Clay block paving start to finsh

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good morning another new job for us last one hopefully before christmas grant's on the digger we think in this drive out so what we've got going on is from this string line here on my left hand side right going through to where the wheelbarrows are up there we're going to be putting herringbone paving in but it's not concrete it's clean if we have some clay paper now with the benefits of clay are it's quite vibrant with this color and it holds this color quite a lot so used to leave this a lot years ago and then it went and then now obviously this customer wants it she did one for his father up there so keep watching we'll show you the dick out i'm going to give the boys another little go again in training them up so uh what's progress top tip for you um we just lifted this man all up now and check to see how far it is what's it called again invert level invert level yeah so that's the invert level is to the bottom of that pipe down the bottom there so yeah go on free so we can see now that we know that we can carry on digging out our 250 and we're not gonna go anywhere near any pipes yeah so dig out around there now knowing you're not gonna hit a pipe because it's way low so we'll do that now there's another manual there there's another mile on the distance we get all the manuals up and then in there i don't know if you can see through the little gap you can't we can see that the gas and the electric is in there so that should be going in a straight line out there but it could be going that way you never know so you're gonna have to be really careful but the water should be 700 below ground but you never know so you've just got to be careful but at least that helps us now that's that helps us knowing that we can dig around that no and not damage a pipe doesn't it so what we got going on now though coming down here from the road down to all the waters coming this way down to the house and right in front of fraser's feet if you show them that on the bubble you still gotta fall there on the level there going down towards the house and then when you come over to here what happens here is so you've got a fall going that way towards the house and then it goes this way so it goes opposite way so there's nothing we can do about it so what we're going to do if we come on here for it what we're going to do with all the water now is going to be coming away from the house and going out onto the road or going into next door so we're not going to do that what we're going to have to do is look at the client and he's fine with it pull our bed where i'm stood in here and we're going to put some uh some decorative stone in there as natural drainers so what's going to happen up the water this part of the drive will come off here and it'll go into like this soak away which conforms with suds then as well so you know we're not environmentally putting any water out into the water course and aiding flooding so yeah it's tricky one because one go one bit of the drive goes that way one bit of the vibe goes that way but you've got to try and accommodate it haven't you so we'll crack on right so the training continues so giving free a little gopro how to go this morning so i give him freeze a little go now oh careful [Music] so this is what happens when you train is you can see it slow and for me i just want to get on there so get out the way get it on get on with it move it get on to the next bit get it done but you can't you've got to give him a go you got it you got to let him learn you got to let him progress and speaking of progressing i pay him to sit on his fat lazy ass and just sit in the van all day i bet you've eaten all my biscuits and all my little bits of food i've stashed in there have you a little gift you've looked haven't you you've bloody looked myself the only thing you might get away with brad is in that little pack there you might have a little bit of macro left if you want to have the slops on my mackerel you're quite you're more than welcome you know what our food sticks i thought it was you smelling the fish but it's it's not it's the mackerel isn't it what is it you see something yeah you're gonna have a laugh within you anyway so yeah i'm paying him an hourly rate to sit there on his ass sat in the bloody van sat in salving well i'm out here training freezer what you've got to say for yourself i have been giving a praise attempt right yeah but pg the only tips you've been giving him is pg bloody tips by the looks of it like i say you gotta have a laugh you can't do this job without having a laugh and a joke can you he's getting there any it's not doing too bad you gotta start somewhere and um you ordered the wrong size digger as well brad didn't you i ordered a three-quarter ten and i should have ordered a ten and a half so i've ordered the wrong sized bloody digger and dropped us right in it so there we are my bad can't do it right all the time can you and i've done it wrong so you've got to hold your hands up as well when you do something wrong and i have so right it's monday morning no it's uh just absolutely pouring down rain and i don't know what it is but every time it rains we just defeat it with laughter by the way and he got his sad fear on like no santa is there so we're all super the booty we can't bring you any footage because i don't know if you can see it's absolutely tipping down so we're going to dig this out and uh we'll keep you informed and show you where we are when we've dug it out so keep smiling nice we thought we'd give you an update this is where we are so we've done show them out there framing them all that out there's easily a load you have a grab wagon we do that comes in and the claw and take all that he's on his way now so it all organized for that this ground when you're doing a driveway it's key i mean the standard is to dig out 250 millimeters from your finished level which is this down 250 mil so the makeup of it is 150 millimeters of mot type 1 or scalpings and then you've got your 50 millimeters of sharp sand or or like stone dust six melt the dust and then you've got your your makeup then of your 50 millimeters of your paving or some of them are 60 millimeters so be careful so this we've dug this and the digger this 10 and a half dig has been bouncing off this really really solid in it and it's all made up of this hard kind of stone that we've got going on the side of a mountain probably a glacier over the years has chucked all this in yeah so this is absolutely rock solid so that's what we need in it if you dig your pack your your driveway out and you're 250 below where you want to be down for your piano finish level and you've got soft spots and you know you're not happy with it you do have to go down further dig the soft spots out you could end up we did some jobs over the years we've dug down you know five six hundred mil to get it on solid ground so you have to put your base and everything down on solid ground don't just be tempted to go to the guidelines at the minimum of the 250 because that all sometimes it doesn't always work so you've got this bigger now you've salvaged a couple of scalpings a couple of mlt type one probably about what we turned to an r310 that was under the driveway together what we get him gone i will show you some more on the next bit so we're just sat in sallwind now three of us having some food trying to get warmer freezing boys and we yeah absolutely frozen soaking wet so adrian the grab driver known him for donkeys does all our stuff he's there now taking all that away he's got it all organized i think another top tip for when you're doing this get organized because if you've got your digger you've got your jcb out you've got that all rocking and rolling they cost a fortune if you don't know when we don't know what own hours we just hire it um so if you got that out and then you're on stop because you haven't organized your grab wagon um this can cost you a lot of money and prolong the job so what we've got going on now excuse me is adrian will take that away then we're going to finish digging it all out because we haven't quite finished yet and we've already organized with him that tomorrow morning he'll be in he'll take the remainder of the load and then drop the stone off in the morning and that gives us another day's work so there we are top tip for you i've got to move because he's impatient and he'll be shouting at me in a minute so i'd better get out of his way oh so we have been out the van but now we're in the van because it's pouring our rain right we've dug down now all the way around uh 280 all over some places even 300 we've managed to recycle some of this hardcore probably about three turnovers and yeah we're putting this in now and then tomorrow we've got adrian coming back take that load way over there right this is where we stored our um our cycle hardcore now we just want to show you what you should be laying your base on or you should be putting the base on [Music] i've grown solid now under there [Music] yeah there's another important job that if nobody talks about and that is cleaning up if your work is absolutely top top dog best on the planet and your site is dirty and the surrounding areas are stinking your job's crap so what we do brad's on the jet wash now we'll um we'll get it off he's just done this bit yeah get all that and spam put those boards down there you can see on the floor and then the client can walk in and out and not get their uh nice clean household stinking dirty and then we can regroup again in the morning so here we are job done just whack in the recycled mot type one that we've used and what this will do now i'll show you at the end but when we go tonight it'll make it all nice and clean for the clients put the boards down on top it'd be nice safe the balls won't be twisting and turning so it's done it's a bit of a fever really and it just makes it nice and safe and neat tidy for them tonight so here we are we'll crack on and get that done now so job done for the day now you can see his app got his son is absolutely freezing so this is the setup we got everything's spotless and clear we've got the punt in there just to stop people well if anybody falls in there that idiot is it you know this kind of says don't go near it and then we could safely walk on this in and out all that blue jet washed so there we are all job done it's our past four it's nearly dark see you in the morning have a good night right it's another day freddy what day is it what is it tuesday i don't know what day it is after time right so it's tuesday um the grand wagon's been he's taking all the rubbish we had down there he's dropped this uh drop this off for us now so just putting it around you probably heard of my voice and you probably can't see this on the on the camera but it is absolutely pouring down with rain there we go so what we're going to do we're going to spread all this around we're not going to be able to set up a time lapse or anything or do any video footages so far we've got storm basil or border or whatever bloody name is basil they're calling it frame week so we'll get this spread around see where we go and we'll show you a little bit more in a minute keep smiling if you can there we are i always say you can't see this on the camera but i know for a fact you see this on the camera i mean oh my god look at that it's absolutely pouring down so without being crude your pants wet brad how do you love it i just flip the camera instead of going out in the ring oh yeah you can flip the camera can i do that oh it was that old thing look at this i mean we are absolutely soaking bloody wet yeah freeze is soaking so we're done boys are we we're done storm basil or whatever is bloody denzel or what was it stone wheelbarrow was beating us [Laughter] so we're off so we see you again tomorrow enjoy your evening we're going home to get dry and lucy's gonna have to get a washing machine on i think for me and my clothes see you tomorrow for another another one good morning welcome to thursday morning another day another dollar or not we um we've been battling this one with the with the weather just showing where we are free look at the mountain up there look we're up in the mountains and then turn around show the mountain behind you just trying to get a perspective of exactly where we are we're up in the uh in god's country but up in the rhonda valleys in south wales we do get a lot of rain here we've been battling with that big time here haven't we we've been swamped so yesterday it rained again yesterday we've got all these off brad got all these curve engines in yesterday so brad continued with his training and then they got these in as well and fraser did all the cutting so they're doing a good job doing a good job didn't you are you enjoying it no not aware though not the weather the job yeah yeah he's enjoying the job right so what we're going to do today is we've got this in there's a pile of sand there look a finer sand there this will go here that sand will go there and that's our screeding base but if you just spin the camera around for me you've got a load of deliveries yesterday we've got all these blocks now all ready to go all stacked up on the pavement spoke to the neighbors well that's fine let's get there off the road and we've got to walk way in here for the clients so it's key keep going on about this it's key to get yourself organized and get your materials here when you want them you know on the days you want them so you don't want to be on stop so we've ticked the boxer the only cock-up we had was me we ordered the wrong bloody digger which in all fairness to travis they came and swapped it straight away so we're going to get on time-lapse we put a time-lapse up for you today get on the old hyperspace we'll show you setting up the screen and next year i've got a new idea to be able to scree because i'm going to try and speed the screening process up a little bit quicker so i'm not sure if it'll come off i think people have used it before but um maybe watch this space and see if we can sort something out next year so let's back you on to hyperspace [Music] all right so phase has done a good job of that we've got these lines set up now for our screed bloody albert you could uh a bird would sag that line so we're gonna have to tighten our line we've got the liner what i want to show you is you want your paving to be about five mil ten mil higher than your finished level which is this so what we do we've got two pieces of slate i'll probably put one piece of slate one or two pieces of slate underneath there which equates to how high you want that because when you whacked it it'll be level to that money you've done the same down there on the eco drains slightly higher so when it whacks you get it down to your right level so what we're going to do now these these blocks they are monsters they're 65 mil the depth of them for 65 mil so all we do is use this as a gauge so when we get a sand high enough we come to that line there we put our screed rails in and start screeding but it's december so a real top tip for you and we probably found this out with the professionals as well the son that's watching if you use sharp sand then and it's wet because if you show them this bit here look three this is wet i said all the way through the video we've been battling against these storms and the weather so all our materials are wet way wet everything's bloody soaked in it so what you'll find is if you use sharp sand and it's wet you can still screed it with a screed rail or with a screener pulling it back but if you use grano or we call it stone dust which is like a six mil to dust and that comes to you and it's damp or it's wet then once you whack that you're pulling your arm off in you you will pull your arm off to try and screed wet stone dust or grano so this time of year now we tend to stick to the sharp sand because this is a summer time if it's dry we know we're going to get a dry batch we will use the six mil the dust because it's a good product didn't it so here we are a little tip for you we'll set this up now and then we'll show you when we're going to start to uh screed it so see you then right got the screed rails in um got this little contraption it's called spazzle so that i don't know that's ready to do it so yeah we've got to screw the screw to thing now so we put them onto hyperspace space hype space let's go rod i got you one video now laying down on the bloody job again sat in the van a couple of days ago we're trying to screed this off now through me and what's he doing he thinks he's he's got time to have a sleep what we've got to say for yourself bradley [Music] against the bloody weather again so what we've done now to set this up is we put these blacks in as the border and then what we've done is we've squared the eco drains are squared off the house so we've squared off the house put this line in squared off the house and that gives us a point where every time you lay this one you'll follow that line all the way up just to keep this square now the problem is we're clear i say used to lay these years ago loads of them and then they kind of went but this client wants clay so we managed to get them so if you get a bit of oil on there you can turn it over and reuse that side so it's the same both sides but because they're clay um they're not uh vitrified or anything like that but some of them are going to be like a couple of mil bigger longer and wider than others so you do get them waving around a little bit and going up a bond a little bit and panic starts to set in you just got to try and use your armor and share it out and use your experience to get them going in a straight line so you know benefits and pitfalls of using clay so we've got a set up now that we'll lay a row up here and then we lay another row coming back down and fan out going towards the packs up there if we laid it the other way around it would have been a bit more difficult so we can just go up to there and bring the bond down and then keep going up and then keep coming down run into this line run into our squares and that's what we're going to do so we'll try and show you but we're up against the weather so bear with us right so here we are just had a massive downpour are you getting on with it phrase yeah good yeah yeah any little because um yeah it is looking good there's a pain in the ass with clay in it mate you just gotta you do tend to panic you just gotta go with it it is what it is so there we are you can see that there is soaking it's okay but uh it's bloody weather battling against the weather he's not happy no are you there we are he's had enough i think we've all had enough we've got to beat him this week but we'll crack on right just to show you where we are afraid that our yesterday my blast today and uh yeah get on hyperspace [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] right just wanted to show you when you're laying clay like you keep saying you can't lose your bond you can't go out a little bit so what we've got we've got our line going up there now that line is squared off the house so we've measured from that pillar out to the line i don't know what it was says 900 mil and then from the other side where the tarmac spike is there 900 mil to the house so you've got a square coming off the pavement square coming off the house and then this green line coming off here we've got that square coming off the paving we've measured from where that black one is there on the floor to a similar point up there and brought it through so a square off the pavement we've just laid and then what we've done on top of that is we've laid this line now going across from here right the way up there crisscrossing and that one is square off the first line i said to you so that is parallel off this line so we got all our squares all our lines set up now let me just zoom you out a little bit there we are so we've got all that crisscrossing and set up now so we make absolute 100 certain it's going in the place where we want it to go and we're not wandering i'm moving because the clay's different sizes so yeah i hope that helps you when you do yours so we get brad back on the go now where you going brad he's up with a bloody heater in the van like got any food there bloody idiot shame it is a shame well it's not a shame because if we did our food he'd be sat there with the door shut scoffing it down and getting it all down your top wouldn't you right this crack on with it then doing a good job here frieza's done all this yesterday as we showed you so this is all frieza's handy work yesterday and then brad's carrying on so again the boys are carrying on with their training and they're doing a good job lads and you in all fairness doing a cracking job so here we are let's crack on with it then [Music] [Music] right so brad's done this now and as you can see he's got our line there every block perfectly matches up that's that one and i will spin you around to this one and then he's got every line matching up through there what do you reckon brad looking good yeah how's your back killing me back's killing him part and parcel of the game in it part and parcel of it there we are he left our manual out there to do and we got another one wrong there they do so plan of attack is get in now on monday get maybe get the gazebo up get that last section done and then get all the cats in so cracking job brad i knew yesterday free doing a lovely job so with clay it's really important you don't go on the wonk with it mate you know you don't be going on the wonk so these lines have really helped haven't they yeah they are yeah have i helped you in anyway no no you're just lying now and you just trying to be nice now he's bloody horrible really if you get to know him huh what pape what do you mean i've taught you all this and you want me to bloody pay you dear god i should be bloody charging you because i've taught you all my expertise and all my knowledge over the years you are paying as well frey i'm off i'm gonna go and run up the street i haven't run for the last 12 years but i'm gonna run now so it's monday another week so i just wanted to give you the perception of how much this drive is twisting so you can see where brad is there and then it twists right the way down then into this corner here so it's really really severe my phrase is walking it's going the other way you can see the fall on the wall where the focus is next door so this is what we've got to do like together so we put it was a screed line where those bricks are sticking up there a screed rod so that was in obviously we've taken that out and then we put another one in the middle and another one on another one and on the end and then we screeded that section as one and then screeded this section has two um the idea of that is you're trying to like half the twist rather than getting the screed rod from left to right in one if that makes sense to you so brad's putting them in now we'll set you up on a hyperspace brad hyperspace so set you up on that and get you going on there [Music] [Music] right it's 25 minutes past four fraser's just coming to the end we set him up a little light we got the chris we take two yeah we got the christmas lights up on the go there brad said that if he was the grinch he'd sniff every single christmas light in the street brad didn't you that's what you just said yeah i've had to stop him because he's a miserable kit anyway enough's enough we'll regroup see you in the morning have a good night so another day another day of rain again i don't think it's been dry up here one day is it so what we've got we've got a rock awning setter what size is this from right six by three this is a six by three so six meters by three meters i think it's the biggest one they do it took us about ten minutes to put up it's about ten minutes to put up very simple we got a knack to it now so basically you know we gotta put that manual then we've got three models one there one there one over there two beds you can do and then all are kept into and still got a bit on the back of the garage so we can maneuver this around today now and while it's raining we can still carry on working in the drive so yeah i'm gonna grab one of these get on the rock awnings and uh price it up and get yourself one right another day so we got the uh gazebo set up brad's on the ruby on his face one of his favorite machines and frieza's marking all the pets out so there we are cutting through that pretty quick as well which is good no dust brad tell them what you asked me this morning sorry tell him what you asked me this morning can you work from home dead didn't he frey yeah yeah he said i got a request for you he said can i work from home so you want a ruby set up in your living room dude the ruby in your living room tonight brad zero zero dust kate will be happy bunchy kids will be fine he'll have no arms at the end of the day [Laughter] right let's get on with these cats and we're going to do the cuts and we'll uh yeah we'll come back to it show you a bit more in a minute yeah look i said i'll have a good set up prior to it we got a light on there it's starting to get dark you probably can't see it making me work yep got a light set up there now look so when he goes on his ruby let god said let there be light bradley and there he is it's like what a cardiff city's flood lights in there down in indian park sure probably go off now if it's anything like the city's flood lights mates game would be postponed right check it all in the van i would be better off anyway hey now come on now start doing that you'll be in that bloody skip there's no car support let me tell them yes there is more cardiff supporters and bloody man you i bet that there's more man you support let us know in the comments below i'm going to be i'm going to lose now when i you're going to lose i've lost [Music] well first time on the store what do you think it takes a bit of a getting used to it don't they left you together all right we're just coming to the end now bought these hats to try and put a christmas cheer in i got mine on frasier i haven't got is on look at him there holy god there look he's sad food off got his sad food on and i'm normally called the grinch freezing in our house yeah reasonable relief to me being the grinch to visible get but there we are so what we've got going on i should show you this so this is in board cutting what we've done is we've laid these the other way like if you come really close here phrase so if you've got a bond of this now you've got these coming up here i'm going across so in effect that should be laid like that but then you get that very very small cut if the car keeps driving up on top of that it acts like a dart so that cut will be very very small and it's got more chance of going down and sinking into the sand as opposed to a big cut like that so we've done that all the way around that in board cutting durability longevity and ticking all the boxes it does change the bond so we checked with a client which one do you want them to do and he wanted it to um last a lot longer so he's done it like that let me know in the comments below what you boys do and if you if you carry out this because we did have marshals come and check our work if i'm honest and we were doing it like that and we were doing it with a small cut nothing wrong with it but he pinpointed it out to us and gave us a bit of a a tutorial on it and said this is the better way so we've started doing it this way now so let me know in the comments we're going to sand it we're in a bit of a rush we get sanding and we're nearly done are we free yep so that's what you want look kiln dried paving sand get it from the builders merchants ask for that and basically what it is if you don't know is this sand is like talcum powder it's very very fine says what it does what it says on the tin it's kiln dries it's very dry and that goes right the way down in between and fills up all the joints because it's like talcum powder but the problem we've got is we've had this drying out now haven't we lad so it's been drying out since it's been friday saturday sunday and most of monday isn't it where it hasn't rained in south wales which is unusual and it is still we're brushing it in like on the sand is still well it's just going wet so this time of year in december you're always up against it so we're going to do our very best we're going to whack it but the chances are we might have to come back to replenish it maybe into the spring because that quite frankly when it starts to get wet it's not going to go down in between the joints properly so we're going to have to have a word of the client um see how far we go i think we see where brad is there now look look at this brad that now look that's not kiln dried sand now that's lumpy this wet but what can you do these are the cards we're dealt with and we gotta just play them so we'll crack on with it and show you what it's like at the end we're going to be doing a lot of brushing now so let's get on with it right i gotta show you this now because it's coming up to our past four bit of a rush so there's the one manual down into there brad's cleaning off the garage door now these phones are brilliant you probably can't see how dark it is here now that's the finish of what we've got see all the lines are straight work meticulously to get the line straight even through the manual all the lines are straight and then we've got the the next one there we are so that's that so there's freezing out there again very very very important to us so we get everything real clean and tidy the plan is as if we've never been here so we've got the old jet wash on the go but there we are look you can see the twist in that drive it's worked out pretty good actually but i'm worked out too bad so i'll show you a little bit more at the end get a well freezer do this now get it all and span and then uh we'll show you the final little bit at the end hey there right we couldn't finish we did finish the drive yesterday but we couldn't get you any footage because it was pitch black it was our past five and uh well we did the cameras just wasn't doing very well so we do apologize but the drive's done clients happy with the driveway um they gave us loads and loads of cups of tea through the job from from both sets of the family from the mum and dad and for the clients around the property so i really appreciate them for keeping us going and it did because it poured on it raining it was freezing cold so i hope you've enjoyed the video um but a message through from uh joe franklin just to give his wife the best wishes and we're gonna send them as well his wife's not very well she's been diagnosed with an illness she's been waiting to be abducted she's been searching for what has been wrong with her for for a long time apparently and they found out what it is it's not good news but at least you've got a diagnosis and i understand that with um having my wife phil and my dad's not very well as well so just wanted to wish ross all uh you know both of you ross and joe a very merry christmas and a happy new year hope everything goes okay for you and uh appreciate you supporting the channel um also like to thank brad and fraser for all their commitment through there you wouldn't be able to do it without them um and you guys on on youtube have really helped me in sharing your knowledge and helping us because there's a lot of people out there who know a heck of a lot more than what i do or what we do and you know we we strive to get better so hope the videos helped just be careful when you're doing your drive if you're a diyer it's all about the bass it's uh and no treble it's all about the bass um you know if you're doing 65 mil pavers like we did you you've got to go down to the correct depth so if you if there's a standard a 250 mil if it's a 65 mil paver obviously it's gonna be um 265 mil you've got to go down minimum but you have to go on the solid ground check all the literature out check all the installation um from from the manufacturer of the paving you're using check out suds as well just google suds and the definition and the meaning of said because it's important because it is law in wales not sure about the rest of the uk but check out what sense is and what you've got to conform to to a d at the sets marshalls came up and trained us up on that which was a really good uh thing of them to do and taught me a lot so have a great christmas have a lovely new year really appreciate your support and uh be good have a good one don't forget to uh like and subscribe to the channel be much appreciated cheers take care
Channel: Brickright building & landscaping
Views: 24,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clay block paving start to finish, block paving, how to lay block paving, #landscaping, #paving, brickright, how to do a base for block paving, cutting in block paving, inboard cutting for block paving, sanding block paving, compacting block paving, screeding a base for block paving, screeding, bricklaying, site work, construction, herringbone paving, setting out block paving, drainage for block paving, block paving the right way, best block paved drive, driveway ideas
Id: AWh6q-_BNkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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