Cleaning a Very Dirty RV Rubber Roof Membrane

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[Music] today we have a fairly neglected rubber roof on an RV truck travel trailer so we're gonna need to do some heavy cleaning on this thing and try to protect it it's still got a little bit of life in it but it's definitely needs to be looked at and cared for a standard of soap and water isn't gonna fix this one today so today we're gonna be doing a heavy-duty scrub with the power washer starting out with the dicor rubber roof cleaner it's a really easy product to use just follow the directions I think there on the back I use a sprayer with it let's take a look at those directions freeze-frame ah look at that basically wash it and then spray this stuff on the roof and then scrub it off so that's what I'm gonna do first because that power washer so loud wouldn't make any sense for me to have a microphone on I'm just doing the voiceover today for that so right now you can see I'm power washing this thing and that staining is not coming off when your power washing a rubber roof you don't want to get the nozzle too close to that rubber roof you will tear it you will erode the white layer off completely so do take some care and doing this yeah that brown staining coming off there's a lot I think that's just about five or seven years of desert dirt that just got kind of like stuck in that rubber roof I'll do a few close-ups on that where you can kind of see the roof itself only looks scaly I got I don't know a fish once you're done rinsing it off you're gonna go to the next step again that stain persist I guess you could say you can see some of that white material that's flaked off onto there you'll see a whole heck of a lot more of it now before I go to actually clean this rubber roof I need to make sure that I can clean all of it so the first thing I'm gonna do is take that refrigerator vent off the AC shroud off come to the back I'm gonna go inside crank up the roof antenna or the TV antenna back there and then adjust the radio antenna so I can get underneath there so back to those directions we're gonna we're gonna do is pour the cleaner into the the sprayer right there undiluted and then we're gonna spray it liberally on the roof we've already pre we rinsed it that'll help it uh I guess I interact with the rubber roof a little bit better you can use a bigger like one gallon sprayer if you want to do even in a spray bottle you could use them up if you want to do there's no real wrong way of putting it on the roof this is easiest for me so I'm just gonna spray it liberally on there this entire roof but I mean it'll do it in sections otherwise you know it'll just dry too fast in the Sun also be careful it is quite slippery up there you can see it's doing a pretty good job on some of the stains but underneath that TV antenna it's still a little bit stubborn I think what I ended up having to do a few times do a couple different uh treatments on there there you go with the pressure washer again trying to keep a little bit of distance from it this is my testify pass to see how how much work we're gonna have to put into this and that's what I discovered have to do at least two two passes on this luckily you guys don't have to do this I'm just gonna see we're gonna get even closer see kind of feel how bumpy that is here you go there's the second pass we're looking a lot better now definitely a lot cleaner so there's a big difference between where it's cleaned and where it hasn't been cleaned so I'm just gonna go ahead and continue on but if you kind of see again I'm trying to get a better angle on that so you can see how scaly it looks and the the white is designed to to chalk and protect the rubber the black rubber that's underneath it so that's what's actually coming off but yeah it's definitely making a big mess all over me and the ground and everywhere else so here we are I found a sweet spot on this pressure washer and on the roof on this one so I think I didn't want to get too close but also you want to make sure it looks good and it's cleaned cuz after all this I mean I actually did reseal the roof I peeled up all the old sealant and that obviously made a lot better for the sealant to stick to that rubber roof about halfway over halfway done maybe a two-thirds of the way done just a little bit to go and then of course after I finished scrubbing this I did put a UV protectant back on that's just a white bond with your chemical comes in about the same container it's really easy to put on again you just mop it on like you normally would but this worked out pretty well I haven't actually cleaned the roof this bad in a really long time really quite pleased with the way it turned out the only bad thing I would probably say I'll save for the end of the video here but it looks great doesn't it if you almost looks like from this side brand-new roof look from the front side - no night and day fantastic but it does make a mess down below so here's the shop you see the shop floor it just looks like it started snowing here or somebody has a really bad dandruff as I walk further you'll see the the water down below is like a milky white it's making puddles of flakes everywhere and so you can imagine that's what the ground looks like what do you think the side of the the trailer looks like so let's take a look at that because guess what I'm gonna have to do after all this not only to have to clean a roof reseal the roof and treat it now I have to clean the trailer itself
Channel: AZ Expert
Views: 131,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rubber roof, dicor roof, rv roof, roof cleaning
Id: GjTbsrQjEx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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