Classic Puffs Recipe (3 Ways) by Chef Shaun ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡น Foodie Nation

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I'm going to show you how to make these Savory filled Puffs Pate shoe also known as shoe pastry is a versatile pastry dough with French Origins the term shoe means cabbage in French and the pastry earned its name due to its resemblance to small cabbages when baked one distinctive characteristic of pesu is its high moisture content which creates steam during baking causing the pastry to puff up and form a hollow center pesu is the foundation for various classic French patient including a and cream puffs it light and Airy texture makes it a popular choice for both sweet and savory applications in The Culinary will all right so the first step for Puffs is to make the fillings so the cheese just needs to grate the tuna is already in the tin it's just the chicken that needs to cook so here I have two l pounds of chicken breast now am I going to fill the pffs with two pounds of chicken breast no but no point if you're going to make chicken filling you might as well make enough to you you know let it last so what I'm going to do here is take off the skin you could boil this hole it'll just take a lot longer and it would not cook as even and I'm cooking it with the bone just for some added flavor you don't have to but I prefer to do that and it's a lot easier to take off the bone after it's cooked the butcher already split the spine for me so I'm just going to go through through the breast spoon here with our knives of course you know you all always ask about these knives you could shop on our shop them on our Amazon storefront so I'm just chopping straight straight through this this knife is actually a hybrid between a chef knife and a Cleaver so this is going through chicken bones like butter all right so just going to clean up this bowl and then we could take him to the stove we have him over a high heat just going to top it with water it's enough to cover I can't remember if I mentioned this at the beginning but I washed the chicken breast beforehand it's a lot easier to wash while it's still whole as opposed to cutting it up and then washing it right just adding in a little salt yeah we want to cover it bring it to a boil then reduce it to a simmer and allow your breast to cook until tender all right so while our chicken is cooling we can just go ahead and finish grate out our cheese so what I did just to help the grating process I brought the cheese down to room temperature this is New Zealand white cheddar so you see how soft and pliable it is makes life makes grating a lot easier and I'm grating on the smaller grater this will just give you a much smoother um consistency with your cheese space filling and then to prevent SP um slippage what I do I just great right around the cheese just to give me some grip and I also grated the onion that I'm going to be adding to the cheese paste just clean off this mustard all right so this is actually my mom's recipe that I'm showing you all we going in with well the mustard is already there some diced pimento grated onion some evaporated milk just to bring the paste together and you know give it that um extra bit of creaminess a little white pepper some pepper sauce I mean this one is optional but just some pepper sauce just for some flavor and last but not least some mayonnaise not much you just just enough to bring it together spread our mayonnaise and again because the cheese is at room temperature it will help this part out a lot make life a lot easier I mean you could grate it on the bigger side of the grater and transfer everything to like a food processor so you can see the pieces of pimento get smell it smelling it on a smell the pepper sauce all right so we're just going to pop this in the fridge and move on to the next one next we we're going to do our tuna right now it's time for the tuna now you know tuna have a tendency or any type of Cann fish for that matter tendency to smell a little fresh so at this point a lot of people might use lemon juice lime juice to cut the freshness but in our family we grew up adding butter to cut the freshness so that's what I'm going to do at this one I'm going to um mixing the butter just to make sure I can break it up evenly incorporate it and also just adding my pepper sauce one time I had the butter sitting out on the counter just to bring it to room temperature just to make mixing a lot easier and as a bonus aside from cutting the freshness it's adds a little creaminess to your tuna paste as well already smelling that pepper and what I did with the tuna when I took them out of the cans I drained off the excess water this was tuna chunks in water I find water is the best one to use when making paste as the oil I doubt you would want that oily residue in your tuna paste filling [Music] salt and some regular black pepper diced onion pimento for flavor me give this a little mix before we add in the last ingredient ingredient the mayonnaise and I like the bite of the onion as opposed to like like with the cheese paste how we grated it I like the bite of the onion in the tuna and the onion also does help to cut the freshness of your tuna just coming in with some mayo now just to bring everything together see when you drain off all that excess water it have to keep your past a little thicker because you don't want a runny past or you don't want like water starting to settle at the bottom of your p lovely so we're going to just set this in the fridge and move on to the chicken now right so for our last filling we have our chicken so what I did I removed all the bone any remaining skin and cartilage and then I threw all in the food processor so we're going in with some onion powder garlic powder and paprika [Music] salt black pepper if you want to keep the color you could switch to white I mean it's really optional pepper sauce of course all right before add anything else let me give this a good mix just to get all these dry seasonings so now we're going in with some fresh finally chopped celery this will add color uh give it a nice herbaceous smell and add a little bite to it as well a little crunch from the stock and lastly just some Mayon just to bring everything together just to spread the [Music] Mayon be mindful not to add too much Mayo you know you don't want it too runny so you could just add a little bit give it a mix like I'm doing here and then you watch and make a judgement call from there from here now we're going to set this in the fridge and move on to the Puffs so the first step for our Puffs is to combine water salt and margarine bring your water up to a boil by that time the butter should dissolve should be fully dissolved or at least soft enough for you to just take your spatula your wooden spoon and Stir It Up and fully incorporate your water margarine and salt all right so you can see the water starting to boil here so just going to pass the wooden spoon and you can see the the butter is melted so I'm going to switch off and bring it off the heat to add our sifted flour again you know I keep saying the same thing but sifting helps give you a better much more even product so you for this you want to use a wooden spoon or a rubber spatula work in your flour good make sure to absorb all of that water and butter mixture try and spread your flour as best as you could to be R any lumps let me show you how you could tell well couple ways of tell it when you when your mixture ready you see how it moving moving away from the pan and here's our next way I tell them a spoon a regular teaspoon or tablespoon once it's sign up straight like that you know you reach the desired consist consistency using my wooden spoon spread it a little bit and leave it here to cool all right so now that we have our flow mixture is time to um incorporate our eggs for that I'm going to save my save my shoulders and use the stand mixer I mean of course if you have a handheld mixer you could use that and for that I'm using the wire whip this will help to beat the eggs in giving it that light texture incorporating a little air into it as well so going in with the flour mixture right to lock it beating it at about medium speed bring it back down adding in the eggs just St to scrap on the sides before you add in before you add the eggs you want to make sure what you added previously is well Incorporated see that vshape that's what we looking for also I'm not sure how well the camera catching it you'll find the the dough has a gloss glossy finish to it you see it right M yeah that is another Telltale sign that your do is ready another thing you could do let me get a spoon one let me show you one more trick try to make a trough and see if it stays in place see so you see like how the sides on caving or anything like that that's another thing plus look again a vshape here from l so so this this is ready this is ready to move into the Piping Bag now now so we're going to um well no I'll fill the Piping Bag on camera and then we'll shift the mixer and everything and bring our grease sheet all right so here we have a classic Piping Bag this is a 18in Piping Bag this bag is probably 12 years old I went this is the bag I use in culinary school so you'll like excuse the the little scuffs on it but nothing is wrong with it so this is a standard Piping Bag and here I have I'm using this tip today you could use a smooth edge Edge one is really down to your preference it's not going to affect the end product at all so what I'm going to do I'm going to fold down my Piping Bag and use I'm using like my left hand if you could catch that I'm just kind of holding the inside of the inside of the Piping Bag with my left hand and I'll just use the spatula to force it down why you want to Fong your bag to is with these bags they get a lot a lot of wastage so you want to get the dough batter whatever it is icing as close to the to the spout as possible able so you can just kind of use your two hands to manipulate it yeah and then it just gradually just go up you could use a zip loog bag if you don't have this you don't you don't necessarily need to run and buy a piping l what I'm doing now is I'm just using gravity so I'm not sure right you could kind of sitr it you see any difference in the density yeah so you can see from here down it's full you see it's almost ready to come out so I'm just going to slide let me just close this up turn him over I'm just going to slide the mixer I'm just twisting it to tighten it and you'll see how the spout just twisting it to allow some to come off right so now we're going to go now the size of your puff is totally up to you the shape of your puff is totally up to you but just for demonstration I'll show you two simple ways that you could pipe your puff shells and I am doing a a bigger puff but of course you could do a smaller one yeah so here we go so you could hold it down now and you just squeeze when you think you reach your size just up now one thing you always want to do is keep your tip on the puff raise one more raise one more raise to reset I'm just tightening as soon as I see sign of come out as when I as when I have no more air gaps in it so let me show you the other way now now I'm just going to SW again oops again my tip let me do that one more time my tip is not leaving any puff right so you see two different shapes there this one was just straight down and you let it come out and then you just raise up and then this one here you just hold around so again as I said is really a a preference thing all right so now what we're going to do is pop them pop them in the oven it's already set at 375ยฐ um again I did the different shapes and the different sizes just to show youall it you there is no um particular size that you have to do it or or shape oven is set at 375 put in the middle of the oven I am not going to rotate this pan why because you do not want to open this oven um before 25 minutes ideally this will need to bake anywhere between 30 to 40 minutes what I'll do at the 25 minute Mark is I'll show you a trick to get the inside um fully cooked so we're going to set the timer 25 minutes all right time to check our Puffs right so a little trick just to make sure the inside um dries out fully is you can just take a toothpick and just stab it on the center I'll just use this time to rotate it really don't have to do this at this point because it really only have like about 5 minutes again all right so the 5 minutes is up so now we're going to take out our Puffs check it out see that classic golden color not sticking to the parchment lovely so we're going to let this cool and then we'll fill all right y'all so I already started to cut the Puffs but I just left four to cut open for you all so you can see hard shell on the outside soft and moist on the inside cut another one nice hard exterior soft interior nice and moist on the inside tuna cheese chicken you could do a sweet filling pastry cream when you're making Aces I mean is really up to you so I'm going to go ahead and continue to fill I just want to thank you guys for watching along with us be sure like subscribe share send us your pics videos comments when you make it let us know how it was if you like it if you didn't like it Etc let us know what you do differently how you make your Puffs differently what you fill um in your Puffs how you eat it Etc what shapes you do let us know all right thank you thanks guys
Channel: Foodie Nation
Views: 59,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foodie nation, trinidad and tobago, trinidad, tobago, caribbean, food, foodie, trini, tobago beyond, visit trinidad, trinidadian, tobagonian, trinbagonian, west indian, west indies, t&t, 868
Id: GL76JqMdI7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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