Classic Trucks Week to Wicked – LMC C-10 Full Episode

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all right so it's day one a week two wicked and I'm kind of excited on this one because I got my old pal Ryan back in the game and he's here all week long along with Christian but hey watch you throw it out him and tell them a little bit what we're doing well this week we're gonna be building the 72 Chevy c10 this is going to be the giveaway truck for the c10 nationals and we're pretty excited about that as well because hopefully it's gonna go to a good home a new owner and hopefully they'll have a lot of fun with it when we're done absolutely so the truck I usually like all of our other builds so we've been paying it brightworks in we've got some of the interior done so we're not claiming we're building the entire truck but we do have a lot of parts to throw out this thing the good thing about this it's all bolt on stuff this stuff you can follow along and even maybe get a truck of your own and throw some of these pieces at it absolutely and we're doing a couple things different this week what are we doing for the motor and trans we're not doing an LS is time so LSS we've listened and what have we done well we're doing an ls3 el estor you know we've actually listened in the comments you guys you know we've gone back to some of your feedback and we're not doing an ls3 we're not doing an LS at all in fact we're doing a big-block Chevy so today's plan is suspension of brakes with all the suspension bolting this thing will start the brakes on it well we don't finish up on the brakes we'll get to tomorrow morning and then put the steering in there and we'll have a rolling chassis sounds good to me let's get started all right all we need is Krishna where's Christian question yeah Aires this is the lMC Truck C 10 Nationals Classic Trucks week two wicked bill presented by gand red Chevrolet [Music] hey Christian let's just take it all out as one the whole gotta take the tie-rod off first Oh Chris you pick that up fishing pick that one up [Music] got it they give it to me the wrench it was just two of them yeah two on your side careful with your foot Jed go ahead come on off it down [Music] watch your fingers so we're going to drop out this gas tank so we can put in another gas tank this one is set up for a carburetor we could use this one into a universal pump in it but we've already got one from TVP that's reading the pre-drilled pumps installed solely that way you get all this safety gear on and he's going to go around and hit all these rivets so I'm about double his age so I've done about double these rivets so in order for him to be as good at these rivets as I have been he's got to practice a little bit more and the job itself just sucks Christian's got it though got it so to make this a little easier we got these brackets off we got to take this crossmember out it's easier just to add a little slice in here with the cutoff wheel and then I can come through with a air chisel and I'll buff that head right off there and then popping through [Music] you guys are doing great [Music] not that one this one [Music] where does your shock mountain go here with a shotgun on this one else yeah yeah you were supposed to cut I cut this one our necks it didn't got it you got to weld it yeah [Music] just cut it the rest of the way here [Music] alright so first they're gonna clean up a little bit of the area under here but what we're doing is the toy little conversion we got cut a four and a half inch hole yup he's got a template plate here which is also your bracket right it is yeah this is one of about four different pieces we've also got the shock mount the bracket that mounted to the frame and it's it's it's actually pretty simple so you've got an extra hole here that's not drilled out these three holes fit right into the frame here and then we're gonna get this set up drop a couple bolts through here get it stood up a little bit use this as a guide I'll go ahead and start your own how big of a drop are we going back here Wally six inches I'm guessing okay you ready brother so uh what Ryan's getting ready to do is cut the notch out for the C notch that will give us a little more travel so as we lower the truck down we obviously need more space through the frame and that's what this is going to do so he'll go ahead you cut it all out and be ready to bolt it back in this corner do you look there [Music] check that thing and see if it fits I like it we get to sign up all the way on the inside duplicate well how how's the hole this hole rise up how's this hole can you see this I don't think any holes on my side I don't think there are oh we got to knock these tubes through the towel wow that's no big deal [Music] you got your drill no I don't have anything yet what sighs she love me I want to know what so more drill than that we're down to one give it the I couldn't even find them Christians must taking them home [Music] [Music] we need to do it that's a wiring okay I can't see my site I can't eat it Curtis you're the director come on now course if you're in the center you must help us we get bored and go stranger goes that way not the other way yeah movies here Louie nose flip it flip it no that's right yeah we got two in charge here by you our new movie you know so maybe because the frames too narrow onaconda we just cut the crossmember and welded it all right clothes perfect fun it would actually it need to because the frame was bent in the meadow there remember Frankie what we're gonna want to do here line up yeah yep whisper win a doll all right going down yeah we go [Music] Danny when do we make this good March [Music] everywhere oh my god can you imagine I did that in the shop any time I never hear the end this is called meat too wicked not open back door for another month not open the door up do it right take [Music] yeah somewhere together okay that's good yeah crazy dude you are those the bootcut Dickies yeah made of myself what size are those there's there's 30 40s okay here day and then hit play wanna put one on top like that ones on the left put it on the lip set it down there you go Jim a copper u-bolt can they turn the u-bolt yeah don't thank you it goes right here no no yes but they both over-the-top how much family how bright you are one jerk show me show me your intelligence those two both of them yeah we do hey Danny yeah I'm here I must insist on not picking on Christian he's my boy Thank You Jay you got it buddy I think it is centered Lewis Lewis it is centered go ahead no no no this extra Oh perfect boom and then we're gonna flip it give me a baron give me one Byron I love how they come a three-pack okay where's the washer in that right here here's the nut here's the washer there's a washer great things go so I'm just making sure so it needs be having one of the thin ones we'll get some tools tighten it up put the cotter pin in you'll need us put that in what happened well I put it in hand tight and then I back it off three screws me a hammer yeah 3 whole turns after oh okay get a caliper nuts now the room for the third time now the caliper big [Music] [Applause] what did you knock out the rim is what the Ribit Ribit Ribit there's one all right so it's the end of day one Monday and got a lot done today I feel I feel pretty good the guys from CPP or here steel they're wrapping up a few things coming back tomorrow what did we do we got the brakes on we got the suspension on we got the rear end in we've got half the steering in so tomorrow we'll come in put the column in bolt everything up do the Hydra stop yep leave the brakes uh run some brake lines put your stuff on the front of that gand rear big-block chevy yep maybe get that thing in Wednesday morning or even Tuesday night depending on how everything goes it depends on how we feel all righty so so far so good so we've got four days to go so we can really spruce things up burnouts Wednesday night out of here all right so it's day two early morning and tbp somewhere in the house and they got a bunch of brake lines to bend up a master cylinder throw in there Christian's running around - we've got going on today we've got some steering components going in tilt column and then we're hoping to see if we can get that motor in this afternoon yep we got to put that s Drive on there first and yeah make those things together thrown in the truck and I think I'm gonna saying Christian up there while the brake lines are being bent up to get the gauges going sounds good all right so let's get the day going oh it's early morning yeah it's early morning morning what do you do make fun of my accent I came straight out your Belinda that's Orange County California yeah the teeth yeah I never mind we're just getting there just giving you a hard time you have the tee fitting I'll put it on while I'm standing you're doing nothing but giving you from the court yeah cause we're doing it next to it okay where's your cut they might hit Oh in your hand you want a little hammer I'll get it I can get it thank you go get it Danny why is this mr. big you know I think that your quality of work called you a tool get the CPP how'd you stump up there [Applause] and you need to turn it up the hex you're taking it off backwards no I'm just taking it off a way that you don't like no cuz you're gonna put it right back to a twice so it's not a way I don't like it's just unnecessary Kristin you can't him my network is easy after you do it so many years so many times it's just common sense common sense is better you know [Music] they like to put it all the way to the back but what I'm worried about is the firing at this part of the back of the cat the cab the muffler is gonna hit it or it's gonna get really hot so I think with that in mind let's try to shift it forward and see if this is gonna line up and I think we're in a good spot like this looks pretty decent right can we use older furniture yeah they have a bench mounted one yeah but this won't that one don't work with this yeah trucks done everybody go home okay I'm I look like this still we're doing TD all right so I'm just popping out the old gauges pretty easy and we're gonna get the new gauges on the you're gonna use some of these parts on this so I got to come down and do it down there I hope I don't fall on the way here camera guy hold that these guys actually help out all right so we're getting rid of this you don't need give it a little spray down make sure you clean it cuz you don't want any debris in there and here we go just like that pretty easy here the gauges okay there you go you got to put some screws in mom was in the kitchen cooking fried chicken down turn Danny can you pass that to me Pook alright so as you can see we have all our wiring ran this is all the wiring for the gauges water oil left turn signal right turn signal but these are coming from the wiring harness and the quoted vigil actually actually supplies the sensors themselves that go into your block and you run the wiring up to the retro tech control box and it feeds all the input to that which feeds to your gauges pretty simple so we're gonna skip this part here because we don't need it oh here we have an engineer now let's make sure that we're doing everything right this is like an original for the that year truck this would be one option where we replace the perch and we can use the traditional three bolt style motor mount you can see the three bolt holes and we can replace just a clamshell mount the mount itself with a new mount so you can leave the original bracket as an option and have this bracket in place of this mount or we can do it this place so we actually have two ways we can assemble this 72 c10 big-block gotcha okay oh you sick katja okay now I gotta stop no keep going this which way there's no power steering so we didn't even need silicone on it this yeah doesn't have it any season cool and he sees nobody so that it doesn't screw your block [Music] how y'all do y'all gotta just keep on true good yeah no one good they don't like you to smoke it all up do this well we got to the very end we got to tighten this stuff but no says don't tighten you they want you to hang everything we just learn the drama through the firewall so the sensor wires don't rip out or cause a short but this thing is just being them B and there's a grommet boom hold on you go there well for Denis incentive then tightening everything up yep now we do okay I don't have the wrench I need what size is it I don't know whatever that size is so we need a wrench and then we need an extent you own this is what he gives me this is this stuff I have to work with the right size I wouldn´t be can fight in this right now yep that's not it oh you're certainly not professional that's way too small so it's not an 18 it's got to be a 5/8 it probably is cuz it's not 17 grab eleven sixteenths just in case so why have Christian do most of the work he'd even know I was here he didn't even know I was sitting here he thought it was someone like I'm mannequin lunch is here we'll come back later [Music] you want to get your head underneath Franco yeah I'm trying move a letter I know you want me to get a skilled technician I'm G I'm 35 [Music] mundo is its it right here on the big box join us here which week my friend we're sure to make you rock with me party and snake puppy our eyes will never stop like girl that guy in the whole damn crab same people scream and shout we all want you to know that the dream teams in the house tough lady ladies and gentlemen we are drilling the new holes in these supports in the bed put this new aluminum bed floor in nobody got hit in the face to center punch it still got all my teeth yeah once we found our Center we just measured out half yeah started our first two holes and then we made this template off this piece of steel that we can go in and just set it in the holes and go that way we're not like you said not measure and every time gotta go like that yeah like that around that around that dough around that shit'll let me do it in the first boom okay they use your device where's your ratchets in your lap in it yep the too small oh you got that one out I'm waiting for one of those hot pieces to fall my shoe like a welder and I'm gonna do a dance all right getting ready to wrap up the brake lines here installing the this last flex line over here on the driver side caliper as this goes up to ride height we're not pinching the line here anywhere in between the a arms the springs as the wheel turns so the most important part about installing this is making sure that as this comes up the ride height this line here isn't forced inside the a arms or Springs so as we tighten up we'll just put it in a direction that we like yeah that's it right there they say this could go alright so it is the end of day two and got a few things finished up actually the CPP guys got a whole bunch of stuff done brake lines are all planted done started from the back all the way up to the front into the master cylinder wrapped I think they still out the bleeder but they are back there now starting on the bed would form LMC so we did a few things ourselves yeah and the bed woods interesting it's actually a vinyl applied over an aluminum so it's actually really not a bed wood no it's a new bed floor it's gonna last forever yeah looks pretty durable I like it we did a few things we got the yes drywall installed on the 502 that's right we need to make some plug wires and a couple other things but that motors about ready to go in the truck yeah so we're looking pretty good for a day to get out of here maybe a little bit early get some rest we still got three more days to go and a whole lot more to put on this truck right on let's do it alright so it's day three it's hump day we made it to this point trucks looking pretty good what's on the schedule well the big thing today is to get the motor and trans installed we're just about ready with that so it'll be a couple minutes and we'll slide that thing in there alright engine trans we've got some wiring a fuel injection ignition and fuel so yeah we're getting there by in the day the truck probably could fire up we probably won't but we'll be pretty close right on alright oh yeah and we'll measure for a drive shaft just keep him in there that's it somebody's Oh like that what are you doing today good emitted for a driveshaft yeah we're gonna wire the car suspension brake lines plumbing steering exhaust go ahead is that dandruff shouldn't be dandruff well that's it I feel pretty good about that feel good about our day not really well it's Wednesday well hopefully by how much to get excited about Friday I'll be excited what can we get to work let's do it won't get the camera waiting for you all right let's go what are we doing today look like politically now where do we start this is what your knee sounds like sometimes sometimes all the times now is it cool you know why this says oil engine oil fill see owner's manual because my buddy worked at autozone and there was a lady that kept coming in buying oil and after about the fifth time they're like what is she doing he went out to the parking lot he's like you need some help and she goes no I'm just filling my engine with oil he goes how much have you put in there about nine quarts she because he's all whoa let's hold on got to make sure you get all your clicks yep so these have a universal spark plug kit here that we kind of just get all the wires the same length so they all kind of flow together so you cut one end and then you take your terminal with a special tool you crimp it on there and then you put your boot over that which I'm doing right now and all that that's pressed on there puts into place so the only thing that's left now is a one coil wire I'm gonna be able to cut that decides to get the engine in figure out where we're going to mount our coil well once it's in there you gotta check it in yeah sometimes they'll give you a distance like this you know okay seven eighths but they don't give you anything so they check it against the flywheel or plate oh yeah whoa I put it in I was turning in and went twice clunk and then it went up again yeah yeah it feels like here I feel like it feels like to reach all the way in yeah and I mean they went through the back and I felt the back of it you can kind of feel that way can you do it farther in yeah we'll check it when you put the flex plate when mates up it says bend in between eight-inch encorage because it's gonna come out yeah and this don't want to come out - too far foot there Chris come down a little bit more and you give it more slack because when we drop it into the truck you're gonna need to hang on you're good right there yeah does it up don't grab the front hood Christian couldn't get a ticket keep coming you're good they come in come in come in come in they're coming in and then you got plenty on you're good I see I'll get him with that back on me hey if we're just going over it now yeah I got one ear over it go down I can't see what the other side looks like down a little more there we go we're in okay you know how to drop it up okay here you're in drop it down go down okay keep going all right guys go home we got the engine in wait how you gonna get on there flip it muscle it this says it shouldn't fit this car this is me for a Camaro uh-oh pull it out pull it out we got the wrong motor in guys pull it out we got the wrong engine for this truck take two ray come on over tater got it so heavy got it got it there for a second okay no no okay I got heavier another the converter was in there chop right oh my god dude come on holy dude who was that hey all I can tell you who it was whoever stripping out of their pants right now good god I can't believe no one wants to man up for that one that's a proud moment hey are you gonna go up or what yeah I'm just looking for the angles right cause it's kind of all let's go Peter let's get up there how are you looking over there now that should do it are you in the dowel pin J yeah okay okay okay okay guy ma'am oh he can't work now you're really in the way Chris let's start bowling up I'm looking this is you know French you know French Oh oui oui oui oui show me a bow shock two stairs well flywheel the converter 60 foot pounds 60 yeah kind of big curtain do you need to use your hands to do this or can i film it with your hands out of the way do we need the the bolts yes thank you my knee I'm nursing my knee while they're working actually I don't you have a problem I need ice think I want to work I just want to be able to I know I'm gonna tighten these up or you want me to do just snugging for a second let's measure it get out the way [Music] yeah okay that's pretty good that's pretty good we could tighten that down [Music] so we're gonna measure for a driveshaft now so we can get that made up typically you'd put you'd load the rear suspension but I have yet out of a lot of drive shafts I've done really made a difference I can see if you have maybe two feet of travel but in our case we don't so we're gonna just measure it as it is and then if it doesn't work my fault but that's cover all right we're gonna come down gentlemen and ladies watch Christian remember I was talking about that the other day how much I'm painting the acid is working on these trucks once you get the motor and everything in there cuz it's like for it I can't hardly retrieve this thing without ok fuel systems done done oh I'm just running wiring I've got a wire the alternator got a wire the starter thought of another wiring to the sensors so he'll be up here for a little bit let's get our wiring out before we mount it in case we shoot ourselves in the foot now so we won't are you have plenty of room to put it inside the cab famous last words dude I've done the system I think I've done the system 16 times I've done out 17 last night you don't 17 well oh I wrote about the first two I did so I've done 18 I did it 20 because I had to redo the two that you did the last time you really got me should we stab that one into the trance that's the one that's really gonna always lift it up yeah we're good there so vehicle speed and this one this one assuming that's what that is good they're out of the way okay so let's bring her back down brother do you have that syringe for my knee get it let's suck it out right now let's do it bring it on over here ready right there get that oh here you go suck it out look at it done you good job doc did you clean that before you right now that headlight okay so I can get to those will have the markings right into an angle drill with this in it you you do you want to go do that yeah all right so just got the master cylinder back from the guys who just finished bench bleed in it so we're gonna go ahead and get this installed all right we're still getting quite a bit air but I'm gonna try and close it a hair just to eliminate any of the bleeder valve huh all right so what we're doing here is Manning are a mission box that will tap into our fuel injection harness and feed our distributor to tell our engine one spark we're gonna mount here on the side of the battery tray you still get to it but it's out of the way and clean just uses a couple button heads to secure it we'll put the battery tray back in the truck and you ready to wear it no no thank you all right let's get the clamp off it's an alleyway from the front line give me the job pretty good we have a room in the special these are special you're a special first time I like a special oh you're on schedule here yeah but you're special in my life oh thank you a special person in my life I want to you know just be careful if anything I get jealous would he when he sees it well the lease earlier said says do you guys miss Danny and I'm on why do you keep bringing up Annie you miss Danny I think he was missing him a little bit Phil's lost weight is that someone to tell him what to do 24/7 you're holding that wrong that's not how you hold a screwdriver wonders what's going on fellas how you do it as many of you know that have been found this truck behind me that we're building here with Classic Trucks magazine we're gonna give this truck away at the lMC Truck c---ten nationals on May 3rd and 4th 2019 and there's only one way to win this truck and that's to be registered as a show participant or a 2-day spectator and you can do that at c10 winner must be present on May 4th and who wouldn't want to be one part of one the biggest best truck events in the country the c10 National is America's truck event Kiki do you love me are you Ryan [Laughter] you know all the way around there you know [Applause] I like the fact that it's just a straight shot here are you and the two towards the cab first sure okay let's do that grunts ready I got Center one started one there perfect [Music] are you there can you hear me you hear me now yes all right put your hand other put your hand out there I'll drop them in there all right so we're coming up to the end of day three got an early start gonna work probably a couple more hours guys are just wrapping up the wiring now it's been a pretty productive day the guys at CPP kicks I'm asked to so we're gonna get back at it pretty early tomorrow morning and we'll see you then stay tuned why do you have to be like that dude it's too hot in here the floors are dirty I got ass holes for friends moldy colleagues colleagues yeah you know that's exactly what I meant by friends colleagues I quit technically I'm getting paid to hang out with you right now so well it's day four early morning we're all ready and jumping but today we're gonna do a little bit different we let Christian lead the build question what are we doing today today we are installing the radiator plumbing it putting in exhaust headers we are also gonna plumb the fuel system we're gonna run all the wiring to it which is pretty much already ran the guys already back to working yep so I think we should get started and get going are they wrapping anything up back there I think the wrapping of the bed bed installed done yeah so right done we got a full day we're on schedule may be ahead of schedule will be done tomorrow for sure so stay tuned as Christian leaves the building today should be exciting where's Here I am Oh got camera today he's got that going on oh yeah little tip here you got the little hang you got the little tang here there's a right and wrong way the tang going against the split is wrong flip it 180 that way you're not cutting into the split of the wire connection you're good to go I like to put a little bit of shrink wrap over it it just kind of makes it a look a little cleaner a little more professional so I'll get something to heat that up we'll shrink it and we'll be good to go who cleaned up today I did you did words with the scissors starting to question my old giving you the end charge to label today I know where mine are I'll go get them you wanna be in my band how you play that [Music] I think we might be alright pretty close get a bolt or two in it figure that out that's good clears everything by at least a half inch which is a lot in header world so nice job right in the stock spot and thank so we're gonna go ahead and drop this in hey line up our holes so again you're cutting this with one mind the depth of the tank yes right okay for the bottom or that okay the cap that red cap here because that's where your sack goes you're filtering not a sec so now we got the zip ties installed we're ready to go ahead and install this we've got our sack pushed all the way up set in this is a power for the pump it's a 12-volt power and these are the ground alright so you hook up to ground wire and the power wire okay right through a fuse panel it's not correct I wouldn't tell people how to wire their cars leave that to the wiring diagram but right yeah I think I did it oh you know what what it's not seated in the bottom is it knucklehead you were in charge of putting the radiator in I had the bracket you originally were in charge of that it was in properly and then until we pulled these out you tightened all this up a blinding Jason wants to be involved until the blame is you know it hasn't to be taken and then he doesn't want to be involved in it we're so far ahead that I'm not even doing because you've been doing that since Monday that is not true and for you to even say that kind of hurts my feelings Oh buddy these you tighten down the east over any maybe that we listen oh yeah okay no phone that burn Oh watch your eyes yeah okay so we're here hooking up the e-stop just got this little catch block on here these four set screws connected to the East stuff this will catch the two e brake cables from the rear calipers then we get the truck a little higher we could man I think a solid so guys I see we have three different options three different tanks yeah we are originally the truck came in with the LMC tank real nice fit in here it's actually made to work specifically with a new aluminum bed it'll put it right in the middle of a one of the scripture only problem is since we're going with a nice EFI kit we decided it'd probably be best and more suited if we went with an EFI tank okay so one of ours it isn't perfectly centered but it still works well it doesn't tend to the similar strips so we're gonna do one of these ready flush tanks this is really junk so when the AC goes on it'd be like this got a whole bunch of times I've never been wrong Chris grab that in actually we got to go good luck up and through mine yeah hey the only thing that's in common of yesterday that smell is Louise oh my god it's just traveling yeah hey it wasn't me I was no her near that truck you tighten everything up there yep back Jason we have a week your reflexes are pretty good kid oh yeah I am how's it going little buddy all right so we're getting ready to drill the bed here we've measured it probably now about 1314 times oK we've drilled a pilot hole from up above and we've all collectively agreed that drilling down is probably going to damage the bedding the least we've also taped it as a precaution from peeling up the the vinyl so here we go back in the day cars came with the thing called no radio you've probably only heard about it similar to Spotify so even though CPP provides many different caps I drastically this one up so I'm gonna use LM C's because they're much larger and they're will cover up my mistake it that's reality it's not scripted that's real okay good we're good how was the highway man these guys are telling me why I'm not done but look what they're doing [Music] where's he been all day sleeping in the cab he just woke up I thought he was in charge today because he has not told anybody anything today what to do you're a liar you can make that work we bone that this yes right there perfect white on the set [Music] I got him off life this is the turbo muffler from heaven headers it's gonna keep our truck kind of quiet let's get a sound super digit let me see how it's all good it popped out popped back in doo doo doo doo the why is this going at this angle it's the only way they ever get any Sun all right so we're kind of sitting in today for Ryan's back they're wrapping up the exhaust system he stops in fuel tank is installed basically everything under the truck is done so tomorrow we'll get this thing back down on the ground put some wheels on I've got some AC to do we're gonna complete the truck tomorrow so for now we're gonna get some rest get out of tomorrow morning you get a good start all right day five final day we'll be wrapping this truck up and I will be getting some rest this weekend but for today we got a few things going on we got to finish up the fuel system which is almost done just got to run a couple lines get the truck down for the wheels tires on it get the a/c installed got some hoses other than that man we're pretty good so as they work so comfy or pretend they work we're gonna get busy I know it's right it's the last day of the build you know so strike out weight can be done it's been fun been real that's time to work jumper by are you guys working not really not really so I'm waiting if you like any other day I'm awaiting instructions as gonna be you can start talking and not listening is that what you're gonna do okay so we can use these here these are three it's empty done we can use those here 100 micron filter if you're doing a pre-filter but since our filter is already in the tank we're not using a pre-filter because it'd be kind of hard to put one before the pump because the pumps already in the tank so we use an after filter 10 microns don't forget that hunter micron you'd plug up pretty quickly 10 micron you'll be running all day long but you got going on you imagine that this shift linkage runs right into the Hydra stock unit I couldn't imagine because I bet somebody saw that went huh well wait till they get to do it on Friday kind of like the front sway bar come on buddy you got this I know I just don't want to do come on you cook this you good would you put a floor shifter in it you got it so regulator right here can you see the regulator look at this no faith in anyone does it trust anybody look at this is why because he's all okay we got our filters in and go here with the bracket a regulator is gonna go here with the bracket so we'll come in with a gas tank line out to the fuel injection this will return to the tank for the fuel that's not being used and that's just what its gonna look like yeah I know we've been talking about that what about you not drinking coffee why why are you guys talking about that because you're tell about the news we think you should start drinking coffee that might help am I really told me I would say he's a totally takes a sweat shirt off in Africa that's about right that's what he warms up and everything's you can you're kind of like a reptile buddy when you're cold it's a long time you'll warm up if you're kind of gears kind of yeah okay but then you lay out on that rock for a while and you start warming up and then it's like okay louder what are you doing you need to grunt loud er it'll work better yes better louder there we go yeah it's kind of a big deal he always does that to me and I'm really starting to do it where I'm not liking it you imitating my voice that was [Music] that was just a silly voice that wasn't directed toward sound like it oh yeah I was gonna run it through here it's running like this don't don't get tricky put this in put this put that right to something on the core support that way everything up here's already grounded [Music] are you soldering all that when we have a crimper defended crimp it oh and your soldering now just a little bit why you know that crimpers made just for printing and then they actually have those to solder - yeah nobody ranch crimp and solder it's not how they tell them you do it yeah really okay okay my bad well you two can be at the c10 Nationals and win this truck all you got to do is register with somewhere else let's see the weekend of May 4th and 3rd and 4th where will you be what's Mother's Day weekend admit I had you know that's Cinco two mile actually tomorrow you want some gloves yeah Wow dumped right you're gonna fish that there we're gonna wait till you uh get that installed the judge your work look at that look at that we got Oh summit in the hose hey get back to dinner so we were we were missing about I don't know six seven different things and clean hoses we needed a low car pedal so sumit is literally one call away we ordered this stuff yesterday it's here today so looks like we're gonna be in pretty good shape John look at that straight from summit it's like a glove well we got our Lokar throttle pedal this is gonna bolt right into the stock location making it super easy on us now it should there got a little lot now we got some serious trouble walking in here are we in park yeah pair parking both sides baby should be a good big mark that buddy well now that we got our American Racing wheels on their rapid Falcon tires put a few lug nuts on there jump off straight on and we'll get this thing down on the ground we got the AC and ice to do and we really did the front Tim and I think Christian did the rear marker lights all we got to do are the taillights in this other headlight the rear LED taillights they just plug and play so 30 the LED lights already in the board here or the lens I should say and they go right into the socket compete here and up we go make sure your wiring is not pinched just like that put the factory bolts back in screws really good I'm gonna go through the lights Chris well JJ its this mounted and I think it needs my help we need two people on this one you got this not worried do the lights are least good there they'll turn on with a headlight switch I just want to check a look like okay so what did we decide this is the old air hurricane unit we're gonna what kind of hole in here tomorrow lights out oh sorry I'm sorry you're having to go through this paint what hole with Kumiko bigger they're a big it did no I just in case it yeah just for [Music] I've a lot of body filler on there [Music] I'll go through the other side no this is way he's here on the side no that's my I'm using okay it's my spacer here you want to put this under to be Center good thing is it's that big hey can you can you tone off me for a minute bro if you're through the hole yeah got a pair of new billet hood hinges from Eddie motorsports we're gonna throw on here real quick in anticipation of a mountain LaHood here back on the truck shortly okay little buddy you need some help ready this is the evaporator I'm gonna slide it through Ryan and hopefully we'll get somewhere you can't see the holes or anything in there you get one started yep so just hang tight we get closer to firing it up we're gonna get some power steering fluid in the reservoir yeah yes also you can't another zero so that you can't right at that LMC go fast that's the only I put I put like a quart and a half in it and then we put some on the torque converter but see it doesn't even look like it's coming on there so let's put a little more in there it is oh I don't like a hot that's it right there Duff's happening 918 shopper force items we're done ready yep turn the distributor a little which way you want to go did you tighten do we have a night time it without it running okay that's counterclockwise let's just double-check firing order because some of the plug wires are pretty close to the same length and I went pulley goes there and what six five seven two six two five so this is seven okay so this is five okay - just - Chris okay let's try that I guess I'm just crack the line right there make sure there's no air we've had a lot of problems yeah okay lot of air so let's just bleed it off ready B police wide you saw the line oh yeah you got I think we still got some cross wires for Shore we got we got let's just double-check that firing order it's gotta be off okay 1 8 4 3 6 95 507 oh there's a problem I'm missing too - coil all right we should be good now okay [Music] [Music] it's like every five seconds I'll see the blue mark fly by closed worried let me just see how it starts back up we're good all right Friday night it's not Saturday yet the builds finished we're ready to take it out for a little Drive that's right and it's kind of an ominous finish because for once it's raining in Southern California yeah nobody predicted that not even the weatherman now they can't get that right but you know we're gonna take this thing up or Drive anyways because you know what Christian's coming in the morning clean that's right so it's been a good week we finished it we started it Amy and there was a middle somewhere around there there was a beginning a middle and an end in that order and I think we are just beginning our adventure right so I'm happy to say we are done and it is Friday and it's not Saturday and I'm gonna sleep in a little bit tomorrow and enjoy my weekend and that's right because it's Friday and it's not Saturday that's right yet let's get out of here let's go I'll Drive this time buddy oh let's criss cross okay applesauce [Music] [Music] right there when I can't believe how much sheetmetal L&C truck head there's a place on this thing it was pretty good it looks really good now no I got a new hood it's got new doors got new pairs new fenders put a floor in it just a tiny bit of drag around the block yeah I don't even know if I want to go out on the street it's right it's so hard for tea here all righty here we go it isn't really coming down yeah let's go back there's no writing so up believe it or not we made it all the way around the block that quick at least I can see if it shifts in the parking lot stuff it is flooding our parking lot right now there ladies and gentlemen yeah that evil Joe California this doesn't happen oh yeah the chip too much timing is detonated Purdue that yeah a little slight tune a little tune up we need to get the little screwdriver out and put it to the screws and adjust the the old easy to go but for now it's raining too dang hard I can't see nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MotorTrend Channel
Views: 523,977
Rating: 4.7410965 out of 5
Keywords: lmc c10, classic trucks, week to wicked, truck build, truck repair, motor trend, classic truck week to wicked
Id: N1GR0h3jPmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 17sec (4337 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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