Classic WoW Hunter Guide 1-60 - (Rotation Talents Pets Stats BiS Addons Keybinds) Attunement

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hey guys nunna Drude back with another video this time with a classic Wow hunter guide this information is a really basic overview of classic while hunters for leveling and preparing to progress through phase one of launch will touch on hunter races and passives leveling talents and zones professions and stats basic hunter rotation what to do after level 60 pre-raid best in slot items attunement quests add-ons key bindings and macros hunter is one of the fastest and most efficient classes for leveling and classic their kiting abilities and pet control essentially makes them the easiest solo questing class in the game hunters battle their foes at a distance commanding their pets to attack while they knock their arrows and fire their guns though their missile weapons are effective as short and long ranges hunters are also highly mobile they can evade or restrain their foes to control the arena battle an efficient hunter uses mobility and range to crush their opponent mobility and kiting as a hunter revolves around abilities like concussive shot aspect of the cheetah feign death and freezing trap and as a hunter your toolkit has so many kiting abilities Hunter's have one of the fastest traveling times because of aspect of the cheetah traveling time is any movement between quests towns or zones you will spend a significant amount of time traveling in your journey from level 1 to 60 and aspect of the cheetah says a lot of time only druids and shamans have a similar run time speed increase hunters also benefit from reduced down time their pet tank and men pet ability decreases the need to drink and eat while questing all of these things translate into faster mob pools faster experience per hour and faster / playtime to 60 in a group the hunter rose ranged physical DPS with mobility and crowd control abilities groups will need you to trap stun tank and kite mobs circumstantially these are tasks that you will need to excel at as a hunter and classic Wow hunters are given five options for races in classic Wow choose from jour neidell Turin orc and troll each class offers its racial passive yet the three popular races are always or control and Knight o horde overwhelmingly has the advantage with the or control massives orc is the best race overall for pvp because the hardiness passive which is a 25% resistance to stuns orcs also have the command passive which is a flat 5% buff to pet damage the troll passive is possibly the best horde race for PvE damage due to the berserk buff and +5 to bows any PvE players that want to maximise DPS will opt for troll hunters the night off passive offers shadow melds for PvP and nothing for PvE but they do look really cool and if I played an alliance I would choose a night off punter stat waits what stats does my hunter need and do I need hit cap well the answer to that is yes you need at least 9 percent hit cap if you are playing the hunter you need to familiarize yourself with stat weights and what stats to prioritize one strength equals one melee attack power when stamina equals 10 help when agility increases attack power with range weapons by two increases critical strike chance and increases armor and dodge intellect increases your mana pool spirit increases health and mana regeneration rates in and out of combat and hit writing is extremely crucial in endgame raids your attacks will have a higher chance to miss until you reach the 9 percent hit cap many of your best in slot pre rate items will include a percent chance to hit hunters utilise 5 different shot abilities Auto shot is your basic casting shot as a hunter this ability is based on your ranged weapon speed and it cannot be cast while moving concussive shot is your main kiting and slow ability and should be used whenever cutting mobs while tagging the instinct casts like arcane shot and serpent sting arcane shot is an instant cast spell on a 6 second cooldown this spell can be cast while moving and is amazing for instant damage it also shares the cooldown with aims shot multi shot fires three projectiles in front of you and can be man intensive if you are using this every pool multi shot cannot be cast while moving and down ranking this spell is a good option for occasional AoE damage without draining your mana MSHA is not acquired until higher levels as a beast master hunter however it later becomes your primary damage-dealing ability and has a three-second cast time aimed shot scales with weapon damage and a slower weapon synergizes here it also cannot be cast while moving before we get into basic rotation this auto shot disclaimer is crucial as a hunter auto shot is your biggest solid damage output yet it can't be cast while moving a cast bar add-on is extremely important when playing 102 identify when to cast auto shot and when to move the basic kind of rotation is what makes this class so unique a very basic hunter rotation includes four things start with hunter marks for the extra attack power auto shot next while sending a pet with a sin pet macro followed by serpent sting followed by another auto shot our Cain shot is mana intensive but it can be used here for higher damage output and last multi shot after you reach level 18 early levels your rotation is going to be different until you have trained aim shot for levels 50 to 60 you switch to aims shot and multi shot please note that this rotation doesn't include cooldowns like rapid fire or trinkets this is a very basic rotation and it can and should be modified when you are level 60 with a full kit also it is worth reminding you here that some of these abilities cannot be cast while moving in addition if you use an ability like aims shot outside of the auto shot cast bar timer the auto shot will be canceled or clipped this clipping is not the optimal way to progress through the hunter rotation but circumstances may require you to move or cast before the auto shot timer completes just know that damage output will suffer if you are not respecting the auto shot cast timer hunters optimally choose beast mastery for their main talent tree the hunter talent tree consists of beast mastery marksman and survival best viable talent spec for leveling is beast mastery this talent tree improves your pets ability its health agra hold survivability resistances and more this 31 2002 talents to bolster your pet increases your efficiency leveling reduces your downtime increases overall pet damage output and its ability to tank mobs for you I will be specking 3120 until reaching level 60 as it is most efficient at level 10 the tier 1 points will match your improved aspect of the hawk for the attack damage increase tier 2 is thick hide and improved revive pet for the reduced cast time during combat tier 3 is aspect of the cheetah unleashed fury for travel time and movement tier 5 and 7 are really important because it provides spirit bond and beast your wrath these two spells will aid tremendously and damage and damage reduction for you and your pet tier 8 and 10 begins the marksman tree and this will improve your range damage until you acquire aimed shot which boosts your ability damage substantially you will likely not receive aims shot until level 52 or higher using the 31 2003 leveling zones I have only ever played horde and so this list is heavily horde specific however this list is directly from jonna's leveling guide and i know that he will have an alliance equivalent for classic wild launched jonna's guide is very in-depth and worth referencing while leveling 260 some of these zones may be relevant for Alliance and we are all likely to hop into a dungeon group or two or ten along the way because grinding can become monotonous and everyone likes a change of scenery but if you are horde and you're struggling to finish a level gap in a specific area and you aren't sure where to begin questing next this list as well as jonna's full guide can point you in the right direction professions are completely optional as you adventure your way to sixty but I wouldn't pass up the opportunity these seven professions are likely the most commonly taken professions by hunters engineering provides a ton of utility in PvE and PvP and leathering provides hunters with several best and slot pre-write items using the devil soar leather engineering and mining allows you to create your own ammunition as well as many utility items that will aid in men maxing your DPS and PvE and PvP fishing and cooking can and should be leveled alongside the others and will especially be helpful for saving gold on pet first aid is an absolute requirement as a hunter and classic even healer should max first aid for self-healing in combat this is required for all hunters and endgame raids and I would never recommending leveling without first aid this profession will prevent very long Spirit walk on numerous occasions pets are by far one of the coolest reasons that everybody wants to play a hunter and classic classic offers many different families of beasts for hunters to tames their trusted companion taming a pet and classic while is available after completing a level 10 question titled taming the Beast after taming your first pet food is a requirement in your inventory at all times that's because in classic hunter pets have a happiness level in order to maintain your pets happiness you must feed it as its happiness affects overall output the happier the pet the more damage it does each pet family will only eat certain types of food some pets like wolves will only eat meat others like bears and boars can eat any of the six food types hunters may choose specific pets based on their different attack speeds and this is the primary reason why named mobs like broken to more popular cats are well suited for all types of content due to their high offensive capability along with their high attack speed they are very strong in PvP due to their ability to interrupt spell casting cats are also one of the best pets for leveling since they're fast attack speeds and damage allow them to maintain the most threat at some point taming a wolf a boar and a wind serpent is a good idea as you progress through the zones with these beasts as you will want to train the abilities that those creatures have however a cat is one of the highest damage output pets for leveling 260 and this is the pet that I'll be choosing okay we've reached level 60 now what do we do there are two prioritized list of tasks that you should focus on immediately upon reaching 60 farming your pre-raid best in slot gear pieces probably is at the top of the list next farm demonic runes major health potions and mana potions and farm fire resistance pots you can start completing your molten core attunement and a Nixie attunement quests and you can max your profession level please notice that buying your epic mount is a secondary priority and you should analyze this list before committing to it you could also always go out and do some world PvP however Blizzard has stated that battlegrounds will not be released until later phases so every guild is going to need a ton of greater faience resistance potions for molten core these are very popular for your tanks and your healers and if you're a DPS you should probably show up to the raid with the stack or two of these potions if you're an alchemist you can farm lower Blackrock Spire for the recipe drop and if you're an herbalist you can prepare for these by collecting dream foil and farming elemental fire and un'goro crater from fire elementals farming demonic runes health potions and fel cloth can be accomplished from one location and as Shara the lavash ISA tears drop each of these items and tailors can farm rune cloth and fel cloth which will aid them in their moon cloth cooldown this is also a great spot just for gold farming per hour the molten core a Tumut quest must be completed before you can enter the raid instance it requires completing Blackrock depths and you will need a group and one member will need the shadow Forge key to skip through sections of BRD the core fragment is in the very back of the dungeon and an experienced member can help locate it unlike the molten core 2-minute quest the onyxia Touma question is going to take a little while the chain starts in car goth for horde and finishes when you have killed general Drac and you BRS after completing each of the tasks listed you will receive the drake fire amulet which allows you to enter a nixies layer this is required in your inventory before entering the right instance your best in slot helmet and neck pieces can be acquired through Stratholme dharma BRD and a western Plaguelands quest the backwood helm however will not be available until Blizzard releases phase 2 and dire maul best in slot shoulders are your true strike shoulders that 2% chance to hit is going to make a huge difference in meeting your 9% hit cap the cape of the black baron is a pretty easy drop if you have a group running Stratholme multiple times per day the B stalker set should only be used if you have the 4 piece set otherwise you are going to be running slow mance a lot for the cadaverous chest if you do have the set grab the chest beast grab the bracers these are your best in slot pieces for the item set piece bonus until dire Maul is released down run swords are great if you can get these four main and offhand weapon for your ranged weapon lb rs drops black crow and it's a really hard drop but with these slower speeds either bow will take you into molten core for gloves and belt devil SAR gauntlets are easy to grab for leather workers you can craft these with devil SOI leather and you can easily purchase be stalkers belt if you are working to build the 4 piece set 4 legs and feet two of these pieces are craftable and buying on equips the devil store legs and the mongoose boots can be made by leather workers and again the b stalker said is only best in slot if you have all four pieces for best in slot rings and trinkets the chanson hit black stone ring is a huge benefit and hunters have the ability to do princess runs solo or with a partner at level 60 to farm this ring you are going to be doing BRD for the MC a two minute anyway so the hand of justice trinket it's best in slot just kill the emperor dog grin while farming through BRD hunter add-ons can really be beneficial as you level up to sixty legacy - wild calm is one of the websites that I found that has some of these add-ons there are others there are so many add-ons available and none of them are required I do recommend that you download at least a casting bar add-on for your hunters Auto Attack timer your ability to weave hunter shots in and out of auto shot maximizes DPS with that without the shot timer it is more difficult to identify when these opportunities are key bindings and macros this is a list of my key bindings that I universally use across any of my characters I have not assigned any of them to my hunter as of yet the razer naga mouse has 12 buttons on the side so I utilize modifiers like shifting control to expand those 236 key binds I also use ER TV and then shift T and V is modifiers to make for extra binds these are the only two pet macros that I recommend starting out with these macros can help save you a little bit of time thus in pet macro is one of the top on my list others like the feed pet macro are just there to make life easier and are not crucial one more topic that I didn't touch on during the guide but if you are a new player these will help I'm not going to review this one it's pretty self-explanatory ok guys if you have watched this entire video thank you for making it this far thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: NotaDrood
Views: 114,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classic Wow Hunter Guide, Classic Wow Hunter, Wow hunter guide, classic world of warcraft hunter guide, hunter leveling guide, hunter guide, WOW hunter guide, hunter guide WOW, world of warcraft hunters leveling guide, wow hunter leveling guide, classic wow guides, classic wow, classic WoW guide for hunter
Id: Pd1FGoogTUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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