Clean Bandit - Symphony (feat. Zara Larsson) [Official Video]
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Clean Bandit
Views: 1,049,117,088
Rating: 4.8570309 out of 5
Keywords: Clean Bandit, Symphony, Zara Larsson, Official Video, Tears, Louisa Johnson, Rockabye, Sean Paul, Anne-Marie, BGT, Britain's Got Talent, The Voice, Rather Be, Real Love, Jess Glynne, New Eyes, Dust Clears, Stronger, X Factor, ITV, So Good, Ain't My Fault, Never Forget You
Id: aatr_2MstrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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Wasn't expecting to cry at 10 AM at my desk but here we are.
Beethoven is shook
Zara Larsson is serving a LOOK. Damn sister.
Classy video, made me appreciate the song more.
Zara really has a lovely voice that goes so well with Clean Bandit's sound.
Oh this is a BOP. Wig eviscerated.
This is so so so much better than Rockabye, and Zara is a good match for their style. The video is cute too.
Guess which music video will be banned in Malaysia...
Jokes aside, I'm very happy to hear this Clean Bandit again! I hope this song could succeed
oh my, that really brought on the feels. Beautiful visuals all around, and that twist at the end...glad that was included. I also have a feeling this music video was a nod to 'Moonlight'. :')
Truly, this graceful number deserves to be heard on the airwaves.
tips hat