things i always do when i need motivation to clean my house is use my essential oils and my diffuser and my go-to's for cleaning house are lemon and frankincense lemon just gives me natural energy i love the smell of lemon it just overall makes me feel happy i love everything about lemons i love how they look i love how they taste i love how they smell so lemon is just one of those oils that really motivates me to want to clean and something about the smell of lemon just reminds me of a clean space now frankincense is great for grounding and it reduces anxiety it lowers your stress levels so it's perfect when it comes to cleaning because you know overwhelm is what always holds us back from even wanting to clean and we get stressed out by the mass so just using frankincense really helps lower all of those levels and just helps me push through the mess without getting overwhelmed and stressed out so i highly recommend a diffuser and learning about essential oils overall they are beneficial for mental and physical health and it's one of those natural homeopathic ways that i treat my anxiety and depression now if you don't have a diffuser today but you have a lemon in your fridge go ahead and cut the lemon in half and squeeze a little juice into your hand and just rub your hands together and like inhale that and just you know let that scent of the lemon energize you it really does work that's something i will do if i run out of my lemon oil i just love the small lemons it's always energizing and while you're at it just go ahead and squeeze it over some ice water and you can hydrate while you clean along with me [Music] so now i have finally made it into my sink area after clearing the countertop i've already removed all the dirty dishes from the sink that is why i cleared the countertop so that i could do this because i always have to scrub my sink before i could even work in it and clean any dishes or anything like that plus these dishes have been here for a couple days now so yeah it's pretty gross i definitely need to sanitize and disinfect the sink before i can work in it let me know in the comments below do you guys wash your sink out before doing dishes at all or do you just wash it at the end now i will also be unloading the dishwasher next and then loading it before i go ahead and wash any bigger items by hand so i really hope that you guys are cleaning along with me or you've already been watching me to get that motivation here because you know what you can do this you can get up and clean right now you're going to feel so much better once you clean up the mess you know that you've been just putting it off and procrastinating i know that the energy can be low and just seeing the mess is overwhelming and very stressful in general so i understand completely like that is why this mess has built up for the past few days i've just had a really rough week my energy levels have dipped again and this happens to me out of the blue with no warning and this is my biggest struggle in living with anxiety and depression is like i could feel good for so many days or weeks or months and then all of a sudden i just have this energy dip and i'm just dead to the world like i am just tired i don't want to get out of bed i don't want to do anything and when i have those days or weeks i just let stuff go i mean this is the honest truth of living with anxiety and depression and i'm sure that most of you here already know the deal and you get it because you all experience the same thing you know a lot of you have spoken up in the comments about that and some of you just come here to vent and say how you're having it rough and you know you just can't find that motivation and it's hard i mean energy is just so sacred when you live with anxiety and depression and i really believe anxiety is the biggest drainer when it comes to our energy because anxiety has so many physical symptoms that can be just so exhausting and that is what you know puts us into that stagnation and here i am with this complete disaster in my kitchen once again because i've just had one of those weeks and i'm just now trying to push through it because you know there comes that time where you just have to get up and do it and so i hope that this video is the one for you to make you get up and start cleaning your house with me even if it's that one room even if it's just those dishes so that you can clear your kitchen up to cook dinner for the night i am here for you and i understand completely the struggle so that is why i bring you these videos and that is why i make them to help you because i wish i had videos just like this you know years ago especially when i struggled with postpartum depression and i just had so much to do with caring for an infant around the clock so i hope that i'm bringing that for you and a lot of you have you know let me know in the comments and it truly means the world when you share those comments with me because then i know that this work here on youtube is not in vain and i'm actually serving a purpose and honestly i want to talk about that like i felt a higher calling from god to do this to come out and to show this ugly truth of living with anxiety and depression and trying to keep a clean house with that and it's just hard and you know i was embarrassed and i was ashamed to come out about it and you know what i knew that just something was being sent into my heart and soul and mind to do it to just show you guys the mess and i have so much more to share with you along this journey there are many more spaces that i have cleaned and still need to clean and i will be sharing that here with you on my channel so if these videos help you then you have so much more to come your way and if i am helping you take control of the mess in your home then that is worth it all because you know it's hard to dig ourself out of that mess of anxiety and depression once we get there it just becomes so overwhelming and it's just hard to even get started so let this be your video that gets you going and if you are new here thank you and welcome i hope that you will consider subscribing and joining on this journey i have several videos that go back all the way to february if you want to go back and catch up on them from day one of starting this journey there's a lot of information that i've put out there that could possibly help you and yeah we're just going to keep moving forward i also bring you my series messy to minimal where i am a decluttering maniac in my house and i am really trying to go that minimalistic route i've recently discovered that i'm somewhat of a hoarder and i'm an organized hoarder so i really know how to pack spaces with a lot of things and these are things that i just don't need and so anyways yeah all of that is still to come i'm really working hard on bringing you guys two videos a week i would really love to do that because then i can share with you guys one cleaning through anxiety and depression video and then the other video being the messy to minimal series that i have going here so i am really working hard at getting that done so pray for me that i get the extra energy and time to be able to achieve that because i would love to bring that for you just to help give you that extra motivation throughout the week to help you along with cleaning up the mess in your home and organizing and decluttering as well so let's play some music so you can get more cleaning done with me right now and i can give you guys a break from the talking i'm trying to balance this out between those of you who like my talking and those of you who don't i could respect all opinions and i understand so that is what i'm trying to do in my videos now if you've noticed [Music] making moves trying to get away from this life i'm living say more things every day i wanna change this feeling wasting no more time don't care about what you're saying try to keep me down no time for all your playing yeah even if you tell me now you should know i don't care about the things [Music] i don't [Music] all we have with those memories time to make some new ones the sun is [Music] then please [Music] i don't even know what to do right now right now right now [Music] [Music] dragon [Music] again yeah even if you doubt me now you should know i don't care about the things [Music] i don't even know what to do right now right now right now [Music] [Music] so at this point i've already unloaded and loaded the dishwasher i've scrubbed down the sink and i have washed by hand all of the bigger items like cutting boards and other extra bowls and pots and pans that were bigger and didn't fit into the dishwasher then i took out the garbage and the recycling bags and then i went ahead and put a new bag in each of the bins and then i just really needed a change of scenery so i moved over to the dining space here where i am giving the table a really good scrub down that is something that i recommend if you get bored and it becomes really monotonous where you are cleaning then just go ahead and move over and switch scenery to a different space whether it's the dining space or another part of the countertop just so you don't get so overwhelmed or boggled down by the mess that you want to stop that is something you want to make sure that you don't stop i don't ever really have that problem because of my perfectionism once i start cleaning it's almost like a natural high and i don't know how to stop that's part of my problem with ocd is that i don't know when to stop cleaning i want to just keep going and going and going so that is something i've been working on as far as telling myself you know no we're just gonna do this because i can't clean all day because i have kids that i need to take care of and i have other things that need to be done you know besides spending my time cleaning all day long so that is still a work in progress but hopefully these tips will help you when it comes to cleaning through anxiety and depression and i really hope that this video is motivating you to get up and clean along with me right now i hope that i motivated you to get started to clean that is an amazing feeling if i did that so please leave me a comment below if i was able to achieve that with you and let me know what you cleaned i love to hear from you guys you really do motivate me to keep doing these videos because a lot of work and a lot of time goes into these videos but it's all worth it if i'm actually helping all of you so moving forward with the cleaning i ended up moving all of the bigger items that were sitting to air dry and i brought them over to the clean countertop so that i can tell dry everything and just sort everything out you know in its place as far as what goes into which cabinet and just kind of like organize all the pots and pans together and then the cutting boards together and like any sort of tupperware containers together and i will just dry them by hand and then place them into the proper cabinet or shelving space [Music] [Applause] [Music] the one you always like the one that [Music] [Applause] always [Music] [Applause] i wanted to add this little clip in here of my little boy jack just to show you guys like i am constantly being interrupted and cleaning when my kids are here because i have had questions about that and they are around trust me i just don't put them in the clips but this is real messy mama life here [Applause] [Music] i just wanna dance [Applause] [Music] is [Music] tonight [Music] is i wanna [Applause] [Music] so you guys i just want to point out and state for the record that i have been really good about wiping down the stove after each time that i cook and as you can see it hasn't gotten back to that complete disaster of a state that it originally was in in a couple videos that i had cleaned it so i just wanted to let you guys know that i'm doing really good on my own challenge and how are you guys doing i know that when i set this challenge for myself i also challenged each of you to clean that one space that you never like to clean and to do it every day so let me know in the comments below how have you been doing with your challenge it's easy to speak out about the way i live but it's a 24 carat dream no supermodel of course you always find those straggler dishes when just when you think that you're finished cleaning dishes i totally forgot i had these over in the stovetop area so i'm just going ahead and tackling these by hand and then i think i will actually be done with all the dishes i swear this was like the never ending dishes in this cleanup but let this be a lesson and a reminder for all of us that when we are feeling that dip in our energy and it starts to drop feeling a little low and you're just like oh i don't feel like doing this i'm just gonna sit here i'll deal with it later or tomorrow and then later tomorrow comes and it builds up more and then it just keeps going because we get into that bad habit of allowing our low energy to control us and then it keeps us from doing the one or two dishes that are in the sink and that would get done so fast and so easily compared to having to deal with a total mess like i did on this day so just remember that like when your energy is dropping remember that you know it's easier to do a few dishes now than like hundreds of dishes later and i'm gonna take my own advice and i'm gonna try to remember that myself because i don't want to have to do these major cleanings anymore they're just so much this took up so much time and i really got started later in the day because i just procrastinated the entire day [Music] don't be such a stranger tell me how you're feeling you know i don't have to live inside your frames boy it's such a funny way to tell me what you're [Music] keep calling me [Music] is [Music] well i really hope that this real-life messy house clean and motivation for depressed moms and dads and everyone really helped to motivate you to clean through your anxiety and depression right now with me and if you weren't able to clean with me right now then that is okay i am always here for you you can always come back to youtube and i will be here to help motivate you to clean your house while living with anxiety and depression but if you're able to get up right now and just do those dishes or you know do that load of laundry whatever it is that you've been procrastinating and putting off and the mess keeps growing and growing then get up and just get started cleaning your house right now with me i want to thank you all for being here it truly means so much to me our community is growing stronger and stronger every day and it just makes me so happy to know that i am reaching out to so many like myself and it's actually helping and that you guys are here for me like you are like my second family i feel like i have people i can go to and talk to and i could just be myself and i want to thank you for that i love you all for that so much so thank you again for being here and if you are already subscribed please make sure you click that notifications bell for all this way you will never miss a new upload from me and if you are new here please consider subscribing and joining this journey to take control of the mess in our homes cleaning up one mess at a time for now i'm gonna say stay mighty and god [Music] to bless [Music] [Music] first [Music] to risk
Channel: Mighty Mama
Views: 94,743
Rating: 4.9321694 out of 5
Id: JGBGQug0f-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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