CLAYTOK Handmade Clay Sculptures Compliation 🥺✨ Satisfying Small Businesses Tiktoks

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[Music] [Music] my [Music] hey [Music] is the same people who called me racist for doing an african nose are probably gonna get on me for doing a jewish news but you know come at me bro the jewish nose is probably one of the most racially stereotyped facial features of all time oh and right there i'm putting a center line because uh then i can use my ten prong stainless steel calipers to make sure things are symmetrical on both sides and if you draw things to the center line it's very easy to find out where things belong and that's one of the parts that's extremely criticized the bump where it moves outwards and moves into the front of the nose this is a series of lovely triangles here and that's the wing in the nostril coming in very close to done at this point there's just a series of planes right here that to me look like a bird with the wings and just smoothing out the planes and that is a damn good-looking nose you don't like it you're racist [Music] wow [Music] right through back to well i want you baby [Music] i just wanna feel something i just wanna feel something really real so that i can really feel like a person again [Music] [Music] could [Music] is [Music] can i get a kiss [Music] i don't know what this goo is made of i just know it's very satisfying you smear it around and then it hardens eventually gets very brittle and falls apart but it's good for a few uses this is the reverse pour plaster into it and then it's all done it came out great okay so does anybody else have a container of experiments or just defective stuff um and you don't want to throw it away so you just keep it in a box i thought i'd add the mouth and this was extremely challenging because i only had about two inches worth of depth and i had to make it look like the jaw which was like five inches deep so um this is actually extremely flat but i'm trying to make it look like a normal face so if you guys don't get this now i'm just gonna end up doing a reveal not the best likeness but you probably should be able to know who this is [Music] is what the is [Music] um [Music] missing my blends to make a custom trinket bowl it would be great if you tap while i work how would you translate this swipe for part two [Music] is now i know [Music] come along with me [Music] and the butterflies and bees we can wander through [Music] before i get rid of the police what do you think of that l this is my perfect victory that's right [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is what do you think [Music] you
Channel: peepee productions
Views: 926,438
Rating: 4.9222779 out of 5
Id: vw2Aj3sX0oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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